CV SALİH OKUR, PhD Prof. of Physics and Materials Science Departement of Material Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Izmir Katip Celebi University Ataturk Organize Sanayi Bolgesi (A.O.S.B.) Mahallesi Havaalani Sosesi No:33/2 Balatcik 35620 Cigli, Izmir, Turkey Tel: +90232 329 3535/3700 Fax:+90232 386 0888 e-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy in Solid State Physics ( May 1998), Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA. Thesis: Modification of Al oxide Tunnel Barriers with Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) Master of Science in Solid State Physics (May 1996), Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA Master of Science in Statistical Physics (September 1992), Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey. Bachelor of Science in Physics (July 1989), Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Certificate of the Teaching Formation (July 1989), Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Dean: September 2011-now , Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, İzmir, Turkey Dean: September 2011-2012 , Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, İzmir, Turkey Professor: September 2011- , Departement of Material Science and Engineering, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, İzmir, Turkey Assoc. Professor: April 2005 - 2011, Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey. Assistant Professor: July 2000 - 2005, Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey. Teaching and Research Assistant: 9/1993 to 7/2000, Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey Teaching and Research Assistant: 1/1998-6/1998, Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA. Teaching and Research Assistant: 7/1989-9/1993, Department of Physics, Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey SPECIAL SKILLS Experienced in developing and coding Computer controlled Physics Experiments via parallel/serial, USB port and IEEE488 GPIB cards using LABVIEW, OBJECTBENCH, FORTRAN, MATLAB and MATHCAD programming. Experienced in using computer operating systems such as UNIX, WINDOWS, Experienced in using computer softwares such as word processing, spread sheet, and other software for drawing, plotting, data analysis, writing such as Latex, Kalleidagraph, Winword, Excel. RESEARCH INTEREST Nanolithography on organic and inorganic films, Self Assembled Monolayers (SAM), Langmuir Blodgett (LB) films, organic semiconducting thin film interfaces and their application to electronic devices, such as solar cells, solar energy, organic photovoltaic, OLEDs, OTFTs, nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanowires and and nanoelectronics, superconductors. No RESEARCH PROJECTS INVOLVED: Project Manager Salih Okur TÜBİTAK TBAG 2215 102T094 Salih Okur 2002İYTE22 İYTE BAP Salih Okur 2004İYTE44 İYTE BAP Salih Okur 2005İYTE16 İYTE BAP 1 2 3 4 5 Project No Salih Okur 2006İYTE47 İYTE BAP Project Name Fabrication and Characterization of MgB2 superconducting Wires Üstüniletken MgB2 Tel Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu Organic Tunnel Barrier Fabrication and Characterization using Langmuir Blodgett (LB) and Self Assembled monolayer (SAM) film technique- LB Film Tekniği ile Yapay Organik KOT Tünel Bariyer Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu” Development of nanopatterns on Self Assembled Monolayer (SAM) organic films utilizing SPM nanolitograpy technique -“Kendinden bağlanan tek katmanlı organik filmler üzerinde SPM nanolitografi tekniği kullanılarak nanodesenlerin geliştirilmesi Fabrication of MgB2 superconducting Coils added with Carbon - Karbon katkılı üstüniletken Magnezyum Borür (MgB2) Tellerin ve Manyetik Bobinlerin Üretilmesi ve Karakterizasyonu Fabrication and characterization of MgB2 films with Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technique Termiyonik Vakum Ark Date 01/08/2002-1.8.2005 Project Budget in TL (TL =$/2) Resource 32 500 TÜBİTAK 2002-2003 4500 İYTE 2003 -2004 3000 İYTE 2004-2005 3000 İYTE 2005-2006 3150 İYTE 6 7 8 Salih Okur Salih Okur Salih Okur Salih Okur DPT-2003K 120390 14768 105M368 İYTE2011- TBAG 108T718 9 10 11 12 13 Salih Okur TBAG 109T240 Rıfat Çapan /Salih Okur TÜBİTAK-Balıkesir Universitesi 2000 Devrim Balköse /Salih Okur DPT-2002 K130390 Lütfi Özyüzer /Salih Okur TBAG 2031 101T052 (TVA) yöntemi ile MgB2 ince film üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu Development of nanopatterns on Self Assembled Monolayer (KOT) organic films utilizing SPM nanolitograpy technique / Nanolitografi Tekniği Kullanılarak Kendinden 2005-2007 Bağlanan Tek Katmanlı Organik (SAM) Filmler üzerinde Nanodesenlerin Geliştirilmesi Üstüniletken Magnezyum Borür Tellerinin Yüksek Akım ve Yüksek Manyetik alan 01/03/2006 -1.3.2008 Uygulamaları İçin Geliştirilmesi Developing carbon monoxide (CO) sensors based on Calixarene molecules / Kaliksaren Moleküller üzerine CO senzör geliştirilmesi Optimization of Organic LED Devices with Modification of ITO Surface with SelfAssembled Monolayer (SAM) Technique - Kendiliğinden Organize Tekkatman Kaplama Tekniği ile ITO Yüzeyinin İyileştirilmesi ve OLED Veriminin Artırılması Developing carbon monoxide (CO) sensors based on Carbon Nanotubes modified with various Calixarene molecules Farklı Kaliksaren molekülleri ile modifiye olmuş karbon nanotüp (CNT) bazlı karbon monoksit (CO) sensörlerinin geliştirilmesi The fabricatIon of gas sensors used the measurement and control of enviroment using Langmuir Blodgett (LB) flm technique -Çevre Kirliliği ölçüm ve kontrolünde kullanılacak Gaz ölçüm cihazlarının Langmuir-Blogett (LB) film tekniğiyle üretilmesi” Process development for and industrial applications of metal soaps - Metal Sabunları Üretimi Prosesinin Geliştirilmesi ve Endüstriyel Uygulamaları Tunneling Characteristics of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in HighTemperature Superconductors -Yüksek Sicaklik Üstüniletkenlerindeki Özgün Josephson Eklemlerinin Tünelleme Karakteristigi 2008-20010 445 000 DPT 178 000 TÜBİTAK 11 650 İYTE 01/03/2009 -1.9.2012 387 000 TÜBİTAK 01/01/2010-1.1.2013 360.000 TÜBİTAK 2002-2004 2003-2006 01/09/2001 -1.9.2004 33 000 TÜBİTAK 300 000 DPT 60 000 TÜBİTAK 14 15 16 17 Lütfi Özyüzer DPT /Salih Okur Metin Tanoğlu /Salih Okur Lutfi Özyüzer DPT /Salih Okur Mehmet Güneş /Salih Okur Mehmet Güneş /Salih Okur 18 19 20 21 22 23 TUBITAK, MAG 104M365 Süleyman Tarı /Salih Okur TBAG-U/14(101T106), TÜBİTAK ALMANYA, 104T056 DPT Lütfi Özyüzer TUBITAK, TBAG /Salih Okur 106T053 Lütfi Özyüzer DPT /Salih Okur Sevgi Kılıç /Salih Okur MAG 109M494 Merih Sarıışık /Salih TBAG 110M349 Okur Mehmet Dinçer Bilgin /Salih Okur SBAG-2721 103S162 Sputtering Yöntemiyle İnce Flim İleri Mal. Uyg. Üstüniletken ve Yarıiletken Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu Mechanical and optical properties of epoxy/clay nanocomposites / Nanokompozit Malzemelerin Polimer Ve Tabakalı Kil Yapılardan Geliştirlmesi ve Karakterizasyonu Taramalı hall mikroskopu ile Süperiletkenlerin Karakterizasyonu Gap State Spectoscopy (SSPG) on Microcrystalline Silicon Hidrojenlendirilmiş Mikrokristal Silisyum İnce Film Malzemelerde Kararsızlık Probleminin İncelenmesi Fabrication and Characterization of Giant Magnetoresistance materials / Spintronik aygıtlara yönelik çok katmanlı ince filmlerin manyetik özelliklerinin incelenmesi Terraherz emission on superconducting Josephson Devicess- Üstüniletkenlerdeki Josephson Girdap Akısının Terahertz Işıması Applied Quantum Center Project: Nanoelectronic, Terrahertz, Spin valves… Uygulamalı Quantum Merkezi Kurulması: Nanoboyutlu Elektronik Aygıtlar: Terahertz Titreştiriciler, Josephson Eklemleri, Spin Vanaları. Development and characterization of Ultrasound contrast Agents -Ultrason Kontrast Ajanlarının Geliştirilmesi Ve Karakterizasyonu Design of functional aromatherapic towels Aromaterapide Kullanılacak Fonksiyonel Bir Havlu Tasarımı Investigations of bilirubins in human blood using noninvasive techniques -Noninvazif isik yansimasi yöntemiyle kandaki bilirubin düzeyinin hassas olarak 2002-2005 600 000 DPT 01/07/2005 1.12.2007 78 000 TÜBİTAK 2003-2005 187 00 DPT 2001-2004 30 000 TÜBİTAK 50 000 TÜBİTAK 01/03/2006 1.3.2009 2005-2007 01/07/2006 1.7.2008 2009-2012 431 000 DPT 181 00 TÜBİTAK DPT 2010-2012 334 709 TÜBİTAK 2010-2011 2700 TÜBİTAK 01/03/2004 2006 50 000 TÜBİTAK ölçülmesi Yusuf Selamet /Salih Okur 24 25 26 27 28 29 Salih Okur Salih Okur 105T462 TR31/12/YE02/0010 2011FMBP08 / İKÇÜ BAP AKGÜL HAFRİYAT / Salih Okur Salih Okur / Hamida Derwish Kasım Ocakoğlu/ Salih Okur Salih Okur 2011 10-NAN1407-03 110M803 2013-2-FMBP-46 Fabrication and Electrical, mechanical and structural Characterization of High purity Carbon nanotubes / Yüksek Saflıkta Karbon 01/05/2006 Nanotüp Üretilmesi ve 1.4.2009 Elektriksel, Mekanik ve Yapısal Karakterizasyonu Photovoltaic-Wind Hybrid Power Plant Installation at İzmir Katip Çelebi University / İzmir Katip Çelebi 2013-2014 Üniversitesi'nde Fotovoltaik-Rüzgar Hibrit Enerji Santralinin Kurulumu Synthesis and Electrical and Optical Characterization of Metal Composites / Metalİletken Polimer Nanokompozitlerin Sentezi, 2012-2014 Elektriksel/Optik Karakterizasyonu ve Gaz Sensör Uygulamaları Developing Moisture and Smell Absorber materials from Pourous Natural Minerals / Gözenekli Doğal 24.11.2011Minerallerden Nem Ve Koku 01.05.2013 Tutucu Ürün Geliştirilmesi Ve Test Edilmesi Developing Nanoscale Gas Sensors Based on SiC 25.12.2012Nanoparticles and Conducting 25.12.2014 Polymer Thin Films for Environmental Applications of Toxic Gas Detection Preparation of Membrane Supported Nanoassemblies and Semisynthetic Light Harvesting Materials for Artificial Photosynthesis (Yapay fotosentez için 15/05/201115.5.2014 150 000 TÜBİTAK 1 118 670 İKÇÜ / IZKA İzmir City Agency 367 000 324 781.5 721 28320$ İKCÜ KOSGEB KING ABDULAZIZ CITY – S. ARABIA 1000 000EU Europian Project Devevoping Superhydrophobic and superoleoleophobic Coating for Antibacterial Applications 01.06.2013/ Doğal Mineral Nano01.01.2015 partiküllerden Süperhidrofobik ve Süperoleofobik Kaplamaların Geliştirilmesi ve Antibakteriyel Uygulamaları TÜBİTAK: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) DPT: State Planning Organization of Turkey (DPT), İYTE: İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Research Council İKÇÜ BAP 120 000 Proje Türü 1003Öncelikli Alanlar ArGe (2. Aşama) 2224-Yurt İçi Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği Programı 2224-Yurt İçi Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği Programı 3001 BAŞLANGI Ç AR-GE PROJELERİ DESTEKLE ME PROGRAMI Projedeki Görevi Danışman Proje No 213S141 Burslu 1919B020300 254 Burslu Danışman 98794 Araştırma Araştırmacı/Uz man 114Z523 Araştırma Araştırmacı/Uz man Araştırmacı/Uz man 104T056 100T047 Araştırmacı/Uz man 101T052 Yürütücü 102T094 Proje Başlangıç/Bi tiş Tarihi K:20/12/20 13 A: 14/09/2003 2003 - 7 A: 1919B020901 473 114M166 Araştırma 2013 Katılım / Ayrılış Tarihi K: Yürütücü Araştırma Kanser Biyobelirteci Mikrorna Düzeylerinin P19 Proteinine Dayalı Olarak Saptanması Başvu ru Yıl/Döne m K: Araştırma Araştırma Proje Adı 18.9.2003 23/06/2009 2009 - 6 A: MR UYUMLU ELEKTROKARDİYOG RAM SENSÖRÜ GELİŞTİRİLMESİ PROJESİ 25.6.2009 K: A: Donör-Akseptör Tipi K:31/03/20 Organik Yarıiletken 14 Malzemeler Kullanılarak Mürekkep 2014 - 1 Püskürtme Yöntemi A: Ile Yüksek Verimli Organik Güneş Hücrelerinin Geliştirilmesi İletken Polimerlerin K:31/03/20 Nem(Su) İle 14 Etkileşimlerinin 2014 - 1 Teorik Olarak A: İncelenmesi Hidrojenlendirilmiş K:01/03/20 Mikrokristal Silisyum 04 İnce Film Malzemelerde Kararsızlık A: Probleminin İncelenmesi Çevre Kirliliği Ölçüm K:16/02/20 ve Kontrolünde 00 Kullanılacak Gaz Ölçüm Cihazlarının Langmuir-Blodgett A: (LB) Film Tekniğiyle Üretilmesi Yüksek Sıcaklık K:23/02/20 Üstüniletkenlerindek 01 i Özgün Josephson Eklemlerinin A: Tünelleme Karakteristiği Üstüniletken MgB2 K:28/02/20 Tellerinin Üretimi ve 02 01/03/2006 1.3.2009 01/09/2000 1.9.2003 01/09/2001 1.9.2004 01/08/2002 Karakterizasyonu Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırma Araştırmacı/Uz man Araştırmacı/Uz man Araştırmacı/Uz man Araştırmacı/Uz man Yürütücü Yürütücü Danışman Araştırmacı/Uz man Danışman Yürütücü 103S162 105T462 106T053 104M365 108T718 109T240 109M494 106T324 109T096 213M272 Non-İnvazif Işık Yansıması Yöntemiyle Kandaki Bilirubin Düzeyinin Hassas Olarak Ölçülmesi Yüksek Saflıkta Karbon Nanotüp Üretilmesi ve Elektriksel, Mekanik ve Yapısal Karakterizasyonu Üstüniletkenlerdeki Josephson Girdap Akısının Terahertz Işıması Nanokompozit Malzemelerin Polimer Ve Tabakalı Kil Yapılardan Geliştirlmesi ve Karakterizasyonu Kendiliğinden Organize Tekkatman Kaplama Tekniği ile ITO Yüzeyinin İyileştirilmesi ve OLED Veriminin Artırılması Farklı Kaliksaren Molekülleri İle Modifiye Olmuş Karbon Nanotüp Bazlı Karbon Monoksit (Co) Sensörlerin Geliştirilmesi Ultrason Kontrast Ajanlarının Geliştirilmesi Ve Karakterizasyonu Azot İyon İmplante Edilmiş CoCrMo Ortopedik Alaşım Malzemesinin Atomik Kuvvet Mikroskopisi ile Nanosertliğinin İncelenmesi Kendiliğinden Organize Tekkatman Organik Malzemeler Kullanılarak Düşük Çalışma Voltajlı Organik Fototransistörlerinin Üretilmesi Donör-Akseptör Tipi Organik Yarıiletken Malzemeler Kullanılarak Mürekkep Püskürtme (Inkjet) Yöntemi Ile Yüksek A: K:01/03/20 04 1.8.2005 01/03/2004 A: 1.6.2006 K:09/09/20 05 01/05/2006 A:07/12/20 06 1.4.2009 K:02/01/20 06 01/07/2006 A: 1.7.2008 K:01/07/20 06 01/07/2005 A: 1.12.2007 K:04/09/20 08 01/03/2009 A: 1.9.2012 K:09/03/20 09 01/01/2010 A: 1.1.2013 K:14/09/20 09 15/04/2010 A: 15.10.2012 2008 - 3 2009 - 1 2009 - 2 K:01/05/20 06 A: K:09/03/20 09 2009 - 1 A: K:06/09/20 13 2013 - 2 A: Araştırma BOR Danışman Yürütücü 110M156 105M368 BOR Yürütücü 20405 DPT Yürütücü 14768 DPT Yürütücü 19451 Hızlı Destek Araştırmacı/Uz man 110M349 Kariyer Danışman 110T879 Uluslararas Danışman ı 110M803 Verimli Organik Güneş Hücrelerinin Geliştirilmesi Yapay Fotosentez: K:09/03/20 Membran Destekli 10 Nano Oluşumlar Ve 2010 - 1 Moleküler Kablolarin A: Hazirlanmasi. Üstüniletken K:26/08/20 Magnezyum Borür 05 Tellerinin Yüksek Akım ve Yüksek Manyetik alan A: Uygulamaları İçin Geliştirilmesi Üstüniletken K:31/05/20 Magnezyum Borür 05 (MgB2) Tellerinin Yüksek Akım ve Yüksek Manytik Alan A: Uygulamaları için Geliştirilmesi Nanolitografi Tekniği K:30/04/20 Kullanılarak 04 Kendinden Bağlanan Tek Katmanlı Organik (SAM) A: Filmler üzerinde Nanodesenlerin Geliştirilmesi Üstüniletken K:09/06/20 Magnezyum Borür 05 (MgB2) Manyetik Bobinlerin Üretilmesi A: ve Karakterizasyonu Aromaterapide K:05/04/20 Kullanılacak 10 Fonksiyonel Bir A: Havlu Tasarımı Isopropanol-Bağımlı K:06/09/20 Ve Alkali Ph Ile 10 Indüklenen Tripsin Jeli Oluşumunun Ve Bu Jelin Katı Yüzeyde Oluşturduğu Ince 2010 - 2 Tabakanın Yapısal, A: Fonksiyonel Ve Reolojik Karakterizasyonu Ile Biyoteknolojik Uygulamaları Preparation of K:07/07/20 Membrane 10 Supported Nanoassemblies and Semisynthetic Light Harvesting Materials for Artificial Photosynthesis A: (Yapay fotosentez için membran destekli nanooluşumlar ve ışık adsorplayan yarısentetik 01/03/2006 1.3.2008 01/06/2010 1.6.2011 15/05/2011 15.5.2014 Uluslararas Araştırmacı/Uz ı man 101T016 malzemelerin hazırlanması) Mikrokristal Silisyum Malzemelerde "Gap State" Spektroskopisi K:01/04/20 01 01/04/2001 A: 1.7.2006 PUBLICATIONS (Salih Okur) Google Academics Index 2014 59- Horzum, Nesrin; Department of Engineering Sciences, Taşcıoğlu, Didem; Özbek, Cebrail; Đ Demir, Mustafa, “ VOCs sensor based on zinc oxide nanofibrous membrane/QCM system prepared by electrospinning”, Pysical Chemistry , revized 2014 58- Darwish Hamida Mohammed Bakr, Okur Salih (2014). CO adsorption kinetics of ferrocene-conjugated polypyrrole using quartz microbalance technique. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 200, 325-331. 57- 83Saş E. Babur, Kurt M., Can M., Okur S., İçli S., Demiç S. (2014). Structural investigation of a self-assembled monolayer material 5-[(3-methylphenyl) (phenyl) amino] isophthalic acid for organic light-emitting devices. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 133, 307-317. 56- ChemistryErdem Belgin, Kurt Mustafa, Okur Salih (2013). Morphological analysis of the antibacterial action of chitosan on gram-negative bacteria using atomic force microscopy. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 24, 55- Sayin Serkan, Ozbek Cebrail, Okur Salih, Yilmaz Mustafa (2014). Preparation of the ferrocene-substituted 1,3-distal p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene based QCM sensors array and utilization of its gas-sensing affinities. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Available online 12 June 2014 2013 54- A.K. Havare, S. Okur, N.T. Yagmurcukardes, M. Can, H. Aydin, M. Sekere and S. Demic, " Electrical Characterizations of Schottky Diodes on ITO Modifed by Aromatic SAMs", ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 123/2, 456559, (2013) 54- A.K. Havare, S. Okur, N.T. Yagmurcukardes, M. Can, H. Aydin, M. Sekere and S. Demic, " Electrical Characterizations of Schottky Diodes on ITO Modifed by Aromatic SAMs", ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 123/2, 456559, (2013) 53- M. Yaman, N. Yagmurcukardes, A.K. Havare, H. Aydin, K. Ocakoglu and S. Okur, "Interface Properties Using SelfAssembled Monolayer in Organic Electronic Devices", ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 123/2, 459-561, (2013) 52- C. Özbek, E. Culcular, S. Okur, M. ilmaz an M. Kurt,, Electrical Characterization of Interdigitated Humidity Sensors "Based on CNT Modified Calixarene Molecules", ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 123/2, 462-564, (2013) 2012 51- N.; Erol, A.; Okur, S.; et al.” Morphology-dependent humidity adsorption kinetics of ZnO nanostructures”, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 187, 37-42, (2012), DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2012.08.019 50- Kemal Havare, Hüseyin ilgü, Salih Okur, an Gülsah Sanli-Mohamed, - “Humi ity Sensing Properties of Chitosan by Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance Metho ”, Sensor Lett. 10, 905-909 (2012) 49- Kurt, M, Karabacak, M, Okur, S, Sayin, S, Yilmaz, M, Sundaraganesan, N, Synthesis, FT-IR, FT-Raman, dispersive Raman and NMR spectroscopic study of a host molecule which potential applications in sensor devices”, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 94, 126-133, (2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2012.03.070 48- Mermer O, Okur S, Sumer, F, Ozbek, C, Sayin, S, Yilmaz, M , “Gas Sensing Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Modified with Calixarene Molecules Measured by QCM Techniques”, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 121/1, 240-242, (2012) 47- Salih Okur, Neslihan Üzar, Nesli Tekgüzel, Ayse Erol an M. Çetin Arikan, “Synthesis an humi ity sensing analysis of ZnS nanowires”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44/6, 1103–1107, (2012) 46- M. Sarıısık, S. Okur an S. Asma, “O or A sorption Kinetics on Mo ifie Textile Materials Using Quartz Microbalance Technique”, Acta Physica Polonica A No. 1 Vol. 121 (2012) 45- Salih Okur, Cagatay Ceylan, Evren Culcular, “humi ity a sorption kinetics of a trypsin gel film”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 368 470–473, (2012) 44- Ramazan Demir, Salih Okur, Mavişe Şeker, “Electrical Characterization of CdS Nanoparticles for Humidity Sensing Applications”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, accpted for publication, (2012). 2011 43- N. Horzum, D. TasçIoglu, S. Okur, M.M. Demir, Humi ity sensing properties of ZnO-based fibers by electrospinning, Talanta 85 1105– 1111, (2011) 42- Ramazan Demir, Salih Okur, Mavie Seker, and Muhsin Zor, "Humidity Sensing Properties of CdS Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Bath Deposition Method" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 50/9, 5606-5610, (2011). 41-. Mihaela-Cristina Baleanu, Raoul R. Nigmatullin, Salih Okur, Kasim Ocakoglu, “New approach for consi eration of a sorption/ esorption ata”,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16/12, 4643-4648 (2011) 40- Salih Okur, Neslihan Üzar, Nesli Tekgüzel, Ayse Erol an M. Çetin Arikan, “Synthesis an humi ity sensing analysis of ZnS nanowires”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, in Press, Corrected Proof, 2011 39- M. Kurt, S. Okur, S. Demic, J. Karpagam, N. Sun araganesan, “Synthesis and Raman spectroscopic investigation of a new self-assembly monolayer material 4-[N-phenyl-N-(3-methylphenyl)-amino]-benzoic acid for organic light-emitting evices” Journal of Molecular Structure, (Teochem) -Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42/8, 1682-1689, (2011) 38- N. Üzar, S. Okur, M.Ç. Arikan, "Investigation of humi ity sensing properties of ZnS nanowires synthesize by vapor liquid solid (VLS) technique", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 167/2, 188-193 (2011) 37- A. Erol, S. Okur, B. Comba, Ö. Mermer, M.C.Arikan, “Humi ity-sensing properties of a ZnO nanowire film as measure with a QCM”,Sensors and Actuators B: 152 115-120, 2011 (2011) 36- Ali Kemal Havare, Mustafa Can, Serafettin Demic, Salih Okur,Mahmut Kus, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yagmurcukardes, and Suleyman Tari, “ Modification of ITO Surface Using Aromatic Small Molecules with Carboxylic Acid Groups for OLED Applications”, Synthetic Metals 161(21-22): 2397-2404, (2011) 2010 35- Kasim Ocakoglu, Salih Okur, Humidity Sensing Kinetics of Novel Ruthenium Polypridyl Complex, Sensors and Actuators B 151/1, 223-228, (2010) 34- Sütçü M., Akkurt S. an Okur S., “Microstructural stu y of surface hy ration of magnesia refractory”,Ceramics International 36, 1731–1735, (2010) 33- Mehmet Gonen, Serdar Ozturk, Devrim Balkose, Salih Okur, and Semra Ulku, Preparation and Characterization of Calcium Stearate Powders and Films Prepared by Precipitation and Langmuir-Blodgett Techniques, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49, 1732-1736, (2010) 32-Salih Okur, Mahmut Kus, Faruk Özel, Vil an Aybek, Mustafa ilmaz, “Humi ity A sorption Kinetics of Calix [4] arene erivatives measure using QCM”,Talanta 81/1-2, 248-251,(2010) 31- A. Erol, S. Okur, B. Comba, Ö. Mermer, M.C.Arikan, Humidity Sensing Properties of ZnO Nanodots Synthesized by Sol-Gel Process, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 145/1, 174-180, (2010) 30- Salih Okur, Mahmut Kus, Faruk Özel, Mustafa ilmaz, Humidity Adsorption Kinetics of water soluble Calix [4] arene derivatives measured using QCM technique, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical145/1, 93-97 (2010), 29- Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu, Salih Okur, ”Analysis of electronic parameters an interface states of boron isperse triethanolamine/p-Si structure by AFM, I-V, C–V–f and G/w–V–f techniques” Microelectronic Engineering, 87, 30-34, (2010) 28- S. Okur, F. Yakuphanoglu, E. Stathatos, High-mobility pentacene phototransistor with nanostructured SiO2 gate insulator synthesized by sol-gel method, Microelectronic Engineering 87, 4, 635-640, (2010) 2009 27- Mahmut KUS, Salih OKUR, ” Electrical characterization of PEDOT:PSS beyon humi ity saturation”, Sensors and Actuators B 143 (2009) 177–181 26- Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu, Salih Okur, Hüseyin Özgener, “Mo ification of metal/semicon uctor junctions by selfassemble monolayer organic films”, Microelectronic Engineering 86/11, 2358-2363, 2009. 25- Salih Okur, Fahrettin akuphanoglu, Mehmet Sengün Özsöz, Pinar Kara Ka ayifcilar, “Electrical an interface properties of Au/fish-DNA/n-Si organic-on-inorganic structures”, Microelectronic Engineering 86/11, 2305-2311, (2009) 24- S. Tari, K. Vahaplar, H. Tokuc, S. Okur, “Effect of Ta buffer layer an thickness on the structural an magnetic properties of Co thin films”,J. Vac. Sci. and Tech. B 27/5, 2112-2117, 2009. 23- M. Sütçü, S. Akkurt an S. Okur “Influence of crystallographic orientation on hy ration of MgO single crystals”,Ceramics International, 35, 2571-2576, 2009. 22- S. Okur, F. Yakuphanoglu, “Analysis of interface states of the pentacene organic thin film phototransistor by con uctance technique”, Sensors and Actuaters A 149/2, 241-245, 2009. 21-S. Buyukkose, S. Okur, G. Aygun, ” Local oxi ation nanolithography on Hf thin films using atomic force microscope (AFM), J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 05302, 2009 2008 20 -S. Pat, Z. Balbag, I. Cenik, N. Ekem, S. Okur, R. Vladoiu, G. Musa, Carbon deposition on the stainless steels substrates using pulsed plasma, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10/3, 663-664, 2008 19-E. Kaya, M. Tanoglu , S. Okur, Layered Clay/Epoxy Nanocomposites: Thermomechanical, Flame Retardancy and Optical Properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 109: 2, 834-840, 2008 18-S. Okur, S. Buyukkose, S. Tari, “Scanning Probe Oxi ation Lithography on Ta Thin Films”, Journal for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8/11, 1–6, 2008 2007 17-S. Okur, M. Kalkanci, S. Pat, N. Ekem, T. Akan, Z. Balbag, G. Musa and M. Tanoglu, Physica C: Superconductivity 466, 1-2, 205-208, 2007 16-S. Ulucan, L. Ozyuzer, S. Okur, “MgB2 supercon ucting thin films grown by magnetron Sputtering”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 7, 449 - 452, 2007 15-Serdar Ozturk, Devrim Balkose, Salih Okur and Junzo Umemura, “Effect of Humi ity on Electrical Con uctivity of Zinc Stearate Nanofilms”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 302, Issues 1-3, 67-74, 2007 2006 14-S., Okur,, Günes, M., Finger, F., Carius, R. “Diffusion Length Measurements of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared by Hot-Wire/Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition (HWCVD).” Thin Solid Films 501, 1-2, 137-140, 2006 13-O., Göktas, Isik, N., S., Okur, Günes, M., Carius, R., Klomfass, J., Finger, F. “Sub-Bandgap Optical Absorption Spectroscopy of Hydrogenated Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared Using Hot-Wire CVD (Cat-CVD) Process.” Thin Solid Films 501, 1-2, 121-124, 2006 12-M., Egilmez, Özyüzer, L., Tanoglu, M., S., Okur, Kamer, O., Öner, . “Electrical an Mechanical Properties of Superconducting MgB2/Mg Metal Matrix Composites.” Superconductor Science & Technology 19, 4 359-364, 2006 2005 11-S. Okur, M. Kalkanci, M. avas, M. Egilmez, L. Ozyuzer, “Microstructural an electronic characterization of Ti and Mg doped copper-cla MgB2 supercon ucting wires”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 7, 411-415, 2005 10-S. Okur, O. Günes, M. Günes, F. Finger, R. Carius, “Minority carrier properties of microcrystalline silicon thin films grown by HW-CVD and VHF-PECVD techniques”, Journal of Optoelectronics an A vance Materials”. 7, 491-495, 2005 9-A. Gencer, A. Kiliç, S. Okur, N. Güçlü,” Low-Field Behavior and Effect of Ti-Adding in the Superconductor MgB2/Cu Wires”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 15 (2): 3352-3355 2005 8-M. Yavas, S. Okur, M. Egilmez, M. Kalkanci, L. Özyüzer, “Fabrication of supercon ucting MgB2 from boric aci (H3BO3) an Its microstructural an electrical characterization”,Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials”. 7, 407-411, 2005 7-M. Günes, O. Göktas, S. Okur, N. Isik, R. Carius, J. Klomfass, F. Finger, ”Sub-bandgap absorption spectroscopy and minority carrier transport properties of hy rogenate microcrystalline silicon thin films ”, Journal of Optoelectronics and A vance Materials”. 7, 161-169, 2005 6-F. Finger, R. Carius, T. Dylla, S. Klein, S. Okur, M. Günes “Instability phenomena In microcrystalline silicon films”, Journal of Optoelectronics an A vance Materials”. 7, 83-91, 2005 2004 5-M. Egilmez, A. Gunel, S. Okur, M. Tanoglu and L. Ozyuzer, "Electrical and Microstructural Properties of Superconducting MgB2/Mg Composites" Key Engineering Materials 266, 1197-1201, (2004) 4-A. Kiliç, S. Okur, N. Güçlü, U. Kölemen, O. Uzun, L. Ozyuzer, A. Gencer, “Structural an low-field magnetic characterization of superconducting MgB2 wires ”Physica C vol. 415, pp. 51-56, 2004 3- S.Okur, M.Günes, O. Göktas F. Finger, R. Carius, “Electronic Transport Properties of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared by VHF-PECVD”,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 15, 187 (2004) 2003 2- F. Finger, R. Carius, T. Dylla, S. Klein, S. Okur, M. Günes, “ On the stability of microcrystalline silicon for thin film solar cell applications”, IEE Proc.- Circuit Devices S., Special Issue: Amorphous and Microcrystalline Devices 150, 300 (2003) 1999 1- S. Okur, John F. Zasa zinski, ”Mo ification of Al oxide Tunnel Barriers with Self- Assembled Monolayers (SAMs)”,Journal of Applied Physics (JAP) 85, 756 (1999) Proceedings 2004 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M. Yavas, S.Okur, M. Egilmez, M. Kalkancı, L. Ozyuzer, “Fabrication of Superconducting MgB2 powder from Boric Acid (H3BO3) and its Microstructural and Electrical Characterization”, II. International Bor Semposium Proceeding, page 181, II. International Bor Semposium, , Eskişehir, Turkey, September 23, 2004 S. Okur, M. Egilmez, M. Yavas, M. Tanoglu, L. Ozyuzer, “Development of Supercunducting MgB2 Wires and Tapes for Electrical Power Applications”, The First International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-1), IZMIR, TURKEY, 13-17 JULY 2003 M.EĞİLMEZ, A.GÜNEL, S. OKUR, M.TANOĞLU, L.ÖZYÜZER, “Üstüniletken Mgb2-Mg Metal Matriks Kompozitler”, 14-16 Nisan 2004, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, MALZEME 2004 - 10. Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu , Denizli, Turkiye M.EĞİLMEZ, A.GÜNEL, S. OKUR, M.TANOĞLU, L.ÖZYÜZER, “Üstüniletken Mg/MgB2 nin Elektriksel ve Yapısal Özellikleri” FD 21. Fizik Kongresi, p318, 11-14 Ekim 2002, SDÜ Isparta, Turkiye Serdar Öztürk, Devrim Balköse, Salih Okur, Junzo, “Metal Stearat Langmuir-Blodgett İnce Film Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu”, 01_PB2922, FİZİK KONGRESİ, Bodrum, 14 – 17 Eylül 2004 2005 6. E., Kaya, S., Okur, M., Tanoğlu, "Mechanical and optical properties of clay-epoxy nanocomposites", Proceedings of Advancing with Composites 2005, 1-, Naples, Italy, 14 October 2005 2006 7. 8. 2007 M. Erdoğan & T. Özgen, S. Okur, S. Okur, “Amorf Bor’un Boroksit’ten Eldesi Ve Soxhlet Yöntemiyle Saflaştırılması - Production of Amorphous Boron from Boron Oxide and Purification by Soxhlet Method”, 3. Uluslararası Bor Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, sayfa 187, 02 – 04 Kasım 2006, Ankara (TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, Ulusal Bor Araştırma Enstitüsü ve Eti Maden İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından düzenlenmiştir.) 2006 S. Okur, M. Kalkancı, M. Tanoğlu, N. Ekem, T. Akan, S. Pat, Z. Balbağ, G. Musa, “Plazma Yöntemi ile Bor İnce Filmlerin Üretimi ve Mg Buharında Üstüniletken MgB2 Haline Getirilen Filmlerin Karakterizasyonu / Fabrication of Boron Thin Films and Characterization of MgB2 Superconducting Thin Films Produced in Mg Vapor “3. Uluslararası Bor Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, sayfa 349, Ankara 02 – 04 Kasım 2006 9. Salih OKUR, Serkan BÜYÜKKÖSE, Gülnur AYGÜN , Süleyman TARI, ”Oxide growth kinetics on Ta and Hf thin films on Si using SPM Nano-Lithography”, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2007 NANOTR-III bildiriler kitabı” Ankara, Turkey, 11-14 June 2007 10. Salih Okur, Serdal Okur, Metin Tanoğlu,”SiC ve Organik Katkılı MgB2 Üstüniletken Bobinlerin Yapısal ve Elektriksel Karakterizasyonu”, II. Ulusal Bor Çalıştayı bildiriler kitabı, 557-564, Ankara, Turkey, Nisan17-18, 2008 Serkan Buyukkose, Salih Okur and Gulnur Aygun, Preparation of ZrOx Nanostructures using Scanning Probe Lithography (SPL), 4. Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji (NanoTRIV) konferansı 9-13 June 2008, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Ayazağa yerleşkesi, İstanbul 2008 11. 2009 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Salih Okur, Omer Mermer, Mahmut Kuş, Mustafa Yılmaz, CO gas sensor based on calixarenecoated thin films, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Salih Okur, Omer Mermer, Mahmut Kuş, Ferrocene modified Copper Phthalocyanine Nanostructures as sensitive coatings for QCM-based CO gas sensor, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Mahmut Kuş, Salih Okur, Faruk Özel, Vildan Aybek, Mustafa Yılmaz, Humidity sensors based on Calix [4] arene derivatives, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Mahmut KUŞ, Salih OKUR, Water meniscus formation on PEDOT:PSS film beyond humidity saturation, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 2009 Salih Okur, Ayşe Erol, Bülent Comba, Ömer Mermer, M.Çetin Arıkan, Humidity Sensing Properties of ZnO Nanodots, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Salih Okur, Nesli Tekgüzel, Hasan Aydın Mahmut Kuş, Optical Properties of Nanoparticle TiO2 Thin Films at Different Annealing Temperatures, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, E14, 262, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Hakan Bilgili, A. Kemal Havare, Serafettin Demic, Salih Okur, Modification of ITO surface by SAM technique using aromatic carboxylic acid derivatives, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, D109, 236, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Salih Okur, Enver Tarhan, Hasan Aydın, and Nesli Tekgüzel, Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu, Temperature Dependency of Optical Band Gap in CuPc Optical Sensors, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Kasim Ocakoglu, Salih Okur, Humidity Sensing Properties of Novel Ruthenium Polypridyl Complex, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, E12, 260, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 2009 Salih Okur, Kasim Ocakoglu, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Tekgüzel, Optical Properties of Novel Ruthenium Polypridyl Complex, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 2009 Salih Okur, Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu, Hüseyin Özgener, Controlling semiconductor/metal junctions by self-assembled monolayer organic films, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, D109, 238, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 2009 Mustafa Kurt, Salih Okur, Şerafettin Demiç, Theoretical study of optical and electronic properties of Self Assembly Monolayer(SAM) material 4-[1-Naphtyl(phenyl) amino] benzoic acid, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, D112, 234, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Derya Atac ,Suleyman Tari, Salih Okur, Growth and Characterization of Heavily Al Doped ZnO Thin Films by Magnetron Sputtering, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 25. Sevgi Kılıç Özdemir, Salih Okur, Ekrem Özdemir1, Humidity Sensing Properties of PEG-40 LB 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. films detected using QCM technique, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, D8, 228, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Salih Okur, Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu, Elias Stathatos, Fabrication and Characterization of highmobility pentacene phototransistor with nano-structured SiO2 gate insulator synthesized by sol-gel method, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, D8, 226, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 Zeynep S. Akinci, Seda Ceylan, Osman Emre Bergama, Ekrem Ozdemir, Salih Okur, Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir, Towards the Development of Stable Ultrasound Contrast Agents, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, A113, 55, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 2009 Mahmut Kus, Salih Okur, Faruk Özel, Vildan Aybek, Mustafa Yılmaz, Humidity Sensors Based on Calix[4]arene Derivatives” , LOPE-C Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya Salih Okur, Ömer Mermer, Mahmut Kus”, Ferrocene modified Copper Phthalocyanine Nanostructures as sensitive coatings for QCM-based CO gas sensor”, LOPE-C Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya Salih Okur, Mahmut Kus, “Electrical Characterization of PEDOT:PSS Beyond Humidity Saturation” , LOPE-C Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya S. Okur, A.Erol, B. Comba, N. Üzar , N. Tekgüzel, “Humidity Detection Measurement of ZnO nanodots using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Method”, LOPE-C Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya Salih OKUR, Hasan AYDIN ,A.Kemal HAVARE, Nesli TEKGÜZEL,” Kelvin probe force microscopy study of SAMs modified indium–tin oxide”, LOPE-C Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2010, June 31-July3, 2010 Frankfurt, Almanya Salih OKUR, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEŞ, Mahmut KUŞ, “ PVC-BT6 COMPLEX THIN FILM GAS SENSOR FOR CO”, LOPE-C Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2010, June 31-July3, 2010 Frankfurt, Almanya Salih Okur, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yagmurcukardes, Ali Kemal Havare, Serafettin Demic, Mustafa Can, “ Modification of ITO Surface with Self-Assembled Monolayer (SAM) Technique for Organic LED Applications”, LOPE-C Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2010, June 31-July3, 2010 Frankfurt, Almanya Conferences and Seminars 1998 1. S. Okur, J.F. Zasadzinski “ Modification Of Al Oxide Tunnel Barriers With Self-Assembled Monolayer Of Octadecyltrimethoxysilane” American Physical Society March Meeting, 43,1, 584, Los Angeles (1998) 1999 2. 3. 4. 2002 Turk Fizik Dernegi 18. Fizik Kongresi, P249, 25-28 Ekim 1999, Cukurova Uni. Adana. S. Okur, “Parabolic And Quasilinear Increasing Tunneling Conductance Backgrounds In SelfAssembled Monolayer (SAM) Tunnel Barriers”, S. Okur, “Artificial Tunnel Barrier Application Of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMS)” Turk Fizik Dernegi 18. Fizik Kongresi, P370, 25-28 Ekim 1999, Cukurova Uni. Adana. 5. 6. 7. 8. M.Eğilmez, A.Günel, S. Okur, M.Tanoğlu, L.Özyüzer, “Üstüniletken Mg/Mgb2 Nin Elektriksel Ve Yapısal Özellikleri”TFD 21. Fizik Kongresi, P318, 11-14 Ekim 2002, Sdü Isparta A.Günel,M.Eğilmez,S.Okur,L.Özyüzer “Magnezyum Borür Üstüniletken Tellerin Üretimi”, Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Bor Sempozyumu, P15, 20-22 June 2002, Balıkesir. S.Okur, M.Eğilmez, A.Günel, L.Özyüzer “Üstünilekten Mgb2’ Nin Borik Asitten Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu”, Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Bor Sempozyumu, P55, 20-22 June 2002, Balıkesir. S.Okur, M.Güneş, F. Finger, R. Carius, “Steady-State Photocarrier Grating (Sspg) Results On Vhf-Pecvd Grown Mc-Si:H Thin Films”,12th International School On Condensed Matter Physics 2002, 1-6 Eylül 2002, Varna, Bulgaristan 2003 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. M. Günes, S. Okur, F. Finger, R. Carius, J. Klomfass, A. Lambertz, S. Klein, “ Gap State Spectroscpy In Microcrystalline Silicon Films”, Institute Für Photovoltaik , Forschungzentrum Jülich, Jülich, 2003,Germany S. Okur, M.Eğilmez, M. Yavaş, M.Tanoğlu, L.Özyüzer, “Development Of Supercunducting Mgb2 Wires And Tapes For Electrical Power Applications ”, The First International Exergy, Energy And Environment Symposium (Ieees-1), 13-17 July 2003, Izmir, Turkey M.Eğilmez, A.Günel, S. Okur, M.Tanoğlu, L.Özyüzer, 3 July 2003, Electrical And Microstructural Properties Of Supercunducting Mgb2:Mg Composites, Conference And Exhibition Of The European Ceramic Society Ecers 8 214(B2), Istanbul, Turkey S.Okur, M.Güneş, Workshop On Pv Science And Technology, Hotel Gökova Yücelen, Akyaka, Supported By Nato Science Programme And Muğla University Clean Energy Research And Development Centre, Tubitak Marmara Research , September 1-3, 2003, Turkey S.Okur, M.Eğilmez, L.Özyüzer, M. Yavaş, M.Tanoğlu, “Microstructure And Resistivity Of Copper-Clad Ti Added Mgb2 Superconducting Wires“, Nepal, Italya, 14-18 Eylül 2003, 6th European Conference On Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS) 2004 14. S. Okur, M. Yavaş, L. Özyüzer, M. Eğilmez, M. Tanoğlu, Bor-Bentonit-Zeolit Toplantısı, Supported By Boren Ulusal Bor Araştırma Enstitüsü Ve Enerji Ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlını Hilmi Güler 21 Ocak 2004, Odtü Kültür Ve Kongre Merkezi-C Salonu, Ankara, Turkey 15. M.Eğilmez, A.Günel, S. Okur, M.Tanoğlu, L.Özyüzer, “Üstüniletken Mgb2-Mg Metal Matriks Kompozitler”, 14-16 Nisan 2004, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, MALZEME 2004 - 10. Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu , Denizli 16. S. Okur, O. Göktaş, M. Gunes, F.Finger, R. Carius, “Diffusion Length Measurements Of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared By Hot-Wire/Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition (HW-CVD)“ Başlıklı Abstract’ı Sözlü Olarak Sundum. “3rd International Conference On HWCVD (Cat-CVD) Process’21 – 28 Ağustos 2004 Utrecht Hollanda 17. O. Göktaş, N. Işık, S.,Okur, M. Gunes, R. Carius, J, Klomfass, F.Finger “Sub-Bandgap Optical Absorption Spectroscopy Of Hydrogenated Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared Using Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition Techniques”, 3rd International Conference On HWCVD (Cat-CVD) Process’21 – 28 Ağustos 2004 Utrecht Hollanda 18. S. Okur, M. Yavas, M. Kalkanci, M. Egilmez, L. Özyüzer..“Microstructural And Electronic Characterization Of Ti And Mg Doped Copper-Clad Mgb2 Superconducting Wires”, 19. S. Okur, M. Günes, O. Göktaş, F. Finger, R. Carius, “Optoelectronic Properties Of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films Grown By Hw-Cvd And Vhf-Pecvd Techniques”, 13th International School On Condensed Matter Physics” Ağustos 29 – Eylul 4, 2004, Varna, Bulgaristan 20. S Okur, Mine Kalkanci, M. Yavas, M. Egilmez, L. Ozyuzer,“Microstructural And Electrical Characterization Of Ti And Mg Doped Cu-Clad Mgb2 Superconducting Wires”, Ağustos 29 – Eylul 4, 2004, Varna, Bulgaristan 21. M. Yavas, S. Okur, E. Egilmez, M. Kalkanci, L. Özyüzer, “Fabrication Of Superconductiong Mgb2 From Boric Acid Amd Its Microstructural Characterization”,13th International School On Condensed Matter Physics” Ağustos 29 – Eylul 4, 2004, Varna, Bulgaristan 22. M. Günes, O. Göktas, S. Okur, N. Isik, R. Carius, J. Klomfass, F. Finger, “Sub-Bandgap Absorption Spectroscopy And Minority Carriers Transport Properties Of Hydrogenated Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Film.” 13th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS” Ağustos 29 – Eylul 4, 2004, Varna, Bulgaristan 23. F.Finger,R.Carius, T.Dylla, S.Kelin, S. Okur And M.Ggüneşr “Instability Phoenomena In Microcrystalline Silicon Films”, 13th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS” Ağustos 29 – Eylul 4, 2004, Varna, Bulgaristan 24. Gencer, A. Kılıç, S. Okur, N. Güçlü,” Low-Field Behavior And Effect Of Ti-Adding In The Superconductor Mgb2/Cu Wires”, Applied Superconductivity Conference®, ASC 2004 October 3-8, 2004 In Jacksonvill 25. M. Egilmez, S. Ulucan, L. Ozyuzer, S. Okur Investigation Of Mgb2/Mg Metal Matrix Composites For Superconducting Wire Applications*, Applied Superconductivity Conference®, ASC 2004 October 3-8, 2004 In Jacksonville 26. Savaş Ulucan, Mehmet Eğilmez, Lütfi Özyüzer, Salih Okur, ”Electrical, Structural And Mechanical Properties Of Superconducting Mgb2/Mg Composites”, 03_Sb57:22, Fizik Kongresi 14 – 17 Eylül 2004 Bodrum, Türkiye 27. Mehtap Özdemir, Lütfi Özyüzer, Salih Okur, Metin Tanoğlu “Investigation Of Self Assembled Monolayers (Sam) Applied On Si(100) Surfaces By Atomic Force Microscopy”, 03_Sb4222, Fizik Kongresi 14 – 17 Eylül 2004 Bodrum, Türkiye 28. Mert Yavaş, Salih Okur, Mehmet Eğilmez, Mine Kalkancı Lütfi Özyüzer, “Microstructural And Electrical Characterization Of Mgb2 Produced From Boron Oxide (B2O3)”, 22. Fizik Kongresi 14 – 17 Eylül 2004 Bodrum, Türkiye 29. Serdar Öztürk, Salih Okur, Devrim Balköse “Metal Stearat Langmuir-Blodgett İnce Film Üretimi Yapisal Ve Elektriksel Karakterizasyonu”, 01_Pb2922, Fizik Kongresi 14 – 17 Eylül 2004 Bodrum, Türkiye 30. S. Okur, M. Kalkancı, M. Yavaş, M. Egilmez, L. Özyüzer, ”Microstructural And Electronic Characterization Of Ti And Mg Doped Copper-Clad Mgb2 Superconducting Wires”, II. International Bor Semposium, September 23, 2004, Eskişehir, Turkey 31. M. Yavas, S.Okur, M. Egilmez, M. Kalkancı, L. Ozyuzer, “Fabrication Of Superconducting Mgb2 From Boric Acid (H3bo3) And Its Microstructural And Electrical Characterization”, II. International Bor Semposium, September 23, 2004, Eskişehir, Turkey 2005 32. Salih Okur, Hüzeyin Özgener Semra Gül, Serdar Öztürk, Metin Tanoğlu, Serdar Özçelik, Yusuf Selamet, Devrim Balköse, Junzo Umemura, Gürcan Aral,”Nanolitografi Ve Taramalı Uç Mikroskobu (SPM) Uygulamaları, "İzmir Fizik Günleri", Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Desem Salonları, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 20-21 Mayıs 2005 33. Mine Kalkancı, Salih Okur, Metin Tanoğlu,” Bakir Kilifli Süperiletken Mgb2 Tellerin Üretimi” Ve Karakterizasyonu "İzmir Fizik Günleri", Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Desem Salonları, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 20-21 Mayıs 2005 34. M. Yavas, S. Okur, E. Egilmez, M. Kalkanci, L. Özyüzer, “Fabrication Of Superconductiong Mgb2 From Boric Acid Amd Its Microstructural Characterization”, "İzmir Fizik Günleri", Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Desem Salonları, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 20-21 Mayıs 2005 35. Elcin Kaya, Salih Okur, Metin Tanoğlu, “ Epoxy/Clay Nanocomposites; Processing, Microstructural And Mechanical Characterization” NANOTR-I Nanoscience And Nanotechnology 2005, 25-27 Mayıs 2005, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara 2006 36. M.D. Bilgin, B.Şubaşılar, S.Okur ,Non-İnvazif Işık Yansıması Yöntemiyle Bilirubin Tayini,18. Ulusal Biyofizik Kongresi ,Sözlü ,07/09/2006 37. Gencer A., Kılıç A., Güçlü N., Okur S., Özyüzer L. Ve Belenli İ., “Ti-Eklenmiş Mgb2/Cu Süperiletken Tellerin Düşük Alanlardaki Karakterizasyonu” XI. Yoğun Madde Fiziği Toplantısı, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen-Edeb. Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, Ankara, 2004. 38. Gencer A., Okur S., Kılıç A., Kalkancı M., Akgün E., Belenli İ. Ve Yavaş M. “Mgb2’nin Manyetik Karakterizasyonu: Ti Ve C Katkılı Mgb2 Tellerine Uygulanması Ve Genel Değerlendirme”. III. Ulusal Yüksek Sıcaklık Süperiletkenler Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı,Bolu, 1 18-25 (2005). 39. Salih Okur, Semra Gül, Metin Tanoğlu, “SPM Nano-Lithography On Metallic Films” ODTÜ Ve Bilkent Tarafından Düzenlenen “Nanoscience And Nanotechnology 2006 NANOTR-II Konferansı, 3-5 Mayıs 2006 40. Semra Güla, Salih Okur, Hüseyin Özgener, Metin Tanoğlu “Preparation And Characterization Of Octadecylamine-HCl And Decylmercaptan Self Assembled Monolayer (Sams) Organic Films” ODTÜ Ve Bilkent Tarafından Düzenlenen “Nanoscience And Nanotechnology 2006 NANOTR-II Konferansı, 3-5 Mayıs 2006 41. Serdar Ozturk, Salih Okur, Devrim Balkose, Serdar Ozçelik, Junzo Umemurad Preparation And Characterization Of Zinc Stearate LB Films, ODTÜ Ve Bilkent Tarafından Düzenlenen “Nanoscience And Nanotechnology 2006 NANOTR-II Konferansı, 3-5 Mayıs 2006 42. S.Ulucan, L.Özyüzer & S.Okur, “Mgb2 Superconducting Thin Films Grown By Magnetron Sputtering” 2nd TURKISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC MEETING Kayseri TURKEY, 2006 2007 43. S. Okur, S. Büyükköse, S. Tarı, G. Aygün “Anodic Oxidation On Ta And Hf Thin Films On Si Using SPM Lithography”, “Nanoscience And Nanotechnology 2007 NANOTR-III” ODTÜ Ve Bilkent Düzenlenen 11-14 June 2007 44. H.Y. Günel, S.Okur, “Electrical And Magnetic Characterization Of Mg Doped Stainless SteelClad Mgb2 Wires“, 8th International Balkan Workshop On Applied Physics, CONSTANTA, Romanya 2-8 July 2007 2008 45. Salih Okur, Serdal Okur, Metin Tanoğlu,” Sic Ve Organik Katkılı Mgb2 Üstüniletken Bobinlerin Yapısal Ve Elektriksel Karakterizasyonu”, II. Ulusal Bor Çalıştayı, Ankara, Turkey, Nisan17-18, 2008 46. Salih Okur, ”Karbon Katkılı Mgb2 Üstüniletken Bobinlerin Yapısal Ve Elektriksel Karakterizasyonu”, Fen Fakültesi, Nisan 16, Ahi Ervan Üniversitesi, Kırşehir, Türkiye, 2008 47. Fahrettin YAKUPHANOGLU, S. OKUR, Pentacene Organıc Thın-Fılm Transistor Using Sio2 Gate Dielectric, Turk Fizik Derneği / Turkish Physical Society, 25. Uluslararasi Fizik Kongresi /25. International Physics Conference, 25 – 29 August 2008, Bodrum / Turkey 48. Serkan Buyukkose, S. Okur, S. Tari, G. Aygun, Anodic Oxidation Nanolithography On Ta, Hf And Zr Thin Films Using Scanning Probe Microscope (Spm), Turk Fizik Derneği / Turkish Physical Society, 25. Uluslararasi Fizik Kongresi / 25. International Physics Conference 25 – 29 August 2008 Bodrum / Turkey 49. D. Balköse, S.Okur, S. Öztürk, Metal Sabunu Langmuir Blodgett Filmlerinin Hazırlanması, Karakterizasyonu Ve Nem Ölçümünde Kullanılması, UKMK-8, KONGRE PROGRAMI (27.08.2008), 26-29. Agustos. 2008. Sekizinci Ulusal. Kimya Mühendisliği. Kongresi (Ukmk-8). İnönü Üniversitesi. Kongre Ve Kültür Merkezi. Malatya 50. Serkan Buyukkose, Salih Okur And Gulnur Aygun, Preparation Of Zrox Nanostructures Using Scanning Probe Lithography (SPL), 4. Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji (Nanotrıv) Konferansı 9-13 June 2008, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Ayazağa Yerleşkesi, İstanbul 51. Salih Okur, Metin Tanoğlu, MRI Cihazlarına Yönelik Mgb2 Süperiletken Tellerin Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu, Proje Pazarı 2008 Etkinliği, 25 June 2008, Kemalpaşa Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Müdürlüğü, KOSBİ Sergi Salonu, İzmir 52. N. Horzum, T. Özgen And S. Okur, Mgcu2 Formation Due To Strong Interaction Of Industrial Soft Copper Sheath With (Mg+2B) Core Fabricated By İn-Situ PIT Method, International Conference On Superconductivity And Magnetism (ICSM 2008), 25-29 August 2008, SideAntalya/TURKEY 53. N. Horzum, T. Özgen And S. Okur, Effect Of Boron Precursor Purity On The Superconducting Properties Of İn-Situ Fe/Mgb2 Wires, International Conference On Superconductivity And Magnetism (ICSM 2008), 25-29 August 2008, Side-Antalya/TURKEY 54. Salih Okur, Metin Tanoğlu,”MRI Cihazlarına Yönelik Mgb2 Üstüniletken Bobinlerin Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu”, Proje Pazarı, TMMO Kongre Merkezi, İzmir June 23, 2008 2009 55. Salih Okur, Omer Mermer, Mahmut Kuş, Mustafa Yılmaz4, CO Gas Sensor Based On Calixarene-Coated Thin Films, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 56. Salih Okur, Omer Mermer, Mahmut Kuş, Ferrocene Modified Copper Phthalocyanine Nanostructures As Sensitive Coatings For QCM-Based CO Gas Sensor, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 57. Mahmut Kuş, Salih Okur, Faruk Özel, Vildan Aybek, Mustafa Yılmaz, Humidity Sensors Based On Calix [4] Arene Derivatives, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 58. Mahmut KUŞ, Salih OKUR, Water Meniscus Formation On PEDOT:PSS Film Beyond Humidity Saturation, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 59. Salih Okur, Ayşe Erol, Bülent Comba, Ömer Mermer, M.Çetin Arıkan, Humidity Sensing Properties Of Zno Nanodots, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 2009 60. Salih Okur, Nesli Tekgüzel, Hasan Aydın Mahmut Kuş, Optical Properties Of Nanoparticle Tio2 Thin Films At Different Annealing Temperatures, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 61. Hakan Bilgili, A. Kemal Havare, Serafettin Demic, Salih Okur, Modification Of ITO Surface By SAM Technique Using Aromatic Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 62. Salih Okur, Enver Tarhan, Hasan Aydın, And Nesli Tekgüzel, Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu, Temperature Dependency Of Optical Band Gap İn Cupc Optical Sensors, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 63. Kasim Ocakoglu, Salih Okur, Humidity Sensing Properties Of Novel Ruthenium Polypridyl Complex, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 64. Salih Okur, Kasim Ocakoglu, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Tekgüzel, Optical Properties Of Novel Ruthenium Polypridyl Complex, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 65. Salih Okur, Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu, Hüseyin Özgener, Controlling Semiconductor/Metal Junctions By Self-Assembled Monolayer Organic Films, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 66. Mustafa Kurt, Salih Okur, Şerafettin Demiç, Theoretical Study Of Optical And Electronic Properties Of Self Assembly Monolayer(SAM) Material 4-[1-Naphtyl(Phenyl) Amino] Benzoic Acid, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 812, 2009 67. Derya Atac ,Suleyman Tari, Salih Okur, Growth And Characterization Of Heavily Al Doped Zno Thin Films By Magnetron Sputtering, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 68. Sevgi Kılıç Özdemir, Salih Okur, Ekrem Özdemir1, Humidity Sensing Properties Of PEG-40 LB Films Detected Using QCM Technique, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 69. Salih Okur, Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu, Elias Stathatos, Fabrication And Characterization Of HighMobility Pentacene Phototransistor With Nano-Structured Sio2 Gate İnsulator Synthesized By Sol-Gel Method, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 2009 70. Zeynep S. Akinci, Seda Ceylan, Osman Emre Bergama, Ekrem Ozdemir, Salih Okur, Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir, Towards The Development Of Stable Ultrasound Contrast Agents, 5. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir , June 8-12, 2009 71. Mahmut Kus, Salih Okur, Faruk Özel, Vildan Aybek, Mustafa Yılmaz, Humidity Sensors Based On Calix[4]Arene Derivatives” , LOPE-C Large-Area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya 72. Salih Okur, Ömer Mermer, Mahmut Kus”, Ferrocene Modified Copper Phthalocyanine Nanostructures As Sensitive Coatings For QCM-Based CO Gas Sensor”, LOPE-C Large-Area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya 73. Salih Okur, Mahmut Kus, “Electrical Characterization Of PEDOT:PSS Beyond Humidity Saturation” , LOPE-C Large-Area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya 74. S. Okur, A.Erol, B. Comba, N. Üzar , N. Tekgüzel, “Humidity Detection Measurement Of Zno Nanodots Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Method”, LOPE-C Large-Area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2009, June 23-25, 2009 Frankfurt, Almanya 2010 75. Cagatay Ceylan, Salih Okur, Evren Culcular, ”Humidity Sensing Properties Of An IsopropanolInduced And Alkaline Ph-Triggered Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Film”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 76. Omer Mermer, Salih Okur , Mahmut Kuş, Şeref Ertul4, Mevlüt Bayrakçı4, Mustafa Yılmaz4,“Thin Film Sensor Microsystem For Accurate And Real-Time Measurement Of Humidity Levels”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 77. Saliha Zeyneb Akinci, Salih Okur, Ekrem Ozdemir, Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir2, “Investigation Of Shell Characteristics Of Contrast Agents For Ultrasonography”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 78. Ali Kemal Havare, Salih Okur*, Nesli Yagmurcukardes, Hasan Aydın2, Mustafa Can1 And Serafettin Demic1, “Effect Of The SAM Layer On The Electrical Characteristics And Interface Properties Of The ITO/SAM/TPD/Al Schottky Diode, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 79. Hüseyin İlgü1 Ali Kemal Havare, Salih Okur, Gülsah Şanlı Mohamed, “Humidity Sensing Properties Of Chitosan By Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 80. Saliha Zeyneb Akinci., Sinem Yörük, Alper Emre Şen, Ekrem Ozdemir, Salih Okur., Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir, “Protein Adsorption On Cholesterol Incorporated Langmuir-Blodgett PhospholipidEmulsifier Monolayers, “ 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 81. Salih Okur, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yağmurcukardeş, Ali Kemal Havare2, “Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study Of MPP-BA SAM Modified ITO Surface”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 82. Salih Okur, Nesli T. Yağmurcukardeş, A. Kemal Havare, Hasan Aydın1, Şerafettin Demiç2, “Electrical Characterizations Of Schottky Diodes Modified By Self-Assembled Monolayer Organic Thin Films”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 83. Salih Okur,.Ali Kemal Havare, Omer Mermer, Serafettin Demic, Mustafa Can, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yagmurcukardes”Modification Of An ITO Anode Surface By SAM Technique To Enhance OLED Device Characteristics”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 84. Mustafa Kurt, Salih Okur, Şerafettin Demiç, J. Karpagam4, Namadevan Sundaraganesan4, “Synthesis And Raman Spectroscopic Investigation Of New Self Assembly Monolayer (SAM) Material 4-(N-Phenyl-N-(3-Methylphenyl)-Amino)Benzoic Acid For Organic Light-Emitting Devices (Oleds)”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 85. Hüseyin Özgener, Hasan Aydın, Salih Okur, “Optical Properties Of Fullerene C60 Thin Films Annealed At Different Temperatures İn Air And Argon Atmospheres”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 86. Omer Mermer, Salih Okur, Fevzi Sümer, Mahmut Kuş, Şeref Ertul4, Mevlüt Bayrakçı4, Mustafa Yılmaz4, “Direct Measurement Of Humidity Adsorption Kinetics Of Calix[4]Arene Derivative Using QCM Technique “, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 87. Salih Okur, Mavişe Şeker, Nesli T. Yağmurcukardeş, Gülşah Kurt2, Bedrettin Mercimek3, Mahmut Kuş4, “Humidity Sensing Properties Of Organic PVC-Bt6 Complex Thin Films”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 88. Mavişe ŞEKER, Salih OKUR, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEŞ, Gülşah KURT2, Bedrettin MERCİMEK3, Mahmut KUŞ4, “Comparative Study Of Humidity Sensing Properties Of PVCBt6-Cu And PVC-Bt6-Hg Complex Films”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 89. Özgen SÖKE1, Salih OKUR, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEŞ,” Humidity Sensing Properties Of Copper Phthalocyanine (Cupc) Thin Films”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 90. Nurdan Asar, Nesli Tekguzel Yagmurcukardes, Ayse Erol, Salih Okur, M. Cetin Arikan1, ”Humidity Sensing Investigation Of Zno Nanostructures Using QCM Technique”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 1518, 2010 91. F. Nadi Gür1*, S. Okur, Nesli T. Yağmurcukardeş, Mustafa Yılmaz, Mahmut Kuş, “Humidity Sensor Applications Based On Carbon Nanotubes (Cnts) Modified With Various Calixarene Molecules Measured By A Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 92. S.Okur, N.Tekgüze1, A. Erol2, N.Üzar , M.Ç. Arıkan 2, “Investigation Of Humidity Sensing Properties Of Zns Nanowires” , 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 93. Mehmet KABADAYI, Salih OKUR, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEŞ, “Humidity Sensing Properties Of Titanium Dioxide (Tio2) Thin Films”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 94. Umut Alper Tekin, Ramazan İslamoğlu, Sevgi Kılıç Özdemir, Salih Okur And Ekrem Özdemir1*, “Development Of A Humidity Sensor Using PEG40-Stearate”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 95. Saliha Zeyneb Akinci, Tugce Bekat, Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir, Salih Okur, “AFM And Kelvin Probe Study Of Emulsifier Incorporated Phospholipids”, 6. Ulusal Nanobilim Ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İzmir Institute Of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, June 15-18, 2010 96. Salih OKUR, Hasan AYDIN ,A.Kemal HAVARE, Nesli TEKGÜZEL,” Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study Of Sams Modified Indium–Tin Oxide”, LOPE-C Large-Area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2010, June 31-July3, 2010 Frankfurt, Almanya 97. Salih OKUR, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEŞ, Mahmut KUŞ, “ PVC-BT6 COMPLEX THIN FILM GAS SENSOR FOR CO”, LOPE-C Large-Area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2010, June 31-July3, 2010 Frankfurt, Almanya 98. Salih Okur, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yagmurcukardes, Ali Kemal Havare, Serafettin Demic, Mustafa Can, “ Modification Of ITO Surface With Self-Assembled Monolayer (SAM) Technique For Organic LED Applications”, LOPE-C Large-Area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2010, June 31-July3, 2010 Frankfurt, Almanya 2011 99. A.Merih SARIIŞIK, Salih OKUR, Şennur ASMA, “ODOUR ADSORPTION KINETICS ON MODIFIED TEXTILE MATERIALS USING QUARTZ MICROBALANCE TECHNIQUE”, APMAS 2011 “Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science”, Mirada Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 13-15 May 2011 100. Salih OKUR, Ramazan DEMİR, Mavişe ŞEKER,Muhsin ZOR “Humidity Sensing Properties Of Cds Nanoparticles Syntesized By Chemical Bath Deposition Technique “,APMAS 2011 “Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science”, Mirada Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 13-15 May 2011 101. Salih Okur, Fevzi Sümer , Ömer Mermer, Evren Culcular, Mustafa Yılmaz, Mahmut Kus , “Gas Sensing Properties Of Carbon Nanotubes (Cnts) Modified With Various Calixarene Molecules Measured By A Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)”, APMAS 2011 “Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science”, Mirada Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 13-15 May 2011 102. Nesli T. Yağmurcukardeş, Salih Okur, A Kemal Havare, Mustafa Can, Hasan Aydın, Mavise Seker And Şerafettin Demic ,”Electrical Characterizations Of Schottky Diodes Modified By Carboxylic Acid Based Self-Assembled Monolayer Organic Thin Films”, APMAS 2011 “Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science”, Mirada Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 13-15 May 2011 103. Ahmet Demir, Serhat Tunc, Zekerıya Dogruyol, Hasan Aydın, Salih Okur, Mustafa Okutan, Saıt Eren San, “ The Effect Of Semıconductor Thıckness Of Devıce Characterıstıcs İn Pentacene Based Ofets”, Apmas 2011 “Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science”, Mirada Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 13-15 May 2011 104. S. Okur, Fevzi Sumer, Evren Culcular, Mustafa Yilmaz, Omer Mermer, Mahmut Kus,” Gas Sensing Properties Of Carbon Nanotubes (Cnts) Modified With Various Calixarene Molecules Measured By QCM” - E-MRS 2011 SPRING MEETING, Nice, France,13 May 2011 105. Salih Okur, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yagmurcukardes, Mavişe SEKER , Ali Kemal Havare , Serafettin DEMIC2 , Mustafa CAN, “Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study Of Aromatic Type Of SAM Modified ITO Surface “,E-MRS 2011 SPRING MEETING, Nice, France,13 May 2011 106. S. Okur, C. Özbek, F. Sümer2, E. Çulcular, M. Yılmaz, A. O. Karatavuk, M. Arslan, Ö. Mermer, M. Kuş, “Calix[4]Arene Molecules With Various Functional Groups For CO Gas Sensing Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)”, 4th International Symposium On Flexible Organic Electronics, ISFOE11, İn Thessaloniki, Greece, 10-13 July 2011. 107. A. K. Havare, M. Can, N. Yagmurcukardes, H. Aydın, M. Seker, F. Ozel, M. Kus, S. Okur, S. Demic, “Improving Charge Transport With Aromatic Carboxylic Acid By Self-Assembled Monolayers İn Organic Light-Emitting Diodes “,4th International Symposium On Flexible Organic Electronics, ISFOE11, İn Thessaloniki, Greece, 10-13 July 2011. 108. C. Özbek, S. Okur, F. Sümer, M. Yılmaz, A. O. Karatavuk, M. Arslan, Ö. Mermer, M. Kuş, “Effect Of Fe Doping On The CO Gas Sensing Of Functional Calix[4]Arene Molecules Measured With Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technique”, 4th International Symposium On Flexible Organic Electronics, ISFOE11, İn Thessaloniki, Greece, 10-13 July 2011. 109. M.Kurt, S.Okur, M.Yılmaz, M.Karabacak,N.Sundaraganesan, “Theoretical And Experimental Vibrational Study Of Gas Sensor Material (5,11,17,23-Tetra-P-Ter-Butyl-25,27-Bis[Aminoethyl]26-28 Dihydroxycalix[4]Arene Molecule”, 4th International Symposium On Flexible Organic Electronics, ISFOE11, İn Thessaloniki, Greece, 10-13 July 2011. 110. Derya Köse, Deniz Binici, Salih Okur, Ekrem Ozdemir, Sevgi Kılıç Özdemir*, “Investigation Of Morphology İn Phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers” Nanotr VII 2011 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul – Turkey 111. Yaprak Ozbakir, Melis Beceren, Salih Okur, Sevgi Kılıç Özdemir, “Optimization Of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Density For Preparation Of Blood-Compatible Material”, Nanotr VII 2011 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul – Turkey 112. Nurdan Asar, Nesli Tekguzel Yagmurcukardes, Ayse Erol*, Salih Okur, M. Cetin Arikan, “Size And Morphology Dependent Humidity-Sensing Properties Of Zno Nanostructures “,Nanotr VII 2011 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul – Turkey 113. Fevzi Sümer, Cebrail Özbek, Ömer Mermer, Mustafa Yılmaz, Serkan Sayın, Mahmut Kuş, Salih Okur*, CO2 Gas Sensing Properties Of Modified Carbon Nanotubes With Nitropyridine Functionlized P-Tert-Butylcalix[4]Arene Molecule Measured By Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technique, Nanotr VII 2011 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul – Turkey 114. İ. Dursun, , C. Özbek, F. Sümer, Ö. Mermer, M. Yılmaz, S. Sayın, M. Kuş, S. Okur*, “Calix[4]Arene Molecules With Various Functional Groups For Dichloromethane Sensing Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)”, Nanotr VII 2011 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul – Turkey 115. Ali Kemal Havare, Nesli Yağmurcukardeş, Hasan Aydın, Mavişe Şeker, Mustafa Can, Şerafettin Demiç1, Salih Okur*, “Enhanced Charge Mobility Of Hole Transport Materials On ITO Via Self Assembled Monolayers Investigated By Using Space-Charge-Limited Current”, Nanotr VII 2011 Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul – Turkey 116. Ahmet Demir, Salih Okur, Sait Eren San, Mustafa Okutan, Arif Kösemen, Zuhal Alpaslan “Pentacene Based Organic Thin Film Transistor With Sio2 Gate Dielectric”, Nanotr VII 2011 Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul – Turkey 117. Ali Kemal Havare, Mustafa Can, Serafettin Demiç, Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yagmurcukardes, Mavise Seker, Salih Okur, “Electrical Properties Of Sam Modified Ito Surface Using Aromatic Small Molecules With Double Bond Carboxylic Acid Groups For Oled Applications”, Lope-C LargeArea, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2011, June 29-July1, 2011 Frankfurt, Almanya 2012 118. Mavise Yaman , Nesli Yagmurcukardes , Ali Kemal Havare , Hasan Aydin , Kasim Ocakoglu , and Salih Okur, “Improvement of Anode/HTL Interface Properties Using Self-Assembled Monolayer in Organic Electronic Devices “ APMAS 2012, Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science, WOW Kremlin Palace Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 26-29 April 2012. 119. Cebrail Özbek, Salih Okur, Evren Çulcular, Metin Kurt, Mustafa Yılmaz, Mahmut Kuş, “Electrical Characterization of Interdigitated Humidity Sensors Based on CNT Modified Calixarene Molecule “, APMAS 2012, Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science, WOW Kremlin Palace Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 26-29 April 2012. 120. Cebrail Özbek, Salih Okur, Hamida Darwish, Mehmet Şenel , “A Novel Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Ferrocene-Conjugated Polypyrrole “, APMAS 2012, Advances İn Applied Physics And Materials Science, WOW Kremlin Palace Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 26-29 April 2012. 121. Mavişe Ş. Yamana, Salih Okurb, Nesli T. Yağmurcukardeşc, Hasan Aydınc, Ali Kemal Havared, Kasım Ocakoğlu, “Organik LED’lerde Deşik İletimini Artırmaya Yönelik Organize Tek Katman Tekniğinin Uygulanması”, Yoğun Madde Fiziği – İzmir Toplantısı, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, 6 Nisan 2012 122. Hasan Aydın, Nesli Yağmurcukardeş, Ali Kemal Havare, Mustafa Can, Şerafettin Demiç, Salih Okur, “Fonksiyonel Aromatik Molekülleriyle Modifiye Edilmiş İndiyum Kalay Oksit Yüzeyinin Geliştirilmesi ve OLED Veriminin Artırılması”, Yoğun Madde Fiziği – İzmir Toplantısı, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, 6 Nisan 2012 123. A.K. Havare, 1M. Can, N. Yağmurcukardeş, H. Aydın, Ş. Demiç, S. Okur, “Kendiliğinden Organize Tek katmanlı Moleküllerin Opto-elektronik Uygulamaları”, Yoğun Madde Fiziği – İzmir Toplantısı, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, 6 Nisan 2012. 2013 124. Salih Okur, “Organik Yarıiletkenler Ve Uygulamaları”, Yoğun Madde Fiziği – İzmir Toplantısı, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, 5 Nisan 2013, Gülbahçe İYTE, İzmir, Turkey 125. Abdullah Bayram, Mucahit Sutcu, Salih Okur, “An investigation of mineralogical, humidity and gas adsorbing properties of some natural minerals, Uluslararası Gözenekli ve Toz Malzemeler Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, PPM 2013, 3-6 Eylül, 2013 İzmir-Çeşme Sheraton Hotel, İzmir, Turkey 126. Ekrem Özdemir , Salih Okur, “Nano Calcite as Humidity Sensor”, Uluslararası Gözenekli ve Toz Malzemeler Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, PPM 2013, 3-6 Eylül, 2013 İzmir-Çeşme Sheraton Hotel, İzmir, Turkey 127. Abdullah Bayram, Salih Okur and Mehmet Şenel ,” Gas Sorption Properties of FerroceneBranched Chitosan Derivatives”, Nanotr 9, 2013 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference 9 , 24-28 Haziran 2013,Atatürk Üniversitesi Kongre Merkezi, Erzurum, Turkey 128. Salih Okur, Cem BAYTORE , “QCM VOC gas sensors by using Calixarene molecules with different functional groups”, Nanotr 9, 2013 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference 9 , 24-28 Haziran 2013,Atatürk Üniversitesi Kongre Merkezi, Erzurum, Turkey 129. Abdullah Bayram1, Mücahit Sütçü1, Salih Okur, “UV-ABSORPTION, HUMIDITY AND GAS ADSORPTION PROPERTIES OF SOME NATURAL MINERALS”, 130. Cebrail ÖZBEK, “Gas sensor Application of Organic Calixerene molecules for detection of environmental toxic gasses”, The International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE) , September 21-24, 2013 in Kusadası, Turkey. 131. Abdullah Bayram, “Conducting Polymers as sensing materials for detection of environmental toxic gasses”, The International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE) , September 21-24, 2013 in Kusadası, Turkey. 132. Salih Okur, Abdullah Bayram , “Amonia and ethylene adsorption kinetics of some porous natural earth minerals”, The International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE) , September 21-24, 2013 in Kusadası, Turkey. 133. Salih Okur, “Organik Gas Senzörleri ve uygulamaları”, 2. Ulusal Fotonik Bilimi ve Sensör Teknolojileri Konferansı, 2 Temmuz 2013, TUBİTAK UME, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkiye 134. Sedat Akkurt, Mucahit Sutcu, Salih Okur, “Crystallographıc Orıentatıon Effects On Hydratıon Of Mgo Sıngle Crystals And Perıclase Refractorıes”, the 13th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Limoges City from the 23rd to the 27th of June 2013. 135. Salih Okur, 1-3 Ekim 2013 tarihlerinde gerçekleştirilen sanayi odaklı “Biyo&Nano Teknoloji Kongresi”ne katılım Fatih Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, 34500, İstanbul 136. Salih Okur, “Nanoteknoloji Ve Sağlık”, 31.01.2013, Mühendislik Ve Sağlık Birimleri Arge Arayış Toplantısı 2,31.01.2013 Atatürk Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi Konferans Salonu, İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, İzmir, Türkiye 2014 137. Nesrin Horzum, Salih Okur, M. M. Demir “ VOCs sensor based on metal oxide nanofibrous membrane/QCM system prepared by electrospinning”, Nanotr 10, 2014 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 17 – Jun4 21, 2014 Yeditepe University, İstanbul – Turkey 138. Hamida Darwish, Salih Okur, “ Effect of Nanoparticle doping on CO sensing of ferrocene conjugated polypyrrole conducting polymers”, Nanotr 10, 2014 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 17 – Jun4 21, 2014 Yeditepe University, İstanbul – Turkey 139. ABDULLAH BAYRAM, Salih Okur, “ Gas Sorption Properties of Ferrocene-Branched Chitosan Derivatives 14-b Nano sensors”, Nanotr 10, 2014 - Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference June 17 – Jun4 21, 2014 Yeditepe University, İstanbul – Turkey 140. E.Tural, C.Özbek, Y.Bayam and S. Okur, “Sonochemically Grown ZnO Nanorods for CO Sensing”, International Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference (ISSTC)” kongresi 13-15 Ocak 2014, İstanbul Cevahir Asya Otel, 13 - 15 January 2014 / Turkey, Istanbul 141. M. Kurt, E. Babur Şaş, M. Can, S. Okur, S. İcli, S. Demic, “Structural And Vibrational Spectroscopy Investigation Of The 4-(2,5-Di-2-Thienyl-1h-Pyrrol-1-Yl) Benzoic Acid Molecule”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2014, 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry Organized by The Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia in cooperation with Institute of Catalysis Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Boreskov Institute of Catalysis Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 22-26 September 2014 BELGRADE 142. Salih Okur, Internatıonal Workshop On Flexıble Bıo- And Organıc Prınted Electronıcs, 1-3 Mayıs 2014, Konya, Türkiye Invited Talks 1. Salih Okur, ”Nanoteknoloji ve Uygulamaları”, Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi, Nisan 16, Kırşehir, Türkiye, 2008 2. Salih Okur, ”Atomik Kuvvet Mikroskobu Uygulamaları”, Fen Fakültesi, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya, Türkiye, Aralık 21, 2010 3. Salih Okur, “Mühendislikte Nanoteknoloji”, “Yaşam İçin Mühendislik” temalı Mühendislik Günleri 10’, Makine Mühendisleri Odası, İzmir Şubesi, MMO Tepekule Kongre ve Sergi Merkezi Ege ve Akdeniz Konferans Salonları, İzmir, Türkiye, 3-4-5 Mart 2010 4. Salih Okur, “İletken Filmler Üzerinde Nanolitografi ve Elektriksel Yüzey Karakterizasyonları”, AFM ve Nanoindentasyon Çalışmalarında Son Gelişmeler Sempozyumu, WOW Topkapı Palece Kundu – Antalya Türkiye, 25 - 27 Nisan 2011 5. Salih Okur, “Advances in Organic Gas sensors”, Ulusal Fotonik Bilimi ve Sensör Teknolojileri Konferansı, 2 Temmuz 2013, Gebze İstanbul Turkey, 6. Salih Okur, “Organic Light Emitting Diodes and Applications”, Yoğun Madde Fiziği – İzmir Toplantısı, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, 5 Nisan 2013, İYTE İZMİR, Turkey 7. Salih Okur, “Nanotechnolgy in Biomedicals” İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Faculty of Medicine, 02 October 20012, İzmir Turkey. Organizing Conferences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conference Chair: The 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR6) held in Golden Dolphin Hotel, Izmir Cesme, June15-18, 2010. Organizing Committee: The 7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR VII) held in Sabancı University on June 27 - July 1, 2011 in Istanbul. Organizing Committee: 1st.APMAS 2011 “Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science”, Mirada Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, 13-15 May 2011 Scientific Committee: The 2 nd International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (ISCSE 2011) organized by Gediz University, June, 1-4, 2011, Kusadasi, Aydın, Turkiye Conference Co-Chair: APMAS 2012 “2.nd Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science”, Kremlin Hotel, Antalya, 26-30 April 2012 6. Scientific Committee: The 3 nd International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (ISCSE 2013) organized by Gediz University, 23-25 Ekim 2013, Aydın, Kusadasi, Aydın, Turkiye 7. The 2nd International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE) is organized by the Izmir Katip Celebi University (IKCU), American University of Sharjah (AUS) and United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), September 21-24, 2013 in Kusadası, Turkey. Scientific Committee: Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları (ASYU) Sempozyumu, 9-10 Ekim 2014, İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi ( İKÇÜ), Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi (YTÜ) 8. Membership Member of APS since 1997 Member of Turkish Physics Society. Ulakbim Member no: 40672 Editor “International Journal of Material Science and Electronics Research” 2008-. “Journal of Engineering Physics (JEP)” 2011- Reviewer 10 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1 Superconductor Science and Technology 2 IEEE Transaction of Nanotechnology 20 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 1 Sensors Letters 2 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 8 Journal of Applied Polymer Science 7 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Project Reviewer 35 TUBİTAK MAG 30 TUBİTAK TBAG 5 TUBİTAK KAMAK 5 SANTEZ 10 KOSGEB 1 Ebiltem 2 Gürcistan NSF Project Consultant: 5 TUBİTAK TBAG GraduateThesis Mert Yavaş, “Üstüniletken Mgb2 Tel Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu.” 2005 Mine Kalkancı, "Termiyonik Vakum Ark Yöntemiyle Mgb2 Ince Film Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu" 2006 Semra Gül, “Kendinden Bağlanan Tek Katmanlı Organik Filmler Üzerinde SPM Nanolitografi Tekniği Kullanılarak Nanodesenlerin Geliştirilmesi” 2006 Serkan Büyükköse, “Electrical Surface Modification And Characterization Of Metallic Thin Films Using SPM Nanolithography Method” – 2009 Mavişe Şeker: “Application Of Self Assembled Monolayer Technique To Improve Hole Transport In Organic Leds” Nesli TEKGÜZEL: Yağmurcukardeş: “Characterization Of Modified Ito Anode Surfaces With 4-[(3Methylphenyl)(Phenyl)Amino]Benzoic Acid For Oled Applications” 2010 Hasan Aydın: “Interface Propertıes Of Modıfıed Indıum Tın Oxıde Based Organıc Lıght Emıttıng Dıodes Wıth Functıonal Aromatıc Molecules” 2010 Cebrail Özbek “Co Gas Sensor Applıcatıons Of Fe Doped Calıx[4]Arene Molecules”. 2013 Abdurrahman Halis Güzel “Investigation Of Gas Sensing Properties Of Nanoparticles Functionalized With Ferrocene Molecules”, 2013 Ayşenur Duru “Developing ethilen gas adsorbing textiles” TEACHING Undergraduate Level 1. PHYS 121 General Physics I 2. PHYS 122 General Physics II 3. CS 101 Introductions to Computer Science and Programming 4. CS 102 Computer Science and Programming 5. PHYS 201 General Physics III 6. PHYS 241 Introduction to Electronics 7. PHYS 222 Modern Physics 8. PHYS 301Electromagnetism 9. PHYS 445 Statistical Physics 10. PHYS 434 Solid State Physics 11. PHYS 415 Computer Interface in Physics Experiments 12. PHYS 436 Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 13. PHYS 451 Research Project I 14. PHYS 452 Research Project II Graduate Level 1. PHYS 501 Solid State Physics 2. PHYS 502 Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Solids 3. NNP 510 Fundamentals of Thin Film Materials 4. NNP 519 – Yari İletken Yapilarin Fiziği Ve Uygulamalari 5. PHYS 511 Electromagnetism 6. PHYS 525 Statistical Physics 7. PHYS 520 Applications of Nanotechnology 8. ME 576 Computer Controlled Machines 9. MSE 541 Surface Analysis Techniques 10. MSE 521 Thin Films 11. MSE 595.1 PROFESSIONAL FIELD 12. NNP 512 Advanced Experimental Techniques in Nanotechnology 13. NNP 544 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy 14. NNP 601 Principles of Nanosciences 15. NNP 602 Principles of Nanosciences 16. NP 622 Micro and Nano-structured Sensors 17. NNP 630 Special Topics in Nanotechnology 18. MSE 589.3.1 Special Studies 19. PHYS 500 Graduate Thesis (M.S.) 20. ME 500 Graduate Thesis (M.S.) AWARDS 1. Fellowship for Graduate Study in Solid State Physics for Ph. D. degree in USA by the Turkish High Education Council, 1993-1998 2. Grant-in Tuition Award from Office of International Students, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, 1997-1998 3. Teaching Assistantship from Department of Physics in Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, 1997-1998 4. Highest Grade Bachelor Degree Award from Hacettepe University in 1989 5. Full Grant (Travel and Accommodation) for one month Research in Photovoltaic Institute of Juelich Forschung Centrum for the Joint Project “Gap state spectroscopy on microcrystalline silicon” between Germany and Turkey in 2001 6. Full Grant (Travel and Accommodation) for one month Research in Photovoltaic Institute of Juelich Forschung Centrum for the Joint Project “Gap state spectroscopy on microcrystalline silicon” between Germany and Turkey in 2002 REFERENCES Prof. Dr. John F. Zasadzinski, Argonne National Lab. IL, USA, or Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, 60616 USA Tel: 1-312 567 7458 fax:1-312-567 3494 Prof. Dr. Harold N. Spector, Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, 60616 USA Tel: 1-312 567 3480, fax:1-312-567 3494 Prof. Dr. Porter W Johnson, Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, 60616 USA Tel: 1-312 567 5745 fax:1-312-567 3494 Prof. Dr. Liam Coffey, Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, 60616 USA Tel: 1-312 567 34 45 fax:1-312-567 3494
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