Sep 30, 2014 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OF “JUNE-SEPTEMBER 2014” 1. LICENSING Current ly holds 5 explorat ion and 2 product ion licenses in SE Turkey. Applicat ion t o relinquish license AR/AME -SNR/5020 has been filed wit h GDPA. 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: a. Geological Field Activity No field act ivit y has been conduct ed in t his period. b. Geophysics In-house seismic int erp ret at ion st udies were cont inued for all licenses. 178 km 2 3D seismic is processed in license AR/AME-GYP-TLN/5025 252 km2 3D is reprocessed in Arpat epe Product ion and explorat ion Licenses. 3. DRILLING: During t he report ing period, drilling of 1 explorat ion well in explorat ion license “AR/AME-GYP/2674” was complet ed. Drilling of 1 appraisal well in Arpat epe Product ion Lease “ARİ/AME-GYP-TLN/3118-5003” is ongoing. Name of the well Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status LOGS BASAK LI (Expl.) Land AR/AME-GYP/2674 X = 4 186 830 (North) Y = 628 841 (East) (ED50) GL: 1857 ft , KB: 1879 ft 19.05.2014 08.07.2014 GYP GYP F-200 1.646 m (5.400 feet ) The well was put on product ion from Mardin carbonat es, 20.9° Api Gravit y. : 13 3/8” at 2.095 ft . 9 5/8” at 5.337 ft . : DST-1 (5.337-5.370 ft ) DST-2 (5.368-5.400 ft ) : GR-HRLA-PEX Name of the well Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings : : : : : : : : : : : : : Casings DST’s DST’s LOGS : : : : : : : : : : : : ARPATEPE-8 (Appr.) Land ARİ/AME-GYP-TLN/3118-5003 X = 4 174 488 (North) Y = 657 747 (East) (ED50) GL: 2277 ft , KB: 2299 ft 18.08.2014 GYP AME F-200 2.450 m (8.040 feet ) Drilling at 6.176 ft in Uludere Format ion. 13 3/8” at 1.993 ft . 9 5/8” at 4.696 ft . : : - 2 4. PRODUCTION: Production Fields Zeynel (3170-3215) Karakilise (2677) Pet ek (2677) Alt ınakar (2674) Arpat epe (3118-5003) Doğu Sadak (5019) Basakli (2674) TOTAL May.14 (bbls) 5.888 480 1.836 442 11.487 1.076 21.209 Jun. 2014 (bbls) 3.269 336 1.870 572 15.921 935 22.903 July 2014 (bbls) 3.000 416 2.215 342 13.355 968 1.945 20.296 Aug 2014 (bbls) 3.210 537 2.034 501 15.735 943 3.408 22.960 (*) Production figures indicate the total production of each fiel d before government royalty. 3 Sept ember 30, 2014 ÇALIK PETROL ARAMA ÜRETİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY-AUGUST 2014 1. LICENSING Çalık Petrol has been going on its activity in 15 exploration licenses. 2. DRILLING: During the reporting AR/ÇPA/4494 licence. period; 1 exploration well has been spudded in DST’s Batı Çalıktepe-1 (Exploration Well) Land (Onshore) AR/ÇPA/4494 X = 4171681 (North) Y = 644213 (East) (ED50) GL: 755 m, KB: 762 m 25.03.2014 18.05.2014 Güney Yıldızı Petrol Üretim ve Sondaj Müteahhitlik ve Ticaret A.Ş. : Çalık Petrol Arama Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. : F320-EC Rig#15 : 2215 m : The well was deepened f rom 2187 m to 2215 m (TD) in Bedinan Fm. Production was started on 18.06.2014 with 130 bbl/d of net oil. Current production is 120 bbl/d with 0% water cut. : 13 3/8 at 399m. 9 5/8 at 1106m. 7 at 1952m. 4 ½ at 2214 : First core between 2183m-2186m Recovery: %80 (240 cm) Second core between 2204-2210m Recovery: %70 (420 cm) : DST-1 (2180m.-2204m.) LOGS : GR-BHC-HRLA-MCFL-CNL-Density-SP-Caliper Name of the w ell Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings Core : : : : : : : : 3. PRODUCTION: Production Fields Batı Çalıktepe June 2014 (bbl/m) 1515 bbl/m July 2014 (bbl/m) 984 bbl/m 2 August 2014 (bbl/m) 413 bbl/m Sept ember 30, 2014 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL-SEPTEMBER 2014 1. LICENSING Licence No AR/CBV/5104 AR/TGT-PIN-CBV/3931 AR/TGT-PIN-CBV/3934 AR/TGT-PIN-CBV/5151 AR/TGT-PIN-CBV/3858 AR/TGT-PIN-CBV/4126 ARI/TGT-PIN-CBV/3860 ARI/TGT-PIN-CBV/3861 ARI/TGT-PIN-CBV/3659 ARI/TGT-PIN-CBV/5122 IR/TGT-PIN-CBV/2926 CRBV Interest %100 %40 %40 %40 %40 %40 %40 %40 %40 %40 %40 Satellite image of Thrace Licences Licence No AR/TEMI-TGT-PIN-CBV/4607 CRBV Interest %26 Satellite image of SE Licence 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: a. Geological Field Activity During the reporting time, routine of f ice studies have been continued b. Geophysics Satellite image of 5104 Banarli Licence 2 ENERJİ SERVİS HİZMETLERİ VE PETROL TİCARET LTD.ŞTİ. September 30, 2014 ERA ENERJİ ENERJİ SERVİS HİZMETLERİ ve PETROL TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY-AUGUST 2014 1. LICENSING 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: The evaluation of Hasandağ-1 exploration well is still in progress. 3. DRILLING: During the reporting period; drilling of 1 exploration was completed. Name of the well : Hasandağ-1 Petroleum District : Land ENERJİ SERVİS HİZMETLERİ VE PETROL TİCARET LTD.ŞTİ. License No : AR/ERA/5125 Coordinates : X = 4 236 030 (North) Y = 592 655 (East) (WGS 84) Elevation : GL:965 m, Spudding Date : 13.04.2014 Completion Date : 17.08.2014 Contractor : Ortadoğu Sondaj A.Ş Operator : Era Enerji (ABE-ERA Şirketler Ortaklığı) Rig Type : GEO-1500 Total Depth : 1926 m Status : Gas Well (Waiting for well completion testing) Casings : Out İnner Size Size Drilling Type Bit Size Rotary 7 5/8" 6 1/2" Rotary 5 7/8" Core Core KB: 966.70 m Casing Type Proposal Realized 6" SW 50 m 162 m 5 1/2" 5" PW 600 m 600 m 4 7/8" 4 1/2" 4" PQ 1100 m 1102 m 3 3/4" 3 1/2" 3" HQ 1894 m 1907 m Core : Between 600-1926 m. Recovery: %90-100 DST’s : No ENERJİ SERVİS HİZMETLERİ VE PETROL TİCARET LTD.ŞTİ. LOGS : LOG TYPE SCALE INTERVAL( m) RUN COMPANY NO GR- CAL-SP-MSFL-LLD-LLS 1/200-1/500 800-1099 1 Wheatherford GR-CNL-CBL-VDL 1/200-1/500 600-1099 2 Wheatherford GR-CNL-CBL-VDL 1/200-1/500 1070-1900 3 Viking GÜMÜŞ MADEN , İNŞAAT , PETROL , TURİZM , SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. Konya Yolu Üzeri Mevlana Bulv. No : 174 Balgat/Çankaya / Ankara Tel: (0 312) 491 69 64 (PBX) Fax: (0 312) 491 64 33 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL-AUGUST 2014 1. LICENSING License No District Share AR-GMŞ-5022 AR-GMŞ-5068 AR-GMŞ-4921 AR-GMŞ-4922 AR-GMŞ-4923 AR-GMŞ-4924 AR-GMŞ-4941 XII- Gaziantep XII- Gaziantep VIII-Ağrı VIII-Ağrı VIII-Ağrı VIII-Ağrı IX-Van %100 %100 %100 %100 %100 %100 %100 2. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES a. Geological Field Activity On and of geological field work in AR-GMŞ-5068 and AR-GMŞ-5022 licenses. b. Geophysics By seismic interpretation studies drillable ,several new prospects were generated. No geophysical field work. 2 new prospects in AR-GMŞ-5068 3 new prospects in AR-GMŞ-5022 3. DRILLING Currently drilling Aydınoluk-1 well in Adıyaman in AR-GMŞ-5068 X Y Elevation Current Depth TD :4.179.353 :445.977 :712 m :1069 m :1400 ± 100 m GÜMÜŞ MADEN , İNŞAAT , PETROL TURİZM , SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. GÜNEY YILDIZI PETROL, ÜRETİM, SONDAJ, MÜTH. ve TİC. A.Ş. September 30, 2014 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF JUNE -SEPTEMBER 2014 1. LICENSING Currently holds 6 exploration and 4 production licenses in SE Turkey 2677,2674 5025 EXPLORATION BLOCKS (Sept. 2014) GYP/4968 4968 Total License #:6 Total Area: 2516 km2 4244 4919 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES : a. Geological Field Activity No f ield activity has been conducted in this period. b. Geophysics In-house seismic interpretation studies were continued. 3. DRILLING: During the reporting period , drilling of 1 exploration and 1 appraisal wells were completed. Currently drill ing 1 exploration and 1 production wells. Name of t he w ell Petroleum Dist rict License No Coordinat es Elev at ion Spudding Dat e Complet ion Dat e Contract or O perat or Rig T ype T otal Dept h Status Casings : : : : : : : : : : : : : DST ’s LO G S : : Name of t he w ell Petroleum Dist rict License No Coordinat es Elev at ion Spudding Dat e Complet ion Dat e Contract or O perat or Rig T ype T otal Dept h Status : : : : : : : : : : : : Casings : 13 3/8” at 638 m . 9 5/8” at 1626 m . : DST - 1 ( 5340- 5370 f t) DST - 2 (5368 - 5400 f t) : G R - HRLA- PEX DST ’s LO G S ARPAT EPE - 8 (Production ) Land ARİ/AME-GYP-TLN/3118-5003 X = 4 174 543 (North) Y = 657 692 (East) (ED50) G L: 2 277 f t, KB: 2284 f t 18.08.2014 G YP AME F- 320 Drilling 13 3/8” 9 5/8” 7” 4 ½” c ontinues in Dadaş Form ation. at 607 m . at 1431 m . at …….m . at ……..m . BAŞAKLI - 1 ( Exploration ) Land AR/AME-GYP/2674 X = 4 186 830 (North) Y = 628 841 (East) (ED50) G L: 1857 f t, KB: 1879 f t 19.05.2014 24.06.2014 G YP G YP F- 320 1645 m ( 5400 f eet) The well was put on artesian production from Mardin carbonates. 2 : : : : : : : : : : : : : BULG URDAĞ - 22 ( Appraisal ) Land İR/GYP/723-724 X = 4 115 579 (North) Y = 693 879 (East) (ED50) G L: 394 f t, KB: 404 f t 19.06.2014 10.08.2014 G YP G YP Bethlehem - M58C 1533 m ( 5030 f eet) DST ’s LO G S 9 5/8” at 283 m . 7” at 1464 m . : DST - 1 ( 4816- 4840 f t) : --- Name of t he w ell Petroleum Dist rict License No Coordinat es Elev at ion Spudding Dat e Complet ion Dat e Contract or O perat or Rig T ype T otal Dept h Status Casings : : : : : : : : : : : : : ÇAY BAŞI - 1 ( Exploration ) Land İR/GYP/658 X = 4 170 615 (North) Y = 455 372 (East) (ED50) G L: 1942 f t, KB: 1949 f t 23.08.2014 Name of t he w ell Petroleum Dist rict License No Coordinat es Elev at ion Spudding Dat e Complet ion Dat e Contract o r O perat or Rig T ype T otal Dept h Status Casings DST ’s LO G S P&A. G YP G YP National T - 20 Drilling continues in Sayındere Fm. 9 5/8” at 55 m . 7” at 1230 m . : --: --- 4. PRODUCTION: Production Fields Zeynel Kahta Bulgurdağ Karakilise Petek Başaklı Altınakar Arpatepe Dirsekli TOTAL May 2014 (bbl/d) 5888 355 19035 430 1836 --442 11487 --39473 June 2014 (bbl/d) 3269 776 15760 456 1870 --336 15921 --38388 July 2014 (bbl/d) 3000 574 15048 416 2215 1945 342 13355 65 36961 August 2014 (bbl/d) 3210 544 17978 537 2034 3408 501 15735 165 44112 (*) Production figures indicate the total production of each field befor e royalty. 3 September 30, 2014 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF May-September 2014 1. LICENSING Hanedan Enerji owns %50 shares of two licenses in Hatay District numbered as AR/HND-TWY/4785 and AR/HND-TWY/5115. 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: a. Geological Field Activity Geologial field study has already accomplished for both licenses. b. Geophysics No Geophysical study accomplished between May and Spetember. 3. DRILLING: One well has drilled in AR/XTWY-HND-OPC/5115 License. Name of the w ell Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings : : : : : : : : : : : : : Sw abbing Büyük Burhaniye-1 Expl. Well Land AR/XTWY-HND-OPC/5115 X = 739 794 Y = 4 104 272 (ED50) GL: 58, KB:63 fm 18.08.2014 01.09.2014 Roti Tiway Turkey Ltd. National T-45 615m P&A 13 3/8 at 48 m. 9 5/8 at 330 m. : Recovered 1300 bbl water by 171 swabs. Core : N/A DST’s : N/A LOGS : Full set (PEX) Actual Formation Tops(meter) Aluvium Kuransa Handere Cingöz Pre-Miocene(Aladağ?) TD : : : : : : Surface 20 75 280 436 615 Please refer Tiway Turkey Limited’s report as Operator. 2 Türkiye Ankara Şubesi Turan Güneş Bulvarı, 100/9 06550 Çankaya-ANKARA Tel: 0312 466 1322 Fax: 0312 439 0955 K. Ekrem KADIOĞLU GENEL MÜDÜR / TÜRKİYE TEMSİLCİSİ GENERAL MANAGER / RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sept 25, 2014 SCOUT REPORT (May – August 2014) 1. LICENSING See attached Map (Figure 1 - Location Index Map: Ortakoy Licence AR/MRS/3913) Page 2 of 4 2. GEOLOGICAL a. Geological Field Activity No geological activities took place during this period. b. Geophysics See attached Map. (Figure 2 – Well & Seismic Data Base: Ortakoy Licence AR/MRS/3913) No geophysical activities or seismic programs took place during this period. 3. DRILLING: Marsa Turkey BV is currently drilling the second well in a three well program designed to test 3 independent structures. The first well was Poyraz N3-1 which is cased and waiting on completion and testing. The second well is Poyraz West-1 which is waiting on casing and testing. Page 3 of 4 Name of Well: Petroleum District: License No.: Coordinates: Elevation: Spud Date: Completion Date: Contractor: Operator: Rig Type: Total Depth: Bottom Hole Formation: Status: Casings: Core: DST’s: Logs: Name of Well: Petroleum District: License No.: Coordinates: Elevation: Spud Date: Completion Date: Contractor: Operator: Rig Type: Total Depth: Bottom Hole Formation: Status: Casings: Core: DST’s: Logs: Poyraz N3 - 1: (see Fig. 2 for location) Exploration Well District XVII, İzmir AR/MRS/3919 X = 4 485 663 (North) Y = 485 199 (East) (ED50) GL: 57.8m KB: 62.1m th August 15 , 2014 TBD Viking International Marsa Turkey B.V. RIG 1-7 RG-Petro Machinery, Model – JC 210/11 1000 m MD (976.36 m TVD) Kirazli (Miocene) Formation Cased (waiting on testing) 9 5/8” at 28m 7” at 123.5m 4.5” at 467m None None PEX-HLRA-BHC-SP-GR (interval 123m to 666.5m) Poyraz West-1 (see Fig. 2 for location) Exploration Well District XVII, İzmir AR/MRS/3919 X = 4 484 020 (North) Y = 484 597 (East) (ED50) GL: 11.8m KB: 16.1m Sept 4, 2014 TBD Viking International Marsa Turkey B.V. RIG 1-7 RG-Petro Machinery, Model – JC 210/11 1642.5 m MD (1637.5 m TVD) Sogucak Carbonate (Eocene) Formation Preparing to run casing 9 5/8” at 29m 7” at 192m 4.5” at 467m None None PEX-HLRA-BHC-SP-GR Page 4 of 4 4. PRODUCTION: CNG PRODUCTION FIELDS APRIL 2014 (SCM) MAY 2014 (SCM) JUNE 2014 (SCM) JULY 2014 (SCM) DESTAN TOTAL 182,911.88 182,911.88 75,148.58 75,148.58 4,221.55 4,221.55 8,511.50 8,511.50 E yü l 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 ÖZ OİL PETROL ARAMA ÜRETİM A.Ş. SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY 2014 1. LICENSING 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: a. Geological Field Activity Place, crew/month, duration etc. Imamoğlu/Ceyhan 2 Crew/2month b. Geophysics 255 km 2D seismic 12 lines been reporeccesed Table of data acquisition parameters: Project Name Km2 or Km # of Lines Project Realized Toplam Alan -----VP / 59 km2 Fold …. Atış Hattı Aralığı …. m. Jeofon Hattı Aralığı …. m. Atış Aralığı …. m. Jeofon Aralığı …. m. ….Additional Information….such as… A tender call was issued for 121 km. of 2D seismic data acquisition program in ….. and …… Licenses (AR/XVY-CCC/3500). 3. DRILLING: During the reporting period; drilling of 1 exploration, 2 appraisal, and 1 production wells were completed. 1 exploration and 1 production well have been spudded. Name of the w ell Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings Core DST’s LOGS :ÖZOİL-1 Exploration Well) : Land : AR/XII-OZO/4837 : X = 7 37770 (North) Y = 411 2219 (East) (ED50) : GL: 316.0 ft, KB: 316.0 ft : 20.06.2013 : 20.07.2013 :Öz Oil A.Ş. :Öz Oil A.Ş. :Mobile : 3000m 10 000 (feet) : The well was deepened from - ft to 2000 ft. (TD) in Cingöz Fm. well was tasted on 20,08,2013 with 7-10 bbl/d of net oil. Current production is 80 bbl/d with 90% water cut. : 13 3/8 at 204m. 9 5/8 at 604m. 7 at………….m. : between ….-…..m. Recovery: %...(232 cm) : DST-1 (…-….m.) DST-2 (….-….m) : GR-TAC-TTI-BCS, etc. 4. PRODUCTION: Production Fields January 2014 (bbl/d) TOTAL 2 February 2014 (bbl/d) March 2014 (bbl/d) Shell S Ups stream Turkey T (S SUT) 2 4 t h Se ptem mb er , 2 014 4 SC COUT RE EPORT F OR THE MONTHS S OF MA AY - SEPT TEMBER R 2014 1. L ICENSING G Three p rojects w ith Joint venture v pa artner TPA AO: Dadas P Project: L icense Bl ocks AR/T TPO-X/49 25, AR/TP PO-X/48557, AR/TP O-XI/3211 1 – Licensse adaptio on submittted by pa artner. AR/TPO-4 4154, AR//TPO-43199, AR/TPO O-4320 Bati Torros Projecct: Licens e Blocks A - Licen se adapti on submittted by pa artner. Western n Black Se ea Projec t: Block A AR/TPO-3 920 – GD PA adapt ion accep pted. 2. GEOL LOGICAL L & GEOP HYSICAL L STUDIES S: Geologica l Field Ac ctivity a. G Septem ber - sho ort fieldtrrip with JV J partne er TPAO in Thrac e region to examine e the offfset sourcce and r eservoir units to be expe cted in t he planned d Block 39 920 ( şile D DW) well. Geophysic cs b. G Reproce essing of Sile 3D s urvey (15 500 km 2 ). Pre-stac k depth migration. m Reproce essing ex isting 2D data (150 00 km 2 ). Both to be compl eted in Q Q3-4 2014 . 3. DRILLING: During the reporting period; fraccing and testing of 2 exploration wells Konacik1 and Ackay-1. Results still yet to be confirmed. Name of the well Petroleum District License No Coordinates : : : : Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status : : : : : : : : Name of the well Petroleum District License No Coordinates : : : : Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings Core DST’s LOGS : : : : : : : : : : : : Konacik-1 (Exploration Well) Land AR/TPO-X/4925 Lat = 38° 06’ 29.01285’’ N Long = 40°37’25.25909’’ E (WGS 84 3&N ) X = N 4219049.49 Y = E 642350.19 GL: 743.71m, KB: 752.81m 21.10.2013 10.02.2014 n/a Shell Saipem 5892 3823.5m Horizontal fraccing and testing completed. Akcay-1 (Exploration Well) Land ARI/TPO-X/4857 Lat = 38° 09’ 35.699’’ N Long = 40°69’60.228’ E (WGS 84 3&N) X = N 4217555.11 Y = E 648722.11 GL: 732.70m, KB: 741.70m 31.03.2014 08.08.2014 n/a Shell Saipem 5892 3805m DFIT planned Q4 2014. n/a. Cut over Dadas-I and adjoining intervals. n/a. Logs were acquired over the whole well. 4. PRODUCTION: N/A 2 Sep. 30, 2014 SUMMA ENERJİ YATIRIMCILIĞI MADENCİLİK MÜHENDİSLİK TAŞIMACILIK AKARYAKIT İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİC.A.Ş. 27 Aralık sok. No: 3 Çankaya/ANKARA-TURKIYE TEL: +90 312 441 37 47 FAX: +90 312 441 51 81 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY - SEPTEMBER 2014 1. LICENSING : AR/SUM/XI/5118, AR/SUM/XI/5119 (Siverek) & AR/SUM/XII/5120 (Akçakale) (E.O.L 7.04.2017) RUHSAT LOKASYON HARİTASI 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: During the reporting period, geological and geophysical office studies were carried out. a. Geological Field Activity None b. Geophysics None 3. DRILLING: None 4. PRODUCTION: None Sep. 30, 2014 SUMMA UĞUR ENERJİ PETROL MADENCİLİK İNŞAAT VE TİCARET AŞ. 27 Aralık sok. No: 3 Çankaya/ANKARA-TURKIYE TEL: +90 312 441 37 47 FAX: +90 312 441 51 81 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY - SEPTEMBER 2014 1. LICENSING : AR/SUP/II/4694 (E.O.L. 31.10.2014) SUMMAUĞUR RUHSAT HARİTASI SUMMAUĞUR AR/SUP/II/4694 RUHSAT ALANI LOKASYON HARİTASI 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: During the reporting period, geological and geophysical office studies were carried out. a. Geological Field Activity None b. Geophysics None 3. DRILLING: None 4. PRODUCTION: None September 24, 2014 TBS PETROLEUM EXPLORATION PRODUCTION & CONSULTANCY COMPANY SCOUT REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OF APRIL – SEPTEMBER, 2014 1. LICENSING TBS Petroleum has a joint exploration license of AR/AME-TBS-SNR/5124. The license area is located in the NE of Siirt city and the SE of Şirvan town. 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: There was no geological or geophysical activities undertaken in the field during the reporting period. After reprocessing 153 km of old 2D seismic, geological and geophysical interpretation is being performed and location for the first exploration well will be determined very soon. 3. DRILLING: No drilling activity was carried out during the reporting period. 4. PRODUCTION: No production activity was carried out during the reporting period. Muharrem TÜRKARSLAN TBS PETROLEUM EXPLORATION PRODUCTION & CONSULTANCY COMPANY 2 September 30, 2014 TPIC TURKISH PETROLEUM INTERNATIONAL COMPANY SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY - AUGUST 2014 1. LICENSING TPIC holds 13 land and 14 offshore licenses. The status of licenses is as follows: TPIC Interest II. BOLU 4947 O %100 4948 O %100 5079 L %100 4905 L %100 4906 L %100 4742 L %100 5056 L %100 4876 L %100 5031 L %100 5041 L %100 5126 L %100 4468 L %100 5121 L %100 4516 L %100 4581 O %100 4582 O %100 4882 O %100 4883 O %100 4884 O %100 4903 L %100 5080 O %100 5081 O %100 4535 O %100 4536 O %100 4537 O %100 4538 O %100 4539 O %100 IX. VAN X. SİİRT XI. DİYARBAKIR XII. GAZİANTEP XIII. HATAY XIV. ADANA XVI.ANTALYA License Renewal applications: TPIC Interest IX. VAN 4905 L %100 4906 L %100 5031 L %100 XII. GAZİANTEP 4468 L %100 O %100 XI. DİYARBAKIR XIII. HATAY 4582 27 licenses; 13 land and 14 offshore 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: a. Geological Field Activity b. Geophysics 3. DRILLING: 2 During the reporting period; drilling of 2 exploration wells were completed. Name of the w ell Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings : : : : : : : : : : : : : GÜLCİHAN-2 EXPLORATION WELL XIII HATAY - Offshore AR/TPI/4582 X = 4 039 354 (North) Y = 742 535 (East) GL: 0 m, KB: 24.88 m 17.01.2014 Core DST’s LOGS : : : PEX-HRLA,FMI-MSIP,VSI,MDT Name of the w ell Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings : : : : : : : : : : : : : Core DST’s LOGS : : DST-1 (2108,60-2129,00 m.) :GR,TAC,FED,CS,GTET,BSAT,SP,DLLT,MSFL, CSNG, DSNT,SDLT,XRMI. Name of the w ell : KARAKOYUN-1 EXPLORATION WELL GRUP SERVICII PETROLIERE S.A. TPAO GSP JUPITER 4843 m As of 31.08.2014 drilled to a depth of 4843 m. 22 at 448 m 18 at 1227,90 m 16 at 2052 m 13 3/8 at 2226 m 11 3/4 at 3498,5 m 9 5/8 at 4440 m 7 at 4843 m KONAKLI-1 EXPLORATION WELL X SİİRT-Land AR/TPI/4742 X = 4 201 606 (North) Y = 749 095 (East) (ED50) GL: 827.98 m., KB: 827.78 m 21.04.2014 14.06.2014 TPIC TPAO NAT-55 2129 m Drilled to a depth of 2129 m.Dry well. 13 3/8 at 349 m. 9 5/8 at 1946,5 m 3 Petroleum District License No Coordinates Elevation Spudding Date Completion Date Contractor Operator Rig Type Total Depth Status Casings Core DST’s : : : : : : : : : : : : : : XI.DİYARBAKIR-Land AR/TPI/4876 X = 4 171 780,70 (North) Y = 514 787,26 (East) (ED50) GL: 670.0 m, KB: 675 m 22.04.2014 06.06.2014 TPIC TPAO MR 7000/1 1721 m Drilled to a depth of 1721 m.Dry well 9 5/8 at 364 m. LOGS : GR-FED-CAL-SP-GTET-DLLT-MSFL-XRMI DST-1 (1612,07-1640,03 m.) DST-2 (1548,05-1578,00 m) 4. PRODUCTION: Production Fields 4468- ŞAMBAYAT 4468- DOĞU ŞAMBAYAT 4468- ALTINTOP 4468-BOZHÜYÜK TOTAL May 2014 (bbls) 8,215 3,762 3,083 7,655 22,715 June 2014 (bbls) 7,937 3,623 2,858 7,086 21,504 4 July 2014 (bbls) 8,385 3,799 2,959 7,056 22,199 August 2014 (bbls) 8,625 3,525 2,894 7,059 22,103 Sept ember 30, 2014 SCOUT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL-SEPTEMBER 2014 1. LICENSING Licence No AR/VEN/5147 AR/TEMI-PTK-VEN/3839 VEN Interest %100 %35 Satellite image of Thrace Licences 2. GEOLOGICAL & GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES: a. Geological Field Activity During the reporting time, routine of f ice studies have been continued. b. Geophysics Geophysical evaluation works have been continued.
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