General Information The Symposium on Environmental Management, SEM2011 will be held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The leading scientists and top experts will meet at the same place presenting the latest ideas and up to date solutions to environmental management problems. The official language of the SEM2011 will be English. Registration Fees: Fees (EURO) REGISTRATION FORM Topics SEM 2011 Toward Sustainable Technologies ¾ Green Economy ¾ Environmental Management October 26-28, 2011, Zagreb, Croatia Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology University of Zagreb before Fee1 Participant Student & Accompanying person Fee2 Participant Student & Accompanying person after July 15, 2011 220 270 185 185 150 125 200 125 The Fee1 includes books of abstracts and proceedings, lunches, gala dinner, welcome party and refreshments. The Fee2 includes books of abstracts and proceedings, welcome party and refreshments. Registration fees include tax (23 %). One day scientific field trip with departure: Saturday, October 29th after Conference closing. (Optional and not included in the registration fee) Program The Scientific Program will begin on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 and will end on Friday, October 28. The scheduled presentation time for plenary lectures is 30 minutes, for the specially invited and contributed lectures 15 minutes. Boards for posters are 1.2 m wide and 1.0 m high. Abstract should be written in English, each must not exceed 1 page, font TNR, size 12, margins; T6/L4/R4/B4.5 cm. The text should be sent as a WORD document via e-mail to [email protected]. Full papers will be published in the book of proceedings. Selected full papers will be published in special issues of Management of Environmental Quality and Kemija u industriji (Chemistry in Industry) Journals. ¾ Green Chemistry ¾ Green Technologies ¾ Sustainable Energy Production Please fill out this form in block letters and return to SEM 2011, Organizing Committee, By mail or by fax, deadline July 15, 2011 First name and Surname (Titles) ¾ Renewable Energy Participant: ¾ Sustainable Building Student: ¾ Air Pollution and Control Accompanying Person: Affiliation: ¾ Coastal and Marine Management Address: ¾ Water and Wastewater Management Postal Code/City: ¾ Waste Management Phone: ¾ Soil and Forestry ¾ Risk Assessment and Management Country: Fax: E-mail: Title of the presentation: ¾ Education for Sustainable Development I wish to present: oral poster or register on-line via SEM2011 Committees IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1st Announcement Scientific and Organizing Committee President: Natalija Koprivanac Mailing Address: Roko Andričević, Anđelka Bedrica, Felicita Briški, Besim Dobruna, Neven Duić, Mark Gero, Zlata Hrnjak-Murgić, Tonka Kovačić, Savka Kučar-Dragičević, Dragan Kukavica, Stanislav Kurajica, Hrvoje Kušić, Stjepan Leaković, Danuta Leszczynska, Ana Lončarić Božić, Nenad Mikulić, Ljubomir Miščević, Zoran Nakić, Lidija Pavić-Rogošić, Gordana Pehnec-Pavlović, Davor Romić, Suad Rošić, Nenad Smodlaka, Siniša Širac, Martina Šumenjak, Vesna Tomašić, Branko Tripalo, Đurđa Vasić-Rački SEM2011 Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Universty of Zagreb Marulicev trg 19 HR-10000 Zagreb Croatia International Scientific Advisory Board Prof. Dr. I. Balcioglu (TUR), Prof. Dr. F. Bašić (HR), Prof. Dr. M. C. Cann (USA), Prof. Dr. D. D. Dionysiou (USA), Prof. Dr. S. Esplugas (ESP), Dr. F. Evers (NED), Prof. Dr. M. Giaoutsi (GRE), Prof. Dr. P. Glavič (SLO), Dr. C. Hey (GER), Prof. Dr. M. Hraste (HR), Dr. Lj. Jeftić (HR), Prof. Dr. M. Kaštelan-Macan (HR), Prof. Dr. V. Kaučič (SLO), Prof. Dr. B. Kunst (HR), Prof. Dr. J. Leszczynski (USA), Prof. Dr. A. Magerholm Fet (NOR), Prof. Dr. A. Majcen Le Marechal (SLO), Prof. Dr. M. Metikoš-Huković (HR), Prof. Dr. P. Novak (SLO), Prof. Dr. G. Li Puma (UK), Prof. Dr. M. Schreurs (GER), Prof. Dr. M. Scoullos (GRE), Dr. S. Švaljek (HR), Dr. V. Vađić (HR), Prof. Dr. G. Varallyay (HUN), Prof. Dr. D. T. Waite (AUS), Prof. Dr. T. Winnicki (PL) Auspices Croatian Parliament; Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction; Ministry of Science, Education and Sport; Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure; Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Kosovo; Office for Sustainable Development of Monte Negro; University of Zagreb; University of Split; Croatian Academy of Engineering; Croatian Environment Agency; Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund; Croatian Chamber of Economy; American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia (Green Building Council); Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development; Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar; The Institute of Economics, Zagreb; The Croatian Association of Engineers; Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, Croatian Chamber of Architects, District of Cazin (BIH) Contacts: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology University of Zagreb (HR) Phone: ++ 385/1 4597 160 Fax: ++ 385/1 4597 143 E-mail: [email protected] Website: ORGANIZES Deadlines: Abstracts submission Circular of abstract acceptance Early Registration Submission of full papers June 17, 2011 July 1, 2011 July 15, 2011 September 5, 2011 Accommodation: Please, check the list of recommended hotels at Symposium fee: It should be paid in advance. Account No.: 2100059253 (EUR) 2360000-1101338626 (kn) SWIFT Code: ZABAHR2X IBAN: HR7223600001101338626 Bank: Zagrebačka banka, Paromlinska 2 HR 10000 Zagreb, CROATIA 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Management Toward Sustainable Technologies October 26-28, 2011 Zagreb, CROATIA in cooperation with Hrvatske vode, Legal entity for water management (HR) Croatian American Society (HR) ODRAZ, Sustainable Community Development (HR) Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, Jackson State University (USA) Slovenian Biomass Association (SLO)
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