4. memorijalni vaterpolski turnir TOMO 2014 Dubrovnik, 03. – 06. 04. 2014. Pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Dubrovnika Vaterpolski klub JUG Croatia osiguranje i Valamar Hotels&Resorts pozivaju vas na memorijalni vaterpolo turnir Tomo Udovičić 2014. za dječake rođene 2002. i mlađe. Turnir će se održavati na bazenu u Gružu od 03. do 06. travnja 2014. Prijavi se: [email protected]. 1. O TURNIRU TOMO TOURNAMENT 2013. održavao se u četiri natjecateljska dana uz sudjelovanje 418 natjecatelja i članova ekipa, 26 momčadi iz 11 zemalja svijeta, odigrano je 68 utakmica, na dva bazena u zatvorenom prostoru 50 metarskom olimpijskom bazenu kapaciteta 2.500 gledatelja, uz prisutnost brojnih članova obitelji i prijatelja sudionika turnira, postajući tako tradicionalni turnir koji izrasta u vrsni međunarodni festival vaterpolske igre za djecu 10 godina starosti i mlađih. Turnir prati stvaranje novih poznanstava i prijateljstava, jačanje natjecateljskog duha, međusobnog uvažavanja i tolerancije, te upoznavanja sa bogatom povijesti renesansnog, u svijetu nadaleko poznatog Dubrovnika, njegove srednjovjekovne arhitekture i čudesnih zidina. 2. CIJENA SMJEŠTAJA I KOTIZACIJE Ovogodišnji TOMO TOURNAMENT 2014. održat će se na dva plivališta u zatvorenom olimpijskom 50 metarskom bazenu u Dubrovniku, u vremenu od 3. do 6. travnja, pod Športsko društvo JUG - Dr. Ante Starčevića 22; 20000 Dubrovnik www.jug.hr; e │ [email protected]; t │ +385 20 357 282; f │ +385 20 357 052 OIB 38471916842; IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X pokroviteljstvom Grada Dubrovnika i uz potporu Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, te smještaj za članove ekipa, natjecatelje i službene osobe u hotelima Valamar Club Dubrovnik (http://www.valamar.com/en/hotels-dubrovnik/valamar-club-dubrovnik) i Valamar Tirena (http://www.valamar.com/en/hotels-dubrovnik/tirena-hotel). Cijena je 34 eura dnevno po osobi. U cijenu je uključeno: - smještaj u dvokrevetnoj sobi s vlastitom kupaonicom i balkonom, besplatan WiFi u cijelom hotelu - puni pansion, doručak švedski stol, ručak i večera dalmatinskih i nacionalnih jela, - korištenje hotelskih kapaciteta (plaže, otvorenog bazena, dječjeg igrališta, velike šetnice, parka), - boravišna pristojba, - akreditacija, - besplatan transport od hotela do bazena i natrag, - doplata za jednokrevetnu sobu iznosi 5 eura dnevno. Po ovoj posebnoj cijeni dostupan je određeni broj soba za roditelje, prijatelje i sve ljude dobre volje koji žele biti na bilo koji način sudionici događaja. Broj raspoloživih soba po ovoj cijeni je ograničen, te ponuda vrijedi do 28. veljače 2014. godine ili do popune raspoloživih kapaciteta. Rezervacije se vrše zaključno do 15. veljače 2014. na e-mail [email protected] Plaćanje se vrši zaključno 1. ožujka 2014. godine na račun broj: IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X Prijavljeni plaćaju kotizaciju u vrijednosti 150 EUR. Kotizacija se plaća kod prijave ili najkasnije u roku od 30 dana od prijave. Ako u roku od 30 dana od prijave cjelokupni iznos kotizacije ne stigne na račun kluba broj na račun broj: IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X; smatra se da je prijava povučena. Povučena prijava može se ponovno podnijeti, ako broj prijavljenih ekipa (32) nije popunjen. Športsko društvo JUG - Dr. Ante Starčevića 22; 20000 Dubrovnik www.jug.hr; e │ [email protected]; t │ +385 20 357 282; f │ +385 20 357 052 OIB 38471916842; IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X 3. PRIJAVE Prijave za sudjelovanje na turniru počinju od 15. prosinca 2013. godine i zaključit će se ne kasnije od 1. ožujka 2014. godine. Broj prijavljenih ekipa ograničen je na 32. Prijavljene ekipe moraju najkasnije 28. veljače 2014. godine dostaviti popis momčadi te sliku svakog člana igrača dimenzija 3 X 4 cm rezolucije u formatu JPG uz koju će biti navedeni: ime, prezime, datum rođenja, broj identifikacijske isprave, na adresu [email protected], te podatke o dvije službene osobe. 4. PRAVILA Broj članova ekipe nije ograničen, ali na svakoj utakmici može nastupiti najmanje 9, a najviše 15 igrača (muških ili ženskih), uključujući dva golmana, rođenih nakon 1. siječnja 2002. godine. Ekipu prate dvije službene osobe. Igra se na plivalištu dimenzija 24x20 m, s loptom br. 4. Golovi su dimenzija 2,50x0,85 m. Vrijeme trajanja utakmice je 4 x 5 minuta uz 2 minuta pauze između prve i druge četvrtine i treće i četvrte četvrtine, te 4 minuta pauze između druge i treće četvrtine. Svaka momčad ima pravo na dva time-outa. Najbolje momčadi, najbolji igrač, najbolji strijelac i najbolji golman dobit će posebna priznanja. Raspored natjecanja objavit će se naknadno, dovoljno vremena prije početka turnira. Za vrijeme odigravanja utakmica na bazenu je osigurana neprekidna medicinska skrb liječnika. Športsko društvo JUG - Dr. Ante Starčevića 22; 20000 Dubrovnik www.jug.hr; e │ [email protected]; t │ +385 20 357 282; f │ +385 20 357 052 OIB 38471916842; IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X 4. memorial waterpolo tournament TOMO 2014 Dubrovnik, 03. – 06. 04. 2014. Supported by the City of Dubrovnik Water polo club JUG CO and Valamar Hotels&Resorts are inviting you to a memorial water polo tournament Tomo Udovičić for boys born in 2002. and younger. The tournament will be held at the Gruž pool from 03. to 06. april 2014. Send an application to [email protected] 1. ABOUT TOURNAMENT The competition TOMO TOURNAMENT 2013 was held during four days and it gathered 418 participants and team members, 26 teams from different countries all ower the world. In two indoor pools, in Olympic 50 meters long swimming pools, 68 matches have been played. There were 2.500 spectators supporting participants of the tournament, including their family members and friends. Tomo Tournament has become the traditional event that grows every year into greater international festival of water polo games for children of 10 years, even younger. The tournament creates the chance for children to get in touch and start friendships with the youth from all over the world. Moreover, it provides excellent conditions to strengthen the competitive spirit, mutual respect and tolerance. After all, this happening enables participants to learn more about the world's historical pearl Dubrovnik, its medieval architecture and amazing City walls. 2. ACCOMODATION PRICES AND REGISTRATION FEE This year TOMO TOURNAMENT will be held from 3nd to 6th April 2014 in two indoor fields in Olympic 50 meters long swimming pool. The tournament is supported by the City of Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik - Neretva County. The accommodation for team members, competitors and officials will be organized in Valamar Hotels & Resorts – Valamar Club Dubrovnik http://www.valamar.com/en/hotels-dubrovnik/valamar-club-dubrovnik) and Valamar Tirena (http://www.valamar.com/en/hotels-dubrovnik/tirena-hotel), at a price of 34 Euros per day. Športsko društvo JUG - Dr. Ante Starčevića 22; 20000 Dubrovnik www.jug.hr; e │ [email protected]; t │ +385 20 357 282; f │ +385 20 357 052 OIB 38471916842; IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X The price includes: - Accommodation in a double room with private bathroom and balcony - Free WiFi in the entire hotel - Full board, breakfast buffet, lunch and dinner (special offer of Dalmatian and Croatian dishes for lunch and dinner). - Use of hotel facilities (beach, outdoor swimming pool, children's playground, walking paths and park within Resort) - Tourist tax - Accreditation - Free transport (hotel-pool-hotel) - Single supplement is 5 Euros per day. For parents, friends and all people who would like to participate on the event there is a certain number of rooms at this special price. It should be taken in consideration that number of rooms at that price is limited and this offer is valid until February 28th, 2014 or until the capacity is filled. Reservations should be done by 15th February 2014. on the e-mail [email protected], and payment should be done by March 1st, 2014. The account number IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X Every team should pay the registration fee in the amount of 150 EUR. The registration fee should be payed when the application is submitted or within 30 days of application. In case that the full amount of money is not received at the account number IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X within 30 days after the application, it will not be valid any more. Withdrawn application may be re-submitted if the number of teams (32) is not completed. 3. APPLICATION The application for Tomo Tournament can be submitted from December 15nd, 2013 until March 1, 2014 on the following address [email protected]. There will be maximum 32 teams participating. Športsko društvo JUG - Dr. Ante Starčevića 22; 20000 Dubrovnik www.jug.hr; e │ [email protected]; t │ +385 20 357 282; f │ +385 20 357 052 OIB 38471916842; IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X By March 1st, 2014 every team should submit a team players list and pictures of each member (dimensions 3 x 4 cm, format JPG, and the following data: name, surname, date of birth, identification documents, address and information on two officials) 4. RULES The number of team members is not limited, but during every match there should be at least nine and a maximum of 15 male or female players, including two goalkeeper, born after January 1, 2002. The team should be accompanied by two officials. The dimension of the field is 24 x 20 m. The dimensions of goals are 2,50 x 0,85 m. The match will be played with the ball No. 4. The match is played during 4 x 5 minutes with 2 minute break between the first and second quarters, between the third and fourth quarters as well as 4 minute break between the second and third quarters. Each team has the right to call two time-outs. The same team members who played in the first quarter should not play in the second quarter. There are no restrictions who should play the match during the last two quarters. The special recognition will be handed over to the best team, best player, best scorer and best goalkeeper. The competition schedule will be announced on time, enough before the tournament starts. During the entire tournament, the pools will be secured by continuous professional medical care. Športsko društvo JUG - Dr. Ante Starčevića 22; 20000 Dubrovnik www.jug.hr; e │ [email protected]; t │ +385 20 357 282; f │ +385 20 357 052 OIB 38471916842; IBAN HR 27 2407000 1100306748; SWIFT OTPVHR2X
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