Tansportne kompanije koje imaju obavezu korištenja tahografa imaju i zakonsku obavezu redovnog preuzimanja, pohranjivanja i analize podataka s taho listida, kartica vozača te iz digitalnih tahografa ugrađenih u vozila, te analize podataka o radnom vremenu i aktivnostima vozača. Upotrebom aplikacije i uređaja sustava Tachospeed troši se mnoga manje vremena za analizu podataka o aktivnostima vozača te za izradu potrebnih izvještaja o aktivnostima I radnom vremenu. Arhitektura sustava Tachospeed Vozila Digitalni tahografi Uređaji Analiza i protocol Uređaji za preuzmanje digitalnih podataka Tachospeed kontrola Analogni tahografi Statistika Skeneri taho listida Tachospeed statistički SERVER Inspekcija digitalnih i analognih podataka Tachospeed sustav je dizajniran da analizira podatke iz tahografskih listida, digitalnih tahografa i kartica vozača na način da sustav sve podatke za određeni period kombinira bez obzira na njihov oblik, izvor i način unosa, sa ciljem da napravi potpunu automatsku analizu podataka prema regulativi 561/2006. Tachospeed je prilagođen da može preuzimati i analizirati podatke iz svih certificiranih digitalnih i analognih tahografskih uređaja svih proizvođača. Tachospeed je sposoban: Očitati, preuzeti i kombinirati podatke digitalnih i analognih tahografskih uređaja potpuno automatski Uređaji za očitavanje/preuzimanje podataka Tachospeed radi sa svim vrstama čitača kartica vozača i digitalnih tahografa. Postoje brojni tipovi čitača ali glavni su: 1. Smart card čitadi 2. PC-VU kablovi za spajanje s dig.tahografom 3. USB ključevi za očitavanje dig. tahografa 4. Univerzalni čitadi kartica i tahografskih uređaja SMART CARD ČITAČI TachoTerminal čitač Smart card čitači mogu očitavati samo podatek s kartice vozača. Ovi uređaji ne mogu očitavati samostalno niti imaju internu memoriju. Smart card čitad mora bit spojen na računalo preko USB priključka. Skidanje I pohrana podataka radi se preko Tachospeed sustava i podaci se pohranjuju na hard disk računala. Format pohranjenih podataka u skladu je s Aneksom 1b regulative 3821/85 i sadrži sve potrebne digitalne potise. Tachospeed najbolje radi s TachoTerminal čitačem Specification of TachoTerminal Reader 1. Power Voltage (V) - 5V± 5% 2. Power Consumptions (mA) - 60 mA(Max.) 3. Connecting Interface - USB2.0 (Full Speed) 12M bps 4. IC Card Communication Speed - Up to 115,200 bps 5. Environmental Operation temperature(℃): 0℃~ 45℃ 6. Storage temperature(℃): -35℃ ~ 70℃ 7. Approval - BSMI, FCC, CE, UL, VCCI, RoHS 8. Driver support - Vista/Win XP/2000/ME/98/NT4.0/CE; Linux; Mac; 9. Certification - ISO7816 Comply, EMV2000 L1 Certified 10. Dimensions(mm) - 68.1mm(L)X34.6mm(W)X9.7mm(H) 11. Weight(g) - Approx 14g 12. Durability(cycles) - IC card: 100,000 13. Cable Length (cm) - With an extension cable 50cm 14. Display - 2 LED indicators: Green & Red 15. Warranty – 12 months KLJUČ za PRIJENOS PODATAKA TachoTerminal ključ Ključevi za prijenos podataka s kartica vozača i iz tahografskog uređaja u vozilu. Obje operacije rade se korištenjem tahografskog uređaja. Na primjer, za prijenos podataka s kartice vozača, kartica vozača treba biti umetnuta zajedno s karticom firme/inspektora. Specification of TachoTerminal 1. Memory capacity - 2GB removable 2. Ports · mini USB 2.0 interface · Normalized 6-Pin digital tachograph interface – rigid plug 3. Dimensions 4. Weight - 65 g 5. Working temperature : -5℃ ~ +55℃ 6. Storage temperature: -25℃ ~ +70℃ 7. Power - from tachograph via VU port or from PC via USB or from optional battery charger 8. Battery – optional AA batter holder 9. Configuration of tachograph data import via PC software · Date range, Speed data, additional data, activities 10. Download options: · Driver card file only via tachograph · Tachograph file only via tachograph · Driver card and tachograph file together 11. File name format/information: · Driver card – driver name, card number, date of download · Tachograph file – vehicle number, date of download UNIVERZALNI ČITAČ-TachoTerminal PRO TachoTerminal PRO Univerzalni čitači prenose podateke s tahografskih uređaja i s kartica vozača, s tim da se kartice vozača mogu očitavati i preko tahografa ali i direktno umetanjem kartice u utor univerzalnog čitača. Kod direktnog očitavanja kartice vozača nije potrebna kartica firme/inspektora. Tachospeed radi najbolje s TachoTerminal PRO Specification of TachoTerminal PRO 1. Power a. from tachograph when connected b. from PC when connected via USB c. from battery AA (optional charger) 2. Memory capacity - 2GB of removable card 3. Ports - mini USB, rigid tachographs plug, smart card slot 4. Power consumption – max 65 mA 5. Dimensions LxWxH (mm) – 6. Weight (g) – 65g 7. Working temperature : -5℃ ~ +55℃ 8. Storage temperature: -25℃ ~ +70℃ 9. EMC tests – in conformity with 89/336/EEC 10. Cable – MiniUSB-USB 11. Configuration of tachograph data import via PC software a. Date range, Speed data, additional data, activities 12. Download options: a. Driver card file only via slot or tachograph b. Tachograph file only via tachograph c. Driver card and tachograph files together 13. File name format/information: a. Driver card – driver name, card number, date of download b. Tachograph file – vehicle number, date of download 14. Interface a. CARD button, ALL button, CONFIG button SKENERI TAHOGRAFSKIH LISTIĆA Tachospeed radi s večinom skenera osim multifuncionalnih uređaja (HP I sl.) Ukoliko koristite neki od svojih plošnih skenera morate za skeniranje taho listida postaviti crnu pozadinu, a radi automatskog pozicioniranja centra očitavanja listida. Na tržištu je mnogo vrsta skenera ali najznačajniji su: 1. USB plošni skeneri 2. ADF skeneri s automatskim uzimanjem listida 3. USB roler skeneri 4. Elektronski čitači listida 5. Optički čitači listida PLOŠNI SKENERI Canon Lide EPSON Perfection Plustek OpticSlim Korištenjem plošnih skenera može se skenirati do 6 tahografskih listida odjednom. Podloga odnosno pozadina skenera mora biti u crnoj boji kako bi Tachospeed brže i preciznije odredio centar listida odnosno pozicionirao kružne trake očitavanja aktivnosti. Večina jednostavnih plošnih skenera treba napajanje samo preko USB priključka čime je olakšan rad na terenu! Nakon početnog kalibriranja i uhodavanja mogude je skenirati do 100 tahografskih listida za 1 sat Tachospeed radi najbolje s Canon Lide ADF SKENERI S AUTOMATSKIM UZIMANJEM LISTIDA Plustek SmartOffice Plustek SmartOffice (duplex) ADF skeneri koji imaju automatsko uzimanje dokumanata, odnosno u ovom slučaju tahografskih listida, daju mogudnost da se odjednom umetne 30-ak tahografskih listida. Za napomenti je da svi ADF skeneri nisu podržani za rad s Tachospeed aplikacijom. ADF skeneri trebaju AC/DC napajanje pa su predviđani za rad u uredu ili u vozilu s potrebnom opremom. Korištenjem ADF skenera mogude je skenirati do 400 listida za jedan sat. Tachospeed radi najbolje s Plustek SmartOffice ADF skenerima ELEKTRONSKI OPTIČKI ČITAČI LISTIDA VDO Chart Analyzer SmartReader SmartReader with driver card Electronski čitači taho listida ne očitavaju aktivnosti automatski negoto radi čovjek ručno. Pokreti t.j. zakreti čitača se prenose i bilježe na PC računalu odnosno u aplikaciji Tachospeed. To znači da se i podaci očitani na ovaj način također mogu koristiti za analiziranje aplikacijom Tachospeed. OPTIČKI ČITAČI LISTIDA Chart analyzer Optčki čitač kartica samo pomaže očitati aktivnosti s listida koji se onda mogu ručno unijeti u aplikaciju Tachospeed. Ovo je pogodno za situacije kada je malo vozila u voznom parku ,gdje su jednostavne vožnje (bez previše promjena aktivnosti) Tachospeed kontrola Glavni zadatak Tachospeed-a je analizirati radno vrijeme vozača na temelju podataka zabilježenih putem analognih i digitalnih tahografskih uređaja. 1. 2. 3. 4. Automatic reading of activities recorded on tacho-chart (image in BMP format and 300 DPI) Presentation of tacho-sheet activities in table, bar and circle charts Possibility to edit, delete and add activities on circle chart Accuracy of reading driving, other work, availability, rest times up to 1 minute (from tachocharts) 5. Accuracy of reading distance up to 10 km per chart 6. Compatibility with ADF, flatbed and roller scanners or electronic chart readers 7. Browsing and editing of scanned tacho-charts with their activities readout 8. Reading driver cards using smart card readers according to Annex 1b of Regulation 3821/85 9. Opening DDD, ESM, TDG files downloaded by transfer keys and universal readers 10.Detection of proper digital signatures in files downloaded from driver cards and tachograph memory 11.Digital files storage 12.Detection and editing driving periods without proper card inserted to tachograph 13.Assigning activities from other driver card in case of driving with other person’s card 14.Importing, viewing and analyzing the content of digital files such as driver personal data, driver activities, vehicle used, distance made, speed records, overspeeding, calibration data and others 15.Interactive view of activities – presentation of activities in bar charts with ability to highlight specific periods of activities, showing totals of rest, driving, other work and availability for highlighted period of time, ability to view other driver’s data on specific day (crew mode) 16.Calendar view of activities 17.Identification of infringements including the calculation of fines in accordance 18.Graphical presentation of identified infringements 19.Graphical symbols to indicate weekly rest periods, distance between weekly rest periods, daily rest periods, daily driving periods, driving periods without proper breaks, amount of shortened daily rests 20.Possibility to generate protocol of inspections and administrative decisions 21.Possibility to work on multiple and separate databases (locally, LAN and Internet over TCP/IP) System requirements Tachospeed reports: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Regulation 561/2006 and AETR infringement report Multiple drivers infringement reports Inspection protocol report (Polish only)* Administrative decision report (Polish only)* Directive 2002/15 working time report Crew driving report Missing charts report Missing data report Detailed driver activities report (activities, multi-manning operation, inserts and eject of cards and tacho-sheets, places and cities, events and failures, tacho-chart images, manual entries) 10.Digital file preview report 11.Digital tachograph speed chart (with Excel export) 12.Tachochart odometer status report 13.Vehicle distance report 14.Driver card and tachograph data comparison 15.Digital tachograph calibration report Tachospeed Stat Tachospeed Stat is used by Polish police department. FACT Stat 2.00 The main purpose of Tachospeed Stat is collecting all data from Tachospeed Control and generating statistical reports. After logging in from Tachospeed Control, users has access to their previous controls (full access) and also for controls from other inspectors if needed (only statistic data). This allows for example to check if the driver that we are controlling now has been controlled earlier and has he made any infringements. Tachospeed Control features 1. Collects data from Tachospeed Control (especially: digital files from tachograph and driver card, charts, protocols, driver data, company data, vehicle data, control data, infringements), 2. Allows Tachospeed Control to check data about previous controls for drivers, 3. Allows Tachospeed Control to check data about previous controls for vehicles, 4. Allows Tachospeed Control to check data about previous controls for companies, 5. Prints statistical reports from collected data, 6. Contains administration module for managing databases uploaded by Tachospeed Control, 7. Contains administration module for managing users. To work properly, Tachospeed Stat must be installed on server with Internet connection so that remote users could connect to it from road or other company using broadband or GPRS connection. For security reasons this connections should be made by VPN but this is not mandatory. At the moment Tachospeed Stat is available in Polish version only. Tachospeed Stat reports: 1. Number of checks at the roadside by country of registration and type of tachograph 2. Number of checks at the roadside by type of road and country of registration 3. Number of checks at the premises of undertaking 4. Number of checks according the size of company fleet 5. Number of working days checked at the roadside 6. Number of working days checked at the premises of undertaking 7. OFFENCES – NUMBER AND TYPE OF OFFENCES RECORDED 8. Penalties statistics Road checks supervision TachoTerminal PRO is able to read inspection cards. That’s why it would be good if inspectors would have to put the inspection card every time a road inspection is carried out. That’s why we suggest for them to use TachoTerminal PRO key which is a device that is unable to read driver cards directly in built-in reader (the built-in reader is inactive in “PRO key”). TachoTerminal PRO key is able to read driver cards via digital tachograph but then an inspection card must be inserted into tachograph. We would suggest TachoTerminal PRO (with built-in card reader active) for inspector’s supervisors, who must be able to read and view the content of inspection cards. Inspection cards hold data about all road checks made. A special module of Tachospeed Control exclusively made for supervisors is able to report the contents of inspection cards. This is to prevent inappropriate behavior whilst the inspection. Central database of infringements Tachospeed Control is able to communicate dually with Tachospeed STAT Server. First of all an inspector uploads his roadchecks to Tachospeed STAT Server. An inspector sends original files downloaded from driver cards and from digital tachographs with an inspection protocol and/or administrative decision where you can find penalties for infringements of AETR or Regulation 561/2006 according to BiH table of penalties. Inspection protocol and administrative decision we are ready to develop. Same with BiH table of penalties if such exists. An inspector is also able to check the data on inspected driver or vehicle in central database from Tachospeed STAT Server. He is able to find out if attestations of activities are false or not by checking if driver was inspected in periods of the attestation. An inspector is able to check indicated infringements made by other employees of the inspected company. And Tachospeed STAT Server is a statistical service that is able to prepare all the statistical reports required by European Commission or United Nation’s institution.
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