Çalışma modları ÇALIŞMAYA BAŞLAMA durumu : • AÇIK : Çalışmaya başladıktan sonra 30 saniye tarafından montaj standartlarına göre boyunca ışık hemen açılır. Bir algılama olması halinde ışık (otomatik auto test 1 mod), zaman gecikmesi boyunca açık kalır; aksi lux 2 takdirde ışık kapatılır. ÇALIŞMAYA BAŞLAMA durumu : on • KAPALI : Detektör, ısınma süresinden sonra seçili Ürüne bağlı olan bir KNX butonu sayesinde aydınlatma 1 min • AÇIK : Çalışmaya başladıktan sonra 30 saniye Detektörün 2 farklı modu bulunmaktadır. Çalışma modları moda geçer. 20 min tarafındanVarlık montaj standartlarına göre Uygulama KNX adresleme ve boyunca ışık hemendurumu açılır. : - Mevcudiyet algılaması (otomatik). ÇALIŞMAYA BAŞLAMA Adr 1 h konumu IR tanıma Bir algılama olması halinde ışık (otomatik DE otomatik) - Detektörün Yokluk algılaması TR GB • AÇIK : Çalışmaya başladıktan sonra 30 saniye 4 Kanal Anahtar Aktüatör 2 farklı (yarı modu bulunmaktadır. User varlık Aktif/pasif hücre tarafından montaj standartlarına göre varlık mod), zaman gecikmesi boyunca ışık hemen açılır. boyunca açık kalır; aksi Çalışmaya başlama ve hücrenin çalışması her mod önceden ayarlanmış - Mevcudiyet algılaması (otomatik). Aktif hücre Bu- Yokluk moddaalgılaması iken, ışıklar, alanındaki hareketler Schaltausgang 4-fach kapatılır. Birtakdirde algılamaışık olması halinde ışık (otomatik 1Kanal tavan tipi varlık (yarıalgılama otomatik) 4 kanal MSA0410 Ortam ışık seviyesiThe yeterli iseoutput fotoselmodule sensörden çıkışı are r 4-fold 4-fach-Ausgänge MSA0410 das 1 200 mod), zaman gecikmesi boyunca açık kalır;sonra aksi MSA0410 • KAPALI : Detektör, ısınma süresinden seçili Çalışmaya başlama ve hücrenin çalışması her mod Ürüne bağlı olan bir KNX butonu sayesinde aydınlatma Varlık engeller. Ortam ışık seviyesito gerekli LüksBus seviyesinin KNX on/o Schalten von Lasten über den KNX-Bus. dedektörü 360Output module 4-fold User Varlık takdirde ışık kapatılır. moda geçer. >1 ... 2 < > 200 ... 400 < loads. They are part of the Smarth Geräte gehören zum Smarthome . altında iken sensör birisinin mevcudiyetini algıladığı varlık • KAPALI : Detektör, ısınma süresinden sonra seçili Ürüne bağlı olan bir KNX butonu sayesinde aydınlatma system. zur Ansteuerung der (Elektrooderışıklar aktive edilir. Ancak takdirde ortam ışık seviyesi 1Kanal tavan tipi varlık Varlık 2 400 varlık varlık geçer. Aktif/pasif TheyLüks can seviyesinin be used to control g W oder Lasten moda aller Art, e hücre kıyaslar. varlık zaman içinde gerekli üzerindeki bir dedektörü 360 Aktif hücre or hot water) or any other load cont über r Kontakte ansteuern lassen. >2 ... On < > 400 ... 1000 < varlık Bu modda iken, ışıklar, algılama alanındaki hareketler değere yükseldiği takdirde sensör bunu algılayarak Aktif/pasif hücre . byyeterli contact of sensörden 4V h ışık Ortam seviyesi isefree fotosel çıkışı varlık Geräte Yapılandırma ışığıren kapatır. Aktif hücre 4 product accor to durch algılama den Typ und der AçıkVarlık 1000 engeller. Ortam ışık seviyesi gerekliare Lüks seviyesinin Bu modda iken, ışıklar, alanındaki hareketler Ortam ışıkiken seviyesi yeterli ise fotosel sensörden çıkışı loads. power and the type of connectable Lasten . altında sensör birisinin mevcudiyetini algıladığı • S-modu ETS : Uygulama yazılımı varlık Varlık Pasif hücre engeller. Ortam ışık seviyesi gerekli Lüks seviyesinin varlık * Işık ölçme hassaslığısürümü (lüks) mevcuttur. takdirde ışıklar aktive edilir. Ancak ortam ışık seviyesi varlık Birisi algılandığı ortam ışık seviyesi yeterli altında iken sensörsırada birisinin mevcudiyetini algıladığı kıyaslar. varlık zaman içinde gerekli seviyesinin üzerindeki bir by b 4 Lüks channels controlled IR sensör (algılama) IR alıcı (uzaktan kumandalar) 4 vor Kanäle, Ansteuerung • edilir. • olduğuışıklar takdirde fotosel sensörden çıkışı Bus takdirde aktive Ancak ortam ışıkengeller. seviyesi varlık TP RF 230V~ 30 değere yükseldiği takdirde sensör bunu algılayarak KNX. über KNX-Bus. V İşlevler kıyaslar. zaman içinde gerekli Lüksortam seviyesinin üzerindeki bir Birisi algılandığı sırada ışık seviyesi yükseldiği 2 Yapılandırma Bir KNX butonu vasıtası kumandadan ışığı kapatır. volt-free e Kontakte. • 4kapatmaz. • 4 ile veyar uzaktan • KNX ver yolu tarafından kontr değere yükseldiği sensörcontacts. bunu algılayarak takdirde fotosel takdirde ışığı YIL on the produ der Ausgänge am Gerät. Yapılandırma bağımsız kanal. • Output states are • ışığı kapatır. Açıklama Ayarlar Algılama alanları • S-modu ETS : Uygulama yazılımı Pasif hücre Outputs can be controlled manually from zur manuellen Ansteuerung der • 4 adet voltsuz kontak. • varlık Birkaç detektörün• birleştirilmesi Birisi algılandığı sırada ortam ışık seviyesi yeterli product. Ausgänge über das Gerät gegeben. • S-modu ETS •: Çıkış Uygulama yazılımı Pasif hücre durumları, ürünün üzer ter varlıkr. T Daten • Detektörün kapsama alanını genişletmek için Each product feature depends on olduğu takdirde fotosel sensörden çıkışı engeller. genauen Geräte hängen von der Çakışma L1 Birisi algılandığı sırada ortam ışık seviyesi yeterli s T rak kontrol • Çıkışlar, ürün üzer Schalter Auto/Manu detektör bir veya and birkaç detektör ile birleştirilebilir. Parlaklık• ölçme sensörü und den nolduğu Birisi algılandığı sırada ortam. ışık seviyesi yükseldiği Açıklama Ayarlar takdirde fotosel sensörden çıkışı engeller. • Auto/Manu h L2 Bir KNX butonu vasıtası ile veya uzaktan kumandadan Yayların takılması auto ab. kumanda Birisi açılması için duvarParameter anahtarından veya uzaktan takdirde fotosel ışığıortam kapatmaz. Besleme voltajı algılandığı sırada ışıknseviyesi yükseldiği • KNX veri yolunda bir adet aydınlatma kanalı. L3 Bir KNX butonu vasıtası ile veya uzaktan kumandadan test 6m Versorgungsspannung • 1 takdirde fotosel ışığı kapatmaz. • Varlık olma / olmama modu kontrolü. n N change mode: To lux S upply volta ge 30 V DC • Kontrollleuchten Parlaklık ölçme sensörü Birkaç detektörün birleştirilmesi ayarlarına • ETS Zaman ve Lüks seviyesibağlıdır. ayarı. 1 • state den Umschaltung Çalışmaya başlama Birkaç detektörün birleştirilmesi Detektörün kapsama alanını genişletmek için Yayların takılması 2 auto Yapılandırma Manugenişletmek ( ) Güç Dağıtımı steht der çalışmaya Schalter başladıktan , auf Manu ( ) detektör bir Detektörün kapsama alanını için pr ess channels 1 Detektördeki bir parametre, veya birkaç detektör ile birleştirilebilir. test Test Modu: push-buttons for 3 s befor 1 V g 1 W (4x4A), • 3 Sekunden lang Taster der Kanäle 1 detektör bir veya birkaç detektör ile birleştirilebilir. on lux the output (press 1 3 5 7 Bu mod, algılama alanını doğrulamayı sağlar. Bu n 3 W (4x10A), 8 W (4x16A) Power commande locale açılması için duvar anahtarından veya uzaktan kumanda und 2 drücken, bevor e 1Kanal tavan tipi varlık Çalış • KNX veri yolunda bir adet aydınlatma kanalı. (şebekeye dönüş). C1 C2 C3 C4 1 açılması için duvar anahtarından veya uzaktan kumanda 1 n • Taster zur lokalen Ansteuerung der Ausgänge (durch der ETS: software • KNX veri yolunda bir adet aydınlatma kanalı. 1 ve 2 2 2,5m • • Varlık olma / olmama modu kontrolü. Isıtma moduna değyapıldıktan r Boyutlar • Local command push-button dedektörü 360 20 m test"• konumuna Algılama Taste boyunca ) auslösen. and database and Dete Yeşil LED, ısınma aşaması yanıp söner. Çalışmaya olma /ayarlayın. olmama modu kontrolü. • ETS Varlık Zaman ve Lüks seviyesi ayarı. Abmessung Anahtar Manuel ( ) konumdayken, çıkış 2 MSA0410-B tarafından montaj standartlarına göremanufacturer. from the C3 C1 on Çalışmaya başlama • ETS Zaman ve Lüks seviyesi ayarı. Başlama AÇIK durumunda iken, şebeke elektriği sensöre 2,5m 2,5m ETS: Anwendungssoftware (Beleuchtung - Me • D m e ns o ns 4 x 17,5 mm • numaralandırmayı başlatmadan önce kanal 1 ve 2başlama Çalışmaya auto Detektördeki bir parametre, çalışmaya başladıktan verildiği veya ona geri zaman aydınlatmaya unddöndüğü Datenbank und Beschr m 1 n - Yok Test Modu: Adr 1 h 1nve 2 Detektördeki bir parametre, çalışmaya başladıktan x zur • Leuchttaster Kırmızı LED ışığı, ölçülen ışık seviyesinin mevcut Test Modu: Hersteller . Başlama KAPALI otomatik olarak enerji verilir. Çalışmaya Koruma sınıfı Çalış Bu mod, algılamatuşuna alanınıbasın). doğrulamayı sağlar. Bu 20 m Adr g y 1m ayardan düşük olduğunu gösterir. Yeşil LED ışığıBu Bu mod, algılama alanını doğrulamayı sağlar. C2 C4 (şebekeye dönüş). 2 Schutzart (şebekeye dönüş). • Test and startup addr d yandığı zaman, ölçülen ışık seviyesi mevcut ayardan aşaması sırasında sensör çalışmaz. IP 30 P ro te c t o n c la s s Ürün auto test"test" konumuna ayarlayın. Algılama yapıldıktan h 2,5m push 3m button 3,5m Yeşil boyuncayanıp yanıpsöner. söner.Çalışmaya Çalışmaya and local comma test konumuna ayarlayın. Algılama yapıldıktan Adr 1 h 1 YeşilLED, LED,ısınma ısınma aşaması aşaması boyunca Varlık Auto/Manu lux push-button . Başlama AÇIK durumunda iken, şebeke elektriği sensöre Çalışma sıcaklığı • ETS: uygulama yazılımı (aydınlatma ve Başlama AÇIK durumunda iken, şebeke elektriği sensöre x 5m 5m 5m 2 Test und Manu ( ) verildiği döndüğüzaman zamanaydınlatmaya aydınlatmaya ve açıklama ür rafındanveya ısıtma): ver on verildiği veya ona ona geri geri döndüğü C1 C2 C3 C4 30V DC varlık 8m 9m1 min Kırmızı LEDLED ışığı, ölçülen ışıkışık seviyesinin mevcut Schalter Auto/Manu undKAPALI Taster zur lokalen temperature 0 °C —> + 45 °C y 7m - + otomatik olarak enerji verilir. ÇalışmayaBaşlama Başlama KAPALI buttons control loads connected to ou Kırmızı ışığı, ölçülen seviyesinin mevcut 2 6 8 4 auto otomatik olarak enerji verilir. Çalışmaya sağlanır. (uzak KNX yükü), her algılamadan sonra 2 saniye test 20 min 1 Ansteuerung . ayardan düşük olduğunu gösterir. Yeşil LED of Use Auto Bu m Uygulama ayardan düşük olduğunu gösterir. Yeşil LEDışığı ışığı lux KNX adresleme ve boyunca açılır , auf Manu ( ), können Steht derçalışmaz. Schalter Saklama sıcaklığı Adr 1 h yandığı zaman, ölçülen ışıkışık seviyesi mevcut ayardan 2 mode or to re the product. In A konumu yandığı zaman, ölçülen seviyesi mevcut ayardan aşaması sırasında sensör IR tanıma aşaması sırasında sensör çalışmaz. Test ve başlangıç Varlık Ayarlar Lagertemperatur an Ausgänge angeschlossenen Lasten über on of push buttons 1 Manuel anahtar 1 ve lokal kumanda Otoma Ayarlar önceden ayarlanmış 1 min Storage temperature - 20 °C —> + 70 °CAçıklama geschaltet werden. Taster Ayarlar Eylem and relays are controlled by comma 20 min Uygulama ren des Gerätes hat der Schalter Zum KNX adresleme ve 400 lüks from the KNX bus. Aydınlatma şiddeti eşiği 1 200 1 h Adr N orm IR tanıma N F E N 60669- 1 Anahtar 1 Manuel ( ) konumdayken düğmeler 3, auf Auto zu stehen. Steht der Schalter auf Auto konumu Bus kıyaslar. (uzak KNX yükü), her algılamadan sonra 2 saniye (uzak KNX yükü), her algılamadan sonra 2 saniye Aydınlatma süresi 20 dak. Parlaklık ölçme Standard NF-EN 60669-2-1 State testTaster und lassen >1 ... 2 < > 200 ... 400 < sensörü 1 önceden ayarlanmış boyunca açılır boyunca açılır N oauto rm E N 50090- 2- 2 s the r of co nur über denlux Bus KNX ansteuern. Anahtarın 1 Otoma Önceden tanımlanan değerler: Yayların takılması Yapılandırma auto Mod Mevcudiyet test 1 output relays: 2 400 Lüx = 400, test 1 200 2 lux 1 Ayarlar Kontrollleuchten on = closedKapalı relay. Çalışmaya başlama Eylem Ayarlar Eylem Schaltausgänge können an Phasen angeschlossen werden. lux süre = 20 dak. • S-modu : Uygulama yazılımı 1 >2 ... On < > Kontrollleuchten geben den Zustand der ETS After product on/o or on >1400 ... 2...<1000 < > 200 ... 400 < 400 Aydınlatma şiddeti eşiği lüks v 2 The outputs can be connected to rent phases. 400 1 Aydınlatma şiddeti eşiği lüks Aktif Hücre (Aydınlatma Hücresi) entsprechenden Ausgangsr an: : 2 dak. test modu 0,75 mm 2 —> 2,5 mm 2 theAçık product 2 Açık 1000 ayarları kullanın. Aydınlatma süresi 20 dak. 2 400 Leuchte = geschlossen. test Aydınlatma süresi 20 dak. • mode: 1 on test 1 luxdes Gerätes bzw. nach Teknik özellikler Önceden tanımlanan değerler: on Önceden Mod Mevcudiyet for 5 s. lux tanımlanan değerler: >2 ... On < > 400 ... 1000 < Mod Mevcudiyet Bir K 1 n * Işık ölçme hassaslığı (lüks) Download geben Zustandsmeldeleuchten Durum göstergeler Lüx = 400, Elektriksel özellikler 2 mode: Kapalı for 5 s. 1 nLüx = 400, 2 Çalışmaya başlama• Aufschluß über des Gerätes: 1 ve 2 Göster g kış röleler ter r: IR sensör (algılama) IR alıcı (uzaktan kumandalar) süre = 20 dak. Çalışmaya başlama Açık 1000 Besleme voltajı: KNX veri yolu 30 V DC Kapalı 20 m of on süre dak. röle. 2 • Beleuchtungsmodus: Kontrollleuchten leuchten m==:20 gösterge açık kapalı Aktif Hücre (Aydınlatma Hücresi) on Veri yolu tüketimi: 10mA 2 dak. test modu of wrong AçıkAçık software. Işığın tanımlanmış bir 20 2 Aktif Hücre (Aydınlatma Hücresi) 5 Sekunden lang ununterbrochen. : 2 dak. test modu ayarları kullanın. test İşlevsel özellikler * Işık ölçme hassaslığı (lüks) 1 süre otomatik olarak Adr 1 h ayarları kullanın. addr push button Kontrollleuchten 5Teknik Sekunden • lux göstergeler, ürün yapılandırmasını göster r: özellikler 1 h Adr açılması. IR sensör (algılama) IR alıcı (uzaktan kumandalar) Algılama alanları to perform pushbutton Teknik özellikler lang. klı göstergeler 5 sn • aydınla Elektriksel özellikler Press 2 ofVthe product or to the b addr Elektriksel özellikler aller Kontrollleuchten besagt, daß das açılm Besleme voltajı: KNX veri yolu 30 DC boyunca yanar. • KNX veri yolundapresence bir adet:aydınlatma kanalı. on = bus pres on geladene Programm dem Gerät l Besleme voltajı: KNX veri yolu 30 V DC Veri yolu tüketimi: 10mA modu kontrolü. • ısıtma rek Çakışma Işığın tanımlanmış birmodu: göstergeler 5 sn bo auto • Varlık olma / olmama 2,5 m —> 3,5m addr . product test . test 1 m n 1 Veri yolu tüketimi:and 10mA İşlevsel özellikler Işığınsüre tanımlanmış bir yanar. lux Algılama alanları 1 otomatik olarak • ETS Zaman ve Lüks Algılama aralığı: Ø 7mseviyesi ayarı. lux test 20 m İşlevsel özellikler Çalış 2 1 süreaçılması. otomatik olarak Leuchttaster zur Adr . lux on 2 Leuchttaster Dete 6m um e den Drücken açılması. Test Modu: 1 min Çakışma 1h 2 Uygulama Gerätes vorzunehmen oder das Adr Adr on des 20 min Bu mod, algılama alanını doğrulamayı sağlar. Bu Ortam Uygulama KNX adresleme ve konumu 2,5 m —> 3,5m des (şeb Algılama bölgesinin Test modu 1 m nBusses zu überprüfen: on Adr 1 h Çalışma sıcaklığı: -10 °C —> +45 °C konumu IR tanıma Algılama aralığı: Ø 7m = Bus an, e Leuchte 2,5 m —> 3,5m test edilip önceden ayarlanmış test test 20 m 1 m n test" konumuna Saklama sıcaklığıayarlayın. Algılama yapıldıktan 1läuft. 1 6m Yeşi Adr Algılama aralığı: Ø 7m lux lux doğrulanması. önceden ayarlanmış Yalıtım sınıfı: II 20 m Baş 1 200 1 h Adr 2 2 IK 04 1 200 veril Ortam 2,5m düğmeye 6Test basın : açık gösterge = ver yolu >1 ... 2 < > 200 ... 400 < Adr on1 h Algılama bölgesinin modu Kırmızısıcaklığı: LED ışığı, mevcut Koruma sınıfı: IP41 otom on Çalışma -10ölçülen °C —> ışık +45seviyesinin °C Ortam >1 ... test 2 < edilip > 200 ... 400 < test test ayardan düşük olduğunu Yangına dayanıklılık: 650°Cgösterir. Yeşil LED ışığı Saklama sıcaklığı 1 1 2,5m 2,5m Algılama bölgesinin Test modu 2 400 Çalışma sıcaklığı: -10 °C —> +45 °C lux lux adresleme 400 Potansiyometre 2'yi "Adr." durumuna getirin. yandığı zaman, ölçülen ışık seviyesi mevcut ayardan aşam Maks. montaj 2000m 2KNX Yalıtım sınıfı: II yüksekliği: testdoğrulanması. edilip test test Saklama sıcaklığı 12 1 m 1n2 2,5m Achtung: : >2 ... On < > 400x... 1000 < impuls voltajı: 800V 04 lux lux IKNominal doğrulanması. Yalıtım sınıfı: II >2 ... On < > 400 y 20 m nur durch - ... 1000 < must be only 1m Kirlenme derecesi: Koruma sınıfı: IP41 2on und2 Montage dürfen on 2 Açık 1000 IK 04 2,5m 2,5m Elektrofachkraft erfolgen. by a EN50491-3, Yangına dayanıklılık: 650°C Standartlar: EN60669-2-1, Açık 1000 Koruma sınıfı: IP41 - Conform h 2,5m 3m 3,5m on KNX adresleme- SELV montaj - Adr on1 h zur Schutzmaßnahme kurallarına2'yi uyun. Potansiyometre "Adr." durumuna getirin. Maks. montaj yüksekliği: 2000m to SELV (uzak KNX yükü), her algılamadan sonra 2 saniye rules. EN 50428 x Yangına dayanıklılık: 650°C * Işık ölçme hassaslığı (lüks) 1mn Nominal impuls voltajı: 800V SELV beachten. boyunca açılır x 5m 5m 5m y * Işık ölçme hassaslığı (lüks) KNX adresleme 1m Potansiyometre 2'yi "Adr." durumuna getirin. Maks. montaj yüksekliği: 2000m 20 m Kirlenme derecesi: 2 1mn 2 6T 7918.b IR sensör (algılama) IR alıcı (uzaktan kumandalar) y 7m 8m 9m Nominal impuls voltajı:EN50491-3, 800V Standartlar: EN60669-2-1, h 2,5m 3m 3,5m Ayarlar Eylem derecesi: 2 Adr 1 h 20 m ENKirlenme 50428 x 5m 5m 5m Standartlar: EN60669-2-1, EN50491-3, Adr 1 h EN 50428 1 y 7m 8m 9m 2 6T 7918.b Algılama alanları Adr MSA0416-C : 4 x16 A MSA0410-B : 4 x10 A MPR1000 • ¢ £ § MPR1000 6T 7274.b ¶ ß h MPR1000 1h Detektörün 2 farklı modu bulunmaktadır. - Mevcudiyet algılaması (otomatik). - Yokluk algılaması (yarı otomatik) Çalışmaya başlama ve hücrenin çalışması her mod Çalışma modları h h modes In the during Power warm up ONup state the lighting will autoeachFunctional mode. A parameter ofwarm the detector allows choice During upperiod. phase, thethe green LED Automatic mode (presence detection) be set for The power up cell operation The detector has 2 and different modes. matically be energised when mains power is blinks. A KNX pushbutton linked to the productcan makes it of state for the lighting after power uplighting (mains will autoIn the Power up ON the In this mode the light is controlled by motion in the - Presence detection (automatic). each mode. initially supplied or returnedstate to the sensor. 2 possible to reverse the lighting output state. POWER UPbe state : matically mains power is detection area and ambienttolight levels. Power Absence detection (semi-automatic) A Functional KNX pushbutton product makes it Inreturn). modes the Power upUp OFFenergised state the when lighting will not on This- state is maintained forlinked the timethe period set by During warm up phase, green LEDtoallows blinks. • initially ON : The lightof isthe immediately switched for supplied or returned the sensor. The power uptois and cell operation can be setlevels for If presence detected whilst the light are A parameter the detector theON choice possible reverse the lighting output state. 1 min The detector has 2 different modes. be energised and the sensor will not operate LED’s for testing , the each potentiometer In the Power up ON state thestate lighting will auto-up 30s. after power up. mode. 20 min In the Power up OFF the lighting will not below the required Lux level, the sensor is activated of state for the lighting after power (mains This state is maintained for the time period set by Presence detection (automatic). during warm up period.when mains power is Occupancy sensors MRP1000 arearms). presence KNX addressing and qualified electrician according to Position of Lux Application matically be energised Automatic mode (presence movements (movements from body or A KNX pushbutton linked to the product it Inreturn). case of detection, lightwill (innot automatic be energised and thethe sensor operate Product description and operation and keeps the light ondetection) whilst there ismakes still occuand compares itvalue to the preset onthe the the potentiometer - Absence detection (semi-automatic) Adr 1 h detectors designed tolevel detect low amplitude IR acknowledgement installation's standards. potentiometer approximate * initiallyduring supplied or returned to the sensor. possible to reverse the lighting output state. In this mode the light isand controlled by motion in the Detection is by means ofETS the pyroelectric IR DE mode) remains on during the time delay; TR GB 4 Kanal Anahtar Aktüatör warm upup period. pancy and for the time out period afterwards. potentiometer by parameter. User During warm phase, the green LED blinks. principles The power up cell operation can be set for Automatic mode (presence detection) movements (movements from body or arms). In the Power up OFF state the lighting will not POWER otherwise UP statePower : the up This state ismode. maintained for the levels. time period set by detection area and ambient light sensor located under detection light is state switched off. Once the sensor deactivated theby lights, it will In the ON the lighting will autoproducts part of oflens. the tebis installation Occupancy sensors MRP1000 are presence each autoThese test preset In this mode thehas light is controlled motion in the ON Detection is byare means the pyroelectric IR energised andisthe sensor will switched not operate : The light immediately ON power for therequire potentiometer If presence is detected whilst the light levels are The occupancy sensor measures the 4-fach a new occupancy whilst the ambient light it •be 1Kanal tavan tipiSchaltausgang varlık matically be energised when is detectors designed to detect low amplitude A KNX pushbutton linked to the product makes system. • POWER OFF : up The detector switches tomains the selected Product description and operation UP state : 4under kanal MSA0410 detection area and ambient light levels. sensor located detection lens. during warm period. 30s.das after power up.The or 4-fold output module MSA0410 are r 4-fach-Ausgänge below the required Lux level, the sensor isMSA0410 activated brightness in the 200 room on a continuous basis Automatic (presence detection) levels aremode below the required Lux levels to activate movements (movements from body or arms). initially supplied returned to the sensor. 1 Corridor possible to reverse the lighting output state. mode after warm up. • ON : The light is immediately switched ON for on/o If presence is detected whilst the light levels are The occupancy sensor measures the principles caseIn ofthe detection, theOFF lightstate (in automatic to Bus will KNXnot dedektörü 360 Output module 4-fold Schalten vonforisthe Lasten über KNX-Bus. andInkeeps thestate light on whilst there stillmotion occuand compares it istoby the level of preset on the thisThis mode theislight is controlled by in theset Configuration Detection means the pyroelectric IR User the lights again. Power up the lighting maintained period bydenIn 30s. after power up.the below the required Lux level, the time sensor ismactivated brightness in200 the room on a continuous basis pancy sensors MRP1000 are presence mode) remains on during time delay; loads. They are part of the Geräte gehören zum S a r t h o m e . POWER UP state : Active/passive cell >1 ...•sensor 2S-mode <Occupancy > ... 400 < and for the time out period afterwards. potentiometer by ETS parameter. detection area and ambient light levels. located under detection lens. be energised and thethe sensor not operate Smarth thekeeps potentiometer ETSdesigned : Application software Inoder case of detection, lightwill (in and thedeactivated lightwhilst on whilst there isitstill occuand compares it to the preset the detectors tolevel detect low on amplitude otherwise the light isup switched off. system. • (ElektroON :Active The light is immediately switched ONautomatic for zur Ansteuerung cellwarm Once the sensor has thelight lights, will If presence is detected the levels areder occupancy sensor measures the These The products areDatabase part of the tebis installation during period. MRP1000. and description mode) remains on during the time delay; pancy formode the out potentiometer by ETSon parameter. Lighting time delay is(presence restarted afterafterwards. detection. detection) movements (movements from bodybasis or arms).require 2 400 Offices 30s. after power up.will They can be used to control W oder Lasten allerThe Art, e photocell inhibit the output from the below the and required Luxtime level, the sensor iseach activated brightness in the room a continuous aAutomatic new occupancy whilst theperiod ambient light system. • OFF : The detector switches to the selected available from manufacturer. otherwise the light is switched off. Once the sensor has deactivated the lights, it will These products are part of the tebis installation In this mode the light is controlled by motion in the Detection is by means pyroelectric IR In case of detection, the light (in automatic or hot water) or any other load con and keeps the light on whilst there is still occuüber r Kontakte ansteuern lassen. and compares it to the level preset on the sensor the ambient light level is sufficient. automatic mode (absence levels Semi are below the required Lux levelsdetection) to activate mode afterifwarm up. >2 ... potentiometer On < > 400 1000 < UP state : occupancy require a new occupancy whilst the light detection area and ambient light sensor located under detection lens. mode) remains ondetects during the time system. OFF : The detector switches the selected and for the time period afterwards. by ... ETS parameter. by contact free delay; ofto Geräte 4 levels. Vaambient hPOWER If•the sensor whilst the. Configuration The sensor needs toout be activated by KNX the pancy lights again. Physical addressing •mode ON : light The light isup. immediately switched for levels are below the den required Lux levels to activate Ifthe presence isadurch detected whilst the light levels are Active/passive Theproducts occupancy measures the otherwise the light is4 switched off.the required cell after warm Once sensor deactivated the lights, it will These aresensor part of tebis installation product are accor t Typ und der ren ambient level is below LuxON pushbutton orhas user remote control input. 2software potentiometer to the "Adr." position, the On Set 1000 • S-mode ETS : Application Presence detector 360° monobloc User instructions Configuration 30s. after power up. the again. below required Lux level, thehold sensor islights activated brightness in the room on aOffices continuous basis require alights newthe occupancy whilst the ambient light Active cell power and the type of connectable loads. Lasten . system. level, the lights will be activated. However if Once the sensor is activated, it will the • OFF : The detector switches to selected red LED switches on. To exit this state, move MRP1000. Database and description Active/passive cell Lighting time delay is restarted after each detection. In case of detection, the light (in automatic and keeps the light on whilst there is still occuand compares it to the level preset on the levels are below the Lux levels tofor activate Themode photocell will inhibit the increases output from • S-mode ETS : Application software after warm up. level the ambient light to athe value on whilst there is required still occupancy and the time potentiometer to another value. from manufacturer. cell remains mode) on during the level time during delay; * available The the light measurement (Lux) is Configuration the lights again. pancy and for the time out period sürümü mevcuttur. potentiometer byaccuracy ETS parameter. ifActive the ambient light level is sufficient. Semi automatic mode (absence detection) MRP1000. Database and description where it is above the required Lux out period afterwards. Lighting time delay is restarted afterafterwards. each detection.sensor The photocell will inhibit the output fromcontrolled the Active/passive cell IR receiver (remote controls) IR sensor (detection) otherwise the light is switched off. affected by the environment (furniture, ground, 4 channels by Once the sensor has deactivated the lights, it will 4 vor Kanäle, Ansteuerung These products are part of the tebis installation • If the sensor detects occupancy whilst the • The sensor needs to be activated by a KNX available from manufacturer. • S-mode ETS : Application software a certain time, the sensor will detect it and Once the sensor has deactivated the lights, it will Physical addressing Bus Active sensor cell if theisambient light level is Lux sufficient. Semi automatic mode (absence detection) Features TP RF 230V~ 30 walls...). If necessary, the level has to be adjusKNX. require a new occupancy whilst the ambient light über KNX-Bus. V ambient light level below the required pushbutton or a user remote control input. MRP1000. Database and description system. • OFF : The detector switches to the selected İşlevler switch off the light. require another input from the wallswitch or the 2 Lighting time delay is restarted after each detection. Set potentiometer to "Adr." position, the The photocell will inhibit the output from the If the sensor detects occupancy whilst the The sensor needs to be activated by a KNX • One lighting channel on the KNX bus. tedLED by Physical potentiometer orexit remote control. addressing 2 levels are the itrequired levels available from manufacturer. the lights will be•warm activated. the sensor is below activated, will hold the lightsto activate level, 4 volt-free contacts.if rlights e Lux Kontakte. mode after up.is However remote control switch thedetection) on. • a 4user red switches thisyolu state, move kontr Once tarafından •To KNX ver sensorPassive if the ambient light level sufficient. Semi automatic mode (absence celllight ambient level is below required Lux pushbutton orto remote control input. • Control of on. presence/ mode. 2absence Set potentiometer to "Adr." position, the on whilst Configuration the lights again. the ambient light level increases to the a value there is still occupancy and for the Ausgänge time YIL Output states are the potentiometer to another value. der am Gerät. • • bağımsız kanal. If the sensor detects occupancy whilst theHowever The sensor needs to be activated by a KNX The photocell will inhibit the output from the the lights will be activated. ifon the prod Once the sensor is activated, it will hold the lights where itlevel, •Physical Time andswitches Lux levelon. adjustment via ETSmove out period addressing Active/passive cell Açıklama Ayarlar Detection areas red LED To exit this state, is above the required Lux level during manually afterwards. • potentiometer S-mode ETS• :4Application software ambient light islight below required Lux pushbutton orthere a user control input. can be controlled from zur manuellen Ansteuerung der sensor iflevel atcell the time ofthe detection the ambient • Outputs adet voltsuz • isremote 2to to the ambient level increases to a value on whilst still occupancy and for the time Set "Adr."kontak. position, the Active the potentiometer another value. alevel, certain time, the sensor will detect it and Once theLighting sensor has it will V2.6.0 MRP1000. Database and description the lights will be activated. However iflevelfrom Once the sensor isdeactivated activated, it the will hold the lights time delay is restarted after each detection. product. Ausgänge überlights, das Gerät gegeben. Features light level is sufficient. In case of detection, if red LED switches on. To exit this state, move where it is above the required Lux during out period afterwards. • Çıkış durumları, ürünün üzer ter r. The photocell will inhibit the output the T Daten Remote control for settings • Test Mode switch off thelight light. require another input from the wallswitch or the available from manufacturer. the ambient level increases towill alevel value on whilst is still occupancy and for the time itGeräte Each product feature •The Oneinstaller lighting channel on the KNX bus. Overlap the potentiometer another value. the ambient light level increases, the photocell a sensor certain the sensor detect it and on Once the lights, will hängen genauen von der iftime, the ambient light isdepends sufficient. Semithere automatic mode (absence detection) L1 s T rak • Çıkışlar, ürünto üzer remote control EE807 • Schalter Auto/Manu This mode makes ittopossible validate the Parlaklık ölçme sensörü remote control tosensor switchhas thedeactivated lights on. the Features Bus where itcell isnot above the required Lux .level during outkontrol period afterwards. Passive and • Control of presence/ absence mode. will turn off the light. 230V~ switch off the light. require another input from the wallswitch or the und den n TP RF If the sensor detects occupancy whilst the The sensor needs to be activated by a KNX can be used to area. set the following • Auto/Manu 30 Vh Physical addressing L2 detection To select this mode, set the • One lighting channel on the KNX bus. a certain time, the sensor will detect it and Once the sensor has deactivated the lights, it will Yayların takılması The photocell willlight inhibit theisoutput the •features Timepotentiometer and Lux level adjustment via"Adr." ETS "auto auto remote controlor toa switch the lights on.ab. Parameter Features ambient level below from the required Lux pushbutton user remote control input. Besleme voltajı if the potentiometer isposition set on 2absence 1 to the Set potentiometer to position, Passive cell test".the • Control of presence/ mode. switch if offatthe require another input from the wallswitch or the L3 n ambient thelight. time of detection the test •test" One channel onTothe KNX bus. level, the lights will be activated. However if Once the to sensor is the activated, it will hold the lights sensorAssociation of several detectors Versorgungsspannung 1 6m "autoThe : lighting • red LED switches on. exit this state, move The photocell will inhibit the output from the green or red LED behind the lens is on • Time and Lux level adjustment via ETS remote control switch lights on. - for level iscan sufficient. InTocase ofincreases detection, n N Passive cell change mode: Control presence/ absence mode. lux the ambient level toifambient a value on whilst there is still occupancy and for the time light Itsensor can be associated with one or several Test S upply volta ge 30 V DC - L uxMode vthe e ls potentiometer ( ofafter ) • Kontrollleuchten to another value. ifwill atlevel thelight time ofoutput detection the 2•leseconds detection. ayarlarına bağlıdır. the ambient light increases, the photocell The photocell inhibit the from the • Time and Lux level adjustment via ETS 1 where it is above the In required level during out period afterwards. detectors in order to extend its zone of coverage. This mode possiblethat to validate the • state Umschaltung den Settings Description level is sufficient. case ofLux detection, if The LEDitindicates the light level measured - Time ( red )makes sensor ifturn the of detection ambient 2 notlight offtime the light. Test Mode Yapılandırma aatcertain time, the sensor itprand Once the sensorsteht hasder deactivated it will( will Manu ( thewill ) detect ess channels 1 detection area. To select thissetting. mode, set the Güç Dağıtımı the ambient light level increases, the photocell isThis lower than current Schalter the lights, , auf Manu ) level Features - Absence/presence detection light is sufficient. In case of detection, if mode makes it possible to validate the Mode switch off the light. push-buttons for 3 s befo require another input from3 the wallswitch 1 LED potentiometer to the position "auto test". V g 1 W (4x4A), • will not turn off increases, the light. the photocell IfTest the green is on, the this light level measured is Sekunden lang or the Tasterthe derambient Kanäle 1 light • One lighting channel on the KNX bus. level on - Power up behaviour detection area.behind To select set Association ofthe several detectors This mode it possible to mode, validate thethe the output (pressFu remote controlund to switch the lights on. 1 3 5 7 The green or red makes LED the lens is on for n 3 W (4x10A), 8 W (4x16A) Power commande locale higher than current setting. Passive cell 2 drücken, bevor e Brightness measurement sensor • Control of presence/ absence mode. will not turn off light. Caution : 1 potentiometer to. the "auto C1 C2 C3 C4 Active/passive cell out detection area. To select this2position mode, set the test". It can canThe be associated with one or the several 1 n 2- seconds after detection. • Taster zur lokalen Ansteuerung The There is a time during minutes which is photocell will inhibit output from the der Ausgänge (durch der (under the detection lens) ETS: software 1 ve 2 • Time and Lux level adjustment via ETS Association of several detectors 2,5m • Thisindevice must be installed bycoverage. a suitably The or red LED behind the lens on for Fixing springs 1Isıtma potentiometer tothe the position "auto test". detectors orderif to extend itsof zone of auto moduna değ ris The red LEDgreen indicates that light level measured Boyutlar • Local command push-button Power Up reactivated after each detection. Functional modes at the time detection the database ambient and - P Taste ) auslösen. and It sensor can can be associated with one Association of several detectors qualified electrician according to or theseveral 20 m 2 seconds after detection. Override remote control Caution : The green or red LED behind the lens is on for test MSA0410-B is lower than current setting. Abmessung 2 Thisdetector Anahtar Manuel ( switched ) konumdayken, -A User instructions 1 The output (remote KNXthat load) during çıkış A parameter of the detector allows the choice The detector has 2 different modes. light level is sufficient. Infrom case of detection, if the manufacturer. detectors in standards. order to one extend its zone of coverage. It can installation's can be associated with or several C1 2,5m must360° red LED indicates theis light levelismeasured Presence monobloc instructions 2The seconds after detection. Test Mode device be2,5m installed by C3 a suitably Anwendungssoftware (Beleuchtung • ETS: lux User control EE808 allows IfThe the green LED is on, the(automatic). light level measured D m e ns o ns 4 x 17,5 mm lighting after power up (mains • The 2s. after each detection. numaralandırmayı başlatmadan önce kanalof1 state ve 2 for the -remote Presence detection ambient light its level increases, the photocell auto detectorsthe in order to extend zone of coverage. The red LED indicates that the light level measured is lower than current setting. This mode makes it possible to validate the qualified electrician according to the und Datenbank und Beschr m 1 the -switching ON orsetting. OFF(semi-automatic) of the light higher than current return). eac Adr 1 h Absence detection will not turn off the light. x • Leuchttaster zur n isIflower than current setting. the green LED is on, the light level measured is 2 detection area. To select this mode, set the installation's standards. Hersteller . ( The There is a).power time out during 2operation minutes which isset for Koruma sınıfı AK During warm up phase, the green LED blinks. Product description and operation upLED and cell can be tuşuna basın). If the green is on, the light level measured is Adr y g higher than current setting. 1 1m potentiometer to the position "auto test". C2 C4 Theeach EE808 allows the detection. same reactivated after each Schutzart po In the Power up ON state the lighting will automode. higher than current setting. principles • Association of several detectors There is a time out during 2 minutes which is on Test and startup addr d The(remote green redload) LED behind the lens is on for functionality as theor wallswitch. The output KNX is2 minutes switched during IP 30 P ro te c t o n c la s s Thi matically be energised when mains power is A There KNX pushbutton linked to the product makes it Potentiometers Product description and operation is a time out during which is Occupancy sensors MRP1000 are presence It can can be associated with one or several h 2,5m push 3m auto 3,5m reactivated after detection. 2 seconds after each detection. button Auto/Manu and local comm test 1 2s. after each detection. 1 min the initially supplied or returned to the sensor. possible to reverse the lighting output state. 1 and 2 principles reactivated after each detection. lux detectors designed to detect low amplitude detectors in order to extend its zone of coverage. The (remote KNXthat load) is light switched during Theoutput red LED indicates theyazılımı level measured push-button . Çalışma sıcaklığı • ETS:KNX uygulama (aydınlatma ve In the Power up OFF state the lighting will not x 5m 5m 5m2 This state iseach maintained for the istime period set by The output (remote load) switched during Au The “y” values are given for lateralsensors range. MRP1000 are presence movements (movements from body or arms). 2s.is after detection. Occupancy Factory settings 20 min lower than current setting. Test und Manu ( ) be energised and the sensor will not operate 2detect on açıklama ür is rafından ısıtma): verthe light ve 2s.potentiometer after each detection. the C1the C2sensor. C3 amplitude C4 In t DCdesigned The range may be reduced if30V walking towards Detection is by means of the pyroelectric IR detectors to low If the green LED is on, level measured y 7m 8m 9m 1 min Auto/Manu und Taster zur lokalen temperature 0 °C —> + 45 °C V2.6.0 - + buttons control loads ou during warmSchalter up period. 2 6 8 4 sağlanır. Luminosity threshold luxconnected tode sensor located under detection lens.400 Automatic (presence detection) movements (movements from body higher mode than current setting. 20 min Potentiometer Settings Ansteuerung . 1 hor arms). Action Use Auto of Uygulama KNX adresleme ve Adr If p The occupancy sensor measures the In this mode the light is controlled by motion in the Detection is by means of the pyroelectric IR There is a time out during 2 minutes which is Lighting time 20 , auf Manu ( ), können Steht der Schalter Adr 1 h re min. the product. In beA Bus konumu IR tanıma Saklama sıcaklığı brightness in themode room or ontoa continuous basis POWER UP state : 230V~ detection area and ambient light levels. under detection lens. TP RF sensor Test ve başlangıç reactivated after each detection. 30located V Lagertemperatur an is immediately Ausgänge angeschlossenen Lasten über of push 3 www.hager.com and compares it to the level preset on the • ON : The light switched ON for Factory settings M o d e P r e s e n c ebuttons and If presence is detected whilst the light levels are The occupancy sensor measures the TheAuto output (remote load) is switched Use settings önceden ayarlanmış Manuel anahtar 1 veduring lokal kumanda Otoma KNX Storage temperature - 20 °C —> + 70 °C Taster up. geschaltet werden. and relays are controlled by comm Auto pan potentiometer by ETS parameter. auto 30s. after power below the required Lux level, theSettings sensor is activated brightness in the room on a continuous basis 2s. after each detection. (factory) or test Detection lens Factory Zum ren des Gerätes hat der Schalter 1 Power Upsettings Luminosity threshold lux OFF from theofKNX bus. Putthere the Lux potentiometer on “autoIntest”. Factory settings On lux case of detection, the light (in automatic 1 200 These products are part the400 tebis installation and keeps the light on whilst is still occuand compares it to the level preset on the Potentiometer set by the remote Settings auto Action N o rm N F E N 60669- 1 Anahtar 1The Manuel ( are ) konumdayken 3, remains auf Auto zu stehen. Steht der Schalter auf Auto Bus 2 settings predefined : düğmeler Settings req mode) on during the time delay; test pancy and for the time out period afterwards. potentiometer by ETS parameter. system. control or via ETS to Active cell (Luminosity Cell) Lighting time 20 min. Luminosity threshold 1 400 lux Description Standard NF-EN 60669-2-1 Luminosity 400 lux ON Taster Potentiometer und lassen thresholdState >1 ... 2 < These>products 200 ... 400are < part of the tebis installation Settings Settings on Lux = 400, lux off. lev otherwise thePotentiometer light is switched Settings Action Once the sensor has deactivated the lights, it will switch the light Action Instances of lighting levels N o rm s r ofthe c 1 min nur über den Bus KNX ansteuern. M Anahtarın 1 Otoma LED’s for testing , E N 5 0 0 9 0 - 2 - 2 time =the 20min, odConfiguration e Lighting re s e n20 c ethe min. Userequire Auto settings Lighting time time 20P min. a new occupancy whilst ambient light automatically for a system. • OFF : The detector switches 2 to the selected 20 min 2 400 output relays: Auto Settings KNX addressing and (factory) or levels are below the required Lux levels to activate Position of Lux value Application defined time. • S-mode ETS : Application software : test mode for 2min. warm up. Power M ode re s e nc e on P=OFF M ode Up reclosed s e nc P erelay. UseAuto Autosettings settingsPut the Lux Brightness measurement sensor potentiometer on “auto test”.mode afterKontrollleuchten IR acknowledgement on Schaltausgänge können an Adr 1 h >2 ... On <Phasen set the by Use the remote features Configuration lights again. approximate * auto MRP1000. and description on/o or >angeschlossen 400the ... potentiometer 1000 < werden. Auto Settings Auto Settings Lig Kontrollleuchten geben den ZustandTechnical derFactory Database After product (factory) (under detection lens) (factory) ororto auto settings The settings are predefined : test Active/passive cell Fixing springs The outputs can be connected to rent phases. control or via ETS Electrical characteristics Active cell (Luminosity Cell) Power Up Power Up auto 1 available from manufacturer. OFF ON theOFF thethe LuxLux potentiometer on “auto test”.test”. entsprechenden Put potentiometer on “auto • S-mode ETSauto : Application software an: 0,75 mm 2 —> 2,5 mm 2 test product set the setby by theremote remoteLux =Put auto autolux Ausgangsr 400, Sem test preset Active cell 1 Açık 1000 test switch the light Supply voltage : KNX bus 30 V DC The settings areare predefined : : The settings predefined Automatically switch settings MRP1000. Database and description test auto Luminosity threshold 1is test 400 lux Leuchte geschlossen. control ororvia ETS to Lighting time delay restarted after each detection. Active cell (Luminosity control ETS to lux Active cell (Luminosity Cell) 1 =the time =Installer 20min, The 1 output ON Potentiometer • Cell): 10mA mode: ON The photocell will inhibit from the Settings Physical addressing automatically forlight avia Busline consumption test lux Action 2 Lux = 400, lux Lux = 400, on the light for a lux available from manufacturer. 1 des Gerätes bzw. nach switch the 1 200 Corridor switch the light pu 1 for 5tos."Adr." position, sensor if the ambient light level is sufficient. Semi automatic mode (absence detection) 2 Set potentiometer the Lighting time 20 min. defined time. lux : test mode for 2min. time = 20min, 1 time = 20min, defined time. Functional characteristics * Işık ölçme hassaslığı (lüks) 2 geben Zustandsmeldeleuchten Durum göstergeler 2 automatically forabe a activated on occupancy On 2 whilst Technical features If the sensorDownload detects the Theautomatically sensor needsfor to by a KNX 2 red LED switches on. To exit this state, move • mode: for 5 s. Physical addressing >1 ... 2 < > 200 ... 400 < Lighting output operating time : 1min. —> 1 h defined time. Aufschluß über 2the required Lux des Electrical Gerätes: characteristics test mode 2min. M ode P re s e nc e defined time. IR sensör (algılama) IR alıcı (uzaktan kumandalar) :g test mode for 2min. ter r: ambient light Göster kış for röleler Use Auto on level on is below pushbutton or asettings user remote :control input. the potentiometer to another value. 2 Set potentiometer to "Adr." position, the Technical features of on Brightness level : 5 —> 1000 Lux on Auto Settings Technical features (factory) or ou • Beleuchtungsmodus: Kontrollleuchten leuchten açık kapalı Supply voltage : Up KNX bus 30 VofDC onisgösterge level, the lights will be on activated. However if Once the sensor activated, it =will holdröle. the lights 2 on. To exit this 400state, move Offices red LED switches Electrical characteristics Power Automatically switch Installer settings software. Recommended installationwrong height : OFF Put the Lux potentiometer on “auto test”. auto Electrical characteristics Potentiometers set for by the remote On 5 Sekunden lang ununterbrochen. auto 1 min Busline consumption the ambient light level increases to a value on whilst there still occupancy and for the time test Supply voltage : 3,5m KNX: 10mA bus 30 Vbus DC 30 V DC the potentiometer to another value. on the light a is 1 min Features 1 1 min 2,5 m —> Automatically switch Installer settings The settings are predefined : Supply voltage : KNX auto test 1 2 and control or via ETS to Installer Active cellchannel (Luminosity Cell) >2 ... On < > 400 ... 1000 < Automatically switch settings 1 Lux level during addr lux Kontrollleuchten theauto required outon period afterwards. 5 Sekunden • test Busline consumption : 10mA göstergeler, ürün yapılandırmasını göster r:where it is above defined time. Functional characteristics • Detection One lighting on the KNX bus.ON push buttonreq the light for a range : Ø 7m Lux = 400, 1 lux 20 min Busline consumption : 10mA 20 min test the for light Algılama2alanları rem onswitch thesensor light a 20 1 detect it and to perform pushbutton Press time a certain time, the sensor will Once the deactivated lights, it will lang. min timethe Lighting output operating 1min. —> 1 h • (installed Control ofproduct presence/ absence mode. • aydınla defined time. has 2 lux Functional characteristics Features On height : :2.5m) = 20min, klı göstergeler 5 sn 2automatically 1000 Officesrequire forfrom a the defined time.input Functional characteristics 2lux switch off the light. another wallswitch or the of the—> product or to the b addr aller Kontrollleuchten besagt, daß das Brightness level : 5 —> 1000 Lux • Time and Lux level adjustment via ETS Lighting output operating time : 1min. 1 h boyunca yanar. 2 • One lighting channel on the KNX bus. Hole size required : 60mm 1 h defined time. : test Lighting operating : 1min. onAdr Programm 2 remote control to switch the lights on. mode for 2min. presence on —> 1 h= bus pre Adr 1 h dem Gerät l installation Recommended height : Brightness level :output 5 —> 1000 Lux: time Passive cell geladene • Control of presence/ absence mode. Çakışma on ısıtma modu: göstergeler 5 sn bo rek Adr 1• h Technical features Environment Brightness level : 5 product —> 1000 Lux on * The light measurement accuracy (Lux) is Test and addr . and min validate the Test mode . 1inhibit Recommended installation height : 2,5 m —> 3,5m auto auto The photocell will the output from the • Time and Lux level adjustment via ETS on Test Modetemperature Electrical characteristics yanar. Operating : -10 °C —> +45 °C Recommended height : IR receiver (remote controls) IR sensor (detection) affected by the environment (furniture, ground, test 1of min detection zone. Move the potentiometer 1 to sensor “auto test”. 2,5 m —> 3,5m makes Detection range : Ø 7mitinstallation if at the timetest the ambient 1 1 20detection min This mode possible to validate the Supply voltage : KNX bus 30 V DC 1 min Storage temperature : -20 °C —> +60 °C Leuchttaster zur Adr . 2,5 m —> 3,5m lux walls...). If necessary, the level has to be adjus- Automatically switch Installer settings Detection range : Øheight 7m min lux (installed product : 2.5m) light level is sufficient.auto In20case of detection, if detection To mode, set the Busline consumption : 10mA test Test Modeted by auto 6m Insulation class : IIselect earea. den 2Leuchttaster Detection range : :Ø2.5m) 7mthis potentiometer or remote control. on the light for a 20 1 minthe photocellum (installed product height size required : 60mm 1 h increases, Detection lens the ambientDrücken light level 2 Hole Adr 1 1 potentiometer to the position "auto test". lux This mode makes ittestpossible to validate the IK 04 lux (installed product height : 2.5m) des Gerätes vorzunehmen oder das Adr defined time. Functional characteristics Hole size required : 60mm 1 h Adr will not turn off the light. The green orrequired red LED behind the lens is on —> for 1 h Environment detection area. To select 2this mode, set the Protection degree : IP41 Hole size : 60mm 1 h 2 auto on Busses on des zu überprüfen: Detection areas Lighting output operating time : 1min. Test and validate the Test mode auto Adr Environment 2Fire seconds afterlevel detection. Operating temperature : -10 °C —> +45 °C Test zone. and validate the Test mode Instances of lighting levels potentiometer 1 toonthe position "auto test". Instances resistance : 650°C auto 1 = Bus test auto test 1 an, e Leuchte Brightness : 5 —> 1000 Lux detection Move the potentiometer to “auto test”. lighting Environment Operating temperature : -10 °C—> —> +45 KNX addressing min test auto test 1 "Adr." Move thepotentiometer potentiometer1 2to to Association detectors The red LED indicates the light Testof and validate the Move Testthe mode Storage temperature : -20 °Cthat +60 °C°Clevel detection zone. levels “auto test”. auto LED’s for testing , The green orRemote red LED 1behind thefor lenssettings is on for 1luxon 1 lux Max installation height : 2000m control Recommended installation height : measured läuft. Adrof several Storage temperature : -20 °C —> +60°C °C Operating : -10 —> +45 °C 20 min luxone or several 1 min testwith test lux 1 Insulation Position of Lux value Application 1 toIt“auto (long push > 5s. on the can can be associated isRated lower than current setting. detection zone. Move the potentiometer test”. Overlap and class : II temperature KNX addressing 2 seconds after 1min impulse voltage : 800V 1 Thedetection. installer remote control EE807 2,5 m —> 3,5m Position of Lux value Application Insulation class :temperature IILED is on, the 2 2 Storage : -20 °C —> +60 °C lux of coverage. lux h potentiometer approximate * Adr 1 SET key till the remote control's LED blinks). detectors in order to extend its zone If the green light level measured is IK 04 20 min 2 2 IR acknowledgement The red LED indicates that the light level measured Pollution degree : 2 can be used to set the following Detectionclass range : Ø 7m potentiometer approximate * 20 min IK 04 Insulation 2,5m higher than: current degree IP41: II setting. on on düğmeye 6 basın : açık gösterge = ver yolu is lower thanfeatures current ifsetting. 2 2 Protection Standards EN60669-2-1, EN50491-3, the potentiometer is set on (installed height : 2.5m) Protection degree ::product IP41 auto test preset on on IK 04 There is asize out during 2 minutes which is test preset Fire ::time 650°C AdrAdr1 h 1 h If the green LED is test" on, the EN 50428, 6m "auto : light level measured is auto Hole required : 60mm Fireresistance resistance 650°C Protection degree : IP41 KNX addressing 2,5m 2,5m on on 2 to the potentiometer reactivated after each detection. KNX addressing MoveMove Max installation height : 2000m 2000m 2 "Adr." the potentiometer to "Adr." higher than current 1 200 Corridor - L ux lesetting. ve ls ( ) Max installation height : 1 min Fire resistance : 650°C Environment 1 200validate Corridor (long push > mode 5s.>on 1 min The outputvoltage (remote KNX load) is switched during Rated impulse voltage 800V push 5s.the on the Testaddressing and the(long Test There is a time out during auto auto KNX Rated impulse :: 800V 2 blinks). x to "Adr." Move the potentiometer - Time ( ) 2 minutes which is Achtung: : till installation height : 2000m Operating temperature : -10 °C —> +45 SET key the remote control's LED1LED 20 min test test 2s.Max after each >1 ... 2 < > 200 ... 400 < Pollution degree : 22detection. SET key till the>potentiometer remote control's blinks). detection zone. Move the to “auto test”. 20 min 4 6T °C 7918.b reactivated after each detection. 1 min 1 1 Pollution degree : (long push 5s. on the >1 ... 2 < > 200 ... 400 < y impulse voltage : 800V Storage temperature -20 °Cmust —> +60 - Absence/presence und Montage - EN50491-3, be °C only 1m lux dürfen nur durch lux Rated Standards :: EN60669-2-1, EN50491-3, The output (remote KNX load) is detection switched during Standards EN60669-2-1, SET key till the remote control's LED blinks). 20 min Pollution degree : 2 Insulation class II 2 400 Offices 1 h Elektrofachkraft erfolgen. by a Power up behaviour 1 h AdrAdr 2s. after each detection. EN50428, 50428, 2 2EN 2 400 Offices Standards : EN60669-2-1, EN50491-3, IK 04 h 2,5m 3m 3,5m zur Schutzmaßnahme - Conform to SELV rules. - SELV montaj kurallarına uyun. - Active/passive cell . 1h >2 ... On < > 400 ... 1000 < Adr on ENProtection 50428, degree : IP41 2,5m on >2 ... On < > 400 ... 1000 < SELV beachten. x 5m 5m 5m Fire resistance : 650°C 4KNX addressing 6T6T7918.b 4 7918.b Override remote control On 1000 Offices Move the potentiometer 2 to "Adr." Max installation height : 2000m On 1000 Offices 2,5m 2,5m y 7m 8m 9m Faks: 0212 1 min 689 50 61 The remote control EE808 allows (long push > 5s. on theTel: 0212 689 50 50 4 6T 7918.b Rated impulse voltage : 800V the switching ON or OFF of the light Kıraç, İstiklal Mah. Fevzi Çakmak Cad. SET key till the remote control's LED blinks). 20 minNo:38 * The light measurement accuracy (Lux) is x Pollution degree : 2 * The light measurement accuracy (Lux) is ( ). Esenyurt/İSTANBUL affected by the environment (furniture, ground, Factory settings Standards : EN60669-2-1, EN50491-3, Settings y 1m Action IR sensor (detection) IR receiver (remote controls) affected by the environment (furniture, ground, The EE808 allows the same 1 walls...). If necessary, the level has to be adjusAdr 1 h [email protected] - www.makel.com.tr EN 50428, walls...). If necessary, the level has to be adjusfunctionality as the wallswitch. Luminosity threshold 400 lux ted by potentiometer control.3m 6 Potentiometer h 2,5m 3,5m Settings 1 or remote ted by potentiometer or remote control. Action Use Auto settings Lighting time 20 min. Auto Settings x 5m 5m 5m (factory) or 4 6T 7918.b The “y” values Detection areasare given for lateral range. Put the Lux potentiometer on “a set by the remote M ode P re s e nc e Use Auto settings The range may be reduced if walking towards the sensor. y 7m 8m 9m The settings are predefined : Auto Settings control or via ETS to Remote control for settings (factory) or MSA0416-C : 4 x16 A MSA0410-B : 4 x10 A Detection lens MPR1000 • ¢ 6T 7274.b ¶ ß £ § 1 lux installation's standards. Caution : (movements movements from body or arms). Thisdescription device must beand installed by a suitably Product Detection is by means of operation the pyroelectric IR qualified electrician according to the principles sensor located under detection Product description and lens. operation installation's standards. Caution :MRP1000 Occupancy sensors are presence Instances of lighting levels The occupancy sensor measures the principles This device must be installed by a suitably detectors designed to detect low amplitude brightness in the room on a continuous basis MRP1000 § 6T 7918.b ¢ auto test tebis + h M MRP1000 § 6T 7918.b ¢ tebis h + 0310-019 AAK10013-10505065 h M
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