11 BLUR PHOT O Izložba internacionalne kreativne fotografije, 9/6-6/7/2011, Galerija Hrvatske pošte, Zagreb Exhibition of international creative photography, 9/6-6/7/2011, Gallery of Croatian National Post, Zagreb PREDGOVOR U četvrtoj godini svojeg virtualnog postojanja BLUR je svojoj trenutnoj, a nadamo se i budućoj publici, odlučio omogućiti vizualni doživljaj fotografija uživo. Donosimo vam najbolje od onog što ste u 2010. godini mogli pratiti u BLURu. Izložbu smo postavili vođeni načelima i uredničkom politikom BLURa, stoga vas upućujemo da ključ ove izložbe ne treba tražiti u nekom linearnom, logičnom slijedu, nizanju motiva i spajanju sličnog, već u suprotnostima i bogatstvu svijeta fotografije koji BLUR predstavlja. Red i kaos, staro i novo, ova izložba predstavlja različite motive i tehnike od kojih neke padaju u zaborav, dok druge predstavljaju najnovija dostignuća u svijetu fotografije. Osim mnoštva različitih motiva i tehnika, tu je i mnoštvo kultura i društava iz kojih dolaze njihovi autori – a to je još jedna dodatna vrijednost koja obogaćuje BLUR. Pozivamo vas da uživate u bogatstvu raznolikosti! Tea Rihtar PREFACE Now in its fourth year of virtual existence, BLUR decided to give its current and, hopefully, future audiences a live photography experience. We bring you a selection of the best photographs presented in BLUR magazine during 2010. The exhibition is guided by BLUR’s principles and its editorial policy. Therefore, the concept of the exhibition should not be sought in a linear, logical sequence or a succession and combination of similar motives, but in the contrasts and richness of the world of photography found in BLUR. Order and chaos, old and new, this exhibition represents a diverse collection of subjects and techniques, some of which have begun to fade from memory while others reflect the latest in the world of photography. Besides the diversity of motifs and techniques, there is a variety of cultures and societies from which the photographers begin – another value that enriches BLUR. We invite you to enjoy this rich diversity! Tea Rihtar 11 BLUR PHOTO MANUEL JR. LIBRODO Filipini | The Philippines Rosalinda | Rosalinda 2005 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 18, naslovnica | BLUR 18, cover page http://www.pbase.com/manny_librodo 11 BLUR PHOTO KAREL VOJKOVSKÝ Češka | Czech Republic Br. 10 | No. 10 2008 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 19, naslovnica | BLUR 19, cover page http://www.vojkovsky.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO IGOR VASILIADIS Rusija | Russia 290708 | 290708 2008 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 20, naslovnica | BLUR 20, cover page http://www.vasiliadis.ru/index.html 11 BLUR PHOTO WILLIAM CASTELLANA SAD | USA Studija rukavice #5 | Glove Study #5 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 17 http://www.williamcastellanaphoto.com 11 BLUR PHOTO VADIM STEIN Rusija | Russia Bez naziva | Untitled 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 17 http://14991.portfolio.artlimited.net/ 11 BLUR PHOTO PHILLIPPE MARCHAND Francuska | France Menez Ham | Menez Ham 2007 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 17 http://www.philmarch-images.fr/ 11 BLUR PHOTO MARTIN STRANKA Češka | Czech Republic Padao sam visoko | I was falling high 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 17 http://www.martinstranka.com 11 BLUR PHOTO XAVIER REY Francuska | France Duplo L | Double L 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 17 http://xavierrey.com 11 BLUR PHOTO KARMEN ORLIĆ Hrvatska | Croatia Snijeg u Poreču | Snow in Poreč 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 17 http://kaarmen.deviantart.com/gallery/ 11 BLUR PHOTO OLIVIER DE RYCKE Francuska | France Makove zvijezde II | Poppy Stars II 2007 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 17 http://www.therapyh.com 11 BLUR PHOTO DEYAN STEFANOV Bugarska | Bulgaria Izlazak | Spring Out 2010 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 18 http://deyanstefanov.blogspot.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO MANUEL JR. LIBRODO Filipini | The Philippines Onaj koji puši | He who smokes 2005 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 18 http://www.pbase.com/manny_librodo 11 BLUR PHOTO TOMISLAV ŠMIDER Hrvatska | Croatia Rijeka | River 2010 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 18 http://web.me.com/tomsmider 11 BLUR PHOTO MACIEJ LESZCZYŃSKI Poljska | Poland Strpljivo čekajući | Patiently Waiting 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 18 http://maciej-leszczynski.pl 11 BLUR PHOTO JENNIFER HENRIKSEN Kanada | Canada Chicago, Chicago | Chicago, Chicago 2006 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 18 http://holgajen.com 11 BLUR PHOTO MAX KATSEN Izrael | Israel Bez naziva | Untitled 2008 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 18 http://www.photodom.com/member/maxcoil 11 BLUR PHOTO DENIS GRŽETIĆ Hrvatska | Croatia Na tankoj liniji… | On a tiny line… 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 18 http://490.portfolio.artlimited.net/?tabid=0 11 BLUR PHOTO SVEN FENNEMA Njemačka | Germany Zidovi vina | Walls of Wine 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 19 http://www.boundlessmind.net 11 BLUR PHOTO KAREL VOJKOVSKÝ Češka | Czech Republic Br. 87 | No. 87 2008 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 19 http://www.vojkovsky.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO ALAIN ETCHEPARE Francuska | France Studija Katara 18 | Cathares study 18 2008 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 19 http://www.alainetchepare.com 11 BLUR PHOTO GORAN POPOVIĆ Hrvatska | Croatia Pisa | Pisa 2008 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 19 http://www.goranpopovic.com 11 BLUR PHOTO JAMES THORNE Engleska | England Škotska visinska krava | Highland Cow 2006 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 20 http://www.dottygallery.com 11 BLUR PHOTO ULDIS KRUSTS Latvija | Latvia Inspiriran Salvadorom | Inspired by Salvador 2010 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 20 http://www.photodom.com/member/krusc 11 BLUR PHOTO PASCAL BAETENS Belgija | Belgium Erzsi, Budimpešta | Erzsi, Budapest 2001 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 20 http://www.pascalbaetens.com 11 BLUR PHOTO TAMARA DEAN Australija | Australia Mladenka, iz serije Rituali | The Bride, from series Ritualism 2009 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 20 http://oculi.com.au/photographers/tamara-dean/ 11 BLUR PHOTO IGOR VASILIADIS Rusija | Russia 211209 | 211209 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 20 http://www.vasiliadis.ru/index.html 11 BLUR PHOTO JOJI IWASAKI Japan | Japan Hana | Hana 2008 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 20 http://www.flickr.com/photos/joji40357817 11 BLUR PHOTO AKIHISA NAKAMURA Japan | Japan Briza minor (lat.) | Briza minor (lat.) 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 20 http://www.flickr.com/photos/scape 11 BLUR PHOTO HÅKAN STRAND Švedska | Sweden Vrhovi mosta Queensboro | The Peaks of Queensboro Bridge 2010 digitalna fotografija | digital photography BLUR 20 http://www.strand-photo.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO NOELLE SWAN GILBERT SAD | USA Dugim putem okolo | The Long Way Around 2005 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 20 http://www.noelleswangilbert.com 11 BLUR PHOTO ALEXEY KURBATOV Rusija | Russia Bez naziva | Untitled 2010 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 20 http://www.flickr.com/photos/_grizzly_ 11 BLUR PHOTO MIKE HOBAN SAD | USA Firenca | Florence 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 19 http://www.mikehoban.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO ELLA SVERDLOV Izrael | Israel Dan nakon | The day after 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 18 http://www.ellaksverdlov.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO ELLA SVERDLOV Izrael | Israel Vrištat ću | I’ll scream 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR 18 http://www.ellaksverdlov.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO ELLA SVERDLOV Izrael | Israel Mogući vjetar| The possible wind 2006 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid, naslovnica | BLUR special edition Polaroid, cover page http://www.ellaksverdlov.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO ANTONIO BARROS Francuska | France Bez naziva | Untitled 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.antoniobarros.fr/ 11 BLUR PHOTO CARMEN DE VOS Belgija | Belgium Čitaj dok ti ne prestanu trebati…riječi | Read till you need no more...words 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.carmendevos.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO DANIELE PEZZOLI Italija | Italy Polaromansa | Polaromance 2008 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.danielepezzoli.it/danielepezzoli/index.html 11 BLUR PHOTO EVAN BREAREY SAD | USA Pisaća mašina na dinama | Typewriter in Dunes 2010 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.flickr.com/photos/15023847@N06/ 11 BLUR PHOTO JENNIFER RUMBACH Njemačka | Germany Zapaljena lizalica | The burning lolipop 2010 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://blog.retina-reflections.de/ 11 BLUR PHOTO JESSICA REINHARDT SAD | USA Bezvremensko putovanje | Timeless Journey 2010 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.dripbook.com/JReinhardtPhoto/splash/ 11 BLUR PHOTO OSCAR HAGBARD Švedska | Sweden Miris cvijeća | The smell of flowers 2009 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.oscarhagbard.com/ 11 BLUR PHOTO RICCARDO TESTOLIN Italija | Italy Čarobni autobus | Magic bus 2010 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.flickr.com/photos/rigio/ 11 BLUR PHOTO ZORA STRANGEFIELDS Njemačka | Germany Ali ja ću zadržati naočale | But I’m keeping the glasses 2008 analogna fotografija | analog photography BLUR specijalno izdanje Polaroid | BLUR special edition Polaroid http://www.zorastrangefields.com/ POKROVITELJI | SPONSORS Generalni pokrovitelj | General sponsor Pokrovitelj | Sponsor Medijski partneri | Media partners ZAHVALJUJEMO | THANK YOU: Mario Bandić | Dinko Bence | Tomislav Buza | Robert Gelo | Robert Gojević | Davor Horvat | Ladislav Jonak | Ivana Krnjić | Igor Leskovar | Tomislav Marić | Michael McAllister | Denis Pleić | Krešimir Pletikosa | Jelena Popić | Tea Rihtar | Ivana Sedak | Andrea Zavorović
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