Weekly Bulletin Amalgamated Hebrew Men of England (1975) 100 Elder Street, Toronto ON M3H 5G7 | 416.633.3838 Shabbat Hagadol Tzav Hertz Chumash Torah Reading pp. 429-438 Haftarah pp. 1005-1008 Etz Hayim Chumash Torah Reading pp. 613-625 Haftarah pp. 1296-1298 March 28th, 2015 | 8 Nisan 5775 www.beby.org Saturday Night. March 28th. Earth Hour. Lights out at 8:30 pm. Join 162 Countries and 7,000 cities celebrating Earth Hour. Spend an hour unplugged. Go ahead. It couldn’t hurt. The Congregational Kiddush will be held in the Foyer following services. Rejoice • Reflect • Renew A Weekend of Jewish Experience! Awaken the Spirit • Refresh the Soul • Lift the Heart Three Days of Unique events designed to Celebrate Beth Emeth Synagogue at 60! Friday April 24th, Saturday April 25th and Sunday April 26th. Please pick up a postcard from the foyer with complete event details. Passover Service Times Friday April 3 Shacharit and Siyum Bechorim 7:15 am sanctuary. Second minyan (No Siyum Bechorim) 8:15 am Lerman Chapel Burning of the chametz no later than 11:00 am Mincha 7:00 pm Candlelighting 7:28 pm The Sefer Haftarah Parasha Tzav is available for dedication. Please call the office to inquire. Services for Week of March 29th Sunday .......................................... 7:30 & 8:30 am Monday - Friday ............................ 7:15 & 8:15 am Sunday - Thursday ....................................7:40 pm Friday evening...........................................7:00 pm Shabbat Candle Lighting ...........................7:29 pm Hashkama Minyan..................................... 7:30 am Shabbat Services ........................................ 8:45 am BEBY reserves the right to make copy & editorial changes. DEADLINE THURSDAY NOON of each week. Beyond that time we cannot guarantee that your event will appear in the bulletin. We regret any errors and omissions that may occur. Please contact the office to make corrections. Shabbat Study Group — 6:35 pm Shabbat Mincha —7:10 pm Shabbat Ends — 8:23 pm Saturday April 4 First Day of Yom Tov Main sanctuary service 8:45 am Mincha 7:45 pm Candlelighting 8:30 pm Sunday April 5 Second Day of Yom Tov Main sanctuary service 8:45 am Mincha 7:45 pm Yom Tov ends 8:30 pm Monday April 6 First Day of Chol HaMoed First Shacharit Service 7:00 am Second Shacharit Service 8:15 am Mincha 7:45 pm Tuesday April 7 Second Day of Chol HaMoed First Shacharit Service 7:00 am Second Shacharit Service 8:15 am Mincha 7:45 pm Wednesday April 8 Third Day of Chol HaMoed First Shacharit Service 7:00 am Second Shacharit Service 8:15 am Mincha 7:45 pm Open Mic Nite following. Thursday April 9 Fourth Day of Chol HaMoed First Shacharit Service 7:00 am Second Shacharit Service 8:15 am Mincha 7:45 pm Candlelighting 7:36 pm Friday April 10 Seventh Day of Pesach Yom Tov Main Sanctuary Service 8:45 am Mincha 7:00 pm Saturday April 11 Eighth Day of Pesach - Yom Tov Main Sanctuary Service 8:45 am Yizkor Mincha 7:25 pm Pesach concludes 8:35 pm ~ Seudah Shlisheet is sponsored by ~ Cathy & Bruce Martin in observance of Yahrzeit for Bruce and Sonny Martin’s father, Abraham Martin l”z ~ We extend our condolences to ~ Chana Kwinta, Riki Lichtman, Aran Kwinta and Vivian Lepofsky and families on the loss of husband and father, David Kwinta l”z Leonard Silverberg and family on the loss of his brother, Ron Silverberg l”z ALLERGY ALERT!! Many of our members suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties. Please be considerate of those who are chemically sensitive to fragrances and other scented products - your discretion in applying scented products when attending Shul is appreciated. HALACHA (JEWISH LAW) prohibits the use of audible beepers, cell phones, electronic games and any type of photographic equipment on Shabbat and Yom Tov. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in preserving the sanctity of Shabbat. Yasher Koach and thank you to our Shabbat Greeters! WEEKLY PROGRAMMES SHABBAT TISH & TORAH - Rabbi Lipson leads learning sessions for the Parashat Hashavuah at 10:00 am in the Boardroom. RABBINICS STUDY GROUP – Daf Ha’Shavua - The Weekly Page of Talmud. For beginning or intermediate students, study the first Tractate of the Talmud known as Masechet Berachot. “The primary focus of the tractate is the myriad ways in which a Jewish person expresses his faith during his life.” 35 minutes prior to Mincha. SUNDAY FREE HEBREW READING CLASSES - ONE & TWO - RESUME WINTER Watch for new dates and info. NEXT FALL & COMING THE MARTY KESHEN CHESED COMMITTEE NEEDS YOU! If you would like to volunteer with home and hospital visits, Shiva calls, etc. please call the office and leave a message for Rochelle Kerzner Committee Chair or email [email protected] SISTERHOOD KNIT/CROCHET AND CHAT GROUP. GOOD NEWS! To make it easier for you to donate to us, you can now make donations directly to the BEBY Chesed Knitters via the shul office. We are forever thankful to the men and women who attend the morning minyans for their generous donations - helping us to continue knitting baby blankets and hats. Join us at 10 am - every Monday morning! THE LIBRARY ~10 am - 12 noon. Drop by and peruse our many fabulous new titles! The Book Borrower by Alice Mattison; Yesterday (My Story) by Haddasah Rosensaft TANACH STUDY GROUP - Next Group TBA. Studying Beresheit. MONDAY MAH JONGG AT 12:00 NOON. All welcome. Call the office 416-633-3838 to join. Donation of a Toonie. Refreshments served. FREE Mah Jongg Lessons! Call for info and to register! RABBI’S STUDY CLASS: PROBING THE PARSHA: A detailed study of a particular theme emanating from the weekly Torah portion. Each theme is linked to an essay topic found in the new book, The Observant Life - The Wisdom of Conservative Judaism for Contemporary Jews. The book is encouraged but not required for participants. Boardroom. 7:15 - 8:15 pm. No Class Monday April 6th. TUESDAY SISTERHOOD STUDY GROUP - 10 - 11:30 am | Rabbis Morrison and Lipson alternate weekly. Ask The Rabbi with Rabbi Morrison: Brief English responsa to modern halakhic questions from the perspective of Conservative Judaism. Topics will cover Bible, ethics, gender, interfaith, symbols, conversion, kashrut, lifecycle, holy day cycle, women’s issues, theology, and more. Rabbi Lipson’s Weekly Topic: Studying the Book of Shmuel (Samuel) and the Book of Kings — Politics & Power in Biblical Israel. No Class Tuesday April 7th. FRUMBA - WOMEN’S CARDIO DANCE FITNESS - Sponsored by Sisterhood. 8pm. All ages and fitness levels welcome. No previous dance experience is needed. Come join us! Its FUN, gets you FIT fast and ENERGIZED!! 7 weeks. $99. Contact Bette at [email protected] for drop in and try it rates, package pricing and full schedule updates. WEDNESDAY TALMUD CLASS WITH DR. AARON NUSSBAUM | 9:15 am. Chapel. MAH JONGG AND RUMMIKUB HOSTED BY SISTERHOOD. Games begin at 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Donation of a Toonie. Refreshments served. Mah Jongg Games and Rummikub games needed. If you have one to donate, contact the office. FREE Mah Jongg Lessons! Call for info and to register! No Games Wednesday, April 1st. SISTERHOOD PRESENTS ISRAELI FOLK DANCING WITH SHOSHANA FRANK. Beginners 7 pm • Intermediate/Advanced. 8 pm. $8.00 per class. Info? Call Shoshana Frank at 905.889.9419. THURSDAY NASH & DRASH 2015 - April 23 and May 21. $13 pp. UPCOMING EVENTS Please pick up a flyer or check our web site /facebook page for more information on our upcoming events. The KADIMA CENTRE: 2-3:30 pm. For info on student registration, contact Marcel Cohen at 416.633.3838 or marcelcohen2003@yahoo. ca. More info available from www.beby.org. We are looking for adults to volunteer who are compassionate, patient and positive. Passover Workshop with Rabbi Morrison & Chazzan Edwards Sunday March 29th Literary Chat with ELiz D Pearl E L L29th A N CMarch CSunday Open Mic Nite Wednesday April 8th Theatrical Brunch with Harold Green Jewish Theatre Sunday April 12th Yom Ha’atzmaut Saturday April 18th Clean Toronto Together 2015 Sunday April 19th Greening Earth Day Event Monday April 20th 60th Anniversary Discovery Weekend April 24th-26th Sisterhood Girls’ Night Out Thursday April 30th Shabbat Itanu Saturday May 2 David Anisman Dinner Draw Thursday May 7th Sisterhood Shabbat Saturday May 9th Sam & Sarah Kerzner Scholar Weekend Thursday May 28th - Sunday May 31st CHAZZAN’S CORNER Davening Class - Chazzan Edwards offers an informal, hands on practical class - Monday evenings Class begins 1 hour before Mincha Maariv. FYI: Please be aware that in the event of a medical emergency, our Security Personnel are • • • • • • EVENTS YOUTH & YOUNG FAMILIES BETH EMETH GREENING COMMITTEE EARTH HOUR Shakin’ Up Shabbat! Junior Congregation every Shabbat at 10 am with a fun activity led by Elie Morrison and Samara Gottesman or by Omer Itzhak, our Shinshinit. New program with lots of fun activities and games! See you there! Celebrate Earth Hour this Saturday March 28th from 8:30 - 9:30 pm with your friends, family and community Last year over 12 million Canadians in 350 cities and towns participated Climate change is having major unpredictable effects on the world’s water systems including an increase in floods and droughts and extreme weather conditions Turn off all non-essential lights Play board games or have a candle-lit dinner Relax and reflect while observing the stars Sam Kotzer Shabbat & Festival Gan Program OPEN YEAR ROUND FOR NURSERY SERVICES. 10 am - 12 noon | BEBY Babies Room (lower level) Structured weekly Shabbat programming for children ages 1 through JK, including Tefillot, songs, games, and healthy snacks. Hilda Swirsky, RN, BScN, MEd, Chair, [email protected] or Fay Rakoff, [email protected] Contact DALE at [email protected] or call 416 633.3838 for MORE INFO or to RSVP to any program. SISTERHOOD SHABBAT MAY 9TH Morning service with guest speaker Hana Werner. All women above the age of Bat Mitzvah who are interested in singing and/or chanting during the Sisterhood Shabbat morning service on May 9th, with support from all of the Beth Emeth clergy, please contact Barbara Lazar at [email protected]. ALL-AGES CHOCOLATE SEDER on Shabbat March 28th will be held during services. Passover Workshop with Rabbi Morrison & Chazzan Edwards. Sunday, March 29th at 9 am - Tips, melodies and the inside scoop on how to lead the best Seder ever! D Literary Talk with author and editor, Liz Pearl on Sunday March 29th. 10 am talk plus 2 authors following. Refreshments following. Books for sale after the presentation. No Charge. Refreshments. National Council of Jewish Women - Drivers needed to deliver Passover Food Baskets. From 8:30 am to 12 noon on Sunday March 29th. 4700 Bathurst Street. Beth Emeth Men’s Club - Yellow Candle Program. Volunteers Wanted. Drivers needed also to deliver prior to Sunday April 15th. Contact [email protected] for info. They cannot be delivered during the Sabbath or a Yom Tov. Sunday April 12th. Theatrical Brunch with Kathy Kacer and actor Jake Epstein. Author of Therefore Choose Life. 10 am presentation followed by brunch at 10:45 am. Members $15 pp / NM $18 pp. Call to reserve. Clean Toronto 2015 - Sunday April 19th. Community Clean-up Days! The city’s annual spring clean-up is back! Clean up the space around Beth Emeth. Meet at the Elder Street doors at 1:30 pm. Earth Day. Monday April 20th at 8 pm. Clean Commute. Learn about Israeli -Canadian Connection. Omer and Hilda will be your hosts for the night. Call the office to reserve your spot. I look forward to hearing about your environmental actions. Refreshments will be served. Members $3 / NM $5 To book a Youth Kiddush please send an email to [email protected]. Coming up! E L L E C CAN YOUTH EVENTS PJ PLUS IS A PARENT (OR GRANDPARENT!) AND TOT PROGRAM for 1.5 -3 years old. This 10 week program runs Sunday mornings right here at Beth Emeth! Your first class is FREE! 9:30 - 10:45 am in the BEBY Babies Room. Contact Dale for more info. TAKE A PASSOVER BREAK! OPEN MIC NITE! APRIL 8TH GOTTA DANCE! GOTTA SING! .... IF YOU HAVE TALENT - Perform for us during Hol Hamoed Pesach! Or just come and enjoy! Along with the Klez Konnection - we are presenting a delightful evening of music and entertainment. $10.00 pp. 8:00 pm Please call the office to reserve. Graduation Shavuot 2015 Beth Emeth is once again holding our annual Graduation Recognition Program on Sunday May 24th. Please call Freda at the Synagogue office if you have a child graduating from a Hebrew School in 2015 to make sure your child is part of this wonderful day. Café Shinshinim: Omer Itzhak leads a lively bi-weekly discussion group for Adults covering a range of current topics. Join us. Tuesday March 31st, 7 pm. All About Passover! Refreshments served. YIZKOR BOOK - 2015: If you wish to have your dedications included in this year’s Yizkor Book, please call the office and speak to Freda at 416.633.3838. CPR trained. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to seek out their services. TZAV by Professor Arnold M. Eisen, Jewish Theological Seminary JTS - www.learn.jtsa.edu LARGE PRINT SIDDURIM available. Ask an usher. and his brother would mumble through the whole thing while crisis has been averted, the women said not a word and we kids had to sit quietly or after some in the comfor what seemed like hours. I kind of miss that generation at munity have been saved, ROSEN JUDAICA Passover, but there is no way I am going to be like them. My and others have not, when GIFT SHOP kids are not going to be that kind of Jew. No way. We keep the the group gathers to recall part of the holiday that really means something—the family, the terror it experienced HUGE PASSOVER the meal, watching the kids grow up year by year—and leave and gives thanks for its the rest to the religious. It’s not my thing.” deliverance—along comes INVENTORY BLOW There are parents who are totally innocent of any Passover Mister Worldly-Wise or OUT SALE! experience. They did not grow up in homes where the holiday Miss Above-it-All ridiculON NOW! was celebrated in any fashion, except possibly a meal on the ing the group for doing so. Call Sonia Hendler evening of the festival or an adjacent weekend evening. They They have better things to have heard of the Exodus story, of course: may have seen the do with their time. There’s at 416 633.3838 x 224 recent movie, know that for African-Americans this story ema good show on TV. powered hope over many generations and gave rise to numerWise parents—how many Wednesday mornings ous Freedom Songs. Intermarried parents may in fact appreciof them do we know? 10 am - 12:30 pm ate Passover more than some in-married Jews do, because the More than their children story is one they share. The journey from slavery to freedom think, perhaps, especially or by appointment. is utterly universal. And lacking negatives from unpleasant when one considers that, childhood experience with Passover, they just might pick up unlike the laws of the the Haggadah and be struck by something: for example, the Passover seder, which can way the text opens with a call to share Passover with anyone be mastered down to the last detail, the art of good parenting who is hungry; to recognize that “this year we are slaves,” and is generally never mastered and is usually learned the hard to hope that next year “we may be free.” There is something way, by mistakes and successes, rather than from books. One in this story, this passage, that can grab virtually everyone. Is thing wise parents do know: you’ve got to listen to your kids, it true that we are slaves? Isn’t that a serious exaggeration? who really do want to share their lives with you, and who Or is the point—a student at the can’t do that if you don’t find occasions for opening the door table might make it—that there to them. Time in the car is one well-known occasion for moare many forms of enslavement ments of familial revelation. So is a ritual meal like the seder. (addiction is one, abuse another), You are talking about events that happened in Egypt a long and we should perhaps expand time ago, or singing a song that has been passed down in Honouring David Anisman on his 100th Birthday our notion of what it means to your family over many seders, or asking whether it is fair that REVERSE DRAW be enslaved? Or is the point that Egyptians had to suffer in order for Israelites to go free—and we should expand our sense of out it comes, if you are listening, the most surprising thing $5,000 Grand Prize Winner is the Last Ticket Drawn “we”—and, once we do that, your daughter or son has said in months, or a piece of wisdom $1800 in additional cash prizes to be won! accept responsibility for people that takes your breath away, or a profession of love that you $125 per person Includes: Dinner / 1 Draw Ticket / 1 Drink Ticket whom we had regarded until never thought that your child would utter. Proceeds to support Youth and Young Families Programming that point as a “them,” who are Passover made that possible. It sat you down on a designated someone else’s problem? The inevening, and gathered the family in front of those symbols, Individual Raffle Tickets $50 / Silent Auction / 6:30 pm. nocent parent does question, you so that all four kinds of parents, if only they are willing, can Now on Sale! RSVP to the Office at 416.633.3838. see, and therefore may learn even recognize things that they otherwise would not have known, from his or her children. and—just maybe—say thank you. The characterization of some parents as wicked (rasha) bothers me mention them—though not in the same order as our Hagas much as the next person: were we to follow the Yerushalmi’s gadah, or attached to the same proof texts. I shall take this version of the text, they would be called—in a word not much divergence among the rabbis as license for a more radical reWeekly Morning Simchas & Sponsorships less judgmental—“stupid.” (The Haggadah we use at my versal. Let’s make parents rather than children the objects of Block/Nisker Family Brit Milah seder goes for the euphemism “contrary,” which in my view scrutiny here. Let’s offer value judgments about their behavior. deprives the Haggadah of its intended force).This parent frusLet’s give adults the responsibility for carrying the seder—and trates seder insiders and Jewish activists carrying forward the Jewish tradition of which the seder has no end. The community is in crisis, long been a chief inspiration. I ask the Gen Xers, millennials, Jews are threatened or persecuted, college students, and teens who are reading this column to An evening of fun, friendship and celebration of and the rasha stands aside. It’s just discuss the following emended text with your elders if you not his problem. One can undercan. I shall discuss the four types mentioned in the Haggadah Yasher Koach to David stand why Jews do not agree on in reverse order. Recognize David with your Greeting in the Program Booklet the best strategy for dealing with a There are parents—perhaps yours—who do not know how to difficult situation. One can admire ask (or answer) the questions posed by the Haggadah—and Full page greeting $500 | Half page greeting $250 those who show courage and fordo not want to know. They just don’t care one way or the Quarter page greeting $100 | Two-line greeting$36 give those who keep their heads other. “I don’t believe in this stuff,” they will declare if you Contact Allan Snow at [email protected] or down—we are only human—but ask them. “My grandparents did, back there in the shtetl, or Claire Horowitz at [email protected] it is hard to forgive those who as immigrants to the new world, but this is America, we are declare that they don’t care what hapmodern, and I don’t want to be a Jew like the ones with side pens to the community. After the curls. Besides: I remember childhood seders when my father My personal preparation for Passover has for several years included conversations with teens and college students about what the holiday means to them and their families. My informants this year—a small and wholly unscientific sample of students at JTS’s Prozdor high school program—told me the same thing I have heard in previous years about the way their families celebrate the holiday: that the highlight of the seder is that it is held rather than what is said around the table. The family gathers, which is great; the family exhibits all its trademark affection, tensions, and mishegas, which young people observe carefully and will likely remember for life; the family eats, in fact stuffs itself; and very little of the Passover Haggadah is actually read, let alone discussed, either because there are small children present who cannot sit for very long or because there are grown adults present who cannot sit for very long. Either way, my informants reported sheepishly, theirs is not a traditional seder by any stretch of the imagination. That’s too bad, I said, and they agreed. Next year—not in Jerusalem but at college—they hope for a seder different from those they knew at home. Let’s think for a moment, inspired by one of the seder’s most famous passages, about the four kinds of parents who are found around the seder table: wise, wicked, innocent, and not knowing how to ask. You should know, as we do so, that the “ur-seder” presented in the Mishnah does not mention the four sons at all; the Talmud Yerushalmi, by contrast, does DAVID ANISMAN DINNER DRAW David Anisman’s 100th Birthday For your convenience, we are pleased to advise our members that in addition to cash, cheque, Visa and MasterCard the office can now process Debit Card Transactions. Consider a Weekly Bulletin Sponsorship! the officeE-MAIL to arrange dedication. WEEKLY Call BULLETIN Weyour would like to remind our We would love to announce your BREAKFAST SPONSORSHIP right here in the members that our Shabbat Bulletin is available each Friday by e-mail. weekly Bulletin! Whatever the occasion - birthdays, anniversaries, births, graduaPlease signinup directly from home page. And don’t and forget to visit tions, and memoriam. Please our call the office for information to reserve. www.beby.org for up-to-date info on everything Beth Emeth! *The Bulletin deadline is THURSDAY NOON of each week. Beyond that time we can not guarantee placement. ~Hashkama Minyan Sponsorships ~ Stan Greenspan in observance of Yahrzeit for his mother, Ruth Greenspan l”z Michael Ptasznik in memory of Slomo Rozenblatt l”z Now on Twitter too! Read the weekly blog - penned by Rav Yitz! http://drinkingwisdom.blogspot.com/ and like our FACEBOOK PAGE... go to www.beby.org for more info.
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