ArcView 8.3. Johansson, T., ., .: e-learning MINERVA GISAS , ) 2005. Mr. Tino Johansson University of Helsinki, Finland. . 2 . (Print Screen shots) ESRI, Inc. MINERVA 2 ArcCatalog GISAS, 2003-2006. ArcMap. copyright TABLE OF CONTENTS 1– 2– …………………………………………………5 ArcView ………………………………………………………....5 ………………………………………………...6 ArcMap …………………………………………………………...7 …………............9 BISEL ………...9 ……………………………………....13 3– .......................................................................................................16 BISEL1 (point type features) …..................................................................16 4– SHAPEFILES ARCMAP ……………………..24 ……...……………………………………………………………………………..24 …………………………………………………….24 – Polyline: shapefile ? ............................25 1. shapefile ……….25 2. shapefile………………………………….........................25 3. shapefile……….....26 4. shapefile ArcMap………………..………………29 5. shapefile polyline .……...………………………………...30 6. polyline .………….………....32 7. shapefile………………………..35 – : shapefile ?.......................................37 1. shapefile………………..37 2. shapefile.… …38 3. shapefile ArcMap……………………..…….40 4. shapefile .…….………………………………….41 5. (attribute data table) shapefile. …………………………………...……………45 6. (attributes) shapefile. ……...….46 7. …………………………...48 8. ArcMap ………………………………..50 shapefile ?……………………………..50 1. shapefile………………...50 2. shapefile………….51 3. shapefile ArcMap………………………………………..53 4. shapefile .……………………………..54 5. ArcMap…56 6. Identify ArcMap……………….59 7. shapefile………………………………..59 8. ArcMap…………………………………………...62 shapefile ?………………………......63 1. , shapefile…………………………………………………..63 3 2. 3. ArcMap shapefile ArcMap…..64 shapefile ………………………………………………….64 4. shapefile ArcMap...67 5. Identify ArcMap………………..69 6. shapefile……………………………….70 7. ArcMap …………………………………………...71 – : shapefiles ? ………………………..72 ……………………………………………………………………………………….72 1. , shapefile shapefile…………………………………………………….72 2. shapefile ………………………………………………….76 3. shapefile ArcMap…79 4. shapefile……………………………………82 5. ArcMap…………………………………………..83 6. shapefiles ………………….84 5– SHAPEFILES ARCVIEW……………………85 shapefile ; ……………………..85 1. polylines ….85 2. shapefile ArcMap……………………………..85 3. polylines …………………………………..88 4. shapefile……………………………………...89 5. , shapefile..93 6. shapefile ……………….96 – : shapefile …………….....99 1. ……………………………….99 2. shapefile…………………...100 3. shapefile……………….103 6– SHAPEFILES ………………107 ………………………………………………………………………………………107 1. …………………..107 2. layer ………………………..108 3. shapefile…………………………………………110 4. ArcMap……………………………………………113 7– ARCVIEW…………………………………………...113 buffer ( )– ………………………………………….113 1. buffer ArcMap….113 2. shapefile to buffer………………………………………………...115 3. …………120 ArcView – ……………………………………123 1. shapefiles…………………………………………….123 2. layer …………..123 3. Select by attributes …………..129 4. ……………………………………………131 4 1– 1. ArcView ArcView ESRI ArcView . cd-rom, .. ArcView 8.3 ArcMap ArcMap. . . 1. ArcView GIS 8.3 . Arc Map : , Start using ArcMap with A ( ) . new empty map. . OK. layer ArcView , An existing map . 5 ArcCatalog Table of Contents ArcMap. raster layers . 2. OK , . . Add Data layers . Add Data ! 2. Add Data. ( . .gif , ) , Add Data ( WGS84 .tif. , Add. 6 ). .jpg, . . . layer Table of Contents . 3. A registered map layer . . 3. ArcMap ArcMap. , , layers . Table of Contents . , , . . . ArcMap , , . project window. 7 (Zoom in ) . (zoom out) . . . . Full extent . . . (features) . , , .. Info . . flash . 4. ArcMap. ArcMap ArcCatalog. Program Files > ESRI ArcView 8.3. > ArcCatalog. ( layers) ArcCatalog Start > layers GISAS. ArcCatalog . , , ( Table of Contents) ArcMap. . 5. . 8 Table of ArcMap. Contents 5. layer ArcCatalog. 2– 4. BISEL (attribute) ArcCatalog . . dBase. . (attribute table) ArcCatalog. . Table of Contents New > dBase Table. 6. ( attribute data table) ArcCatalog. 9 . BISEL1. 7. . BISEL1. 8. properties 10 Properties. . DBASE Properties ( type of data) ( Field Name) . . OID (Object ID) . Field1 , . , . ( ). Fields OID Field1 , . 9. . Short integers , Long integers , , –32 000 or +32 000. 10 , 000 000. –3 200 000 000 or +3 200 + – . Float , 0.333333 , 12.34567 Double 1234.5678912345. Text (1). Date (mm/dd/yyyy and hh:mm:ss). Blob (Binary Large Object) 15 , , . 11 (Bollnas) Guid (Global Identifier Field) string). BISEL , x- y. (registry style Short integers, Floats and Text types. . , number, BISEL, x_coord, y_coord , 4 . . dBase Field name OID (default) Field1(default) Number Alkalinity Ammonium Hardness Nitrate Nitrite Oxygen Phosphate pH BISEL Speed x_coord y_coord 10. . Precision Scale : Data type Object ID Long Integer Long Integer Float Float Float Short Integer Float Short Integer Float Float Short Integer Float Double Double Precision Scale 9 5 5 5 5 3 5 2 5 5 2 5 12 12 precision, scale 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 length Float . Float 12 Double . .. . , Apply OK. Table of Contents Properties. , . 11. . 5. . . , , BISEL1 Editor Toolbar Table of Contents ArcMap. . 13 Editor Toolbar. 12. Editor toolbar . . Editor Toolbar ArcMap . . Editor Start Editing Editor Toolbar. 13. Editor Tool bar . 14 BISEL1 Start Editing , Table of Contents. attribute table BISEL1 Open attribute table . 14. ArcMap ( attributes) . attribute data . . . Save Edits 15. . Save Edits Editor Tool bar. 15 Editor Tool bar. 16. . Stop Editing . attributes. . 3– 6. BISEL1 ( point type features) ArcMap (WGS 84) . Tools 17. XY ( registered ) Add XY Data. . BISEL1 Browse. Add. 16 Browse. , Add 18. . Add XY Data . Add XY Data, X- Y- . X Field Y Field ( X-coordinate X-coordinate ). Edit , raster map. X- 84 19. Y- . raster map. ! raster map 17 WGS Edit Add XY Data ( 23.). Spatial Reference Browse for Coordinate System, Properties ( ). Geographic Coordinate Systems . 20. . WGS 84 Add. 21. WGS 1984 World. Spatial Reference Properties. Apply OK. 18 22. WGS 1984 . Add XY Data ( ). Edit. 23. Add XY Data. OK raster map. 19 24. . Info . (zoom out) grabber ( BISEL1 (zoom in) ). layer. raster maps Add Data. layer. 20 , 25. layer. 26. layer Save ArcMap , . . ( BISEL1 ). 21 , .lyr 27. .lyr ArcMap. ArcMap Firenze_map_05 raster map File Save As… Bollnas_map_05. 28. layers . 22 BISEL layer BISEL , ArcMap. 29. ArcMap . , ArcMap . 30. ArcMap 23 . 4– SHAPEFILES ARCMAP , ( ) ( ArcView 8.3, , ) . , layers . , . , . layers layers . layer . shapefile , georeferenced (registered) World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) . , layer, (attribute tables). , . , shapefiles , . layer . layer . shapefiles shapefile. . (* = . , *** = , ** = ). 1: polyline, . (*) 2: , , (polygons), , , , , ). (**) 3: (points), , , , , .), .), , ( , ( , , , , . .(*) 4: (points), , , , . (*) 5: (polygons), . . 24 . , . (***) POLYLINE (FEATURE TYPE – POLYLINE) shapefile 1. shapefile. GISdata. ArcCatalog . File, New Shapefile. , shapefile . , shapefile . 31. shapefile . 2. shapefile. , shapefile . , , , polyline. , , , , (polygon). (Point) , shapefile , , (BISEL1). River. , (point) . 25 polyline, , , shapefile , Edit ( WGS84 . 32.). , shapefile. River. . , shapefile Edit. 32. , shapefile. 3. shapefile. Spatial Reference Properties, . Systems ( . Select , Browse for Coordinate System World Add 34). , ( 33.). Geographic Coordinate WGS 1984.prj 26 Select Geographic Coordinate Systems. ( ) 33. . ( ) , Add. 34. . Apply shapefile. Spatial Reference Properties, . OK. 27 , Apply OK Create New . Shapefile. 35. WGS84. , Coordinates will contain M values. Used to store route data ( 36 OK. 36. ( ). 28 ). , ArcCatalog shapefile . GISdata. . 37. shapefile 4. shapefile ArcCatalog. ArcMap ArcMap ) OK ( An new existing map ( 30 ). 3, ArcMap, shapefile Table of Contents ArcMap ArcCatalog ArcMap. . 29 shapefile ArcCatalog ArcMap . 38. shapefile 5. Table of Contents shapefile shapefile ArcMap. polyline Table of Contents ArcMap. shapefiles layers Editor Toolbar. 39. Editor Toolbar. shapefile 30 . Editor Toolbar. shapefile, Start Editing. 40. Start editing editing tools ArcMap. ArcMap . , polyline BISEL . , . Arc Tool . , Create New Feature . . 41. shapefile. 31 , . (vertex point) . . 42. . . , . , . , . . 1 3 . . polyline 43. . . . . 6. polyline . shapefile . 32 , Modify Feature . 44. shapefile Modify Feature. Edit tool shapefile . . Edit tool . . 45. Edit tool . 33 . . , . , Insert Vertex . Insert Vertex . 46. . , zoom out Select features Zoom out . Features tool . 47. shapefile. 34 line. 7. shapefile . shapefile , . ( , ) (project) layers . , . shapefile . Properties. 48. layer shapefile. . 49. Symbology properties. 35 layer River . 3 pixels. . 50. River . 2. 1. 51. Apply 36 OK. , . , ArcMap Document. Select File Save. 52. . (FEATURE TYPE – POLYGON) shapefile 1. ? shapefile. ArcCatalog File, GISdata, polyline. Shapefile. New . , shapefile . , shapefile . 53. shapefile 37 . 2. shapefile. , . , , , , , shapefile , shapefile , , polyline. , (Point) (BISEL). , recreational areas. , , . , 4. 3, ( shapefile WGS84, , 23.). Edit . , shapefile. . , shapefile Edit . 54. ¨ , shapefile. , (attributes) 38 . , OK . 55. , . ArcCatalog GISdata. 56. shapefile . . ArcCatalog. 39 3. shapefile ArcMap ArcMap An existing map, OK. layers . , . An existing OK. 57. ArcMap. shapefile Table of Contents ArcMap ArcCatalog ArcMap . . shapefile ArcCatalog ArcMap . 58. shapefile Table of Contents 40 ArcMap. 4. shapefile shapefile . Table of Contents ArcMap. Editor Toolbar. shapefiles layers Editor Toolbar. 59. shapefile Editor Toolbar. shapefile, Start Editing. 60. Start editing ArcMap. ArcMap . , zoom . zoom in . 41 , Create New Feature task . , Sketch Tool . zoom in shapefile. . 61. . sketch. . . . . ( 62 42 39). – . 1 – 3 . 2 – – . 62. Sketch tool. 63. . sketch tool . 43 64. . Editor. . . 65. Editor. 44 , Stop Editing. 5. (attribute data table) shapefile. (attribute table) ArcCatalog. . ArcCatalog . . 66. properties . Activity Data Type Text. Field properties. Apply OK. 67. Activity datatype 45 Text. 6. (attributes) . shapefile. ArcMap . Start editing Editor. attribute table 68. . attribute table . . Edit ( ) ( 69 ). . , , id , , , , , , . Id. Editor Save edits. 46 Stop editing . Edit tool . . 69. . 70. . 47 . . . . . , layer , , . 7. , . . 71. List of Contents. , Symbol Selector. shapefile. , Symbol Selector . , . GISAS , . Bessie. , . Beige . Beige 72. 48 ). Beige . , More Symbols . OK. 72. shapefile . . 73. . 49 8. ArcMap . , File Save. 74. . , , ArcMap Open an existing map. shapefile ? 1. shapefile. , , ( , ( , , , , GISdata, . . File , New 50 Shapefile. , , etc.), . ArcCatalog , .), , , shapefile . , shapefile . 75. shapefile 2. . shapefile. , . , , shapefile , polyline. , , , , . , . , , , animal habitats. , . , 3( shapefile WGS84, , 23.). 4, , shapefile. . , Edit. 76. , shapefile. 51 , shapefile. OK . 77. , shapefile . ArcCatalog . GISdata. . 78. ArcCatalog. 52 3. shapefile ArcMap 19.) ArcMap An existing map, OK. . . layers , An existing map OK. 79. ArcMap. Table of Contents ArcCatalog ArcMap ArcMap. . shapefile ArcCatalog ArcMap . 80. shapefile Table of Contents 53 ArcMap. 4. shapefile . shapefile Table of Contents ArcMap. Editor Toolbar. shapefiles layers Editor Toolbar. 81. shapefile Editor Toolbar. , Start Editing. 82. editing tools tool. , Start editing editing tools ArcMap sketch zoom in . . 54 ArcMap. zoom in , Feature Create New . , , Sketch Tool layer Target. . zoom in . 83. . sketch tool. , . . . 2 – . 1 3 – – . . 84. Sketch tool. 55 Editor Stop Editing Save Edits . Editor . , . . 85. Editor . 5. ArcMap. . ArcMap . Open attribute table. 86. . 56 , 1. . 2. Shape 4. Add Field . . . 3. Options . 87. . . . text . 88. Add Field. . OK. , Start Editing shapefile Editing. 57 Editor Start layer . Edit tool ( ) , . . . 89. Edit. , Stop Editing. Editor . 90. . 58 6. Identify ArcMap. . Info . Identify , . identify . 91. Identify . Identify , . . . . . , layer , , . 7. , shapefile Symbol Selector . 59 layer . 92. Contents. , List of Symbol Selector . . , Selector Symbol . , . Symbol Selector , , More Symbols , . , More Symbols . 93. . 60 More Symbols Environmental Symbol . 94. MoreSymbols . . . Waterfowl . Waterfowl . OK . 95. , . . 61 96. . 8. ArcMap. , File Save. ArcMap . 97. . 62 , , ArcMap Open an existing map. shapefile 1. ? , shapefile. , . , , , , 1, 2 , , . 3 , shapefile shapefile. 98 . OK . 98. , . ArcCatalog GISdata. 99. . . ArcCatalog. 63 2. ArcMap ArcMap OK. ArcCatalog shapefile ArcMap. An existing map, 49 shapefile ArcMap. shapefile ArcCatalog ArcMap . 100. Table of Contents 3. ArcMap. shapefile shapefile . Table of Contents ArcMap. Editor Toolbar. shapefiles layers Editor Toolbar. 101. Editor Toolbar. shapefile 64 shapefile, Start Editing. 102. ArcMap. tools sketch tool. , editing tools zoom in Start editing editing ArcMap . zoom in . , Create New Feature . , , Sketch Tool . layer shapefile Target . zoom in . 103. sketch tool. shapefile. , . 65 . . 3 – . 1 2 – . . 104. – Sketch tool. Editor Stop Editing Save Edits . Editor. , . . 105. Editor. 66 , 4. shapefile . ArcMap ArcMap. . Open attribute table. 106. shapefile properties. 1. . 2. 4. Shape Add Field . . . 3. Options . 107. . 67 . . . 108. Add Field . 50 . OK . . Editor , shapefile Start Editing. layer . Edit tool ( ) , . . . 109. Edit . 68 . Editor , Stop Editing. . 2. 1. 110. . 5. Identify ArcMap. shapefile . Info . Identify , . identify . 111. Identify . 69 Identify , . . . . . , layer, , . 6. shapefile , Symbol Selector . layer shapefile. 112. , List of Contents. Symbol Selector . shapefile. shapefile Symbol Selector , . shapefile , . . Point Source . 70 Point Source . OK . 113. , . . 114. . 7. ArcMap , File Save. 71 shapefiles ? , . . layer shapefile . shapefile . , , , 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : (including pastures, fields and fallow) (including coniferous and deciduous forests) (housing) (factories, shopping centres, offices) (lakes, ponds, reservoirs) (land use types) , ). . shapefile agriculture forest residential industry water others shapefile land use. shapefile ( , 8 . . outline width ! : : 72 : : : 1. : , shapefile shapefile. , . ( shapefile. . . 1, 2 33-36) 3 , shapefile shapefile 115 , shapefile. . 73 OK . 115. shapefile . , shapefile 116. ArcCatalog GISdata . shapefile . . ArcCatalog. shapefile Table of Contents ArcCatalog . 74 ArcMap ArcMap . shapefile ArcCatalog 117. ArcMap . shapefile Table of Contents shapefile shapefiles ArcMap. ArcMap. project . shapefile shapefiles . . . 118. shapefiles shapefiles . ArcMap. shapefiles . 75 2. shapefile shapefile . Table of Contents ArcMap. Editor Toolbar. shapefiles Editor Toolbar. 119. shapefile Editor Toolbar. shapefile 120. , Start Editing. Start editing editing tools . ArcMap , . zoom in 76 editing tools ArcMap. zoom in . , Feature , Tool Create New . , shapefile Sketch . zoom in . . 121. shapefile. sketch tool. , . . . . . 3 2 1 – – – – . . 122. Sketch tool. 77 123. . sketch tool . , , . 124. . 78 Editor Save Edits. , Stop Editing. , stop editing . . 125. Editor. shapefiles. 3. shapefile . shapefile ArcMap. ArcMap. Open attribute table. 126. shapefile . 79 shapefile . . Options Add Field. 1. . 4. 2. 3. Shape Add Field . Options . . . 127. . ArcView . text. OK. 128. . , . 80 129. . , Editor tool. shapefile Start Editing Edit tool ( ) . . , , , , . , , . , , Editor , , , . id Id. Stop editing Save edits. shapefiles , . . layer . Edit ( ) , . . . 130. Edit. 81 4. shapefile . . 69. 68 shapefile . , . . 131. , List of Contents. Symbol Selector. shapefile. shapefile Symbol Selector . . , shapefile , . Sun ( ) . OK 82 , Sun . , More Symbols . OK. 132. shapefile . shapefiles 5. ArcMap. , File Save. . 133. . 83 . . , ArcMap 6. Open an existing map. shapefiles shapefiles , shapefile , shapefile. , ArcMap . shapefile (zip) ArcView ArcView. , , , shapefile ( , ). 134. shapefiles. BSCW shapefiles 84 , ArcView. 5– SHAPEFILES ARCVIEW shapefile 1. ; polylines 1 3 shapefile 22-24 . . OK . 135. shapefile , . ArcCatalog shapefile . GISdata. . 2. shapefile ArcMap. 26 shapefile Table of Contents ArcMap. 85 shapefile ArcMap. Editor Toolbar. shapefiles layers Editor Toolbar. 136. shapefile Editor Toolbar. shapefile, Start Editing. tools 137. ArcMap. Start editing editing tools ArcMap editing sew . BISEL , zoom in . . layers . 86 , Arc Tool . , Feature Create New . , zoom in . , layers layers layer . 138. shapefile. , . . 87 - 3. polylines . . 139. . . , . . , , - . 2 . 1 - 3 . . 140. . , Delete vertex . 88 Delete vertex . 141. . . . ( ). 142. . 4. shapefile. shapefile . 89 , Modify Feature. 143. shapefile Modify Feature. Edit shapefile . . Edit . . 144. Edit , . 90 . . , . , Insert Vertex . Insert Vertex . 145. . , Task zoom out . Arc Tool . 91 Create New Feature Create New Feature Task. Arc Tool . polyline . 146. Arc tool. , Save Edits . Editor. 147. Editor. 92 . ! 5. 5. , shapefile. an . shapefile shapefile . ( . , ) , . shapefile shapefile. Properties. 148. shapefile. layer properties symbol . 149. Symbology 93 layer properties. Canal . 3 pixels. color 150. . 151. . Canal Cretean Blue 94 . 152. . 2 . 1 . 153. Apply . . 95 , OK. 6. shapefile. . ArcMap. shapefile ). Open attribute table ( 154. shapefile . shapefile . . Options ArcMap Add Field. shapefile Add Field ! Stop Editing Add Field , Editor . . 1. . 2. 4. 3. Shape Add Field . Options . . polyline. 155. polylines 96 . ArcView . text. OK. 156. . 50 5 Field Properties. . (ditch drain) , 5. T OK. 157. . , . 158. . 97 , shapefile Start Editing polyline Editor. polyline Edit ( polyline ) shapefile Editor > Start Editing. Edit ( ) polyline , polyline. polyline . . . 159. polyline , Edit . polyline . Drain Ditch. Id . id polyline 160. Drains Ditches. 98 . , Editor Stop editing Save edits. . Date . layers ArcMap shapefiles. layers , layers File Save. layers, layer . – shapefile ; 1. . . . , . , 33-40 shapefile shapefile . . OK . 161. shapefile 99 . 2. shapefile. , Feature Create New . , , Sketch Tool . shapefile Target: . zoom . 162. shapefile. sketch tool. . . . . . 100 1 . 4 – 5 – – . . 163. Sketch tool. 164. . 101 sketch tool . 165. . Editor > Save Edits. , Stop Editing. , . . 166. Editor . 102 3. shapefile. Soiltype . ArcMap. Open attribute table. Soiltype shapefile Figure 167. Open the attribute table of your soil type shapefile. Soiltype shapefile . . Add Field. 103 Options 1. 4. Select Add Field to proceed. . 3. 2. Options Shape . . . 168. . ArcView . text. click OK. 169. . 104 Field Properties. Length: , 6. 170. Field Properties OK. , . 171. . , Soiltype shapefile Start Editing Editor. Edit ( . , . . id Id . 105 ) , Soiltype Edit layer. ) , . . . 172. Edit. 173. . , Editor , . File Save. 106 Save edits. Stop editing 6– SHAPEFILES shapefiles shapefiles. shapefiles, . 1. . ArcMap An existing map ( layers). , . 174. shapefile layer Soiltype Selection > Select by Attributes. ArcMap . Select by Attributes . , Layer: Soiltype, Create a new selection. “Soil_type” . . = . Get Unique Values Unique Values . ‘clay’ , “Soil_type”=’clay’ Verify . , Select by Attributes Close. 107 . Apply 1. 2. layer . Create a new selection . . 4. = 3. “Soil_type” get Unique values . Unique Values. ‘clay’ . 5. Verify 6. . 175. , Apply Close. Soiltype shapefile. clay 2. ArcMap. layer. Soiltype layer List of Contents Selection > Create Layer From Selected Features. layer , layer Soiltype Contents. layer 108 ArcMap. Soil_type clay. List of . layer Selection . 176. . layers 177. layer List of Contents. 109 3. shapefile. layer ArcView (Soiltype (shapefile). layer Data > Export Data. Exporting ) layer Data . 178. layer Export Data . shapefile. Export:All features layers shapefile . shapefile Browse . shapefile 179. layer 110 browse. shapefiles . layer layer Export_Output.shp. layer shapefile Soiltype layer. Clay.shp. shapefiles. shapefile Clay. Clay. Clay Export_Output. 180. shapefile 181. OK . Save . Export Data . layer; (Do you want to add the exported data to the map as a layer?) . Yes. 111 shapefile Clay.shp List of Contents . 182. shapefile layer . Soiltype Remove 183. Removing useless layers is easy. 112 . 4. ArcMap. layer Clay , Soiltype layer. shapefile . Soiltypes layers . Soiltype layers , ArcMap File > Save. 7– ARCVIEW buffer ( ) layers ArcView. . buffer . buffer. , . 1. buffer ArcMap , . , , Tools BISEL , Customize, 184. ArcMap. . Customize. 113 Tools Customize . Commands Categories . Customize Tools Commands Buffer Wizard ArcMap, Tools, . Commands. , Tools Buffer Wizard . 1 Commands . Buffer Wizard Tools ArcMap. 2 Tools Categories 185. . Buffer Wizard. Buffer Wizard . Customize Close. 186. Buffer Wizard Tools . 114 buffer wizard (buffers) . 2. shapefile to buffer. , (buffer) . layer Select Features. Select Features BISEL BISEL . . . 1 buffer. Select Feature buffer. . 187. buffer . 188. Buffer Wizard 115 Tools . Buffer Wizard Buffer Wizard , Buffer Wizard . layer . ArcMap . layer buffers , . next 189. Buffer Wizard . buffers. next. , buffer. , 190. . , , . Buffer Wizard 116 , 150 . . Next. . 191. buffer. Buffer . buffers. . . buffer buffer layer. layer! , 192. layer, buffer Buffer.shp buffer layer . 117 Finish. buffer ArcMap. . . 193. Buffer . buffer . . , WGS84 . . No Colour ArcMap Buffer , . No colour . Buffer. 194. buffer. 118 buffer 150 BISEL . . 195. buffer . Select Feature . . Clear Selected Features. 196. . 119 Selection 3. . buffer . , buffer , BISEL . . ? buffer. , buffer. , layer Buffer Select By Location. Selection . 197. . Select By Location . , ( ) ( I want to: ). . 198 select features from. , following layer(s): are completely within Preview. . animals that: . , . . 120 Buffer. , Close the features in this layer: Apply Select By Location. . 198. select by location overlay . 199. . 121 , 150 BISEL , Open Attribute Table. . , , . Identify . 200. . Selection by location , , , BISEL . . ArcMap File 122 Save ArcMap. ArcView GIS . . ArcView , ArcView. , , . 1. shapefiles. ArcMap , , . layer , buffer BISEL , , , buffer buffer Buffer. buffer Buffer. 201. . 2. layer . BISEL BISEL layer. . BISEL BISEL . 123 , BISEL layer . Properties . Layer Properties , , layer. 202. Properties . Show: BISEL layer. Quantities . 203. Layer Properties. 124 Quantities , Graduated symbols , . Fields > Value: BISELindex 204. . Layer Properties Show. , (Natural break) . . breakpoints Natural break . , 5 . Classify ArcView . , breakpoints . Layer Properties, . . Symbol Size 4 Template 18 . pixels . 125 , Template. . 205. . OK . 206. . 126 . Template . More Symbols , Environmental . Test/Sample Water More Symbols. 207. BISEL ; , Layer Properties . . Apply ArcMap. , OK . 208. BISEL. 127 BISEL BISEL . . ArcView . , BISEL Buffer . 209. BISEL . ArcMap . , , layers BISEL layer, layers, . , BISEL . layers, , Identify ( . Info layer identify ) . 128 3. Select by attributes. BISEL) Select by attributes ArcMap. GIS . , Selection ArcMap, Select By Attributes… 210. . Select By Attributes, . layer Layer: layer layer. Industrial , , . Create a new selection. . , , “type”. ) . “type”. . Get Unique Values ‘factory’ “type”=’factory’. =( . Verify. 129 , Apply . BISEL Select By Attributes BISEL . Close. , layer . , , . , , factory = . . . Get Unique Values Verify . Apply Close . 211. . , . 212. . 130 . BISEL BISEL . layers BISEL, layers . 4. . . Options. Selection 213. Options. Selection Colour Selection Options . OK. 131 214. Selection Colour. 215. . , layers, ( ) . , , , , ArcMap , . . Clear Selected Features Selection. ArcView, File >Save. 132
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