Paper 17: Network Integration of Distributed Energy Resources

Paper 17: Network Integration of Distributed Energy Resources
Tuesday, 16:30 – 18:00
On the Use of Wind Energy Conversion Systems for Mitigating Subsynchronous Resonance and
Subsynchronous Interaction
Xuan Gao (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), Ulas Karaagac (École Polytechnique de Montréal,
Canada), Sherif Faried (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), Jean Mahseredjian (École Polytechnique
de Montréal, Canada)
Impact of the Integration of Renewable Energies on the Reactive Power Demand in the German
Transmission Grid
Marie-Louise (TU Dortmund, Germany)
Optimum Shunt Capacitor Placement in Distribution Networks with High Penetration of Renewable
Energy Resources Using Genetic Algorithms
Hany Farag (York University, Canada), Ehab El-Saadany (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Provision of Primary Control Reserve by DFIG-Based Wind Farms in Compliance with ENTSO-E
Frequency Grid Codes
Davood Raoofsheibani (Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany), Ehsan Abbasi (TU Berlin),
Klaus Pfeiffer (Brandenburg Technical University, Germany)
Distributed Generation Hosting Capacity Calculation of MV Distribution Feeders in Turkey
Mufit Altin (DTU, Denmark), Emre Utku Oğuz (METU, Turkey), Erdal Bizkevelci (Alstom, Turkey), Bilal
Şimşek (TEDAŞ, Turkey)
Recommended Strategies for Grid Operators Using Reactive Power Capabilities from Photovoltaic
Uchechi Obinna (TU Delft, Netherlands), Angele Reinders (TU Delft, Netherlands), Peter Joore (TU
Delft, Netherlands), Linda Wauben (TU Delft, Netherlands)