GEBZE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (GIT) WEDNESDAY SEMINAR SERIES DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS TM ˙ ˙ Contact : Irem Yaman ([email protected]), A. G¨ u¸cl¨ ukan Ilhan ([email protected]). PDF Editor 1 2 SEMINARS IN SPRING 2014 February 19, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 ˙ Ipek Tuvay (GYTE) Title: On Brauer indecomposability of Scott modules for some families of groups Abstract: Brauer indecomposablility of p-permutation modules carries importance in verifying categorical equivalence between p-blocks of finite groups which is predicted by Brou´e’s abelian defect group conjecture. In this talk, we will present the proof of Brauer indecomposability for some particular type of p-permutation modules: Scott modules for some families of groups constructed by Sejong Park in the context of fusion systems. October 26, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Meral Tosun (Galatasaray Uni.) Title: Classification of Singularities and Lie algebras Abstract: We will first introduce classification problem of singularities of complex surfaces. For example, it is known that certain singularities of surfaces are classified by some Lie algebras. Then we will present a method due to E. Brieskorn to find more singularities in connection with Lie algebras. TM PDF Editor SEMINARS IN SPRING 2014 3 March 5, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Henning Stichtenoth (SabancıUni.) Title: TBA Abstract: March 12, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Sema Salur (University of Rochester, USA) Title: TBA Abstract: TM PDF Editor 4 SEMINARS IN SPRING 2014 March 19, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Ka˘ gan Kur¸sung¨ oz (SabancıUni.) Title: TBA Abstract: March 26, 2014 13:00-13:20 ——- 14:00-13:50 Mehmet Akif Erdal (Bilkent Uni.) Title: TBA Abstract: TM PDF Editor SEMINARS IN SPRING 2014 5 April 2, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Albert Erkip (Sabancı Uni.) Title: TBA Abstract: April 9, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Title: TBA Abstract: Erg¨ un Yal¸ cın (Bilkent Uni.) TM PDF Editor 6 SEMINARS IN SPRING 2014 April 16, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Title: Abstract: April 30, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Varga Kalantarov (Ko¸c Uni.) Title: TBA Abstract: May 7, 2014 13:00-13:50 14:00-14:50 Cengiz Erd¨ onmez (Deniz Harp Okulu) Title: Abstract: TM PDF Editor
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