ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ | CONGRESS PROGRAM 1-DAY VISUS 3D INTENSIVE COURSE Η σύγχρονη µαγνησιοθεραπεία Eύκολα στη χρήση, πόσιµα φιαλίδια µίας δόσης Xωρίς ζάχαρη MAG2/adv02/02-12 Eυχάριστη γεύση πορτοκαλιού Ιδιότητες: Το µαγνήσιο είναι απαραίτητο στοιχείο για τη ζωή των ανθρώπων γιατί ένας µεγάλος αριθµός µεταβολικών διεργασιών εξαρτάται από το στοιχείο αυτό. Κλινικές µελέτες έδειξαν πως η µείωση του µαγνησίου στον ανθρώπινο οργανισµό οδηγεί σε νέκρωση των ιστών του µυοκαρδίου. Η µαγνησιοπενία συνοδεύεται από αυξηµένο κίνδυνο θροµβώσεως. Ενδείξεις: Θεραπεία συµπτωµατικής υποµαγνησιαιµίας, η οποία εκδηλώνεται πιθανώς µέσω διάφορων µη ειδικών συµπτωµάτων: νευροµυϊκή υπερδιεγερσιµότητα (µυϊκές κράµπες, τετανία, υπερβολικά αυξηµένα αντανακλαστικά οστικών τενόντων), διαταραχές καρδιακού ρυθµού (αρρυθµία, ταχυκαρδία), διαταραχές γαστρεντερικής οδού (σπασµοί). Πρόληψη έλλειψης µαγνησίου, π.χ.: - Επί µη ισορροπηµένης διατροφής, δυσαπορρόφησης, χρόνιας διάρροιας, αλκοολισµού ή σακχαρώδους διαβήτη (αυξηµένη µαγνησιουρία), - Επί φαρµακευτικής αγωγής, η οποία προκαλεί αυξηµένη µαγνησιουρία, όπως για παράδειγµα: διουρητικά, κυκλοσπορίνη A, αντιβιοτικά της οµάδας των αµινογλυκοσιδών (γενταµικίνη), σκευάσµατα διγοξίνης. Αντενδείξεις: Βαριά καρδιακή και νεφρική (κάθαρση κρεατινίνης <30 ml/min) ανεπάρκεια. Αφυδάτωση, προδιάθεση για λιθίαση από µετά ασβεστίου (ή µαγνησίου) άλας φωσφορικού αµµώνιου, οξεία λοίµωξη ουροφόρων οδών. Υπερευαισθησία στη δραστική ουσία ή σε κάποιο από τα έκδοχα. Ανεπιθύµητες ενέργειες: Γαστρεντερικές διαταραχές. Όχι συχνά µπορούν να εµφανιστούν διαταραχές από το πεπτικό (διάρροια, κοιλιακό άλγος), οι οποίες αποδίδονται σε υψηλή δόση ή σε δυσανεξία σε ένα συστατικό του MAG-2. Περιστατικά υπερευαισθησίας στο pidolate ή σε κάποιο έκδοχο του MAG-2 έχουν αναφερθεί µόνο σε σπάνιες περιπτώσεις. Στις περιπτώσεις αυτές συνιστάται η διακοπή του προϊόντος και η χορήγηση ενός από του στόµατος ή παρεντερικώς χορηγούµενου αντιισταµινικού. Υπερµαγνησιαιµία από υπέρµετρη χορήγηση µπορεί να προκαλέσει αναπνευστική µυϊκή παράλυση, διαταραχή του καρδιακού ρυθµού, κολποκοιλιακό αποκλεισµό, καρδιακή ανακοπή. Η τοξική δράση του στην καρδιά είναι συχνότερη µε ταυτόχρονη χορήγηση δαχτυλίτιδος. Ύστερα από παρατεταµένη θεραπεία ή υπερβολική δοσολογία είναι δυνατόν να εµφανισθούν συµπτώµατα κοπώσεως, τα οποία είναι ενδεικτικά ανωµάλως αυξηµένων συγκεντρώσεων µαγνησίου στον ορό του αίµατος. Τα συµπτώµατα εξαφανίζονται µε την προσωρινή διακοπή της θεραπείας και ελέγχονται ξανά τα επίπεδα του µαγνησίου. Αλληλεπιδράσεις µε άλλα φάρµακα: Σε περίπτωση λήψης τετρακυκλινών, πρέπει να µεσολαβούν τουλάχιστον 3 ώρες µεταξύ της χορήγησης των δύο φαρµάκων. Οµοίως για τα διφωσφονικά. Το µαγνήσιο µπορεί να περιορίσει, λόγω ανταγωνισµού, την απορρόφηση ορισµένων ουσιών από τη γαστρεντερική οδό. Συνεπώς συνιστάται όπως αναβάλλεται, για τουλάχιστον τρεις ώρες, η πρόσληψη σιδήρου ή ασβεστίου (µόνον επί υψηλών δόσεων). Επίσης, να µη χορηγείται παρεντερικά µαγνήσιο ταυτόχρονα µε τη λήψη από το στόµα. Η συγχορήγηση µαγνησίου και χοληκαλσιφερόλης µπορεί να προκαλέσει υπερασβεστιαιµία. Δοσολογία: Η µέση ηµερήσια ανάγκη των ενηλίκων ποικίλει µεταξύ 400 και 600 mg µαγνησίου. Η µέση κανονική ανθρώπινη δίαιτα περιέχει αρκετές ποσότητες µαγνησίου για την κάλυψη των καθηµερινών µεταβολικών αναγκών. Η δοσολογία πρέπει να καθορίζεται από τον ιατρό, ανάλογα µε την έλλειψη του οργανισµού σε µαγνήσιο. Συνιστώµενη ηµερήσια δοσολογία: Ενήλικες και νέοι άνω των 15 ετών: 10 ml, τρεις φορές ηµερησίως Παιδιά και νέοι 2 ½ - 15 ετών: 10 ml, δυο φορές ηµερησίως Παιδιά έως 2 ½ ετών: 5 – 10 ml, µια φορά ηµερησίως Θεραπεία συντήρησης και πρόληψης: 10 ml, µια έως δύο φορές ηµερησίως ΚΑΤΟΧΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΑΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΥΚΛΟΦΟΡΙΑΣ: GALENICA A.Ε., Ελεθερίας 4, 145 64 Κηφισιά, Τηλ: 210 5281700 Το προϊόν αυτό χορηγείται µε ιατρική συνταγή. Για πλήρεις συνταγογραφικές πληροφορίες παρακαλείσθε όπως απευθύνεστε στην εταιρεία Galenica A.E. Αθήνα: Ελευθερίας 4, Κηφισιά 145 64, τηλ.: 210 5281700, Θεσσαλονίκη: Κουντουριώτου & Φασιανού 2, τηλ.: 2310 542685 Επιστηµονικό Τµήµα: τηλ.: 210 5281731 Τµήµα Φαρµακοεπαγρύπνησης: τηλ.: 210 5281805 Invitation Dear Colleagues, looking forward to welcoming you in Thessaloniki to: • Attend a high level scientific congress with distinguished speakers • Join VISUS and become a 3D expert • Explore the unique beauties of our modern and Byzantine city • Enjoy a memorable social program, dining benefits & shopping Florin Stamatian President of the SEESPM Apostolos P. Athanasiadis President of the Organizing Committee Executive Board President: Florin Stamatian, Romania Past President: Nebojsa Radunovic, Serbia (2009-2011) President Elect: Apostolos P. Athanasiadis, Greece Secretary General: Tatjana Motrenko, Montenegro Secretary Special: Nick Papantoniou, Greece Treasurer: Acar Koc, Turkey Members: Gordana Adamova, FYROM, Ratko Matijevic, Croatia Previous Presidents: Aris Antsaklis, Greece (2004-2006), Sinan Beksac, Turkey (2007-2008) Organizing Committee Honorary Presidents: Aris Antsaklis, Vasiliki Agakidou Drosou President: Apostolos P. Athanasiadis Secretaries: Nick Papantoniou, Antonios Gounaris Members: T. Agorastos, F. Anatolitou, D. Botsis, G. Daskalakis, V. Diamanti, V. Karagianni, A. Loufopoulos, G. Makrydimas, G. Mitsiakos, M. Papouli, D. Russo, K. Sarafidis, H. Skentou, C. Tsakalidis, P. Tzevelekis, A. Zavlanos Scientific Committee & SEESPM Invited Speakers Presidents: Basil Tarlatzis, Nick Nikolaides Orion Gliozheni, Rubena Moisiu, Albania Jadranka Dizdarevic, Bosnia and Herzegovina Valentina Mazneikova, Roumen Dimitrov, Bulgaria Ratko Matievic, Milan Stanojevic, Croatia Christina Karaoli, John Kallikas, Cyprus Gordana Adamova, Marija Hadji Lega, Kornelia Trajkova, FYROM Petru Stratulat, Valentin Friptu, Moldavia Tanja Motrenko, Snezhana Crnogoraz, Montenegro Radu Vladereanu, Simona Constantinescu, Romania Nebojsa Radunovic, Olia Kontic, Serbia Tanja Premru, Miha Lučovnik, Slovenia Sinan Beksac, Acar Koc, Turkey GENERAL INFORMATION Organizer: South East European Society of Perinatal Medicine, Agias sofias 15, P.O. Box 54623 Thessaloniki, Tel.: 2310 284017. Congress Venue: Porto Palace Hotel, 26th October 65, P.O. Box 54628 Port, Thessaloniki, Tel.: 2310 504504, e-mail: [email protected] Congress Date: Friday 1/3 - Sunday 3/3/2013 Accreditation: the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education EACCME) has awarded the 5th South East European Congress of Perinatal Medicine (5thSEECPM) 12 European CME credits (ECMEC). Translation: Throughout the congress there will be simultaneous translation from English to Greek. Presentations: All speakers are requested to submit their presentations promptly to the Organizing Secretariat, at least 30 minutes before the start of their session. The congress hall is equipped with a PC and AV equipment suitable for PowerPoint Presentations. Free Communications: Free Communications will be included in the congress program and presented along with the lectures. There will be no sessions just for Free Communications. Duration of each presentation is five minutes including questions. E-Posters: All poster presentations will be presented in a specially designed space equipped with computers for the entire duration of the congress. Participants will be able to view any poster presentation of their choice. Soranos Award: The Soranos Award 2013 will be awarded during the Opening Ceremony Certification: Congress certifications will be awarded by the Organizing Secretariat on the final day of the congress. Congress Website: www.forcommunication.gr/5seecpm FRIDAY 1st MARCH 2013 PRE-CONGRESS ONE - DAY 3D/4D VISUS Intensive Course 08:15 - 08:30 WELCOME Athanasiadis Apostolos Introduction-Agenda Eleftherakis Tassos 08:30 - 09:45 How to set up 2D. Live scan on model How to acquire a Volume Data set Arkadiusz Godlewski General instructions on Visualization methods. Live scan on model Marcin Wiechec 09:45 - 10:15 Introduction on 4D VIEW software Off line examination management Marcin Wiechec 10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-11:30 Volume Ultrasound: Practical review with clinical examples Work on General cases - 4D VIEW Marcin Wiechec 11:30-12:30 Volume Ultrasound in 11-14 weeks (presentation) Work on relevant cases - 4D VIEW Marcin Wiechec 12:30-13:30 Volume Ultrasound in 20-24 weeks (presentation) Work on relevant cases - 4D VIEW Marcin Wiechec 13:30-14:15 Lunch Break 14:15-15:30 Basic on ADVANCED STIC Technology (presentation) Work on relevant cases - 4D VIEW Marcin Wiechec 15:30-16:15 Basic principles in Gynecological Volume Ultd (presentation) Work on relevant cases - 4D VIEW Marcin Wiechec 16:15-17:00 Hystero Salpingography with Contrast Agents (presentation) Work on relevant cases - 4D VIEW Domali Katia 17:00-17:15 VOLUSON CLUB Arkadiusz Godlewski 17:15-17:30 Questions/Answers FRIDAY 1st MARCH 2013 4 5 th Hellenic Ultrasound Congress in Obstetrics & Gynecology th South East European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 17:30 - 18:30 Session 1 Ultrasonography in fetal maternal medicine 1 17:30 - 18:30 Session 1 Perinatal Morbidity EA30: The presence of amniotic sludge and spontaneous preterm delivery during the second trimester of pregnancy: case report and review of the literature N. Karagioti, K. Tzanakis, E. Zilakou, G. Makridimas Perinatal mortality and morbidity in SEESPM (presentation with data from each country) A. Koc Chair: G. Galazios, Th. Tantanasis EA12: Screening fetal echocardiography in the 1st trimester using B-mode and color flow A. Sotiriadis, M. Eleftheriadis, K. Chatzistamatiou, E. Tsapaki, D. Balaouras, D. Chitzios, K. Dinas, A. Loufopoulos Vaginal dysbiosis – Risk for preterem delivery? G. Adamova, K. Trajkova Chair: F. Stamatian, R. Moisiu, A. Gounaris Perinatal mortality in Moldova: Improvements associated with modernization of perinatal services P. Stratulat Perinatal outcome after ART. A population based Study M. Lučovnik EA27: Adverse perinatal outcome of fetuses with normal nuchal translucency M. Theodora, N. Papantoniou, G. Daskalakis, K. Blanas, P. Antsaklis, D. Lourantou, S. Messogitis, A. Antsaklis FC79: Anemia in Pregnancy G. Kososci, G. Adamova Uterine rupture in pregnancy; a ten year experience A. Bimbashi 18:30 - 18:45 Coffee Break 18:45 - 20:30 JOINT SESSION 1 4th ULTRASOUND & 5th PERINATAL Chair: A. Antsaklis, V. Drosou-Agakidou, A. Kurjak Fetal anomalies following ART G. Monni New data in invasive diagnostic methods in pregnancy A. Athanasiadis Diagnosis of deep endometriosis and staging of the disease C. Exacoustos Surgically correctable fetal abnormalities studied by different ultrasonic methods A. Kurjak Prenatal diagnosis. Past, present and future A. Antsaklis 20:30 - 21:30 Opening Ceremony 21:30 Welcome Reception SATURDAY 2nd MARCH 2013 4 th Hellenic Ultrasound Congress in Obstetrics & Gynecology 5 th South East European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 9:00 - 11:00 Session 2 Ultrasonography in fetal maternal medicine 2 09:00 - 11:00 Session 2 Fetal Maternal Medicine 1 EA03: Detection of ultrasound markers combinations in second-trimester ultrasound scanning Th. Daglis, Ch. Marioula-Siarkou, S. Petousis, S. Vosnakis, A. Mamopoulos, N. Prapas, D. Rousso EA05: Intrauterine growth and differential growth of monochorionic and dichorionic twins and the role of second-trimester uterine artery Doppler D. Chitzios, M. Eleftheriadis, A. Sotiriadis, K. Chatzistamatiou, D. Balaouras, A. Loufopoulos Chair: Th. Stefos, V. Papadopoulos, S. Sifakis EA01: Operator experience impact on mid-trimester amniocenetsis adverse outcomes Ch. Marioula-Siarkou, S. Petousis, A. Karnakaki, I. Kalogiannidis, Th. Daglis, G. Mavromatidis, I. Prapas, D. Rousso First trimester scan. What necessarily have to be checked? A. Psara The Usefulness of Fetal MRI for Prenatal Diagnosis J. Dizdarevic EA04: The role of Three Dimensional Imaging in the evaluation of fetal nasal bones during the second trimester ultrasound examination P. Papasozomenou, A. Athanasiadis, M. Zafrakas, A. Zavlanos, A. Karavida, E. Assimakopoulos, V. Tarlatzis EA02: The importance of presence of an aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) in the prenatal diagnosis A. Gerede, A. Athanasiadis, F. Rouvalis, K. Karavida, A. Zavlanos, M. Papastergiou, F. Tzevelekis, E. Assimakopoulos, V. Tarlatzis The role of ultrasound scan in delivery room P. Antsaklis Prediction and prevention in pre eclampsia S. Sifakis Imaging and measuring Cesarean section scars using ultrasonography O. Kontic Chair: V. Mazneikova, N. Nikolaidis, D. Muresan FC08: Neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm twins conceived after in-vitro fertilization at 2 years of age P. Karagianni, M. Kyriakidou, P. Pratsiou, Ch. Tsakalidis, E. Papacharalampous, A. Athanasiadis, N. Nikolaidis Prevention of preterm labor in twins A. Garas Prevention of prematurity in twins with Arabin Cerclage Pessary O. Gliozheni FC34: Longitudinal incidence and neonatal outcome of triplet pregnancies in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) G. Mitsiakos, E. Milona, E. Chatziioannidis, K. Tsepis, E. Kolimbianakis, A. Athanasiadis, B. Tarlatzis, N. Nikolaidis EA06: Invasive diagnostic procedures and risk of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy G. Daskalakis, Α. Papanikolaou P. Antsaklis, N. Papantoniou, M. Theodora, A. Domali, S. Messogitis, A. Antsaklis Time and type of delivery in twins A. Sotiriadis Long term neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm twins infants P. Karagianni The role of ductus venosus in twins A. Matias 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 11:00 - 12:00 Debate 1 Fetal echocardiograply. Routine check or after indications? Chair: V. Tsapanos, I. Stathopoulos After Indications Ch. Skendou Routine Check A. Korantzis. 11:00 - 12:00 Debate 1 Is fetal reduction in twins justified? Chair: N. Papantoniou , A. Athanasiadis YES A. Zavlanos NO G. Georgadakis 12:00 - 14:00 - JOINT SESSION 2 - 4th ULTRASOUND & 5th PERINATAL Chair: B. Tarlatzis, D. Rousso, N. Radunovic Diagnosis and treatment of fetal obstructive uropathies G. Adamova Single fetal death in multiple pregnancy A. Mikhailov Infertility treatment and the role of ultrasonography N. Radunovic Monochorionic placentas: les liaisons dangereuses A. Matias Controversies in second trimester scan E. Assimakopoulos 14:00 - 15:00 Break General Assembly HSUOG & SEECPM SATURDAY 2nd MARCH 2013 4 th Hellenic Ultrasound Congress in Obstetrics & Gynecology 5 th South East European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 15:00 - 16:00 Satellite Symposium 15:00 - 16:00 Midwivery Session Genetic testing in routine prenatal and postnatal diagnosis Dr. C.G. Pangalos, M.D., D.Sc. Dr. C.P. Konialis, M.Sc., Ph.D Chair: E. Voziki, G. Michalaki 16:00 - 17:30 Session 3 Ultrasonography in gynecology 1 16:00 - 17:30 Session 3 Fetal Maternal Medicine 2 EA16: Mobile application, ehealth and innovation in Maternal health. The use of mobile application and knowledge transfer in maternal Health K. Alamadariotou FC46: Caesarean Section Versus Vaginal Delivery, a Dilemma in Roumania D. Nanu, I. Conea, A. Edu Chair: A. Loufopoulos, I. Prapas, C. Exacoustos EA08: Intramural pregnancy: A series of four cases M. Memtsa, G. Derdelis, G. Salman, K. Pateman, X. Foo, D. Jurkovic EA11: Transvaginal ultrasound assessement in postmenopausal women with bleeding P. Pinidis, N. Tsagias, E. Panagiotou, P. Parcharidou, I. Felesakis, A. Georgiadis, A. Zabas, G. Stanoulof, Th. Milonas, S. Giroglou, I. Aggelikos, A. Liberis, S. Kokkoris, X. Grapsas, E. Kontomanolis, N. Koutlaki, P. Tsikouras, G. Galazios, V. Liberis EA07: Review: Definition and diagnostic criteria of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) and of the polycystic ovaries (PCOS) G. Dimopoulos, L. Zoukas, P. Danou, N. Kabas PCOs: diagnostic ultrasound criteria P. Kourtis EA09: The value of 3D ultrasound in the diagnosis of congenital uterine anomalies: preliminary results of a prospective study of diagnostic accuracy A. M. Kougioumtsidou, A. Athanasiadis, J. Gribizis, Th, Theodoridis, Ch. Venetis, G. Tabakoudis, N. Kougioumtsidou, A. Panaretou, V. Tarlatzis EA10: The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of breast disease A. Zavos, I. Natsiopoulos, Ch. Verikouki, G. Kiropoulos Ultrasound evaluation of ovarian reserve E. Kolibianakis Chair: Ph. Tzevelekis, G. Mandruzzato, V. Soubasi Methods to improve the rates of vaginal delivery M. Theodora EA13: Trends in indications of invasive prenatal procedures in one diagnostic center during 2008-2012 A. Zavlanos, A. Karavida, P. Papasozomenou, M. Papastergiou, E. Vogiatzoglou, N. Kougioumtsidou, A. Athanasiadis FC83: Renal effects of ibuprofen during the treatment of PDA in LBW premature infants A. Hoxha, E. Prifti, R. Moisiu, E. Tushe EA28: Comparison of fetal heart examination findings during level II ultrasound with fetal echo performed by paediatric cardiologist A. Karavida, F. Rouvalis, D. Netskos, M. Papastergiou, A. Zavlanos, A. Papasozomenou, I. Kolioulis, E. Vogiatzopoulou, A. Athanasiadis FC33: Morbidity and Mortality of the “Late Preterm” Infants (Gestational Age: 34-36+6/7 weeks) G. Mitsiakos, K. Tsepis, E. Chatziioannidis, E. Milona, A. Georgiadou, D. Piltsouli, Th. Theodoridis, B. Tarlatzis, N. Nikolaidis Time of elective Cesarian Section M. Eleftheriadis The newborn is wondering “what I have done to deserve the elective cesarean section!” M. Lithoxopoulou - Ch. Tsakalidis 3D ultrasound in infertile patients C. Exacoustos 17:30 - 18:00 Coffee Break SATURDAY 2nd MARCH 2013 4 th Hellenic Ultrasound Congress in Obstetrics & Gynecology 5 th South East European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 18:00 - 20:00 JOINT SESSION 3 4th ULTRASOUND & 5th PERINATAL Chair: D. Botsis, G. Decavalas, S. Beksac Impaired Implantation and Perinatal Complications S. Beksac 3D power Doppler in screening for ovarian cancer A. Kurjak Should we screen for GBS in all circumstances R. Matijevic Corticosteroids in pregnancy. When and how? V. Tsapanos Management of the delivery in twins: what are the evidence? G. Mandruzzato The influence of NSAIDs to cause ductual arteriosus constriction in fetal period R. Moisiu SUNDAY 3rd MARCH 2013 4 th Hellenic Ultrasound Congress in Obstetrics & Gynecology 5 th South East European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 09:00 - 11:00 Session 4 Ultrasound in gynecology 2 09:00 - 11:00 Session 4 - Maternal and fetal impact of high - risk pregnancy EA15: Ultrasound guided aspiration of heterotopic cervical pregnancy with successful preservation of intra-uterine pregnancy I. Tsakos, K. Papanikolaou, E. Drakontoidi FC29: Anomalies of female sexual organs and pregnancy I. Pekic Chair: V. Papameletiou, A. Papanikolaou, R. Dimitrov Increased endometrial thickness in postmenopausal women: diagnosis and treatment N. Skartados EA14: Comparison of the changes of the levator hiatus dimensions during pregnancy between younger and older primipara women using 3D transperineal ultrasound. A. Sanozidis, K. Pantazis, Th. Mikos, A. Papadopoulos, D. Tsolakidis, E. Assimakopoulos, V. Tarlatzis, V. Papameletiou 3D ultrasound in prevention, diagnosis and prognosis of pelvic floor disease Th. Mikos Ultrasound screening for urinary incontinence: a clinical quide in day to day practice S. Athanasiou Guidelines for gynecological ultrasound scan in day to day medical practice A. Karavida Ultrasound accuracy in diagnosis of intrauterine pathology T. Motrenko Ultrasound assessment of ovarian tumors in the office A. Domali Chair: N. Vitoratos, G. Daskalakis, M. Papouli FC84: The impact of antenatal corticosteroids on PDA in preterm infants E. Prifti, A. Hoxha, R. Moisiu, E. Tushe FC5: Sonographic cervical length measurment in induced labor for prolonged pregnancies B. Divic, S. Arbanas EA19: Prediction of fetal distress during labor with the use of cerebro-umbilical ratio in postdates pregnancy K. Tsivergiotis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Dekavalas Late preterms, early terms. A new epidemic! Ch. Karaoli EA18: The preferences of pregnant women for twodimensional or three-dimensional ultrasound image of the fetal face in the second trimester of pregnancy M. Papastergiou, A. Athanasiadis, K. Karavida, G. Kolioulis, A. Gerede, E. Assimakopoulos, V. Tarlatzis EA17: Isolated fetal stomach echogenic foci: are they significant? Ch. S. Sotiriou, Ch. Skentou, A. Garas, N. Antonakopoulos Antenatal prediction of neurological outcome in newborns with IUGR S. Constantinescu EA29: Correlation of PAPP-A levels with early (2nd trimester) intrauterine growth restriction D. Balaouras, A. Sotiriadis, M. Eleftheriadis, K. Chatzistamatiou, D. Chitzios, Th. Tantanasis, A. Loufopoulos FC58: The antenatal role administration of magnesium sulfate (MgSo4), as a neuroprotective drug in preterm birth VN. Petrov, AG.Pavlenco, AS. Lupaşcu EXIT and INIT procedures in high risk pregnancy A. Mikhailov Classification and management of gestational Diabetes N. Vitoratos 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break SUNDAY 3rd MARCH 2013 4 th Hellenic Ultrasound Congress in Obstetrics & Gynecology 11:30 - 12:00 Debate 2 Certification exams for conducting ultrasound scans in obstetrics and gynecology. Are they necessary? Chair: G. Daskalakis, Ch. Skentou YES D. Botsis vs NO G. Dekavalas 5 th South East European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 11:30 - 12:00 Debate 2 Treatment of uterine contractions in pregnancy Chair: M. Syndos, N. Prapas YES A. Kondylios vs NO Th. Stefos 12:00 - 14:00 JOINT SESSION 4 4th ULTRASOUND & 5th PERINATAL Chair: E. Assimakopoulos, G. Makrydimas, R. Vladareanu Ultrasound aspects of the central nervous system F. Stamatian Placenta accreta after Cesarian Section. Management options N. Papantoniou Increased nuchal translucency and normal karyotype G. Makrydimas Birth delivery decision in IUGR R. Vladareanu Optimal timing for labor induction in post term pregnancies G. Daskalakis 14:00 End of Congress - Conclusions - Awards POSTER PRESENTATION INDEX PP01: THE DIAGNOSIS OF PREMATURE BIRTH THROUGH THE MEASUREMENT OF THE CERVIX – Rama K., Brahimaj B., Alikaj A., Brahimaj D. PP20: PREGNANCY ΑΝD HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS - Stratoudakis G., Zisiou A., Polyzou E., Christoforaki V., Hatzinaki A., Tsopelas A., Daskalakis G. PP02: IMPACT OF HYDROCARBONS TOXICITY ON MISSED ABORTIONS IN FIER DISTRICT ALBANIA – Brahimaj B., Rama K., Alikaj A., Brahimaj D. PP21: SCREENING FOR FETAL CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES WITH NUCHAL TRANSLUCENCY MEASUREMENT - Stratoudakis G., Zisiou A., Polyzou E., Christoforaki V., Hatzinaki A., Tsopelas A., Daskalakis G. PP03: FIRST TRIMESTER SCREENING: DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF CYSTIC HYGROMA – M. Bogavac, Tatic – Stupar Z., Novakovic Z. PP04: TITLE THE ROLE OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL ULTRASOUND IN SCREENING FOR NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS - Bogavac M., Tatic – Stupar Z., Stajic D. PP06: SCREENING FOR FETAL SPINA BIFIDA BY ULTRASOUND EXAMINATION - Tatic – Stupar Z. , Bogavac M. PP07: MULTIPLE PREGNANCY - Ećim-Zlojutro V., Topić J., Stanišić L., Popović B., Pilipović N. PP09: HIGH RISK PRETERM INFANTS: EFFECTIVENESS OF EARLY INTERVENTION TREATMENT ON NEURODEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOME - Kyriakidou M., Karagianni P., Babatzeva E., Papaioannou E., Mamalou Ch., Nikolaidis N. PP11: PREGNANCY OUTCOME IN WOMEN WITH FAMILIAL MEDITERRANEAN FEVER: A RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF 50 CASES AFTER 10-YEARS’ EXPERIENCE - Turgal M., Yazicioglu A., Yucel Ozge S., Ozyuncu O., Beksac S. PP12: PREGNANCY AFTER CANCER TREATMENT AND PREGNANCY ASSOCIATED CANCER: A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE WITH 96 CASES - Yazicioglu A., Turgal M., Yucel Ozge S., Ozyuncu O., Beksac S. PP13: OUTCOME OF SONOGRAPHICALLY DIAGNOSED FETAL OVARIAN CYSTS - Turgal M, Ozyuncu O., Yazicioglu A. PP14: ADNEXAL TORSION DURING THE THIRD TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY - Selcuk I., Boyraz G., Esinler I. PP15: NEWLY DIAGNOSED HODGKIN’S DISEASE IN THE THIRD TRIMESTER - Selcuk I., Boyraz G., Tuncer Z.S. PP16: CESAREAN SCAR PREGNANCY: DIAGNOSIS, MANAGEMENT & FOLLOW-UP – Uysal F., Uysal A., Adam G. PP17: ACUTE FETAL BRADYCARDIA CAUSED BY MULTIPLE CORD ENTANGLEMENT AROUND ANY PART OF FETAL BODY DURING DELIVERY - Stojkanovic G, Izetbegovic S., Dekovic S. PP18: ECHOGENIC INTRACARDIAC FOCUS – Stratoudakis G., Zisiou A., Polyzou E., Christoforaki V., Hatzinaki A., Tsopelas A., Daskalakis G. PP19: FREQUENCY ΑΝD INDICATIONS OF CESAREAN SECTION - Stratoudakis G., Zisiou A., Polyzou E., Christoforaki V., Hatzinaki A., Tsopelas A., Daskalakis G. PP25: USE OF SILDENAPHIL IN THE TREATMENT OF PULMONARY PERSISTENT HYPERTENSION IN NEWBORNS – Stratulat P., Crivceanscaia L., Rotaru D. PP26: THE CASE OF A PATIENT WITH MEN I SYNDROME AND PREGNANCY - Srzentić S., Djokvučić V., Srzentić Z. PP27: ADOLESCENT WITH SUSPECTED ANOMALY OF COMBINED MERGER AND ABSENTEEISM TUNNELISATION MÜLLER CHANNELS ASSOCIATED WITH IPSILATERAL RENAL AGENESIS - Srzentić S., Djokvučić V., Srzentić Z. PP28: A CASE OF OROPHARYNGEAL FETUS IN FETU: PRENATAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND MRI DIAGNOSIS AND DELIVERY WITH EXIT PROCEDURE - Ozyuncu O., Turgal M., Yucel Ozge S., Yazicioglu A., Takci S., Ozer S. PP30: INCIDENCE AND FACTORS PREDISPOSING TO RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY (ROP) IN INFANTS <32 WEEKS OF GESTATION: A 15 YEAR INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIENCE – Mitsiakos G., Kovacs L., Papageorgiou A. PP31: INCIDENCE AND RISK FACTORS OF INTRAVENTRICULAR HEMORRHAGE IN LOW BIRTH WEIGHT INFANTS IN A TERTIARY PERINATAL CARE UNIT – Mitsiakos G., Kovacs L., Papageorgiou A. PP32: EFFICACY OF ANTENATAL STEROIDS (AS) IN PERINATAL AND LONGTERM OUTCOMES IN SEVERE INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RETARDATION (IUGR) FETUSES – Mitsiakos G., Kovacs L., Papageorgiou A. PP35: NEONATAL ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY AFTER MATERNAL VALSARTAN TREATMENT IN PREGNANCY - Sarafidis K., Tsepketzi E., Sotiriadis A., Chatzistamatiou K., Drossou-Agakidou V. PP42: ACUTE FORM OF CITRULLINEMIA TYPE I IN A NEWBORN – Bountouvi E., Gavrili S., Papathoma E., Katsafadou A., Skevofilax E., Baroutis G. PP43: EPIDURAL ANALGESIA AND MODE OF DELIVERY – Curkovic A., Sokolovic D., Djukic J., Mihailovic S., Cecez D., Pesic Stevanovic I., Jankovic Raznatovic S., Karadzov Orlic N. PP44: PLACENTAL ABRUPTION AS AN EMERGING PROBLEM IN PRETERM DELIVERY - Sokolovic D., Curkovic A., Djurdica C., Lazic Mitrovic T., Karadzov Orlic N., Jankovic Raznatovic S. PP47: CAESAREAN SECTION VERSUS VAGINAL DELIVERY IN PREMATURE INFANTS – Nanu D., Conea I., Edu A. POSTER PRESENTATION INDEX PP48: MORTALITY OF EXTREMELY LOW BIRTH WEIGHT (ELBW) INFANTS OVER THIRTEEN YEARS IN CROATIA - Stipanovic Kastelic J., Rodin U., Kniewald H., Grizelj R., Ninkovic D., Vukelic V., Gveric Ahmetasevic S., Filipovic-Grcic B. PP49: CASE REPORT – PIERRE ROBIN SEQUENCE - Stipanovic Kastelic J., Kniewald H., Markov D., Jegdic V., Tomic Rajic M., Orihovac Z., Vukelic V., Filipovic-Grcic B. PP50: VLBW INFANTS – MORTALITY IN CROATIA FROM 1998 TILL 2010 - Tomic Rajic M., Filipovic-Grcic B., Stipanovic Kastelic J., Rodin U., Kniewald H., Grizelj R., Ninkovic D., Vukelic V., Gveric Ahmetasevic S. PP51: ULTRASOUND SCREENING OF NEWBORNS IN THE MATERNITY WARD OF GENERAL HOSPITAL POZEGA, CROATIA - Tomic Rajic M., Banozic L., Vezmar V., Drkulec V., Simic Klaric A., Matijasevic B., Matokovic D. PP52: ANALYSIS OF LATE PRETERM BIRTHS: ARE THERE ANY DIFFERENCES AMONG ETIOLOGIC SUBGROUPS IN TERMS OF NEONATAL OUTCOMES? - Kahraman K., Tolunay Harun E., Gemici A., Dai O., Soylemez F., Koc A. PP53: AGENESİA OF DUCTUS VENOSUS: CASE REPORT - Tolunay Harun E., Dai O., Tulek F., Kahraman K., Koc A. PP54: CONGENITAL CHYLOTHORAX: CASE REPORT - Tolunay Harun E., Tulek F., Serife Esra C., Kahraman K., Koc A. PP55: PREGNANCY WITH TROMBOPHILIA COMPLICATED BY ACUTE SUBDURAL HEMATHOMA: CASE REPORT - Haliti A. , Miketic V., Bogosavljevic V. PP56: OBSTETRIC OUTCOME OF SEVERE PREECLAMPSIA Simeonova Krstevska S.,I. Samardzisk, V.Livrinova, I. Todorovska, K.Trajkova, A. Sima, J.Dimitrovska PP62: PREGNANCY AND URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS - Friptu V., Mihalcean L. PP63: ROLE OF NITRIC OXIDE IN CERVICAL RIPENING AND HIS CORRELATIONWITH PG E2, PROGESTERONE, ESTRADIOL AND OXYTOCIN IN THIS PROCESS - Catrinici R., Friptu V. PP65: ANTIBACTERIAL THERAPY IN PREMATURE BIRTH (PB) Petrov VN, Pavlenco AG., Opalco I., Burlacu AM., Madan D. PP66: THE ANTENATAL ROLE ADMINISTRATION OF MAGNESIUM SULFATE (MgSO4), AS A NEUROPROTECTIVE DRUG IN PRETERM BIRTH - Petrov VN, Pavlenco AG, Lupaşcu AS. PP67: THE EFFECTS OF ANALGESIA IN LABOR ON THE INTRAUTERINE FETAL STATE - Cardaniuc C., Dondiuc I. PP68: THE INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN OBSTETRIC FACTORS ON THE COLLECTION, ISOLATION AND QUALITY OF CORD BLOOD UNITS – T. Revencu, V. Friptu, L. Nacu, L. Profire, V. Nacu PP69: LISTERIOSIS OF THE MOTHER AND THE ONE FETUS IN A TWIN IVF PREGNANCY - M. Sindos, N. Papantoniou, G. Giannoulis, M. Theodora, P. Antsaklis, A. Antsaklis PP70: TWIN PREGNANCIES: TRENDS AND MODE OF DELIVERY - M. Sindos, N. Papantoniou, F.Malamas,P. Antsaklis, M. Theodora, A. Antsaklis PP71: IN UTERO PLATELET TRANSFUSION IN A PREGNANCY COMPLICATED BY FETAL-NEONATAL ALLO-IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA (FNAIT) - N. Papantoniou, M. Sindos, N. Antonakopoulos, F.Vlachopoulos, D. Katopi, C.Matsouka, A. Antsaklis PP72: PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS OF WOLF-HIRSCHHORN SYNDROME: ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND GENETICS - T. Ikonomou, P. Antsaklis, G. Daskalakis, M. Syndos, N. Papantoniou, Z. Kosmaidou, A. Antsaklis PP73: CEREBRAL SINUS-VENOUS THROMBOSIS IN PUERPERIUM, PRESENTING SOLELY WITH SEVERE PERSISTING HEADACHE - N. Papantoniou, N. Antonakopoulos, M. Theodora,G Daskalakis, A.Tranoulis , C. Matsouka, A. Antsaklis PP74: DID THE ANEYPLOIDIES’ SCREENING TESTS RESULTS HAVE ANY IMPACT ON THE DECISION OF PREGNANT WOMEN TO UNDERGO AMNIOCENTESIS AFTER THE AGE OF 35 YEARS OLD - Μ. Theodora, N. Papantoniou, K. Blanas ,D. Lourantou, P. Antsaklis G. Daskalakis, S. Mesogitis, A. Antsaklis PP75: FETAL LOSS FOLLOWING SECOND TRIMESTER AMNIOCENTESIS. WHO IS AT GREATER RISK? - Μ. Theodora, N. Papantoniou, P. Antsaklis. K. Blanas , G. Daskalakis, S. Mesogitis, A. Antsaklis PP76: MANAGEMENT AND OUTCOME OF PREGNANCIES COMPLICATED BY GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSIVE DISEASE AND PREECLAMPSIA IN A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL - Theodora M, Vlachos DG, Papantoniou N , Pergialiotis V, Daskalakis G, Mesogitis S, Antsaklis A. PP77: MEAN PLATELET VOLUME VALUES AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN WITH PREECLAMPSIA, GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION AND CONTROLS - Pergialiotis V, Papantoniou N., Theodora M,. Daskalakis G, Mesogitis S, Matsouka C, Antsaklis A. PP78: TRANSVAGINAL ULTRASOUND CHANGES OF THE OVARII IN WOMEN STERILITY - S.Saveska, C.Trajkoski PP85: DIETARY GLYCEMIC INDEX DURING THE 2ND TRIMESTER OF PREGRANCY: THE POTENTIAL EFFECT ON NEONATAL WEIGHT – F. Tsakoumaki, M. Fotiou, G. Georganta, A. Michaelidou, A. Athanasiadis, V. Tzevelekis, M. Ganidou, A. Panaretou, V. Tarlatzis PP86: ADHERENCE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET IN THE 2ND TRIMESTER OF PREGRANCY AND THE POTENTIAL EFFECT ON NEONATAL WEIGHT – G. Georganta, M. Fotiou, F. Tsakoumaki, A. Michaelidou, A. Athanasiadis, V. Tzevelekis, M. Ganidou, Papadopoulos B., V. Tarlatzis PP88: PREGNANCY COURSE AND OUTCOME OF FETAL OMPHALOCOELE , CASE REPORT – A. Haliti, D. Natalic, A. Sahmanovic CHAIRS & SPEAKERS INDEX Adamova Gordana Beksac Sinan AntonakouAggeliki Antsaklis Aristidis Antsaklis Panagiotis Assimakopoulos Efstratios Athanasiadis Apostolos Athanasiou Stavros Bimbashi Astrit Botsis Demetrios Charizopoulou Vikendia Constantinescu Simona Daskalakis Georgios DekavalasGeorgios Dimitrov Roumen Dizdarevic Jadranka Domali Ekaterini Drosou-Agakidou Vasiliki Eleftheriadis Makarios Exacoustos Caterina Galazios Georgios Garas Antonios Georgadakis Georgios Gliozheni Orion Gounaris Antonios Heliaskou Stella Kalatheri Evridiki Karagianni Paraskevi Karaoli Christina Karavida Ekaterini Koc Acar KolibianakisEfstratios Kondylios Antonios Kontic Vucinic Olivera Korantzis Asterios Kourtis Ploutarhos Kurjak Asim Lithoxopoulou Maria Loufopoulos Aristotelis Lucovnik Miha Makridimas Georgios Mandruzzato Giampaolo Matias Alexandra Matijevic Ratko Michalaki Garifalia Mikhailov Anton Mikos Themistoklis Moisiu Rubena Monni Giovanni Moraitou Martha Motrenko Tatjana Muresan Daniel Nikolaidis Nikolaos Papadopoulos Vassilios Papameletiou Vassilios Papanikolaou Alexios Papantoniou Nikolaos Papouli Maria Prapas Ioannis Prapas Nikolaos Psarra Anastasia Radunovic Nebojsa Rousso David Saranti Evagelia Sifakis Stavros Skartados Nikolaos Skentou Chariklea Sotiriadis Alexandros Soubasi-Griva Vasiliki Stamatian Florin Stathopoulos Ioannis Stefos Theodoros Stratulat Petru Syndos Michael Tantanasis Theoharis Taousani Eleftheria Tarlatzis Vassilios Theodora Marianna Trajkova Kornelia Tsakalidis Christos Tsapanos Vassilios Tzevelekis Filippos Vitoratos Nikolaos Vladareanu Radu Voziki Evaggelia Zavlanos Antonios Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of St Cyril and Methody,Skopje ,General hospital “Remedika”, FYR Macedonia Professor and Chairman in Obstetrics Gynecology, Hacettepe University, Turkey Midwife, Professor of Applied Practices, Obstetrics Dpt, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki Professor, Director of 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrician Gynecologist, Athens Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens Professor Asc. In Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chief of Obstetric Service, Albania Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens Midwife, Endocrinology and Reproduction Unit, 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Director of Neonatology Dpt, “Elias” Emergency University Hospitals, Romania Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens Professor, Director of Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Patras Chief Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Director of ward of surgical gynecology,University Hospital of Ob&Gyn, Bulgaria Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univeristy of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens Professor in Neonatology, Director of the 1st Neonatal Dpt and NICU, University of Thessaloniki M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrician - Gynecologist, Athens M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept., Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Italy Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Democritus University of Thrace Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaly, Larissa Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dpt, Genereal Hospital of Volos Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Tirana, Albania Associate Professor in Neonatology, Director of the Neonatal Dpt and NICU, University of Thessaly, Larissa Midwife, 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Midwife, 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology , University of Thessaloniki Assistant Professor in Neonatology, University of Thessaloniki Director of Neonatal Dpt and NICU at Makarios III Hospital, Cyprus M.D., Obstetrician Gynecologist, Thessaloniki Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara University, Turkey Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Marika Eliadi” Maternity Hospital, Athens Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Belgrade, Serbia M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrician Gynecologist, Athens M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrician Gynecologist, Athens Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School University of Zagreb (Croatia) and Sarajevo (BIH), Dean of Faculty of Health Science, Dubrovnik International University, Croatia Consultant in Neotanology, 2nd Neonatology Dpt and NICU of University of Thessaloniki Professor, Director of 2nd Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Perinatology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ioannina Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Trieste, Italy Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Director of Prenatal Diagnosis Unit, Oporto University, Portugal Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Zagreb, Croatia Midwife, 2nd Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Professor, NW State Medical University, Director of Maternity Clinic N17 St.Petersburg, Russia Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Professor Asc. In Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of University Hospital “Koco Gliozheni”, Albania Professor, Director of Dpt. Prenatal & Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Fetal Therapy, Italy Midwife, Professor of Applied Practices, Obstetrics Dpt, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki Director of Human Reproduction Dpt, Hospital Danilo I, Montenegro Professor in Obstetrics Gynecology and Vice-Dean, University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Professor in Neonatology, Director of the 2nd Neonatal Dpt and NICU, University of Thessaloniki Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Patras Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens Director of Neonatal Dpt and NICU at Ippokratio General Hospital, Thessaloniki Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Obstetrician Gynecologist, Scientific Associate 2nd Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Belgrade, Serbia Professor, Director of 3rd Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Supervisor Midwife, Delivery Room of 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, General University Hospital, Heraklion M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrician Gynecologist, Athens M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrician Gynecologist, Larissa Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Professor in Neonatology, University of Thessaloniki Professor and Chairman in Obstetrics and Gynecology University Cluj-Napoca, Romania M.D., Ph.D., Obstetrician Gynecologist, Athens Professor and Chairman of Dept. Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ioannina, Greece Professor in Neonatology, Director and Local Coordinator of perinatal system of Moldova, Moldova Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1st Dpt OB GYN, Athens Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Midwife, Professor of Applied Practices, Obstetrics Dpt, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki Professor, Dean of the Medical School, Director of 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens Teaching As. in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Clinic in Skopja, FYR Macedonia Assistant Professor in Neonatology, University of Thessaloniki Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Patras Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens Professor and Chairman in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Elias University Hospital,Romania Supervisor Midwife, 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Thessaloniki M.D., Ph.D, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Thessaloniki Organizing Secretariat Aristotelous 12 • 546 23 Thessaloniki • Greece T. +30.2310 25 80 80 • F. +30.2310 25 80 89 E: [email protected] • www.forcommunication.gr
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