MALACHI SERIES 4: GOD’S SECOND AND THIRD CHARGES OF SIN (2:10-17) I. GOD’S LOVE FOR JACOB (1:1-5) II. GOD’S FIRST CHARGE OF SIN (1:6-2:9) III. GOD’S SECOND AND THIRD CHARGES OF SIN (2:10-17) A. THE PEOPLE’S SIN OF UNFAITHFULNESS TO THE COVENANT (2:10-16) 1. The Sin of Unfaithfulness Revealed (v. 10) a. Through the sin of mixed marriages (vv. 11-12) b. Through the sin of hypocritical tears (v. 13) Read Mal 2:13. ~ actually connected to vv. 14-16 in thought. “Another thing” indicates that this verse continues the theme of vv. 11-12 (and later on connects this to the issue in vv.14-16): intermarriage and divorce. “You cover the altar of the Lord with tears…” ~ These tears are the false tears of hypocrisy, not genuine tears of repentance. ~ The people weep because the Lord will not hear them, not because of their sin. ~ Many times we weep because God disappointed us, not because we disappointed God. “… with weeping and with groaning…” ~ “tears,” “weep,” “groan” – terms of emotional distress; denotes extreme agitation and disturbance. ~ arise from a break in the relationship between Israel and her covenant God, which is supposed to be maintained by purity. (cf. Matt 5:8) Read Mal 2:13b. God’s distance is described in two ways in v. 13: inattention (“no longer regards”) and rejection (“no longer… accepts”). This verse emphasizes the hypocritical and insensitive attitude of those who sinned against God through intermarriage. ~ probably thought their religiosity would cause God to overlook their sin and bless them anyway ~ REPENTANCE MUST COME BEFORE ACCEPTABLE WORSHIP. See Eccl 5:1. ~ “The sacrifice of fools” was empty sacrifice, going through the ritual but missing its meaning. ~ the basic purpose of the offerings that God required: communion with God ~ The people forgot that spirit and heart were essential ingredients of true sacrifice. ~ Ps 51:16-17 ~ 1Sam 15:22 Just a few words on the issue of hypocrisy. ~ comes from the Gk. word hypokrisis: pretending to act one way while secretly acting in a different (often the opposite) way ~ A “hypocrite” (hypokritēs) then is “a person who pretends to be something he or she is not.” No wonder hypocrisy is abhorred by God: ~ Ps 10:16-21 ~ Prov 15:8 ~ Isa 1:11-17 This shows us how lethal hypocrisy is to worship! ~ It is not only offensive to God; it renders our worship and whatever else we do for God unacceptable. ~ At the very least it hinders growth in grace; at worst, it invites the curse of God for the unbeliever and the chastening of God for the believer. That is why it is rebuked by Jesus: ~ Matt 15:7-9 ~ Lk 6:46 ~ Lk 11:38-42 For those who teach, hypocrisy is teaching what you do not believe and preaching what you do not practice. John MacArthur: “The worst type of pride is external spirituality without internal holiness….You may look spiritual on the outside, going to church and acting ‘Christianly,’ but your heart may be full of sin.” ~ If hypocrisy is not confessed and repented of, it will separate a person increasingly from the truth. Paul exposed the sin of hypocrisy: ~ Rom 2:1, 3 ~ Titus 1:16 The biggest example of hypocrisy in the bible is Judas. ~ Recall Jn 12:3-6 & Matt 26:25. The problem is, not even believers are exempt from the sin of hypocrisy. ~ Look at Peter in Gal 2:11-13. Stephen Charnock: “It is a sad thing to be Christians at a supper, heathens in our shops, and devils in our closets.” When we sin the way the Judeans in Malachi’s time did it betrays in us a wrong view of God. ~ When you are guilty of hypocrisy and thus think that you can get away with it, you need to ask this question in your heart: What is your concept of God? Although it is easy to cover up, hypocrisy will eventually come to light because God, who is holy and who sees what is in the hearts of men, will expose it for what it is. ~ See Jesus in Jn 2:24-25 ~ John Milton: “For neither man nor angel can discern Hypocrisy – the only evil that walks invisible, except to God alone.” ~ 1Pet 2:1
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