Education Services Taught UK postgraduate courses Greek Representatives British Institution Subject AAS College 9 Lassani & 62 Mitropoleos Streets 546 22 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 234 805 Fax: 2310 233 690 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Central Lancashire MA Graphics Design MA Interior Design Aegean College – OMIROS Educational Group 17 Panepistimiou Street 105 64 Athens Tel: 210 321 1228 Fax: 210 330 4661 Email: [email protected] Web: The University of Wales MSc Early Childhood Education MSc Early Childhood Education with Special Needs MSc Foundation in Clinical Psychology MSc in Speech and Language Therapy MBA 3 Veranzerou Street Kaniggos Square 106 77 Athens Tel: 210 380 6166 & 380 5527 Fax: 210 380 4452 Email: [email protected] Web: SQA Canterbury Christ Church University Advanced Professional Certificate in Developmental Disorders and Special Needs Advanced Professional Diploma in Developmental Disorders and Special Needs Advanced Professional Diploma in Experiential Counseling Techniques and Techniques of Personal Development Advanced Professional Certificate in Experiential Counselling Techniques MSc Early Childhood MSc Early Childhood with Special Needs MBA Leadership and Management; Development (Health Management; Accounting & Finance; HRM; Marketing; Ecological Systems Management) The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity. Metropolitan College Email: [email protected] Web: University of East London Athens Campus 74 Sorou Street Maroussi 151 25 Athens Tel: 210 619 9891 Fax: 210 619 9320 Piraeus Campus 1A Filonos & Sotiros Streets 185 35 Piraeus Tel: 210 412 1200 Fax: 210 412 8095 MBA International Business MSc Software Engineering MSc Information Technology MSc Information Security and Computer Forensics MSc Physiotherapy MA Special Educational Needs MSc Clinical & Community Psychology MSc Organisational Psychology / MSc Business Psychology MSc Psychology MA Counselling & Psychotherapy Postgraduate Certificate Learning & Teaching in Higher Education Thessaloniki Campus 14 El. Venizelou & Tsimiski Streets 546 24 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 241 010 Fax: 2310 253 270 Queen Margaret University MSc Advanced Dietetic Practice AKTO 1 Evelpidon Street 113 62 Athens Tel: 210 523 0130 Fax: 210 381 3700 Email: [email protected] Web: Middlesex University MA Design ASPETE Ν. Ηeraklion 141 21 Athens Tel: 210 289 6700 Fax: 210 282 3247 Web: Roehampton University, School of Education MA Education ATHENS GSM – Athens Graduate School of Management 166 Ag. Meletiou Street 104 45 Athens Tel: 210 322 3353 Fax: 210 323 1498 Email: [email protected] Web: Nottingham Trent University DMS Diploma Management Studies MSc Management MSc Management & Marketing MSc Management & Human Resources Management MSc Management & Information Systems MSc Management & Investment Strategy MSc Management & Strategic Entrepreneurship MBA ATHENS GSM – Athens Graduate School of Management 10 Alexandroupoleos Street 546 27 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 227 119 Fax: 2310 252 976 Email: [email protected] Web: Page 2 of 8 BCA College E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web: London Metropolitan University Athens Site 4 Dimitressa Street 115 28 Athens Tel: 210 725 3783–6 Fax: 210 725 1563 Glyfada Site 95 Poseidonos Avenue & 1 Fivis Street 166 74 Glyfada Tel: 210 898 6086 Fax: 210 894 3604 MSc Accounting and Finance MA Marketing MA Marketing [Digital Marketing] MBA for Executives MBA MA Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc Shipping, with pathways in: Maritime Finance, Chartering, Marine Insurance, Management and Operations, Port Logistics MSc Shipping (e-learning) Kifisia Site 2 Tatoiou & 77 Othonos Street 145 61 Kifisia Tel: 210 808 8008 Fax: 210 808 8968 CITY College 3 Leontos Sofou Street 546 26 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 224 186 2310 275 575 2310 536 544 Fax: 2310 287 564 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Sheffield City Unity College 1 Karitsi and Kolokotroni Streets Syntagma 105 61 Athens Tel: 210 324 3222 Fax: 210 322 5253 Liverpool John Moores University MA Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations MSc Psychology & Counselling MSc Banking & Finance MSc Human Resources Management MSc Business Management & Technology MSc Logistics & Supply Chain Management MSc Leisure & Tourism Management MSc Management MSc Software Engineering & Telecommunications MA Applied Linguistics with TESOL MSc International Health Management and Leadership (Distance Learning) MBA MSc Maritime Operations MSc Maritime Technical Operations MA Tourism and Leisure Management Development MA Education University of Central Lancashire MSc Psychology of Health MSc Psychology of Child Development University of Strathclyde PgCert Person Centred Counselling PgDip Person Centred Counselling MSc Person Centred Counselling City Unity College 108 Papanikoli Avenue Halandri 152 32 Athens Tel: 210 800 1029 Fax: 210 993 6564 College for Humanistic Sciences – I.C.P.S. 56A Filikon Street Ag. Antonios – Peristeri 121 31 Athens Tel: 210 645 6564 210 645 6565 Fax: 210 645 4982 Email: [email protected] Web: Page 3 of 8 College of Crete Olympionikon 84 & Antinoros Streets 713 05 Therissos Heraklion Crete Tel: +30 2810 342 700 Fax: +30 2810 229 610 Web: Staffordshire University MBA DEI College 9 Ethnikis Aminis & Tsimiski Streets 546 21 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 251 888 2310 251 999 Fax: 2310 239 492 Email: [email protected] Web: University of London International Programmes (Lead college: Royal Holloway) MBA International Management MSc International Management MSc Information Security Postgraduate Diploma in International Management Postgraduate Certificate in International Management Postgraduate Diploma in Business Postgraduate Certificate in Business Postgraduate Diploma in Information Security Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource management University of London International Programmes ICBS Thessaloniki Business College PO Box 46 Galene Oreokastro 570 13 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 698 598 Fax: 2310 697 795 Email: [email protected] Web: The University of Winchester ICBS Athens International College 200 Ionias Avenue & Iakovaton Streets 111 44 Athens Tel: 210 211 4671 Fax: 210 211 4675 Email: [email protected] Web: ICBS Larissa Business College 6 km Larissas-Nikaias 415 00 Larissa Tel: 2410 671 177 Fax: 2410 671 206 Email: [email protected] Web: Page 4 of 8 Diplomas for Graduates in Accounting Banking Economics Finance Information Systems International Relations Management Politics Social Sciences Sociology MSc Human Resources Management MA Business Management MSc Accounting & Finance PgDip Management Studies MBA iCon College 49A Dimitrakopoulou Street 117 42 Athens (Sygrou-Fix) Tel: 210 924 8534 Email: [email protected] Web: IST College 72 Pireos Street Moschato 183 46 Athens Tel: 800 119 3000 210 482 2222 Fax: 210 482 1850 Email: [email protected] Web: Heriot Watt University University of London International Programmes London South Bank University Master of Business Administration MBA Finance MBA Marketing MBA Human Resource Management MBA Strategic Planning MSc Financial Management MSc Human Resource Management MSc Marketing MSc Strategic Planning MSc Real Estate Investment & Finance MSc Real Estate Management & Development MSc Construction Project Management MSc Quantity Surveying MSc Facilities Management PgDip in Banking MBA MSc Accounting and Finance MSc International Accounting and Finance MSc International Tourism and Hospitality Management MSc Web and Mobile Computing MSc Internet and Database Systems Mediterranean College Athens Campus University of Derby 8 Pellinis Street & 107 Patission Avenue 112 51 Athens Tel: 210 889 9600 Fax: 211 770 9450 Email: [email protected] Web: Mediterranean College Thessaloniki Campus Building I: 9 Valaoritou Street 546 26 Thessaloniki Building II: 2-4 Egnatia Avenue 546 26 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 287 779 2310 547 708-808 Fax: 2312 202 620 Email: [email protected] Web: Page 5 of 8 MBA MA Management MSc Marketing Management MSc Advanced Computer Networks MSc Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy MSc Adult Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy MA Education: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities MA Education: Leadership and Management Metropolitan College Email: [email protected] Web: University of East London Athens Campus 74 Sorou Street Maroussi 151 25 Athens Tel: 210 619 9891 Fax: 210 619 9320 Piraeus Campus 1A Filonos & Sotiros Streets 185 35 Piraeus Tel: 210 412 1200 Fax: 210 412 8095 MBA International Business MSc Software Engineering MSc Information Technology MSc Information Security and Computer Forensics MSc Physiotherapy MA Special Educational Needs MSc Clinical & Community Psychology MSc Organisational Psychology/MSc Business Psychology MSc Psychology MA Counselling & Psychotherapy Postgraduate Certificate Learning & Teaching in Higher Education Thessaloniki Campus 14 El. Venizelou & Tsimiski Streets 546 24 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 241 010 Fax: 2310 253 270 Queen Margaret University MSc Advanced Dietetic Practice New York College 38 Amalias Avenue Syntagma 105 58 Athens Tel: 210 322 5961 Fax: 210 323 3337 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Greenwich MSc Internet Engineering & Web Management MSc Marine Engineering Management MSc Engineering Management MA in Management of Language Learning MBA New York College 6 Katsimidi & Papanastasiou Streets 546 39 Thessaloniki Tel: 2310 889 879 Fax: 2310 835 211 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Bolton MPhil Innovation PhD by Publication Technological Education Institute of Piraeus 250 Thivon & Petrou Ralli Streets Egaleo 122 44 Athens Tel: 210 538 1012 Fax: 210 545 0967 Email: [email protected] Kingston University MSc Advanced Industrial & Manufacturing Systems MSc Data Communications MSc Electronic Commerce MSc Engineering Systems Management MSc Management in Construction MSc Structural Design & Construction Management Vakalo School of Art and Design 26 L. Katsoni Street 114 71 Athens Tel: 210 644 2514 Fax: 210 644 8840 Email: [email protected] Web: Heriot-Watt University MSc Energy Systems University of Derby MA Architectural Design (Interior Design / Landscape Design / Spatial Design / Theatre Design / Architectural Design Studies) MA Visual Communication (Graphic Design / Typography / Book Design & Illustration / Web Design / Visual Communication Studies) ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ 1. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι σπουδαστές θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν ότι το Βρετανικό Συμβούλιο δεν είναι αρμόδιο να ελέγχει την ποιότητα των εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων που προσφέρονται από Ελληνικούς εκπαιδευτικούς οργανισμούς σε συνεργασία με αναγνωρισμένα Βρετανικά εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα. 2. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι πριν την εγγραφή της σε οποιοδήποτε Ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό οργανισμό θα πρέπει να ερευνούν απ΄ευθείας με τα σχετικά Βρετανικά ιδρύματα της το είδος της υπάρχουσας συμφωνίας. Updated December 2014 Page 6 of 8 Distance learning postgraduate courses in Greece Greek Representative British Institution Subject Hellenic Association for Education (HAEd) HAEd Building, CGS Campus Pallini 153 51 Attiki Tel: 210 666 3956 Fax: 210 666 3957 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Dundee Master of Education (MEd) MSc Leadership and Innovation MSc Community Learning and Development iCon College 49A Dimitrakopoulou Street 117 42 Athens (Sygrou-Fix) Tel: 210 924 8534 Email: [email protected] Web: Heriot-Watt University MSc Financial Management MSc Human Resource Management MSc Marketing MSc Strategic Planning MSc Real Estate Investment & Finance MSc Real Estate Management & Development MSc Construction Project Management MSc Quantity Surveying MSc Facilities Management International Consulting 52 Sygrou Avenue 117 42 Athens Tel: 210 924 4480 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Leicester* * online delivery mode only MSc Management MSc Marketing MSc Finance MSc Human Resource Management & Training MSc Performance Management & Workplace Learning MA Communications, Media & Advertising MA New Media, Governance & Democracy MA New Media & Society MA Mass Communication MSc Criminology & Criminal Justice MSc Security & Risk Management MSc Police Leadership and Management ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ 1. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι σπουδαστές θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν ότι το Βρετανικό Συμβούλιο δεν είναι αρμόδιο να ελέγχει την ποιότητα των εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων που προσφέρονται από Ελληνικούς εκπαιδευτικούς οργανισμούς σε συνεργασία με αναγνωρισμένα Βρετανικά εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα. 2. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι πριν την εγγραφή της σε οποιοδήποτε Ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό οργανισμό θα πρέπει να ερευνούν απ΄ευθείας με τα σχετικά Βρετανικά ιδρύματα της το είδος της υπάρχουσας συμφωνίας. Updated December 2014 Page 7 of 8 Distance Learning MBAs Greek Representatives British Institution iCon College 49A Dimitrakopoulou Street 117 42 Athens (Sygrou-Fix) Tel: 210 924 8534 Email: [email protected] Web: Heriot Watt University International Consulting 52 Sygrou Avenue 117 42 Athens Tel: 210 924 4480 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Leicester* International Management Studies 296 Kifissias Ave. Halandri 152 32 Tel: 210 723 0814 Fax: 210 725 8773 Email: [email protected] Web: University of Strathclyde * online delivery mode only ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ 1. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι σπουδαστές θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν ότι το Βρετανικό Συμβούλιο δεν είναι αρμόδιο να ελέγχει την ποιότητα των εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων που προσφέρονται από Ελληνικούς εκπαιδευτικούς οργανισμούς σε συνεργασία με αναγνωρισμένα Βρετανικά εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα. 2. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι πριν την εγγραφή τους σε οποιοδήποτε Ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό οργανισμό θα πρέπει να ερευνούν απευθείας με τα σχετικά Βρετανικά ιδρύματα για το είδος της υπάρχουσας συμφωνίας. Updated December 2014 Page 8 of 8
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