Uluslararası Akdeniz Yüzey Araştırmaları Çalıştayı 2015 ODTÜ

Uluslararası Akdeniz Yüzey Araştırmaları Çalıştayı 2015 ODTÜ Ankara
International Mediterranean Survey Workshop 2015 METU Ankara
16-18 Nisan / April 2015
16 Nisan / April _ Perşembe / Thursday
10:00 Kayıt ve Sabah Kahvesi / Registration and Morning coffee
10:00-10:20 Açılış Konuşması / Opening Remarks (Burcu Erciyas)
I. Oturum / Session
10:20-10:40 P. Attema, “Remote Sensing, Survey and Groundtruthing in the
Crustumerium Project, Italy”
10:40-11:00 R. Willet, “Studying Roman Cities in Asia Minor from afar: Dealing
with 200 years of disparate data and how modern remote sensing
could help.”
11:00-11:20 T. Emre Şerifoğlu, “Problems in remote sensing of forested areas
with rough topography: The lower Göksu Valley as a case study”
11.20-12:00 Tartışma / Discussion
12:00-13:00 Öğle Yemeği / Lunch
II. Oturum / Session
13:00-13:20 J. Bintliff, “Implications of the Sample Fraction statistic and the
“missing loomweight syndrome” for the cultural biography of
surface sites”
13:20-13:40 E. Koparal, “Modern landscapes vs ancient landscapes: policies and
ethics of cultural heritage in a living world”
13:40-14:00 B. Hürmüzlü, “The Conflict Between the Archaeological Findings
and the Regulations”
14:00-14:40 Tartışma / Discussion
14:40-15:00 Kahve Molası / Coffee Break
III. Oturum / Session
15:00-15:20 S. Groh – F. Schimmer – P. Donat Aquileia – a trading hub in the
Northern Adriatic. Results of surveys in the western suburbium
15:20-15:40 V. Demirciler, “Photogrametry Applications and GIS Analyses on
Bozburun/Marmaris Survey Data”
15:40-16:00 Johannes Bergemann “A new survey project in Camarina (Sicily):
Archaeological survey geophysics and drones”
16:00-16:20 G. Ilgezdi Bertram-J.K. Bertram “Changing Ideas Land Exploitation
in the Early Bronze Age: Some Remarks on a Survey in an Urban
Environment in Ankara”
16:20-16:40 Tartışma /Discussion
19:00 Social Dinner
17 Nisan / April _ Cuma / Friday
IV. Oturum / Session
09:30-10:00 Sabah Kahvesi / Morning coffee
10:00-10:20 L. Vandeput, “ Survey and Governmental Policies in Turkey”
10:20-10:40 Luis M. Guiterrez Soler, M. Alejo & A.J. Ortiz “The Giribaile Project:
The management of of the archaeological survey along 25 years.”
10:40-11:00 R. Becks-B.A.Polat Becks, “Şerefhöyük / Komama and Environs
11:00-11:20 F. Pirson, “Pergamon’s Microregion: A Multidisciplinary Approach
to the Relation Between Cities and Landscape”
11:20-11:40 F.Özcan, “Recent Surveys in Northern Pisidia”
11:40-12:00 Tartışma / Discussion
12:00-13:00 Öğle Yemeği / Lunch
V. Oturum / Session
13.00-13:20 Ömür Harmanşah, “The case for slow survey: Place, politics and
landscape archaeology in the region of Yalburt Yaylası”
13:20-13:40 M. Scrinzi, “Archaeology of Vidourle Valley (France): Spatio
temporal Analysis of Settlements from the Iron Age to the High
Middle Ages”
13:40-14:00 B. Çelik, “The survey of Pre-pottery Neolithic Period in Urfa
14:00-14:20 B. Dinçer, “Paleolithic Surveys in Turkey: Past, Present and Future
14:20-14:40 Tartışma / Discussion
14:40-15:00 Kahve Molası / Coffee Break
VI. Oturum / Session
15:00-15:20 Ç. Maner, “Pros and Cons of New Survey Projects with the New
Survey Regulations: The KEYAR Survey Project”
15:20-15:40 A. Umut Türkcan, “Landscapes in Blur: Methodological Problems
in Surveys”
15:40-16:00 Martijn van Leusen and Peter Attema “The Best Practice”
16:00-16:40 Tartışma / Discussion
18 Nisan / April
Hattuşa Gezisi / Excursion to Hattusha