Ýnþaat alanlarýnda, yer altý suyunun düþey drenajýný saðlamak amacýyla, zemin iyileþtirme projelerinde uygulanýr. Fitil dren özel tasarlanmýþ mandrel vasýtasý ile zemine sürülür. Konut ve büyük alýþveriþ merkezi gibi inþaat yapýlarý, yollar, havaalaný pistleri, liman ve deniz inþaatý yapýmýnda kullanýlmak için tasarlanmýþtýr. Zemin þartlarýna göre sadece statik baský veya hem statik hem vibro çekiçli dizayn mevcuttur. It is applied in ground improving projects in construction areas in order to provide a vertical drainage for undersoil water. Wick drain is specially designed to lay on the ground by mandrel. It is designed to use in construction works such as building residences, malls, harbours, roads and runways for airports. In respect of ground conditions static press or static press with vibro design is existent. Description ZWD 16 ZWD 16V ZWD 20 ZWD 20V ZWD 24 4X 4X 4X ZWD 24V Drive System Speed 4X 4X Height of Mast m 16 16 20 20 24 24 m 14 12 18 16 22 20 lt/min 300 300 300 300 300 300 kN 363 283 363 283 363 283 Drive Speed kN 237 157 237 157 237 157 m/min 45 45 45 45 45 45 m/min 60 60 60 60 60 60 kg-m - 3.66 - 3.66 - 6.50 mn - 10.20 - 10.20 - 20.00 kN - 88 - 88 - 288 - 1.600 - 1.600 - 2.500 lt/min rpm Weight 4X 100 100 200 ton 30 30 40 40 45 45 kg 11.000 12.000 11.800 12.800 13.500 14.500 Description ZWD 30 ZWD 30V ZWD 36 ZWD 36V Drive System Speed 6X 6X 6X 6X Height of Mast m 30 30 36 36 Drive Speed m 28 26 32 30 lt/min 200 200 200 200 kN 335 335 335 335 kN 251 251 251 251 m/min 60 60 60 60 m/min 90 90 90 90 kg-m - 6.50 - 6.50 mn - 20,00 - 20.00 kN - 288 - 288 lt/min Weight 200 200 rpm - 2.500 - 2.500 ton 70 70 90 90 kg 16.800 17.400 18.000 19.000 ZWD 40 ZWD 45 Description ZWD 58 Drive System Speed 8X 8X 8X Height of Mast m 40 45 58 Drive Speed m 38 43 55 lt/min 300 300 300 kN 304 304 304 kN 241 241 241 m/min 80 80 80 m/min 120 120 120 kg-m - - - mn - - - kN - - - lt/min Weight rpm - - - ton 90 90 120 kg 19.200 20.000 22.000
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