ŽIVOTOPIS Prof.dr.sc. Milan Kujundžić, dr.med., primarijus, FEBGH OSOBNI PODACI Prof.dr.sc. Milan Kujundžić, dr.med., primarijus, FEBGH, specijalist internist – gastroenterolog, rođen 27.4.1957. u Ivanbegovini, Imotski. Oženjen, otac dvoje djece. AKADEMSKI STUPNJEVI, ZNANSTVENO I STRUČNO USAVRŠAVANJE 1982. diplomirao na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu 1989. položio specijalistički ispit iz Interne medicine 1988. obranio magistarski rad pod naslovom "Liječenje metastaza mišjeg tumora modifikatorima biološkog odgovora", Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu; mentor: prof.dr.sc. Ivan Bašić, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet) 1992. obranio doktorsku disertaciju pod naslovom "Učinak kemoterapije i imunomodulatora na jetrene metastaze adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva u štakora'', Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu; mentor: prof.dr.sc. Ivan Bašić, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet) 1991/92. studijski boravci u Klinici za gastroenterologiju u Munsteru, Njemačka 1993/94. postdoktorska stipendija Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation u Oklahoma Transplantation Institute, Oklahoma City, OK, USA, u trajanju od 18 mjeseci - radio na problemu ksenotransplantacije 1999. ESGE International Workshop on Advanced Endoscopy, Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia (potpredsjednik i domaćin skupa) 2001. studijski boravak u Klinici za gastroenterologiju u Munsteru, Njemačka NASTAVNO ISKUSTVO 1989/90. Srednja medicinska škola "Sestre milosrdnice", predavač; predmet: Interna medicina 1 1990/91. Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu, poslijediplomski studij: Ultrazvuk u gastroenterologiji – predavanja i vježbe od 1992. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet u Zagrebu, poslijediplomski studij: Imunologija tumora (nositelj kolegija prof. dr. I. Bašić) - predavanja, seminari, vježbe od 1996. Medicinski fakultet u Rijeci, poslijediplomski studij: Imunobiologija i bioterapija tumora (nositelj kolegija prof. dr. I. Bašić) - predavanja, seminari od 1996. Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu, Katerdra za internu medicinu, Klinika za unutarnje bolesti, Klinička bolnica Dubrava, predmet: Propedeutika interne medicine - predavanja, vježbe od 1996. Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu, Katedra za internu medicinu, Klinika za unutarnje bolesti, Klinička bolnica Dubrava, predmet: Interna medicina - gastroenterologija - predavanja, vježbe, seminari 1998. Izabran u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje višeg asistenta na Katedri za internu medicinu, Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu 2000. Izabran u zvanje docenta za predmet Patofiziologa s osnovama patologije na Farmaceutsko-biokemijskom fakultetu u Zagrebu od 2000. Medicinski fakultet u Mostaru, predmet: Interna medicina – gastroenterologija - predavanja, vježbe, seminari od 2000. Medicinski fakultat u Zagrebu, predavač na više izbornih kolegija. 2004. Izabran u zvanje docenta na Katedri za internu medicinu, Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu 2004. Izabran u zvanje izvanrednog profesora za predmet Patofiziologija sa osnovama patologije na Farmaceutsko-biokemijskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. 2006. Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu, predmet: Interna medicina – gastroenterologija – predavanja, vježbe i seminari na engleskom jeziku 2009. Izabran u zvanje izvanrednog profesora na Katedri za internu medicinu, Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu ZNANSTVENO ISKUSTVO Znanstveni pristup kliničkom radu s aktivnim sudjelovanjem međunarodnim skupovima i publikacije s kliničkom tematikom Izrada magistarskog i doktorskog rada u Zavodu za animalnu fiziologiju Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu te publikacije iz tog područja Postdoktorska stipendija Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation u Oklahoma Transplantation Institute, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. Radio na problemu ksenotransplantacije. Publikacije iz tog područja na 2 Montorstva više diplomskih i magistarskih radova te doktorskih disertacija Aktivan rad na više eksperimentalnih i kliničkih projekata ZNANSTVENA I STRUČNA DJELATNOST KVALIFIKACIJSKI RADOVI Magistarski rad: "Liječenje metastaza mišjeg tumora modifikatorima biološkog odgovora" (Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu, 1988). Doktorska disertacija: "Učinak kemoterapije i imunomodulatora na jetrene metastaze adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva u štakora'' (Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu, 1992). ZNANSTVENI PROJEKTI Voditelj projekta Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa pod nazivom: ''Bolesti pankreato-bilijarnog sustava: etiologija, dijagnostika i terapija'' (br. 1980000000-1124) Ranije sam sudjelovao na više domaćih te jednom znanstvenom projektu u SAD-u. ORGANIZACIJA ZNANSTVENIH I STRUČNIH SKUPOVA 1999. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE): International Workshop on Advanced Endoscopy, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia (potpredsjednik i domaćin skupa). 2009. – 2014.. Organizator regionalnih radionica sa temom endoskopske retrogradne kolangiopankreatografije (ERCP) i endoskopskog ultrazvuka (EUS), održava se jednom godišnje. ČLANSTVO I FUNKCIJE U ZNANSTVENIM I STRUČNIM DRUŠTVIMA Hrvatsko gastroenterološko društvo (predsjednik društva od 2012. godine) Hrvatski liječnički zbor Hrvatska endoskopska sekcija Hrvatska liječnička komora Hrvatsko katoličko liječničko društvo 3 European Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology ZNANSTVENE I STRUČNE NAGRADE Nagrada na 8. europskom gastroenterološkom kongresu za rad: Kujundžić M, Ljubičić N, Banić M, Buljevac M, Guštin P, Kardum D, Lešnjaković I, Pavlović V. The frequency of relapse and bleeding previous gastroduodenal lesions in NSAID-users on maintenance treatment. Gut (Suppl III) 2000; 47:A84. A abstract of the 8th United European Gastroenterology Week, Brussels, 2000. PREOSTALA ZNANSTVENA DJELATNOST Pozvani predavač na više domaćih znanstvenih skupova s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem FUNKCIJE, STRUČNE I DRUŠTVENE AKTIVNOSTI 1990.- 2004. Glavni tajnik Hrvatskog liječničkog sindikata od 1996. Pročelnik Zavoda za gastroenterologiju Kliničke bolnice Dubrava 2004. 2004.- 2012. od 2007. sustava 2012. Pomoćnik ministra zdravstva RH Ravnatelj Kliničke bolnice Dubrava Voditelj Referentnog centra za bolesti pankreato-bilijarnog kanalnog Predsjednik Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva OBJAVLJENI ZNANSTVENI I STRUČNI RADOVI, KONGRESNA PRIOPĆENJA, KNJIGE a) Current Contents 1) Neethling FA, Koren E, Ye Y, Richards SV, Kujundzic M, Oriol R, Cooper DKC. Protection of pig kidney (PK15) cells from the cytotoxic effect of anti-pig antibodies by - galactosyl oligosaccharides. Transplantation 1994; 57: 959. 4 2) Koren E, Kujundzic M, Koscec M, Neethling FA, Richards SV, Ye Y, Zuhdi N, Cooper DKC. Cytotoxic effects of human preformed anti-Gal IgG and complement on cultured pig cells. Transplantation Proc 1994; 26: 1336. 3) Neethling FA, Koren E, Oriol R, Richard SV, YeY, Kujundzic M, Cooper DKC. Immunoadsorption of natural antibodies from human serum by affinity chromatography using specific carbohydrates protects pig cells from cytotoxic destruction. Transplantation Proc 1994; 26: 1378. 4) Koren E, Neethling FA, Koscec M, Kujundzic M, Richards SV, Ye Y, Oriol R, Cooper DKC. In vitro model for hyperacute rejection of xenogeneic cells. Transplantation Proc 1994; 26: 1166. 5) Ljubicic N, Kujundzic M, Banic M, Vrkljan M. Predictive factors influencing the therapeutic response to diuretic treatment of ascites in nonazotemic cirrhotic patients. Scand J Gastroenterol 1998;441-447. 6) Ljubicic N, Banic M, Kujundzic M, Antic Z, Vrkljan M, Kovacevic I, Hrabar D, Doko M, Zovak M i Mihatov S. The effect of eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection on the course of adenomatous and hyperplastic gastric polyps. Eu J Gastroenterol & Hepatol 1999; 11: 727. 7) Kardum D, Huskic J, Fabijanic D, Banic M, Buljevac M, Kujundzic M, Loncar B. Activity of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme as tumour marker of hepatocellular carcinoma. Eu J Gastroenterol & Hepatol 1999; 11: 1209. 8) Ljubicic N, Kujundzic M, Roic G, Banic M, Cupic H, Doko M, Zovak M. Benign epithelial gastric polyps – Frequency, location, and age and sex distribution. Collegium Antropologicum 2002; 26 (1): 55. 9) Pejsa V, Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M, Martinovic M, Stancic V, Donley K, Pavletic S. No adverse effect of ABVD chemotherapy in a patients with chronic hepatitis C C and Hodgkin disease. Wien Klin Wochenscher 2004; 116 (19/20): 695-7. 10) Banic M, Sutlic Z, Biocina B, Kujundzic M, Fabijanic D, Ljubicic N, Plesko S, Buljevac M, Kardum D, Cabrijan Z, Grgurevic I, Urek M, Tadic M, Hulak V, Petrovecki M, Bedenikovic V, Starcevic B, Rotkvic I. Peptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients with ischemic heart disease: search and treat? Z.Gastroenterol. 43 (6):581-586, 2005. 11) Urek M.C., Kujundzic M, Banic M, Urek R, Veic T.S., and Kardum D. Leukotriene receptor antagonists as potential steroid sparing agents in a patient with serosal eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Gut 55 (9):1363-1364, 2006. 12) Grgurevic I, Buljevac M, Kujundzic M, Vukelic-Markovic M, Kardum D, Brkljacic B. Common baile duct wall thickening due to intramural varices diagnosed by colour Doppler ultrasound. Ultraschall in der Medizin. 27(5):483-486, 2006 Oct. 5 13) Rahelic D, Kujundzic M, Romic Z, Brkic K, Petrovecki M. Serum concentration of zinc, copper, manganese and magnesium in patients with liver cirrhosis. Coll.Antropol. 30 (3):523-528, 2006. 14) Grgurevic I, Vince A, Buljevac M, Banic M, Jeren-Strujic B, Kes P, Kujundzic M, Leko N, Lukic IK, Slavicek J. Efficacy of interferon-alpha in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in dialysis patients: two therapeutic protocols compared. Nephron Clin.Pract. 103 (1):c8-11, 2006. 15) Kujundzic M, Vogl T.J., Stimac D, Rustemovic N, His R.A., Roh M, Katicic M, Cuenca R, Lustig R.A., Wang S. A Phase II safety and effect on time to tumor progression study of intratumoral light infusion technology using talaporfin sodium in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. J.Surg.Oncol. 96 (6):518-524, 2007. 16) Tadic M, Kujundzic M, Babic Z, Banic M, Vukelic-Markovic M, Curic J. Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding after ingestion of blister-wrapped tablet. Am.J.Gastroenterol. 102 (12):2863-2865, 2007. 17) Marusic S, Sicaja M, Kujundzic M, Banic M, Jaksic O, Vrazic H. The utilization of antibiotics in the management of acute pancreatitis--experience from one transitional country university hospital. Coll.Antropol. 32 (4):1189-1194, 2008. 18) Fabijanic D, Banic M, Kardum D, Sutlic Z, Simunic M, Bonacin D, Romic Z, Petricusic L, Kujundzic M. The association between upper gastrointestinal lesions and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in coronary artery disease patients. Med.Sci.Monit. 15 (2):CR45-CR50, 2009. 19) Crncevic-Urek M, Bokun T, Kujundzic M, Banic M, Stoos-Veic T, Grgurevic I, Korica M. Leptomeninges as the first and only dissemination site of colorectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis. 24(3):355-365, 2009 Mar. 20) Bevanda M, Orsolic N, Basic I, Vukojevic K, Benkovic V, Horvat Knezevic A, Lisicic D, Dikic D, Kujundzic M. Prevention of peritoneal carcinomatosis in mice with combination hyperthermal intraperitoneal chemotherapy and IL-2. Int. J. Hyperthermia, 2009, Mar;25(2):132-40 21) Orsolic N, Bevanda M, Kujundzic N, Plazonic A, Stajcar D, Kujundzic M. Prevention of peritoneal carcinomatosis in mice by combining hyperthermal intraperitoneal chemotherapy with the water extract from Burr parsley (Caucalis platycarpos L.). Planta Med. 2010 May;76(8):773-9. Epub 2009 Dec 23. 22) Stoos-Veić T, Bilic B, Kaic G, Ostovic KT, Babic Z, Kujundzic M. Biliary brush cytology for the diagnosis of malignancy: a single center experiance. Coll Antropol. 2010 Mar34(1):139-43. 6 23) Tadic M, Stoos-Veic T, Vukelic-Markovic M, Curic J, Banic M, Cabrijan Z, Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M. Endoscopic ultrasound in solid pancreatic mases – current state and review of the literature. Coll Antropol. 2010 Mar;34(1):33740. 24) Urek MC, Korica M, Banic M, Kujundzic M. Therapeutic dilemmas in patient with perianal Crohn's disease and corticosteroid dependent difficult-tocontrol asthma. J Crohns Colitis. 2010 Oct;4(4):486-7. Epub 2010 Aug 8. 25) Grgurevic I, Cikara I, Horvat J, Lukic IK, Heinzl R, Banic M, Kujundzic M, Brkljacic B. Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis with Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging: Increased Liver and Splenic Stiffness in Patients with Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis. Ultraschall Med 2011;32(2):160-166. 26) Tromm A, Bunganič I, Tomsová E, Tulassay Z, Lukáš M, Kykal J, Bátovský M, Fixa B, Gabalec L, Safadi R, Kramm HJ, Altorjay I, Löhr H, Koutroubakis I, Bar-Meir S, Stimac D, Schäffeler E, Glasmacher C, Dilger K, Mohrbacher R,Greinwald R; International Budenofalk Study Group (Kozic M, Kujundzic M, Miše S, Štimac D, Vcev A, Fixa B, Dosedel J, Douda L, Gabalec L, Konecný M, Kykal J, Laštùvka J, Lukáš M, Tomsová E, Urban O, Voharciková D, Zboril V, Dietrich H, Kocjan A, Kramm HJ,Löhr H, Miehlke S, Müser M, Zeuzem S, Koutroubakis I, Mantzaris GJ, Altorjay I, Döbrönte Z, Dubravcsik Z, Rácz I, Tulassay Z, Újszászy L, Meir SB, Dotan I, Faszczyk M, Fireman Z, Konikoff F, Melzer E, Niv Y,Safadi R, Scapa E, Barický B, Bátovský M, Bunganic I, Katancík I, Pekárková B, Krauss M, Andus T, Rogler G). Budesonide 9 mg is at least as effective as mesalamine 4.5 g in patients with mildly to moderately active Crohn's disease. Gastroenterology. Gastroenterology. 2011 Feb;140(2):425-434. 27) Katičić M, Antoljak N, Kujundžić M, Stamenić V, Skoko Poljak D, Kramarić D, Stimac D, Strnad Pešikan M, Samija M, Ebling Z. Results of National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in Croatia (2007-2011). World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Aug 28;18(32):4300-7. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i32.4300. 28) Roy AC, Park SR, Cunningham D, Kang YK, Chao Y, Chen LT, Rees C, Lim HY, Tabernero J, Ramos FJ, Kujundzic M, Cardic MB, Yeh CG, de Gramont A. A randomized phase II study of PEP02 (MM-398), irinotecan or docetaxel as a second-line therapy in patients with locally advanced or metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. Ann Oncol. 2013 Feb 13. b) Radovi objavljeni u časopisima koji se indeksiraju u drugim međunarodnim indeksnim bazama 1) Kujundžić M. Filter plasmapheresis in treating subacute global renal failure due to plasmocytoma. Period biol 1988; 90: 501. 7 2) Minigo H, Planinc Peraica A, Jakšić B, Damjanović D, Kujundžić M, Kušec R, Ostojić S. Intravenous administration of gamaglobulin in the course of initial chemotherapy and intensive consolidation of acute leukemias. Libri Oncol 1991; 20: 35. 3) Bago J, Babić Ž, Andrijević B, Sarta S, Kujundžić M. Importance of early endoscopic diagnosis in upper gastrointestinal bleeding lesions. Croat J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1992;1:187. 4) Kujundžić M, Koren E, Neethling FA, Milotic F, Koscec M, Kujundžić T, Martin M, Cooper DKC. Variabiliti of anti-Gal antibodies in human serum and their relation to the cytotoxicity against pig cells. Xenotransplantation 1994:1:58. 5) Kujundžić M, Sarta S, Kujundžić A, Babić Ž, Bago J, Ljubičić N, Simović I, Milotić F, Bilić A. Hematologic parametrs in patients with liver cirrhosis.Croat J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1994; 3: 31. 6) Reiben R, Allmen E, Korchagina EY, Nydeger UE, Neethling FA, Kujundžić M, Koren E, Bovin NV, Cooper DKC. Detection, immunoabsorption, and inhibition of cytotoxic activity of anti-Gal antibodies using newly developed substances with synthetic Gal 1-3Gal disaccharide epitopes. Xenotransplantatione 1995; 2: 98 7) Koren E, Milotic F, Neethling FA, Koscec M, Kujundžić M, Kobayashi T, Taniguchi S, Reichlin M, Cooper DKC. Murine monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against human anti- Gal antibodies prevent rejection of pig cells in culture: implications for pig-to-human organ xenotransplantation. Transplantation Proc 1996; 28: 559. 8) Ljubičić N, Pintarić H, Kujundžić M. The use of color Doppler flow imaging in the diagnosis of acute alcocholic hepatitis: evidence of intrahepatic arterial dilatation. Eu J Ultrasound 1997; 5: 39-45. 9) Kujundžić M, Bašić I, Kujundžić N. Therapy of liver methastases of colorectal cancer by plant extract from Caucalis platycarpos L. Acta Pharm. 1997; 47: 39-45. 10) Kujundžić M, Kujundžić J, Banić M, Buljevac M, Guštin P, Kardum D, Lešnjaković I, Pavlović V, Zlopaša O. Associationes of war stress with gastrointestinal cancers. Digestion 1998; 59 (supl. 3): 262. 11) Banić M, Sutlić Ž, Kujundžić M, Buljevac M, Biočina B, Pleško S, Kardum D, Katičić M. Peptic ulcer and Helicobacter pylori infection in dyspeptic patients with ischemic heart disease. Acta med. Croatica 2000; 54 (supl.1): 7. 12) Buljevac M, Grgurević I, Lacković Ž, Kujundžić M, Banić M. Duplex ultrasonography in diagnosis of spigelian hernia with incarcerated jejunal loop. Acta med. Croatica 2001; 55 ; 225-227. 8 13) Kovacevic I, Ljubicic N, Cupic H, Doko M, Zovak M, Troskot B, Kujundzic M, Banic M. Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with Brunner's gland adenoma. Acta Med.Croatica 55 (4-5):157-160, 2001. 14) Ljubičić N, Kujundžić M, Banić M, Roić G. The role of standard videochromocolonoscopy in distinguishing adenomatous from nonadenomatous diminutive colorectal polyps. Acta clin Croat 2001; 40: 197201 15) Buljevac M, Banić M, Kujundžić M, Dominis M, Čolić-Cvrlje V, Kardum D, Katičić M. Neulkusna dispepsija i infekcija Helicobacter pylori. Liječ Vjesn 2002; 124 Suppl 1: 61-63 16) Banić M, Buljevac M, Kujundžić M, Jelić D, Dominis M, Čolić-Cvrlje V, Kardum D, Katičić M. Bolesti izvan želuca i probavnog sustava i infekcija Helicobacterom pylori. Liječ Vjesn 2002; 124 Suppl 1: 63-68 17) Katičić M, Prskalo M, Tičak M, Šabarić B, Marušić M, Banić M, Buljevac M, Kujundžić M, Jelić D, Kozić M, Mihaljević S, Mićunović Z, Škurla B, Filipec T. Helicobacter pylori – pregled terapijskih mogućnosti. Liječ Vjesn 2002; 124 Suppl 1: 72-79 18) Kujundžić N, Zorc M, Glibota M, Kujundžić M. Bartulovića. Farmaceutski glasnik 2004; 60: 11. Ljekaruša fra Jakova 19) Grgurevic I, Marusic S, Banic M, Buljevac M, Crncevic-Urek M, Cabrijan Z, Kardum D, Kujundzic M, Lesnjakovic I, Tadic M, Loncar B. [Doxycycline induced esophageal ulcers: report of two cases and review of the literature]. Lijec.Vjesn. 127 (11-12):285-287, 2005. 20) Kujundžić M. Endoscopic treatment of pancreatic diseases. Medicus 2006, 15: 107-12 21) Grgurevic I, Banic M, Buljevac M, Cabrijan Z, Kardum D, Kujundzic M, Lesnjakovic I, Tadic M, Urek M, Brkljacic B. [The role of endoscopic ultrasound in digestive tract diseases in era of advanced techniques of computed tomography]. Lijec.Vjesn. 128 (7-8):217-224, 2006. 22) Banic M, Fabijanic D, Kardum D, Anic B, Sutlic Z, Romic Z, Petricusic L, Bonacin D, Kujundzic M. [Gastroduodenal mucosal lesions and coronary atherosclerosis severity in patients with coronary artery disease]. Lijec.Vjesn. 130 (9-10):228-233, 2008. 23) Banic M, Kardum D, Plesko S, Petrovecki M, Urek M, Babic Z, Kujundzic M, Rotkvic I. Informed consent for gastrointestinal endoscopy: a view of endoscopists in Croatia. Dig.Dis. 26 (1):66-70, 2008. 9 24) Tadic M, Kujundzic M, Stoos-Veic T, Kaic G, Vukelic-Markovic M. Role of repeated endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration in small solid pancreatic masses with previous indeterminate and negative cytological findings. Dig.Dis. 26 (4):377-382, 2008. 25) Grgurevic I, Boozari B, Kujundzic M, Brkljacic B. Dopler jetrene cirkulacije. Lijec Vjesn 2009; 131: 211-217. 26) Banic M, Babic Z, Kujundzic M, Petricusic L, Crncevic Urek M, Grgurevic I, Kardum D, Bokun T. Video-capsule endoscopy-preliminary experience in the university hospital setting. Acta Med Croatica 2009; 63 (2): 159-64. c) Ostali članci Kujundžić M. Prevencija, rana detekciija i terapija karcinoma debelog crijeva. Medix 1998; 4: 52-57. Kujundžić M, Banić M, Bokun T. Epidemiologija kolorektalnog karcinoma. Medix 2008;75/76:70-76. Kujundžić M, Banić M, Bokun T. Tumori tankog i debelog crijeva. Medix 2009; 82:133-138. Kujundžić M, Bokun T. Hepatorenalni sindrom. Medix 2009; 84/85:180-184. d) Sažeci kongresnih priopćenja koji se objavljuju u časopisima koji se indeksiraju u CC 1) Kujundžić M, Widjaya P. Amoebic liver absces: The results of diferent therapeutic aproaches. Hepato-Gastroenterol (Suplement 11) 1990; 37: 78. Abstract of the 2nd IGSC Joint Meeting of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists, Athens, 1990. 2) Banić M, Kujundžić M, Buljevac M, Ljubičić N, Sutlić Ž, Pleško S, Kardum D, Guštin P, Lešnjaković I, Pavlović V. Peptic Ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori infection in dyspeptic patients with ischaemic heart disease. Gut 1999; 45: 78. Xllth International Workshop on Gastroduodenal Pathology and Helicobacter pylori, Helsinki , 1999. 3) Ljubičić N, Banić M, Kujundžić M, Antić Z, Vrkljan M, Kovačević I, Hrabar D. The effect of eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection on the course of hyperplastic gastric polyps. Gut (Suppl V) 1999; 45: A41. Abstract of the 7 th United Eureopean Gastroenterology Week, Rome, 1999. 10 4) M. Kujundžić, N. Ljubičić, M. Banić, M. Buljevac, P. Guštin, D, Kardum, I. Lešnjaković, V. Pavlović. The frequency of relapse and bleeding previous gastroduodenal lesions in NSAID – users on maintenance treatment. Gut (Suppl lll) 2000; 47: A84. Abstract of the 8th United Eureopean Gastroenterology Week, Brussels, 2000. 5) M. Kujundžić, J, Kujundžić, N. Ljubičić, M. Banić, M. Buljevac, M. Petrovečki, V. Pejša. Is gastric cancer associated with war stress in young people. Gut (Suppl lll) 2001; 49: Abstract of the 9th United Eureopean Gastroenterology Week, Amsterdam, 2001. 6) Kujundzic M, Lesnjakovic I, Buljevac M, Banic M, Cabrijan Z, Kardum D, Grgurevic I, Tadic M, Urek M, Ljubicic N. Juxtapapillary duodenal diverticula as risk factor for choledocholithiasis and intrahepatic cholestasis in Croatian population. World Congress of Gastroenterology, Montreal, Canada, 2005. 7) M. Kujundzic, B. Bilic, Z. Bogdanovic, T. Bokun, Z. Babic, M. Banic, Z. Cabrijan, I. Grgurevic, D. Kardum, L. Petricusic, M. Tadic, M. Crncevic-Urek, Z. Puljiz. Microlithiasis as a common cause of recurrent pancreatitis. Abstract. 16th UEGW Vienna, 08. Gut 2008; 57 (suppl II) A399. 8) Crncevic-Urek M, Kujundzic M, Banic M, Tudoric N, Popovic Grle S, Babic Z, Cabrijan Z, Kardum D, Grgurevic I, Tadic M. The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in adult asthmatic patients; the importance of exhaled markers in airway inflammation. Gut 2008; Vol. 57 Suppl II, A36. 9) Grgurevic I, Cikara I, Horvat J, Lukic IK, Heinzl R, Brkljacic B, Banic M, Kujundzic M, Kardum D, Burek V. Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI) is a new and accurate real-time non-invasive imaging method for assessment of the liver fibrosis stage. J Physiol Pharmacol 2009; 60 (Suppl 2): 31. 10) Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M, Jaksic O, Babic Z, Banic M, Bilic B, Bogdanovic Z, Bokun T, Cabrijan Z, Kardum D, Petricusis L, Crncevic Urek M, Tadic M, Podrug K, Ajdukovic R, Haris V, Kusec R, Martinovic M, Pejsa V, Pirsic M, Prka Z. Analysis of splenic artery pulsatility and resistive indices in differential diagnostics of the ethiology of splenomegaly. Gut 2009; 58 (Suppl II): A196 11) Tadic M, Kujundzic M, Babic Z, Banic M, Bilic B, Cabrijan Z, Grgurevic I, Kardum D, Urek M, Bozikov J. Predicting the likehood of therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Endoscopy 2009; 41 (Suppl I): A228 12) Tadic M, Stoos-Veic T, Kujundzic M, Babic Z, Banic M, Bilic B, Cabrijan Z, Grgurevic I, Kardum D, Urek M, Bokun T, Vukelic M. Endosonographic evaluation of adrenal gland masses. Endoscopy 2009; 41 (Suppl I): A231. 11 13) Kujundzic M, Bilic B, Bokun T, Babic Z, Banic M, Cabrijan Z, Crncevic-Urek M, Grgurevic I, Kardum D, Petricusic L, Tadic M. Serum amylase level is a reliable predictor of post-ERCP pancreatitis after endobiliary stenting. Endoscopy 2009; 41 (Suppl I): A377. 14) Crncevic Urek M, Banic M, Babic Z, Grgurevic I, Kardum D, Cabrijan Z, Bilic B, Tadic M, Petricusic l, Bokun T, Kujundzic M. Characteristics of gastroesophageal reflux disease in eldery; the importance of nocturnal reflux episodes. Gut 2009; 58 (Suppl II): A426. 15) Grgurevic I, Erjavec I, Grgurevic L, Prgomet S, Krizanac S, Heinzl R, Romic Z, Unic A, Petrovecki M, Kujundzic M, Vukicevic S. BMP7 protein and BMP1-3 antibody prevent development and promote regression of CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in rats. J Hepatol 2011; 54(Suppl I): 1037. 16) Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M, Bilic B, Vukelic-Markovic M, Bogdanovic Z, Brkljacic B, Andabak Fabijancic M, Babic Z, Banic M, Bokun T, Cabrijan Z, Gunjaca I, Kardum D, Petricusic L, Tadic M. Common bile duct varices in patients with portal vein thrombosis: diagnosis and characterisation by abdominal and endoscopic color doppler ultrasound with follow-up dana. Gut 2011; 60 (Suppl 3) A96 17) Grgurevic I, Bokun T, Kujundzic M, Milosevic M, Huzjan-Korunic R, Curic J, Vukelic-Markovic M. Supersonic shear imaging elastography for characterization of liver tumors – preliminary findings. J. Hepatol 2012; 56 (Suppl II):S279 e) Ostala kongresna priopćenja MEĐUNARODNI SKUPOVI 1) Kujundžić M, Bašić I. Ultrasonic observation of spleen size in rats at administration of modificator of biologic response in spleen. 6th World Congress in Ultrasound, Copenhagen, 1991, Book of Abstracts. 2) Ljubičić N, Bilić A, Kujundžić M, Roić D. Effect of metoclopramide on portal blood flow in patients with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Eurodop ’92, London, 1992, Book of Abstracts. 3) Bašić I, Kujundžić M, Kaštelan M, Oršolić N, Šamija M. Effect of locally administered cytostatic therapy and BRM on liver metastasis of a colon tumor of the rat. 4th International Congress of the Metastasis Research Society, Paris , 1992, Book of Abstracts. 4) Kujundžić M, Kaštelan M, Šamija M, Čović D, Eljuga D, Bašić I. Liver metastasis : Effect of cytostatic therapy combined with either levamisole or 12 IL-2. New Trends in the Therapy of tumour Dissemination - Clinical and experimental Aspects, Budapest, 1993, Book of Abstracts. 5) Koren E, Neethling F, Koscec M, Richards S, Kujundžić M, Ye Y, Cooper DKC. Cytotoxic effects of human performed anti-Gal IgG and complement on cultured pig cells. 2nd International Congress on Xenotransplantation, Cambridge, England, 1993, Book of Abstracts. 6) Neethling FA, Koren E, Oriol R, Richards SV, Ye Y, Kujundžić M, Cooper DKC. Immunoadsorption of natural antibodies from human serum by affinity chromatography utiliying specific carbohydrates protects pig cells from cytotoxic destruction. 2nd International Congress on Xenotransplantation, Cambridge, England, 1993, Book of Abstracts. 7) Bašić I, Kujundžić M, Kaštelan M, Oršoliæ N, Šamija M, Ćurić S. Effect of locally administered cytostatic therapy and BRM on liver metastasis of a colon tumor of the rat. 7th European Conference on Clinical Oncology and Cancer Nursing, Jerusalem, Israel, 1993. 8) Bašić I, Kujundžić M, Kaštelan M, Oršolić N, Tadić Z, Ćurić S. Effect of local administration of cytostatics and BRM on liver metastasis of a colon tumor in the rat. The 13th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, Berlin, Germany, 1994. 9) Ćurić S, Tadić Z, Oršolić N, Šamija M, Kujundžić M, Bašić I. Control of liver metastasis formation by splenic tumoricidal macrophages activated by injection of interleukin 2 into spleen. 2nd Alps-Adria Immunology and Allergology Meeting. Opatija, Hrvatska, 1994. 10) Bašić I, Kujundžić M, Oršolić N, Tadić Z, Ćurić S, Šamija M. Effect of locally administered cytostatic therapy and BRM on liver metastasis of a colon tumor in the rat. The 16th International Cancer Congress, Book of Abstracts, New Delhi, India, 1994. 11) Koren E, Milotic F, Neethling FA, Koscec M, Kujundžić M, Kobayashi T, Taniguchi S, Reichlin M, Cooper DKC. Murine monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against human anti- Gal antibodies prevent rejection of pig cells in culture: implications for pig-to-human organ xenotransplantation. Third international congress for xenotransplantation, Boston, USA, 1995, Book of Abstracts. 12) Neethling FA, Koren E, Ye Y, Kobayashi T, Kujundžić M, Cooper DKC. Porcine stomach mucin as an inhibitor of human and baboon anti-pig antibodies in vitro and in vivo. Third international congress for xenotransplantation, Boston, USA, 1995, Book of Abstracts. 13 13) Kujundžić M, Grgurević I, Marušić S. Liječenje GERB-a inhibitorima protonske pumpe: koji lijek odabrati. Četvrti kongres farmakologije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Split 14-18. 9. 2004. 14) Petricusic L, Banic M, Babic Z, Bokun T, Urek-Crncevic M, Hulak V, Boban M, Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M. Video capsule endoscopy in university hospital setting in Croatia. Book of abstracts, Falk symposium 164: Intestinal disorders, Budapest, Hungary, 2008, May 2-3. 15) Petricusic L, Banic M, Crncevic-Urek M, Bokun T, Korica M, Hulak V, Tadic M, Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M. Phlegmonous gastritis and jejunal ulcers – a case of Crohn's disease? Falk Symposium 166 – GI Endoscopy – Standards & Innovations, Mainz, Germany, September 18-19, 2008. 16) Crncevic-Urek M, Bokun T, Kujundzic M, Banic M, Babic Z, Grgurevic I, Cabrijan Z, Tadic M, Bilic B, Bogdanovic Z, Petricusic L. Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis associated with colorectal carcinoma – a case report. Falk Symposium 164 – Intestinal disorders, May 2-3 2008, Budapset, Hungary. 17) Grgurevic L, Razdorov G, Grgurevic I, Erjavec I, Gogic M, Brgic K, Kujundzic M, Bogdanovic Z, Sundov Z, Vukicevic S. Plasma Proteome Profiling Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma By Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. 8th International Conference on Bone Morphogenetic Proteins. Leuven, Belgium, September 15-18, 2010. Book of abstracts A68 , Page 131. 18) Petricusic L, Banic M, Katicic M, Zaputovic L, Fabijanic D, Urek M, Kardum D, Bokun T, Marijanović D, Kujundzic M. High-sensitivity c-reactive protein in peptic ulcer patients with and without coronary artery disease. EAGE, Bridging meeting, Berlin, 2010. 19) Banic M, Petricusic L, Crncevic-Urek M, Kardum D, Grgurevic I, Hulak-Karlak V, Bilic B, Bokun T, Petrovecki M, Kujundzic M. Clinical Burden Of Two Chronic Conditions In University Hospital Setting: Inflammatory Bowel Disease And Chronic Liver Disease. ECCO, Prague, 2010. 20) Grgurevic I, Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Prgomet S, Romic Z, Unic A, Krizanac S, Heinzl R, Petrovecki M, Kujundzic M, Vukicevic S. Bmp7 And Bmp1-3 Prevent Development And Progression Of Cirrhosis In Rats. 8th International Conference on Bone Morphogenetic Proteins. Leuven, Belgium, September 15-18, 2010. Book of abstracts A67, Page 130. 21) Crncevic-Urek M, Banic M, Kujundzic M, Petricusic L, Kardum D, Hulak-Karlak V, Plesko S. The lack of CRP response in patients with non-colonic active Crohn's disease. ECCO, Dublin, 2011. 22) Plesko S, Banic M, Anic B, Brkic T, Plecko V, Urek M, Petricusic L, Kardum D, Ferencic Z, Kujundzic M. Immunohistochemical Expression of TNFά, TGFß 14 and TLR4 in the Mucosa of Mice with Hapten-Induced Experimental Colitis. 15th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, July 5-9, 2011, Paris DOMAĆI SKUPOVI 1) Kujundžić M, Bašić I, Košuta Špoljar D, Kujundžić N, Horvat A. Antimetastatic effects of plant extract P. VE-A and maleic anhydride-divinil ether in mice. 3th Congress of Biologists of Croatia (with international participations), Mali Lošinj, 1987, Book of Abstracts. 2) Kujundžić M, Planinc Peraica A, Minigo H, Jakšić B. Meaning of th plasmapheresis in acute renal failure due to plasmocytoma. 6 Congress of Haematologists and transfusiologists of Yugoslavia (with international participations), Zagreb, 1990, Book of Abstracts. 3) Kujundžić M, Ljubičić N, Bago J, Bilić A. Therapy of colorectal cancer by combination cytostatics and levamisole. 1st Croatian Congress of Gastroenterology, Zagreb, 1994, Book of Abstracts. 4) Kujundžić M, Sučić Z, Stojanović J. Treatment of liver tumor by chemoembolisation. 1st Croatian Congress of Gastroenterology, Zagreb, 1994, Book of Abstracts 5) Oršolić N, Kujundžić M, Kaštelan M, Tadić Z, Ćurić S, Bašić I. Učinak lokalne primjene citostatika i modifikatora biološkog odgovora (MBO) na jetrenu metastazu adenokarcinoma štakora. Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske, Pula, Hrvatska, 1994, Knjiga sažetaka. 6) ) Bašić I, Verstovšek S, Kujundžić M, Tadić Z, Eljuga D. Control of liver metastasis formation by splenic tumoricidal macrophages activated by injection of interleukin 2 into spleen. Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, Zagreb 1995, Period. Biol. (Supp 1) 97;70. 7) Banić M, Kujundžić M, Buljevac M, Lešnjaković I, Guštin P, Pavlović V, Zlopaša O, Kardum D. The effect of cyclosporine in a murine model of experimental colitis. 2nd Congres of the Croatian society of Gastroenterology with international participation, Zagreb, 1997, Book of Abstracts. 8) Kujundžić M, Zlopaša O, Kardum D, Kujundžić J. Značenje stresa i drugih čimbenika rizika u pojavnosti tumora probavnog sustava. 2nd Congres of the Croatian society of Gastroenterology with international participation, Zagreb, 1997, Book of Abstracts. 9) Kardum D, Muskić D, Čulo F, Buljevac M, Zlopaša O, Banić M, Kujundžić M. Serum activity of angiotension-converting enzyme in primary liver carcinoma 15 patients. 2nd Congres of the Croatian society of Gastroenterology with international participation, Zagreb, 1997, Book of Abstracts. 10) Kujundžić M, Milotić F. Oligosaharidi kao moguća prevencija hiperakutne reakcije odbacivanja transplantiranog svinjskog organa u čovjeka. Prvi hrvatski internistički kongres, Dubrovnik, 1998, Liječ. vjesn 1988. Knjiga sažetaka. 11) Kardum D, Buljevac M, Fabijanić D, Banić M, Kujundžić M. Aktivnost serumskog angiotenzin-konvertizirajućeg enzima kao tumorski marker hepatocelularnog karcinoma. Prvi hrvatski internistički kongres, Dubrovnik, 1998, Liječ. vjesn 1988. Knjiga sažetaka. 12) M. Kujundžić, I. Lešnjaković, I. Stipančić. Značaj ERCP-a u dijagnostici ozljeda pankreatikobilijarnog sustava. 7. godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva, Plitvice 2000. Zbornik radova. 13) M. Kujundžić, I. Grgurević, M. Tadić, I. Bašić, N. Kujundžić. Protutumorski učinak imunomodulatora uštrcanih u slezenu. Drugi hrvatski kongres farmacije s medjunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Cavtat 2001. Knjiga sažetaka. 14) M. Banić, V. Bedenković, M. Buljevac, M. Kujundžić, N. Ljubičić, S. Pleško, P. Guštin, I. Lešnjaković, D. Kardum. Ž. Čabrijan, D. Rahelić, M. Petrovečki, M. Katičić. Risk factors for peptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients with ischemic heart disease. 3. kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva, Zagreb 2001. Acta med Croat 55 (suplement 4); 2001. 15) M. Buljevac, J. Šikić, I. Grgurević, M. Petrovečki, D. Kardum, M. Banić, M. Kujundžić, Ž. Čabrijan, M. Tadić, Đ. Varga, D. Rahelić. Values of doppler measurements in cirrhosis. 3.kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva, Zagreb 2001. Acta med Croat 55 (suplement 4); 2001. 16) Z. Borković, M. Kujundžić, J. Vojnović, D. Srdoč. Selektivna kemoembolizacija metastaza kolorektalnog karcinoma u jetri. 3. kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva, Zagreb 2001. Acta med Croat 55 (suplement 4); 2001. 17) D. Rahelić, V. Božikov, M. Kujundžić, M. Banić, M. Buljevac, Ž. Čabrijan, I. Grgurević, P. Guštin, D. Kardum, I. Lešnjaković, M. Tadić. Primarna visceralna mioneuropatija. 3. kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva, Zagreb 2001. Acta med Croat 55 (suplement 4); 2001. 18) M. Kujundžić, I. Lešnjaković, M. Galović, L. Patrlj. Kongenitalna jetrena fibroza. 3.kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva, Zagreb 2001. Acta med Croat 55 (suplement 4); 2001. 16 19) M. Kujundžić, I. Lešnjaković, M. Buljevac, M. Banić, Ž. Čabrijan, D. Kardum, I. Grgurević, M. Tadić. Hitno endoskopsko liječenje opstrukcijskog ikterusa. 5. kongres Hrvatskog društva za digestivnu kirurgiju s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Opatija 2003; Knjiga sažetaka. 20) Pejša V, Grgurević I, Kujundžić M, Hariš V, Martinović M. Neremećeni tijek kroničnog C hepatitisa ABVD kemoterapijom u bolesnice izložene ratnom stresu i uspješno liječenje Hodgkinove bolesti. Treći hrvatski kongres hematologa i transfuziologa, Opatija 2003, Liječn Vjesn 2003, 125: 108. 21) M. Kujundžić, I. Lešnjaković. ERCP u dijagnostici kroničnog pankreatitisa. 10. godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva, Bizovačke toplice 2004. Bolesti gušterače – knjiga sažetaka. 22) Grgurević I, Buljevac M, Kujundžić M, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Lešnjaković I, Tadić M, Crnčević Urek M. Prikaz slučaja portalne bilipatije kod bolesnika s trombozom vene porte I karcinoma glave gušterače – diferencijalno dijagnostičkinznačaj obojenog doplera. 10. godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva. Bizovačke Toplice 4-6. studeni 2004. 23) Kujundžić M, Grgurević I, Marušić S. Liječenje GERB-a inhibitorima protonske pumpe: koji lijek odabrati. Četvrti kongres farmakologije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Split 14-18. 9. 2004. 24) Kujundžić M, Grgurević I, Marušić S. Gastroezofagealna refluksna bolest – koji lijek odabrati. Hrvatski farmakološki kongres, Split 2004, knjiga sažetaka. 25) Grgurević I, Vince A, Kozić S, Leko N, Kes P, Slaviček J, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković I, Tadić M, Urek M. Promeoter polymorphism of interleukin-1b gene and the outcome of interferon alfa treatment of hepatitis C in hemodyalisis patients. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 26) Urek M, Kujundžić M, Banić M, Ratkajec V, Lešnjaković I, Kardum D, Čabrijan Ž, Grgurević I, Tadić M, Baković J. Determination of health-related quality of life in patients with chronic liver disease. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 27) Gudelj Gračanin A, Hulak Karlak V, Vukelić Marković M, Urek M, Heinzl R, Banić M, Babić Ž, Kardum D, Grgurević I, Čabrijan Ž, Tadić M, Lešnjaković I, Kujundžić M. Reccurent acute pancreatitis associated with duodenitis. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 28) Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković I, Gudelj Gračanin A, Urek M, Banić M, Babić Ž, Grgurević I, Kardum D, Tadić M, Čabrijan Ž. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as an 17 unusual cause of obstructive jaundice. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 29) Grgurević I, Vukelić Marković M, Marušić P, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković, Tadić M, Urek M, Brkljačić B. Value of endoscopic ultrasound and multi-slice computed tomography in staging of gastric tumors. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 30) Tadić M, Kujundžić M, Stipančić I, Kaić G, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Grgurević I, Kardum D, Lešnjaković I, Urek M, Baković J. Small GIST mimicking gastric erosion as a cause of microcytic anemia. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 31) Hulak Karlak V, Gudelj Gračanin A, Stipančić I, Ožegović M, Urek M, Banić M, Babić Ž, Kardum D, Grgurević I, Čabrijan Ž, Tadić M, Lešnjaković I, Kujundžić M. A case of retroperitoneal extra-gastrointestinal stromal tumor (E GIST). 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 32) Grgurević I, Stoos Veić T, Pejša V, Kušec R, Heinzl R, Brkljačić B, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković I, Tadić M, Urek M. Tumor to tumor metastasis – case report of patient with solitary liver metastasis composed of mixed population of metastatic adenocarcinoma and plasmocytoma cells. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 33) Kardum D, Lukić A, Banić M, Grgurević I, Čabrijan Ž, Urek M, Tadić M, Kujundžić M. Serum activity of angiotensin converting enzyme and serum concentrations of endothelin-1 in patients with fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 34) Grgurević I, Marušić S, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković I, Tadić M, Urek M. Ulcerogenic effect of doxocycline in oesophagus. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 35) Tadić M, Kujundžić M, Babić Ž, Banić M, Borković Z, Čabrijan Ž, Grgurević I, Kardum D, Lešnjaković I, Urek M, Vukelić Marković M. EUS in diagnostics of obstructive jaundice caused by pancreatic pseudoaneurysm – case report. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 36) Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković I, Gudelj A, Grgurević I, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Tadić M, Urek M. Papillitis stenosans – ERCP or tissue diagnosis. 18 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 37) Grgurević I, Brkljačić B, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković I, Tadić M, Urek M, Pejša V, Marotti M. Presentation of characteristic morfological and hemodynamic features of Budd-Chiari syndrome by color doppler ultrasonography. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 38) Grgurević I, Babić Ž, Banić M, Čabrijan Ž, Kardum D, Kujundžić M, Lešnjaković I, Tadić M, Urek M, brkljačić B. Value of transabdomilan and endoscopic ultrasound in evaluation of collateral venous circulation involving the common bile duct in patinets with portal vein thrombosis. 4th Congress of the Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Zagreb 2006. Book of Abstracts 39) Banic M, Fabijanic D, Kardum D, Petricusic L, Crncevic Urek M, Hulak V, Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M. C-reaktivni protein i oštećenje gastroduodenalne sluznice u bolesnika s koronarnom bolesti srca. 5. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travnja 2009. Knjiga sažetaka O1-3, str. 9. 40) Tadic M, Kujundzic M, Bokun T, Babic Z, Banic M, Bilic B, Cabrijan Z, Grgurevic I, Kardum D, Crncevic Urek M. ERCP now and then- the influence of new less invasive methods for evalution of pancreatobiliary tract. 5. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travnja 2009. Knjiga sažetaka O2-4, str. 15. 41) Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M, Jaksic O, Babic Z, Banic M, Bilic B, Bogdanovic Z, Bokun T, Cabrijan Z, Kardum D, Petricusic L, Crncevic Urek M, Tadic M, Ajdukovic R, Haris V, Kusec R, Martinovic M, Pejsa V, Prka Z, Pirsic M, Podrug K. Analiza intraspleničnog indeksa pulzatilnosti i indeksa otpora u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici uzroka splenomegalije. 5. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travnja 2009. Knjiga sažetaka O4-8, str. 30. 42) Petricusic L, Vukelic Markovic M, Banic M, Marusic P, Arapovic-Slavic D, Urek Crncevic M, Grgurevic I, Kujundzic M. Accidental finding of spontaneous hemorrhage within giant hepatic hemangioma. 5. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travnja 2009. Knjiga sažetaka P4-5, str. 93. 43) Grgurevic I, Vince A, Kozic S, Sonicki Z, Scukanec Spoljar M, Kurelac I, Kujundzic M. Interleukin-1beta gene promoter polymorphism is associated with higher liver fibrosis progression rate in chronic hepatitis C patients with biochemically active disease. 5. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travnja 2009. Knjiga sažetaka P4-9, str. 97. 19 44) Bilic B, Tadic M, Vukelic-Markovic M, Bokun T, Kujundzic M, Banic M, Babic Z, Kardum D, Cabrijan Z, Crncevic Urek M, Grgurevic I, Petricusic L. Duodenal duplication cyst in young male treated via EUS-guided drainage-a case report. 5. Kongres hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travnja 2009. Knjiga sažetaka P5-1, str. 106. 45) Kujundzic M, Patrlj L, Bokun T, Bilic B, Banic M, Babic Z, Kardum D, Crncevic Urek M, Cabrijan Z, Grgurevic I, Tadic M, Petricusic L. Carcinoma of the papila of Vater-endoscopic resection. 5. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travnja 2009. Knjiga sažetaka P5-2, str. 107. 46) Tadic M, Stoos-Veic T, Kujundzic M, Babic Z, Banic M, Bokun T, Cabrijan Z, Grgurevic I, Kaic G, Kardum D, Crncevic-Urek M. Endosonographic evaluation of adrenal gland masses. 5. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik 3-5. Travanj 2009. Knjiga sažetaka P5-9, str. 114. 47) Crncevic-Urek M, Banic M, Kujundzic M, Petricusic L, Kardum D, Hulak-Karlak V, Plesko S. The lack of CRP response in patients with non-colonic active Crohn's disease. ECCO, Dublin, 2011. 48) Plesko S, Banic M, Anic B, Brkic T, Plecko V, Urek M, Petricusic L, Kardum D, Ferencic Z, Kujundzic M. Immunohistochemical Expression of TNFά, TGFß and TLR4 in the Mucosa of Mice with Hapten-Induced Experimental Colitis. 15th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, July 5-9, 2011, Paris 49) Petricusic L, Banic M, Katicic M, Zaputovic L, Fabijanic D, Urek M, Kardum D, Bokun T, Marijanović D, Kujundzic M. High-sensitivity c-reactive protein in peptic ulcer patients with and without coronary artery disease. EAGE, Bridging meeting, Berlin, 2010. 50) Banic M, Petricusic L, Crncevic-Urek M, Kardum D, Grgurevic I, Hulak-Karlak V, Bilic B, Bokun T, Petrovecki M, Kujundzic M. Clinical Burden Of Two Chronic Conditions In University Hospital Setting: Inflammatory Bowel Disease And Chronic Liver Disease. ECCO, Prague, 2010. 51) Grgurevic I, Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Prgomet S, Romic Z, Unic A, Krizanac S, Heinzl R, Petrovecki M, Kujundzic M, Vukicevic S. Bmp7 And Bmp1-3 Prevent Development And Progression Of Cirrhosis In Rats. 8th International Conference on Bone Morphogenetic Proteins. Leuven, Belgium, September 15-18, 2010. Book of abstracts A67, Page 130. 52) Grgurevic L, Razdorov G, Grgurevic I, Erjavec I, Gogic M, Brgic K, Kujundzic M, Bogdanovic Z, Sundov Z, Vukicevic S. Plasma Proteome Profiling Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma By Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. 8th 20 International Conference on Bone Morphogenetic Proteins. Leuven, Belgium, September 15-18, 2010. Book of abstracts A68 , Page 131. 53) Grgurević I., Bokun T., Kujundžić M., Milošević M., Štoos-Veić T., HuzjanKorunić R., Ćurić J., Vukelić-Marković M., Brkljačić B., Patrlj L., Heinzl R., Andabak- Fabijančić M., Babić Ž., Banić M., Bilić B., Bogdanović Z., Čabrijan Ž., Gunjača I., Kardum D., Matić V., Prka L., Tadić M. Karakterizacija tumora jetre kvantitativnom ultrazvučnom elastografijom u stvarnom vremenu (Shear wave elastography SWE™) − preliminarni rezultati. 6. Kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 4-6. listopada 2012. Knjiga sažetaka, str. 14. f) KNJIGE A. Bilić, M. Kujundžić, T. Kolevska, Ž. Puljiz. Dijagnostički postupak kod portalne hipertenzije. U A.Bilić i sur. Odabrana poglavlja iz hepatologije, Zagreb, Medicinska Naklada, 1990. 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