Mikic, B., et. al: TRANSFORMATION EFFECTS OF PARTIAL... PESH 1(2012) 1:115-118 TRANSFORMATION EFFECTS FROM PARTIAL QUANTITATIVE DIFFERENCES OF MOTOR ABILITIES OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS UDC:796.034-056.26-057.874 (Original scientific paper) Branimir Mikic1, Danilo Bojanic2, Jasmin Mehinovic1, Alija Biberovic1, Biljana Mikic3 1Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Tuzla 2Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Nikšiæ 3 Independent researcher Abstract: The study was conducted on a sample of 46 students. The main objective of this study was to determine the partial quantitative changes (differences) of motor skills of students with special needs under the influence of applied kinesiology operator. A system of 16 variables was implemented to assess the motor abilities. Based on the results of t-test for dependent samples showed that the applied kinesiology operators produced statistically significant partial quantitative changes (differences) in the motor skills of students with special needs. Keywords: students, motor skills, physical education operators, transformation, quantitative differences. INTRODUCTION Physical and health education is a complex educational process that represents the part of institutionalized education and part of family education. Physical and health education as an integral part of the educational - learning process in schools has a basic task to apply appropriate kinetic operators in order to achieve the positive impact on transformation processes, and all dimensions of anthropological status. The population of students with special needs is one of the links in the chain complex educational and social impact of systematic physical and health education which are subjected to new generations (Mikic et al. 2008). For the majority of students with special needs teaching physical and health education is the only form of organized movement activities, which can have positive effects on preventing all the more pronounced hypo kinesis and handicap status. The main objective of this study was determination of partial quantitative changes in motor abilities of children with special needs under the influence of applied kinesiology operator. METHOD The sample The study was conducted on a sample of 46 students of the Center for Children and Youth with Special Needs “Los Rosales” Mostar and living facilities for children with special needs in Niksic. Sample of variables Variables to assess motor skills Taping hand, Taping foot, Taping foot of the wall, Explosive power-start-high 20 yards, Long jump from place, High Jump (Sarđent), Repetitive power-lifting body 30 seconds, Deep squats, Enduring the knuckle, Coordination -side steps, Long jump backwards, bend-touch, Zigzag run lox 5 m, Flexibility - bend while standing on a bench, Flex with a rod, Bend from sitting. Methods of data processing In order to determine the quantitative difference of partial (partial quantitative effects of program) between the initial and final measurements of the motor skills of students with special needs, univariant level of testing was applied (t-test for dependent samples). 115 Mikic, B., et. al: TRANSFORMATION EFFECTS OF PARTIAL... PESH 1(2012) 1:115-118 Table 1. Mean MBFTAR MBFTARF MBFTAN MBFTANF MBFTNZ MBFTNZF MEST20M MEST20MF MESSDM MESSDMF MESSAR MESSARF MRSPTT MRSPTTF MRSDUÈ MRSDUÈF MRSIZZ MRSIZZF MKOKUS MKOKUSF MKOSDN MKOSDNF MKOPZD MKOPZDF MKT10x5 MKT10x5F MFLPRK MFLPRKF MFISKP MFISKPF MFLPSR MFLPSRF 12,98 16,41 10,26 13,24 8,72 12,93 5,00 4,59 92,33 126,89 24,76 31,54 10,07 16,22 18,07 20,78 4,02 8,09 30,88 26,30 28,85 43,50 9,39 12,74 29,42 24,17 2,35 4,00 63,59 56,57 62,87 65,41 N Std. Deviation 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 2,52 3,50 1,87 2,50 2,32 2,92 0,40 0,53 24,81 24,05 5,13 5,17 2,77 4,10 3,78 3,31 2,40 4,17 3,64 2,75 6,80 7,93 2,01 2,68 2,25 2,63 4,00 4,62 7,04 5,22 6,59 7,89 Std. Error Mean 0,37 0,52 0,28 0,37 0,34 0,43 0,06 0,08 3,66 3,85 0,76 0,76 0,41 0,61 0,56 0,49 0,35 0,62 0,54 0,41 1,00 1,17 0,30 0,39 0,33 0,39 0,59 0,68 1,04 0,77 0,97 1,16 health education, produced a statistically significant partial quantitative effects applied to all variables except the variables MFLPRK-bend on the bench and variables MFLPSR - bend from sitting. It suggests that the applied program of work had certain disadvantages in terms of choice of kinetic operator for the development of flexibility. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Analysis of quantitative change (T-test) of motor skills of students with special needs On the basis of the mean of motor capabilities of the initial and final measurements of the samples of students with special needs (Table 1) and based on the significance of changes (differences) tested by the T-test for paired samples (Table 2), it is evident that the applied program of physical and 116 Mikic, B., et. al: TRANSFORMATION EFFECTS OF PARTIAL... PESH 1(2012) 1:115-118 Table 2. Mean MBFTAR – MBFTARF MBFTAN – MBFTANF MBFTNZ – MBFTNZ F MEST20M MEST20MF MESSDM – MESSDM F MESSAR – MESSAR F MRSPTT – MRSPTT F MRSDUÈ – MRSDUÈ F MRSIZZ – MRSIZZ F MKOKUS – MKOKUS F MKOSDN – MKOSDNF MKOPZD – MKOPZD F MKT10x5 – MKT10x5 F MFLPRK – MFLPRK F MFISKP – MFISKP F MFLPSR – MFLPSR F Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig. (2tailed) -3,43 4,61 0,68 -4,80 -2,07 -5,06 45,00 0,00 -2,98 2,89 0,43 -3,84 -2,12 -6,98 45,00 0,00 -4,22 3,88 0,57 -5,37 -3,07 -7,38 45,00 0,00 0,41 0,71 0,10 0,20 0,62 3,90 45,00 0,00 -34,57 33,26 4,90 -44,44 -24,69 -7,05 45,00 0,00 -6,78 7,75 1,14 -9,08 -4,48 -5,94 45,00 0,00 -6,15 5,02 0,74 -7,64 -4,66 -8,32 45,00 0,00 -2,72 5,68 0,84 -4,40 -1,03 -3,25 45,00 0,00 -4,07 5,22 0,77 -5,61 -2,52 -5,29 45,00 0,00 4,57 5,12 0,75 3,05 6,10 6,06 45,00 0,00 -14,65 12,54 1,85 -18,38 -10,93 -7,93 45,00 0,00 -3,35 3,89 0,57 -4,50 -2,19 -5,84 45,00 0,00 5,25 3,92 0,58 4,08 6,41 9,07 45,00 0,00 -1,65 6,72 0,99 -3,65 0,34 -1,67 45,00 0,10 7,02 7,59 1,12 4,77 9,28 6,27 45,00 0,00 -2,54 10,72 1,58 -5,73 0,64 -1,61 45,00 0,12 ly significant partial quantitative changes (differences) in all the motor skills of students with special needs except the variables of flexibility. It is assumed that the applied program of work had certain disadvantages in terms of choice of kinetic operator for the development of flexibility. CONCLUSION The main objective of this study was to determine the partial quantitative changes (effects) of motor abilities of children with special needs under the influence of applied kinesiology operator. Based on the results of t-test, it is evident that the applied kinesiology operators produced statistical- 117 Mikic, B., et. al: TRANSFORMATION EFFECTS OF PARTIAL... PESH 1(2012) 1:115-118 LITERATURE Annelies, B. i B. Todorović(1984). O dominirajućoj ulozi motorike na razvoj umjerene i teško mentalno- retardirane djece. Beograd. Bala, G.(1981). Struktura i razvoj morfoloških i motoričkih dimenzija djece SAP Vojvodine. Novi Sad. Fakultet za fizičku kulturu univerziteta u Novom Sadu, Bjeković, Tanović, Koničanin, Arnaut (2010). 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PESH 1(2012) 1:115-118 TRANSFORMACISKI EFEKTI OD PARCIJALNITE KVANTITATIVNI PROMENI NA MOTORNITE SPOSOBNOSTI KAJ U^ENIICTE SO POSEBNI POTREBI UDK:796.034-056.26-057.874 (Originalen nau~en trud) Branimir Miki}1, Danilo Bojani}2, Jasmin Mehinovi}1, Alija Biberovi}1, Biljana Miki}3 1Fakultet za fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport, Univerzitet vo Tuzla 2Fakultet za fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport, Nik{i} 3 Nezavisen istra`uva~ Apstrakt: Istra`uvaweto e realizirano na primerok od 46 izpitanici. Cel na istra`uvawto e da se utvrdat kvantitativnite promeni (razliki) vo motornite sposobnosti kaj u~enicite so posebni potrebi pod vlijanie na odredeni kineziolo{ki operatori. Za realizirawe na celite na istra`uvaweto primeneti se 16 varijabli za procenuvawe na motornite sposobnosti. Od dobienite rezultati od t-testot za zavisni primeroci mo`e da se konstatira deka kineziolo{kite operatori pridonele za kvalitativni statisti~ki zna~ajni promeni vo motori~kite sposobnosti kaj u~enicite so posebni potrebi. Klu~ni zborovi:u~enici, fizi~ko obrazovanie, kineziolo{ki operatori, transformacija, kvalitativni razliki. 119 120
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