ORTA ANADOLU İHRACATÇI BİRLİKLERİ GENEL SEKRETERLİĞİ Sayı: Konu: TİM.OAİB.GSK.ORG.2014/579-8530 Ankara, 28/04/2014 ISK-SODEX ve POOL EXPO 2014 Fuarları Alım Heyeti İkili İş görüşmeleri Hk. S İ R K Ü L E R (2014/İ) Sayın Üyemiz, Ekonomi Bakanlığı koordinatörlüğünde, Genel Sekreterliğimiz organizasyonunda, “ISK-SODEX ve POOL EXPO Fuarları”na yönelik olarak Azerbaycan, Arnavutluk, Bosna Hersek, Fas, Cezayir, Gürcistan, Hırvatistan, Irak, İran, İsrail, Kamerun, Kazakistan, Kırgızistan, Kosova, Karadağ, Pakistan, Slovenya, Lübnan, Makedonya, Polonya, Romanya, Rusya, Sırbistan, Ukrayna, Vietnam, Yunanistan, Ürdün, Umman Sultanlığı Özbekistan, Sırbistan, Yemen ve Tunus’dan firma yetkililerinin katılımıyla, 6 – 9 Mayıs 2014 tarihleri arasında bir Alım Heyeti Programı gerçekleştirilecektir. Söz konusu Alım Heyeti Programı çerçevesinde; İstanbul’da 7 Mayıs 2014 Çarşamba günü, CNR İstanbul /Yeşilköy Fuar merkezinde 9. Hol Pamukkale Salonunda 10:30–12:30 ile 14:00–16:30 saatleri arasında ihracatçı firmalarımız ile konuk firma yetkililerinin birebir görüşme imkanı bulacakları, katılımın ücretsiz olduğu İkili İş Görüşmeleri düzenlenmektedir. Bu çerçevede, konuk firma temsilcileri ile İkili İş Görüşmeleri programına katılmak isteyen firmalarımızın, http://goo.gl/iCqTv7 linkinde yer alan kısımları eksiksiz, faaliyet alanı ve ürünler bölümünü mutlaka İngilizce olarak doldurmaları ve 2 Mayıs 2014 Cuma günü mesai saati bitimine kadar başvurularını internet üstünden tamamlamaları halinde doğrudan İkili İş Görüşmelerine iştirakleri sağlanabilecektir. Bahsekonu Alım Heyeti çerçevesinde, 10:30 – 12:30 ; 14:00 - 16:30 saatleri arasında sürecek (Firmalarımızın saat:10:30’da toplantının yapılacağı salonda hazır bulunmaları önem arz etmektedir.) İkili İş Görüşmelerine ilişkin başvuru linkini dolduran firmalarımıza ayrıca katılım teyidi bildirilmeyecek olup, görüşmelerin randevu saatleri olmaksızın, yapılması öngörülmektedir. Bilgilerine sunulur. S. Tansel KÜNBİ Genel Sekreter a. Şube Müdürü Ayrıntılı bilgi için: Mehmet Erinç Yanık - Uzman Yardımcısı Orta Anadolu İhracatçı Birlikleri Genel Sekreterliği Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Cad. No: 120 06520 BALGAT ANKARA Tel : (312) 447 27 40 Faks : (312) 446 96 05 - 447 01 80 e-posta : [email protected] / www.oaib.org.tr 5070 sayılı kanun gereğince güvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmıştır. ID:7925192782014428144123. Bu kod ile http://evrak.oaib.org.tr/ adresinden doğrulayabilirsiniz. COUNTRY COMPANY PRODUCTS 1 Azerbaycan BABEK SIRAB OJSC Floor heating systems, wall heating systems, air cooled chillers, roof fans, treatment systems and equipments, heating systems 2 Azerbaycan KALE INŞAAT LLC Industial type instantaneous water heaters, water cooled chillers, air cooled chillers 3 Azerbaycan LEZZET LLC Radiant heating systems, refrigerated displays, display coolers freezers, radial fans recuperation systems, water purification 4 Azerbaycan MEMAR-MP LLC Air cooled chillers, radial-packaged type cooling towers, hermetic compressors 5 Azerbaycan SPK COMPANY MMC Wall hang boiler types, electrical boilers 6 Bosna Hersek GRIJANJEINVEST LTD Different goods and services required for design and construction of HVAC insallation 7 Bosna Hersek IMAS DOO SARAJEVO Different types of gas pipes, pipes for solar system, alarm gas dedectors 8 Cezayir ETS OUFELLE Cold Industry and Pump 9 Cezayir SOUTHLAND IMPORT/EXPORT Refrigeration component, ventilation and heating elements 10 Cezayir SARL EDEN COOL Cold Equipment and spares parts 11 Cezayir SARL DYNA THERM Refrigeration component 12 Cezayir EVACC Refrigeration copper 13 Cezayir GESCO Ventilation equipment 14 Fas DYNAMIKA SARL Heat pumps, heating and cooling system by new technologies 15 Fas SIGMA EQUIPMENT Solar heating systems 16 Fas WATEC S.A Pumps, filters, valve, water treatment, solar 17 Gürcistan BPA GEORGIA Pumps and pipes for irrigation system 18 Gürcistan UNIVERSE BUSINESS GROUP LLC Pumps 19 Hırvatistan HTC d.o.o. Ductile iron pipes and fittings, manhole covers, water meters, plastic pipes and fittings, iron cast valves 20 Hırvatistan SIMAT PROM d.o.o Gas cylinders, pumps, filling equipment 21 Irak AL - ALLAF COMPANY Ductile pipe, water stations, pumps 22 Irak AL-DABBAGH COMPANY Station for water, motors, pumps 23 Irak AL FANAR A.C. Compressors, evoporators, condenser and chiller 24 Irak AL-HASAN COMPANY Control panel, cold stor control panel, electricity control, industrial factory, PLC 25 Irak AL NOOR CO0MPANY Compressors, spare parts of air conditioning 26 Irak KORTOBA COMPANY Airconditioning, chiller, spare part 27 İran CHEKAD ENERGY NOVIN CO. Heat package and condensate package, new air transfer systems, fan coil, split (new design), mini chiller and chillers 28 İran FULAD TRASH 29 İran HAMVAR SANAT TABRIZ 30 İran SABA PALAYE CO. 31 İsrail A.L.M LTD. Equipment for bathrooms and WC, bath shower grates, seats, footrests, stools for bathrooms and shower rooms 32 İsrail ALI SHARARA LTD Gas burners, oil gas burners, atmospheric burners, burners automation systems and equipments 33 İsrail ELAR ENGINEERING LTD 34 Kamerun BONNY BONN ENTERPRISES Panel radiator & solar systems Radiant heating systems and engineering services Air condition equipment, hydraulic & piping, fan & ventilaion HVAC products Building materials 35 Kamerun TEFON ENGINEERING I would like to meet the manufacturers of electrical equipment ie; transformers, High voltage, Medium voltage and low voltage cables. I would also like to meet companies that build and run Mini hydro electric power stations. Solar energy systems. 36 Kamerun TRANSFORMATION OF PLASTICS AND METALS S.A Building materials 37 Kazakistan KZK ASTANA Water supply, water treatment, ventilation, air conditioning, boilers, pumps, chillers 38 Kırgızistan TANSU LLC Spare parts for boilers, welding machines, bending machines, burners 39 Kosova EDINSON SH.P.K. Solar panels, energy recovery units, energyefficient fans, heating boilers etc. Refrigeration components : compressors, thermostats, cupper tube, filters for cooling gas, axial fans Accessories for cooling display : PVC cover, tempert glass, aluminium profile etc. and professional kitchen equipment from stainless steel material 40 Kosova OSA TERMOSISTEM LLC 41 Kosova PRIVUS - BB Air conditioners, aspiration, ventilators, air filters, grilles, installation accessories 42 Kosova Sh.p.k CTA Our main focus is with ventilation, cooling, heating and water supply system 43 Kuveyt DASCO-DUCTING & SERVICING CO Ventilation fans, filter products, air conditioning products 44 Lübnan CHEHIMI COOLING S.A.R.L HVAC equipments including : evaporators, condensers, fans, doors, compressors & accessories 45 Lübnan WIKAYA S.A.R.L. Cast iron boilers, burners and burner accessories, tools for heating maintenance, stainless steel chimney 46 Lübnan ZMERLY & CO. S.A.R.L. Pex tubes and accessories, brass accessories, chemicals for system cleaning and protection, combi boiler 47 Makedonya VANAKS VHN Radiators, heatings, pool, spa, sauna, equipment and accessories 48 Özbekistan PARADISE EXPORT LLC Solar water heaters, alternative energy boilers, room thermostats 49 Polonya FERRO S.A. Brass fittings and manifolds 50 Polonya VENTIA Sp. Fan, flexible ducts, mounting materials for ventilation 51 Romanya AMADEUS SRL Heating and plumbing supplies, radiators, boilers, water heaters, expansion vessels 52 Romanya CYCLON TECH SRL Equipments and materials for conventional (non) energy, cooperate for external markets (subcontractor) 53 Romanya DAVER AMBIENT SRL Solar pannels, epansion vessels 54 Romanya KIP IMPEX SRL Filters and funs 55 Romanya SC PROMPTERMO-INSTAL SRL Thermal, boilers, radiators and service 56 Romanya UCROM - 94 IMPEX Steel radiators, cast iron radiators, solid fuel boilers 57 Rusya EDOS Ventilation systems, cooling systems (chillers), cooperation and training on instalallation of this equipment 58 Rusya LLC MANUFACTURING VENTURE TECHNOLOGY OF VENTILATION Heat exchangers, condensing units for ventilation and air-handling units 59 Rusya LLC MOUNTAIR KAZAN Heat exchangers, shell & tube evaporators, sheet metal working machinery 60 Sırbistan KLIMATIZACIJA D.O.O. Refrigeration equipment, air conditioning equipment, refrigeration panels and doors, ventilation equipment 61 Tunus BEN SALEM REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Repair, sale cold pieces and air conditioning accessories 62 Tunus LMS CONSULTING HVAC equipments 63 Tunus SENTINELLE SARL Hot water boiler, steam boiler, pumps, softeners, reverse osmosis, additives for water treatment 64 Tunus SOS CLIM Rustic design radiator valve pump underfloor heating 65 Tunus TUNISIE CLIMAT SERVICE Import spare parts for hot and cold air 66 Ukrayna BABYLON-SOUTH Steel boilers, pellet boilers, steel radiators 67 Ukrayna COMPLEX-SOUTH 2012 Steel boilers, pellet boilers, steel radiators 68 Ukrayna POLTAVATEPLOENERGO Burners automation systems and equipments 69 Ürdün ADVANCED FOR BOILERS PRODUCTION CO. Cast iron (boilers section & accessories), piping systems & accessories, heating & cooling systems 70 Ürdün AL-MUSSIRAT FLUID SYSTEMS Solar systems, water cooler, hot water storage tank 71 Ürdün AMEED ENGINEERING ESTABLISHMENT Pumps, valves, boilers 72 Ürdün EDT Steam boilers (solid,fuel fired), steam fittings, valves, heat exchangers 73 Ürdün F. A. KETTANEH & CO. LTD. We are looking for a internationally recognized brand name, who manufacturs quality air-conditioning system with VRF technology, invertor systems, airhandling units & chillers to work with on long term 74 Ürdün FIRST FOR SPECIALIZED COMPANY FOR REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS Searching for copper tubes factory 75 Ürdün INTEGRATED TRADING COMPANY Fans for fire & fire pumps 76 Ürdün NICOLA NASSAR & SONS CO. Alum,inium pipe kit for airconditioning 77 Ürdün SULEIMAN AL-ADHAM & SONS CO. Solar panel, air-conditioning & accessories, water heatin systems 78 Ürdün ZOHAIR NASSER & PARTNERS CO. Piping systems & fittings (PPR, PEX & fittings), radiators, burners & pumps 79 Vietnam INSULATION PANEL CO. LTD. Sandwich panel from PU and EPS for varios insulation needs such as cold storage, cool rooms, clean rooms, industrial plants, civil architectural projects 80 Vietnam THIEN PHUC REFRIGERATION CO. LTD. Refrigeration equipment 81 Yemen ALSAFFARI TRADING Air conditioning, insulation, pumps, plumbing 82 Yemen GHAYTH AQUATECH Water and waste water treatments system, water meters, water measurement devices 83 Yunanistan INTERWATER EUROPE Plumbing fittings 84 Yunanistan S. LIAGOURDIS & CO. Boilers (oil and wood), wall hanging boiler (gas), panel radiators 85 Azerbaycan HAYAT INŞAAT LLC Jakkuzi, sauna and equipments 86 Azerbaycan YUSI CO. Swimming pool, SPA, jakkuzi, sauna and equipments 87 Azerbaycan ZON Swimming pool, SPA, sauna and equipments, the construction of swimming pools, mosaics and accessories 88 Cezayir BELHOUCHI EQUIPMENTS Ceramics and derived products 89 Filistin ISSA HABIB STORES Stainless steel bath drainage taps, pressure tanks 90 Filistin NAFEZ TABANJA FILTRATION Sand filters, pool tiles, pool chemicals and pool equipments and accessories 91 Hırvatistan TERME TUHELJ Waterslides & water toys 92 İsrail COUNTRY CLUB SAKHNIN LTD. Swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms 93 İsrail MARWAN LTD. Swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms 94 Karadağ AGROPROMOS DOO Cruwa 95 Pakistan PRISMA INDUSTRIES SPA equipments, furniture and accessories 96 Slovenya TERME OLIMIA D.D. Water sslides & toys 97 Umman Sultanlığı KHIMJI RAMDAS LLC Swimming pools, sauna and SPA equipments
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