Flora i fauna Flora and Fauna

Flora and Fauna
Flora i fauna
The configuration of
the terrain and geomor�������
phological structure of the
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Nacionalni park Una
soil in the National Park "Una",
and the different elevation and
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the variety of flora are the condie-mail:
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tions for the rich micro world that
Bosanska 1, 77000 Bihać
along with other forms of life contributes
Bosna i Hercegovina
to the richness of biodiversity of the NP.
In this area there are many rare and endemic
species of plants: Gentian (Gentiana lutea), spot������
ted gentian (Gentiana punctata), edelweiss (Le�
ontopodium alpinum Cass.) juniperus (Pinus mugo).
Una's bellflower (Campanilla unensis) is also an endemic
species which is named after the river Una as well as Bos���
nian iris (Iris reichenbachii Heuffel var. Bosniaca) that grows
in dry meadows and pastures on carbonate and serpentine
rocks with shallow soil. Bosnian iris is an endemic from central
and southeast Dinarides. Ecological conditions have enabled the
development of a large number of diverse plant communities of
exceptional value with over 1.900 plant species, which is 52,19% of
all species present in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The area has recorded
177 official and 105 potentially medicinal, edible, of vitamin and aro��
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matic plant species.
The space of the National Park is built of limestone cliffs inhabited by
characteristic vegetation adapted to specific conditions of such charac��
teristic habitats, like the cracking plants. Below the large rocky hills, under
the influence of the hydrosphere and atmosphere, the parts of the rocks
break off, roll down the slope, creating sporadic screes (sandbanks).
Konfiguracija terena i geomorfološka struktura tla u Nacionalnom parku "Una", te različita nadmorska visina i
raznolikost flore su uvjeti za bogati miko svijet koji sa
drugim oblicima života doprinosi bogatstvu biodiverziteta Nacionalnog Parka.
Na ovom području se nalaze brojne rijetke i endemične
vrste biljaka: lincura (Gentiana lutea), pjegava lincura
(Gentiana punctata), runolist (Leontopodium alpinum
Cass.), klekovina bora (Pinus mugo). Endem je unska
zvončika (Campanilla unensis) koja je ime dobila upravo
po rijeci Uni kao i bosanska perunika (Iris reichenbachii
Heuffel var. Bosniaca) koja raste na suhim livadama i
pašnjacima na karbonatnim i serpentinskim stijenama
sa plitkim zemljištem. Bosanska perunika je endem
centralnih i jugoistočnih Dinarida. Ekološki uvjeti su
omogućili i razvoj velikog broja raznovrsnih biljnih zajednica izuzetne vrijednosti sa preko 1.900 biljnih vrsta,
što iznosi 52,19 % svih vrsta prisutnih u Bosni i Hercegovini. U prostoru je evidentirano 177 oficijenlih i 105 potencijalno ljekovitih, jestivih, vitaminskih i aromatičnih
biljnih vrsta.
Prostor Nacionalnog Parka grade vapnenačke stijene
koje naseljava karakteristična vegetacija prilagođena
posebnim uvjetima takvih karakterističnih staništa kao
što su hazmofitske biljke (pukotinjarke). Ispod većih
stjenovitih brda, pod utjecajem hidrosfere i atmosfere odlomljuju se dijelovi stijena, kotrljaju niz padinu,
Sisavci / Mammals
Među 60-ak prisutnih vrsta sisavaca koji
nastanjuju područje Nacionalnog parka 9
pripada kukcojedima, 16 šišmišima, 13 zvijerima, 3 redu parnoprstaši, 17 glodavcima i
1 redu dvojezupci. Unutar skupine glodavci
četiri su vrste koje također obitavaju na ovom
području, a to su: alpski voluharić, vrtni puh,
nutrija i patuljasti miš.
Među sisavcima Nacionalnog parka nalaze
se dvije endemične svojte: runati voluhar
– oromediteranski endem i alpski voluharić –
istočnoalpski endem. Od zaštićenih sisavaca
uz mnoge ugrožene i osjetljive vrste šišmiša
valja naglasiti tri velike zvijeri, tri najveća europska predatora – vuka, risa i medvjeda kao
i veliki broj iz skupine zvijeri – vidra, jazavac,
lasica i zerdav.
Ptice / Birds
Gmazovi / Reptils
Na temelju podataka promatranja i proučavanja ptica na širem području Nacionalnog parka zabilježeno je
više od 120 vrsta ptica. Ornitofauna promatranog područja je zanimljiva zbog prisustva pojedinih rijetkih i
ugroženih vrsta, te zbog velikog broja pjevica. Vrlo interesantna vrsta je veliki tetrijeb (Tetrao urogallus) koji
je prilično ugrožen zbog prekomjernog lova i smanjenja neophodnih šumskih staništa, a obitava u prijelaznim-zaštitnim zonama Nacionalnog parka. Ovdje obitava i lještarka (Tetrastes bonasia) koja je prilično rijetka
i skrovita vrsta. Valja istaknuti i kosca (Crex crex), jednu vrlo rijetku i ugroženu pticu karakterističnu za vlažne
travnjake i livade. Moramo spomenuti i bogatstvo ptica dupljašica, u prvom redu djetlića (Piciformes), sova
(Strigiformes), sjenica (Paridae), te poludupljašica iz skupine muharica (Muscicapidae).
Based on the data of observation and study of birds in the wider area of the National Park, it was recorded
more than 120 species of birds. Ornithofauna of the observed area is interesting because of the presence of
certain rare and endangered species, and because of the large number of songbirds. A very interesting species
is the black grouse (Tetrao urogallus), which is quite endangered because of excessive hunting and the reduction of necessary forest habitats, and it resides in transient-protection zones of national parks. Hazel grouse
(Tetrastes bonasia) also resides here, which is quite rare and hidden species, and it inhabits forest habitats. We
should also point out the corncrake (Crex crex), a very rare and endangered bird typical of wet grasslands and
meadows. We also have to mention the wealth of hole-nesting birds, primarily woodpeckers (Piciformes),
owls (Strigiformes), tit (Paridae), and the half hole-nesting birds from the group of flycatchers (Muscicapidae).
Among the 60 present species of mammals that inhabit the area of the National Park, 9 belongs to
insectivores,16 to bats, 13 to carnivores, 3 to a row of ungulates, 17 to rodents and 1 to a row of lagomorphs .
Within the group of rodents there are 4 species that also live in this area, such as: alpine vole (Microtus multiplex), the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), nutria (Myocastor coypus) and the dwarf mouse (Micromys
minutus). Among the mammals of the National Park there are two endemic species: runat vole (Chionomys
nivalis) – Euro - Mediterranean endemic and alpine vole (Microtus multiplex) - eastern Alps endemic.
Out of protected mammals along with many endangered and sensitive species of bats, three big beasts, the
three largest European predators - a wolf, lynx and a bear, should be pointed out as well. There is a large
number of - otters, badgers, weasels and ermine, out of a group of beasts.
Na širem području Nacionalnog parka prisutno je 12 vrsta gmazova
iz dvaju redova: kornjače (Chelonia) i ljuskaši (Squamata). Na ovom
području su prisutne i slijedeće vrste: Lacerta horvathi (velebitska
gušterica) i Vipera macrops (gorski žutokrug). Gmazovi Nacionalnog
parka uglavnom su uobičajene kontinentalne vrste među kojima
su prisutne neke uže rasprostranjene svojte poput:istočne livadne
gušterice (Lacerta agilis bosnica) – endem balkanskog poluotoka
i bosanske riđovke (Vipera berus bosniensis) - endem balkanskog
poluotoka. Još tri svojte se smatraju endemskim na području parka: velebitska gušterica (Arheolacerta horvathi) – istočnoalpski endem, gorski žutokrug (Vipera (ursini) macrops) – endem balkanskog
poluotoka i mrki ljuskavi gušter (Algyroides nigropunctatus) koji je
endem Dinarskog krša.
In the wider area of the National Park there are 12 species of reptiles
from two rows: turtles (Chelonia) and the scaly ones (Squamata). In
this area the following species are present too: Lacerta Horvath (Velebit lizard) and Viper macrops (mountainous Karst Meadow Viper).
Reptiles of the National Park are mostly common continental species, among which are present some immediate widespread species
like: the eastern meadow lizard (Lacerta agilis bosnica) - endemic to
the Balkan Peninsula and the Bosnian common adder (Vipera berus
bosniensis) - endemic to the Balkan Peninsula. Three more species
are considered endemic to the park: Velebit lizard (Arheolacerta
horvathi) - endemic species from eastern Alps, mountainous Karst
Meadow Viper (Vipera (Ursini) macrops) - endemic to the Balkan Peninsula and brown scaly lizard (Algyroides nigropunctatus) which is
endemic to the Dinaric karst.
Flora i fauna/Flora and fauna