The CENTRE for EDUCATION in MATHEMATICS and COMPUTING ´ Le CENTRE d’EDUCATION ´ en MATHEMATIQUES et en INFORMATIQUE 2014 Results Gauss Contests (Grades 7 & 8) 2014 R´ esultats Concours Gauss (7e et 8e ann´ ees – Sec. I et II) c 2014 Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing Competition Organization Organisation du Concours Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing Faculty and Staff / Personnel du Centre d’´ education en math´ ematiques et en informatique Ed Anderson Jeff Anderson Terry Bae Steve Brown Ersal Cahit Heather Culham Serge D’Alessio Frank DeMaio Janine Dietrich Jennifer Doucet Fiona Dunbar Mike Eden Barry Ferguson Judy Fox Steve Furino John Galbraith Sandy Graham Conrad Hewitt Angie Hildebrand Carrie Knoll Judith Koeller Bev Marshman Mike Miniou Dean Murray Jen Nelson J.P. Pretti Kim Schnarr Carolyn Sedore Ian VanderBurgh Troy Vasiga JoAnn Vincent Tim Zhou Problems Committee / Comit´ e des probl` emes Mark Bredin (Chair / pr´esident), St. John’s-Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, MB Kevin Grady (Associate Chair / pr´esident adjoint), Cobden District P.S., Cobden, ON Sarah Garrett, Princess Elizabeth P.S., Orangeville, ON John McLoughlin, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB JoAnne Halpern, Toronto, ON David Matthews, Waterloo, ON David Switzer, Scott Central P.S., Sandford, ON Rachel Verbruggen, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON Ashley Webster, Kitchener-Waterloo Bilingual School, Waterloo, ON Laurissa Werhun, Parkdale C.I., Toronto, ON Robert Wong, Vernon Barford School, Edmonton, AB Chris Wu, Zion Heights J.H.S., Toronto, ON Lori Yee, William Dunbar P.S., Pickering, ON 2 Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les ´ epreuves Overall Comments The Grade 7 and Grade 8 Gauss Contests are the first two in a series of mathematics contests created and administered by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing. The 2014 offering of these Contests drew an enrollment of almost 79 000 students from schools in Canada and internationally. The summary of results found in these pages is compiled from voluntarily submitted reporting forms. These results are based on returns representing almost one-half of the total of enrolled students, and so can be viewed as representative of the actual results. The average mark on the Grade 7 Gauss Contest was 103.3 in 2014, while the average mark on the Grade 8 Contest was 106.2. We are very pleased with these results. As it has always been in the past, the primary goals in setting the Contests is to provide a fun activity which also challenges students, and gives teachers an opportunity to work with their students on a mathematical activity outside the normal classroom routine. We extend our thanks to those students and teachers who participated this year, and hope that you will all continue to be active in such activities. Congratulations to all participants, and especially to those named in this report. We look forward to your names, and others, appearing in future lists of participants. Commentaires g´ en´ eraux Les concours Gauss de 7e et 8e ann´ee (Sec. I et II) sont les deux premiers concours d’une s´erie de concours de math´ematiques cr´e´ees et administr´ees par le Centre d’´education en math´ematiques et en informatique. En 2014, ces concours ont men´e ` a une inscription de presque 79 000 ´etudiants qui viennent des ´ecoles canadiennes et internationales. Le sommaire des r´esultats, trouv´e dans ces pages, est compil´e de formulaires de rapport de r´esultats volontairement soumis. Ces r´esultats sont bas´es sur les retours repr´esentant un demi du total d’´etudiants inscrits, et donc peut ˆetre vu comme repr´esentant de fa¸con raisonnable les r´esultats actuels. La note moyenne sur le Concours de Gauss de 7e ann´ee ´etait 103,3 en 2014, pendant que la note moyenne du Concours de 8e ann´ee ´etait 106,2. Nous sommes tr`es contents des r´esultats. Comme cela a toujours ´et´e dans le pass´e, le but primaire du concours est de donn´e une activit´e amusante mais, qui d´efie aussi les ´etudiants et permet aux enseignants de travailler avec leurs ´etudiants sur une activit´e math´ematique hors de la routine de salle de classe. Nous offrons nos remerciements aux ´etudiants et aux enseignants qui ont particip´e cette ann´ee et nous esp´erons que vous continuerez `a ˆetre actif dans de telles activit´es. F´elicitation `a tous les participants, et surtout `a ceux nomm´e dans ce rapport. Nous avons hˆate de voir vos noms et ceux de d’autres ´etudiants, apparaˆıtre dans les listes futures de participants. 3 Enrollment and Statistics Inscription et Statistiques Number of students registered by province / Nombre d’´ etudiants inscrit par province AB BC MB NB NL NS ON PE QC SK International Total Enrollment/ Inscription 5848 10311 1146 453 987 1486 42299 115 5839 255 10224 78963 Statistics / Statistiques Total number of students represented / Nombre d’´el`eves: 37 926 Grade 7 / 7e ann´ee (Sec. I) Number of schools represented / Nombre d’´ecoles 1058 Number of students represented / Nombre d’´el´eves 20 616 Average / Moyenne 103.3 Marks Number of Students Approximate Percentage of Students Points Nombre d’´el`eves Pourcentage approximatif du nombre d’´el`eves 136 – 150 2887 14.00 121 – 135 3097 15.02 106 – 120 3897 18.90 91 – 105 3824 18.55 76 – 90 3249 15.76 61 – 75 2220 10.77 ≤ 60 1442 7.00 Grade 8 / 8e ann´ee (Sec. II) Number of schools represented / Nombre d’´ecoles 937 Number of students represented / Nombre d’´el´eves 17 310 Average / Moyenne 106.2 Marks Number of Students Approximate Percentage of Students Points Nombre d’´el`eves Pourcentage approximatif du nombre d’´el`eves 136 – 150 2244 12.96 121 – 135 2906 16.79 106 – 120 3803 21.97 91 – 105 3372 19.48 76 – 90 2610 15.08 61 – 75 1466 8.47 ≤ 60 909 5.25 4 Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 7 Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) Students are listed in alphabetical order / Les ´el`eves sont nomm´es en ordre alphab´etique Perfect scores of 150 / Notes parfaites de 150 Name/Nom Theresa Ahmad Tony Aiden Christopher Dennis Kevin Lee Karn Adithya Nicholas Gabriel Markela Ninelle Daniel Ronit Rishi Joshua Devin Roan Tarek Natasha Betty Yueming Jonathan Sarah-Claire Kevin Caden Gabrielle Michal Alex Anton Caroline Cynthia Daniel Frank Helen Ivan Josh Judith June Lillian Matthew Stephanie Tinson Vincent Zhiyang Albert Freeman Daniel Jonathan Edison Jay Jonathan Nicholas Adam Amin An Anderson Arjune Bae Bai Bakker Bansal Baskor Beaulieu Beiner Bejieri Belov Bentley Bhola Bhunwaneswara Blanchard Blankespoor Boughton Bouri Burgert Cai Cai Cao Caron Cecco Chan Chan Chan Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Cheng Cheng Cheriyan Chiu Choi Choi Choong Christofferson ´ School/Ecole Dan Knott J.H.S Grandview Heights Elem. Jr. H.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. E.S.C. Renaissance McCrimmon M.S. Unionville Montessori School Bishop E.Q. Jennings Heritage Christian School William G. Davis Sr. P.S Mountainview Montessori E.S. E.S. du Sommet University of Toronto Schools St. Andrew J.H.S. Bloordale M.S. Riverbend J.H.S. Town Centre Montessori Private School Town Centre Montessori Private School St. Simon Stock E.S. KWCHEA St. Mary’s Academy Spirit of Math Schools - Mississauga Bayridge E.S. Samuel Brighouse E.S. Thomas Street M.S. Richmond Gifted Program E.S. Paul-Guerin-Lajoie D’Outremont St. Charles Garnier C.E.S. Richmond Gifted Program Spectrum Alternative School Senior Academy for Gifted Children-PACE Greystone Heights School Tom Baines School Katimavik E.S. Maple Grove P.S. Cummer Valley M.S. Broadview P.S. Olympiads School J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Morley E.S. Bayridge E.S. Dolphin Sr. Public Johnsview Village P.S. West Point Grey Academy Silver Stream P.S. Agnes Macphail P.S. Vernon Barford School Philip MathChess Academy University of Toronto Schools Olympiads School Kitchener-Waterloo Bilingual School University of Toronto Schools Unionville Montessori School Cameron E.S. Guelph Community Christian School Forest Hill P.S. 5 Location/Endroit Edmonton, AB Edmonton, AB Scarborough, ON Aurora, ON Brampton, ON Unionville, ON Thunder Bay, ON Jordan Station, ON Brampton, ON Surrey, BC Halifax, NS Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Etobicoke, ON Edmonton, AB Markham, ON Markham, ON Mississauga, ON Kitchener, ON Winnipeg, MB Mississauga, ON Surrey, BC Richmond, BC Mississauga, ON Richmond, BC Outremont, QC Richmond Hill, ON Richmond, BC Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON Saskatoon, SK Calgary, AB Kanata, ON Oakville, ON North York, ON Ottawa, ON North York, ON Scarborough, ON Burnaby, BC Surrey, BC Mississauga, ON Markham, ON Vancouver, BC Richmond Hill, ON Scarborough, ON Edmonton, AB Scarborough, ON Toronto, ON North York, ON Waterloo, ON Toronto, ON Unionville, ON Burnaby, BC Guelph, ON Toronto, ON Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 7 Name/Nom Rebecca Jared Allan Rowan Henry Ryan Marcus Arthur Langxing Gurtaj Alim Milutin Albert Michael Michael Oustan Yuan Donson Sydney Aidan Rachel Adam Jonathan Forrest Frank Russell Oliver Danielle Blake Roger Terry Samuel Rachel Theodora Aryaman Alexander Fernando Brett David Harry Trinity Victor Ilir Taeuk Howard Ana Kevin Breanna Will Sakib Ashley Scott Tabitha Tianding (Daniel) Spencer Kyle Shai Rares Chu Chung Conopio Crowhurst Curtis-Dyck Dancy Deans Deng Deng Dhaliwal Dhanani Dimovic Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Dong Duberville Duggan Eastman Eldridge Elgersma Fan Fan Fenton Filso Fox Freer Fu Fu Gan Gao Girgis Goel Goleszny Gomez Diaz Gugel Gui Guo Guo Guo Gusija Ha Halim Han Han Harada Harris Hassan Haylalapit He He He Hill Hirschfeld Hirschl Hogiu Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) ´ School/Ecole Doon P.S. Spirit of Math School Markham Bear Creek E.S. SD 42 Challenge Centre Forest Hill P.S. Pringle Creek P.S. Academie Ste. Cecile Int’l Bishop Pinkham J.H.S. Olympiads School McCrimmon M.S. Broadview P.S. Bloordale M.S. Cummer Valley M.S. Westview M.S. William Berczy P.S. John McCrae P.S. Royal West Academy General Gordon E.S. Clara Brenton P.S. E.S.P. De LaSalle Roseville P.S. Dalewood M.S. Willowdale Christian School Zion Heights Jr. H.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Spectrum Alternative Sr. School Hillcrest P.S. Silver Stream P.S. Bright’s Grove School Zion Heights Jr. H.S. Simon Fraser Jr. H.S. West Point Grey Academy Broadview P.S. Milliken Mills P.S. Glen Shields P.S. University of Toronto Schools E.S.P. Omer-Deslauriers Aurora Sr. P.S. St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Thomas Street M.S. Cummer Valley M.S. Cummer Valley M.S. Huron Heights P.S. Westview E.S. Forest Hill P.S. St. Andrew J.H.S. Milliken Mills P.S. Carnarvon Community School Ashton Meadows P.S. T.D. Baker School John D. Bracco School Prince of Peace C.S. Olympiads School Handsworth S.S. Queen Mary P.S. Caswell Community School The York School Falgarwood P.S. 6 Location/Endroit Kitchener, ON Markham, ON Surrey, BC Maple Ridge, BC Toronto, ON Whitby, ON Windsor, ON Calgary, AB North York, ON Brampton, ON Ottawa, ON Etobicoke, ON North York, ON Hamilton, ON Markham, ON Markham, ON Montreal, QC Vancouver, BC London, ON Ottawa, ON Windsor, ON Hamilton, ON North York, ON North York, ON Scarborough, ON Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON Richmond Hill, ON Bright’s Grove, ON North York, ON Calgary, AB Vancouver, BC Ottawa, ON Markham, ON Concord, ON Toronto, ON Ottawa, ON Aurora, ON Winnipeg, MB Mississauga, ON North York, ON North York, ON Kincardine, ON North Vancouver, BC Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Markham, ON Vancouver, BC Markham, ON Edmonton, AB Edmonton, AB Scarborough, ON North York, ON North Vancouver, BC Peterborough, ON Saskatoon, SK Toronto, ON Oakville, ON Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 7 Name/Nom Frank Joey Jerry Alan Brian Harry Jenny Andy Brian Brian George Kevin Mingmei Owen Ruth Tony Madeline Jinhyo Alyia Sehyun Aumio Fardin Luke David Praveen Linda Bernie Chinchin Daniel Magnus Himanish Jasmine Maya Maria Hafeez Parsa Shey Narayan Andy Diane Eric Jenny Juho Steven Rachel Jathushan Sajeev Sahith Boyuan Artem Sofija Ruth Shona Bradley Marie Kanto Jonathan Bradley William David Hong Hotz Hou Hu Hu Hu Hu Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang Hubbard Huh Hussein In Islam Islam Janik-Jones Jardine Jeyarajah Jiang Jin Jin Jin Jin Jindal Kang Keleris Keselj Khan Kholeslami Khosla Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Ko Kodeswaran Kohli Konakalla Kong Kopikov Kosovac Kuipers Lai Lam Lan Landry Lanson Leboeuf Lee Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) ´ School/Ecole Claude Watson School for the Arts Forest Hill P.S. Sixteenth Avenue P.S. University Heights P.S. Katimavik E.S. Toronto French School Mount Joy P.S. David Lewis P.S. Fallingbrook M.S. Henry Larsen E.S St. George J.S. Zion Heights Jr. H.S. Claude Watson School for the Arts Lincoln Alexander P.S. William Dunbar P.S. Zion Heights Jr. H.S. St. Michael H.S. Mulgrave School University of Toronto Schools King’s Edgehill School W. Erskine Johnston P.S. Ontario Int’l Institute Edna Staebler P.S. Hillcrest P.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Highland Jr. H.S. University of Toronto Schools Fraser Wood E.S. Zion Heights Jr. H.S. Trinity College School Allan Drive M.S. Emily Carr P.S. Spectrum Alternative School Senior Rocky Lake J.H.S. North Ridge E.S. Beverley Acres P.S. Windfields Jr. H.S. Katimavik E.S. Masonville P.S. Trinity College School Richmond Gifted Program Windfields Jr. H.S. Latimer Road E.S. Handsworth S.S. Oscar Peterson P.S. Kitchener-Waterloo Bilingual School Tomken Road M.S. Olympiads School Ecole Int’l Lucille-Teasdale Bloordale M.S. Maranatha Christian Academy Ashton Meadows P.S. Unionville Montessori School Forest Hill P.S. Ecole Int’l Lucille-Teasdale St. Rose of Lima E.S. Kempenfelt Bay School Handsworth S.S. 7 Location/Endroit Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON London, ON Kanata, ON North York, ON Markham, ON Scarborough, ON Mississauga, ON Gloucester, ON Vancoucer, BC North York, ON Toronto, ON Markham, ON Pickering, ON North York, ON Kemptville, ON West Vancouver, BC Toronto, ON Windsor, ON Kanata, ON Scarborough, ON Waterloo, ON Mississauga, ON Scarborough, ON North York, ON Toronto, ON Surrey, BC North York, ON Porthope, ON Bolton, ON London, ON Toronto, ON Bedford, NS Surrey, BC Richmond Hill, ON North York, ON Kanata, ON London, ON Porthope, ON Richmond, BC North York, ON Surrey, BC North Vancouver, BC Stouffville, ON Waterloo, ON Mississauga, ON North York, ON Brossard, QC Etobicoke, ON Windsor, ON Markham, ON Unionville, ON Toronto, ON Brossard, QC Mississauga, ON Barrie, ON North Vancouver, BC Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 7 Name/Nom Ian Joan Joshua Judy Juno Junu Matthew Peter Salley Sam Wonjun Jacob Bill Cindy Cindy Clark Grant Guan James Raymond Andrew Hairan Andy Edwina Grant Ethan Frank Qinglan Raymond Rose Samantha Bill Charles Davis Kevin Leo Michelle Robert Warren Winnie Alston Wallace Eric Sihang Zhen Shu Jessica William Amy David Even Royi Eric Rachel Joey Willard Jessica Braeden Tyler Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Levy Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Liang Liang Liao Liao Liao Lin Lin Lin Lin Lin Lin Liu Liu Liu Liu Liu Liu Liu Liu Liu Lo Long Lu Lu Luan Lui Lumslen Luo Luo Luo Luo Ly Lysenko Ma Ma Mac Macdougall Magarelli Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) ´ School/Ecole Cambridge Christian School Castlemore P.S. Walnut Road E.S. University Highlands E.S. Rosemary E.S. Temple Baptist Christian Academy St. Andrew J.H.S. Richmond Rose P.S. Ray Shepherd E.S. Thomas Street M.S. Hillcrest M.S. Alice Buchanan Tomken Road M.S. Ecole Glenbrook M.S. Katimavik E.S. Philip MathChess Academy University of Toronto Schools Milliken Mills P.S. Tom Baines School West Point Grey Academy Claude Watson School for the Arts Philip MathChess Academy Castlemore P.S. Semiahmoo Trail E.S. Sir Wilfrid Laurier P.S. St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Ocean Cliff E.S. Sir John A. Macdonald J.H.S. University of Toronto Schools J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Greenbank M.S. Ivy Path School Carnarvon Community School Olympiads School Kingsway College School Yu Ying Education Center Marlborough School Aurora Sr. P.S. Heritage Glen P.S. Dolphin Sr. Public Silver Stream P.S. SCM School of Competitive Math Q Learning Institute Inc. Mulgrave School Ivy 100 Education St. Justin Martyr C.E.S. Royal West Academy Spirit of Math Schools - Central Toronto Tom Baines School St. Andrew J.H.S. Silver Stream P.S. Fallingbrook M.S. Olympiads School John McCrae P.S. Katimavik E.S. Dr. Roberta Bondar P.S. Riverview M.S. The Country Day School 8 Location/Endroit Cambridge, ON Markham, ON Surrey, BC Burnaby, BC Surrey, BC Cambridge, ON Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON Surrey, BC Mississauga, ON Coquitlam, BC Lockeport, NS Mississauga, ON New Westminster, BC Kanata, ON Scarborough, ON Toronto, ON Markham, ON Calgary, AB Vancouver, BC Toronto, ON Scarborough, ON Markham, ON Surrey, BC Markham, ON Winnipeg, MB Surrey, BC Calgary, AB Toronto, ON Scarborough, ON Ottawa, ON Toronto, ON Vancouver, BC North York, ON Etobicoke, ON Surrey, BC Burnaby, BC Aurora, ON Oakville, ON Mississauga, ON Richmond Hill, ON Ottawa, ON Mississauga, ON West Vancouver, BC Vancouver, BC Markham, ON Montreal, QC Toronto, ON Calgary, AB Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON Mississauga, ON North York, ON Markham, ON Kanata, ON Maple, ON Riverview, NB King City, ON Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 7 Name/Nom Steven Gautam Monica Adam Mila Victor Dan Aishwaria Fraser John Samir Hong Xi Nikola Anton Hayaan Rayhan Christopher Varun Sullivan Philippe Katherine Alex Duaa Madhumita Sebastian Nicole Liam Andrei Shannon Michael Christina Naomi Ashvinie Andrei Seongje Kevin Andrei John Ziggy Andy Andy Bill William Angel Gabriel Michelle Simon Emma Janakitti Donnel Garrison Victor Kevin Hassan Kushagra Henry Amy Sebastian Mohammad Mai Manohar Mao Martinez Martinez Mate Mateescu Maxwell Mcleod Mcneish Mechel Meng Milijevic Mladenov Mohammad Moidu Mok Mokashi Montgomery Morand Mu Mustata Nasir Nathani Negulescu Ng Northcott Noskov Oh Ong Pan Panovka Paraparan Paraschiv Park Peng Popescu Popovici Prylowski Qin Qin Qin Qin Quintania Quong Rahman Rajput Ratana-Rueangsri Ren Riley Rong Ruan Saavedra Sagreen Schekhtman Schneider Sears Sebbar Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) ´ School/Ecole Herbert H. Carnegie P.S. University of Toronto Schools Silver Stream P.S. Elizabeth Ziegler P.S. Caulfield School Zion Heights Jr. H.S. Metamorphosis Greek Orthodox School St. Charles Garnier C.E.S. Centennial Collegiate Willowdale Christian School Westview M.S. College Notre-Dame SCM School of Competitive Math Edenwood M.S. Iqra Islamic School Broadview P.S. Richmond Gifted Program Ashton Meadows P.S. Rideau D.H.S. College Jean de la Mennais Highland Jr. H.S. Cummer Valley M.S. Centennial Sr. P.S. Windfields Jr. H.S. Aurora Sr. P.S. St. Justin Martyr C.E.S. Hillcrest M.S. Tom Baines School Cummer Valley M.S. St. Charles Garnier C.E.S. Bayridge E.S. Glen Shields P.S. Sathya Sai School of Canada Cummer Valley M.S. Lions Gate Christian Academy Immanuel Christian School Lycee Claudel Spirit of Math Schools Newmarket Doon P.S. Carnarvon Community School Sager Education Zion Heights Jr. H.S. Tomken Road M.S. Mgr. de Charbonnel Toronto Montessori Schools William Dunbar P.S. Greystone Heights School Dolphin Sr. Public KWCHEA Evergreen Park School University of Toronto Schools Westview M.S. E.S.P. Omer-Deslauriers Matthews Hall Discovery Academy Clara Brenton P.S. Dundas Central Coll`ege Saint-Alexandre de la Gatineau 9 Location/Endroit Maple, ON Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON Waterloo, ON West Vancouver, BC North York, ON North York, ON Richmond Hill, ON Saskatoon, SK North York, ON Hamilton, ON Montreal, QC Ottawa, ON Mississauga, ON Mississauga, ON Ottawa, ON Richmond, BC Markham, ON Elgin, ON La Prairie, QC North York, ON North York, ON Brampton, ON North York, ON Aurora, ON Markham, ON Coquitlam, BC Calgary, AB North York, ON Richmond Hill, ON Surrey, BC Concord, ON Toronto, ON North York, ON North Vancouver, BC Charlottetown, PEI Ottawa, ON Newmarket, ON Kitchener, ON Vancouver, BC Burnaby, BC North York, ON Mississauga, ON North York, ON Richmond Hill, ON Pickering, ON Saskatoon, SK Mississauga, ON Kitchener, ON Moncton, NB Toronto, ON Hamilton, ON Ottawa, ON London, ON Richmond Hill, ON London, ON Dundas, ON Gatineau, QC Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 7 Name/Nom Julie Yanojan Celina Edward Sam Siera Milica Neha Alyssa Gavin Bhavya Aditi Coleman Rui Cong Andrew Dylan Catherine Leila Aryan Natalie Cicy Amanda Max Kevin Catherine Simran Ronny Tom Filip Pierson Albert Adam George Sydney Edmond Angeli Rishi Saran Emma Sophia Constance Fred Jessica Julia Kelly Kevin Kevin Max Runlin Sarah William Adam Eric Benjamin Catherine Quincy Jia Hui Derek James Seeger Selvanayagam Shen Shen Shen Shiels Sikimic Singh Song Song Sood Srinivasan Stucke Su Sun Sun Sung Taibi Talati Tam Tan Tang Tang Tabatabei Teng Thind Thomas Tian Tomic Tomietto Truong Tse Tsirigotis Tsuyuki Tuong Venga Vijayarajan Wai Wan Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wei Wei Wen White Wong Woon Wu Wu Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) ´ School/Ecole University of Toronto Schools Cornwall C.I. and V.S. William Berczy P.S. Claude Watson School for the Arts Hillcrest M.S. Hillcrest P.S. Bloordale M.S. Allan Drive M.S. Westview M.S. Marlborough School Bakersfield P.S. Stephen Leacock P.S. Abbey Lane P.S. College Jean de la Mennais Broadview P.S. Tom Baines School Sir Wilfrid Laurier P.S. Westmount P.S. John Ware School Henderson Ave. P.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Beverley Acres P.S. Silver Stream P.S. L.H. Frechette P.S. Ashton Meadows P.S. Jack Chambers P.S. St. Charles Garnier C.E.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. John G. Althouse M.S. Poplar Bank P.S. Beatty Fleming Sr. P.S. St. Monica E.S. College Beaubois University of Toronto Schools Londonderry Jr. H.S. Math Challenge at Western Marlborough School Cummer Valley M.S. Silver Stream P.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. William Berczy P.S. Thomas Street M.S. Laurelwood P.S. Bristol Road M.S. Calgary Tsinghua School William G. Davis Sr. P.S Tom Baines School Colonel Irvine Jr. H.S. SCM School of Competitive Math Broadview P.S. St. Andrew J.H.S. Ashton Meadows P.S. Dundas Central P.S. Richmond Gifted Program Cummer Valley M.S. Dolphin Sr. Public Hillcrest M.S. 10 Location/Endroit Toronto, ON Cornwall, ON Markham, ON Toronto, ON Coquitlam, BC Mississauga, ON Etobicoke, ON Bolton, ON Hamilton, ON Burnaby, BC Thornhill, ON Kanata, ON Oakville, ON La Prairie, QC Ottawa, ON Calgary, AB Markham, ON London, ON Calgary, AB Thornhill, ON Scarborough, ON Richmond Hill, ON Richmond Hill, ON Vaughan, ON Markham, ON London, ON Richmond Hill, ON Scarborough, ON Etobicoke, ON Newmarket, ON Brampton, ON Brampton, ON Pierrefonds, QC Toronto, ON Edmonton, AB London, ON Burnaby, BC North York, ON Richmond Hill, ON Scarborough, ON Markham, ON Mississauga, ON Frederiction, NB Waterloo, ON Mississauga, ON Calgary, AB Brampton, ON Calgary, AB Calgary, AB Ottawa, ON Ottawa, ON Toronto, ON Markham, ON Dundas, ON Richmond, BC North York, ON Mississauga, ON Coquitlam, BC Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 7 Name/Nom Kristin Zekun Katrina Mason Andrew Jack Thomas Eric Jack Matthew Roya Jesse Jefferey Ben Ivan Wen Adrian Michael Nikita Alex Austina Felix Henry Liilian Ching Kamron Aaron Cathy Cecilia Christopher David Eileen Free George George Jack Jade Jiayi Josh Meg Ramy Roark Sophia Steven Wen Daniel Jinda Sophia William Emily Elaine William Darwin Kelvin Richard Vivian Wu Wu Xiao Xiao Xie Xu Xu Yan Yang Yang Yang Yao Yen Yeomans Yevenko Ying Yip Young Yovchev Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yuan Zaidi Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhao Zhao Zhao Zhao Zheng Zhong Zhou Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhu Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) ´ School/Ecole McCrimmon M.S. Heritage Glen P.S. Ocean Cliff E.S. Ashbury College Richmond Gifted Program Coledale P.S. Camilla Road Sr. P.S. Thomas Street M.S. Bedford Park P.S. James W. Hill P.S. Marlborough School Coledale P.S. Tomken Road M.S. Riverview M.S. Homelands Sr. P.S. General Gordon E.S. Stonebridge P.S. John McCrae P.S. Glen Cairn P.S. Claude Watson School for the Arts Ashton Meadows P.S. Zion Heights Jr. H.S. Queen Mary E.S. Mount Joy P.S. Jack Chambers P.S. Silver Stream P.S. Dolphin Sr. Public Zion Heights Jr. H.S. Richmond Gifted Program Royal West Academy Cummer Valley M.S. Castlemore P.S. Sixteenth Avenue P.S. Claude Watson School for the Arts Doncrest P.S. William Berczy P.S. Dundas Central Vernon Barford School Marlborough School Thomas Street M.S. E.S.C. Renaissance Caulfield School Havergale College Spirit of Math Schools - Central Toronto Thomas Street M.S. Vernon Barford School Cliff Drive E. S. Marlborough School Coledale P.S. Olympiads School Sixteenth Avenue P.S. John G. Althouse M.S. General Gordon E.S. Camilla Road Sr. P.S. Aurora Sr. P.S. Glen Shields P.S. 11 Location/Endroit Brampton, ON Oakville, ON Surrey, BC Ottawa, ON Richmond, BC Markham, ON Mississauga, ON Mississauga, ON Toronto, ON Oakville, ON Burnaby, BC Markham, ON Mississauga, ON Riverview, NB Mississauga, ON Vancouver, BC Markham, ON Markham, ON Kanata, ON Toronto, ON Markham, ON North York, ON Vancouver, BC Markham, ON London, ON Richmond Hill, ON Mississauga, ON North York, ON Richmond, BC Montreal, QC North York, ON Markham, ON Richmond Hill, ON Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON Markham, ON Dundas, ON Edmonton, AB Burnaby, BC Mississauga, ON Aurora, ON West Vancouver, BC Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON Edmonton, AB Delta, BC Burnaby, BC Markham, ON North York, ON Richmond Hill, ON Etobicoke, ON Vancouver, BC Mississauga, ON Aurora, ON Concord, ON Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 8 Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 8e ann´ ee (Sec. II) Students are listed in alphabetical order / Les ´el`eves sont nomm´es en ordre alphab´etique Perfect scores of 150 Name/Nom Nicholas Iman Ben Max Ovidiu Leo Aysegul Daniel Danny Jackie Odelia Cecilia Benedict Cindy Phoebe Steven Kevin Gary Keith David Ray Kevin Michal Grace Steven Gary Nathaniel Amanda Jeff Mathew Esther Cody Luke Henry Tina Amanda Ryan Jessie Leo Ken Max Mingze Richard Shiv Neil Daniel William Arani Siddharth Rayah Kaiser Daniel Joshua Roger Rolf Jacky Agnew Aziz Belanger Bennett Bunea Cai Canatan Chang Chen Chen Chen Cheng Cheung Cheung Cheung Chow Chu Cong Dee Ding Dong Du Fishkin Gong Gou Guang Gumapac Guo Guo Hall Han Hennig Hogan Hu Huang Jack Jacques Ji Jia Jiang Jiang Jin Kang Kathuria Kennedy Kim Krzanstek Kulamurugan Kunche Ladak Lee Li Li Li Li Liao ´ School/Ecole St. Matthew C.E.S. Waverley Drive P.S. Glenview Sr. P.S. Crescent School Deer Park P.S. Claude Watson School for the Arts Nile Academy Renert School SCM School of Competitive Math J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Edna Staebler P.S. Burnaby South S.S. Highland Jr. H.S. Edna Staebler P.S. Little Flower Academy Albert Campbell C.I. John Ware Greystone Heights School Town Centre Montessori Private School W.H. Morden School St. George’s School Cummer Valley M.S. Academy for Gifted Children-PACE John McCrae P.S. Stonebridge P.S. St. George’s School Sir John A. Macdonald M.S. Sir Wilfrid Laurier P.S. Magee S.S. H.E. Bourgoin Middle School Sentinel S.S. St. Rose J.H.S. Whitefield Christian School Elizabeth Ziegler P.S. Central Park P.S. Branksome Hall Riverbend J.H.S. Highland Jr. H.S. Olympiads School Bedford South School Bedford South School Willowbrook P.S. John Ware Westheights P.S. St. Alexander C.S. Beverley Acres P.S. S. Bruce Smith School J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Rickson Ridge School St. Andrew J.H.S. Citadel M.S. John McCrae P.S. Broadview P.S. Claude Watson School for the Arts Unionville Montessori School J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. 12 Location/Endroit Waterloo, ON Guelph, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON North York, ON Calgary, AB Ottawa, ON Scarborough, ON Waterloo, ON Burnaby, BC North York, ON Waterloo, ON Vancouver, BC Scarborough, ON Calgary, AB Saskatoon, SK Markham, ON Oakville, ON Vancouver, BC North York, ON Richmond Hill, ON Markham, ON Markham, ON Vancouver, BC Brampton, ON Markham, ON Vancouver, BC Bonnyville, AB West Vancouver, BC Edmonton, AB Scarborough, ON Waterloo, ON Markham, ON Toronto, ON Edmonton, AB North York, ON North York, ON Bedford, NS Bedford, NS Thornhill, ON Calgary, AB Kitchener, ON Fonthill, ON Richmond Hill, ON Edmonton, AB Scarborough, ON Guelph, ON Toronto, ON Port Coquitlam, BC Markham, ON Ottawa, ON Toronto, ON Unionville, ON Scarborough, ON Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 8 Name/Nom Andrew Alex Jeffrey Jonathan Caroline Alex Jeffrey Junru Justin Edwin Thalia Anubhav Charlotte Christopher Noah Ali Mohammad Holly Denis Ivan Eric Alexandra Jae Min Ahmed Ethan Brady Patrick Ava Michael Fayyad Rocco Nabil Joanuni Jimmy Mahip Daniel George Timothy Oskar Nicholas Catherine Kai Tharini Spencer Felise Daniel David Julia Sean Tim Victor Yinuo Brandon Tanner Derrick John Michael Ordencia Jerry Lieu Lin Lin Lin Linsdell Liu Liu Lu Lui Ma Marinis Maulik Mcintosh Mcleod-Little Merali Mithani Monteith Nedeljkovic Nesterovic Nguyen Nitoiu Oh Omer Oppitz Park Prochazka Pun Qiao Reza Ruan Shahad Shanjith Sheng Singh Song Song Song Steiner Sullivan Sun Sun Thevakumar Tsukada Tsui Tutor Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wong Woods Wu Wu Wu Wu Xiang Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 8e ann´ ee (Sec. II) ´ School/Ecole Burnaby North S.S. Southridge School Laurelwood P.S. Highgate P.S. John G. Althouse M.S. Windfields Jr. H.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Semiahmoo S.S. William Dunbar P.S. Maple Ridge S.S. Cummer Valley M.S. Morning Star M.S. Spectrum Alternative School Senior Edenwood M.S. University of Toronto Schools Tomken Road M.S. Southwold P.S. Bloordale M.S. John G. Althouse M.S. Dublin Heights E.S. and M.S. University of Toronto Schools St. George’s School Iqra Islamic School John G. Althouse M.S. Bessborough School Pickering College Town Centre Montessori Private School Donald Cousens P.S. Gordon A. Brown M.S. Town Centre Montessori Private School Sir William Gage M.S. Central Park P.S. University of Toronto Schools Ruth Thompson M.S. Zion Heights Jr. H.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Citadel M.S. Whistler S. S. Ashbury College Greystone Heights School Jack Chambers P.S. Ontario Int’l Institute John G. Althouse M.S. Central Park P.S. Willams Parkway Sr. P.S. Dover Bay S.S. Deer Park P.S. Moscrop S.S. Westpark M.S. Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Dolphin Sr. Public Deer Park P.S. Deer Park P.S. Sir Wilfrid Laurier P.S. Deer Park P.S. Castlemore P.S. Windfields Jr. H.S. KVR M.S. 13 Location/Endroit Burnaby, BC Surrey, BC Waterloo, ON Markham, ON Etobicoke, ON North York, ON Scarborough, ON Surrey, BC Pickering, ON Maple Ridge, ON North York, ON Mississauga, ON Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON St. Thomas, ON Etobicoke, ON Etobicoke, ON North York, ON Toronto, ON Vancouver, BC Mississauga, ON Etobicoke, ON Moncton, NB Newmarket, ON Markham, ON Markham, ON East York, ON Markham, ON Brampton, ON Markham, ON Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON North York, ON Scarborough, ON Port Coquitlam, BC Whistler, BC Ottawa, ON Saskatoon, SK London, ON Scarborough, ON Etobicoke, ON Markham, ON Brampton, ON Nanaimo, BC Toronto, ON Burnaby, BC Red Deer, AB Vancouver, BC Mississauga, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Markham, ON Toronto, ON Markham, ON North York, ON Penticton, BC Canadian Student Honour Roll – Grade 8 Name/Nom Jerry Gordon Danny Geoffrey Maggie Esther Dongmin Catherine Charles Yolanda Zack Evelyn Linda Leo Zehao Binhang Jack Xie Xiong Xu Yiang Yip Yoo Youn Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zheng Zheng Zhou Zhou Zhu Zhu Palmar` es individuel du Canada – 8e ann´ ee (Sec. II) ´ School/Ecole University of Toronto Schools William Berczy P.S. John G. Althouse M.S. Town Centre Montessori Private School E.S. Paul-Guerin-Lajoie D’Outremont Cummer Valley M.S. Bloordale M.S. William Berczy P.S. SCM School of Competitive Math Deer Park P.S. Queen Elizabeth H.S. J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. Stephen Leacock P.S. Sixteenth Avenue P.S. Olympiads School Tom Baines School Clara Brenton P.S. 14 Location/Endroit Toronto, ON Markham, ON Etobicoke, ON Markham, ON Outremont, QC North York, ON Etobicoke, ON Markham, ON Ottawa, ON Toronto, ON Calgary, AB Scarborough, ON Kanata, ON Richmond Hill, ON North York, ON Calgary, AB London, ON International Results R´ esultats internationaux Perfect scores of 150 for Grade 7 Students / Notes parfaites de 150 pour les ´ el` eves de 7e ann´ ee (Sec. I) Name/Nom Isilay Mert Haktan Can Efe Nisa Tareq Efe Emre Ali Selin Desmin Anil Bora Boran Bon Leif Altay Ajay Arda Burcu Elif Neyligul Ezgi Pinar Kerim Arda Ege Zeynep Irem Beril Eve Deniz Haluk Berkan Ibrahim Yaren Kerem Albriz Moore Oguz Kagan Egemen Ipek John Titus Aylin Acar Tuba Mina Emre Selim Huseyin Emir Izzettin Geethika Ayhan Cagan Ecenaz Gozde Aleyna Simal Moses Christopher Doruk Elif Baris Pelinnur Berkay Dilara Acar Acar Akan Akin Akoere Aksu Al Hasan Alan Alan Alkan Alpaslan Alper Altinok Altuntop Amalla Ardicoglu Arora Arslan Arslan Arslan Asrak Asur Atasoy Atay Avci Aydin Aydogan Aydogan Aydogan Aydogan Aytun Bagsic Bahadir Balban Baltacioglu Barnett Baskan Bayraktaroglu Bayram Beri Bilgen Bilgin Bingol Bodanapu Bolat Buran Caan Cakir Candar Caprio Celebi Celenli Celik Celiktas Celikkol Celtik ´ School/Ecole Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Nesibe Aydin Schools Bilfen Schools Dhahran Middle School Izmir Bahcesehir College Bilfen Schools Rota College ODTU Mersin College Bilfen Schools Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu ODTU Mersin College Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bilfen Schools ICAE Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Odtu Ulkem Koleji Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Izmir Ozel Nokta Koleji Buca Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Carmichael M.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Izmir Bahcesehir College Bilfen Schools Rota College ICAE Ozel Gaziantep Kolej Vakfi Ortaokulu Izmir Ozel Nokta Koleji Buca Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Sisli Bomonti Doga Koleji Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bilfen Schools Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Rota College 15 Location/Endroit Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Ankara, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Toroslar, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Toroslar, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Istanbul, Turkey Troy, MI Bursa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Buca, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Richland, WA Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Troy, MI Sehitkamil, Turkey Buca, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey International Results Name/Nom Hasan Ezgi Elif Peri Rohit Ziyong Anjali Hyo Je Jean Jinger Alyana Zoie Eion Nikolai Ata Ertug Burak Teksin Tan Arda Omer Tay Selin Kaan Jan Joshua Arthur Reiner Sriharsha Dilara Nicholai Eric Ege Oyku Ada Ali Gelli Matthew Ihsan Mert Zehra Nathalia Beatrice Aybuke Efe Abirami Dilay Yu Sing Selin Umit Ali Oguzhan Yamac Basak Sezin Ceren Bugra Eren Emre Nevzat Emir Joan Lyn Omer Zain Zeynep Florencia Srihari Tolga Umut Alex Cem Bora Cenk Salgam Ceren Pinarbasi Cevik Chakravarty Cheong Chiravuri Cho Choi Chong Chua Chua Cil Cirit Cirpan Civelekoglu Coban Cole Lin Corlu Cosar Cruz De Belen Deavela Demirel Dimov Ding Dogan Dogan Doganci Domingo Dong Durmus Durmus Dy Ekiz Eksi Elangovan Emre Eng Erbilgin Erdal Erdogan Eren Ay Erguven Erkalp Erkisi Eroglu Erol Erol Etel Fadri Faruk Yildirim Fazal Filik Frans Ganesh Gargin Ge Gemicioglu R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu ICAE BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths ICAE Raffles International Christian School Bergen County Academies Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bilfen Schools Aci H.S. and Aci Primary School Izmir Bahcesehir College Bilfen Schools Izmir Ozel Nokta Koleji Bornova Maths Hub Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Ozel Dunya Koleji Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Bilfen Schools Bergen County Academies Bergen County Academies Bilfen Schools Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Izmir Ozel Nokta Koleji Buca Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bilfen Schools Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu ICAE Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Shanghai United Int’l School Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Izmir Ozel Nokta Koleji Bornova Bilfen Schools Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Dhahran Middle School Bilfen Schools Bina Bangsa School ICAE Bilfen Schools Ann Arbor Fun Math Club Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. 16 Location/Endroit Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Troy, MI Subang Jaya, Malaysia Troy, MI Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia Hackensack, NJ Zamboanga City, Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bornova, Turkey Singapore, Singapore Kadikoy, Turkey Odemis, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Istanbul, Turkey Hackensack, NJ Hackensack, NJ Istanbul, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Buca, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Istanbul, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Troy, MI Bursa, Turkey Shanghai, China Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bornova, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Istanbul, Turkey Jakarta, Indonesia Troy, MI Istanbul, Turkey Ann Arbor, MI Bursa, Turkey International Results Name/Nom Begum Buket Defne Jennifer Alexander Kaan Ishan Arda Hidayet M. Hakan Mark Edward Taha Neslihan Srujan Kethan Ayse Beren Ali Dogan Bhavika Ata Defne Ceyla Gamze Beril Cagri Ece Mercan Kaya Erim Cagla Simge Gopashish Alihan Harrison Joyce Alan Jason Heidi Kevin Kyler Samantha Niki Kyle Defne Alp Eren Deniz Sean Hyunwoo Jongwon Andy Yeram Isil Asrin Roni Silinay Canberk Nur Alp Elif Aysu Ozan Alp Genc Gencaydin Giray Glezen Go Gocmen Goel Gokmen Goktan Gomugen Gonzales Gorkem Halil Goztepe Gubbi Gudi Guler Gullu Gummadi Gun Gundogdu Gunel Gur Gurer Gursoy Guveli Guvendi Habib Halil Hamurcular Harikrishnan Hatunoglu He Hong Hsu Hu Huang Huang Hwa Hwang Iasinovschi Ikuma Ilgin Inceoglu Isik Jan Joo Jung Jung Kabadayi Kamakgun Kane Kanli Karacan Karakaya Kavrut Kaya Kaya Kaymakcioglu R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole Bilfen Schools Duzce Doga Koleji Bilfen Schools Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ODTU Gelistirme Vakfi Ozel Ilkogretim Okulu ICAE Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. ICAE ICAE Bilfen Schools Odtu Ulkem Koleji ICAE Karsiyaka Ozel Takev Ortaokulu Izmir Bahcesehir College Izmir Ozel Piri Reis Okullari Bilfen Schools FMV Isik Okullari Iktisadi Isletmesi Odtu Ulkem Koleji Bilfen Schools VKV Koc Ozel Ortaokulu Aci H.S. and Aci Primary School Duzce Doga Koleji Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Maths Hub Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. ICAE ICAE Spirit of Math Edison ICAE ICAE Bergen County Academies ICAE Dream Acts Academy Bergen County Academies Bergen County Academies Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Dulwich College Shanghai Bundang Int’l School Bergen County Academies Dream Acts Academy Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools ICAE Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Izmir Bahcesehir College 17 Location/Endroit Istanbul, Turkey Duzce, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Henderson, NV Zamboanga City, Philippines Cankaya, Turkey Troy, MI Kadikoy, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Troy, MI Troy, MI Istanbul, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Troy, MI Bostanli, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Duzce, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Singapore, Singapore Bursa, Turkey Troy, MI Troy, MI Edison, NJ Troy, MI Troy, MI Hackensack, NJ Troy, MI Cresskill, NJ Hackensack, NJ Hackensack, NJ Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Shanghai, China SeongNam, South Korea Hackensack, NJ Cresskill, NJ Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Troy, MI Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey International Results Name/Nom Meghana Madhav Dorsa Nil Funda Naomi Ahmet Eren Eylul Emir Emirhan Mehmet Bora Emir Zeynep Sude Sahej Yamac Jennifer Baris Irem Selin Cheng Yi Clara Isabella Elizebath Fedrick Lance Rachel Sean Jerry Ian Tejal Dorsa Ivy John Henry Pranav Arda Hamit Alphan Chris Ben Rohit Dorsa Eram Marjana Ysabella Dzaki Devarshi Batu Vishal Ali Emre Genrish Kaan Fatih Boray Lara Elifnaz Selen Stefan Marcus Melek Lal Efe Umut Mert Oguzhan Jason Keeta Khandhar Khodabakhsh Kincak King Kirac Kirdak Kirdan Koca Kocabas Kocak Kocak Kohli Kok Kong Kop Koru Kuruca Lai Lee Lee Li Lim Lim Lim Lin Liu Mahajan Majdi Mao Marquez Meka Mertturk Mete Miao Mirtchouk Mital Moayyed Mohammed Montanez Muhammad Mukherji Muslu Nayak Nebiler Ng Okumus Omur Onbasi Onder Oney Ong Onsekizoglu Orencik Ornek Orsman Oter Ouyang R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole ICAE BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Farzanegan II Bilfen Schools Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Rota College Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. ICAE Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bergen County Academies Karsiyaka Ozel Takev Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths BCA Canada ICAE Ann Arbor Fun Math Club Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Western Academy of Beijing Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Discovery College Bergen County Academies ICAE Farzanegan II Bergen County Academies Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Shanghai United Int’l School Bergen County Academies ICAE Professor Hesabi H. S. Dhahran Middle School Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Surya Institute ICAE Bilfen Schools ICAE Odtu Ulkem Koleji Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Odtu Ulkem Koleji Bilfen Schools ODTU Gelistirme Vakfi Ozel Ilkogretim Okulu Uskudar Sev E.S. Bilfen Schools Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Izmir Ozel Nokta Koleji Buca ICAE 18 Location/Endroit Troy, MI Subang Jaya, Malaysia Tehran, Iran Istanbul, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Troy, MI Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Hackensack, NJ Bostanli, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Subang Jaya, Malaysia Seoul, South Korea Troy, MI Ann Arbor, MI Zamboanga City, Philippines Beijing, China Zamboanga City, Philippines Discovery Bay, Hong Kong Hackensack, NJ Troy, MI Tehran, Iran Hackensack, NJ Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Shanghai, China Hackensack, NJ Troy, MI Tehran, Iran Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Zamboanga City, Philippines Tangerang, Indonesia Troy, MI Istanbul, Turkey Troy, MI Manisa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Manisa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Cankaya, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Buca, Turkey Troy, MI International Results Name/Nom Idil Bora Zeynep Hasan Oncel Kerem Selin Gul Kaan Mehmet Can Sude Sezin Volkan Ecem Berra Chaemin Shalin Salih Wen Umut Sidar Orhan Ata Varun Jonathan Vineet Srivasudha Steven Karl Raymund Abinav Yildiz Deniz Zeynep Kyle Defne Andrhea Clarissa Asli Alp Anirban Defne Irem Berkay Yigit Ege Sude Egecan Yavuzer Dila Suleyman Arda Zeynep Prashant Ryan Caleb Ang Haneul Hannah Jan Vincent Anjali Sean Marcus Jason Jason Matt Pratham Ozalp Ozay Ozcan Ozdemir Ozdemir Ozdemir Ozkan Ozkan Ozkan Ozsoy Oztufek Ozturk Ozyuksel Park Patel Pehlivan Plotnick Polat Poroy Rajesh Raju Raju Ramanujam Reyes Roque Sadhneni Sahbaz Sahin Sahin Salas San San Gabriel Sandejas Saner Sarandol Sarkar Saylik Sekeroglu Sen Senkul Senturk Serbester Serdar Sesilmaz Sevim Sezer Shankar Shao Shi Shi Han Shin Simbol Singh So Son Song Song Soni R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Izmir Ozel Nokta Koleji Bornova Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Odtu Ulkem Koleji Duzce Doga Koleji Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Ozel Sezin Ilkogretim Okulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Canadian Int’l School Bergen County Academies Bilfen Schools Bergen County Academies ODTU Mersin College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. ICAE ICAE ICAE ICAE Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Odtu Ulkem Koleji Odtu Ulkem Koleji Bilfen Schools Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Bilfen Schools Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Uskudar Sev E.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu ICAE Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Ozel Gaziantep Kolej Vakfi Ortaokulu Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools ICAE Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bergen County Academies Maths Hub Bergen County Academies Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Math Trainers Guild of Philippines CBIS Ann Arbor Fun Math Club ICAE ICAE 19 Location/Endroit Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bornova, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Duzce, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Tokyo, Japan Hackensack, NJ Istanbul, Turkey Hackensack, NJ Toroslar, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Troy, MI Troy, MI Troy, MI Troy, MI Zamboanga City, Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Manisa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Henderson, NV Istanbul, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Troy, MI Bursa, Turkey Sehitkamil, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Troy, MI Zamboanga City, Philippines Hackensack, NJ Singapore, Singapore Hackensack, NJ Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Zamboanga City, Philippines Seoul, South Korea Ann Arbor, MI Troy, MI Troy, MI International Results Name/Nom Efsane Melike Vincent Angelo Zeynep Selin Elif Surya Kylee Patricia Ina Jason He Yang Ryan Chie Weng Gregory Gui Cheng Tifany Sude Berkin Tibet Defne Ezgi Tuana Ali Eren Umut Can Samet Yagiz Aksel Su Oyku Seref Can Batuhan Tarik Eren Deniz Mert Ataol Bora H. Merve Theopilus Joseph Nai-Fu Bryan Timothy Bryan Wei James Yilan Li Gulce Laurence Madeleine Peiyu Hakan Seng Kuang Calista Adele Irem Nilay Erdem Arda Poyraz Bilkan Tutku Berk Omer Kutay Emin Kaan Soyer Soyturk Suarez Sucu Sude Gunes Suvvari Sy Tanada Tedjosoesilo Tey Tham Tiong Tong Tong Toros Torun Tugay Tuncaral Turer Turhan Uludag Uludag Ulusoy Unlu Usman Uysal Uz Uzel Uzmen Vatan Viran Volkan Vural Wahyudi Wang Wilson Wong Xinhua Rayden Xiu Xu Xuanye Yalcin Yang Yang Yang Yanik Yap Yapeter Yavuz Yerci Yerlioglu Yesildag Yilan Yildirim Yildirim Yilmaz Yilmaz Yolcu R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole Ozel Dunya Koleji Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Odtu Ulkem Koleji Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bina Bangsa School BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Math Trainers Guild of Philippines BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Bergen County Academies ODTU Mersin College Rota College Takev Primary School Terakki Middle School Rota College Bilfen Schools Ozel Dunya Koleji Ozel Dunya Koleji Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Odtu Ulkem Koleji Karsiyaka Ozel Takev Ortaokulu Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Izmir Bahcesehir College Bilfen Schools Odtu Ulkem Koleji Surya Institute Washington H.S Surya Institute Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Maths Hub Ann Arbor Fun Math Club Bergen County Academies Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bilfen Schools ICAE ICAE Bergen County Academies Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Surya Institute Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bilfen Schools Bilfen Schools Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. ODTU Mersin College Rota College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Ozel Gaziantep Kolej Vakfi Ortaokulu 20 Location/Endroit Odemis, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Manisa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Henderson, NV Zamboanga City, Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Jakarta, Indonesia Subang Jaya, Malaysia Subang Jaya, Malaysia Zamboanga City, Philippines Subang Jaya, Malaysia Hackensack, NJ Toroslar, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Odemis, Turkey Odemis, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Bostanli, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Tangerang, Indonesia Tai-Ping, Taiwan Tangerang, Indonesia Zamboanga City, Philippines Singapore, Singapore Ann Arbor, MI Hackensack, NJ Zamboanga City, Philippines Istanbul, Turkey Troy, MI Troy, MI Hackensack, NJ Bursa, Turkey Subang Jaya, Malaysia Tangerang, Indonesia Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Toroslar, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Sehitkamil, Turkey International Results Name/Nom Jea Sang Sungho Jing Jing (Angel) Scott Leonardo Stacey Ali Freddie Geoffrey Wayne Alan Derek Ulas Can Yoo Yoon Yuan Yun Zapporolli Zeng Zenginobuz Zhao Zhao Zhao Zhu Zhu Zorer R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole Int’l School of Wuxi Canada Maple Int’l School Int’l School of Nanshan Shenzhen CBIS Bilfen Schools ICAE Aci H.S. and Aci Primary School ICAE Bergen County Academies Bergen County Academies Ann Arbor Fun Math Club Ann Arbor Fun Math Club Bilfen Schools 21 Location/Endroit New District Wuxi, China Incheon, South Korea Shenzhen, China Seoul, South Korea Istanbul, Turkey Troy, MI Istanbul, Turkey Troy, MI Hackensack, NJ Hackensack, NJ Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI Istanbul, Turkey International Results R´ esultats internationaux Perfect scores of 150 for Grade 8 Students / Notes parfaites de 150 pour les ´ el` eves de 8e ann´ ee (Sec. II) Name/Nom Ayda Cagla Efe Zeynep Ismail Eda Onur Elifnaz Egemen Ilkehan Idil Gokcem Emine Clyde Wesley Justin Melis Billur Ciran Engin Ekin Cagla Gokcenur Derin Mustafa Utku Egemen Can Zeynep Eren Christopher Oguzcan Huseyin Luke Can Mihir Beyda Alperen Arya Arda Irem Atakan Baris Asli Sena Ayse Dogukan Emre Emre Yan Yau Hakan Yalkin Beril Ayca Ezgi Duygu Cansu Eren Canberk Kayra Kyle Acar Acar Acargur Acer Acikel Akca Akkaya Akpolat Aksu Aksu Alacam Alan Ang Applefield Arar Arikan Arslan Asiklar Atalay Atay Atci Avdici Aydogdu Aygun Aykol Ayta Bagcivanoglu Banzon Baskan Berk Kaya Bernardo Bertug Bhadange Bilim Bircak Bozabali Bozkurt Calik Carkci Celik Celikkol Cengiz Cetindag Ceyhan Ceylan Cheng Cicekci Cirak Cirgan Colak Colakoglu Cumbul Dilek Dimirbel Donmaz Dulay ´ School/Ecole ODTU Mersin College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Izmir Ozel Turk Koleji Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu ODTU Mersin College Kurtkoy Doga Koleji Rota College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Rota College Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu ODTU Mersin College Takev Primary School Odtu Ulkem Koleji Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Rota College Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Takev Primary School Takev Primary School Odtu Ulkem Koleji Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Rota College Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Karsiyaka Ozel Takev Ortaokulu Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. ICAE Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Takev Primary School Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Takev Primary School Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Takev Primary School Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Discovery College Kurtkoy Doga Koleji ODTU Mersin College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Math Trainers Guild of Philippines 22 Location/Endroit Toroslar, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Toroslar, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Toroslar, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Bursa, Turkey Bostanli, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Bursa, Turkey Troy, MI Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Discovery Bay, Hong Kong Istanbul, Turkey Toroslar, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines International Results Name/Nom Nisu Aslihan Salih Gokberk Erim Turgut Zeynep Kaan Berk Ege Canalp Banu Emmanuel Jesus Bilgehan Kutay Berke Ece Semiha Doga Steve Nilhan Brendon Cameron Huseyin Ozge Rukiye Janset Naz Kerem Muge John Aries Ceazar Christina Miguel Lorenzo Itir Kerem Irem Buse Matthew Ezgi Maide Idil Raghav Jinwoo Ceren Akay Kaan Irem Baris Levent Dilara Yagiz Furkan Melisa Ecem Kayra Dogukan Selin Martin Derya Arca Egemen Naz Murathan Isabel Justin Youjung Daniel Duran Durmus Duzyol Emel Erdogdu Erdogmus Ergon Ersoy Esen Estallo Ficici Filibeli Filiz Filizoglu Firat Ge Gencoglu Gu Guan Gul Gulsoy Gumus Gundogusu Gunevi Gungor Hingan Hu Ildesa Ildogan Inan Ipek Isidro Isik Ispir Jain Jung Kabak Kadioglu Kalinkaya Kara Kara Karabenli Karagullu Karakullukcu Kardes Karlibel Kartal Kartal Kim Kinali Koca Kose Kurt Kutanis Lee Lee Lee Li R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole ODTU Mersin College Rota College Rota College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. VKV Koc Ozel Ortaokulu ODTU Gelistirme Vakfi Ozel Ilkogretim Okulu Takev Primary School Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Odtu Ulkem Koleji Rota College Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Takev Primary School Shanghai United Int’l School Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bergen County Academies Bergen County Academies Izmir Ozel Turk Koleji Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Odtu Ulkem Koleji Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Kurtkoy Doga Koleji Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Takev Primary School Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Rota College ICAE Bundang Int’l School Rota College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Karsiyaka Ozel Takev Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Izmir Bahcesehir College Odtu Ulkem Koleji Odtu Ulkem Koleji ODTU Mersin College Rota College Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Shanghai United Int’l School Kurtkoy Doga Koleji Takev Primary School Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Takev Primary School Izmir Ozel Turk Koleji BCA Canada ICAE Bergen County Academies ICAE 23 Location/Endroit Toroslar, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Cankaya, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Kadikoy, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Shanghai, China Bursa, Turkey Hackensack, NJ Hackensack, NJ Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Zamboanga City, Philippines Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Troy, MI SeongNam, South Korea Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bostanli, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Toroslar, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Shanghai, China Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Seoul, South Korea Troy, MI Hackensack, NJ Troy, MI International Results Name/Nom James Spencer Yunfei Yasmin Neel Sena Emre Elif Zeynep Chi Ki Pelin Dilara Tiffany Ozan Canberk Toktamis Ozgur Ilayda Basak Goktug Ege Ecem Albert John Mustafa Ulas Cagla Irfan Safa Shaquille Wyan Raviraj Ayse Ceren Alperen Rafael Jose Dogukan Deniz Ulas Oguzhan Justine John Minki Baris Rohith Jake Defne Buket Nilsu Terence Ilayda Yigit Berkay Aleyna Durin Eylul Cengiz Deniz Hasan Berk Nikith Raphael Isabel Melis Benedict Tobias Defne Begum Doga Emir Li Liu Ma Memesa Modi Mumcu Namlegji Nerez Ngai Nur Ugkan Omar Ong Ozbay Ozbey Ozcan Ozel Ozsarac Oztop Parali Patupat Payam Pelize Yildiz Perver Que Rege Sahin Sanater Santiago Satafoglu Savas Savran Selim Cakir Serdoncillo Shim Soyer Srinivas Stringer Tankurt Taskin Toker Tsai Tulu Turan Unsal Unver Unver Uslu Uygur Uzunova Veluru Villaluz Villanueva Vural Wahyudi Yakup Yalcin Yasa Yasar R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole ICAE ICAE ICAE Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu ICAE Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Pui Ching M.S. Karsiyaka Ozel Takev Ortaokulu Takev Primary School Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Odtu Ulkem Koleji Rota College Takev Primary School Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Odtu Ulkem Koleji Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Rota College Ozel Fenerbahce Ortaokulu Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ICAE Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Izmir Ozel Turk Koleji Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Takev Primary School Rota College Rota College Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Math Trainers Guild of Philippines BCA Canada Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Maths Hub Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Takev Primary School Takev Primary School Izmir Ozel Turk Koleji Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Takev Primary School Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Karsiyaka Ozel Takev Ortaokulu Takev Primary School Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Rota College Rota College ICAE Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Math Trainers Guild of Philippines ODTU Mersin College Surya Institute Takev Primary School Ozel Cevre Ortaokulu Bursa Cakir Ortaokulu Bursa Emine Ornek H.S. 24 Location/Endroit Troy, MI Troy, MI Troy, MI Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Troy, MI Kadikoy, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Kowloon City, Hong Kong Bostanli, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Manisa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Izmir, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Troy, MI Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Seoul, South Korea Bursa, Turkey Singapore, Singapore Henderson, NV Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Zamboanga City, Philippines Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Bostanli, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Troy, MI Zamboanga City, Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Toroslar, Turkey Tangerang, Indonesia Izmir, Turkey Kadikoy, Turkey Nilufer/Bursa, Turkey Bursa, Turkey International Results Name/Nom Pelize Umut Boran Ka Ho Atacan Eric Hongxiang Grace Yildiz Yilmaz Yip Zeybek Zhang Zhao Zheng R´ esultats internationaux ´ School/Ecole Ozel Fenerbahce Spor Kulubu Anadolu Lisesi Rota College Chiu Lut Sau Memorial S.S. Kurtkoy Doga Koleji Bergen County Academies ICAE Ann Arbor Fun Math Club 25 Location/Endroit Istanbul, Turkey Izmir, Turkey Hong Kong, Hong Kong Istanbul, Turkey Hackensack, NJ Troy, MI Ann Arbor, MI
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