From: Nihan Tuna KOÇER [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 11:15 AM To: yatirimlar Cc: Vahap Metin DEĞER Subject: Yatırım Ortaklık Teklifleri hk. / Rusya Federasyonu Türk-Rus Hükümetlerarası Karma Ekonomik Komisyonu (KEK) 12. Dönem Toplantısı Protokolü ile kurulmuş bulunan Türk-Rus Bölgesel İşbirliği Çalışma Grubu toplantısında Rus yetkililer tarafından, kendi bölgelerinde bulunan yatırım imkanlarına yönelik iletmiş oldukları sunumlar ve Rusya Federasyonu bölgelerinin Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ile yatırım ortaklık teklifleri listesi ekte yer almaktadır. Bilgileri ve söz konusu liste ve sunumların Rusya Federasyonu’na yatırım yapmaya ilgi duyabilecek firmalara iletilmesi hususunda gereği rica olunur. METİN DEĞER Yurtdışı Yatırım Daire Bşk. SBYYHGM T.C. Ekonomi Bakanlığı Tel: + 90 312 2128259 + 90 312 2128762 Fax: + 90 312 2128906 E-mail: [email protected] Bu e-posta sadece yukarıda isimleri belirtilen kişiler arasında özel haberleşme amacını taşımaktadır. Size yanlışlıkla ulaşmışsa lütfen mesajı sisteminizden siliniz. T.C. Ekonomi Bakanlığı bu mesajın içeriği ile ilgili olarak hiçbir hukuksal sorumluluğu kabul etmez. This e-mail communication is intended for the private use of the people named above. If you received this message in error, please immediately delete it from your system.Ministry of Economy does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Rusya Federasyonu bölgelerinin Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ile yatırım ortaklık teklifleri Rostov Bölgesi 1.Toptancı Sebze Hallerinin kurulması ve işletilmesi (çeşitli gıda ürünlerinin saklanması, soğutulması ve dağıtılması amacıyla). İ[email protected]. 2. Rostov Bölgesinde daha sonra ihraç edilecek ürünler için tahıl ambarının kurulması. İ[email protected]. 3. Rostov Bölgesinde tahıl işleme tesisinin kurulması. İ[email protected]. 4. Rostov Bölgesinde şeker fabrikasının kurulması. İ[email protected]. 5. ‘Rostov Bölgesi yatırım geliştirilmesi ajansı’ ile Türk üreticiler, nakliyeciler ve geliştirme şirketleriyle işbirliği kurulması. İ[email protected]. 6. Soçi’de otel ve başka tesisleri kurma tecrübesi olan Türk müteahhit şirketlerinin 2018 Dünya Futbol Şampiyonası hazırlıkları kapsamında Rostov Bölgesinde yürütülen projelerine katılmaları. İ[email protected]. 7. Tecrübeli Türk uzmanlarının Rostov Bölgesindeki sanayi tesisleri çalışmalarına ve inşaat projelerine katılması. Rostov Bölgesi şehirleri (belediyeleri) ile Türkiye Cumhuriyeti şehirleri (belediyeleri) arasında ortak ilişkileri kurma ve kardeş şehir ilan etme. İ[email protected]. 8. Rostov Bölgesi şehirleri (belediyeleri) ile Türkiye Cumhuriyeti şehirleri (belediyeleri) arasında ortak ilişkileri kurma ve kardeş şehir ilan etme. İ[email protected]. Tataristan Cumhuriyeti 1. Kazan şehrinde (Tataristan Cuhmuriyeti) ve İstanbul şehrinde lojistik merkezlerinin açılması, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2. Türk uzmanlarının tecrübesini kullanarak Tataristan Cumhuriyeti’nde organize sanayi bölgelerin oluşturulma imkanının ele alınması, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 3. Türkiye’de 2014 yılında Tatar ve Türk işadamlarının katılımıyla İş Forumunun düzenlenmesi, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 4. Tataristan Cumhuriyeti’nde Türk şirketlerinin aşağıdaki yatırım projelerinin gerçekleştirilmesinin devamı: - Alabuga özel ekonomik bölgesindeki kereste fabrikasının kurulmasına dair “Kastamonu Integrated Wood Industry” şirketinin (Hayat Holding’in üyesi) projesi - Alabuga özel ekonomik bölgesindeki otomobil cam fabrikasının inşasına dair “Automotive Glass Alliance Rus” şirketinin (Şişecam Holding’in üyesi) projesi - Alabuga özel ekonomik bölgesindeki cam ve ayna üretimine dair “Trakya Glass Rus” şirketinin (Şişecam Holding’in üyesi) projesi - Tataristan Cumhuriyeti’nde kağıt ve özel hijyen ürünlerinin üretimine dair “Hayat Kimya” şirketinin projesi - Otomobil üreticilerinin siparişlerine göre otomobillerin kasa parçalarının üretimine dair “Coşkunoz-Alabuga” (Coşkunoz Holding) projesi - Naberejnıye Çelnı şehrinde “Ortak Şehir Merkezi” adlı konut semtinin inşasına dair “Kastamonu Integrated” şirketinin projesi. Projenin ilk etabında 5,8 hektarda iki tane 25 katlı binanın ve iki tane 18 katlı binanın inşa edilmesi planlanmaktadır. e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 5. Yükleyici ve ekskavatörlerin Tataristan’a tedariği ve Tataristan’da üretilmesine dair “ELAZ” şirketinin ile Türk “Çukurova Makina” (Çukurova Holding) şirketi arasında işbirliği, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 6. “Master” adlı Kama indüstriyel parkında (Naberejnıye Çelnı şehri) “Tirsan” şirketinin kardan millerinin üretimi, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tataristan Cumhuriyeti’nde tıbbı projelerinin yerine getirilmesi hususunda Türkiye’nin önde gelen medikal gruplarıyla (Acıbadem) işbrilği, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Tataristan Cumhuriyeti’nin petrokimya fabrikaları ürünlerinin Türk piyasasına tedariği konusunda işbirliğinin gelişmesinin devamı e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] “M. A. Gorki adına Zelenodolsk Fabrikası” ürünlerinin Türk piyasasına yayılması konusunda Türk partnerleriyle işbirliğinin ele alınması, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Tataristan Cumhuriyeti’nde otomotiv yan sanayi, mobilya ve tekstil ürünlerinin üretimine dair projelere yatırımcıların çekilmesi, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] “Ak Bars Aero” havacılık şirketinin Türk ortaklaıyla sivil havacılık alanında işbirliği, email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Tataristan’da kereste (mobilya üretimi), otomobil, otomobil yan sanyii, tekstil ve tıp sektörlerinde ortak yatırım projelerine turizm firmalarının katılması, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] “Alabuga” özel ekonomik bölgesinde, “İnnopolis” özel ekonomik bölgesinde yüksek teknoloji alanında, “Smart-City” özel ekonomik bölgesinde projelere turizm firmalarının katılması, [email protected] Kareliya Cumhuriyeti 1. «Kareliye Cumhuriyet’inde sanayi ve tüketim atıkların işlenmesi» projesinin geliştirme ve uygulanması, «Kareliya Cumhuriyeti kalkınma ajansı» A.Ş.: e-mail: [email protected]; 2. Kostomukşa şehrinde buz pistinin inşa edilmesi, «Kareliya Cumhuriyeti kalkınma ajansı» A.Ş.: e-mail: [email protected]; 3. Engelliler ve ihtiyarlar için huzurevinin oluşturulması, «Kareliya Cumhuriyeti kalkınma ajansı» A.Ş.: e-mail: [email protected]; 4. Kostomukşa şehrinin turba madenciliği fabrikasının inşa edilmesi, «Kareliya Cumhuriyeti kalkınma ajansı» A.Ş.: e-mail: [email protected]; 5. Kereste fabrikası projesinin geliştime ve uygulanması, «Kareliya Cumhuriyeti kalkınma ajansı» A.Ş.: e-mail: [email protected]; 6. Yabani çileklerin süblime işleme hattın inşa edilmesi, «Kareliya Cumhuriyeti kalkınma ajansı» A.Ş.: e-mail: [email protected]; Dağıstan Cumhuriyeti 1. Yüzdürme yöntemi ile düz cam üretimi fabrikasının inşası, Kaspiyski Zavod Listovogo Stekla; 2. Kizlyar, Tarumov ve Babayurt bölgelerinde hayvan yetiştirme komplekslerinin modernizasyonu, Kizlyaragrokompleks, e-mail: [email protected]; 3. Ekstrakte edilmiş fosfor asiti, vasıflı fosfat üretiminin kurulması, basit ve çift süperfosfat üretimi için üçüncü teknolojik dikalsiyumfosfat hattının yeniden düzenlenmesi, Dagfos, e-mail: [email protected]; 4. Komple lojistik merkezin inşası, Agriko Severnıy Kavkas, e-mail: [email protected]; 5. Dağıstan Cumhuriyetinde, modern teknik ile teknolojilerin kullanımıyla öncelikli tarımı geliştirme programı, Dagagrokomlpeks, e-mail: dagcomplex; 6. Dağıstan Cumhuriyetinin Kafır-Kumuh adlı sanayi bölgesinde alçı ve alçı içeren inşaat malzemeleri üretimi fabrikasının inşası, Daggips, e-mail: turpul@; 7. Kaliteli cam ambalajı üterimi için yeni tesisin inşası, darboğazlı ambalajın modernizasyonu, Dagestan Steklo Tara, e-mail: [email protected]; 2 8. Orta ve düşük basınçlı dolap biçimindeki gaz ayarlayıcı kombine tesislerin seri üretiminin kurulması, Kaspiyski zavod toçnoy mehaniki, e-mail: [email protected]; 9. Lazurnı bereg-1 MKR adlı uydukentin inşası, Mahaçkalinskoye vzmorye, e-mail: [email protected]; 10. Yıllık 12 bin ton üretim kapasiteli kesintisiz bazalt ile cam elyafı ve kompozisyon malzemeleri üretimi fabrikasının inşası, NBT Dagestan, e-mail: [email protected]; 11. Dağıstan Cumhuriyetinde, yıllık 3 bin ton üretim kapasiteli etçi tavuk (broiler) üretimi kompleksinin inşası, FPK EkoProdukt, NBT Dagestan, e-mail: [email protected]. Krasnodar eyaleti 1. Kuanlespromkombinat – Kavkaz limanının gümrük alanında kereste klasteri ve özel ulaştırma lojistik merkezin kurulması, e-mail: [email protected]; 2. Kubanspetsstroy – Krasnodar kentinin merkezi bölümünün rekonstruksyonunu, “ekonomi sınıfı” konut semtlerinin inşasını öngören projelerin uygulanması için yüksek rekabet gücüne sahip ortak yatırımın kurulması, e-mail: [email protected]. İnguşetya Cumhuriyeti 1. İnguşetya Cumhuriyeti’nden Şişecam Holding’e dolomit ununun tedariğine dair anlaşmanın imzalanması, e-mail: [email protected] 2. “Techstroy” şirketinin ürettiği yılda 40 bin ton hazır ürün kapasiteli polietilen borularının tedariği, e-mail: [email protected] 3 KpacHo,qapcKvn'it KpaVI ln~~nl ~ft~~ of KrMnodu ~g~Qn Russian Federation POCCIIIHCK8~ Cl>E}Aepa~H~ Mapr 2014 January 2014 Krasnodar region on the world map Краснодарский край на карте мира The total area is 76 thousand sq. km. It is the southern region of Russia. It is washed by the Azov and Black seas. The extent of beaches is more than 1000 km. Площадь 76 тысяч кв. км. Самый южный регион России. Омывается Азовским и Черным морями. Протяженность пляжей более 1000 км. General information Общая информация • Administrative center: Krasnodar city • Административный центр: город Краснодар • Transport routes: 9 seaports; 5 airports, 3 of which is international; federal railway and automobile routes. • Пути сообщения: 9 морских портов; 5 аэропортов, из них 3 международных; федеральные железнодорожные и автомобильные маршруты. • Labor forces: population is more than 5 million people, 50 % of which – is economically active. • Трудовые ресурсы: численность населения – более 5 млн. чел., из них 50% - экономически активное. • Key economical branches: industry, building industry, transport, agro industrial and fuel energy complexes, resorts and tourism. • Ведущие отрасли экономики: промышленность, строительство, транспорт, агро – промышленный и топливно-энергетический комплексы, курорты и туризм. • Main natural resources: oil, gas, natural minerals, iron and apatite ores, salt rock, freshwater recourses, finewoods, 3,9 million hectares of fertile humus, 18 resort and recreational territories. • Основные природные ресурсы: нефть, газ, природные минералы, железные и апатитовые руды, каменная соль, запасы пресной воды, древесина ценных пород, 3,9 млн.га плодородных черноземов, 18 курортно-рекреационных территорий • Climate: Moderate-continental, subtropical. Midannual quantity of sunny days – is 280. • Климат: умеренно-континентальный, субтропический. 280 солнечных дней в году. Indexes Показатели Динамика валового регионального продукта Dynamics of gross regional product Динамика инвестиций Dynamics of investment 1374,8 797,8 1229,7 1028,3 711,7 861,6 589,6 803,8 377 332,5 млрд руб bln rub млрд руб bln rub Investment projects realization Реализация инвестиционных проектов State support of investment projects Господдержка инвестиционных проектов Krasnodar region Law from 2 July 2004 г. № 731-RL «About state stimulation investment activity in Krasnodar region» Закон Краснодарского края от 2 июля 2004 года №731-КЗ «О стимулировании инвестиционной деятельности в Краснодарском крае» Finance Measures Финансовые меры State guarantees of the region on a competitive basis Предоставление государственных гарантий края на конкурсной основе Using funds from regional budget for investment projects financing Размещение средств краевого бюджета для финансирования инвестиционных проектов For investment projects, approved by Krasnodar region Administration - property tax privilege; - investment tax credit (profit tax, regional taxes); - subsidization of a part expenses on credit interest charges Для инвестиционных проектов, одобренных администрацией КК - льготы по налогу на имущество организаций - инвестиционный налоговый кредит (налог на прибыль организаций, региональные налоги) - субсидирование части затрат на уплату процентов по кредитам Nofinance Measures Нефинансовые меры Investment project support Сопровождение инвестиционных проектов During payback period, but no more than 3 years На срок окупаемости ИП, но не более 3 лет State support for small and medium enterprises Господдержка малого и среднего предпринимательства State support Господдержка МСП Subsidizing of the part of expenditures Субсидирование части затрат Interest payment of the credits Возмещение части затрат по уплате % по кредитам Part of expenditures connected with lease payment Возмещение части затрат по лизинговым платежам Reimbursement of purchasing cost of fixed assets for trade activity of folk artistic craft (in early stages of activity) Возмещение затрат на приобретение основных средств для ремесленнической деятельности народных художественных промыслов (на ранней стадии деятельности) Reimbursement of part expenses, connected with the payment of an advance under finance lease contract Возмещение части затрат связанных с уплатой аванса по договору финансовой аренды (лизингу) Receipt of a credit assistance Содействие в получении кредитов Guarantee fund of Krasnodar region for small and medium enterprises support Гарантийный фонд поддержки субъектов малого предпринимательства Краснодарского края The fund of microfinancing of small and medium-sized business entities of Krasnodar region «Фонд микрофинансирования субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства Краснодарского края External economic activity Внешнеэкономическая деятельность Representations and consulates Представительства и консульства Representation of the Ministry of foreign affairs of RF in Krasnodar Представительство МИД РФ в Краснодаре Honorary Consul of Germany in Krasnodar Почетный консул Республики Германии в г.Краснодаре Consulate General of Greece in Novorossiysk Генеральное консульство Греции в г.Новороссийске Consulate General of Turkey in Novorossiysk Генеральное консульство Турции в Новороссийске International events Международные мероприятия International investment forum in Sochi Международный инвестиционный форум в г. Сочи International exhibition of commerce real estate in Cannes, France Международная выставка коммерческой недвижимости «MIPIM», г. Канны, Французская Республика Advisor to the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Sochi Отделение Посольства Республики Армении в г. Сочи Honorary Consul of Great Britain in Novorossiysk Почетный консул Великобритании в г. Новороссийске Honorary Consul of the Italy in Krasnodar Почетный консул Итальянской Республики в г.Краснодаре Honorary Consul of Kyrgyz Republic in Krasnodar region Почетный консул Кыргызской Республики в Краснодарском крае Visa application center of Italy in Krasnodar Визовый центр Италии в г. Краснодаре Consulate General of Cyprus in Krasnodar Генеральное консульство республики Кипр в г.Краснодаре Honorary Consul of Belarus in Krasnodar Почетный консул Республики Беларусь в г. Краснодаре International agro-industry exhibition Green Week in Berlin, Germany Международная агропромышленная выставка «Зеленая неделя», г. Берлин, ФРГ St Petersburg International Economic Forum Петербургский международный экономический форум г. Санкт-Петербург International specialized exhibition Belagro in Minsk, Belarus Международная специализированная выставка «Белагро» г. Минск, Республика Беларусь Foreign investors on the territory of Krasnodar region Иностранные инвесторы на территории края International investment forum “Sochi” Международный инвестиционный форум «Сочи» • Forum is the largest platform in Russia for presentation of big projects and investment potential of the Russian regions. • Крупнейшая в России площадка для презентации инвестиционного потенциала российских регионов и крупных проектов. • Forum-2013 results • Итоги Форума-2013 - 8 500 sq.m. exhibition pavilions - 1 800 investment proposals - 9 000 participants from 42 countries - delegations from 55 subjects of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of economic development of RF Минэконом развития РФ The Ministry of regional development of RF Минрегион РФ - 8 500 кв.м конгрессно-выставочных павильонов - 1 800 инвестиционных предложений - 9 000 участников из 42 государств. - делегации 55 субъектов РФ The Chamber of Commerce and Trade of RF ТПП РФ The Ministry of foreign Administration of Krasnodar region affairs of RF Администрация МИД РФ Краснодарского края GELENDZHIK RESORT-CITY ГОРОД-КУРОРТ ГЕЛЕНДЖИК Project’s essence: Construction of a modern four-star hotel complex with 400 rooms that includes: hotel complex itself, restaurant with international cuisine, business-center with a conference hall, sports complex with multifunctional sports grounds, field for mini-golf, open-air and indoor swimming pools, fitness center and spa center, multilevel parking area, etc. Project’s financing: Project’s cost – 36 mln .Euro Payback period – 9.2 years Land characteristics: Area - 3.86 ha, Gelendzhik city (Tonkiy mys) Distance to: - the regional center Krasnodar - 190 km - the railway junction of Novorossiysk-23 km - the sea port of Novorossiysk - 23 km - the airport of Gelendzhik – 9 km Engineering infrastructure: Power supply - 770 m Gas supply - 320 m Water supply - 120 m Суть проекта: Строительство современного элитного гостиничного комплекса Категории 4 звезды на 400 номеров. В его составе: гостиничный комплекс, рестораны, бизнес-центр с конференц-залом, спортивнооздоровительный комплекс, СПА-центр, развлекательный центр, многоуровневый крытый паркинг и т.д. Финансирование проекта: Стоимость проекта - 36 млн. Евро Срок окупаемости – 9,2 года Параметры земельного участка: Площадь - 3,86 га г. Геленджик (Тонкий мыс) Расстояние до: - краевого центра - 190км - ж/д узла г. Новороссийск - 23 км - морского порта г. Новороссийск – 23 км - аэропорта г. Геленджик - 9 км Инженерная инфраструктура: Энергоснабжение - 770 м Газоснабжение - 320 м Водоснабжение - 120 м ARMAVIR CITY ГОРОД АРМАВИР Project essence: It is supposed to construct a conservatory complex with a hydroponic way of growing vegetables. Its general idea lies in recurrent supply of nutrient solution to rootage of plants. Vegetable capacity of 1 square meter by using the mentioned way of growing varies from 50 to 80 kg per year depending on the grown culture Project financing: Project costs – 19,5 mln. Euro Payback period – 3.8 years Суть проекта: Проектом предполагается строительство тепличного комплекса с гидропонным способом выращивания овощей, сущность которого заключается в периодической подаче к корневой системе растений питательного раствора. Урожайность овощей с 1 кв. м при данном способе выращивания колеблется от 50 до 80 кг в год в зависимости от производимой культуры Финансирование проекта: Стоимость проекта – 19,5 млн. Евро Срок окупаемости – 3,8 лет Land characteristics: Area - 35 ha, Armavir city Параметры земельного участка: Площадь - 35 га, город Армавир Distance to: - the regional center Krasnodar - 250 km - a large railway junction – 220 km - a sea port – 360 km - an airport – 200 km Расстояние до: - краевого центра г.Краснодар – 250 км - крупного ж/д вокзала – 220 км - морского порта – 360 км - аэропорта – 200 км Engineering infrastructure: Power supply – 148 m Gas supply – 1700 m Water supply – 654 m Инженерная инфраструктура: Электроснабжение – 148 м Газоснабжение - 1700 м Водоснабжение - 654 м KRASNOARMEYSKY DISTRICT КРАСНОАРМЕЙСКИЙ РАЙОН Project essence: Construction of a modern high-technology enterprise for manufacturing polyurethane foam filled sandwich-panels with capacity of 1.7 mln. m² per year. The technology of using sandwichpanels is one of the most profit-proved and harmless methods of construction. Due to production’s high quality and reasonable price the enterprise will have good sales opportunities at the territory of Krasnodar region and other regions of the Southern Federal district Project financing: Project costs – 12.2 mln. Euro Payback period – 4.2 years Суть проекта: Строительство современного высокотехнологичного предприятия по производству сэндвич-панелей с наполнителем из пенополиуретана мощностью 1700 тыс. кв. м в год. Технология использования строительных сэндвич-панелей – один из самых экономичных и экологичных способов возведения построек. За счет высокого качества и доступной цены производимых конструкций предприятие позволит завоевывать рынок Краснодарского края и других регионов Финансирование проекта: Стоимость проекта – 12,2 млн. Евро Срок окупаемости – 4,2 года Land characteristics: Area - 4.12 ha, Poltavskaya village Параметры земельного участка: Площадь - 4,12 га, станица Полтавская Distance to: - the regional center Krasnodar - 70 km - a railway station – 2.7 km - a sea port – 100 km - an airport – 90 km Расстояние до: - краевого центра г.Краснодар – 70 км - железнодорожной станции – 2,7 км - морского порта – 100 км - аэропорта – 90 км Engineering infrastructure: Power supply -1000 m Gas supply - 1000 m Water supply - drilling of an artesian well is required Инженерная инфраструктура: Электроснабжение - 1000 м Газоснабжение - 1000 м Водоснабжение - бурение артезианской скважины NOVOPOKROVSKY DISTRICT НОВОПОКРОВСКИЙ РАЙОН Project essence: The main products manufactured by the plant will be minitractors and attached implements for loading, earth-moving, construction, utility, agricultural and landscape work Project financing: Project costs – 51.3 mln. Euro Payback period – 6.4 years Land characteristics: Area - 2 ha, village Novopokrovskaya Distance to: - the regional center Krasnodar - 185 km - a big railway junction – 36 km - a sea port – 250 km - an airport – 145 km Engineering infrastructure: Power supply – 180 m Water supply – 85 m Gas supply – 420 m Суть проекта: Основной продукцией завода будут минитрактора и навесное оборудование к ним, предназначенное для погрузочных, земляных, строительных, коммунальных, сельскохозяйственных и ландшафтных работ Финансирование проекта Стоимость проекта – 51,3 млн. Евро Срок окупаемости – 6,4 года Параметры земельного участка Площадь - 2 га, cтаница Новопокровская Расстояние до: - краевого центра - 185 км - крупного ж/д узла - 36 км - морского порта – 250 км - аэропорта – 145 км Наличие инженерной инфраструктуры Электроснабжение -180 м Газоснабжение – 85 м Водоснабжение - 420 м KANEVSKY DISTRICT КАНЕВСКИЙ РАЙОН Project essence: The plant’s main area of activity is production of biogas extracted from crude bagasse and organics with capacity of 3800 cubic m per day. Expected feedstock suppliers are the sugar-producing plant, situated next to the plot, and the projected cattle-breeding megafarm as well. Into the production process there will be involved wastes, derived from plant cultivation Суть проекта: Основное направление деятельности завода: производство биогаза из сырого жома и органики мощностью 3800 куб.м в сутки. Предполагаемые поставщики сырья: сахарный завод, расположенный рядом с участком, а также проектируемый мегакомплекс по выращиванию КРС. В производстве также будут использоваться отходы при уборке продукции растениеводства Project financing: Project costs – 39 mln. Euro Payback period – 4.5 years Финансирование проекта: Стоимость проекта – 39 млн. Евро Период окупаемости – 4,5 года Land characteristics: Area - 8 ha, Staroderevyankovskaya village Параметры земельного участка: Площадь - 8 га, станица Стародеревянковская Distance to: - the regional center Krasnodar-130km - a railway station – 2 km - a sea port – 90 km - an airport - 145 km Расстояние до: - краевого центра г.Краснодар - 130 км - ж/д станции - 2 км - морского порта – 90 км - аэропорта - 145 км Engineering infrastructure: Power supply - 50 m Water supply - 50 m Инженерная инфраструктура: Энергоснабжение - 50 м Водоснабжение - 50 м Contacts Контакты Ministry of strategic development, investments and external economic activity of Krasnodar region 350014, Russia, Krasnodar, Krasnaya st., 35 + 7 (861) 242-777-0, 214-58-48 Министерство стратегического развития, инвестиций и внешнеэкономической деятельности Краснодарского края 350014, Россия, г.Краснодар, ул.Красная, 35 + 7 (861) 242-777-0, 214-58-48 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] RUSSIAN FEDERATION REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN Total area: 67,800 km2 Population: ∼ 4 million people over 115 nations Gate to the Baltic Sea Moscow Republic of Tatarstan Gate to the Black Sea İstanbul Gate to the Caspian Sea Ankara 3 Contribution of the Republic of Tatarstan to Russia’s Economy 5th 5th 3rd 6th 5th 8th 6th Industrial production 3.9% Gross Regional Product 2.8% Agriculture 4.6% Commerce 3.1% Investment 3.7% Residential approvals 3.7% Construction 4.9% The Republic of Tatarstan produces: 60% ≈50% of polystyrene of polyethylene 40% 42 of synthetic rubbers 31.1% of automotive tyres 31% of trucks 6.4% of Russia’s crude oil 4 Structure of the Tatarstan Gross Regional Product in 2013 (estimation) Gross Regional Product of the Republic of Tatarstan other Industry US$ 47.63 billion Agriculture Transport and Communications Construction Trade 5 Structure of Industry in the Republic of Tatarstan, in per cent Mining operations Other 9.6% 23.7% 23.5% Mechanical engineering 7.4% Manufacturing activities 68.9 % 17.4% Oil products extraction Production and distribution of power, gas & water 19.4% Chemicals and petrochemicals 6 Clusters in the Republic of Tatarstan Gas and Petrochemicals Motor vehicle industry and production of automotive components Energy Infocomm 7 Crude Oil Production Crude oil is produced by OAO Tatneft and 35 small oil production companies (SOCs). SOCs have produced an aggregate of over 6 million MT of oil. ̴ 900 million MT Oil reserves >32.8 million MT Oil produced by Tatarstan in 2012 ОАО Tatneft is one of Russia’s leading oil companies. Accumulated oil production is over 3 billion MT. Annual volume of oil extraction is some 26 million MT. In volumes of oil extraction, the company ranks 6th among the Russian oil companies and 30th worldwide. Romashkinskoye oilfield, the main one, is one of the world’s largest. In volumes of its proven reserves, Tatneft ranks 18th in the world. ̴ 7 billion MT Total bituminous oil reserves (as estimated) 8 Oil Refining and Petrochemical Complex in Nizhnekamsk Major products: ‘000 MT / year 2400 1900 7.5 million MT / year Annual volume of oil refined 1400 1,830.8 900 400 -100 962.9 875.4 Straight-run naphta Heating oil Stage 1A1 2,312.6 1,300.0 570.0 Straight-run M-100 furnace VGO oil Diesel fuel Stage 1B Jet kerosene 9 Location of Russia’s Main Automotive Manufacturers Alabuga as a perfect site to house facilities for the production of automotive components GAZ 400 km SEZ Alabuga KAMAZ UAZ VAZ 10 Automotive cluster Contribution of automotive industry to total industrial output : 10.8% - in mechanical engineering sector: over 50% 11 OAO KAMAZ Investment programme of KAMAZ till 2020 exceeds US$ 1.9 billion 42,800 trucks produced in 2013 Commodity output: about US$ 3.1 billion 12 Kama Industrial Park Master 556,000 m2 Total floor space US$ ≈ 1 million Total output of products at KIP Master in 2013 Total output of products at KIP Master in 2004-2013: about US$ 3 billion Number of employees: over 5,000 13 Ford Sollers, a Joint Venture Company 5 new models launched in Tatarstan 34,350 vehicles manufactured in 2013 Naberezhnye Chelny (Tatarstan) Yelabuga (Tatarstan) Vsevolzhsk (Leningrad Oblast) Ford-branded vehicles manufactured in Tatarstan Transit Kuga S-Max Galaxy Explorer 14 SEZ Alabuga Outcomes and Prospects At February 1, 2014 2016 (est.) 42 residents registered Declared investment: US$ 3.2 billion Used to date: US$ 2.8 billion 3,400 new jobs created Manufactured goods in 2013 worth US$ 2.6 billion Over 60 60residents Completion of industrial projects in the 1st and 2nd lines US$ 6 billion in investment 8,000 new jobs 15 SEZ Alabuga Residents from Turkey 16 Gorbunov Kazan Aircraft Production Association Tu - 214 Max. passenger seats: 210 Speed: 850 km/h Flight range: 6,500 km Flight altitude :up to 12,100 m Crew: 3 Tu – 160 Tu – 22M3 Ammunition: up to 21 tonnes Speed: 2,300 km/h Flight range: 7,000 km Flight altitude: up to 13,300 m Crew: 4 Ammunition: up to 45 tonnes Speed: 2,230 km/h (at 10 km altitude ) Flight range: 14,600 km Flight altitude: 12,000 m Crew: 4 17 Kazan Helicopters Ansat Max. passenger seats: 9 Speed: up to 285 km/h Flight range: up to 635 km Flight altitude: up to 5,700 m MI – 17 MI – 38 Max. passenger seats: 30 Freighter version: freight (+ external) up to 7 tonnes Speed: up to 285 km/h Flight range: up to 885 km Flight altitude: up to 5,100 m 18 Products of Gorky Zelenodolsk Shipyard High-Speed Passenger Ship A45-1 Project Length: ………………....32.0 metres Width: …………………...6.0 metres Floating draught:…… .…0.76 metres Displacement: ….…. …..68.5 tonnes Speed: ……….…about 70.0 km/hour Crew:… ………………….5 Passengers: ……………100 Cruising range:………... 650 kilometres 19 IT-parks in Republic of Tatarstan High Technology Technopark (IT Park, Kazan) Opened in 2009, the largest IT technopark in the Eastern Europe Jointly with CISCO, Total floor space: 30,000 square metres McAfee, EMC, Microsoft, Sun, Number of residents: 80 Dell, HP, SAP, and SAS Data centre capacity: 8,000 servers New jobs in IT sector: 1,500 High Technology Technopark (IT-park, Naberezhnye Chelny) Total floor space: 12,000 square metres Number of residents: 36 New jobs in IT sector: 150 20 Innovation Production Technopark Idea Based on Technopark Idea, a Centre for Nanotechnologies has been created jointly with Rosnano Site area: 2 hectares Total floor space: 28,680 m2 Total investment: US$ 23.8 million Total companies in the Technopark: 101 Number of employees:1,855 21 Innopolis, Special Economic Zone of Technology Development Project summary City of Innovation Mission Promotion of economic growth to increase the social welfare. Creation of highly intellectual society. Strategy Creation of a unique IT innovative edge city. Conditions World-level education in IT sector. Favourable conditions for doing business. Comfortable living conditions. 22 Tatarstan: International Scientific Centre Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Kazan Scientific Centre under the Russian Academy of Sciences 100 R&D institutions and design bureaus 86 higher educational establishments and their branches: KPFU composed of KGU (academic science), KGFEI (finance), and TGGPU(pedagogics); KNITU-KHTI (chemistry); Tupolev KNITU-KAI (aircraft and vehicle construction); KGEU (power engineering); KGMU (medicine), etc. 23 Tatarstan students in Turkish Universities At present time about 100 young people study in Turkey 24 Increasing life quality for the Tatarstan residents The Republic of Tatarstan has created sound environment for rendering highly qualified medical aid to people. Medical centres are provided with state of the art equipment. The main result of implementing the National Health Project is: increase in births by 9% in 2012, 2.2% in 2013 Life expectancy in Tatarstan is 72.5 years 25 Universiade 2013 The Universiade 2013 hosted over 12,000 athletes from 160 countries Kazan Tennis Academy Wrestling Palace Basket Hall Grass Hockey Centre Tulpar Sports Complex The Main Football Stadium Burevestnik Swimming Pool Ak Bars Sports Complex Vatan Sports Complex 26 Development of Physical Culture and Sports Total number of sports facilities in Tatarstan is 9,000 swimming pools field-and-track areas indoor ice skating rinks ski lodges stadiums facilities for shooting sports The Tatarstan athletes are among Russia’s leaders in various kinds of sports: hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, water polo, auto racing, fencing, wrestling etc. 27 2015 World Aquatics Championships The 16th FINA World Championships will be held in Kazan in 2015 (24 July – 9 August 2015) 2018 FIFA World Cup 21-st 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held in Russia. (8 June – 8 July 2018) Kazan is one of 11 cities of Russian Federation The Tatarstan athletes are among Russia’s leaders in various kinds of sports: hockey,to host a football, volleyball, basketball, water polo, autonumber racing, fencing,of wrestling etc. matches 28 Cooperation between Municipalities Twin town protocols have bee signed between the municipalities of: Kazan Eskişehir 1997 Kazan İstanbul 2002 Kazan Antalya 2003 Kazan Ankara 2013 Aznakaevo Tarsus (Mersin) 1997 Bugulma Aydın 2004 Bavly Kütahya 2007 Elabuga Safranbolu (Karabük) 2009 Nurlat Ceyhan (Adana) 2012 Baltasi Eflani (Karabük) 2012 Tetushi Filyos (Zonguldak) 2013 The Tatarstan athletes are among Russia’s leaders in various kinds of sports: hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, water polo, auto racing, fencing, wrestling etc. 29 Direct flights from Turkey to Tatarstan “Turkish Airlines” operating direct flights from Istanbul to Kazan (4 flights a week) “Atlas Jet” operating direct flights from Istanbul to Nizhnekamsk (Begishevo Airport) (2 flights a week) The Tatarstan athletes are among Russia’s leaders in various kinds of sports: hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, water polo, auto racing, fencing, wrestling etc. Thank you Plenipotentiary Representation of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Turkish Republic Address: Rüzgarlıbahçe Mh., Kayın Sk., YESA İş Mrk. 34805, Kavacık, Beykoz, İstanbul Тel. : 90-216-537-77-00 Fax: 90-216-537-77-02 E-mail: [email protected]
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