YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I ACADEMIC PROGRAM BOOK 2014 - 2015 Student’s; Name : ...................... Nr : ...................... YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I CONTENTS Page AIM AND OUTCOMES OF MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM ............................... 1 PHASE I COORDINATION COFMMITTEE ................................................................ 5 DESCRIPTION OF THE PHASE I .............................................................................. 6 PHASE CONTENT ..................................................................................................... 6 EXECUTIVES OF ACADEMIC YEAR ........................................................................ 6 AIM OF PHASE I ........................................................................................................ 7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF PHASE I ..................................................................... 7 AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR ANATOMICAL DRAWING (MD 132) ....... 8 AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PRACTICE-1 (MD 142) .............................................................................................. 8 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2014 - 2015 ....................................................................... 9 FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS WEEKLY COURSE SCHEDULE and LOCATIONS ............................................................................................................. 11 STUDENT COUNSELING ........................................................................................ 12 ASSESSMENTS ....................................................................................................... 13 INTRODUCTION TO BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES - COMMITTEE I ...................... 16 CELL – COMMITTEE II ............................................................................................ 27 TISSUE I – COMMITTEE III ..................................................................................... 39 TISSUE II – COMMITTEE IV .................................................................................... 49 ENERGY AND METABOLISM – COMMITTEE V ..................................................... 61 RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS FOR PHASE I ...................................................... 72 CONTACT ................................................................................................................ 73 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE AIM AND OUTCOMES OF MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM*,** *“Consensus Commission Report” based on draft compiled at “Workshop for Revision of Aim and Outcomes of Medical Education Program at Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine” **© 2011, Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine AIM The aim of medical education program is to graduate physicians who are aware of the local and global health issues have acquired competence in knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage and provide primary health care service know, apply and care for ethical principles of the medical profession keep up with current knowledge at national and international level are capable of systematical thinking are investigative and questioning continually renovate and improve themselves are capable of teamwork use technology competently in medicine and related areas have effective communication skills have community leadership qualifications 1 OUTCOMES Graduate should be able to: 1) practice as a physician, oriented towards o individual and non-individual factors affecting health o sustainment and improvement of healthy condition o clinical conditions which o are frequent in community and/or o pose high risk for individual or community health and/or o life-threatening or constitute an emergency at a competency level appropriate to deliver primary health care services compatible with surrounding context of health determinants. 1.1. explain normal structural components of human body, their functions and operational mechanisms at organismal, multisystem, system, organ, tissue, cellular and molecular levels. 1.2. explain healthy condition and factors affecting health. 1.3. explain and relates causes of clinical conditions, courses of effect and outcomes. 1.4. explain changes (i.e. physiological and pathological) in structural components of body, their functions and operational mechanisms under healthy and clinical conditions. 1.5. explain most frequently occurring or most important clinical complaints (i.e. chief complaint), symptoms, signs, laboratory and imaging findings and their emergence mechanisms in clinical conditions. 1.6. explain current medical and surgical methods used in interventions directed towards health conditions. 1.7. use contextually appropriate medical history taking method, out of different types (e.g. comprehensive, focused or hypothetico-deductive) and systematically, to gather medical information from healthy individual, patient or patient’s companions (i.e. heteroanamnesis), in case of an encounter with a healthy person or a patient who seeks health care service for a health condition. 1.8. employ physical examination methods for systems in case of an encounter with a healthy person or a patient who seeks health care service for a health condition. 1.9. accurately interpret findings in medical history and physical examination, in case of an encounter with a healthy person or a patient who seeks health care service for a health condition. 1.10. implement diagnostic procedures (e.g. point of care testing, physician office testing) required for primary health care, in case of an encounter with a healthy person or a patient who seeks health care service for a health condition. 1.11. select (utilize) tests shown to be highly effective in clinical decision making by evidencebased medicine from the aspects of reliability, practicality and outcome measures, in case 2 of an encounter with a healthy person or a patient who seeks health care service for a health condition, and interpret results. 1.12. make clinical decisions (e.g. benefit estimation, risk estimation, prevention, screening, test requisition, diagnosis, triage, staging, consultation, prognosis, watchful-waiting, intervention, monitoring, end of intervention, discharge, control, end of follow-up) shown to be highly effective from the aspects of outcome measures by evidence-based medicine, in case of an encounter with a healthy person or a patient who seeks health care service for a health condition. 1.13. accurately perform interventional procedures (i.e. interventional clinical skills, competencies and proficiencies) required for primary health care, in case of an encounter with a healthy person or a patient who seeks health care service for a clinical condition. 1.14. coordinate referral or transport of patient, when necessary and with patient-centered approach, to secondary health care institution, without posing any risk to patient’s health, security and confidentiality, in case of an encounter with a patient who seeks health care service for a clinical condition. 1.15. manage request or symptom, healthy or clinical condition, and healthy individual or patient, with beneficiary-centered approach, and with clinical decisions made by analytical and critical thinking, clinical reasoning and problem solving methods, in case of an encounter with a patient who seeks health care service for a health condition. 1.16. execute protective and therapeutic medical practices that are individual, family and community-oriented, easily accessible, integrated and coordinated, continuous, comprehensive, and based on the principles of confidentiality, in primary health care services. 1.17. identify factors that pose a high risk to individual and community health, and determine individuals or populations at risk in advance or at an early stage and implement the necessary measures. 1.18. value preventive health services, offer primary prevention (i.e. prevention of diseases for the protection of health), secondary prevention (i.e. early diagnosis and treatment) and tertiary prevention (i.e. rehabilitation) services, and provide consultacy on these issues. 1.19. provide life-style consultancy and design services to sustain and improve individual and community health. 2) manage primary health care services. 2.1 manage health care team in primary health care organization. 2.2. lead community with sense of responsibility, good behavior and manners in consideration of individual behaviors and social dynamics of community, and if there is a necessity, develop projects directed towards health care services. 2.3 define health management and economics principles, models for organization and finance of health care services. 2.4 use health care resources with cost-effective manners. 3) advocate individual and community health under all circumstances. 3.1. provide consultancy services to sustain and promote the health of individual and community. 3 3.2. explain epidemiology of clinical conditions, and define measures to reduce frequencies. 3.3. describe completely all high risk factors for the community health (e.g. natural disasters, nuclear accidents, fire, war, bio-terrorism, etc.), and implement necessary measures in order to prevent effects on health. 3.4. explain health determinants completely (e.g. physical environment, social environment, genetic background, individual response -behavior, biology-, health care services, welfare, etc.), including conditions that prevent access to health care. 4) perform medical practices according to regulatory and ethical principles and in consideration of behavioral sciences, social sciences, and humanities. 4.1 recognize determinants affecting individual behaviors and attitudes, and social dynamics. 4.2 recognize basic ethical principles completely, and distinguish ethical and legal problems. 4.3 recognize regulations concerning national and international health systems. 4.4 employ safety, security and confidentiality principles completely for beneficiaries of health care services, companions and visitors, and health care workers. 4.5 use medical record and information systems according to regulations and ethical principles. 4.6 value informed consent taking in the framework of patients’ rights, and employ fully. 4.7 interpret historical, anthropological and philosophical evolution of medicine, health and disease concepts, and relate to current medical practice 5) establish correct and effective communication with all stakeholders of health care services and collaborate. 5.1. communicate by using problem solving abilities during all of professional life with health care beneficiaries, co-workers, accompanying persons, visitors, patient’s relatives, care givers, colleagues, other individuals and organizations. 5.2. collaborate with related organizations and institutions, with other professionals and health care workers as a team member through using problem solving abilities. 5.3. communicate with all stakeholders with consideration of socio-cultural differences. 6) promote self medical knowledge and skills in view of the current scientific developments throughout own career. 6.1. adopt and implement the importance of lifelong self-learning. 6.2. recognize importance of updating knowledge and skills; search current advancements and improve own knowledge and skills. 6.3. speak at least one foreign language at advanced level to follow the international literature and communicate with colleagues. 6.4. recognize methods to reach current scientific knowledge, and use available technology. 6.5. recognize principles of evidence-based medicine, and implement in health care services. 6.6. develop and present research projects. 7) manage own postgraduate career. 7.1. recognize and investigate postgraduate work domains and job opportunities. 7.2. determine postgraduate work domains, job opportunities and requirements for application, distinguish and plan requirements for further training and work experience. 7.3. prepare a resume, and recognize job interview methods. 7.4. recognize health technologies expected to be implemented in near future and emerging work areas. 4 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I PHASE I COORDINATION COMMITTEE (TEACHING YEAR 2014–2015) Ünal USLU MD, Assoc. Prof. (Coordinator) Kaan YÜCEL MD, Ph.D, Assist. Prof (Co-coordinator) Çiğdem KASPAR Ph.D, Assist. Prof. (Co-coordinator) Deniz KIRAÇ Ph.D, Assist. Prof. (Co-coordinator) ICP-I COORDINATION COMMITTEE Özlem TANRIÖVER MD, Assoc. Prof. (Coordinator) Ayşe Arzu AKALIN MD, Assist. Prof. (Co-coordinator) 5 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I DESCRIPTION OF THE PHASE I Normal Physiology, Basic Sciences and Medical Terms. PHASE CONTENT Introduction to Basic Sciences, Cell, Tissue I, Tissue II, Energy and Metabolism. EXECUTIVES OF ACADEMIC YEAR Organic Chemistry, Biophysics, Medical Biology, Medical History, Anatomy, Anatomical Drawing, Physiology, Histology & Embryology, Medical Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology, Family Medicine, Medical Education, Biostatistics, Humanities, Behavioral Sciences, Ethics, Turkish Language and Literature, Principles of Atatürk and Modern History of Turkey. 6 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF PHASE I AIM OF PHASE I To convey basic knowledge on medical history, organic chemistry, biology, biophysics, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, embryology, histology, microbiology, behavioral sciences, civilization history and medical ethics. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF PHASE I At the end of this phase, student should be able to: KNOWLEDGE 1.0. explain information about medical history, anatomy, physiology, embryology, histology, organic chemistry, biophysics, biochemistry, microbiology, behavioral sciences, civilization history and medical ethics. 2.0. for biophysics; 2.1. explain basic terms and concepts. 2.2. explain its essential application areas in medicine. 3.0. explain the structure and function of the cell at cellular level. 4.0. list the developmental processes from zygote to organogenesis. 5.0. define four essential tissues forming the body, cells and intercellular materials. 6.0. define the link between the structure and function of tissues. 7.0. define muscular, vascular and nervous system. 8.0. list basic properties and classes of microorganisms. 9.0. describe basic terms and concepts about first aid. 10.0. describe basic terms and concepts of communication skills. 11.0. describe basic terms and concepts about epidemiology. 12.0. list fundamental steps of a research study. SKILLS 13.0. apply first aid skills on anatomic model. 14.0. use communication skills in patient-doctor interviews. 15.0. present research data with tables and graphs. 7 AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR ANATOMICAL DRAWING (MD 132) AIM 1. 2. 3. 4. to convey basic knowledge on anatomical drawing rules and drawing technique. to equip with skills of three dimensional interpretation of bones and muscles in human body. to equip with skills of drawing bones and muscles in human body. to equip with skills of visually explain clinical conditions to patient. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, student should be able to: KNOWLEDGE 1. list rules associated with anatomical drawing. 2. represent real axonometrical view under 1200 angle based on frontal, horizontal and profile views of human body. SKILLS 1. draw frontal, horizontal and profile views of muscles in human body. 2. draw frontal, horizontal and profile views of bones in human body. 3. explain visually clinical conditions to patients. AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PRACTICE-1 (MD 142) AIM 1. to convey terms and concepts related to first aid. 2. to equip with first aid skills on the model. 3. to convey terms and concepts about communication skills. 4. to equip with skills of using appropriate communication in patient-doctor relationship. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, student should be able to: KNOWLEDGE 1.0. explain basic terms and concepts in first aid. 2.0. list medical issues requiring first aid and frequently encountered problems. 3.0. list steps of first aid. 4.0. explain complete terms and concepts related to communication. SKILLS 1.0. apply basic life support on anatomic model completely and in accordance with the skills check list. 2.0. apply basic transport techniques on anatomic model completely and in accordance with the skills check l list. 3.0. apply basic bandaging techniques completely and in accordance with the skills check list. 4.0. obtain medical history rom standard patient, using appropriate communication techniques. 8 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2014 - 2015 PHASE I COMMITTEE I INTRODUCTION TO BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES (7 Weeks) Beginning of Committee September 15, 2014 End of Committee October 24, 2014 Committee Theoretical Exam October 31, 2014 Monday Friday Friday Religious Holiday National Holiday October 03-07 2014 October 28-29, 2014 Friday - Tuesday Tuesday- Wednesday COMMITTEE II CELL (8 Weeks) Beginning of Committee End of Committee Committee Practical Exam Committee Theoretical Exam November 03, 2014 December 19, 2014 December 25, 2014 December 26, 2014 Monday Friday Thursday Friday Commemoration of Atatürk November 10, 2014 Monday COMMITTEE III TISSUE I (6 Weeks) Beginning of Committee End of Committee Committee Practical Exam Committee Theoretical Exam December 29, 2014 February 13, 2015 February 19, 2015 February 20, 2015 Monday Friday Thursday Friday New Year MIDTERM BREAK January 01, 2015 January 19, 2015 Thursday January 30, 2015 COMMITTEE IV TISSUE II (8 Weeks) Beginning of Committee End of Committee Committee Practical Exam Committee Biostatistics Exam Committee Theoretical Exam February 23, 2015 April 10, 2015 April 16, 2015 April 16, 2015 April 17, 2015 Monday Friday Thursday Friday Friday March 13-14, 2015 Friday & Saturday White Coat Ceremony and Physicians’ Day 9 COMMITTEE V ENERGY and METABOLISM (6 Weeks) Beginning of Committee End of Committee Committee Practical Exam Committee Biostatistics Exam Committee Theoretical Exam April 20, 2015 May 22, 2015 May 28, 2015 May 28, 2015 May 29, 2015 Monday Friday Thursday Thursday Friday National Holiday Labor’s Day National Holiday April 23, 2015 May 1, 2015 May 19, 2015 Thursday Friday Tuesday Basic Medical Sciences I Make-up Exam Final Exam Incomplete Exam June 08-09, 2015 June 22, 2015 July 22, 2015 Monday-Tuesday Monday Wednesday ICP- I: Midterm Exam Make-up Exam Final Exam Incomplete Exam February 09, 2015 June 10, 2015 June 25- 26, 2015 July 13, 2015 Monday Wednesday Thursday, Friday Monday Turkish Language & Literature Fall Final Exam Spring Final Exam TKL December 27, 2014 May 23, 2015 Saturday (10:00-12:00) Saturday (10:00-12:00) Atatürk’s Principles & History of Modern Turkey Fall Final Exam Spring Final Exam HTR January 03, 2015 May 16, 2015 Saturday (10:00-18:00) Saturday (10:00-18:00) Humanities Fall Final Exam Spring Final Exam HUM December 27, 2014 May 23, 2015 Saturday (14:00-16:00) Saturday (14:00-16:00) 1. Coordination Committee Meeting 2. Coordination Committee Meeting 3. Coordination Committee Meeting 4. Coordination Committee Meeting September 29, 2014 January 05, 2015 April 27, 2015 July 01, 2015 Monday Monday Monday Wednesday 10 FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS WEEKLY COURSE SCHEDULE and LOCATIONS FOR MD 132, MD142, HTR 301-302, TKL 201-202, HUM 301-302 MONDAY 09:00-09:50 MD 142* (B 311) 10:00-10:50 MD 142 (B 311) TUESDAY MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) 11:00-11:50 MD 142 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) 12:00-12:50 WEDNESDAY MD 120 (B 311) THURSDAY MD 120 (B 311) FRIDAY MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) 13:00-13:50 TKL201&202 (B 311) 14:00-14:50 TKL201&202 (B 311) MD 132 (C 931-932) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) 15:00-15:50 Humanities Conference MD 132 (C 931-932) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) 16:00-16:50 HUM 103 (WBAL**) HTR 301&302 (B311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) HUM 103 (WBAL**) 17:00-17:50 HUM 103 (WBAL) HTR 301&302 (B311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) MD 120 (B 311) CODE LECTURE MD 142 Introduction to Clinical Practice I (ICP-I) MD 132 Anatomical Drawing TKL201 & 202 Turkish Language & Literature HTR 301 & 302 Atatürk’s Principles & History of Modern Turkey HUM 101 Humanities CLASSES B 311 Base Floor C 931-932 5th Floor * MD 142 Practical Lectures will be in Clinical Skills Laboratory (Base Floor) ** WBAL = will be announced later 11 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I STUDENT COUNSELING Student counseling is a structured development process established between the student and the consultant that aims to maximize student success by focusing the student to her/his target. Although the major component of this relationship is the student, the faculties also take part by bringing the requirements of this interaction to their systems. The targeted outcomes of the consultant-student interaction are success in the exams, success in the program, and preparation for the professional life. The aim of counseling is to help students to solve their problems, to give professional guidance, to provide coaching, to contribute to adopting the habit of lifelong learning, to provide information about the University and Faculty, to follow their success and failure and to help them select courses. The consultants selected among Basic Medical Sciences instructors for the first three years transfer the students to Clinical Sciences instructors for the following three years. The topics that will be addressed by the consultants are as follows: a. Inform students about the university, faculty and surrounding facilities b. Inform students about the courses and help them select courses c. Inform students about the education and assessment regulations d. Follow students attendance to lectures and success e. In case of failure, investigate the causes and cooperate with the students to overcome them f. Help students in career planning g. Contribute to students adapting the habit of lifelong learning h. Guide students to counseling services of the university i. Set a role model as long as the professional susceptibility, professional guidance, intellectual responsibility, interaction with peers, ethics, professional values are concerned j. Contribute to cultivation of professional and intellectual development in a rapidly changing world k. Inform the coordinator when there are unsolved problems of the students Consultant-student relationship is a dynamic and mutual process carried out within the campus and the hospital. It is recommended that the consultant and the student meet at least twice during a semester. The expectations from the student are as follows: a) Contribute to improvement of satisfaction level in the problem areas b) Report the social and economic conditions that require consultant’s help c) Specify expectations from the education and the department from which this training is taken d) Give feedback on the counseling services regarding their satisfaction level Student counsellors will be appointed after finalization of the class list and will be announced to the students. After the announcement of the counsellors on the information board, each student is expected to contact his/her counsellor until the end of the current committee. 12 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I ASSESSMENTS Assessments table will be made with consideration of each learning objective for each committee and will be announced and explained in introductory lectures at the beginning of the committee. EXAMINATION MATRIX MD 120 Basic Medical Sciences I Assessment Modalities Written (Theoretical) Exams o MCQ : Multiple Choice Questions. o WE : Written Exam o EMQ : Extended Matching Questions. PE: Practical Exams o OSPE: Objectively Structured Practical Exam SPW: Scientific Project Writing (Assessment by the lecturer) Committee Exams (CE) Points of Questions in WE Question Type Distribution ** Final Exam (FE) Question Number Question Type Distribution** : : : : : : WE + OSPE* 100 10% Extended Matching 90% MCQ : WE 200 96% MCQ 4% Scientific Project Report*** Incomplete Exam (IE) Question Number Question Type Distribution* : WE : 100 : 96% MCQ : 4% Scientific Project Report*** Mean score of committee examinations and final or incomplete examination score will form 60% and 40% of term grade, respectively. The final examination score and the end of the year grade should not be under 50. *Details of OSPE are given in the assessment tables at the begining of each committee program. **Figures are percentages of points in total written exam score. Figures do not correspond to exact number of questions. **Score of the Scientific Project Report of Phase I will also contribute to the score of incomplete examination. 13 ICP- I During the Fall semester ICP I consists of ‘’First Aid’’ lectures both theoretically and practically. Midterm exam will be MCQ style. In the Spring semester ICP I consists of ‘’Communication Skills in Medicine’’ both theoretically and mainly practically using standardized patients. The Final examination will be Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) measuring the skills to communicate with standardized patients and Basic Life Support skills as well as some practical approach skills necessary for the First Aider. The Midterm exam will be MCQ style effecting the 40% of the end of the year grade The Final exam will be OSCE effecting the 60% of the end of the year grade. OSCE OSCE is an acronym for Objective Structured Clinical Exam. It describes a form of performance-based testing used to measure a student’s clinical competence. During an OSCE, students are observed and evaluated as they go through a series of stations in which they interview, examine and treat standardized patients who present with some type of medical problem. SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS - I The purpose of Scientific Projects class is to teach the medical students how to read and write a scientific article. Throughout the year, each Phase One student is expected to prepare an article report and present it in class. Students are free to choose their articles from given journal list for article reading part. All article reports are due before the end of first half of the educational year. In second half; students are given four different scenarios of scientific data and are expected to write an article on their choice of scenarios, individually. All articles will be presented as posters at Scientific Day of Yeditepe School of Medicine, during May, 2015. Scientific Projects have four points contribution to final exam results, evaluation scale for projects is as follows: EVALUATION POINTS CRITERIA Very Good Good Acceptable Weak Bad Abstract Writing 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Introduction 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Methods Part (including statistics, ethical issues etc) Presentation of results (Tables, graphs etc.) Discussion 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 References 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Article as a whole (representing the given mock data) Overall presentation 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 TOTAL POINTS 4.0 14 Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine Exam Rules Seating- Students will be seated by the exam observers or proctors. Students are not allowed to change their seats without permission. Electronics – During examinations or tests, students are prohibited from using electronic devices or any other means of communication and recording that have not been approved beforehand. All electronic devices are prohibited. Anyone who fails to comply with these regulations may be charged with academic fraud. Absence – No additional time will be given to students who are absent for part of the exam, regardless of the reason for their absence. Scratch Paper – Students are not allowed to bring scratch paper into the exam room. Meaning of Questions – Students may not consult the supervisor as to the meaning of any question. Sign your sheets – Students must sign their multiple-choice answer sheets and/or written-answer sheets. Other activities requiring disciplinary action- Students must not give or receive assistance of any kind during the exam. Gaining access to exam questions before the exam; • Using an unauthorized calculator or other mechanical aid that is not permitted. • Looking in the exam book before the signal to begin is given. • Marking or otherwise writing on the exam book or answer sheet before the signal to begin is given. • Making any changes, additions, deletions or other marking, erasing or writing on the exam book or answer sheet after the time for the exam has expired. • Having access to or consulting notes or books during the exam. • Looking at or copying from another student’s paper. • Enabling another student to copy from one’s paper. • Talking or otherwise communicating with another student during the exam or during the read through period. • Disturbing other students during the exam. • Consulting other persons or resources outside the exam room during the exam. • Copying questions or answers either on paper or with an electronic device to take from the exam room. • Taking an exam book or other exam materials from the exam room. • Taking an exam in place of another student. • Arranging to have another person take an exam for the student. • Threatening or verbally abusing a supervisor or proctor responsible for curbing or reporting improper conduct. • Unprofessional and/or unruly behavior towards any Yeditepe University staff, supervisors, proctors, or volunteers at any time during the exam. • Disclosing the contents of an exam to any other person. • Failing to remain in the exam room for a given period of time by the supervisors or proctors. • Failing to follow other exam instructions. Students who assist in or are complicit with cheating could also be in violation of the Policy. Thus, students who become aware of their peers either facilitating academic misconduct or committing it should report their suspicions to exam or test observers for investigation. Those students found to have committed academic misconduct will face administrative sanctions imposed by the administration of Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine according to the disciplinary rules and regulations of the Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) for students: published in the Official Gazette on August 18th, 2012). The standard administrative sanctions include: the creation of a disciplinary record which will be checked by graduate and professional life, result in grade “F” on the assignment, exams or tests or in the class. Students may face suspension and dismissal from the Yeditepe University for up to one school year. In addition, student may loose any academic and non academic scholarships given by the Yeditepe University for up to four years. The appropriate sanctions are determined by the Yeditepe University administration according to egregiousness of the Policy violation. 15 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I INTRODUCTION TO BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES COMMITTEE I DISTRIBUTION of LECTURE HOURS September 15, 2014 - October 31, 2014 COMMITTEE DURATION: 6 WEEKS MD 120 BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I DISCIPLINE THEO. 106 PRAC. 6 TOTAL 112 BIOPHYSICS 18 0 18 HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY 14 2 Gr x 2 H 16 MEDICAL BIOLOGY 39 3 Gr x 4 H 43 MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS 10 0 10 MICROBIOLOGY 3 0 3 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 18 0 18 PHYSIOLOGY 2 0 2 SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I 2 0 2 MD 132 ANATOMICAL DRAWING 0 10 10 MD 142 HTR 301-302 HUM 101-102 TKL 201-202 ICP I ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY 18 0 18 10 0 10 HUMANITIES 19 6 25 TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 12 0 12 165 22 187 TOTAL I. Coordination Committee Head Turgay İSBİR, PhD Prof. Secretary Member Member Çiğdem KASPAR, PhD Assist. Prof. Ünal USLU, MD Assoc. Prof. Bilge GÜVENÇ TUNA, PhD Assist. Prof. 16 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I INTRODUCTION TO BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES COMMITTEE I LECTURERS BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I DISCIPLINE BIOPHYSICS FACULTY Akif MAHARRAMOV, PhD Assist. Prof. Bilge GÜVENÇ TUNA, PhD Assist. Prof. HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY Ünal USLU, MD Assoc. Prof. Alev CUMBUL, PhD Assist. Prof. MEDICAL BIOLOGY Turgay İSBİR, PhD Prof. Deniz KIRAÇ, PhD Assist. Prof. Soner DOĞAN, PhD Assist. Prof. MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS Elif VATANOĞLU, MD Assist. Prof. Gülden ÇELİK, MD Prof. MICROBIOLOGY Yeşim GÜROL, MD Assoc. Prof. Çağatay ACUNER, MD Assoc. Prof. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Esra Önen BAYRAM, PhD Assist. Prof. PHYSIOLOGY Bayram YILMAZ, PhD Prof. Burcu ŞEKER, PhD Assist. Prof. SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I Mehtap KAÇAR, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Gülderen YANIKKAYA DEMİREL, MD Assoc. Prof. Güldal İZBIRAK, MD Assoc.Prof. INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PRACTICE I (ICP- I) Hülya AKAN, MD Assoc. Prof. Özlem TANRIÖVER, MD Assoc.Prof. Arzu AKALIN, MD Assist. Prof. ANATOMICAL DRAWING ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY HUMANITIES TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Refik AZİZ, PhD Assist. Prof. Davut EKŞİ, PhD, Instr. Bedri SELİMHOCAOĞLU, Instr. 17 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I INTRODUCTION TO BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES COMMITTEE I AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES AIM 1. 2. to convey basic terms and concepts on medical history, physiology, embryology, histology, organic chemistry, biophysics, medical biology and microbiology, to convey basic knowledge on viability. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this committee, student should be able to; 1.0. 2.0. 3.0. 4.0. 5.0. 6.0. 7.0. 8.0. 9.0. 10.0. 11.0. 12.0. 13.0. 14.0. 15.0. 16.0. 17.0. 18.0. 19.0. explain basic terms and concepts related to basic physics, basic biophysics, system. international units, biomaterials, bio-optics, radiation physics, biomechanics, bioelectronics. explain mechanic, electrical and optical processes that are characteristics of living organisms. classify microscope types and list using area explain methods used in histology and their usage purposes. explain histological characteristics of cell membrane and functions summarize the structure of cytoplasmic organelles and relate it to their functions list the cytoskeleton element and describe probable functions gain a molecular perspective to all of the biochemical mechanisms in living cells. explain human genome project and the importance of the results. explain the structure and function of eukaryotic subcellular organelles. identify the molecules involved in the communication between the cells explain the mechanism of signal transduction. describe the programmed cell death. define the concepts of medicine,disease and health in the evolutionary perspective. explain disease and health theories in prehistoric era. explain history of discovery for important microorganisms causing infections in humans. define structure of atom and chemical bonds. for organic compounds; 18.1. define functional groups. 18.2. classify possible reactions. define homeostasis. 18 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I INTRODUCTION TO BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES - COMMITTEE I COMMITTEE EXAM ASSESSMENT TABLE LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.0, 2.0 3.0 – 7.0 3.0 – 7.0 8.0 – 13.0 14.0, 15.0 FACULTY DEPARTMENT BIOPHYSICS LEARNING OBJECTIVES HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY MEDICAL BIOLOGY MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS MICROBIOLOGY ORGANIC CHEM. PHYSIOLOGY TOTAL FACULTY DEPARTMENT 1.0, 2.0 3.0 – 7.0 8.0 – 13.0 BIOPHYSICS HISTOLOGY& EMB. MEDICAL BIOLOGY 16.0 17.0, 18.1, 18.2 19.0 LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR Dr. B.Güvenç Tuna Dr. Ü. Uslu Dr. A. Cumbul Dr. T. İsbir Dr. E. Vatanoğlu Dr. G. Çelik Dr. E.Ö. Bayram Dr. B. Yılmaz LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR Dr. B.Güvnç Tuna Dr. Ü. Uslu Dr. T. İsbir NUMBER OF QUESTIONS MCQ* CE FE IE TOTAL 14 7 4 25 5 4 28 3 3 16 2 1 8 10 8 52 8 4 2 14 3 1 4 16 7 4 27 2 1 1 4 80 42/192# 22/96## 144 NUMBER OF QUESTIONS EMQ**, OSPE***, WE**** EMQ OSPE WE TOTAL 3 pts 3 4 pts 3 1 8 pts 4 4 - COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT TABLE DESCRIPTION Total number of multiple choise questions is 80, equal to 85 pts, Each multiple choise question has value equal to 1,0625 pts, Extending matching questions have value equal to 10 pts and this question type will only be used for the Committee Exam (CE). MCQ*: Multiple Choice Question EMQ**: Extending Matching Question OSPE***: Objective Structured Practical Exam WE****: Writeen Exam CE: Committee Exam FE: Final Exam IE: Incomplete Exam pts: Points # 42 out of 192 final exam questions will be from Committee I; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Final Exam Question is worth 0.5 pts) ## 22 out of 96 incomplete exam questions will be from Committee I; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Incomplete Exam Question is worth 1 pt) 19 INTRODUCTION TO BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES PHASE I COMMITTEE I I. WEEK DAY 15-Sep-2014 MONDAY 16-Sep-2014 TUESDAY 17-Sep-2014 WEDNESDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT Independent study hour Introduction to Medical Faculty Introduction to Phase I and Comittee I Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Organic Chemistry: Introduction Electron Structures and Bonding Introduction to the First Aid Programmes Basic Human Body E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram G. İzbırak A. Akalın Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 Independent study hour Scene Assessment Basic Life Support Basic Life Support A. Akalın G. İzbırak G. İzbırak 19-Sep-2014 FRIDAY Dean Lecture Ç. Kaspar Introduction to Biophysics; Biomechanics Physical Measurements and Units, Unit Standards Introduction to Histology; Basic Terminology Conventional Brightfield Microscopy B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Introduction to Medical Biology Origin of Life Legal Aspect of First Aid Legal Aspect of First Aid T. İsbir T. İsbir E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu Origin of Life Cellular Organization of Life Cellular Organization of Life Independent study hour T. İsbir T. İsbir T. İsbir 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 Organic Reactions Acidity and Basicity Organic Reactions Acidity and Basicity Approaches to Medicine/ Medicine in Prehistoric Times Approaches to Medicine/ Medicine in Prehistoric Times E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Cellular Organization of Life Cellular Organization of Life Humanities Independent study hour T. İsbir T. İsbir 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 18-Sep-2014 THURSDAY LECTURER 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 20 U. Uslu U. Uslu E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu II. WEEK DAY 22-Sep-2014 MONDAY 23-Sep-2014 TUESDAY 24-Sep-2014 WEDNESDAY 25-Sep-2014 THURSDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT LECTURER Shock and Bleeding Control Foreign Objects H. Akan H. Akan Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 Force, Gravity, Gravitation Law, Mass and Weight Newton’s Laws, Center of Mass Buffers, pH Buffers, pH B.Güvenç Tuna Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Importance of Energy for Biological Systems Velocity, Acceleration, Moment Cellular Organization of Life (Enzymes) Cellular Organization of Life (Enzyme kinetics) B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna S. Doğan S. Doğan Electronmicroscopy Methods of Histology; Tissue Processing Cellular Organization of Life Cell Membrane U Uslu A. Cumbul T. İsbir T. İsbir 09.00-09.50 Approaches to Medicine/ Medicine in Prehistoric Times Approaches to Medicine/ Medicine in Prehistoric Times Cell Membrane Cell Membrane E. Vatanoğlu Basic Tec.: The Prep. of Aqueous Sol. Gr A Basic Tec.: The Prep. of Aqueous Sol. Gr A Basic Tec.: The Prep. of Aqueous Sol. Gr B Basic Tec.: The Prep. of Aqueous Sol. Gr B M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY Cytoskeleton Cytoskeleton Redox Reactions Functional Groups: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes T. İsbir T. İsbir E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Cytoskeleton Cytoskeleton Humanities Independent study hour T. İsbir T. İsbir 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 26-Sep-2014 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 21 B.Güvenç Tuna E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram E. Vatanoğlu T. İsbir T. İsbir III. WEEK DAY 29-Sep-2014 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT Burns, Freezing, Frostbite Fractures and Dislocation Fractures and Dislocation LECTURER H. Akan H. Akan H. Akan Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu Mechanical Powers of Cardiac and Skeletal Muscles Biomaterials: Stress-Strain, Poisson’s Law Cell Adhesion Cell Adhesion B.Güvenç Tuna Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Alkenes Alkenes Cell Adhesion Cell Signalling Events E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram T. İsbir T. İsbir Methods of Histology; Immunohistochemistry Other Histologic Methods Cell Signalling Events Cell Signalling Events A. Cumbul A. Cumbul T. İsbir T. İsbir 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Assyro-Babylon Medicine Assyro-Babylon Medicine Cell Signalling Events Cell Signalling Events E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu T. İsbir T. İsbir Cell Signalling Events Basic Tec.: The Prep. of Aqueous Sol. Gr C Basic Tec.: The Prep. of Aqueous Sol. Gr C Independent study hour T. İsbir M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY 30-Sep-2014 09.00-09.50 TUESDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 1-Oct-2014 WEDNESDAY 2-Oct-2014 THURSDAY 3-Oct-2014 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY EVE 22 B.Güvenç Tuna T. İsbir T. İsbir IV. WEEK DAY 6-Oct-2014 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 7-Oct-2014 09.00-09.50 TUESDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 8-Oct-2014 WEDNESDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Electric Charges, Electric Field Membrane Impedance, Bioelectrical Activity Stereochemistry Stereochemistry 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 Alkynes and Alkyl Halides Alkynes and Alkyl Halides Introduction to Physiology and Homeostasis Introduction to Physiology and Homeostasis E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz Cell; General Specification U. Uslu 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Electric Current Effects on Human Tissue Electrical Security Systems Independent study hour B.Güvenç Tuna 9-Oct-2014 THURSDAY 10-Oct-2014 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT LECTURER RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B.Güvenç Tuna Independent study hour Cell Membrane Structure Cell Membrane Function; Transport Signal Transduction A. Cumbul A. Cumbul U. Uslu Nature of Light, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Lenses Lens-maker Equation Humanities B.Güvenç Tuna Independent study hour 23 B.Güvenç Tuna V. WEEK DAY 13-Oct-2014 MONDAY 14-Oct-2014 TUESDAY 15-Oct-2014 WEDNESDAY 16-Oct-2014 THURSDAY 17-Oct-2014 FRIDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT Injuries The Unconscious Causalty Poisoning LECTURER A. Akalın G. İzbırak A. Akalın Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Assyro-Babylon Medicine Assyro-Babylon Medicine Intercellular Cell Signalling Intercellular Cell Signalling E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu T. İsbir T. İsbir Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB:Population Genetics&Epigenetics GrA LAB:Population Genetics&Epigenetics GrA Cell Cycle and Mitosis Cell Cycle and Mitosis M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY T. İsbir T. İsbir Programmed Cell Death Programmed Cell Death History and Scope of Microbiology Independent study hour T. İsbir T. İsbir G. Çelik 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 History and Scope of Microbiology History and Scope of Microbiology Programmed Cell Death Programmed Cell Death G. Çelik G. Çelik T. İsbir T. İsbir LAB: Microscopy Gr A LAB: Microscopy Gr A LAB: Microscopy Gr B LAB: Microscopy Gr B HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour LAB:Population Genetics&Epigenetics GrB LAB:Population Genetics&Epigenetics GrB M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY LAB:Population Genetics&Epigenetics GrC LAB:Population Genetics&Epigenetics GrC Humanities Independent study hour 24 M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY VI. WEEK DAY 20-Oct-2014 MONDAY 21-Oct-2014 TUESDAY 22-Oct-2014 WEDNESDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT Animal and Insect Bite Drowning Patient-Causalty Transportation Techniques LECTURER Ö.Tanrıöver Ö.Tanrıöver Ö.Tanrıöver Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Cellular Homeostosis and Cell Growth Cellular Homeostosis and Cell Growth Alcohols and Phenols Alcohols and Phenols T. İsbir T. İsbir E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 Problem Hours in Organic Chemistry Problem Hours in Organic Chemistry Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram D. Kıraç D. Kıraç Organalles; ER, Golgi and Ribosomes (Protein Synthesis) Organalles; Vesicular Transport, Mitochondria Independent study hour Independent study hour U. Uslu 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 23-Oct-2014 THURSDAY 24-Oct-2014 FRIDAY U. Uslu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Optical Aberrations Vision and Eye Egyptian Medicine Egyptian Medicine Independent study hour Independent study hour E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 How to Read and Write an Article How to Read and Write an Article Cytoskeleton; General Spec, Microfilament Cytoskeleton; Intermed. Fil. & Microtubule G. D. Yanıkkaya G. D. Yanıkkaya A. Cumbul U. Uslu Optic Nerves, Extra-ocular Muscles Refraction Errors in the Eye, Microscope Humanities Independent study hour B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna 25 B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna VII. WEEK DAY 27-Oct-2014 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT LECTURER Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities 28-Oct-2014 TUESDAY REPUBLIC DAY 29-Oct-2014 WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC DAY 30-Oct-2014 THURSDAY 31-Oct-2014 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS Humanities 26 B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I CELL – COMMITTEE II DISTRIBUTION of LECTURE HOURS November 03, 2014 - December 26, 2014 COMMITTEE DURATION: 8 WEEKS MD 120 BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I DISCIPLINE THEO. PRAC. TOTAL 113 15 128 ANATOMY 13 2Grx7H 20 BIOPHYSICS 14 0 14 HISTOLOGY and EMBRYOLOGY 14 0 14 MEDICAL BIOLOGY 33 3Grx6H 39 MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS 6 0 6 MICROBIOLOGY 8 0 8 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 18 0 18 PHYSIOLOGY 5 3Grx2H 7 SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I 2 0 2 MD 132 ANATOMICAL DRAWING 0 16 16 MD 142 ICP-I 0 4Grx3H 5 2Grx3H HTR 301-302 HUM 101-102 TKL 201-202 ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY 16 0 16 HUMANITIES 21 8 29 TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 16 0 16 166 44 210 TOTAL II. Coordination Committee Head Turgay İSBİR, PhD Prof. Secretary Member Member Kaan YÜCEL, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Ünal USLU, MD Assoc. Prof. Soner DOGAN, PhD Assist. Prof. 27 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I CELL – COMMITTEE II LECTURERS BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I DISCIPLINE ANATOMY FACULTY Ioannis SIATITSAS, MD, PhD Prof. Kaan YÜCEL, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Yüksel AYDAR, PhD Prof. BIOPHYSICS Akif MAHARRAMOV, PhD Assist. Prof. Bilge GÜVENÇ TUNA, PhD Assist. Prof. HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY Ünal USLU, MD Assoc. Prof. Alev CUMBUL, PhD Assist. Prof. MEDICAL BIOLOGY Turgay İSBİR, PhD Prof. Deniz KIRAÇ, PhD Assist. Prof. Soner DOĞAN, PhD Assist. Prof. MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS Elif VATANOĞLU, MD Assist. Prof. Gülden ÇELİK, MD Prof. MICROBIOLOGY Yeşim GÜROL, MD Assoc. Prof. Çağatay ACUNER, MD Assoc. Prof. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Esra Önen BAYRAM, PhD Assist. Prof. PHYSIOLOGY Bayram YILMAZ, PhD Prof. Burcu ŞEKER, PhD Assist. Prof. SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I Mehtap KAÇAR, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Gülderen YANIKKAYA DEMİREL, MD Assoc. Prof. Güldal İZBIRAK, MD Assoc.Prof. INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PRACTICE I (ICP-I) Hülya AKAN, MD Assoc. Prof. Özlem TANRIÖVER, MD Assoc.Prof. Arzu AKALIN, MD Assist. Prof. ANATOMICAL DRAWING ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY HUMANITIES TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Refik AZİZ, PhD Assist.Prof. Davut EKŞİ, PhD, Instr. Bedri SELİMHOCAOĞLU, Instr. 28 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I CELL – COMMITTEE II AIM and LEARNING OBJECTIVES AIM 1. 2. 3. to convey basic term and concepts on medical history, anatomy, physiology, embryology, histology, medical biology, biophysics, organic chemistry and microbiology. to convey knowledge on cellular structure and functions. to convey knowledge on system-specific (bones, skull, vertebra, and thorax) anatomy and its clinical applications. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this committee, student should be able to; 1.0. 2.0. 3.0. 4.0. 5.0. 6.0. 7.0. 8.0. 9.0. 10.0. 11.0. 12.0. 13.0. 14.0. 15.0. 16.0. 17.0. 18.0. 19.0. define fundamental concepts of anatomy 1.1. define anatomy, its historical development and basic anatomical terms. 1.2. explain basic concepts related to regional and systematic anatomy, and osteology. define anatomical properties and clinical implications for skull bones, vertebrae and thorax. explain basic terms and concepts about radiation biophysics, radiation safety and use of lasers. list effects of radiation to the organism, its evaluation methods on the cellular basis and protection approaches. explain histological characteristics of cell nucleus. list the difference between mitosis and meiosis. list the difference between male and female gametogenesis. list developmental events respectively from zygote to nerulation. define basic ions that are diffused in intracellular and extracellular fluids and their concentrated regions. explain transfer mechanisms of cellular membrane and the connection of these mechanisms with material and energy requirements. explain the roles of DNA and RNA in the maintenance of living organism. list the protein synthesis steps and define the mechanisms of regulation of gene expression. define types of mutations and emphasize the importance of gene polymorphisms in human health and variability. define plasmids and their use in molecular biology, explain the identification methods of chromosomes and their use in medical clinics. Define the correlation of medicine,art and philosophy from prehistoric ages to date. for microorganisms; 17.1. classify 17.2. list general characteristics. define structure of organic compounds and their chemical reactions define structures and reactions of macromolecules such as amino acid, protein, lipid and carbohydrate. 29 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I CELL - COMMITTEE II COMMITTEE EXAM ASSESSMENT TABLE LEARNING OBJECTIVES FACULTY DEPARTMENT LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 3.0, 4.0 5.0 – 8.0 ANATOMY HISTOLOGY Dr. I. Siatitsas Dr. Y. Aydar Dr. B.Güvenç Tuna Dr. U. Uslu 5.0 – 8.0 EMBRYOLOGY 11.0 -15.0 16.0 NUMBER OF QUESTIONS MCQ* CE 6 FE 6 IE 3 TOTAL 15 12 6 3 21 4 3 1 8 Dr. A. Cumbul 5 3 2 10 MEDICAL BIOLOGY Dr. T. Isbir 23 13 7 43 Dr. E. Vatanoğlu 5 2 1 8 17.1, 17.2 17.1, 17.2 MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS MICROBIOLOGY MICROBIOLOGY Dr. G. Çelik Dr. Y. Gurol 4 3 1 2 1 1 6 6 18.0, 19.0 ORGANIC CHEM. Dr. E.O. Bayram 15 6 3 24 9.0, 10.0 PHYSIOLOGY TOTAL FACULTY DEPARTMENT Dr. B. Yilmaz LEARNING OBJECTIVES BIOPHYSICS LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR 1.0, 2.0 5.0 – 8.0 3 2 1 6 80 44/192# 23/96## 147 POINT OF QUESTIONS EMQ**, OSPE***, WE**** EMQ OSPE WE TOTAL 7 pts 3 4 - Dr. I. Siatitsas ANATOMY HISTOLOGY & Dr. U. Uslu 3 pts 3 EMB. 8 pts 11.0 -15.0 MEDICAL BIOLOGY Dr. T. Isbir 4 4 2 pts 9.0, 10.0 PHYSIOLOGY Dr. B. Yilmaz 2 COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT TABLE DESCRIPTION Total number of multiple choise questions is 80, equal to 80 pts, Each multiple choise question has value equal to 1 pts, Extending matching questions have value equal to 10 pts and this question type will only be used for the Committee Exam (CE). Objective structured practical exams have value equal to 10 pts. MCQ*: Multiple Choice Question EMQ**: Extending Matching Question OSPE***: Objective Structured Practical Exam WE****: Writeen Exam CE: Committee Exam FE: Final Exam IE: Incomplete Exam # 44 out of 192 final exam questions will be from Committee II; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Final Exam Question is worth 0.5 pts). ## 23 out of 96 incomplete exam questions will be from Committee II; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Incomplete Exam Question is worth 1 pt). 30 I. WEEK PHASE I CELL COMMITTEE II DAY HOUR SUBJECT 3-Nov-2014 09.00-09.50 LAB: Basic Life Support Group I MONDAY 10.00-10.50 LAB: Basic Life Support Group I 11.00-11.50 LAB: Basic Life Support Group I LECTURER G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Introduction to Committee II Introduction to anatomy Ethers and Epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides Ethers and Epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides K. Yücel I. Siatitsas E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 Cell Nucleus Decay Curve and the Decay Law of Radioactivity Decay Curve and the Decay Law of Radioactivity Independent study hour A. Cumbul B.Güvenç Tuna General Structures of Bacteria, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and Rickettsiae General Structures of Bacteria, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and Rickettsiae LAB: Introduction to Anatomy Gr. A LAB: Introduction to Anatomy Gr. B G. Çelik 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 General Structure of Fungi General Structure of Fungi Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine Y. Gürol Y. Gürol E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu Deoxyribonucleic Acid and Ribonucleic Acid Deoxyribonucleic Acid and Ribonucleic Acid Particle Radiation (α, β, γ particles) Particle Radiation (α, β, γ particles) T. İsbir T. İsbir B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 General Structure of Viruses General Structure of Viruses Deoxyribonucleic Acid and Ribonucleic Acid Deoxyribonucleic Acid and Ribonucleic Acid G. Çelik G. Çelik T. İsbir T. İsbir How to Read and Write an Article How to Read and Write an Article Humanities Independent study hour G. D. Yanıkkaya G. D. Yanıkkaya 4-Nov-2014 TUESDAY 5-Nov-2014 WEDNESDAY 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 6-Nov-2014 THURSDAY 7-Nov-2014 FRIDAY 31 B.Güvenç Tuna G. Çelik ANATOMY ANATOMY II. WEEK DAY 10-Nov-2014 MONDAY 11-Nov-2014 TUESDAY 12-Nov-2014 WEDNESDAY 13-Nov-2014 THURSDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT Commemoration of Atatürk Commemoration of Atatürk Commemoration of Atatürk LECTURER Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Terminology in Anatomy Introduction to Osteology Carbonyl Compounds Carbonyl Compounds I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Biosynthesis of Nucleotides Biosynthesis of Nucleotides Cell Cycle and Mitosis Cell Cycle; Meiosis T. İsbir T. İsbir A. Cumbul A. Cumbul Cell Membrane Distribution of Substances in Body Fluids Neurocranium Neurocranium B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 Indian Medicine Indian Medicine Protein Synthesis and Turnover Protein Synthesis and Turnover E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu T. İsbir T. İsbir Osmotic Pressure and Permeability of the Cell Membrane LAB: Neurocranium Group B LAB: Neurocranium Group A Independent study hour B. Yılmaz 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 14-Nov-2014 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Carboxylic acid Amines and other amine functional groups Protein Synthesis and Turnover Protein Synthesis and Turnover Humanities Independent study hour 32 ANATOMY ANATOMY E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram T. İsbir T. İsbir III. WEEK DAY HOUR SUBJECT 17-Nov-2014 09.00-09.50 LAB: Basic Life Support Group II MONDAY 10.00-10.50 LAB: Basic Life Support Group II 11.00-11.50 LAB: Basic Life Support Group II 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities 18-Nov-2014 TUESDAY 19-Nov-2014 WEDNESDAY 20-Nov-2014 THURSDAY 21-Nov-2014 FRIDAY LECTURER G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Nucleus and Radioactivity Intro. to Embryology; Basic Terminology Human Devopmental Periods B.Güvenç Tuna U. Uslu U. Uslu Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Viscerocranium Viscerocranium Greek Medicine and Contemporary Medicine Greek Medicine and Contemporary Medicine Y. Aydar Y. Aydar E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu Gametogenesis; Spermatogenesis Oogenesis; Ovarian Cycle Independent study hour Independent study hour A. Cumbul Ü. Uslu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Regulation of Gene Expression Regulation of Gene Expression Problem Hours in Organic Chemistry Problem Hours in Organic Chemistry T. İsbir T. İsbir E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram LAB : Mitosis and Meiosis LAB : Mitosis and Meiosis LAB : Mitosis and Meiosis LAB : Mitosis and Meiosis M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Viscerocranium Group A Photoelectric Action, Compton Action Regulation of Gene Expression Regulation of Gene Expression ANATOMY B.Güvenç Tuna T. İsbir T. İsbir LAB : Mitosis and Meiosis Gr A LAB : Mitosis and Meiosis Gr A Humanities LAB: Viscerocranium Group B M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY 33 Gr C Gr C Gr B Gr B ANATOMY IV. WEEK DAY 24-Nov-2014 MONDAY 25-Nov-2014 TUESDAY 26-Nov-2014 WEDNESDAY 27-Nov-2014 THURSDAY 28-Nov-2014 FRIDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 SUBJECT LAB: Basic Life Support Group III LAB: Basic Life Support Group III LAB: Basic Life Support Group III LECTURER G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu Independent study hour 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Benzene and Heterocyclic Compounds Benzene and Heterocyclic Compounds Independent study hour E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Half Value Thickness Units of Radioactivity Tools in Medical Biology Tools in Medical Biology B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna T. İsbir T. İsbir Tools in Medical Biology Oogenesis; Follicular and Menstruel Cycle Fertilization Independent study hour T. İsbir U.Uslu U.Uslu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Chemistry of Biomolecules: Lipids Organic Chemistry of Biomolecules: Lipids Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram T. İsbir T. İsbir Axial Skeleton Axial Skeleton LAB: Axial Skeleton Group B LAB: Axial Skeleton Group A I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 Chromosome Structure and Function, Plasmids, Transposable Genetic Elements Chromosome Structure and Function, Plasmids, Transposable Genetic Elements Transport of Substances Through the Cell Transport of Substances Through the Cell T. İsbir Blastulation Implantation; Events Humanities Independent study hour A. Cumbul Ü.Uslu 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 34 T. İsbir B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz V. WEEK DAY HOUR SUBJECT LECTURER 1-Dec-2014 MONDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Basic Life Support Group IV LAB: Basic Life Support Group IV LAB: Basic Life Support Group IV G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın G. İzbırak & A. Akalın Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Radioisotopes in Medicine Radioisotopes in Medicine B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi Gastrulation; Primitive Streak, Notochord Formation Somitogenesis; Mesoderm Organization LAB: Osmosis and Diffusion Gr A LAB: Osmosis and Diffusion Gr A Ü. Uslu LAB: Osmosis and Diffusion Gr B LAB: Osmosis and Diffusion Gr B LAB: Osmosis and Diffusion Gr C LAB: Osmosis and Diffusion Gr C PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY Sphenoid, Temporal, and Temporomandibular joint Sphenoid, Temporal, and Temporomandibular joint I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas T. İsbir 2-Dec-2014 TUESDAY 3-Dec-2014 09.00-09.50 WEDNESDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 4-Dec-2014 THURSDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 Chromosome Structure and Function, Plasmids, Transposable Genetic Elements Chromosome Structure and Function, Plasmids, Transposable Genetic Elements Ü. Uslu PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY T. İsbir 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Sphenoid, Temporal, Temporomandibular joint Gr A LAB: Sphenoid, Temporal, Temporomandibular joint Gr A LAB: Sphenoid, Temporal,Temporomandibular joint Gr B LAB: Sphenoid, Temporal, Temporomandibular joint Gr B 5-Dec-2014 09.00-09.50 Independent study hour FRIDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY General Structure of Parasites General Structure of Parasites Y. Gürol Y. Gürol DNA Damage and Repair Mechanism DNA Damage and Repair Mechanism Humanities Independent study hour T. İsbir T. İsbir 35 VI. WEEK DAY HOUR 8-Dec-2014 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 9-Dec-2014 TUESDAY 10-Dec-2014 WEDNESDAY 11-Dec-2014 THURSDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LECTURER Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu Independent study hour Biological Mechanisms of Radiation Radiation Safety Neurulation; Neuroectoderm Organization B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna A. Cumbul Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Lasers in Medicine Lasers in Medicine Chemistry of Biomolecules: Carbohydrates Chemistry of Biomolecules: Carbohydrates B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram Mutations and Polymorphism Mutations and Polymorphism Independent study hour Independent study hour T. İsbir T. İsbir 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Mendelian Laws and Inheritance Mendelian Laws and Inheritance Chem. of Biomo. :Amino Acids & Proteins Chem. of Biomo. :Amino Acids & Proteins T. İsbir T. İsbir E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 12-Dec-2014 FRIDAY SUBJECT LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group I LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group I LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group I 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Overview of Cranium and Axial Skeleton Gr B LAB: Overview of Cranium and Axial Skeleton Gr A Independent study hour Independent study hour ANATOMY ANATOMY LAB: Nucleic Acid Purification Gr B LAB: Nucleic Acid Purification Gr B LAB: Nucleic Acid Purification Gr A LAB: Nucleic Acid Purification Gr A M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY LAB: Nucleic Acid Purification Gr C LAB: Nucleic Acid Purification Gr C Humanities Independent study hour M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY 36 VII. WEEK LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group II LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group II LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group II Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Problem Hours in Organic Chemistry Problem Hours in Organic Chemistry Mendelian Laws and Inheritance Mendelian Laws and Inheritance E.Ö. Bayram E.Ö. Bayram T. İsbir T. İsbir Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Introduction to Arthrology and Kinesiology I Introduction to Arthrology and Kinesiology I Biological Aspects of Development Biological Aspects of Development I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas T. İsbir T. İsbir LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group III LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group III LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group III Independent study hour Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan LAB : Gene Identification in Cancer Gr A LAB : Gene Identification in Cancer Gr A LAB : Gene Identification in Cancer Gr B LAB : Gene Identification in Cancer Gr B M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY LAB : Gene Identification in Cancer Gr C LAB : Gene Identification in Cancer Gr C Independent study hour Independent study hour M. BIOLOGY M. BIOLOGY 15-Dec-2014 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 16-Dec-2014 TUESDAY 17-Dec-2014 WEDNESDAY 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 18-Dec-2014 THURSDAY 19-Dec-2014 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Humanities Independent study hour 37 Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan VIII. WEEK 22-Dec-2014 MONDAY 23-Dec-2014 TUESDAY 24-Dec-2014 WEDNESDAY 25-Dec-2014 THURSDAY 26-Dec-2014 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS Humanities 38 R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE I – COMMITTEE III DISTRIBUTION of LECTURE HOURS December 29, 2014 - February 20, 2015 COMMITTEE DURATION: 6 WEEKS THEO. PRAC. TOTAL DISCIPLINE 60 22 82 ANATOMY 18 2Grx8H 26 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BIOPHYSICS 8 0 8 8 0 8 HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY 8 2Grx6H 14 MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS 6 0 6 PHYSIOLOGY 10 3Grx8H 18 SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I 2 0 2 MD 132 ANATOMICAL DRAWING 0 8 8 MD 142 ICP-I 9 2Grx3H 10 8 0 8 2 1 3 TKL 201-202 TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 8 0 8 TOTAL 87 32 119 MD 120 BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY HUM 101-102 HUMANITIES HTR 301-302 III. Coordination Committee Head Bayram YILMAZ, PhD Prof. Secretary Member Member Deniz KIRAÇ, PhD Assist. Prof. Kaan YÜCEL, MD PhD Assist. Prof. Alev CUMBUL PhD Assist. Prof. 39 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE I – COMMITTEE III LECTURERS BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I DISCIPLINE FACULTY Ioannis SIATITSAS, MD, PhD Prof. ANATOMY Kaan YÜCEL, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Yüksel AYDAR, PhD Prof. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BIOPHYSICS Akif MAHARRAMOV, PhD Assist. Prof. Bilge GÜVENÇ TUNA, PhD Assist. Prof. Ünal USLU, MD Assoc. Prof. HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY Oya ALAGÖZ, MD Assist. Prof. Alev CUMBUL PhD Assist. Prof. MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS Elif VATANOĞLU, MD Assist. Prof. PHYSIOLOGY Bayram YILMAZ, PhD Prof. Burcu ŞEKER, PhD Assist. Prof. Mehtap KAÇAR, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Gülderen YANIKKAYA DEMİREL, MD Assoc. Prof. SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I Güldal İZBIRAK, MD Assoc.Prof. INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PRACTICE I Hülya AKAN, MD Assoc.Prof. (ICP-I) Özlem TANRIÖVER, MD Assoc.Prof. Arzu AKALIN, MD Assist. Prof. ANATOMICAL DRAWING ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY HUMANITIES Refik AZİZ, PhD Assist.Prof. TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Bedri SELİMHOCAOĞLU, Instr. Davut EKŞİ, PhD, Instr. 40 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE I – COMMITTEE III AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES AIM 1. 2. 3. 4. to convey basic terms and concepts for anatomy, physiology, embryology, histology, biophysics, behavioral sciences, and medical ethics. to convey knowledge on four fundamental tissues forming the body, cells forming these tissues. to convey knowledge on excitation and contraction mechanisms of muscles. to convey knowledge on system-specific (pelvis, joints of vertebrae, bones and joints of lower and upper extremities) anatomy and its clinical applications. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this committee, student should be able to; 1.0. explain anatomical characteristics of joints in general. 2.0. explain anatomical characteristics of joints of the vertebral column and pelvis and their clinical utility. 3.0. describe the link between the anatomical characteristics of bones and joints of lower and upper extremities and their clinical reflections. 4.0. list general paradigms and basic concepts of psychology. 5.0. describe the principles of force development and energy utilization by muscles. 6.0. explain muscle contraction mechanism on the basis of Sliding Filament Theory. 7.0. explain link between structure and role of tissues. 8.0. for epithel tissue; 8.1. explain general specification, 8.2. recognize eight covering epithelium subtypes, 8.3. explain histological basis on which glands are classified 9.0. for muscle tissue; 9.1. describe histological characteristics and relate main function, 9.2. summarize the main similarities and differences between three different types of muscle. 10.0. Define the correlation between ethics and philosophy in relation with main ethical theories. 11.0. define membrane and action potentials and sodium/potassium pumps. 12.0. list mechanisms of excitation and contraction in skeletal muscle. 13.0. explain role of autonomous nervous system in excitation of smooth muscle and heart muscle. 14.0. define EMG. 41 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE I - COMMITTEE III COMMITTEE EXAM ASSESSMENT TABLE LEARNING OBJECTIVES FACULTY DEPARTMENT 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ANATOMY 5.0, 6.0 4.0 7.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2 7.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2 10.0 BIOPHYSICS BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 11.0 -14.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR Dr. K. Yücel Dr. I. Siatitsas Dr. B.Güvenç Tuna NUMBER OF QUESTIONS MCQ* CE 24 FE 8 IE 4 TOTAL 36 12 12 3 4 1 2 16 18 HISTOLOGY Dr. Ü. Uslu 5 2 1 8 EMBRYOLOGY Dr. A. Cumbul 5 2 1 8 MEDICAL HISTORY & ETHICS PHYSIOLOGY TOTAL Dr. E. Vatanoğlu 9 3 1 13 FACULTY DEPARTMENT Dr. B. Yılmaz LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR 13 6 3 22 80 28/192# 13/96## 121 POINT OF QUESTIONS EMQ**, OSPE***, WE**** EMQ OSPE WE TOTAL 6 pts 3 3 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ANATOMY Dr. I. Siatitsas 7.0, 8.1, 8.2, 6 pts HISTOLOGY & EMB. Dr. Ü. Uslu 3 3 8.3, 9.1, 9.2 8 pts 11.0 -14.0 PHYSIOLOGY Dr. B. Yılmaz 4 4 COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT TABLE DESCRIPTION Total number of multiple choise questions is 80, equal to 80 pts, Each multiple choise question has value equal to 1 pts, Extending matching questions have value equal to 10 pts and this question type will only be used for the Committee Exam (CE). Objective structured practical exams have value equal to 15 pts. MCQ*: Multiple Choice Question EMQ**: Extending Matching Question OSPE***: Objective Structured Practical Exam WE****: Writeen Exam CE: Committee Exam FE: Final Exam IE: Incomplete Exam # 28 out of 192 final exam questions will be from Committee III; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Final Exam Question is worth 0.5 pts) ## 13 out of 96 incomplete exam questions will be from Committee III; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Incomplete Exam Question is worth 1 pt). 42 I. WEEK PHASE I COMMITTEE III THE TISSUE I DAY 29-Dec-2014 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT Introduction to Committee III Greek Medicine and Contemporary Medicine Greek Medicine and Contemporary Medicine LECTURER D. Kıraç E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Humanities Conferences Humanities Humanities B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour The Motor Unit - Neuromuscular Junction B.Güvenç Tuna Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 Bones of the Upper Limb Bones of the Upper Limb Independent study hour I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour 30-Dec-2014 TUESDAY 31-Dec-2014 WEDNESDAY 01-Jan-2015 THURSDAY 02-Jan-2015 FRIDAY LAB: Bones of the Upper Limb Group A LAB: Bones of the Upper Limb Group B Independent study hour Independent study hour NEW YEAR'S DAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 43 ANATOMY ANATOMY II. WEEK DAY 5-Jan-2015 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 6-Jan-2015 TUESDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 7-Jan-2015 WEDNESDAY 8-Jan-2015 THURSDAY 9-Jan-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 SUBJECT LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group IV LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group IV LAB: Patient-Causalty Transportation / Bandaging Techniques Group IV LECTURER Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Ö Tanrıöver & H Akan Independent study hour Contractile Machinery; Sliding Filament Contractile Machinery; Sliding Filament Joints of the Upper Limb Joints of the Upper Limb B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas Muscles of the Upper Limb Muscles of the Upper Limb Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz Histology of Covering Epithelium; Structure, Classification LAB: Joints of the Upper Limb Group B LAB: Joints of the Upper Limb Group A Independent study hour U.Uslu ANATOMY ANATOMY Independent study hour 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Histology of C.Ep.; Surface Specification Histology of Glandular Ep.; Classification Histology of Glandular Ep.; Structure U.Uslu U.Uslu U.Uslu LAB: Histology of Epithel Tissue Gr B LAB: Histology of Epithel Tissue Gr B Skeleton of the Pelvis Skeleton of the Pelvis HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY K. Yücel K. Yücel 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 How to Read and Write an Article How to Read and Write an Article Inroduction to Ethics Inroduction to Ethics G. D. Yanıkkaya G. D. Yanıkkaya E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu LAB: Skeleton of the Pelvis Gr A LAB: Skeleton of the Pelvis Gr A LAB: Skeleton of the Pelvis Gr B LAB: Skeleton of the Pelvis Gr B ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Muscle Mechanics; Muscular Force Muscle Mechanics; Muscular Force Independent study hour Independent study hour B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna Skeletal Muscle Physiology Skeletal Muscle Physiology LAB: Histology of Epithel Tissue Gr A LAB: Histology of Epithel Tissue Gr A B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 44 III. WEEK DAY 12-Jan-2015 MONDAY 13-Jan-2015 TUESDAY 14-Jan-2015 WEDNESDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT Introduction to Communication Skills Basic Communication Skills Basic Communication Skills LECTURER Ö. Tanrıöver A. Akalın A. Akalın Molecular Events in Muscle Fiber Contraction Inroduction to Ethics Inroduction to Ethics LAB: EMG I Gr A LAB: EMG I Gr A B.Güvenç Tuna E. Vatanoğlu E. Vatanoğlu PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Histology of Muscle Tissue; General Specification Histology of Striated Skeletal Muscle Joints of the Vertebral Column Joints of the Vertebral Column A.Cumbul A.Cumbul K. Yücel K. Yücel LAB: EMG I Gr B LAB: EMG I Gr B LAB: EMG I Gr C LAB: EMG I Gr C PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 Biophysics: Smooth Muscle Energy for Muscle Contraction Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Neuromuscular Transmission B.Güvenç Tuna B.Güvenç Tuna B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: EMG II Gr A LAB: EMG II Gr A Independent study hour Independent study hour PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: EMG II Gr B LAB: EMG II Gr B LAB: EMG II Gr C LAB: EMG II Gr C PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY Independent study hour Independent study hour Bones of the Lower Limb Bones of the Lower Limb I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas 13.00-13.50 15-Jan-2015 THURSDAY 16-Jan-2015 09.00-09.50 Independent study hour FRIDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour LAB: Bones of the Lower Limb Gr B LAB: Bones of the Lower Limb Gr B ANATOMY ANATOMY Histology of Heart Muscle Histology of Smooth Muscle LAB: Bones of the Lower Limb Gr A LAB: Bones of the Lower Limb Gr A A.Cumbul A.Cumbul ANATOMY ANATOMY MIDTERM BREAK 19 JAN 2015 - 30 JAN 2015 45 IV. WEEK DAY 2-Feb-2015 MONDAY 3-Feb-2015 TUESDAY 4-Feb-2015 WEDNESDAY 5-Feb-2015 THURSDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT The Medical Interview The Medical Interview Interviewing Techniques LECTURER G. İzbırak G. İzbırak G. İzbırak Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Introduction to Behavioral Science Introduction to Behavioral Science Independent study hour Independent study hour BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Introduction to Behavioral Science Methodology of Behavioral Science LAB: Histology of MuscleTissue Gr A LAB: Histology of MuscleTissue Gr A BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Histology of MuscleTissue Gr B LAB: Histology of MuscleTissue Gr B Joints of the Lower Limb Joints of the Lower Limb HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY K. Yücel K. Yücel 09.00-09.50 Clinical Anatomy of the Bones and Joints of the Limbs Clinical Anatomy of the Bones and Joints of the Limbs Smooth Muscle Physiology Smooth Muscle Physiology I. Siatitsas 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Joints of the Lower Limb Gr A LAB: Joints of the Lower Limb Gr A LAB: Joints of the Lower Limb Gr B LAB: Joints of the Lower Limb Gr B ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 Independent study hour LAB: Smooth Muscle Contractility Gr A LAB: Smooth Muscle Contractility Gr A PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Smooth Muscle Contractility Gr B LAB: Smooth Muscle Contractility Gr B LAB: Smooth Muscle Contractility Gr C LAB: Smooth Muscle Contractility Gr C Independent study hour 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 6-Feb-2015 FRIDAY 46 I. Siatitsas B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY V. WEEK DAY 9-Feb-2015 MONDAY 10-Feb-2015 TUESDAY 11-Feb-2015 WEDNESDAY 12-Feb-2015 THURSDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT LECTURER Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature LAB: Discussion Gr B LAB: Discussion Gr B Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Methodology of Behavioral Science Methodology of Behavioral Science Overview of the Bones and Joints Overview of the Bones and Joints BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. K. Yücel K. Yücel Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Mind, Consciousness and Alternate States Mind, Consciousness and Alternate States Physiology of Cardiac Muscle Physiology of Cardiac Muscle BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. B. Yılmaz B. Yılmaz LAB: Discussion Gr A LAB: Discussion Gr A Independent study hour Independent study hour HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 Independent study hour LAB: Cardiac Muscle with PhysioEx Gr C LAB: Cardiac Muscle with PhysioEx Gr C 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Cardiac Muscle with PhysioEx Gr B LAB: Cardiac Muscle with PhysioEx Gr B LAB: Cardiac Muscle with PhysioEx Gr A LAB: Cardiac Muscle with PhysioEx Gr A Independent study hour ICP MIDTERM EXAM ICP MIDTERM EXAM 13-Feb-2015 09.00-09.50 Independent study hour FRIDAY 10.00-10.50 Independent study hour 11.00-11.50 Independent study hour 12.00-12.50 Independent study hour 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 47 PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY VI. WEEK DAY 16-Feb-2015 MONDAY 17-Feb-2015 TUESDAY 18-Feb-2015 WEDNESDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 19-Feb-2015 THURSDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 20-Feb-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 SUBJECT LECTURER Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS 17.00-17.50 48 R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE II – COMMITTEE IV DISTRIBUTION of LECTURE HOURS February 23, 2015 - April 17, 2015 COMMITTEE DURATION: 8 WEEKS THEO. PRAC. TOTAL DISCIPLINE 107 22 129 ANATOMY 20 2Grx10H 30 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 24 0 24 BIOCHEMISTRY 30 3Grx2H 32 BIOSTATISTICS 12 0 12 HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY 13 2Grx8H 21 MEDICAL BIOLOGY 8 3Grx2H 10 MD 132 ANATOMICAL DRAWING 0 16 16 MD 142 ICP-I 3 4Grx3H 8 MD 120 BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I 2Grx3H HTR 301-302 ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY 16 0 16 TKL 201-202 TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 16 0 16 TOTAL 142 43 185 IV. Coordination Committee Head İnci ÖZDEN, PhD Prof. Secretary Member Member Kaan YÜCEL, MD., PhD Assist. Prof. Alev CUMBUL PhD Assist. Prof. Çiğdem KASPAR, PhD Assist. Prof. 49 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE II – COMMITTEE IV LECTURERS BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I DISCIPLINE FACULTY Ioannis SIATITSAS, MD, PhD Prof. ANATOMY Kaan YÜCEL, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Yüksel AYDAR, PhD Prof. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BIOCHEMISTRY İnci ÖZDEN, PhD Prof. Jale ÇOBAN MD Assoc.Prof. BIOSTATISTICS HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY Çiğdem KASPAR, PhD Assist. Prof. Ünal USLU, MD Assoc. Prof. Alev CUMBUL PhD Assist. Prof. Turgay İSBİR, PhD Prof. MEDICAL BIOLOGY Deniz KIRAÇ, PhD, Assist. Prof. Soner DOĞAN, PhD Assist. Prof. Güldal İZBIRAK, MD Assoc.Prof. INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PRACTICE I Hülya AKAN, MD Assoc.Prof. (ICP-I) Özlem TANRIÖVER, MD Assoc.Prof. Arzu AKALIN, MD Assist. Prof. ANATOMICAL DRAWING ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY HUMANITIES Refik AZİZ, PhD Assist.Prof. TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Bedri SELİMHOCAOĞLU, Instr. 50 Davut EKŞİ, PhD, Instr. YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE II – COMMITTEE IV AIM AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES AIM 1. 2. 3. 4. to convey basic terms and concepts for anatomy, embryology, histology, biostatistics, biochemistry, behavioral sciences, and medical biology. to convey knowledge on four fundamental tissues forming the body, cells forming these tissues and the intercellular material. to convey knowledge on system-specific (upper extremities, back and chest area muscles, vascular and nervous innervations) anatomy and its clinical applications. to convey knowledge on basic metabolic pathways of the body. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this committee, student should be able to; 1.0. define the basic characteristics of the anatomy of the peripheral nervous system, muscular and vascular systems. 2.0. describe anatomical features, vessels, nervous innervations of upper extremities, back and chest area muscles. 3.0. describe the clinical implications of the anatomical features of the upper limb. 4.0. define consciousness, altered states of consciousness, stages of sleep, and measurement of intelligence. 5.0. describe Piaget’s cognitive development theory, attitudes, cognitive dissonance, experiments on conformity, obedience, halo effect, and management of authority. 6.0. explain classical conditioning, operant conditioning, punishment, reinforcement, reinforcement schedules, extinction, spontaneous recovery, and social-cognitive learning. 7.0. for carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides; 7.1. describe their structure. 7.2. define their structural and biochemical functions in tissues. 8.0. for enzymes; 8.1. explain the general properties of enzymes. 8.2. describe the kinetics of enzymes. 8.3. list the enzymes of the respiratory chain in the order of their arrangement. 8.4. explain the function of each enzyme of the respiratory chain 8.5. explain the functions of enzymes involved in removal of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). 9.0. for substrate level phosphorylation; 9.1. explain the mechanism. 9.2. list the metabolic pathways. 10.0. count distribution types and properties in statistics. 11.0. for connective tissue; 11.1. explain general specification. 11.2. classify connective tissue proper. 12.0. for cartilage and bone tissue; 12.1. explain general microscopic characteristics. 12.2. list ossification steps. 13.0. for nervous tissue; 13.1. define general histologic structure. 13.2. list neuron and glia types. 14.0. recognize the components of extracellular matrix and their interactions with each other. 51 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I TISSUE II - COMMITTEE IV COMMITTEE EXAM ASSESSMENT TABLE LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 7.0 – 9.0 10.0 11.0 – 13.0 11.0 – 13.0 14.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES FACULTY DEPARTMENT ANATOMY BEHAVIORAL SCI. BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS HISTOLOGY EMBRYOLOGY MEDICAL BIOLOGY TOTAL FACULTY DEPARTMENT LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR Dr. K. Yücel Dr. I. Siatitsas Dr. İ. Özden Dr. Ç. Kaspar Dr. Ü. Uslu Dr. A. Cumbul Dr. T. İsbir LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR NUMBER OF QUESTIONS MCQ* CE 14 FE 10 IE 5 TOTAL 29 20 9 4 33 20 12 6 38 5 2 17 8 5 3 16 2 1 1 4 6 3 1 10 70 45/192# 22/96## 147 POINT OF QUESTIONS EMQ**, OSPE***, WE**** EMQ OSPE WE TOTAL 4 3 7 pts 4 2 6 pts 10 2 3 5 pts 2 2 pts 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ANATOMY Dr. I. Siatitsas 7.0 – 9.0 BIOCHEMISTRY Dr. İ. Özden 10.0 BIOSTATISTICS Dr. Ç. Kaspar 11.0 – 13.0 HISTOLOGY & EMB. Dr. Ü. Uslu 14.0 MEDICAL BIOLOGY Dr. T. İsbir COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT TABLE DESCRIPTION Total number of multiple choise questions is 70, equal to 70 pts, Each multiple choise question has value equal to 1 pts, Extending matching questions have value equal to 10 pts and this question type will only be used for the Committee Exam (CE). Objective structured practical exams have value equal to 10 pts, MCQ*: Multiple Choice Question EMQ**: Extending Matching Question OSPE***: Objective Structured Practical Exam WE**** : Written Exam of Biostatistics. This exam will be given separately after the committee exam. CE: Committee Exam FE: Final Exam IE: Incomplete Exam # 45 out of 192 final exam questions will be from Committee IV; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Final Exam Question is worth 0.5 pts). ## 22 out of 96 incomplete exam questions will be from Committee IV; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Incomplete Exam Question is worth 1 pt). 52 I. WEEK PHASE I COMMITTEE IV THE TISSUE II DAY 23-Feb-2015 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SUBJECT The Medical History The Medical History Giving Informatıon LECTURER H. Akan H. Akan Ö. Tanrıöver Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Introduction to Committee IV Introduction to Nervous System Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu K. Yücel I. Siatitsas 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Mind, Consciousness and Alternate States Learning and Behaviour Modification Introduction to Myology and Kinesiology II Introduction to Myology and Kinesiology II BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 Learning and Behaviour Modification Learning and Behaviour Modification Histology of Connective Tissue; Extraxellular Amorphous Matrix Histology of Connective Tissue; Extraxellular Fibrillary Matrix BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. Ü. Uslu Extracellular Matrix Extracellular Matrix Independent study hour Independent study hour T. İsbir T. İsbir Shoulder Girdle Shoulder Girdle Classification of Carbohydrates, Their General Features Classification of Carbohydrates, Their General Features I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas Extracellular Matrix Extracellular Matrix LAB: Shoulder Girdle Gr B LAB: Shoulder Girdle Gr A T. İsbir T. İsbir Extracellular Matrix Extracellular Matrix Monosaccharide Derivatives Monosaccharide Derivatives T. İsbir T. İsbir İ. Özden İ. Özden Main Concepts in Biostatistics Main Concepts in Biostatistics Axilla Axilla Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas 24-Feb-2015 TUESDAY 25-Feb-2015 WEDNESDAY 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 26-Feb-2015 THURSDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 27-Feb-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 53 Ü. Uslu İ. Özden İ. Özden ANATOMY ANATOMY II. WEEK DAY 2-Mar-2015 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 SUBJECT CSL*: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group I CSL*: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group I CSL*: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group I LECTURER H Akan & Ö Tanrıöver H Akan & Ö Tanrıöver H Akan & Ö Tanrıöver Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Cognitive Development Cognitive Development Disaccharides, Polysaccharides: Glycogen, Starch Disaccharides, Polysaccharides: Glycogen, Starch BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. İ. Özden İ. Özden 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Cognitive Development Social Development Histology of Connective Tissue; Cells Histology of Connective Tissue; Types BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. Ü. Uslu Ü. Uslu LAB: Axilla Group A LAB: Axilla Group B Independent study hour Independent study hour ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Biology of Oxidative Stress Biology of Oxidative Stress Glycosaminoglycans: Structures and Functions Glycosaminoglycans: Structures and Functions T. İsbir T. İsbir İ. Özden İ. Özden 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 Frequency Distributions Frequency Distributions 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 3-Mar-2015 TUESDAY 4-Mar-2015 WEDNESDAY 5-Mar-2015 THURSDAY 6-Mar-2015 FRIDAY *CSL: Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 11.00-11.50 Independent study hour 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour LAB: Histology of Connective Tissue Gr A LAB: Histology of Connective Tissue Gr A LAB: Histology of Connective Tissue Gr B LAB: Histology of Connective Tissue Gr B Clinical Skills Laboratory 54 Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY III. WEEK DAY HOUR 9-Mar-2015 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 SUBJECT CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group II CSL: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group II CSL: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group II LECTURER H. Akan & Ö. Tanrıöver H. Akan & Ö. Tanrıöver H. Akan & Ö. Tanrıöver Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu Social Development Social Development Classification of Lipids, General Features Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Essential Fatty Acids BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. İ. Özden Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Intelligence Intelligence Histology of Cartilage Tissue; General Spec. Histology of Cartilage Tissue; Types BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. A. Cumbul A. Cumbul LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr A LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr A Anterior Aspect of the Forearm and the Cubital Fossa BIOCHEMISTRY BIOCHEMISTRY K. Yücel Anterior Aspect of the Forearm and the Cubital Fossa K.Yücel 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 Graphics Measures of Central Tendency Triacylglycerols, Phospholipids Isoprene Derivatives, Steroids, Eicosanoids Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar İ. Özden İ. Özden 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 10-Mar-2015 TUESDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 11-Mar-2015 WEDNESDAY 12-Mar-2015 THURSDAY 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 13-Mar-2015 FRIDAY 14-Mar-2015 SATURDAY LAB: Anterior Aspect of the Forearm and the Cubital Fossa Group B LAB: Anterior Aspect of the Forearm and the Cubital Fossa Group B LAB: Anterior Aspect of the Forearm and the Cubital Fossa Group A LAB: Anterior Aspect of the Forearm and the Cubital Fossa Group A 09.00-10.50 11.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 WHITE COAT CEROMONY WHITE COAT CEROMONY 14.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 INVITED SPEAKER INVITED SPEAKER PHYSICIANS’ DAY 55 İ. Özden ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY IV. WEEK DAY HOUR SUBJECT CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group III CSL: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group III CSL: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group III LECTURER H. Akan & Ö. Tanrıöver H. Akan & Ö. Tanrıöver H. Akan & Ö. Tanrıöver 16-Mar-2015 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 Intelligence Social Cognition and Emotion Independent study hour BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour 11.00-11.50 17-Mar-2015 TUESDAY 18-Mar-2015 WEDNESDAY 19-Mar-2015 THURSDAY 20-Mar-2015 FRIDAY Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Social Cognition and Emotion Social Cognition and Emotion Histology of Bone Tissue; General Specification Histology of Bone Tissue; Microscopic Structure BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. U. Uslu U. Uslu LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr B LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr B Posterior Aspect of the Arm and Forearm Posterior Aspect of the Arm and Forearm BIOCHEMISTRY BIOCHEMISTRY I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Histology of Bone Tissue; Ossification Steroides, Eicosanoids Steroides, Eicosanoids U Uslu İ. Özden İ. Özden 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 LAB: Histology of Bone and Cartilage Gr B LAB: Histology of Bone and Cartilage Gr B Proteins: classification, general features Proteins: classification, general features HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY İ. Özden İ. Özden LAB: Histology of Bone and Cartilage Gr A LAB: Histology of Bone and Cartilage Gr A Independent study hour HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 17.00-17.50 LAB: Posterior Aspect of the Arm and Forearm LAB: Posterior Aspect of the Arm and Forearm LAB: Posterior Aspect of the Arm and Forearm LAB: Posterior Aspect of the Arm and Forearm Independent study hour 56 Gr. A Gr. A Gr. B Gr. B ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY V. WEEK DAY HOUR SUBJECT CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group IV CSL: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group IV CSL: Patient Doctor Communication Skills General Approach Group IV LECTURER H Akan & Ö Tanrıöver H Akan & Ö Tanrıöver H Akan & Ö Tanrıöver 23-Mar-2015 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Social Influence and Relations Social Influence and Relations Amino acids, amino acid derivatives Glutathione: structure and functions BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. İ. Özden İ. Özden 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Social Influence and Relations Personality Histology of Nervous Tissue; General Spec. Histology of Nervous Tissue; Microscopic Spec. BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. Ü. Uslu Ü. Uslu LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr C LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr C Hand Hand BIOCHEMISTRY BIOCHEMISTRY K. Yücel K. Yücel 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Measures of central tendency Measures of central tendency Glycoproteins: structure and function Glycoproteins: structure and function Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar İ. Özden İ. Özden LAB: Hand Gr. B LAB: Hand Gr. B LAB: Hand Gr. A LAB: Hand Gr. A ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 Structures of Proteins Fibrous and Globular Proteins LAB: Oxidative Stress & Antioxidant System GrA LAB: Oxidative Stress & Antioxidant System GrA İ. Özden İ. Özden M BIOLOGY M BIOLOGY LAB: Oxidative Stress & Antioxidant System GrB LAB: Oxidative Stress & Antioxidant System GrB M BIOLOGY M BIOLOGY 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 24-Mar-2015 TUESDAY 25-Mar-2015 WEDNESDAY 26-Mar-2015 THURSDAY 27-Mar-2015 FRIDAY 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour 57 VI. WEEK DAY HOUR 30-Mar-2015 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 31-Mar-2015 TUESDAY 1-April-2015 WEDNESDAY 2-April-2015 THURSDAY 3-April-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 SUBJECT CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group I CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group I CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group I LECTURER G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu Personality Personality BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. Independent study hour 12.00-12.50 Independent study hour 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Psychopathology Psychopathology Histology of Nervous Tissue; Neuron Types Histology of Nervous Tissue; Glia Types BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. Ü. Uslu Ü. Uslu 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Oxidative Stress & Antioxidant System GrC LAB: Oxidative Stress & Antioxidant System GrC Independent study hour Independent study hour M BIOLOGY M BIOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Nerves and Vasculature of the Upper Limb Nerves and Vasculature of the Upper Limb Nucleotides Enzymes: Classification, General Features K. Yücel K. Yücel İ. Özden İ. Özden 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Upper Limb Gr. A LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Upper Limb Gr. A LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Upper Limb Gr. B LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Upper Limb Gr. B ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 Measures of Central Dispersion Measures of Central Dispersion Enzyme Kinetics, Regulatory Enzymes Enzymes of Mitochondrial Electron Transport System Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar İ. Özden İ. Özden 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Histology of Nervous Tissue Gr A LAB: Histology of Nervous Tissue Gr A Independent study hour Independent study hour HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 58 VII. WEEK DAY 6-April-2015 MONDAY CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group II CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group II CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group II G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Overview of the Upper Limb Overview of the Upper Limb Enzymes involved in Detoxification of ROS Oxidoreductases, Hydrolases, Transferases I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas İ. Özden İ. Özden Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 Rates and Ratios Standardization of Disease Rates Neurological Examination-Upper Limb Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar K. Yücel 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 LAB: Histology of Nervous Tissue Gr B LAB: Histology of Nervous Tissue Gr B LAB: DISCUSSION Gr B LAB: DISCUSSION Gr B Independent study hour HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Lyases, İsomerases, Ligases ATP Production by Substrate Level Phosphorylation İ. Özden İ. Özden Case studies in Upper Limb Case studies in Upper Limb I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 7-April-2015 TUESDAY 8-April-2015 WEDNESDAY 9-April-2015 THURSDAY 17.00-17.50 10-April-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour LAB: DISCUSSION Gr A LAB: DISCUSSION Gr A Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 59 HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY VIII. WEEK DAY 13-April-2015 MONDAY 14-April-2015 TUESDAY 15-April-2015 WEDNESDAY 16-April-2015 THURSDAY 17-April-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 BIOSTATISTICS EXAM BIOSTATISTICS EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS 60 R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I ENERGY AND METABOLISM – COMMITTEE V DISTRIBUTION of LECTURE HOURS April 20, 2015 - May 29, 2015 COMMITTEE DURATION: 6 WEEKS MD 120 BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I THEO. PRAC. TOTAL DISCIPLINE 80 13 93 ANATOMY 18 2Grx7H 25 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 7 0 7 BIOCHEMISTRY 26 3Grx2H 28 BIOSTATISTICS 12 3Grx2H 14 HISTOLOGY and EMBRYOLOGY 8 2Grx2H 10 MEDICAL BIOLOGY 7 0 7 SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I 2 0 2 ANATOMICAL DRAWING 0 8 8 ICP-I ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF HTR 301-302 MODERN TURKEY TKL 201-202 TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 0 2Grx3H 1 8 0 8 8 0 8 TOTAL 96 22 118 MD 132 MD 142 V. Coordination Committee Head İnci ÖZDEN, PhD Prof. Secretary Member Member Çiğdem KASPAR, PhD Assist. Prof. Kaan YÜCEL, MD., PhD Assist. Prof. Alev CUMBUL, PhD Assist. Prof. 61 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I ENERGY AND METABOLISM – COMMITTEE V LECTURERS BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES I DISCIPLINE FACULTY ANATOMY Ioannis SIATITSAS, MD, PhD Prof. Kaan YÜCEL, MD, PhD Assist. Prof. Yüksel AYDAR, PhD Prof. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES İnci ÖZDEN, PhD Prof. BIOCHEMISTRY Jale ÇOBAN, MD Assoc.Prof. BIOSTATISTICS Çiğdem KASPAR, PhD Assist. Prof. HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY Ünal USLU, MD Assoc. Prof. Oya ALAGÖZ, MD Assist. Prof. Alev CUMBUL, PhD Assist. Prof. Turgay İSBİR, PhD Prof. MEDICAL BIOLOGY Deniz KIRAÇ, PhD, Assist. Prof. Soner DOĞAN, PhD Assist. Prof. Gülderen YANIKKAYA DEMİREL, MD PhD Assoc. Prof. SCIENTIFIC PROJECT I Güldal İZBIRAK, MD Assoc.Prof. INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PRACTICE I (ICP-I) Hülya AKAN, MD Assoc.Prof. Özlem TANRIÖVER, MD Assoc.Prof. Arzu AKALIN, MD Assist. Prof. ANATOMICAL DRAWING ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF MODERN TURKEY HUMANITIES Refik AZİZ, PhD Assist.Prof. TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Bedri SELİMHOCAOĞLU, Instr. 62 Davut EKŞİ, PhD, Instr. YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I ENERGY AND METABOLISM - COMMITTEE V AIMS AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES AIM 1. to convey basic terms and concepts of medical biology, biostatistics, embryology, histology, biochemistry, behavioral sciences, and medical biology. 2. to convey knowledge on basic energy mechanisms of the body. 3. to convey knowledge on process from zygote to formation of organs. 4. to convey knowledge on system-specific (lower extremities, muscles, vascular and nervous innervations) anatomy and its clinical applications. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this committee, student should be able to; 1.0. describe the anatomical features, vessels, nervous innervations of lower extremities. 2.0. describe the clinical implications of the anatomical features of the lower limb. 3.0. explain psychodynamic and humanistic approaches to personality development. 4.0. define abnormality; compare and contrast psychological disorders on the five-axes DSM system. 5.0. explain ATP synthesis in human organism and enzymatic system that this synthesis occurs by. 6.0. list enzymes involved in blood clotting and their functions. 7.0. explain glycogen and glucose metabolisms. 8.0. for transport mechanisms in biological membranes; 8.1. the permeability of biological membranes 8.2. explain its correlation with ATP usage. 9.0. explain basic terms and concepts of epidemiology. 10.0. list methods of research planning and collecting data. 11.0. list developmental events respectively from organogenesis to parturition. 12.0. explain developmental link between embryonic layers and tissues that form organs. 13.0. describe contraception and assisted reproductive techniques. 14.0. define the features of mitochondrial genome and mutated mitochondrial genes. 63 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE PHASE I ENERGY AND METABOLISM - COMMITTEE V COMMITTEE EXAM ASSESSMENT TABLE LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.0, 2.0 3.0, 4.0 5.0 - 8.0 9.0, 10.0 11.0 - 13.0 11.0 - 13.0 14.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES FACULTY DEPARTMENT LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR ANATOMY Dr. K. Yücel Dr. I. Siatitsas Dr. Y.Aydar BEHAVIORAL SCI. BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY MEDICAL BIOLOGY TOTAL FACULTY DEPARTMENT Dr. İ. Özden Dr. Ç. Kaspar Dr. Ü. Uslu Dr. A. Cumbul Dr. T. İsbir LECTURER / INSTRUCTOR NUMBER OF QUESTIONS MCQ* CE 18 FE 8 IE 4 TOTAL 30 8 27 2 1 11 11 5 43 5 3 23 4 2 1 7 5 2 1 8 8 3 1 12 70 33/192# 16/96## 134 POINT OF QUESTIONS EMQ**, OSPE*** WE**** EMQ OSPE WE TOTAL 6 pts 3 3 6 pts 5 1 15 pts 15 3 pts 2 1 - 1.0, 2.0 ANATOMY Dr. K. Yücel 5.0 - 8.0 BIOCHEMISTRY Dr. İ. Özden 9.0, 10.0 BIOSTATISTICS Dr. Ç. Kaspar 11.0 - 13.0 HISTOLOGY & EMB. Dr. Ü. Uslu COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT TABLE DESCRIPTION Total number of multiple choise questions is 70, equal to 70 pts, Each multiple choise question has value equal to 1 pts, Extending matching questions have value equal to 10 pts and this question type will only be used for the Committee Exam (CE). Objective structured practical exam has value equal to 5 pts, MCQ*: Multiple Choice Question EMQ**: Extending Matching Question OSPE***: Objective Structured Practical Exam WE**** : Written Exam of Biostatistics. This exam will be given separately after the committee exam. CE: Committee Exam FE: Final Exam IE: Incomplete Exam # 33 out of 192 final exam questions will be from Committee V; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Final Exam Question is worth 0.5 pts). ## 16 out of 96 incomplete exam questions will be from Committee V; 4 pts will be added from the scientific project report to the final grade, completing the points to 100. (Each Incomplete Exam Question is worth 1 pt). 64 I. WEEK PHASE I ENERGY AND METABOLISM COMMITTEE V DAY HOUR 20-Apr-2015 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 SUBJECT CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group III CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group III CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs Group III LECTURER G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 21-Apr-2015 TUESDAY 22-Apr-2015 WEDNESDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Introduction to Committee V ATP Production by Oxidative Phosphorylation ATP Production by Oxidative Phosphorylation Ç. Kaspar İ. Özden İ. Özden Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Abdominal Muscles Abdominal Muscles Folding and Angiogenesis Organogenesis Y. Aydar Y. Aydar U.Uslu A. Cumbul Probability Probability LAB: Abdominal Muscles Group B LAB: Abdominal Muscles Group A Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar ANATOMY ANATOMY 23-Apr-2015 THURSDAY 24-Apr-2015 FRIDAY NATIONAL HOLIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 How to Read and Write an Article How to Read and Write an Article ATP Production by Oxidative Phosphorylation ATP Production by Oxidative Phosphorylation G. D. Yanıkkaya G. D. Yanıkkaya İ. Özden İ. Özden Abdominal Wall Overview 15.00-15.50 LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr A / BIOSTAT. Gr C 16.00-16.50 LAB: BIOCHEM. Gr A / BIOSTAT. Gr C I. Siatitsas BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour 65 II. WEEK DAY HOUR SUBJECT CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs IV CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs IV CSL: Patient-Doctor Communication Skills Using SPs IV LECTURER 27-Apr-2015 09.00-09.50 MONDAY 10.00-10.50 Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Fetal Period Implantation; Extraembryonic Layers Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu A. Cumbul A. Cumbul 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Psychopathology Psychopathology ATP Production by Oxidative Phosphorylation ATP Production by Oxidative Phosphorylation BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. İ. Özden İ. Özden Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Pelvic Girdle Pelvic Girdle Genome of Mithocondria Genome of Mithocondria I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas T. İsbir T. İsbir Theoretical Distributions Theoretical Distributions LAB: Pelvic Girdle Group A LAB: Pelvic Girdle Group B Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Theoretical Distributions Theoretical Distributions Transport Through Biological Membranes Transport Through Biological Membranes Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar İ. Özden İ. Özden Thigh and Popliteal Fossa Thigh and Popliteal Fossa LAB: Thigh and Popliteal Fossa Gr. B LAB: Thigh and Popliteal Fossa Gr. A I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas ANATOMY ANATOMY 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 28-Apr-2015 TUESDAY 29-Apr-2015 WEDNESDAY 30-Apr-2015 THURSDAY 01-May-2015 LABOR’S DAY FRIDAY 66 G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın G. İzbırak & A Akalın III. WEEK DAY 04-May-2015 MONDAY 05-May-2015 TUESDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 SUBJECT Independent study hour Transport Through Biological Membranes Independent study hour LECTURER 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Genome of Mithocondria Independent study hour Independent study hour B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu T. İsbir Psychopathology Psychopathology Transport Through Biological Membranes Transport of Monosaccharides Through Enterocytes BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. İ. Özden İ. Özden Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 06-May-2015 WEDNESDAY 07-May-2015 THURSDAY 08-May-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 İ. Özden Independent study hour Independent study hour Biology of Enery and Energy Balance Biology of Enery and Energy Balance 14.00-14.50 LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr B / BIOSTAT. Gr A 15.00-15.50 LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr B / BIOSTAT. Gr A 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SPRING FEST 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST SPRING FEST 67 T. İsbir T. İsbir BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS IV. WEEK DAY 11-May-2015 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 SUBJECT Leg and Knee Leg and Knee Glucose Uptake by Different Types of Tissues Enzymes Involved in Digestion of Starch, Lactose, Sucrose Turkish Language & Literature Turkish Language & Literature Enzymes Involved in Digestion of Starch, Lactose, Sucrose LAB: Leg and Knee Group A LAB: Leg and Knee Group B LECTURER Y. Aydar Y. Aydar İ. Özden 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Death and Dying Death and Dying Glycogenesis, Glycogenolysis Regulation of Glycogenesis, Glycogenolysis BEHAVIORAL SCI. BEHAVIORAL SCI. İ. Özden İ. Özden Anatomical Drawing Anatomical Drawing Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey Atatürk’s Principles& History of M. Turkey R. Aziz R. Aziz D. Ekşi D. Ekşi 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Ankle and Foot Ankle and Foot Diagnostic Testing Diagnostic Testing Y. Aydar Y. Aydar Ç. Kaspar Ç. Kaspar Biology of Life Span Biology of Life Span LAB: Ankle and Foot Gr B LAB: Ankle and Foot Gr A T. İsbir T. İsbir ANATOMY ANATOMY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 The Description of Epidemiology Extraembryoner Structures; Membranes Energy of Aerobic and Anaerobic Glycolysis Shuttle Systems Related to Energy Production in Glycolysis Ç. Kaspar A. Cumbul İ. Özden İ. Özden Nerves and Vasculature of the Lower Limb Nerves and Vasculature of the Lower Limb LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Lower Limb Gr. A LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Lower Limb Gr. B I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas Gluconeogenesis: Enzymes of the Pathway Regulation of Gluconeogenesis Independent study hour Independent study hour İ. Özden İ. Özden 14.00-14.50 LAB: BIOCHEMISTRY Gr C / BIOSTAT. Gr B 15.00-15.50 LAB: BIOCHEM. Gr C / BIOSTAT. Gr B BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS BIOCHEMISTRY BIOSTATISTICS 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 12-May-2015 TUESDAY 13-May-2015 WEDNESDAY 14-May-2015 THURSDAY 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 15-May-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 16.00-16.50 Independent study hour 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour 68 İ. Özden B. Selimhocaoğlu B. Selimhocaoğlu İ. Özden ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY ANATOMY V. WEEK DAY 18-May-2015 MONDAY HOUR 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 19-May-2015 TUESDAY 20-May-2015 WEDNESDAY LECTURER K. Yücel U.Uslu İ. Özden İ. Özden Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour NATIONAL HOLIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 21-May-2015 THURSDAY SUBJECT Neurological Examination- Lower Limb Infertility and Contraception Glycolysis: Enzymes of the Pathway Regulation of Glycolysis by Enzymes 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 22-May-2015 09.00-09.50 FRIDAY 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Death and Dying Independent study hour Epidemiological Research Methods and Calculation of the Risk BEHAVIORAL SCI. Ç. Kaspar LAB: Developing of Human Gr A LAB: Developing of Human Gr A Independent study hour Independent study hour HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY Overview of the Lower Limb Overview of the Lower Limb Primary Hemostasis Secondary Hemostasis K. Yücel K. Yücel İ. Özden İ. Özden Assissted Reproductive Techniques Twins and Partrution LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Lower Limb Gr. B LAB: Nerves and Vasculature of the Lower Limb Gr. A U.Uslu U.Uslu Epidemiological Research Methods and Calculation of the Risk Sampling in Epidemiology Anticoagulation Fibrinolysis Ç. Kaspar LAB: Developing of Human Gr B LAB: Developing of Human Gr B Introduction to Radiological Anatomy Introduction to Radiological Anatomy HISTOLOGY HISTOLOGY I. Siatitsas I. Siatitsas 69 ANATOMY ANATOMY Ç. Kaspar İ. Özden İ. Özden VI. WEEK DAY 25-May-2015 MONDAY 26-May-2015 TUESDAY 27-May-2015 WEDNESDAY 28-May-2015 THURSDAY 29-May-2015 FRIDAY 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.00-17.50 09.00-09.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour Independent study hour BIOSTATISTICS EXAM BIOSTATISTICS EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM THEORETICAL EXAM REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE EXAM QUESTIONS 17.00-17.50 70 DAY 8-9June-2015 MONDAY TUESDAY 10.00 MAKE UP EXAM 10-June-2015 WEDNESDAY 10.00 ICP-I MAKE UP EXAM 22- June -2015 MONDAY 10.00 FINAL EXAM 25- 26 June 2015 THURSDAYFRIDAY 13-July-2015 MONDAY 22-July -2015 WEDNESDAY 08.30- 18.00 10.00 ICP-I FINAL EXAM-OSCE ICP-I INCOMPLETE EXAM 10.00 INCOMPLETE EXAM 71 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS FOR PHASE I NO DEPARTMENT TEXTBOOK AUTHOR PUBLISHER R.L. Drake et al Churchill Livingstone K.L. Moore et al Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Basic Human Anatomy A Regional Study of Human Structure Ronan O'Rahilly, M.D. et al Online version developed at: DARTMOUTH MEDICAL SCHOOL humananatomy/index.html Last's Anatomy: Regional and Applied, 12 th Edition Chummy S. Sinnatamby Churchill Livingstone Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations Thomas M. Devlin Wiley-Liss Publishing Company Robert K. Murray et al Mc-Graw-Hill Companies David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox W.H. Freeman Publishing Company J.R. Claycomb, J.P. Tran Jones & Bartlett Publishers Primer of Biostatistics Stanton Glantz Mc-Graw-Hill Companies Histology: A Text and Atlas M. H. Ross & W. Pawlina Lippincott Williams & Wilkins A. Kierszenbaum & L. Tres Mosby G. C. Schoenwolf et al Churchill Livingstone Bruce Alberts et al Garland Science James E. Drane Sheed & Ward John R. Green Thomas P. R. Murray et al Saunders Organic Chemistry John E. McMurry Cengage Learning Guyton Physiology John E. Hall Saunders Human Physiology Stuart Fox Mc-Graw-Hill Science Gray’s Anatomy for Students Clinically Oriented Anatomy 1 2 ANATOMY BIOCHEMISTRY 3 BIOPHYSICS 4 BIOSTATISTICS HISTOLOGY 5 EMBRYOLOGY 6 MEDICAL BIOLOGY MEDICAL ETICS 7 MEDICAL HISTORY 8 MICROBIOLOGY 9 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 10 PHYSIOLOGY Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Introductory Biophysics: Perspectives on the Living State Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology Larsen’s Human Embryology Molecular Biology of the Cell Clinical Bioethics: Theory and Practice in MedicalEthical Decision Making Medical History for Students Medical Microbiology: with Student Consult 72 Contact Faculty Secretary : Tel: +90 216 578 05 93 Dean Secretary: Tel: +90 216 578 05 05 – 06 Fax: +90 216 578 05 75 Student Affairs : Tel: 0216 578 06 86 Documents Affairs: Tel: 0216 578 05 23 Coordinator/ Co-coordinator: Ünal Uslu MD, Assoc. Prof. (Coordinator) 216 578 00 00 (1579) / [email protected] Kaan Yücel MD, PhD, Assist. Prof (Co-coordinator) 216 578 00 00 (3704) / [email protected] Çiğdem Kaspar PhD, Assist. Prof. (Co-coordinator) 216 578 00 00 (3803) / [email protected] Deniz Kıraç PhD, Assist. Prof. (Co-coordinator) 216 578 00 00 (1568) / [email protected] Özlem Tanrıöver MD, Assoc. Prof. (ICP Coordinator) 216 578 00 00 (3742) / [email protected] A.Arzu Akalın MD, Assist. Prof. (ICP Co-coordinator) 216 578 00 00 (1525) /[email protected] Address: Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine İnönü Mah. Kayışdağı Caddesi, 26 Ağustos Yerleşimi, 34755 Ataşehir, İstanbul Web : e-mail: [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________ 73 YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE İnönü Mah. Kayışdağı Caddesi, 26 Ağustos Yerleşimi, 34755 Ataşehir, İstanbul + 90 216 578 00 00 [email protected]
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