Rezonans Enerji İnş.Elekt.Met.Yazılım San.Tic.Ltd.Şti Sultan Orhan Mah. Hasköy San.Sit.No: 16/14 Gebze- KOCAELİ Tel: + 90 262 643 79 93 Mobil: + 90 530 118 0683 Rev :01 REZONANS ENERJİ Dear Customers, Our company is composed of experienced staff who have worked at global company in the design, project, R & D, final inspection and test department for a long time. Atadeniz Demirer General Manager Electrical Engineer ( MBA) Background: -TEİAŞ- Turkish Electricity Authority -AEG-ETİ – Tendering and sales Mang -ALSTOM- Test and Final Cont.Mang. -AREVA- Operational Site service Manger -ELİMSAN- Technical Manager Mizrap Atalay Technical Manager Where he worked: -AEG ETİ- Final Control dep. -ALSTOM- Final control dep. -AREVA- Site service supervisor İlhami Yaman Proje / Sales Manager -ALSTOM- Final Control dep. -AREVA- Engineering dep. -SCHNEIDER- Engineering dep. Scientific and technical approach of our firm put forward as the basis for all the work done and expressed a method based on the relevant international and national standards and regulations. Therefore, the purpose of our company in the field of electrical engineering in solving problems and achieve accurate and true scientific basis is to offer it as a solution partner to our valued customers. Our basic working principle is based on the following principles; Observation, experiment and test making, the creation of identification, measuring performance of the Prediction, controlling system, the establishment of relationships between events and the technical and scientific aspects needed to interpret and when necessary it can be falsified. our vision is to provide the most competitive products and service in term of quality, price and delivery in order to contribute to our customers' success at the Power electrical plants . Furthermore, environmental concerns, occupational safety and health are our most important principles. Best regards, Hasan Atila Manufacturing Manager -AEG ETİ- Manufacturing dep. -ALSTOM- Manufacturing dep. -AREVA- Manufacturing dep -SCHNEIDER- Manufacturing dep. Atadeniz Demirer General Manager Rezonans Energy. ENERJİ SANTRALLERİ, İLETİM& DAĞITIM ŞEBEKELERİ, ENDÜSTRİ TESİSLERİNİN; 2 REZONANS ENERJİ Rezonans enegy is your solution partner regarding concultant, Project service, test and retrofit of H.V and M.V switchgear and switching devices together staff who have experince of over 25 years. Rezonans Energy will provide a major contribution to our customers for the electric power plant project to find solution to problems with the study of technical, scientific approach and with respect for the environment. Our vision our vision is to provide the most competitive products and service in term of quality, price and delivery in order to contribute to our customers' success at the Power electrical plants and provide continuously sustanable development Mission Employee safety who Works in power electric system and customer satisfaction will be our first priority and we are recognized as a company which is based on innovative and environmental respect. Our values: • • • • • Customer satisfaction Responsibility Sincerity & honesty İnnovation EHS 3 REZONANS ENERJİ Service H.V and M.V Mountimg and erection/ Test Service details H.V & M.V Circuit breaker tests H.V & M.V Disconnector tests H.V & M.V Current and voltage transformer tests H.V & M.V Surge Arrester tests Power transformer test Protection Relays Test M.V Cable tests Primary and secondary Project Single line Project and secondary Project L.V Control and protection system design and test/ mounting MCC Control center, Tramvay DC system, Transformer control panels and fan panels. Consulting Power Substation consulting R&D M.V Switchgear design and field calculation Network analysis Selection of electrical devices and apparatus according to network requirement Relay compartment wiring. Short circuit calculation as per IEC & ANSI Relay coordination and selectivity Load flow analysis Transformer sizing Motor initiation calculation Harmonic analysis, Capacitor unit determination Long term / short term maintenance agreement Power Plant and substation maintenance agreement 4 REZONANS ENERJİ M.V SWITCHGEAR MOUNTING AND TEST WORKS test DC / AC insulation test C.B Function test , contact resistance test, timing test Relay current injection test CT &TRANSFORMATÖRLERİ VT Test ( turn ratio, % PF) GÜÇ SCHNEIDER, ALSTOM, ABB, Maintenance: Preventive and corrective maintenance Ref: DHMI, ( state air port management) Çanakkale SERAMİK 5 REZONANS ENERJİ M.V Circuit Breaker AEG ALSTOM AREVA ABB ELIMSAN Ref: DHMI- Antalya air port Kastamonu entegre Sivas Çimento ( cement) Suudi Arabia- VXC c.b maintenance SF6 gases c.b test/ maintenace ALSTOM SCHNEIDER ABB ELIMSAN 6 REZONANS ENERJİ POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER Electrical tests: % PF test TTR test Wiring resistance DC insulation test Capacitance test Oil test: Oil quality test Oil dielectric test ( IEC- ANS DSG Analysis Fault analysis and reporting % PF TEST devıce TTR TEST device DC RESISTANCE TEST device 7 REZONANS ENERJİ GENERATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER MOUNTING AND TEST FKG ALSTOM Ref: ALSTOM- TSG Kalehan ( montaj) H.V CIRCUIT BREAKER ERECTION AND TEST CT & VT ERECTION AND TEST / MAINTENANCE 8 REZONANS ENERJİ L.V SWITCHGEAR MOUNTING AND TEST Tramvay DC şalt tesisleri montaj ve devreye alma çalışmaları MCC and DC control system - Tramvay Ref: Schneider –Ankara Tramvay system MCC : Mounting , test and start up works L.V Power circuit breaker maintenance L.V MCC and Power circuit breaker maintenace: Ref: BOTAŞ ( Natural gas companyTekirdağ) 9 REZONANS ENERJİ L.V PANEL MANUFACTURING, MOUNTING, TEST AND START UP Power factor correction panels Hv control panels 154 / 380 kv SS GIS WIRING OF PROTECTION COMPARTMENT OF M.V SWITCHGEAR / FAN PANEL OF TRANSFORMER Relay compartment DEWA Project SCHNEIDER Transformer fan panel ALSTOM 10 REZONANS ENERJİ ENGINEERING Short circuit calculation as per IEC & ANSI Relay coordination and selectivity Load flow analysis Transformer sizing Relay configuration Motor initiation calculation Relay injection test Harmonic analysis, Relay function test Capacitor unit determination SVERKER – 11 REZONANS ENERJİ RETROFIT Many of today’s electrical power equipment and substations are more than 25 years old and there is the need to extend their life expentancy is increasing in term of the economic and energy context. That is why, refurbishment or retrofit is necessary to renew the electrical power substation by replacing the main equipment including HV& MV electrical equipment and protection relay due to numerical technology and scada needs. Our expert team can propose a pertinent retrofit offer, which fits the criteria of reliability, adaptability and availability of each Project regarding power electrical equipments from the site survey to erection with respect enviremental. Key benefits • Life extension • New technology • Rapid installation • Complies with International standard IEC standards • Cost reduction for whole plant • Customized analysis • Proposed solution • •Retrofit realisation 12 REZONANS ENERJİ Retrofit Works ( dif. Relay + Restrictic earth fault + O/C + Current Transformer changing ) 13 REZONANS ENERJİ TRAINING WORKS Continuously training and learning organisation. Empowered personel for technical Works. Customer training – Metro – Ankara/ Turkey 14 REZONANS ENERJİ Transformer Maintenance and Tests Oil tests Oil insulation test and interpreting Oil dielektric test % PF test Dissolved Gas Analyisis report Electrical test % PF tests TRR DC Insulation Winding resistance Bushing test Capacitance test Oil Treatment 15 REZONANS ENERJİ TRANSFORMER FAULT ANALYSIS ( example Works on a fault with DSG) 1- By using DSG DGA1 140 85 3 228 175 1100 CH4 C2H4 C2H2 Total CO CO2 Problem D1 D2 DT T1 T2 T3 PD DGA2 195 175 8 378 200 2450 Artış 55 90 5 150 25 1350 Low Energy Discharge (Sparking) Low Energy Discharge High Energy Discharge Mix of Thermal & Electrical Faults Thermal Fault Less than 300 C Thermal Fault Between 300 C and 700 C Thermal Fault Greater than 700 C Partial Discharge O.K Reported Atadeniz Demirer Electrical Engineer. According to IEC 60599: Status Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Condition 4 H2 CH4 C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 CO CO2 1 TDCG 100 120 35 50 65 350 2,500 720 101-700 121-400 51-100 66-100 351-570 2,500-4,000 721-1,920 701-1,800 401-1,000 101200 101-150 571-1,400 4,001-10,000 1,9214,630 >1,800 >1,000 >150 >1,400 >10,000 3650 5180 >80 >200 >4,630 Roger Method. C2H2/C2H4, CH4/H2, C2H4/C2H6 16 REZONANS ENERJİ FAULT ANALYSIS FOR ELECTRICAL POWER EQUIPMENT Diognasis analysis is performed on fault analysis based on engineering taking into consideration all of power equipment and system requirements. A)-Defination of problem 1- What is status of existance ? 2- What is the ideal solution? 3- What is the aim of solution B)- Existance status 1- Collection of data 2- determination of prioraty of parameter 3- Failure of the facts about the past and the present to obtain C)- Solutions related to the objectives set forth, D)- Performing root cause analysis E)- Fulfillment of solutions and improvements, F)- Controling of results G)- Reporting of mistakes or failure 17 REZONANS ENERJİ 18 REZONANS ENERJİ REFERANS ( 2013- 2014) PROJECT COMPANY DATE Antalya Hava limanı 36 KV Şalt tesisi, hücre tadilat ve bakımı Ankara Metrosu, tramvay cer sistemleri test ve devreye alma çalışmaları DHM 01.042013 SCHNEIDER 03.05.2013 ALSTOM 12.06.2013 SCHNEIDER 11.11.2013 SCHNEIDER 30.08.2013 SANLAB 28.06.2013 ELİMSAN 26.08.2013 BBS 01.08.2013 ELİMSAN 26.08.2013 DHMI 25.07.2013 SCHNEIDER 19.10.2013 SCHNEIDER 24.12.2013 ELİMSAN 04.11.2013 SCHNEIDER 23.12.2013 SCHNEIDER 30.01.2013 SCHNEIDER 13.02.2014 SCHNEIDER 21.02.2014 SEKONDER ELEKTRİKAKMAN DHMI 31.01.2014 SCHNEIDER 26.05.2014 TRUVA ELEKTRİK 17.03.2014 ALSTOM 17.03.2014 Katar QVC Trafo Fan panosu imalatı Kenya – 17 KV kompanzasyon ekpertiz çalışması Azerbaycan Haydar Aliev Hava limanı Simülatör kontrol panosu imalatı Azerbaycan projesi O.G devre alma A.G Kompanzasyon panoları imalatı ve testleri Tüpraş- Koruma rölesi ayarları hizmetleri Antalya hava limanı 6.3 KV hücrelerin elektriksel kilitleme revizyon projelerinin yapılması Azerbeycan Qubustan projesi saha servis hizmetleri Soyak Krister O.G hücre saha montaj suoerviörlüğü Winsa O.G hücre ve trafo test ve bakımları Koç Üniversitesi O.G şalt tesisi montajı Piri Reis Universitesi O.G test ve devreye alma Atlas Enerji- İskenderun Montaj supervizörüğü TPAO – SM6-24 hücrelerin devreye alınması 36 KV ALSTOM – VXC tipi ark ocağı Vakum kesicisi Antalya Hava limanı O.G kesici bakımları Azerbaycan SOCAR tower projesi 24 KV şalt tesisi ve dağıtım trafoları test ve devreye alma hizmetleri TEİAŞ Bursa Kastel 12 KV şalt tesisi test ve devreye alma 380 GIS merkezi KV kesici bakımı enerji Zonguldak 20.04.2014 19 REZONANS ENERJİ REFERANS ( 2013- 2014) PROJECT COMPANY DATE Trakya döküm Enerji- 154 KV Kesici mekanizma bakımı 36 KV şalt hücresi röle gözü retrofit çalışması Yazıcı Demir Çelik -36 & 13.6 KV SS devreye alınması İskenderun Atlas Enerji- 36 & 6.3 KV şalt tesisinin devreye alınması İla Lojistik- sürücü panosu imalatı ALSTOM 17.03.2014 ÇANAKKALE ÇAN KALE SERAMİK FAB. SCHNEIDER 23.03.2014 18.03.2014 SCHNEIDER 18.03.2014 İLA LOGİSTİK 25.03.2014 ALSTOM 28.03.2014 ABB 30.04.2014 ALSTOM 20.04.2014 EÜAŞ Kral Kızı – 170 KV SF6 gazlı kesici arıza tespit ve ekspertiz çalışmaları Bolu Çimento- O.G Şalt tesisi test ve devreye alma çalışmaları Elazığ Kalehan jeneratöre kesicisi montaj , test ve devreye alam Ermenistan Copper and molitown plant 170 KV kesici montaj ve test çalışmaları Azerbaycan Shahdag ALSTOM 28.04.2014 ABB 02.04.2014 Votorantim Çimento –Sivas O.G kesici ve şalt tesisi bakımı Kastomonu Entg.36 KV O.G Kesici Bakımı VOTORANTİM ÇİMENTOSİVAS KASTAMONU ENTEGRE 03.06.2014 Aksa Akrilit Yalova- O.G devreye alma SCHNEİDER 09.06.2014 01.06.2014 ALSTOM 10.06.2014 İsdemir-Trafo Fan Panosu imalatı Alçak Gerilim ME Şalter Bakımı BOTAŞ 17.06.2014 ETI SODA – OG şalt SCHNEIDER 20.06.2014 Güç trafoları Bakımı ÇAYELİ BAKIR İŞLETMELERİ 11.07.2014 Salt tesisi devreye alma GÖYNÜK ENERJİ- AKSA 21İ07.2014 Şalt ve trafo bakımı WINSA Kale han Güç trafoları fire prevention ve kontrol sistemleri mıntajı Şalt tesisi bakımı ve röle retrofit çalışması ALSTOM 31.07.2014 ALSTOM / LINDE 6.08.2014 22.07.2014 20 REZONANS ENERJİ 21 REZONANS ENERJİ RESPECT TO ENVIROMENT We are committed to HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY We respect to our PLANET Rezonans Enerji İnş.Elekt.Met.Yazılım San.Tic.Ltd.Şti Sultan Orhan Mah. Hasköy San.Sit.No: 16/14 Gebze- KOCAELİ Tel: + 90 262 643 79 93 Mobil : + 90 530 118 0681 -Teknik Md.’lük 22 REZONANS ENERJİ : + 90 530 118 0682 - Ticaret Md.’lük : + 90 530 118 0683 - Genel Md.’ lük 23
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