आयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण, ड’ अिधकरण, अहमदाबाद यायपीठ ‘ड ड अहमदाबाद। अहमदाबाद। IN THE INCOME TAX APPELLATE TRIBUNAL “D” BENCH, AHMEDABAD BEFORE SHRI SHAILENDRA KUMAR YADAV, JUDICIAL MEMBER AND SHRI N.S. SAINI, ACCOUNTANT MEMBER ITA No. AY Appellant Respondent 2315/Ahd/2010 2007-08 Shah Alloys Ltd., 5/1, Shreeji House, 5th Floor, B/h. M.J. Library, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad PAN : AADCS 0474 L The JCIT, Range-8, Ahmedabad 2663/Ahd/2010 2007-08 Revenue Assessee 3235/Ahd/2011 2008-09 Assessee Revenue CO No. 305/Ahd/2010 2007-08 Assessee Revenue (In ITA No.2663/Ahd/2010) Assessee(s) by : Revenue by : Shri Anil R. Shah, AR Shri B.L. Yadav, Sr. DR सुनवाई क तारख/ / D at e o f H e ari n g : 1 0 / 0 3/ 2 01 5 घोषणा क तारख /Dat e o f Pro n o u n c em e n t : 27 / 03 / 20 1 5 आदे श/O R D E R PER SHRI N.S. SAINI, ACCOUNTANT MEMBER: ITA Nos. 2315/Ahd/2010 and 2663/Ahd/2010 are the cross appeals filed by the assessee and Revenue respectively against the order of the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals)-XIV, Ahmedabad dated 14.06.2010 for Assessment Year 2007-08. ITA No. 3235/Ahd/2011 is the appeal filed by the assessee for Assessment Year 2008-09 against the order of the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals)-XIV, Ahmedabad dated 30.11.2011. CO No.305/Ahd/2010 is filed by the assessee for Assessment Year 2007-08. 2. We first take up the appeals of the assessee. ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -23. The Authorized Representative of the assessee submitted that the assessee has filed amended-cum-additional grounds of appeal for Assessment Year 2007-08 vide its letter dated 17.01.2013 which should be considered and decided by the Tribunal. The Departmental Representative had no objection to admitting the amended-cumadditional grounds of appeal. We, therefore, admit the amended- cum-additional grounds of appeal of the assessee and adjudicate the same as under:4. The Ground No. 1 of the assessee’s appeal for Assessment Year 2007-08 is directed against the order of the CIT(A) confirming disallowance of Rs.69,73,973/- out of interest paid on borrowings disallowed by the Assessing Officer u/s 36(1)(iii) of the Act. 5. The brief facts of the case are that on perusal of the Schedule 20 of the balance-sheet, the Assessing Officer observed that the assessee had paid Rs.11,96,81,912/-. interest on working capital amounting to From the details furnished by the assessee, he found that the assessee had advanced a sum of Rs.5,07,00,000/- to various parties from whom no interest has been received/charged, the details of which are as under:Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name Narendra S. Vohra Harshadbhai M. Shah Shreyanshbhai S. Shah Aspass Investment Pvt Ltd Anwesha Stock Trade Pvt Ltd Nayanbhai G. Shah Dilipbhai M. Gosalia Kumudben D. SGosalia Meenaben A Gosalia Redwood Holding Pvt Ltd Amount (Rs.) 50,000 20,000 41,53,973 2,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 2,00,000 69,73,973 Amount (Rs.) 5,00,000 2,00,000 4,25,00,000 20,00,000 20,00,000 10,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 1,15,000 20,00,000 5,07,00,000 ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -36. The assessee submitted before the Assessing Officer that on a similar background disallowance of interest was made by the Assessing Officer on such advances and the matter was pending in appeal before the CIT(A). The Assessing Officer observed that pending of appeal before the CIT(A) does not change the nature of interest free advance to various parties and accordingly made disallowance of interest of Rs.69,73,973/-. 7. Before the CIT(A), it was argued that the Assessing Officer has not proved the nexus between the utilization of borrowed funds by the assessee for non-business purposes and therefore, the Assessing Officer was not justified in making estimated disallowance of interest @ 10% of the amount advanced as free of interest. 8. The CIT(A), considering the submissions of the assessee, observed that similar issue had come up for consideration in appeal in Assessment Year 2005-06 where it was held that the Assessing Officer has found that the assessee has diverted its interest bearing funds for giving advances on which no interest has been charged. He observed that when there was a direct nexus between the borrowed funds and giving of interest free advance, it was irrelevant that the assessee had sufficient interest free funds for making interest free advance. The assessee had not established by giving evidences that the advances were given for business purposes or for any commercial expediency. The CIT(A) observed that as the facts in the year under appeal are identical to the facts of the Assessment Year 2005-06, the CIT(A) following the order of his predecessor for Assessment Year 2005-06, confirmed the disallowance made by the Assessing Officer. 9. Before us, the Authorized Representative of the assessee contended that it will be seen from page no.5 of the paper-book filed ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -4by the assessee, which contain a chart showing own funds available with the Company and shows that the assessee had own funds of Rs.251.22 crores; whereas the interest free advances given by the assessee was Rs.5.07 crores. Therefore, he relied on the decision of Ahmedabad Bench of the Tribunal in the case of Torrent Financiers vs. ACIT, reported in 73 TTJ 624 (Ahd) and the decision of the Hon’ble Bombay High Court in the case of Reliance Utilities and Power Ltd, reported in 313 ITR 340, wherein it was held that if there were funds available both interest-free and over draft and/or loans taken, then a presumption would arise that investments would be out of the interest-free funds generated or available with the company if the interest-free funds were sufficient to meet the investment. He also relied on the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Munjal Sales Corporation Vs CIT, reported in 298 ITR 298, wherein it was held that since the opening balance of the profits of the assessee-firm as on 1st April 1994 was Rs.1.91 crores, and the profits were sufficient to cover the loan given to a sister concern of Rs.5 lakhs only, the Appellate Tribunal ought to have held that the loan given was from the assessee’s own funds. Therefore, it was the contention of the Authorized Representative of the assessee that as the assessee’s own interest free funds available were to the tune of Rs.251.22 crores and interest free advances given by the assessee were Rs.5.07 crores, following the above decisions no disallowance of interest could be made. 10. On the other hand, the Departmental Representative supported the order of the CIT(A). 11. We find that in all the above three cases relied upon by the Authorized Representative of the assessee, the disallowance was made by the Assessing Officer without establishing nexus between the interest bearing borrowed funds and interest free advance given ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -5by the assessee. On the above facts, it was held by the courts that when the interest free funds available with the assessee was more than interest free advances given by the assessee, then it can be presumed that interest free advances were given out of the interest free funds available with the assessee and therefore, disallowance of interest expenditure cannot be made. However, in contradiction to the facts of the above cases, in the instant case the CIT(A) has recorded a finding to the effect that in the assessment of Assessment Year 2005-06 the Assessing Officer has established a direct nexus between the interest bearing loan taken by the assessee and the interest free advance given by the assessee which was not for its business purposes. The CIT(A) has followed its own order passed in the case of the assessee in the Assessment Year 2005-06 for confirming the disallowance made in the year under appeal. The Authorized Representative of the assessee has brought no material to controvert the above findings of the CIT(A). The Departmental Representative also could not bring any material before us to show that the finding of the CIT(A) in the case of the assessee in the Assessment Year 2005-06 was reversed in an appeal by any higher authority. In the above circumstances, we do not find any good reason to interfere with the order of the CIT(A) which is hereby confirmed and this ground of the appeal of the assessee is dismissed. 12. Ground No.2 of the assessee’s appeal in Assessment Year 2007-08 and Ground No.1 of the assessee’s appeal in Assessment Year 2008-09 are directed against the order of the CIT(A) confirming the disallowance of expenditure of Rs.1,06,45,775/- in Assessment Year 2007-08 and Rs.2,04,30,869/- in Assessment Year 2008-09 u/s 14A of the Act read with Rule 8D of the IT Rules. ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -613. The brief facts of the case are that the Assessing Officer observed that the assessee had made huge investments in financial instruments from which the income generated do not form part of the total income. On reply to the show-cause notice, the assessee explained that it has not incurred any expenditure to earn nontaxable income and interest paid on borrowed funds was on the amounts utilized by the assessee for the business of the assessee. In the alternative, it was also submitted that as disallowance of Rs.69,73,973/- out of interest expenditure was made by the Assessing Officer, no further disallowance should be made u/s 14A of the Act. The Assessing Officer held that the disallowance of expenditure relating to exempt income was required to be made u/s 14A read with Rule 8D and accordingly, made a disallowance of Rs.1,60,45,775/- in the Assessment Year 2007-08 and Rs.2,04,30,869/- in the Assessment Year 2008-09. 14. On appeal, the CIT(A) observed that the Assessing Officer, after giving opportunity to the assessee to furnish the details alongwith supporting documents, has rejected the working given by the assessee. He observed that the Special Bench of the Tribunal in the case of M/s Daga Capital Management Pvt Ltd and others vide order dated 20.10.2008 has held that the Assessing Officer is bound to adopt Rule 8D for making disallowance u/s 14A, where he is not satisfied with the correctness of the claim of the assessee in respect of such expenditure. Therefore, the disallowance made by the Assessing Officer as per Rule 8D under section 14A was justified. Further, the CIT(A) observed that the contention of the assessee that as interest disallowance was made by the Assessing Officer on account of funds not used for business purpose and therefore, no disallowance should be made u/s 14A of the Act, he was not in agreement with the contention of the assessee as it was not ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -7mentioned in Rule 8D that such adjustment has to be made before computing the disallowance. 15. Before us, the Authorized Representative of the assessee contended that it will be seen from page No.11, 12 and 13 of the paper-book filed for the Assessment Year 2007-08 that the assessee had not claimed any income as exempt from tax. Further, referring to page nos. 27 and 28 of the paper-book, he pointed out that it will be seen from the computation of income and the copy of the Return of Income filed for the Assessment Year 2008-09 that the assessee has not claimed any exempt income. He submitted that the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in the case of CIT vs. Corrtech Energy (P) Ltd, reported in (2014) 272 CTR 262 (Guj.)(HC), has held that where the assessee has not made any claim for exemption of any income from payment of tax, no disallowance could be made u/s 14A of the Act. Therefore, he submitted that no disallowance u/s 14A could be made in view of the decision of the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court. 16. The Departmental Representative, on the other hand, relied upon the orders of the lower authorities. 17. We have heard the rival submissions and perused the material available on record. In the instant case, disallowance of expenditure u/s 14A read with Rule 8D of Rs.1,06,45,775/- in Assessment Year 2007-08 and Rs.2,04,30,869/- in Assessment Year 2008-09 was made by the Assessing Officer as the assessee had made investments, income from which was exempt from tax. The same was confirmed in appeal by the CIT(A) by following the order of Mumbai Special Bench of the tribunal in the case of M/s.Daga Capital Management Pvt. Ltd. (supra) wherein it was held that the AO was bound to adopt Rule 8D for making disallowance under section 14A where he is not satisfied with the correctness of the claim of the ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -8assessee in respect of such expenditure, and therefore, the disallowance made by the AO, as per Rule 8D under section 14A was justified. The Authorized Representative of the assessee has pointed out from page nos. 11 to 13 of the paper-book for Assessment Year 2007-08 that the assessee had not claimed any income as exempt from tax. He has also pointed out from page nos. 27 and 28 of the paper-book for Assessment Year 2008-09 that no income was claimed as exempt by the assessee in its Return of Income. The Authorized Representative of the assessee has relied on the decision of the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in the case of CIT vs. Corrtech Energy (P) Ltd, reported in (2014) 272 CTR 262 (Guj.)(HC), wherein it has been held that where the assessee has not made any claim for exemption of any income from payment of tax, no disallowance could be made u/s 14A of the Act. The Departmental Representative has not disputed the submission of the assessee that during the assessment years under consideration the assessee has not claimed any income as exempt from tax in its Return of Income filed. Therefore, respectfully following the decision of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in the case of Corrtech Energy (P) Ltd (supra), we delete the disallowance of expenditure made u/s 14A read with Rule 8D of Rs.1,60,45,775/- in the Assessment Year 2007-08 Rs.2,04,30,869/- in the Assessment Year 2008-09. and Thus, this ground of appeal of the assessee is allowed in both the years under appeal. 18. Ground No.3 of the assessee’s appeal for Assessment Year 2007-08 is directed against the order of the CIT(A) upholding levy of interest u/s 234 of the Act. 19. At the time of hearing, no submissions were made by the Authorized Representative of the assessee on this ground of appeal taken in the appeal. Therefore, we hold that charging of interest is ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 -9consequential and accordingly dispose of this ground of appeal of the assessee. 20. Ground No.2 of the assessee’s appeal in Assessment Year 2008-09 is directed against the order of the CIT(A) in confirming addition of Rs.30,46,655/- being income of prior period. 21. Ground No.3 of the assessee’s appeal for Assessment Year 2008-09 is directed against the order of the CIT(A) on the ground that the disallowance made by the Assessing Officer already takes care of taxability of prior period of income of Rs.30,46,655/- as income of the year under consideration and hence, enhancement of the income of the assessee by the very same amount resulted into double taxation which was against the principle of natural justice. 22. The brief facts of the case are that the Assessing Officer observed from the statement of total income that the assessee has added back prior period expenses amounting to Rs.1,57,11,364/-. He observed that the assessee-company had shown prior period expenses at Rs.1,87,58,019/- out of which the assessee reduced an amount of Rs.30,46,655/- stating it to be credit entries. The Assessing Officer observed that, as the assessee was following mercantile system of accounting, it had not been able to prove that the said liability was crystallized during the year and therefore, the claim of the assessee with regard to netting of prior period expenses with prior period income was not acceptable; and accordingly made addition of Rs.30,46,655/- to the income of the assessee. 23. On appeal, the CIT(A) observed that the assessee had some expenses that pertained to prior period and similarly, there were some income which pertained to earlier years. The assessee reduced the prior period expenditure by the amount of prior period income ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 - 10 and the net disallowance was made in the statement of income. The Assessing Officer did not accept the claim of the assessee and made addition of an amount equal to prior period expense that has been reduced by the assessee. The assessee submitted that the income and expenses of prior period cannot be given different treatment for taxation. If the expenses of prior period was disallowed, the income of the earlier period cannot be taxed. The CIT(A) has observed that the submission of the assessee was not acceptable. It was clear that the expenses pertained to the previous assessment year and the expenses are to be allowed only on matching principle and therefore, the same cannot be allowed as deduction from the current year’s income. The action of the assessee by reducing it from the prior period’s income and disallowing the net prior period expenses was not correct. The income has to be considered separately and cannot be set off against prior period expenses. Therefore, he confirmed the action of the Assessing Officer. 24. We have heard rival submissions and perused the orders of the lower authorities and material available on record. The undisputed facts of the case are that the assessee added Rs.1,57,11,364/-as net prior period expenses debited in profit & loss account in computing its total income. The AO observed that net prior period expenses of Rs.1,57,11,364/- is comprised of two elements viz. prior expenses of Rs.1,87,58,019/According to and the prior AO, the period entire income prior of Rs.30,46,655/-. period expenses of Rs.1,87,58,019/- is not allowable to the assessee as deduction, as the assessee’s system of accounting is mercantile. He, therefore, added the entire Rs.1,87,58,019/- in place of Rs.1,57,11,364/added by the assessee, and thus enhanced the assessee’s income by Rs.30,46,655/-. 25. On appeal, the CIT(A) confirmed the action of the AO. ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 - 11 - 26. We find that it is not in dispute that Rs.30,46,655/- was income of prior period. In our considered view, on the same analogy on which expenses of prior period is not allowable, the income of prior period also cannot be brought to tax for the year under consideration. The lower authorities in the garb of disallowance of gross amount of prior period expenses, has in fact brought to tax prior period income for the year under consideration. No material has been brought before us to show that how and why the prior period income of Rs.30,46,655/- is taxable in the year under consideration, when the system of accounting of the assessee is mercantile. Therefore, in our considered view, when the gross amount of prior period expenses added to the income of the assessee, then lower authorities could have also reduced prior period income of Rs.30,46,655/- for computing the total income of the year under consideration. We, therefore, delete the disallowance of Rs.30,46,655/- and allow the grounds of the appeal of the assessee. 27. Ground No.4 of the assessee’s appeal for Assessment Year 2008-09 is directed against the order of the CIT(A) in confirming adhoc disallowance of Rs.4,00,000/- out of interest paid. 28. The brief facts of the case are that the Assessing Officer observed that from the perusal of the Schedule 20 of the balancesheet, that the assessee had paid interest on working capital amounting to Rs.18,86,80,017/-. The Assessing Officer required the assessee to provide details of interest payments and advances made. From the details, he found that the advances made to following parties were for capital expenditure or otherwise there was no business expediency and justification. ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 - 12 Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name Amount Atulbhai P. P. (Advance for Land) Chandrikaben Chudasma (Adv for land) Dipti Deepakbhai Shah Naynaben Girishkumar Shah Sunderdeep Builders (Advance for land) Total 500000 500000 400000 1000000 1600000 4000000 Therefore, the Assessing Officer made disallowance for interest @ 10% of the amount advanced and made an addition of Rs.4,00,000/- to the income of the assessee. 29. On appeal, the CIT(A) held that in the earlier assessment year 2007-08 also similar disallowance was made by the Assessing Officer and confirmed the same by his predecessor. Therefore, following the same, he confirmed the addition made by the Assessing Officer. 30. Before us, the Authorized Representative of the assessee submitted that since these advances were made out of interest free own funds of the assessee, no disallowance was warranted. However, no material could be brought before us by the AR to substantiate the above addition. 31. We find that the CIT(A) has confirmed the disallowance by following order of his predecessor passed in the case of the assessee itself in the immediately preceding year. The AR brought no material to controvert the above findings of the CIT(A) or to show that this order of the CIT(A) passed in the immediately preceding year was reversed by any higher authority. Therefore, we do not find any good reason to interfere with the order of the CIT(A), which is confirmed and the ground of the appeal of the assessee is dismissed. 32. Now we take up Revenue’s appeal ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 - 13 33. Ground No.1 of the Revenue’s appeal for Assessment Year 2007-08 is directed against the order of the CIT(A) deleting the addition of Rs.73,623/- made u/s 41(1) of the Act. 34. The brief facts of the case are that the Assessing Officer asked the assessee to furnish the ageing analysis of the sundry creditors having outstanding credit balance for the last 3 years. He observed from the details furnished by the assessee that an amount of Rs.73,623/- was still outstanding as on 31.03.2009. Since the amount was payable even after the lapse of more than 5 years, the Assessing Officer treated the same as income as per the provisions of Section 41(1) of the Act. 35. On appeal, the CIT(A) observed that the Assessing Officer has not brought out any material to show that the assessee derived any money or benefit or otherwise such liability ceased and held that the Assessing Officer was not justified in making such addition u/s 41(1) of the Act. 36. The DR simply relied upon the order of the AO and could not point out any error in the order of the CIT(A). In the absence of any material to show that the liability in question ceased to exist during the year under consideration or any benefit was received by the assessee during the year under consideration, we find no error in the order of the CIT(A), which is confirmed, and the ground appeal of the Revenue is dismissed. 37. Ground No.2 of the Revenue’s appeal in Assessment Year 2007-08 is directed against the order of the CIT(A) in restricting the disallowance u/s 14A to the extent of Rs.1,19,02,280/- as against total disallowance of Rs.1,60,46,775/- made by the Assessing Officer. ITA Nos. 2315, 2663/Ahd/ 2010 ITA 3235/Ahd 2011 & CO 305 Ahd 2010 Shah Alloys Ltd - AY 2007-08 & 08-09 - 14 38. In view of our decision in Ground No.2 of the assessee’s appeal in Assessment Year 2007-08, this ground of appeal of the Revenue is dismissed. 39. Since the Cross objection filed by the assessee is in support of the order of the CIT(A) and as there was no grievance of the assessee against the order of the CIT(A) in the cross objections filed by the assessee, the same is infructuous and hence dismissed. 40. In the result, appeals of the assessee for the Asstt.Year 2007- 08 and 2008-09 are partly allowed and the appeal of the Revenue for the Asstt.Year 2007-08 is dismissed. The Cross Appeal of the assessee is dismissed. Order pronounced in the Court on Friday, the 27th of March, 2015 at Ahmedabad. Sd/- (SHAILENDRA KUMAR YADAV) JUDICIAL MEMBER Ahmedabad; Sd/- ( N.S. SAINI) ACCOUNTANT MEMBER Dated 27/03/2015 *Biju T, PS आदे श क ूितिल'प अमे'षत/Copy of the Order forwarded to : षत 1. अपीलाथ* / The Appellant 2. ू+यथ* / The Respondent. 3. संबंिधत आयकर आयु- / Concerned CIT 4. आयकर आयु-(अपील) / The CIT(A)- XIV, Ahmedabad 5. 'वभागीय ूितिनिध, आयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण, अहमदाबाद / DR, ITAT, Ahmedabad 6. गाड2 फाईल / Guard file. आदे शानुसार/ BY ORDER, //TRUE COPY// उप/ उप/सहायक पंजीकार (Dy./Asstt.Registrar) आयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण, अिधकरण, अहमदाबाद / ITAT, Ahmedabad
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