Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Hrvoje Medarac Via XXV Aprile 6, I-21023 Besozzo (VA), Italy Nad lipom 13, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone(s) +385 1 3771 316 Fax(es) +385 1 3771 316 E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender Mobile: +39 338 894 2390 +385 98 280 810 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Croatian February 5th 1979 Male Desired employment / Energy expert Occupational field Work experience Dates Since 2012 Occupation or position held Grantholder Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Page 1/7 - Curriculum vitae of Medarac Hrvoje, MBA, MA, MEng Researcher at European Commission- Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport, Renewable Energies Unit. Currently doing researches on economical assessment of renewable energy sources and on more efficient use of biomass resources in steam biomass cogeneration power plants under economic optimization conditions on Croatian case study. European Commission- Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport (IET), Renewable Energies Unit, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, I - 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy Research Institute Since 1999 Director Director of the company which produces mathematical models for process and energy industries and provides energy consultancy services. A team member in developing Mathematical model of pump station in Istria water supply system, Mathematical model of Industrial power plant in MlakaLubricants Refinery in Rijeka, Model for monitoring the investments process for Pastor Inženjering d.d. in Zagreb, LPG market analysis study. Developed a methodology for Business Analyses and worked on the Comprehensive technical and technological analysis with the proposition for the best possible redesign of power plants in Sisak Oil Refinery based on the future oil refining model. Lega d.o.o., Nad lipom 13, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Energy and Process Industry Consultancy and Mathematical Modelling For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held 2010 – 2012 Senior Expert Advisor for Incitement and Implementation of Energy Management Measures Senior Expert Advisor for Incitement and Implementation of Energy Management Measures. Worked on financing of energy efficiency projects (use of natural gas, cogeneration, district heating, public lightning etc.) and renewable energy sources projects (wind, solar, geothermal, biomass) and in the department which played the role of national implementation body for energy efficiency with the aim of gaining the national goal of 9% of end- use energy savings by 2016 according to the Directive 2006/32/EC, where worked on financing and implementation of UNDP projects „Energy Management in Cities and Counties“ and „House in Order“ where, in the name of the Fund, participated various conferences on energy efficiency and opening of numerous EE info points in cities and counties of the Republic of Croatia. In 2010 managed the EURO 5 vehicles switch programme for transport and passenger vehicles and also worked on the main competition of the Fund for EE and RES projects and on the Competition for financing of energy audits and energy certificates in cities and counties. Also worked on bottom- up calculation of energy savings in projects financed by the Fund since the establishment and until 2010 and on the development of strategic (2nd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan) and legislation (The Energy Act, and various regulations and ordinances in the area of energy efficiency) documents as the team member from the Fund. Prepared documentation for public procurement. A member of the team which organized regional workshops on energy efficiency in several major cities in Croatia. Represented the Fund on various workshops, seminars and conferences. Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Ksaver 208, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Public Administration 2007-2009 Project Manager External engineer on loan at the company which designs process and energy plants (long-term contract between companies Lega and Enerkon), worked as the Project manager on Spačva biomass cogeneration project, project team member on biomass cogeneration projects Hrast Strizivojna, Lipa, Udbina, Slavonija and DIN Novoselec, geothermal power plant project Marija 1 in Velika Ciglena, concentrated thermal solar power plant project in Promina, Program of reduction of organic gases emissions in AD Plastik and two Biodiesel plants in Beli Manastir (Biodizel BM) and Koprivnica (Biona). Developed the economic analysis and sensitivity analysis model for biomass projects. Enerkon d.o.o., Trnjanska 37, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Designers Of Energy And Process Plants 2005-2007 Energy Efficiency Junior Advisor Main activities and responsibilities Worked on development of legislation in the field of energy (Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Biofuels), as the PIU member on projects financed through CARDS, PHARE and IPA programs, on screening for EU accession negotiations team and preparation of negotiation positions of the Republic of Croatia in the field of energy (Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Biofuels), leader of the team that created a Mathematical model for Oil derivates prices. Represented the Ministry and the Republic of Croatia on various workshops and seminars in Croatia and in the European Commission (EC) in Bruxelles, the United Nations (UN) in Geneva and International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, France. A member of the team that made a tender for public aid for producers of renewable energy sources equipment in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Worked on public procurements for the needs of the Ministry. Name and address of employer Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Croatia, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Type of business or sector Page 2/7 - Curriculum vitae of Medarac Hrvoje, MBA, MA, MEng Public Administration For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Since 2008 PhD Student Marketing, Management, Strategy, Tactics, writing the PhD thesis in the field of Business Strategy and Marketing Tactics with the title “Matrix Marketing and Technology Innovation- The Development of Strategic Model Building” For the purpose of the PhD since 2007 doing the action research on the implementation of a newly developed business model in the company. The thesis is on relations between business strategy and marketing tactics. The primary research is done as a qualitative research and the research method is action research on a case study. As a result of the research the model is developed which strengthens connections between business strategy and marketing tactics in a way that it suggests the proper marketing tactics to meet business strategy targets. The main problem which companies face and which this research is trying to solve is that business strategy is given by top management of the company and marketing tactics is developed by middle level management. As a result, marketing tactics may end-up in opposite directions to business strategy. In the end the customers have wrong signals and this influences total business result in a negative way. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Level in national or international classification Expected PhD Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered 2004- 2012 Magistar znanosti (120 ECTS) Business Administration, Management, Strategy, Master’s thesis: “Strategic Analysis of the Market of the Business Optimisation Software in Energy and Process Industries in Croatia”. For the purpose of the MBA Master’s thesis in the period 2009-2011 made two primary qualitative researches using indepth interviews on buyers and competitors of the market as a research method and a secondary research on business analysis of competitors on the market. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia Level in national or international classification MBA, mr. sc. level in Croatian national classification Dates 2011 Title of qualification awarded Possibility for the Authorization as Energy Certificator in Buildings' Sector for complex technical systems Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Exam for Authorized Energy Certificator in Buildings' Sector (Module 2- complex technical systems) passed Name and type of organisation providing education and training Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Croatia Level in national or international classification N/A Dates 2011 Title of qualification awarded Possibility for the Authorization as Energy Certificator in Buildings' Sector for simple technical systems Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Exam for Authorized Energy Certificator in Buildings' Sector (Module 1- simple technical systems) passed Name and type of organisation providing education and training Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Croatia Level in national or international classification N/A Page 3/7 - Curriculum vitae of Medarac Hrvoje, MBA, MA, MEng For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered 2006-2007 MA in International Business Administration (90 ECTS) International Business Administration, Management, Master’s thesis: “Awareness on Energy Efficiency within Governmental Bodies”, For the purpose of the MA Master’s thesis in 2007 made two primary qualitative researches using in-depth interviews on employees working in the energy department and ordinary employees of the government body. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Level in national or international classification Master of Arts Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered 2006 State Officer Croatian legislation and EU policies, State Administration Exam passed Name and type of organisation providing education and training Central State Administrative Office for Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia Level in national or international classification N/A Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered 1997-2004 Diplomirani inženjer strojarstva (dipl. ing.), now qualified as mag. ing. str. (MEng) (300 ECTS) Mechanical Engineering, Energy, Power plants, Steam Generators, Steam and Gas Turbines etc., Graduation thesis: “The Conceptual Design of a Water-Supply System”. For the purpose of the Graduation thesis in 2004 developed the investment model for a water supply system based on primary data collected on site and secondary data on forest characteristics for the purpose of calculation of construction works. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia Level in national or international classification Master in Engineering Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Croatian Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding European level (*) Listening Reading Speaking Spoken interaction Writing Spoken production English German C2 Excellent C2 Excellent C2 Excellent C2 Excellent C2 Excellent C1 Very good C1 Very good C1 Very good C1 Very good C1 Very good French Italian A2 Beginner A2 Beginner A2 Beginner A2 Beginner A2 Beginner A1 Beginner A1 Beginner A1 Beginner A1 Beginner A1 Beginner (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Social skills and competences Page 4/7 - Curriculum vitae of Medarac Hrvoje, MBA, MA, MEng Well developed social skills. Communicative and resilient person interested in learning and development. Has a willingness to gain and give knowledge and share experience. Presented publications on international conferences. The non-combatant military service served in elementary school “Nad Lipom”, school for mentally impaired children. Beside profession, also interested in music and sports like skiing, skating, rollerblading, mountain biking, badminton, fishing, Formula 1 and football. For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Organisational skills and competences Well developed organisational skills. A good team member and team leader for a certain project, very high level of responsibility and moral and ethical standards and 'out-of-box' reasoning. Analytical and oriented on problem solving and delivery of quality and results. Good at prioritizing and organizing. Experienced in project management. Director of the company. Education in Business Administration. During studies, elected for two years as a student representative for student association at the faculty. Technical skills and competences Interdisciplinary education and experience in fields of energy and mechanical engineering which is combined with economics and business administration. Considering profession, especially interested in energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and generally in power plants, which got to know better during two industrial trainings in combined gas- steam power plant - heating plant of Hrvatska Elektroprivreda d.d. (EL-TO Zagreb). The first training was done in gas- turbine power plant Dujmovača, and the second one was done in EL- TO Zagreb maintenance department and both of them were at the time of power plant's overhaul. Has a strong ability to apply the knowledge in professional surroundings. Computer skills and competences Various education and exams in IT. At the Leeds Metropolitan University: PhD on marketing model based on the combination of MS Excel and Visual Basic. At the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb: passed exams from Marketing management (Marketing Plan Pro), Decision making support (Doctus, C-Map), Statistical analysis for MBA (Statmaster, SPSS, PHStat), Quantitative methods for MBA (WinQSB) and Informatics management (MS Project). At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb: passed exams from Introduction to Information Science (Fortran and C), Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Designing (C), Applied Informatics E (AutoCAD, Gambit, Fluent, CADS, MS Nastran for Windows), Computational Mathematics (HTML, C++, Java, Matlab + Simulink, Mathematica). Also at the same faculty finished the unofficial HTML course, while making the program for the exam Thermal Devices learned Solid Works 2001. For the purpose of graduation thesis developed the mathematical model based on the combination of Excel and Visual Basic. In INA INFO Center took the following courses Access 97 – application development (1999), Access 8.0 (1998), Multimedia MIX (1996), Excel (1995), Visual Basic (1994), MS-DOS and Word Perfect (1993). In high school worked in Quick Basic for one and in Pascal 6.0 for three years. In elementary school programmed in Simon’s Basic. Director of the company which produces mathematical models of real business systems in energy and process industry sectors. Artistic skills and competences Other skills and competences Driving licence Finished the Elementary Music School “Fran Lhotka” in Sisak, Croatia. Musical instrument- guitar. Likes sports activities. B category driving license since 1997 and the Boat leader's license of competency since 2001. Additional information Since 2010- Member of Croatian Academy of Science and Arts, Science council for Oil and Gas, Oil refining section. Since 2007- Member of academic association The CIRCLE (The Centre for International Research in Consumers Location and their Environments). Annexes List of Publications, Articles and Conferences, Workshops and Seminars. Zagreb, February 25 2013 Hrvoje Medarac, MBA, MA, MEng Page 5/7 - Curriculum vitae of Medarac Hrvoje, MBA, MA, MEng For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Annex 1: List of Publications, Articles, Conferences, Workshops and Seminars Publications: 1. Medarac, H., Vignali, C. (2011) “The Stratics Model- Strengthening the Link Between Business Strategy and Marketing Tactics- Research Application”, 8th CIRCLE International Conference for Marketing, Management, Finance, Consumer Behaviour, Tourism and Retailing Research, Centre for International Research in Consumers, Locations and their Environments, Book of Abstracts, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Page 63 2. Medarac, H., Dubravec, I., Rajčić, M. (2010) “Energy Efficiency Goals and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Position“ (Ciljevi energetske učinkovitosti i pozicija Fonda za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost), 9th International Symposium 'Power and Process Palnts' and 4th international forum on renewable energy sources, Energetika Marketing, Zagreb, Croatia, Page 90 3. Medarac, H., Vignali, C. (2010) “Energy Efficiency Awareness in State Administration“ (Svijest o energetskoj učinkovitosti u državnoj upravi), 9th International Symposium 'Power and Process Palnts' and 4th international forum on renewable energy sources, Energetika Marketing, Zagreb, Page 95 4. Medarac, H., Medarac, I., Vignali, C. (2010) „Connecting the Business Strategy with the Marketing Tactics with the view of Better Positioning of the Biofuel on Fuel Market in Croatia“ (Povezivanje strategije poslovanja s taktikom marketinga za bolje pozicioniranje biogoriva na tržištu goriva u Republici Hrvatskoj), 9th International Symposium 'Power and Process Palnts' and 4th international forum on renewable energy sources, Energetika Marketing, Zagreb, 2010., Page 116 5. Medarac, I., Medarac, H. (2010) “Electric Energy From Biomass- Comparison and Application of Two Concepts“ (Električna energija iz biomase - usporedbe i primjena dviju koncepcija),9th International Symposium 'Power and Process Palnts' and 4th international forum on renewable energy sources, Energetika Marketing, Zagreb, 2010., Page 136 6. Vignali, C., Medarac, H. (2010) “Stratics Model Building- Research Application“, IJMC, Leeds, UK, Nr. 12/2, Page 728 7. Medarac, H., Vignali, C. (2009) “Awareness on Energy Efficiency within Governmental Bodies“, IJMC, Leeds, UK, Nr. 11/3, Pages 4-10 8. Medarac, H., Medarac, I. (2009) “Case Study: Lega Marketing Strategy“, IJMC, Leeds, UK, Nr. 11/3, Pages 11-27 9. Medarac, H. (2009) „Stratics Model Building- Research Application“, IJMC, Leeds, UK, Nr. 11/3, Pages 28-35 10. Medarac, I., Jedvaj, V., Jurešić, S. Medarac, H. (2008) “Redesign of energy units of the future modernized oil refinery” (Optimizacija i usmjeravanje rada energetskih jedinica rafinerije nafte pomoću PC-a), 8. međunarodno znanstveno-stručno savjetovanje 'Energetska i procesna postrojenja'- Conference proceedings, Energetika Marketing, Zagreb, Croatia 11. Medarac, I., Blažević, N., Bogdan, Ž., Sertić-Bjonda, K., Medarac, H. (2008) “The Methodology of suggestion of redesign of energy units of future modernized oil refinery” (Redizajn energetskih jedinica buduće modernizirane rafinerije nafte), 8. međunarodno znanstveno-stručno savjetovanje 'Energetska i procesna postrojenja'- Conference proceedings, Energetika Marketing, Zagreb, Croatia 12. Medarac I., Blažević, N., Bogdan, Ž., Sertić-Bjonda, K., Medarac, H. (2007) “A comprehensive technical and technological analysis with the proposition for the best possible redesign of power plants in Sisak Oil Refinery based on the future refining model - Present situation. Redesign of the existing technology and calculation of energy demands” (Cjelovita tehničko-tehnološka analiza s prijedlogom redizajniranja energetskih pogona temeljem planirane modernizacije rafinerije nafte Sisak - Postojeće stanje. Redizajn tehnologije i izračun energetskih potreba), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb Articles: 1. Medarac, H., Plevnik, S., Popović, R., Tabain, G. (November 2009) “Hrast Strizivojna- The Most Advanced Biomass Cogeneration Project In Croatia“ (Hrast Strizivojna- Najnapredniji projekt kogeneracije na biomasu u Hrvatskoj), EGE, Zagreb, br. 5/2009, Pages 154- 156 2. Medarac, H., Plevnik, S., Popović, R., Tabain, G., Virag, L. (August 2009) “Cogeneration Gavrilović- Awarded implemented project of rational use of energy” (Kogeneracija Gavrilović- Nagrađeni realizirani projekt racionalnog gospodarenja energijom), EGE, Zagreb, Nr. 4/2009, Pages 34, 35 3. Medarac, I., Medarac, H. (May 2009) “The use of mathematical models while defining the energy system of future oil refinery” (Primjena matematičkih modela pri definiranju energetike buduće rafinerije nafte), EGE, Zagreb, Nr. 3/2009, Pages 24- 27 4. Medarac, H., Vignali C. (April 2009) “Are Government Bodies Aware of Energy Efficiency?” (Je li državna uprava svjesna energetske učinkovitosti?), EGE, Zagreb, Nr. 2/2009, Pages 28- 33 5. Medarac, H., Duić, N. (March 2006) “The Ordinance on Energy Efficiency Labelling of Household Appliances” (Pravilnik o označavanju energetske učinkovitosti kućanskih uređaja), Gospodarstvo i okoliš, Zagreb, Nr. 5/2006, Pages 6, 7 Conferences, Workshops and Seminars 2012 5 Regional workshops on the implementation of the Act on Efficient End- Use Energy Management in Zadar, Split, Osijek, Rijeka and Varaždin, member of the organisation team and had the presentation „Rational energy management– inciting and implementation of measurs and Evaluation of results of the implementation of energy efficiency measures – analysis of energy consumption, monitoring and verification of savings“, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Construction and Physiscal Planing, Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection, UNDP and hosting counties, Croatia Page 6/7 - Curriculum vitae of Medarac Hrvoje, MBA, MA, MEng For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 2011 Regional conference for technical staff of the Program of Croatian Government „House in Order“, had a presentation on the subject „Activities of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund based on the Act on Efficient Use of Energy in Final Consumption“, UNDP, MinGoRP and FZOEU, Split and Rijeka, Croatia 2011 The seminar on Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings in Energy Efficiency Projects, HEP- ESCO d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia 2011 The first Croatian conference Carbon Footprint- The Responsibility Track, had a presentation on the subject „Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund in the Scope of gaining the aims of CO2 emissions reduction“, REC Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia 2011 Lecture on subject „Oil Industry in the Scope of Reaching the Energy Efficiency Goals“, Oil refining section of the Science council for Oil of Croatian Academy of Science and Arts, HAZU, Zagreb, Croatia 2010 International Congress 'Energy and the Environment', Hrvatski savez za sunčevu energiju and Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Opatija, Croatia- had presentation on the subject 'Energy Efficiency in Buildings Projects of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund' and moderated the Workshop II ' Energy Efficiency in Buildings – Projects of the United Nations Development Programme and of the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency 2010 9th International Symposium 'Power and Process Plants' and 4th international forum on renewable energy sources, Energetika marketing, Dubrovnik, Croatia- had four presentations on the following subjects „Energy Efficiency Goals and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Position“, „Energy Efficiency Awareness in State Administration“, „Connecting the Business Strategy with the Marketing Tactics with the view of Better Positioning of the Biofuel on Fuel Market in Croatia“ and „Electric Energy From Biomass- Comparison and Application of Two Concepts“ and moderated the following sections „VI. Energy Management, Efficient Use of Energy, Cogeneration, Gas“, „C. New Solutions for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources“ and „D. Possibilities of the Application and Developed Renewable Energy Sources Projects“ 2010 Research Training Programme, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK 2010 National Info Day for Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme, MinGoRP, Forestry Faculty, Zagreb, Croatia 2009- Accession lecture on the subject of “Biofuels on Croatian Fuels Market” for the purpose of accession to Oil refining section of the Science council for Oil of Croatian Academy of Science and Arts, HAZU, Zagreb 2008- Conference On Potentials And Possibilities Of The Use Of Renewable Energy Sources, REDEA, Green Energy and INTERREG IIIA, Sv. Martin na Muri 2008 8th International Symposium 'Power and Process Plants' and 3rd international forum on renewable energy sources, Energetika marketing, Dubrovnik, Croatia- had a presentation on the subject „Optimisation and Directioning of Energy Plant’s Working Conditions With the Use of PC” (Optimizacija i usmjeravanje rada energetskih jedinica rafinerije nafte pomoću PC-a) and was the co-author on the publication “The Methodology of suggestion of redesign of energy units of future modernized oil refinery” (Redizajn energetskih jedinica buduće modernizirane rafinerije nafte) 2008 Research Training Programme, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK 2007- Implementing Agreement: Energy Efficient Electrical End-use Equipment, IEA, Paris 2007- IEE (Intelligent Energy for Europe) Member State Committee, EC, Bruxelles 2007- IPA 2007 Programming, 1st Component, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia (MVPEI), Zagreb 2006- 15th Sesstion CTTEE Sustainable Energy, UN, Geneva 2006- Workshops on the transposition and the implementation of the Ecodesign of EUP’s (Energy using Products) directive, EC, Bruxelles 2006- 3rd International Conference For Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research, The Circle and EFZG, Zagreb 2006- Joint Research Centre (JRC) Information Day, European Commission and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Zagreb 2005- Workshop on the development of heating sector in Croatia, MinGoRP, Zagreb 2005- Introduction to EC Legislation, MVPEI 2005- EU Regional Politics EU, MVPEI 2005- Austrian- Croatian Symposium Of Environment Protection And Alternative Energies, Austrian Embassy and Croatian Chamber of Economy, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, Rijeka 2005- Nordic Days in Croatia- Energy and Environment, Zagrebački Velesajam, Zagreb 2004 6th International Symposium 'Power and Process Plants' and 1st international forum on renewable energy sources, Energetika marketing, Dubrovnik, Croatia Page 7/7 - Curriculum vitae of Medarac Hrvoje, MBA, MA, MEng For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628
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