FAİK BİLGİLİ Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 38039, Kayseri, Turkey Phone: +90 (352) 207 6666, ext. 30502 Fax: +90 (352) 437 5239 E-mail: [email protected], URL: http://iibf.erciyes.edu.tr/akademi/te/fbilgili.aspx EDUCATION Ph.D. in Economics ( 1991- 1997) The City University of New York, Graduate Center (CUNY-GC), NY, USA Dissertation: Testing the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem in the Framework of the Permanent Income Hypothesis Ph.D. Program in Economics (1989-1991) İstanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey MA in Economics (1986-1989) Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Dissertation: Economic Policy Proposals of Supply Side Economics and Application Results BA in Economics (1982-1986) Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey WORK EXPERIENCE Employer: Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey (December 2007 to present) Position: Professor Employer: Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey (October 2002 – December 2007) Position: Associate Professor Employer: Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey (October 1997- October 2002 ) Position: Assistant Professor CV-Faik Bilgili Employer: NYC Technology College, Brooklyn, USA (February 1996-December 1996) Position: Adjunct Professor Employer: Queens College, Queens, USA (September 1995-June 1996) Position: Adjunct Professor Employer: Wagner College, Staten Island, USA (February,1995-December 1995) Position: Adjunct Professor UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT Introduction to Economics I-II (Erciyes University, in English) Microeconomics I-II (Erciyes University, in Turkish and in English) Macroeconomics I-II (Erciyes University, in Turkish and in English) Microeconomics (Wagner College) Macroeconomics (Wagner College) Macroeconomics (NYCT College) Statistics (Queens College) GRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT Microeconomics I-II (Erciyes University, Ph.D. courses in Turkish and in English) Econometrics I-II (Erciyes University, Ph.D. courses in Turkish) Applied Econometrics I-II ( Erciyes University, MA courses in Turkish) Microeconomics (Erciyes University, MA course in Turkish) Macroeconomics (Erciyes University, MA course in Turkish ) 2/20 CV-Faik Bilgili PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Testing the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem in the Framework of the Permanent Income Hypothesis (Ph.D. Dissertation), UMI, A Bell & Howel Information Company, ISBN: 9780591424034, Michigan-USA, 1997. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=740044971&sid=3&Fmt=2&clientId=46429 &RQT=309&VName=PQD Applied Econometrics with Excel, EViews and RATS Programs (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Publications No. 17, 2001. The Dynamics of Expectations and Inflation: An Application for Turkish Economy (in Turkish), in Türkiye Geleceğin Neresinde, N. Doğan, F. Kula, M. Öcal (Edits.) Nobel Yayınevi (2007) 67-86. ARTICLES 3/20 Economic Growth and Biomass Consumption Nexus: Dynamic Panel Analysis for Sub-Sahara African Countries, with İlhan Öztürk, Applied Energy, 2014, forthcoming. The Non-Linear Impact of High and Growing Government External Debt on Economic Growth: A Markov Regime-Switching Approach, with İbrahim Doğan, Economic Modelling, Vol. 39, April (2014) 213-220. Long Run Elasticities of Demand for Natural Gas: OECD Panel Data Evidence, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 9:4 (2014) 334341. Convergence Analysis of Oil and Diesel Prices for Industries and Households in European Region, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 9:2 (2014) 140-148. Linear and Nonlinear TAR Panel Unit Root Analyses for Solid Biomass Energy Supply of European Countries, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 16. Issue 9, December (2012) 6775-6781. CV-Faik Bilgili The Impact of Biomass Consumption on CO2 Emissions: Cointegration Analyses with Regime Shifts, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 16, Issue 7, September (2012) 5349-5354. The Determinants of FDI in Turkey: A Markov Regime-Switching Approach, with Nadide S. H. Tülüce, İbrahim Doğan, Economic Modelling, Vol. 29, Issue 4, July (2012) 1161-1169. Short Run and Long Run Dynamics of Residential Electricity Consumption: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Panel Estimations for OECD, with Yalçın Pamuk, Nadide S. H. Tülüce, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 3 (2011) 113-126. http://www.ecocyb.ase.ro/eng.3%20pdf/Faik%20Bilgili%20T.pdf Energy Tax Harmonization in EU: Time Series and Panel Data Evidence, Research Journal of International Studies, Issue: 14 (2010) 12-20. http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/pramprapa/24013.htm The Interplay between FDI and Domestic Investments (in Turkish), with Recep Düzgün, Erginbay Uğurlu, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, No. 23/2 (2007) 127-151. http://sbe.erciyes.edu.tr/dergi/sayi_23/8-%20_127-151.%20syf._.pdf A Comparison of Accuracies in Ex-Post Forecast of VAR, ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing, Combining and Add-Factor Methods for Private Consumption (in Turkish), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Vol.17, No.1 (2002) 185-211. http://deu.mitosweb.com/browse/47141/ http://www.iibf.deu.edu.tr/dergi.php?idm=13 A Comparison of VAR and ARIMA Models in Forecasting of Growth, Inflation, Interest and Exchange Rates in Turkey (in Turkish), Erciyes Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, No.17 (2001) 37–53. The Keynesian-Monetarist Debate on Business Cycles: A Case Study of Great Depression, Erciyes Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, No.17 (2001) 54–71. 4/20 CV-Faik Bilgili Forecasting the Macro Targets of Turkish Economy for the Year 2000: An Application of Box-Jenkins and Exponential Smoothing Methods, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Vol. 15, No. 2 (2000) 85–99. http://deu.mitosweb.com/browse/47253/ Analysis of Anticipated and Unanticipated Monetary Policy in the Framework of Rational Expectations Hypothesis (in Turkish), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 14, No. 163 (1999) 40-57. http://econpapers.repec.org/article/iifiifjrn/v_3a14_3ay_3a1999_3ai_3a163 3ap_3a40-57.htm A Review on Budget Policies of New Classical Theorem (in Turkish), Papers of IVth National Conference on Econometrics and Statistics held by Marmara University, Belek (1999) 551-571. The Effects of Budget Deficit on Current Account Balance: Theory and Empirical Evidence (in Turkish), with Emine Bilgili, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 13, No. 146 (1998) 4-16. 5/20 Policy Proposals and Application Results in Emerging Market Economies (in Turkish), İzmir Yüksek Ticaretliler Derneği Mizan Dergisi, No. 33 (1998) 3-7. Stationarity and Cointegration Tests: Comparison of Engle-Granger and Johansen Methodologies, Erciyes Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, No.13 (1998) 131-141. The Effects of Tax-Cuts and Government Bonds on Aggregate Demand, Erciyes Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, No. 13 (1998) 123-130. The Macroeconomic Results of the Budget Deficits in Turkey (in Turkish), The Papers of Erciyes University, National Conference on Problems of Turkish Economy through 2000's, Kayseri (1998) 153-169. The Supply Side Economics' Approach: The Relative Price Theory and Critiques to Keynesian Model (in Turkish), Erciyes Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, No.10 (1993) 183-197. CV-Faik Bilgili PAPERS Environmental Sustainability and Agricultural Production, with H. Hilal Bağlıtaş, International Conference on Eurasian Economies, Skopje, Macedonia, 1-3 July 2014. http://www.eecon.info/ City price convergence in Turkey with structural breaks (2011), MPRA Paper 54295, University Library of Munich, Germany, 03-2014. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/54295 The Permanent and Transitory Effects on Consumption and Income: Evidence from the Turkish Economy, Yaşar University, 3rd International Conference on Business, Economics and Management, Çeşme, June, (2007), MPRA Paper 24090,University Library of Munich, Germany, 07-2010. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/24593 http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/pramprapa/24090.htm A Dynamic Approach to Demand for Energy in Turkey, Turkish Economic Association (TEA), International Conference on Economics, "Session: Energy" Ankara, September 12 (2006), MPRA Paper 24038, University Library of Munich, Germany, 03-2009. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/24471 http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/pramprapa/24038.htm Random Walk, Excess Sensitiveness or Excess Smoothness? Evidence from Literature and an Application for Turkish Economy, Turkish Economic Association (TEA), International Conference on Economics, "Session: Consumption in Turkey" Ankara, September 11 (2006), MPRA Paper 24086, University Library of Munich, Germany, 07-2010. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/24086 http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/pramprapa/24086.htm Economists Discuss (in Turkish), The Turkish Economy Conference, State Planning Organization (SPO), İzmir, May, 2004. http://ekutup.dpt.gov.tr/ekonomi/tik2004/ The Turkish Economy (in Turkish), with Masum Türker (Older Minister of Economy), The Economists’ Platform, Erciyes University, Kayseri, October, 2003. www.ekonomistler.com 6/20 CV-Faik Bilgili Dynamic Implications of Fiscal Policy: Crowding out or Crowding in? METUERC, International Conference in Economics VII, "F5 Fiscal Policy, Public and Private Expenditures" METU, Ankara, September 8 (2003), MPRA Paper 24111, University Library of Munich, Germany, 12-2009. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/24111 http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/pramprapa/24111.htm The Unbiasedness and Efficiency Tests of the Rational Expectations Hypothesis, METU-ERC, International Conference in Economics V, "F7 Adjustment Dynamics in Open Economies" METU, Ankara, September 12, 2001, MPRA Paper 24114, University Library of Munich, Germany, 03-2010. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/24114 http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/pramprapa/24114.htm The Conference on Turkish Economy within the World Economy (in Turkish), Erciyes University Research Club, May 31, 1999. An Analysis of Income Distribution of Turkish Economy (in Turkish), with Emine Bilgili, National Conference on Ethics of Politics and Management, Sakarya University, Adapazarı, 1998. Testing the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem in the Framework of the Permanent Income Hypothesis, METU- ERC, International Conference in Economics I, "F27 Macroeconometric Studies I" METU, Ankara, September 19, 1997. http://www.erc.metu.edu.tr/menu/sayfa.php?icerik=pastconf&lang=eng How Rational Are the Money and Exchange Rate Markets? Empirical Evidence from Turkish Economy "preliminary work", Erciyes University, FEAS, May, 2008. PROJECTS The Strategies to Decrease the Imported Intermediate Goods Employed by Sectors in Kayseri (in Turkish), with Sıtkı İlkay, Mahmut Özdevecioğlu, Erdal Canıyılmaz, funded by T.R. Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and Erciyes University Continuous Education (CEC-ERSEM), 2014. Porter Competitiveness Analyses for TR72 Region: SA, CFA and SE Models, with Sıtkı İlkay, Mahmut Özdevecioğlu, Alper Aslan, Erdal Canıyılmaz, Onur 7/20 CV-Faik Bilgili Gözbaşı, funded by Kayseri Development Agency (ORAN) and Erciyes University Continuous Education (CEC-ERSEM), 2013. Family Medicine Practices’ Analyses in Turkey through Cross Sectional, Panel Data and Time Series models with Markov Regime Switches, funded by T.R. Ministry of Health & World Bank, World Bank Project No: SDP-7717-TU, 2009-2012. The Regional Competitiveness and Irish Competitiveness Model, funded by European Union and Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), TR0602.06/01/001/Europe Aid/ 125171/D/SER/TR, 2009. Expansion of the European Turkish Business Centers Network Project for SME’s and Stakeholders in Kayseri-Turkey, with Yalçın Pamuk, Oğuzhan Türker, Alper Aslan, Nadide S. H. Tülüce, funded by European Union and Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Europe Aid/125171D/SER/TR, 2008. The Higher Education System in Turkey: Trends, Challenges, Opportunities. A System Review Based on Seventeen Institutional Evaluation Reports, with Kürşat Turgut, Gülsüm Sağlamer, Üstün Ergüder, EUA, TUSIAD and other contributors, funded by European University Association (EUA) and Turkish Industry and Business Association (TIBA-TUSIAD), ISBN: 978-9944-405-461, 2008. http://www.eua.be/fileadmin/user_upload/files/Newsletter_new/EUA_Higher_Ed ucation_Report_2008.pdf European Funds and Regional Development Projects: The Cooperation of Academicians through the Process of European Union, with TEPAV representatives and other contributors, funded by Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB-TEPAV), 2006. http://www.tobb.org.tr/haber2.php?haberid=666&sy=1 http://www.tepav.org.tr/tur/index.php?type=yerelakademisyen&title=Y The Regional Development and Internationalization: The project of Kayseri Chamber of Commerce (KCC) and the Kayseri Chamber of Industry (KCI) with the cooperation of Netherlands-Utrecht Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), with Judith de Bruijn, funded by Euro Chambers and Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), 2002. http://www.eurochambres.be/activities/tcdp.shtml 8/20 CV-Faik Bilgili CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION UPON INVITATIONS, THE PARTICIPATIONS IN CONFERENCES HELD BY EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION (EUA) AND ACADEMIC COOPERATION ASSOCIATION (ACA) Inclusive and Responsive Universities: Ensuring Europe’s Competitiveness, European University Association (EUA) & Erasmus University, Rotterdam/Netherland, October 2008. http://www.eua.be/events/rotterdam-conference/home/ The Governance of European Universities Post 2010 (II): Enhancing Institutional Mission and Profiles, European University Association (EUA) & Barcelona University, Barcelona/Spain, March 2008. http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=594 National Conference on Qualifications Frameworks, European University Association (EUA) & Muğla University, Muğla/Turkey, September 2007. http://www.yok.gov.tr/duyuru/mugla_sunum.htm http://www.mu.edu.tr/t/duyuru/2007/09/ulusal/katilim.htm The Governance of European Universities post 2010 : Mission Diversity, Autonomy and Accountability, European University Association (EUA), Wroclaw/Poland, November 2007. http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=wroclaw The Global Current Issues of Higher Education, European Commission, HECT (YÖK) & Bilkent University, Ankara/Turkey, December 2007. Europe's Universities Beyond 2010: Diversity with a Common Purpose, European University Association (EUA) & Lisbon University, Lisbon/Portugal, March 2007. http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=251 European Universities as Catalysts in Promoting Regional Innovation, European University Association (EUA) & Brno Universities, Brno/Czech Republic, October 2006. http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=195 http://www.eua.be/fileadmin/user_upload/files/EUA1_documents/Brno_pa rticipants_031106.1162572780457.pdf 9/20 CV-Faik Bilgili Funding Strong Universities: Diversification, Student Support and Good Governance, European University Association (EUA) & Hamburg University, Hamburg/Germany, March 2006. http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=298#c410 http://www.eua.be/fileadmin/user_upload/files/EUA1_documents/HamburgPartic ipants_List_V200306.1142872348450.pdf Fundraising for Universities: Exploring Options, European University Association (EUA) & İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul/Turkey, February 2006. http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=82 http://www.eua.be/eua/jsp/en/upload/participants.1142257495156.pdf Developments in Bologna Process, Ankara University and Italian Rectors’ of Conferences (CRU) & Ankara University, Ankara/Turkey, November 2005. http://www.ankara.edu.tr/yazi.php?yad=4099 International Conference on Higher Education, Higher Education Council of Turkey (HECT -YÖK) & Bilkent University, Ankara/Turkey, November 2005. http://www.yok.gov.tr/duyuru/kitap_konferanssunum_turkce.pdf The Future of the University, an Academic Cooperation Association Conference (ACA) & Vienna University, Vienna/Austria, November 2005. http://www.aca-secretariat.be/08events/Vienna/Vienna.htm http://www.maths.soton.ac.uk/staff/d'Inverno/ACA/participants.xls Research Training as a Key to a Europe of Knowledge, European University Association (EUA) & Maastricht University, Maastricht/Netherland, October 2004. http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=298#c410 http://www.eua.be/eua/jsp/en/upload/MAASTRICHT_Participants.1099496606637 .pdf 10/20 CV-Faik Bilgili INTERNATIONALIZATION ACTIONS THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ACTIONS TAKEN THROUGH INTERNATIONALIZATION PATH OF ERCIYES UNIVERSITY (AUGUST, 2004 – JANUARY, 2009) The establishment of Erciyes University International Office (IO) on August 2004. Employment of (i) IO administrative staff, expert staff upon qualification exams and estate staff (ii) IO physical area [meeting saloon, an affiliated conference saloon, the president’s office, presidential consultant’s office, secretary general office, Erasmus expert’s office, LWC expert’s office, the public relation office, AEGEE office, Youth office, workshop/art offices and hall facilities], (iii) IO technical equipment [main server for web-mailinternet, video conference base, international telecommunication lines and hard/soft copy publication units] and (iv) IO accommodation (Hızıroğlu Hotel), guide and transportation facilities and services. Designation the mission and vision of IO, activation the European Education and Youth Program Units under IO. Organizations of European University Association (EUA) Evaluation Team’s visits to Erciyes University through EUA Institutional Evaluation Program (IEP). Organizations of the visits and/or conferences of Ambassadors of USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain and Sweden at IO. Organizations of the visits and/or conferences of some EU Commissioners and several European Countries’ Education and Cultural Attachés of USA, UK, Germany and France at IO. Meetings with minister (India), rector (USA), scholars (USA, UK, Germany, India, Japan and Turkey), international media (The Times, Le Figaro), representatives of international office (USA) and head of Higher Education Council (Turkey) at IO. The Erciyes University’s active participations in congresses held by EUA (in Netherland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, UK, Poland and Turkey) and ACA (in Austria) within the framework of Bologna Process, EHEA and EHRA. 11/20 CV-Faik Bilgili Active participations of Erciyes University in several international and national education fairs held in Ankara, İstanbul, Kayseri. The Europe Business Assembly’s International Socrates Award given to Rector Prof. Dr. Cengiz Utaş, due to Erciyes University IO’s activities, in Oxford on November 27, 2006. Technical support for the projects of Central Finance and Contracts Unit in Ankara and for the projects of European Education and Youth Programs in several European countries. Technical guidance for the preparation of Central Finance and Contracts’ projects and LWC projects for stakeholders of Erciyes University (i.e., Mimar Sinan Municipality and several companies in Kayseri). Formation the students groups of IO Youth and AEGEE and realizations of several international projects run by IO Youth and AEGEE held in Netherland, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, UK, Poland and Turkey. Acquirement of bilateral agreements of between Erciyes University and several universities in USA, Netherland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, UK, Italy, Poland through exchange of 200 students and 84 academic staff in terms of 2008. DISSERTATIONS SUPERVISED PH.D. DISSERTATIONS (Ayhan Kuloğlu) Competitiveness Models for Industrial and Service Sectors in Kayseri: A Lisrel-Latent Model Application, Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, continued. (Erhan Muğaloğlu) Dynamics of Energy Consumption and Production: A Nonlinear Optimization Approach, Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, continued. (Nadide S. H. Tülüce) The Social Capital Factor Impact on Growth: Dynamic Panel Application (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, February, 2013. 12/20 CV-Faik Bilgili (İbrahim Doğan) The Analyses of the Effects of Government Borrowing on Growth: Theory and OECD Panel Data Evidence (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution. August 2012. (Serap Çoban) Dynamic Growth Analysis of the Firms within the Framework of Endogenous Growth Model: An Application for Turkish Industrial Sector (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, January 2010 (Yalçın Pamuk) Inefficiency in Monopoly: Theory and Applications (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Science Institution, May 2009. (Fahri Şeker) Economic Liberalism and Ethics (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, July 2007. (Recep Düzgün) The Dynamic Effects of Public Expenditures on Private Investments (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Science Institution, May 2007. MA DISSERTATIONS (Ahmet Ardıç) The Impact of Energy Usage on Environment: A Cointegration and VEC Modelling, Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, continued. (H. Hilal Bağlıtaş)Testing the Models of Absolute Income Hypothesis, Permanent Income and Random Walk through Time Series Analyses in Turkey, Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, May 2013. (Emrah Koçak) An Evaluation of Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in Turkey within framework of Environmental Kuznets Curve (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, March 2012. (Aslıhan Aygün) The Liquidity and Income Effects of Monetary Policy: A Case Study of Turkey (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, March 2011. (Ayhan Kuloğlu) The Dynamic Analyses of Demand for Energy: An Application for Turkish Economy (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, September 2010. 13/20 CV-Faik Bilgili (Gamze Uzandaç) The Effect of Free Zones on Foreign Trade: An Application on Turkish Economy (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, September 2008. (Mustafa Burak Fırat) An Evaluation of the Theory and Proposals of Constitutional Economy for the Turkish Economy (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, August 2008. (Mine Orhan) The Short and Long Term Analyses of Demand for Energy (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, June 2007. (Fatma Kaya) Endogenous Growth Model with Human Capital (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, September 2005. (İbrahim Doğan) The Effects on Budget Deficits on Inflation: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, August 2005. (Serap Çoban) Analysis of Consumption Models under the Stochastic Income Expectations (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, July 2005. (Münire Canözkan) The Turkish Banking Crises and the Analyses of Predictability of Crises (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, May 2005. (Recep Düzgün) An Analysis of Policy Ineffectiveness within the Framework of Rational Expectations: Applications for Turkish and USA Data (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, July 2002. (Yalçın Pamuk) Analyses of Economic Fluctuations: An Application for Turkish Economy (in Turkish), Erciyes University, Social Sciences Institution, July 2002. 14/20 CV-Faik Bilgili REFEREEING/EDITORIAL/SCIENTIFIC BOARD REFEREE FOR Energy [Elsevier] International Journal of Energy Research [Wiley] The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development [Taylor & Francis] International Journal of Energy Sector Management [Emerald Group Publishing] Energy Policy [Elsevier] Economic Systems [Elsevier] Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews [Elsevier] Economic Modelling [Elsevier] 15/20 Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy [Taylor & Francis] Applied Economics [Routledge] African Development Review [Wiley] International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences [SciencePG] Journal of Energy and Natural Resources [SciencePG] Business and Economics Research Journal [BER Journal] International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy [EconJournals] International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues [EconJournals] Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences [Erciyes University] Journal of Social Sciences [Anadolu University] CV-Faik Bilgili Journal of Social Sciences [Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Literature] Journal of Statistical Research [Turkish State Institution of Statistics] Journal of Social Sciences Institution [Çukurova University] Journal of Social Sciences Institution [İzzet Baysal University] Journal of Social Sciences Institution [Karaelmas University] JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD EconJournals, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy http://www.econjournals.com/index.php/ijeep EconJournals , International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues http://www.econjournals.com/index.php/ijefi SG, Science Publishing Group, International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/editorialboard.aspx?journalid=17 3 İktisat ve İşletme Çalışmaları Dergisi http://isletmeiktisat.com/index.php/iicd Erciyes University, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences http://iibf.erciyes.edu.tr/en/fjournal/ CONFERENCE SCIENTIFIC/EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER (scientific board member and referee) International Conference on Eurasian Economies held by Beykent University, Skopje, MACEDONIA, 1-3 July 2014 . http://www.eecon.info/?p=165 (scientific board member and referee), International Conference on Eurasian Economies held by Beykent University and Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 17-18, 2013. http://www.eecon.info/?p=13board 16/20 CV-Faik Bilgili (organizing committee member), International Energy Economics and Policy- Cappadocia Series-held by Nevşehir University, Nevşehir/Turkey, May 16-18, 2013. http://energy.nevsehir.edu.tr/en/organizing-commitee (scientific board member and referee), International Conference on Eurasian Economies held by Beykent University and Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Almaty/ Kazakhstan, October 18-20, 2012. http://www.eecon.info/?p=165 (scientific board member), International Conference on Eurasian Economies held by Beykent University and Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Bishkek / Kyrgyzstan, October 12-14, 2011. http://www.eecon.info/current/scienceb.php (scientific board member), International Conference on Eurasian Economies held by Beykent University, Istanbul / Turkey, November, 2010. http://www.eecon.info/scienceb.php (advisory and scientific board member), III. International Congress on Entrepreneurship held by Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Bishkek / Kyrgyzstan, May 2010. http://ice2010.manas.kg/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemi d=27&lang=en (editorial board member and referee) Symposium on Kayseri’s Economy held by Erciyes University and KCC, Kayseri/Turkey, March 11–13, 2003. (editorial board member and referee) II. Middle Anatolian Symposium on New Productivity Strategies at Global Competition held by Niğde University, Niğde/Turkey, October 17–19, 2002. GRANTS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Ph.D. Scholarship by Higher Education Counsel of Turkey for Ph.D. at the City University of New York (CUNY-GC), 1991-1995. Teaching Scholarship by CUNY Graduate Center for teaching at New York City Technical College, NY, 1996. 17/20 CV-Faik Bilgili Award from Turkish Academic Network and Information Center (TUBITAKULAKBIM) No: 288745 26-Ara'12, for Faik Bilgili "The Impact of Biomass Consumption on CO2 Emissions: Cointegration Analyses with Regime Shifts", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16-7: 5349-5354, 2012. 1. Award from Turkish Academic Network and Information Center (TUBITAKULAKBIM) No: 288744 26-Ara'12, for Faik Bilgili "Linear and Nonlinear TAR Panel Unit Root Analyses for Solid Biomass Energy Supply of European Countries", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16-9: 6775-6781, 2012. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE Faculty Board, Erciyes University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (December 2008 - ) Executive Board, Expansion of the European Turkish Business Centers Network, Kayseri (March 2008 – June 2012) 18/20 President, Erciyes University International Office (August 2004 – January 2009). Member, Kayseri Employment Institution (September 2002- September 2007). Faculty Board, Erciyes University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (May 2004 – May 2006) Faculty Administrative Board, Erciyes University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (May 2004 – May 2006) Chair, Erciyes University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Finance (May 2004 – May 2006) CV-Faik Bilgili MEMBERSHIP The Econometric Society American Economic Association ACA, Academic Cooperation Association CUNY Graduate Center Economics International House of New York The Society of Turkish American Architects, Engineers and Scientist CEPA, New School for Social Research Elsevier Energy Journals Environmental Economics Energy Economics Group Gauss Association Matlab Users Estima-RATS Forum PhD-Business-Economics-International Trade Quantitative Analysts Quantitative Analytics Economic Research Econometrics Global Economist Network Professionals in International Tax Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) EUA, European University Association 19/20 CV-Faik Bilgili TASSA, Turkish American Scientists and Scholars Association Finansnetwork NEP: New Economics Papers İzmir Yüksek Ticaretliler Derneği Ekonomistler Platformu Finans Grubu High-Tech Grubu Bankacıyız Biz Platformu Kalkınma Hareketi T. İnternet Topluluğu İşletme-Finans Global Ekonomi EcoYatırım Steady State Economics TCMB-EVDS 20/20
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