MELEK ATABEY EDUCATION 2007- 2011 Near East University

2007- 2011
Near East University, The Faculty of Fine Arts
MA (completed the course credits & the thesis is in progress)
The University of London, The Institute of Education, England
Ph.D. in Media Studies
Thesis: "Television News Broadcasting and Journalism in Turkey: The Impact of Political, Economic
and Socio-Cultural Change in the 1990s".
The University of Leeds, The Institute of Communications, England
MA by Research in Communications Studies
Thesis: "Media Imperialism and Dependency Through the Transfer of Television Technology and
Programmes- A Case Study of Turkish Television".
Hilderstone College, Broadstairs, Kent, England
Academic English language course for six months
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Advanced English language course for six months
Ege University, The Institute of Social Sciences, Turkey
MA in Media and Communications
Ege University, Turkey
BA in Journalism and Broadcasting
Yasar University, Bornova-Izmir
 Undergraduate Courses:
Media, Culture and Society; Culture and Society; Theories and Principles of Editing; Graduation
Project; Environment, Media and Communication.
Graduate Courses:
Media and Culture, Visual Culture
2005- 2012
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
 Undergraduate Courses:
Cultural Studies, Introduction to Communication Studies, Political Communication, Global
Media Systems, Media Aesthetics, Interpersonal Communication, Understanding Audiences, New
Media Technologies, Online Journalism, Newspaper Design, Photojournalism, Turkish Cinema.
Graduate Courses:
Mass Communication and Society, Selected Readings in Cultural Studies
 Acting Chair of Radio Television and Film Department (2007- 2008)
 Faculty Representative of University Curriculum Committee (2009-2012 )
Ege University, Communications Faculty, Radio-TV and Film Department
 Courses: Televison Production, Broadcast Journalism (undergraduate and postgraduate levels),
Introduction to Communication Studies.
 Faculty co-ordinator of the SOCRATES educational programme of the European Union. (20022005 )
 Co-ordinator of the Digital Video Editing Unit (2002-2003)
1998- 2003
TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation)
 Translation of TV programmes in English into Turkish.
TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation)
 Vision mixer in recorded programmes and live broadcasts, including news and current affairs.
Public Relations Department,
 Henkel-Turyag (a multinational company based in Izmir): Duties included conducting interviews,
writing feature articles, editing news and other information for the company's monthly magazine.
Yeni Asir (a regional daily newspaper Izmir)
 Correspondent: Duties included conducting interviews, taking photographs, writing news stories
and features.
Microsoft Office Programs (advanced)
Desktop Video Editing-AdobePremier (medium)
Photoshop (beginner)
(Intermediate level- London School of Economics, University of London)
(Intermediate level – Goldsmiths' College, University of London)
(Intermediate level – Faculty of Letters, Ege University)
Research & Publications
Books & Book
Melek Atabey “Representing a (Post-)Modern City: The Portrayal of Istanbul in Recent Turkish
Films” in Redefining Modernism and Postmodernism. Eds. Şebnem Toplu and Hubert Zapf,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing ,2010
Melek Atabey & Nurten Kara “Orda Bir Savaş Var Uzakta”: Kuzey Kıbrıs Basınında 2003 Irak ve
2006 Lübnan Savaşlarının Temsili, Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta Medya ve Temsil, ed: Hanife Aliefendioğlu ve
Nurten Kara, Ankara: Dipnot Yayınevi, 2009
Tuğrul İlter, Nurten Kara, Melek Atabey, Yetin Arslan, Müge Orun (editors) Communication in
Peace/Conflict in Communication, Proceeding Book of the 2nd International Conference in
Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean Press, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 2008
Melek Atabey “Cola’ yı a la Turka Satmak:Türk Rüyası, Amerikan Rüyasına Karşı (Selling Cola a la
Turka: Turkish Dream versus American Dream)” in Medya, Temsil ve Kimlik (Media, Representation
and Identity), ed: Emel Baştürk Akça, Istanbul: Nobel, 2007.
Articles in
Melek Atabey & Nurten Kara Too Close and Too Far: Farming the lebanon and Iraqi Wars in the
Media of North Cyprus, The International Communication Gazette, 75:2, March- 2013, 174-187
Melek Atabey & Nurten Kara “International News Coverage of North Cyprus: Lebanon War”, Akdeniz
İletişim, 2008/9: 1-32.
Melek Atabey “Belgesel Film Yapımında Yeni Yönelimler ve Melez Formlar” (New Tendencies and
Hybrid Forms in Documentary Film Making) Düşünceler, Ege University, Faculty of Communication
Publications, July 2005
(full paper)
Melek Atabey, Melekler ve Caniler: Türkiye’de Çocuklarını Öldüren Kadınlara İlişkin Annelik
Anlatıları, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Women’s Studies Gender at the
Crossroads: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives, April 20-22, 200, Eastern Mediterranean University
Press, 2009.
Melek Atabey & Nurten Kara“ ‘Near and Far': The Iraq War on North Cyprus Press”, Proceedings of
the 2nd International Conference in Communication and Media Studies Communication in
Peace/Conflict in Communication, 5-7 May 2007, Famagusta, North Cyprus.
‘Global Media and the Turkish Experience’, Globalization and Transcultural Issues
in the New World Order, Pete Remington Günseli S. İşçi, Gülriz Büken (eds.)
Proceedings of the 6th annual Ege University Cultural Studies Symposium,İzmir: Ege University, 2003,
‘’Recent Tendencies in Television News: Commercialisation, Globalisation and
Democratisation’’, The First National Communication Symposium Proceedings:
Polical Communication, Ankara, 2000. pp:250-260.
Paper abstracts
Melek Atabey, Mothers and Daughters: News Coverage of the Matricide Cases in Turkey,
International Multidisciplinary Women’s Congress, 13-16 October 2009, Izmir, Turkey.
Melek Atabey & Nurten Kara, War On Terror in Turkish Cypriot Media: The Coverage of Iraq and
Lebanon Wars, 3rd International Conference: Media Coverage of the ‘War on Terror’
24th November 2007, King’s College London, The Strand Campus.
“ ‘Big Events, Small News’: International News Coverage of the North Cyprus Media”
(with Nurten Kara), Internationalising Media Studies: Imperatives and Impediments
15-16 September 2006, University of Westminster, London.
Melek Atabey, Ayşe Lahur Kırtunç and Nihan Aytekin “Cinematic Tale of a Migration: Istanbul,
Memories, Food and Identity in ‘Politiki Kouzina’ (A Touch of Spice-Bir Tutam Baharat)”, (with)Ege
University 10th Cultural Studies Symposium: ‘When ‘Away’ Becomes ‘Home’, 4-6 May, 2005, , Izmir,
‘’Contemporary Narratives of Love: A Myth, A Reality, A Fantasy of A Commodity’’, Ege University
8th Cultural Studies Symposium, ‘’Body, Emotions and Society’’, 22-24 May, 2003, Izmir, Turkey,
‘’City as a Cultural Text: The Portrayal of Istanbul in Recent Turkish Films’’ International Visual
Sociology Conference, ‘’Visualising Community, State and Nation: Images of power and social bond’’
13-18 July, 2002, Santorini, Greece.
‘’Crossing the Borders: Greek and Turkish Co-produced Images of Existence, Attachment and Love’’,
(with Aristotelis Nikolaidis), Ege University 7th Cultural Studies Symposium, ‘’Selves Home, Selves in
Exile: Stories of Emplacement and Displacement’’, 8-10 May, 2002, Izmir, Turkey,
‘’The Representation of the ‘Community’ in Recent Turkish TV Serials’’, Second International
Conference on Middleeastern and North African Popular Culture Conference, 2-7 April, 2002,
Hammamet, Tunusia.
‘’Fact, Fiction and Drama: Hybrid Forms in Documentary Film Making’’, Documentary Film Makers
Conference, 'New Approaches in Documentary Production', The Documentary Film Makers
Association, 17-21 Ekim 2001. Istanbul.
‘’Rethinking the Third World Cinema’’, Thinking on Cinema, paper presented at Annual
Seminars on Cinema, Ege University, Communications Faculty, 8 July, 2001,
Ege University, Izmir.
Completed Thesis Supervision
Sibel Karaduman
Master thesis (2002)
Ege University
Globalization of Television News: An Analysis of Foreign News on NTV and
CNNTurk (Televizyon Haberlerinde Küreselleşme Olgusu: NTV ve CNN Türk’ün
Dış Haberleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme)
Aslı Özdin
Master thesis (2003)
Ege University
The Representation of Male İdentity in Turkish Television Serials (Türk
Televizyon Dizilerinde Erkek Kimliğinin Sunumu
Emel Akça
PhD thesis (2004)
Ege University
Turkish American Relationships After the 1990s and Its Representation on Both
Countries’ Pres: A Comparative Discourse Analysis (1990 Sonrası Türk-Amerikan
İlişkileri ve İki Ülke Basınında Temsili: Karşılaştırmalı Söylem Çözümlemesi)
Ulaş Işıklar
Master thesis (2005)
Ege University
The Transformation of Vampire Character in Recent Horror Cinema (Son Dönem
Korku Sinemasında Vampir Karakterinin Dönüşümü)
Yana Boyko
Master thesis (2007)
Eastern Mediterranean University
Poems, Images and Mysteries: The Analysis of Yuri Norstein’s Films
Besnik Anxhaku
Master thesis (2007)
Eastern Mediterranean University
The Rise of Albanian Nationalism During World War I: The Case of an Albanian
Review ‘Morning Star’ in the USA in 1917
The Representation Strikes by the North Cyprus Newspapers
Belma Adem
Master thesis (2009)
Eastern Mediterranean University
Shahryar Mirzaalikhani
MA thesis (2011)
Iranian Grafitti During Political Transformations: A Semiotic Analysis of Grafitti
Before and After Revolution
Eastern Mediterranean University
3-5 May 2007
The 2nd International Conference in Communication and Media Studies Communication in
Peace/Conflict in Communication, Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Communication and
Media Studies, the Scientific and Organizational Committee.
17-18 April
International Visual Communication Symposium, the Scientific and Organizational Committee.
22-24 May
Ege University, 2nd. International Short Film Festival, Organizational Committee.
5-7 May
Ege University, 9th International Cultural Studies Symposium, ‘’My Smyrna…My İzmir’’,
Short Film Festival, Organizational Committee.
‘’The Fish’’, short film, Turkish and Iranian co-production, May, 2002.
Film script and the storyboard.
‘’Journey to the Aegean’’, weekly radio programme, Radio Campus Ege, February-July 2003
September-December 2003
Sevgi Ürüm’s Atelier, Izmir
November-January 2007
Ali Atakan’s Atelier, Famagusta
October-February 2007-20012
Ümit İnatçı’s Atelier, Eastern Mediterranean University
News Media; Televison Journalism; Alternative Media; Media and Ideology; New Communication Technologies;
International Relations and the Media; Globalization and the Media; Cultural Studies; post-Human Studies; Film, Culture
and Society; Third World Cinema; Visual Communication; Media Aesthetics; Advertising and Ideology; Televison