MARMARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ TEKNOLOJİ FAKÜLTESİ Taşıt Test Tekniği -Temel Bilgiler- HAZIRLAYAN: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Abdullah DEMİR TESTLER Prototype parts can be validated using test rigs. Although the ultimate goal of a test rig is to simulate real-world conditions, it is not always possible to reproduce the component’s actual operating loads and environment. It is extremely time-intensive and expensive to validate parts and systems using test rigs. Testing costs can account for up to 30% of total development costs. Each validation test usually requires a different type of test rig (equipment costs). Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER In addition, multiple prototypes (component costs) must be constructed. Finally, well-educated test engineers (personnel costs) are also required to create testing plans, run tests, evaluate results, and write reports. The amount of time required to manufacture prototypes and run tests must also be considered. It is also common for tests to be interrupted frequently due to premature component failure (the quality of prototypes is never the same as that of series production components) or failed module tests. In this case, the test must be started a new. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER Validation tests only provide information about whether the components fulfill function and durability requirements. These tests do not provide information about whether the components are optimized for weight. It should also be noted that the test conditions (load spectra, load frequencies, force application points, environmental conditions, influences of untested systems and components, etc.) are only an estimation of the actual operating conditions. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER The first step in the validation process is to ensure that the prototype satisfies the specified functional requirements and package conditions. Next, the durability of the prototype is tested using static and dynamic loads, both at room temperature and under extreme environmental conditions. Misuse tests are also conducted in which the prototype is subjected to extreme loads and conditions. In summary, a number of tests must be conducted using a variety of different test rigs and facilities [6]: visual examination and package space validation function tests wear tests misuse tests environmental simulations and corrosion tests durability tests. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER For a number of chassis components, workgroup requirements specifications are available which have been developed by a consortium of different (German) OEMs and suppliers and are accepted by all parties. In addition to these requirements specifications, each OEM has their own testing specifications, which often vary widely. For validation runs conducted on test rigs, the results of system-level, subsystemlevel, and component-level tests may vary. Each of these different levels requires different test fixtures and procedures. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER The results of these various tests are also weighted differently: Whole-Vehicle Tests are the most significant tests with regard to the vehicle’s function. This type of testing is not always possible due to cost and time factors as well as complexity. System-Level Tests offer comprehensive results for the system being tested, but are often very complex and time consuming, which prevents them from being repeated frequently enough to obtain statistically relevant data. As a result, system tests should instead be carried out as iterative simulation experiments. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER Subsystem Tests are less significant due to the fact that they are focused only on a small number of components. Subsystem tests are considerably less complicated than system tests and can be more statistically meaningful. They can be carried out using block loads, as single-step experiments, or as iterative simulation experiments. Component Tests are only focused on a single part. The results are therefore less significant for the system as a whole, but can be of considerable use for component designers. The usefulness of the results depends on the type of experiment conducted (single-step experiments, block loads, or iterative simulation experiments. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER Meaningful knowledge of the system and its components can only be obtained by examining experimental results for all of the following levels: component tests (statistically relevant) subsystem tests (statistically relevant) system-level tests (greater significance) vehicle-level misuse tests condensed vehicle endurance tests (correlation to system tests) vehicle endurance tests conducted on actual roads (simulation of rough customer use). Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER Whole-Vehicle Validation Vehicles can also be used to validate components and systems. Releaselevel vehicles are generally used for final validation and tuning. Preproduction vehicles are subsequently used for final quality assurance checks. These tests can be carried out on test rigs on actual roadways (each OEM has its own specially-chosen representative durability testing routes) on test tracks (owned or rented by OEMs or suppliers) and proving grounds with restricted public access such as Lommel (in Belgium, Ford), IDIADA (Spain), Miramars (France), MIRA and Millbrook (UK), the Southwest Research Institute and Southern and Michigan Proving Grounds (USA), or in Germany the Nürburgring Nordschleife, Neustadt, Ehra-Lessien (VW), Dudenhofen (Opel), Aschheim (BMW), Boxberg (Bosch), and Papenburg under extreme conditions, e.g. Arctic Falls AB in northern Scandinavia or Smirthers Winter Test Center (winter testing), Nevada Automotive Test Center, Death Valley (USA) (summer testing), on mountain passes in the Alps (Großglockner), or even in deserts in Asia or Africa. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER Whole-Vehicle Validation Whole-vehicle tests under various conditions are used to investigate and evaluate the overall function of the vehicle, the interactions and mutual influences of the individual systems, and the behavior of all components, materials, and substances. These tests also provide information about the overall driving experience, the suitability of the vehicle for long-distance use and operation on poorly maintained roads, handling and behavior at the stability limit, and behavior under extreme conditions. Technical specifications and parameters (fuel consumption, acceleration, top speed, etc.) can also be measured. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER Whole-Vehicle Validation (Cont.) The following chassis-relevant operating parameters are evaluated during whole-vehicle testing: Driving: steady-state operation, acceleration, passing, backing, towing, uphill operation, driving up ramps, off-road operation, performance on poorly-maintained roadways, emergency operation Handling: cornering, crosswind response behavior, slalom, ISO lane changing, μ-split behavior Braking: constant braking (downhill operation), normal braking deceleration, emergency braking, μ-split and μ-jump braking. Taşıtın kullanım performansı; sürücünün girdilerine taşıtın verdiği tepkiyi gösterir. Taşıtın kullanılması (kontrol/kumanda yeteneği), taşıtsürücü kombinasyonunun kapsamlı bir ölçüsüdür. Sürücü ve taşıt, kapalı döngülü bir sistemdir. Bunun anlamı; sürücü taşıtın yönünü ya da pozisyonunu/konumunu izler ve arzulanan hareket için gerekli müdahaleyi yapar. Note: Handling - the efforts of the driver necessary to maintain the course and the speed and to control the vehicle safely. Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 TESTLER Üretim Aşamasındaki Testler: • Tasarım Doğrulama • Dayanım Testleri • Fonksiyon Testleri • Yol ve Araç Testleri In most cases, just 24 months are planned for the series development (design and testing) phase. This stage of product development involves designing components, performing strength calculations and functional optimizations, and ensuring that timeline goals and cost targets are met. No major changes are allowed during this phase, as planning is already underway for production facilities and tooling (industrialization). Test: Bir kimsenin, bir topluluğun doğal veya sonradan kazanılmış yeteneklerini, bilgi ve becerilerini ölçmeye ve anlamaya yarayan sınama. / TDK TESTLER Okuma Parçası: Yeni tip taşıt ve motorların testleri: Yeni tip taşıt ve motorların testleri; imalatçıların gelecekte piyasaya çıkarmayı planladıkları motor ve taşıtların anma değerlerini dizayn değişikliklerinin performansa etkilerini belirlemek için yapılan testlerdir. Standart metot ve kabul testleri: Standart metot ve kabul testleri; genellikle imalat sonrasında, motor ve taşıtların beklenen çıkış değerlerini verip vermediğini ya da güvenilirliğini test etmek için uygulanırlar. Araştırma testleri: Araştırma testleri; bilimsel araştırmalar için yapılan testlerdir. Bu testler motor ve taşıtta cereyan eden karmaşık olayların nedenlerini araştırmak, ortaya çıkarmak, açıklayıcı teoriler geliştirerek bu teorilerin geçerliliğini denemek için yapılan testlerdir. Alıştırma testleri: Alıştırma testleri; motor ya da taşıtın önce başka bir güç kaynağı ile tahrik edilmesi ve ardından motorun kendi gücü ile bir test düzeninde, taşıtın bir test alanında belirli sürelerde çalıştırılarak alıştırılması ve gözlemlerin yapılması şeklindeki testlerdir. TESTLER – Okuma Parçası 1. Yeni üretilen otomobillerin testleri Komple • Kalite amaçlı • Prototip Ekipman Tüketici Bilgilendirme Testleri: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Acceleration Braking Skidpad Slalom Comparison Test Pricing Points 2. Tüketici testleri • Komple • Ekipman Diğer tüketici testleri • Yürüyen aksam kalite testi • Geyik testi • Slalom testi • µ-split fren testi vs. Not: A skidpad or skidpan is a large paved area used to test a car's lateral acceleration. TAŞIT MODELİ Integration of subsystems in a full vehicle model Edited by David A. Crolla, Automotive Engineering Powertrain, Chassis System and Vehicle Body,First edition,2009 Elsevier Reading Text: Introduction vehicle testing required. Safety and Regulation testing Durability testing Vehicle function testing Test method and facility • Crash test (Euro NCAP) • Wind tunnel test • Noise vibration harness test(NVH) • Squeak and rattle test • Hot cold and humility test • Water leak test • Air leak test • Engine test • Chassis and suspension test • Electrical module test • Brake test • Steering test • Body in white test • Interior testing • Fuel system test • Lighting system test Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Reading Text: Introduction vehicle component testing standard UNECE SAE JASO ISO Test method and facility • Wheel and tire • Drive shaft and spinning shaft • Shock absorber • Dynamic sealing • Movable and fixed Glass • Seat and Seat belt • Hard trim and soft trim • Body attachment • Engine component • Chassis and suspension component • Electrical module component • Brake component • Steering component • Body in white and sheet metal component • Interior component • Fuel system component • Lighting system component Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 JASO: Japanese Automotive Standards Organization READING TEXT: UNECE: European New Car Assessment Programme with a realistic and independent assessment of the safety performance SAE international: Society of Automotive Engineers, is a US-based organization for engineering professionals in the aerospace, automotive, and commercial vehicle industries. The Society coordinates the development of technical standards based on best practices identified and described by SAE committees and task forces comprising engineering professionals in the relevant fields. JASO: Japanese Automotive Standards Organization, is an organization that sets automotive standards in Japan. ISO: International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. For business, they are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity. They help companies to access new markets, level the playing field for developing countries and facilitate free and fair global trade. Why need testing for vehicle level and component part level? • Accident • Durability • Perform vehicle function intent Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Why need testing for vehicle level and component part level? • Accident • Durability • Perform vehicle function intent Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Vehicle Level Test End of line testing Off line testing Evaluation lab testing Product development testing Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Vehicle Level Test Appearance inspection Water leak test Brake test Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Vehicle Level Test • • Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Noise vibration harness test (NVH) Air leak test • • • • • • • • • Genel Akustik Ölçümleri - IEC 651 Taşıt iç ve dış gürültü ölçümleri İletim yolu analizi (TPA) Motor titreşim ve gürültü ölçümleri Pass By ve Egzoz Testi Ölçümleri ISO 362 70/157 Ses gücü ölçümleri – ISO 3740 serisi Ses kalitesi ölçümleri - ISO 532B Yarı anekoik oda test ölçümleri - ISO 3745 Akustik haritalama NVH: Noise, vibration, Harshness: Sertlik/şiddet and harshness Four-post test rig (ZF Sachs) Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Vehicle Level Test • • Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Crash test (Euro NCAP) Squeak and rattle test An example crash test requirement profile Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 K&C Analizleri Paralel tekerlek deplasmanı Zıt tekerlek deplasmanı Tek tekerlek deplasmanı Direksiyon Çevrimi Statik yük Çalışma şartları simülasyonu KC ya da K&C: Kinematics&Compliance OTAM The elastokinematic behavior of each axle has a major influence on the vehicle’s overall handling and dynamic behavior. The main elastokinematic parameters include toe, camber, caster, wheel center displacements, etc. Elastokinematic properties are measured using a kinematics and compliance test rig (K&C rig). This type of test rig allows kinematic and elastokinematic parameters to be differentiated from one another . K&C rig (IKA, RWTH Aachen) Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Vehicle Level Test • • Wind tunnel test Hot cold and humility test Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Vehicle Level Test Engine test Chassis and suspension test Steering test Lighting system test Electrical module test Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 • • • • • • • • • • Taşıt Emisyonları: Tip I Emisyon Testi - 70/220 EEC Tip II Karbon monoksit emisyon testi 70/220 EEC Tip III Karter doğrulama testi- 70/220 EEC Tip IV Buharlaşmalı Emisyon testi – 70/220 EEC Tip VI Soğuk ortamda (-7 ⁰C) karbonmonoksit ve egzoz emisyonları testi– 70/220 EEC Katalizör öncesi- katalizör sonrası direkt emisyon ölçümü ve EGR emisyon testi Sabit hızda emisyon testi Yeni çevrim oluşturma ve emisyon testi Alternatif yakıtlar emisyon testleri Yağ, yakıt katkısı emisyon testleri gibi… OTAM Not: EEC - European Economic Community Vehicle Component Level Test 1. Dynamic sealing 2. Movable and fixed Glass 3. Hard trim and soft trim 4. Body attachment 5. Electrical module component 6. Body in white and sheet metal component 7. Interior component 8. Lighting system component Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Vehicle Component Level Test • • • Wheel and tire Shock absorber Brake component Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Aquaplaning test run (longitudinal direction) Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Test rig setup for durability testing Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 High-performance test rig at TÜV-Süd used for tire characteristic measurements, power loss analyses, and temperature analyses (max speed 350 km/h) Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Vehicle-mounted test rig (rolling test rig) Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Test rig for rolling resistance measurements [Source: TÜV-Süd] Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Vehicle Component Level Test • • Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Seat and Seat belt Fuel system component Vehicle Component Level Test • • Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Drive shaft and spinning shaft Steering component Ball stud durability test rig Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Vehicle Component Level Test Chassis and suspension component Steering component Vehicle and component parts testing, SUT 25 NOV 2012 Three-axis control arm test rig Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011 Spring compression test rig Bernd Heißing | Metin Ersoy (Eds.), Chassis Handbook Fundamentals, Driving Dynamics, Components, Mechatronics, Perspectives, 2011
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