SERBIA (status on 2014‐01‐16) Company General information (E‐mail, web, contact person) Updated status of accredited calibration laboratories can be seen on rchpage Artefacts Scope of accreditation Prirodno‐matematički fakultet Univerziteta u [email protected] Ionizing radiation (gamma spectrometry) Novom Sadu, Departman za fiziku, Laboratorija za etaloniranje gama spektrometara i aktivnosti Dušan Mrđa radioaktivnih izvora Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“ Laboratorija za [email protected] termotehniku i energetiku Dr Nenad Milošević Temperature Pressure INSTITUT GOŠA d.o.o Zavod za ispitivanje i kontrolu, [email protected] Metrološka laboratorija Obradović Humidity Scope of accreditation Length and angle Scope of accreditation Radoslav Javno komunalno preduzeće «Beogradske [email protected] elektrane» Centar za ispitivanje, kvalitet i ekologiju Laboratorija za etaloniranje Jović WIKA MERNA TEHNIKA d.o.o. Metrološka [email protected] laboratorija za etaloniranje merila pritiska i Jovan Perović temperature Scope of accreditation Pressure Slobodan Chemistry (flue gas analysers) Scope of accreditation Temperature Scope of accreditation Pressure Fizički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Laboratorija [email protected] za metrologiju Ivan Belča MOS DOO za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge Scope of accreditation Mass dr Temperature Humidity Volume Optic Chemistry (pH meters) [email protected] Mass Dragan Stanojević Volume Scope of accreditation Ministarstvo odbrane, Generalštab, Uprava za [email protected] razvoj Tehnički opitni centar Sektor za metrologiju Želimir Nedović Scope of accreditation Electrical engineering, DC, LF Electrical engineering, HF Time and frequency Temperature Acoustics and ultrasound Acceleration, velocity and displacement DOO ENERGOBULL [email protected] Marina Niketić‐Šenk Electrical engineering‐active and reactive energy Scope of accreditation SUPERLAB DOO Laboratorija Metrolab Scope of accreditation metrolab@super‐ http://www.super‐ Mass Saša Pešić Temperature Humidity Volume Optic Chemistry Scope of accreditation Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, [email protected] Electrical engineering, DC, LF Departman za energetiku, elektroniku i Electrical engineering, HF Time telekomunikacije, Katedra za električna merenja, dr Slobodan Milovančev and frequency Temperature Laboratorija za metrologiju SERVIS POPOVIĆ Laboratorija za etaloniranje [email protected] Ljubomir Popović Mass Scope of accreditation INSTITUT ZA ISPITIVANjE MATERIJALA AD Centar za о[email protected] Acoustics and ultrasound materijale Metrološka laboratorija za akustiku i mr Aleksandar Milenković vibracije Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation NAFTAGAS‐TEHNIČKI SERVISI d.o.o. Zrenjanin, [email protected] temperature measuring instruments: liquid‐in‐ Služba za kontrolisanje sa laboratorijama, glass thermometers, thermistors, Laboratorija za metrologiju Stevo Tošić bimetal thermometers, thermocouples, pressure thermometers Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu [email protected] Optic Scope of accreditation Laboratorija za mehaniku fluida Beograd dr Milan Lečić Flow Lenght Scope of accreditation AKCIONARSKO DRUŠTVO LIVNICA KIKINDA [email protected] Lenght Organizacija „Kvalitet“ RJ „Metrološka laboratorija“ Zoran Jerković Kikinda Scope of accreditation Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u [email protected] Beogradu, Katedra za upravljanje kvalitetom, Metrološka laboratorija Beograd Mirjana Mitrović VAGAR ZAS d.o.o. Laboratorija za etaloniranje SARTOLAB DOO etaloniranje vaga BEOGRAD Laboratorija Scope of accreditation [email protected] Mass Nebojša Bosanac za [email protected] Zvezdan Jovanović Preduzeće za unutrašnju i spoljnu trgovinu, [email protected] proizvodnju i usluge VEKOM DOO Beograd Goran Stepanović Scope of accreditation Mass Scope of accreditation Length and angle INSTITUT ZA ISPITIVANjE MATERIJALA AD Centar za [email protected] metale i energetiku Metrološka laboratorija za mehaničke veličine Hut The force and power Nenad Hardness Pressure Scope of accreditation Humidity Scope of accreditation Preduzeće za unutrašnju i spoljnu i trgovinu [email protected] Laboratorija, Kalibraciona laboratorija Slobodan Eremija Temperature Pressure JAT‐Tehnika' d.o.o. za održavanje i opravku cal.lab@jat‐ vazduhoplova, Biro Laboratorija za etaloniranje http://www.jat‐ Elena Počuča Electrical engineering, DC, LF Scope of accreditation Time and frequency Pressure The force and power Društvo za inženjering, trgovinu tehničkom i [email protected] sigurnosnom opremom, proizvodnju i metrologiju MERNOKOR d.o.o. Nataša Marković Temperature Pressure ELAB, DOO Beograd Mass [email protected] Dragan Ostojić Humidity Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation Galenika a.d. Sektor tehnike i logistike, Odeljenje [email protected] Temperature Scope of accreditation dijagnostike i kvalifikacije opreme i procesa Ljubica Vukojičić Pressure Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, [email protected] Length and angle Institut za geodeziju i geoinformatiku, Metrološka laboratorija za etaloniranje merila ugla i dužine dr Siniša Delčev INSTITUT ZA FIZIKU Centar za eksperimentalnu [email protected] fiziku Laboratorija za fiziku atmosfere i optičku metrologiju Dragan Dramlić Institut za nuklearne nauke „VINČA“, Laboratorija za [email protected] zaštitu od zračenja i zaštitu životne sredine, Laboratorija za radijaciona merenja Gordana Pantelić Scope of accreditation Optic Scope of accreditation dr Scope of accreditation Calibration of: dosimeters in radiotherapy, dosimeters in the field of radiation protection, electronic personal dosimeters, personal dosimeters, non‐invasive x‐ ray tube voltage measuring instruments BSS‐LAB DOO METROLOŠKA LABORATORIJА [email protected] http://www.bss‐ dr Branislav Nedeljković The force and power Hardness Charpy pendulum Scope of accreditation TERMOENERGETIK PLUS d.o.o., Laboratorija [email protected] Olivera Cvejić Pressure Scope of accreditation Direkcija za mere i dragocene metale, Sektor za [email protected] Length gauge blocks razvoj metrologije, Grupa za dimenzione veličine i akustiku Boris Laštro Scope of accreditation Hahn + Kolb doo za trgovinu alatima i mašinama laboratorija@hahn‐ http://www.hahn‐ Length Hahn + Kolb doo Metrološka laboratorija Vladimir Ivković Scope of accreditation Akcionarsko društvo za ispitivanje 'KVALITET', Laboratorija za metrologiju kvaliteta [email protected] AMSS‐Centar za motorna vozila d.o.o AMSS‐ Centar vladan@amss‐ za motorna vozila LAB http://www.amss‐ Vladan Škerović Electrical engineering, DC, LF Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation Regloscope inspection instrument Chronotachographs and clock comparators Time and frequency Optic TSC METER DOO BEOGRAD etaloniranje rezervoara Laboratorija za [email protected] Lenght (fixed horizontal and vertical cylindrical Dragan tanks) Milošević Elektrotehnički institut “Nikola Tesla“ Laboratorija za ispitivanje i etaloniranje AD [email protected] Dragana Naumović‐Vuković ANALISYS d.o.o. Laboratorija za etaloniranje i [email protected] validaciju Veljko Zarubica Electrical engineering, DC, LF Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation Mass dr Temperature Volume Optic Chemistry Preduzeće za proizvodnju, promet i usluge LIMP [email protected] Mass MERILA DOO Laboratorija za etaloniranje Milan Lukić Scope of accreditation Preduzeće za proizvodnju, trgovinu i inženjering [email protected] SHOLLEX DOO Beograd Laboratorija za etaloniranje Radovan Zeković Mass Scope of accreditation Mass Scope of accreditation S.R.Ž. DOO Laboratorija za etaloniranje goran@sun‐ Goran Čokorilo Preduzeće za spoljnu i unutrašnju trgovinu i usluge [email protected] Mass BIROTEHNA DOO Laboratorija za etaloniranje Goran Manić HOLDING KORPORACIJA KRUŠIK Odeljenje metrološke laboratorije AD VALJEVO [email protected] Kadić Scope of accreditation Length and angle Scope of accreditation Verica Mass Pressure Electrical engineering, DC, LF Time and frequency Metrološka laboratorija 21. maj d.o.o. [email protected] Branko Lekić Lenght and angle Roughness Scope of accreditation Flatness Temperature TRC pro d.o.o. Tehničko razvojni centar [email protected] dr Hotimir Ličen Force and moment of force AC/DC Scope of accreditation measuring amplifiers AD VAGAR NOVI SAD [email protected] Srđan Prodanović AUDIO BM [email protected] Boris Majski Mass Acoustics and ultrasound (ENT equipment ‐ audiometers) Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation Vaga Libela d.o.o. dane‐[email protected] Dušan Mass Grubač Scope of accreditation Termotehna Šušić d.o.o. [email protected] Temperature Igor Nejkić Scope of accreditation MESSER TEHNOGAS AD BEOGRAD, Laboratorija za [email protected] Calibration in chemistry: determination of hemijska i mehanička ispitivanja i etaloniranja oxygen and nitrogen suboxide levels, and Vojislav Milinković components of gas mixtures Scope of accreditation Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije, Sektor za meteorološki osmatrački sistem, Meteorološka laboratorija scope of accreditation [email protected] Predrag Petković Calibration of measuring instruments (temperature, pressure, air speed) Updated status of accredited CROATIA (status on 2014‐01‐15) calibration laboratories can be seen on Company General information (E‐mail, web, contact person) Artefacts Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation Hrvatski mjeriteljski institut: Nacionalni laboratorij Gorana Baršić [email protected] Length za duljinu ‐ Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet Roughness strojarstva i brodogradnje, Laboratorij za precizna Angle j j d ži Scope of accreditation Hrvatski mjeriteljski institut ‐ Fakultet Damir Ilić DC voltage elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, [email protected] DC resistance Primarni elektromagnetski laboratorij Capacitance Ionising radiation and radioactivity Dosimetry Scope of accreditation Instruments for measurement of electrical quantities Scope of accreditation Hrvatski mjeriteljski institut ‐ Institut Ruđer Bošković, Sekundarni standardni dozimetrijski laboratorij BELMET 97. d.o.o., Laboratorij za umjeravanje Branko Vekić [email protected] Marijan Mustač [email protected] BMB Laboratorij Brcković, Umjerni laboratorij Marijan Mužević Pressure gauges marijan.muzevic@mtb‐ www.bmb‐ Temperature gauges Scope of accreditation Željko Cvetko mjerlab@cei‐ Measurement standards and electrical measuring Scope of accreditation instruments Scope of accreditation Centar za vozila Hrvatske, Mjeriteljski laboratorij Iva Magdalenić [email protected] Pressure measuring devices Brake force measuring devices for road vehicles Exhaust gas analysers for spark ignition engines Scope of accreditation DIV Laboratorij d.o.o. Marija Krtić Alerić [email protected] Pressure gauges Temperature Evaluation of safety valves Pressure equipment Scope of accreditation Državni hidrometeorološki zavod, Samostalni odjel Krunoslav Premec Temperature gauges za umjerni laboratorij [email protected] Ozone analyzers CEI‐IETA d.o.o., Mjeriteljski laboratorij Emos d.o.o., Laboratorij Davor Ištvanić [email protected] Non‐automatic weighing instruments Scope of accreditation INEL ‐ medicinska tehnika d.o.o., Odjel Umjerni laboratorij Branimir Jagetić umjerni.laboratorij@inel‐ www.inel‐ Volume (Calibration of piston pipettes) Scope of accreditation INSPEKT d.o.o. Sektor Inspekt MetroLab, Umjerni laboratorij Boris Meštrović [email protected] Temperature gauges Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation Institut IGH d.d., Laboratorij IGH, Mjeriteljski laboratorij Mladen Bezjak [email protected] Lenght gauges Force measuring instruments Vibration tables for testing cement mortar and KONČAR ‐ Institut za elektrotehniku d.d., Zavod za EMC, sigurnost i umjeravanje, Laboratorij za umjeravanje Marko Mijač mmijac@koncar‐ www.koncar‐ Measurement standards and electrical measuring Scope of accreditation instruments Laboring d.o.o. za mjeriteljstvo i ispitivanje Darko Balković [email protected] Length gauges Temperature gauges Pressure gauges Scope of accreditation LIBRA TEHNIČAR d.o.o., Laboratorij Drago Dogan [email protected] Non‐automatic weighing instruments Weights Scope of accreditation MARUS‐ATM d.o.o., MARUSLab Antun Prebeg maruslab@marus‐ www.marus‐ Fran Malinarić fran.malinaric@metron‐ www.metron‐ Pressure gauges Temperature gauges Scope of accreditation Pressure gauges Temperature gauges Scope of accreditation Length gauges Relative humidity Temperature Density Pressure transducers Pressure gauges Scope of accreditation Temperature gauges Pressure gauges Scope of accreditation Non‐automatic weighing instruments Weights Scope of accreditation Metron Instruments d.o.o. Metroteka d.o.o. Siniša Prugovečki [email protected] PETROKEMIJA d.d., PC Održavanje, Kontrola, Darko Končić ispitivanja i umjeravanja, Umjerni laboratorij [email protected] RAVNOTEŽA d.o.o., Mjeriteljski laboratorij ‐ LTR Vladimir Hrgar [email protected] Sartorius Croatia Libra elektronik d.o.o., Laboratorij Ivica Granić za umjeravanje vaga i utega [email protected] Scope of accreditation Tomislav Alerić [email protected] Pressure gauges Temperature gauges Scope of accreditation Anđelko Pavlic [email protected] www.tehnicar‐ Non‐automatic weighing instruments Weights Scope of accreditation Vage d.o.o., Laboratorij za masu Janko Peranić [email protected] Weighing instruments Weights Length gauges Scope of accreditation ZIK ‐ ZAVOD ZA ISPITIVANJE KVALITETE d.o.o., Laboratorij za umjeravanje Berislav Černeli [email protected] Scope of accreditation TEHNIČAR‐SERVAG d.o.o., Laboratorij za masu Anđelko Pavlic [email protected] www.tehnicar‐ Janko Peranić [email protected] Berislav Černeli [email protected] Instruments for measurement of electrical quantities Frequency Time Temperature gauges Non‐automatic weighing instruments Weights Weighing instruments Weights Length gauges Instruments for measurement of electrical quantities Frequency Time Temperature gauges Scope of accreditation STSI Integrirani tehnički servisi d.o.o., Sektor industrijskih servisa, Služba tehničke kontrole i dijagnostike, Laboratorij za umjeravanje mjerila tlaka i temperature TEHNIČAR‐SERVAG d.o.o., Laboratorij za masu Vage d.o.o., Laboratorij za masu ZIK ‐ ZAVOD ZA ISPITIVANJE KVALITETE d.o.o., Laboratorij za umjeravanje Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (status on 2014‐01‐10) Company General information (E‐mail, web, contact person) Artefacts Scope of accreditation "K.J.K.P. Vodovod i kanalizacija" d.o.o. Sarajevo, Laboratorija za ispitivanje i kalibraciju vodomjera, Odjel za kalibraciju [email protected] Esnef Puriš calibration for field of fluid quantities (flow of gas Scope of accreditation and liquid) “ROLVAGA” d.o.o. Laboratorija za masu [email protected] Miroslav Kapetanović calibration for balances and weights Scope of accreditation calibration for fields of electrical quantities, time Scope of accreditation and frequency, dimensional quantities, mechanical quantities, fluid quantities, temperature, humidity and thermophysical properties Scope of accreditation calibration for fields of dimensional quantities (length and angle) and mechanical quantities (pressure) AKCIONARSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PROIZVODNJU I REMONT “ORAO” ‐ Metrološka laboratorija [email protected] Slavko Kovačević BNT‐ TVORNICA MAŠINA I HIDRAULIKE d.d. ‐ Kalibracioni laboratorij bnt‐[email protected] http://www.bnt‐ Milenko Stanković MIBO Komunikacije d.o.o. Kalibracioni laboratorij [email protected] Alen Omerović calibration for fields of dimensional quantities (length) Scope of accreditation UNIVERZITET U ZENICI‐ METALURŠKI INSTITUT "Kemal Kapetanović" ZENICA –Laboratorij za tehnička mjerenja [email protected] Edin Terzić calibration of measurement standards and measuring instruments for temperature and pressure Scope of accreditation UNIVERZITET U ZENICI ‐ METALURŠKI INSTITUT "Kemal Kapetanović" ZENICA – Mehanički kalibracioni laboratorij [email protected] Branka Muminović measuring equipment calibration for force, torque and hardness Scope of accreditation DELTA PETROL KAKANJ d.o.o. Laboratorij za kalibraciju mjerila kalibraciju mjerila protoka (volumena) tečnih naftnih derivata info@delta‐‐ Seid Durmišević calibrations of flow (volume) meters, tanks and vessels Scope of accreditation REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA (status on 2014‐01‐09) Company General information (E‐mail, web, contact person) Artefacts University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje Mechanical Faculty Laboratory of force and torque D‐r Petar Simonovski, Force and Moment of Force Karpos II bb, P.Fax 464 1000 Skopje Tel: + 38923099 200; Fax:+38923099 298;; [email protected] Scope of accreditation AUTOINSTRUMENT ‐ Skopje Calibration laboratory M‐r Sasho Danev; Kuzman Josifovski Pitu No.22, mezzanine13b Skopje; Tel: +38922461426; Fax: +38922462399;; autoinstrument@t‐ Scope of accreditation Length, Angle, Force, Mass, Pressure, Vacuum quantaties, Acceleration‐Deceleration, Temperature, Time, Frequency , Optical quantities, Noice, Photometric quantities, Gas mixtures Scope of accreditation Farmahem Servis doo Laboratory for calibrations Zoran Djurovski, Temperature, relative humidity, Mass Kichevska 6/2, 1060 Skopje, 1060 Skopje; Tel/Fax: + 38922039642;; [email protected] Scope of accreditation Company for education, training and research AM CERT DOOEL Skopje Laboratory for calibration of dimensional and mechanical values, time and optical radiation Danco Pendovski Бул. Length, Angle, Force, Pressure, Time, Frequencu Борис Трајковски бб, 1000 Скопје; Tel:+38922465010; Fax +38922465010;; [email protected] Scope of accreditation Ministry of economy Bureau of metrology Department for calibration / Laboratory for mass, Laboratory for pressure, Laboratory for volume and flow, Laboratory for temperature Beti Vukovojac Mass, pressure, volume and flow, temperature Blvd. Jane Sandanski No.109a,1000 Skopje; Tel:+38922 403 676 Fax:+38922444677;; [email protected] Scope of accreditation MONTENEGRO (status on 2014‐01‐16) Company General information (E‐mail, web, contact person) Artefacts Univerzitet Crne Gore Mašinski fakultet Laboratorija za pregled mjerila u drumskom saobraćaju Sreten Simović, rukovodilac laboratorije Force and torque, Chemical, Optical Džordža Vašintona bb, Podgorica; Tel:+38220242019 Fax:+38220245119; [email protected] Scope of accreditation Scope of accreditation
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