Volume 41 Issue 1 January 2014 Nestor Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati P.O. Box 0226, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221-‐0226, U.S.A. http://classics.uc.edu/nestor [email protected] Editor: Carol Hershenson Assistant Editor: Jeffrey L. Kramer COMMUNICATIONS Grants and Fellowships On 15 February 2014 applications are due for the Michael Ventris Memorial Award for Mycenaean Studies of up to £2000, to be awarded to scholars who have obtained a doctorate within the past eight years or postgraduate students about to complete the doctorate in the field of Mycenaean civilization or kindred subjects, to promote research in (1) Linear B and other Bronze Age scripts of the Aegean and Cyprus and their historical and cultural connections, or (2) all other aspects of the Bronze Age of the Aegean and Cyprus. Applications (6 pages maximum) should be sent to the Deputy Director, Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, United Kingdom or via email (pdf or compatible with Word 2003) to [email protected]. Applications should include age, qualifications, academic record, an outline and projected budget of the proposed work (which is not intended to be Ph.D. research), and the names and addresses of two referees, who should at the same time be asked to write independently in support of the application. Further information, including detailed application instructions, is available at http://www.icls.sas.ac.uk/awards/awards-‐prizes. Calls for Papers On 17 January 2014 session proposals are due for the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG-‐US) 2014: Convergence, to be held at the University of Illinois, Champagne-‐Urbana on 23-‐25 May 2014. On 7 March 2014 paper abstracts (300 words max) will be due to the session organizers. Further information, including already accepted conference sessions, is available at https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1195202. On 31 January 2014 abstracts are due for a conference entitled New Antiquities: Transformations of the Past in the New Age and Beyond, to be held in Berlin on 26-‐28 June 2014. Critical, scientific papers are sought that take an historical, philological, and/or sociological approach towards transformations and constructions of the past in the literature and cultural discourse of the New Age and beyond, extending into movements such as Neo-‐Paganism and Neo-‐Gnosticism. Abstracts and a CV (both 500 words maximum) should be sent to [email protected]; further inquiries can be directed to the co-‐ organizers of the workshop: Prof. Dr. Almut-‐Barbara Renger, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of History and Cultural Studies Institute for the Scientific Study of Religion Gosslerstr. 2-‐4 D -‐ 14195 Berlin, Germany; email: [email protected]‐berlin.de and Dr. Dylan M. Burns, Universität Leipzig, Ägyptologisches Institut, DDGLC-‐Projekt, Ritterstr. 12 / 3.02, 04109 Leipzig, Germany; email: dylan.burns@uni-‐leipzig.de. Nestor 41.1 2 January 2014 On 31 January 2014 abstracts are due for a conference entitled Crafting Textiles from the Bronze Age to AD 1600: A Tribute to Peter Collingwood, to be held at Franks Room, Wellcome Collection, London, Euston Road NW1 2BE on 10-‐11 October 2014 by the Early Textiles Study Group (ETSG). Proposals are welcomed from academics, research students, museum curators, practitioners, and independent scholars investigating ancient techniques, including tablet-‐weaving, braiding, sprang, and rug-‐making. Abstracts (1 page, plus a brief cv) should be sent to Frances Pritchard, Textiles Department, Whitworth Art Gallery, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6ER; Fax: +44(0)161 275 7471; email: [email protected]. On 1 April 2014 abstracts are due for the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference 2014 (LAC 2014), to be held in Rome on 17-‐20 September 2014 for archaeologists, cultural and earth scientists and researchers from neighbouring disciplines to present and discuss results from the broad field of geo-‐ and landscape archaeology. Abstracts (300-‐500 words) may be submitted via on-‐line form or in WORD document along with name and surname, academic affiliation, contact information, session number, and the first three words of the title. Further information, submission forms, and the list of sessions are available at http://www.let.vu.nl/en/research/conferences/lac-‐2014/index.asp. On 1 September 2014 submissions are due for the Archaeology for the People Competition, with a prize of $5,000 to the winner, whose article, together with those by eight to ten other runners-‐up, will be published in Spring 2015 in a volume of the Joukowsky Institute Publication series (published and distributed by Oxbow Books). Articles (5000-‐6000 words in length, with no references, notes, or other scholarly apparatus, and accompanied by a single piece of artwork) should be submitted as a double-‐ spaced Word document with the author’s name, address, and e-‐mail on the first page to [email protected]. Submissions must be solely the work of their authors and must not have been published elsewhere; they should be accessible and exciting to non-‐ specialists, but at the same time should avoid excessive simplification, speculation, mystification, or romanticization, conveying some of the fascinating and astonishing results that archaeology, as a discipline, has to report, which impact our entire understanding of who we are as a species, and how we have come to be as we are now. Further information is available at http://proteus.brown.edu/archforthepeoplecompetition/Home; questions concerning the competition should be directed to Prof. John Cherry ([email protected]) and Prof. Felipe Rojas ([email protected]). Future Lectures and Conferences The program for spring 2014 has been announced for the Aegean Lectures, to be held at 7:00 pm at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens). Further information is available at http://www.aegeussociety.org/en/index.php/aegean-‐lectures/. 31 January 2014: A. Christophilopoulou, “‘Moving up the property ladder’: Transformations and innovations in Aegean households and communities, 1200–600 BC” 28 February 2014: Κ. Πασχαλίδης, “Το μυκηναϊκό νεκροταφείο του Κλάους Πατρών. Τα κατάλοιπα ενός άγνωστου κόσμου στο τέλος εποχής” 21 March 2014: A. Papathanasiou, “Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave and the surrounding area: Past and present research” 11 April 2014: G. Bourogiannis, “The Ayia Irini sanctuary in Cyprus: Facing the challenges of an old excavation” 23 May 2014: Μ.-‐Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, “Η μεσοελλαδική φάση του προϊστορικού οικισμού στην Αγία Παρασκευή Λαμία” Nestor 41.1 3 January 2014 The Cypriot Seminar: Recent developments in the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean has announced the schedule for spring 2014, to be held at 7:00 pm at the Museum of Cycladic Art, 4 Neophytou Douka Street, Athens. Further information is available at http://www.cycladic.gr/frontoffice/portal.asp?cpage=NODE&cnode=289&clang=0. 13 January 2014: Β. Κασσιανίδου, “Η παραγωγή και το εμπόριο του κυπριακού χαλκού κατά την Εποχή του Χαλκού -‐ Νέα δεδομένα” 3 February 2014: Ο. Κουκά, “Διαπολιτισμικές σχέσεις και νέες κοινοτικές ταυτότητες: Το Ανατολικό Αιγαίο, η Δυτική Μικρά Ασία και η Κύπρος στο κατώφλι της Εποχής του Χαλκού” 10 March 2014: Γ. Γεωργίου, “Νέο φως στην προϊστορική Λευκωσία” 7 April 2014: Σ. Δεμέστιχα, “‘καταδύσης της ολκάδος, απωλέσθαι άπαντα’. Έξι χρόνια υποβρύχιων ερευνών στο ναυάγιο Μαζωτού” 5 May 2014: Ε. Ράπτου, “Ηρωικές ταφές από την Παλαίπαφο της Γεωμετρικής και Αρχαϊκής περιόδου” 2 June 2014: Μ. Χατζηκωστή, “To φοινικικό αρχείο του Ιδαλίου” On 17 January 2014 A. Vasilogrambrou will address the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium on “A New Mycenaean Palace in Laconia” at the NYU Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street, NY, New York at 6:30 pm. Interested guests are always welcome; please R.S.V.P. 212-‐992-‐5803 or [email protected]. On 21-‐23 March 2014 the conference In Poseidon’s Realm XIX: Life by water and waterside will be held at the Pfahlbaumuseum, Unteruhldingen, Bodensee. Further information is available at http://www.deguwa.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: H. Hristomir, “Kulturkontakte der Mykener mit dem Orient. Transfer von Motiven mythologischen Inhalts” On 24 January J. Cutler will address the Minoan Seminar on Weaving and Minoanisation at 7:30 pm at the Archaeological Society, Panepistemiou 22. Past Lectures and Conferences On 6-‐8 December 2013 the second archaeological and historical conference entitled Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Αιτωλοακαρνανία και στη Λευκάδα από τους προϊστορικούς έως τους ρωµαϊκούς χρόνους was held at Mesolongiou Headquarters, Missolonghi. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: Ν. Γαλανίδου, Ο. Βικάτου, Α. Βασιλάκης, C. Morgan, J. Forsen, J. Vroom, Μ. Βέικου, Β. Στάικου, Χ. Παπούλια, and Γ. Ηλιόπουλος, “Η αρχαιολογική έρευνα επιφάνειας στο Εσωτερικό Αρχιπέλαγος του Ιονίου” Ν. Γαλανίδου and Β. Στάικου, “Η παλαιολιθική Λευκάδα” Γ. Φιλιππάκη-‐Κουρτέση, “Οι προϊστορικές λιθοτεχνίες από τη Χερσόνησο Πλαγιάς Αιτωλοακαρνανίας: Μία πρώτη προσέγγιση” Β. Στάικου, “Πρόσφατα ευρήµατα της Εποχής του Χαλκού στους πρόποδες του Σκάρου. Ένας αιώνας από τις έρευνες του Dörpfeld στην πεδιάδα του Νυδριού Λευκάδας” Ά. Τσώνος, “Η Λευκάδα και οι σχέσεις της µε τα Βαλκάνια κατά τη Νεολιθική και την Εποχή του Χαλκού” Ο. Βικάτου, “Οι τύµβοι του Μεγανησίου” Ι. Σιώρη, “Οι µυκηναϊκοί θολωτοί τάφοι της Αιτωλοακαρνανίας και η σηµασία τους” Nestor 41.1 4 January 2014 Ι. Μόσχος, “Υποµυκηναϊκή ή Πρώιµη Πρωτογεωµετρική Περίοδος; Το παράδειγµα της Αιτωλοακαρνανίας” Λ. Κολώνας, “Χάλκινοι ταφικοί λέβητες-‐τριποδικός και απλός-‐ από τον Πρωτογεωµετρικό Τύµβο των Σταµνών Αιτωλοακαρνανίας” A. Sieverling, “Nutrition habits in Stratos and the Stratike. Analysis of pottery functions in Early Iron Age and Archaic Period” On 10-‐11 December 2013 a conference entitled Popular religion and ritual in the east Mediterranean from the 3rd millennium BC to the 5th century AD was held by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Further information is available at http://eclass.uoa.gr/modules/document/file.php/ARCH449/Pop_rites_Program.pdf and http://eclass.uoa.gr/modules/document/file.php/ARCH449/Pop_rites_AbstractsA5.pdf. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: I. Caloi, “Non-‐funerary rituals in the burial complexes of Mesara (southern Crete) in the Middle Bronze Age period” S. Déderix and M. Devolder, “In the shadow of the palaces. Honoring the dead during the Neopalatial period” S. Privitera, “Inverting vases in Minoan Crete: Where? When? For what purpose?” A. Højen Sørensen, W. L. Friedrich, K. Søholm, and S. Katsipis, “Ritual response to natural events depicted on wall-‐paintings at Akrotiri, Thera” Γ. Βαβουρανάκης, “Τελετουργία, πλήθος και κοινωνική δομή στη Μινωική Κρήτη. Ritual, multitude and social structure in Minoan Crete” Ε. Σίκλα, “Όψεις της οικιακής λατρείας στη Μινωική Κρήτη: η μαρτυρία των ειδωλίων. Aspects of domestic cult in Minoan Crete: the evidence of the figurines” Λ. Πλάτων, “Ένας Μινωικός ‘χύτρος’; Μία απρόσμενη αρχαιολογική μαρτυρία για την πιθανή προϊστορική καταγωγή ενός αρχαιοελληνικού τελετουργικού. A Minoan ‘hytros’? An unexpected archaeological evidence for the possible pre-‐historic origin of an ancient Greek ceremonial practice” M. Haysom, “Mass and elite in Minoan extra-‐urban sanctuaries: a comparative perspective” Μ. Γεωργιάδης, “Λέσκα Κυθήρων: ένα αγροτικό ιερό κορυφής. Leska at Kythera: a rural peak sanctuary” Θ. Ηλιόπουλος, “Η ‘Μινωική θεά μεθ’ υψωμένων χειρών’ σήμερα. The ‘Minoan goddess with upraised arms’ today” Γ. Γεωργίου, “Δύο νέα τεκμήρια για τη θρησκεία και την ιδεολογία στην Κύπρο κατά την Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού. Two new documents for the religion and ideology of Early Bronze Age Cyprus” N. Papadimitriou, “Variations in the interpretation of funerary rituals in the LBA Aegean, Cyprus and the Levant. A question of context or theory?” Ε. Σαλαβούρα, “Λύκαιον (Αρκαδίας) και Όρος (Αίγινας): Δύο περιπτώσεις Υστεροελλαδικών υπαίθριων ιερών σε ψηλές κoρυφές. Mount Lykaion (Arcadia) and Mount Oros (Aegina): two cases of Late Bronze Age sacred ‘high places’” A.-‐L. Schallin, “Indications of cultic ritual at the Mycenaean potter´s workshop at Mastos in the Berbati Valley” Π. Πολυχρονάκου-‐Σγουρίτσα, “Επανεξετάζοντας τα Μυκηναϊκά ειδώλια. Mycenaean figurines revisited” H. Whittaker, “Approaches to popular religion in Late Bronze Age Greece” M. Boyd, “Popular ritual in Mycenaean funerary practices” Nestor 41.1 5 January 2014 On 13 December 2013 S. Levi addressed the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium on “Stromboli: Bronze Age Lighthouse and Gateway for Mycenaean Connections” at the Institute of Fine Arts. On 13 December 2013 M. Haysom addressed the Minoan Seminar in Athens on “The place of men and women in Neopalatial iconography. Η θέση των ανδρών και των γυναικών στην Νεοανακτορική εικονογραφία” at the Archaeological Society, Panepistemiou 22. Further information is available at http://www.minoanseminar.gr/. On 19 December 2013 R. Janko addressed the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens on “Linear B in Bavaria? From the Bernstorf treasure to the kingdom of Pylos” at the British School at Athens. On 2-‐6 January 2014 the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America was held in Chicago. Further information is available at http://www.archaeological.org/. For papers on Aegean prehistoric subjects, see Nestor 40.9 (December 2013), 214-‐216; posters of interest to Nestor readers included: A. S. Gluckman, “Petrographic and Chemical Analysis of Barbotine Ware from Kommos” P. M. Thomas, “Eversion and Angle in Late Helladic Ceramics: How Reliable Is Dating by Rim Profile Alone?” M. B. Beeler, L. Stephens, P. P. Betancourt, G. H. Myer, and J. T. Ford, “Copper Smelting at Chrysokamino: Reconstructing Early Bronze Age Aegean Metallurgy” J. Baxley, B. Rennison, J. Newhard, K. Pluta, and D. Nakassis, “The Use of Structured Light Scanning for the Study of the Linear B Deposits from Pylos, Messenia, Greece” F. Liard, “Conical Cups, Kylikes, and Champagne Cups in Context: Characterizing Mass-‐ Production and Drinking Practices in the Plain of Malia During the Late Bronze Age” R. P. Shears, D. J. Fallu, and D. E. Ehrlich, “Bronze Age Land Management in the Northern Argolid: A GIS Investigation of Terrace Organization and Implications for Land Use in the Environs of Mycenae” T. F. Strasser, E. Panagopoulou, P. Karkanas, M. Clinton, E. Kapranos, N. Thompson, and S. Murray, “The Excavation at Mesolithic Damnoni: The Discovery of a New Culture on Crete” On 9-‐11 January 2014 the 2014 Annual Conference of the British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA 2014) was held at the University of Reading. Further information is available from [email protected]. or at http://www.reading.ac.uk/archaeology/Conferences/BANEA/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included: C. Constantinou, “Round or Square: Does it Really Matter?: a view from the Neolithic of Cyprus and northern Levant” E. Govier, “Seeing is believing: Painting and Meaning and Çatalhöyük” P. Jacobsson, “Short-‐lived sites of the Cypro-‐PPN” E. Stroud, “Continuity and change in the crop spectra of Neolithic and Chalcolithic central Anatolia: new evidence from Çatalhöyük West and Çamlıbel Tarlası” N. D. Ünsal, “Mycenaean pottery of Çine Tepecik” On 10-‐12 January 2014 a conference entitled The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of Bronze and Iron Ages was held at the University of Reading. Further information is available at http://www.ihuw.pl/instytut/dzialalnosc/wydarzenia/aegean-‐and-‐levant-‐ turn-‐bronze-‐and-‐iron-‐ages-‐warsaw-‐10-‐12-‐january-‐2014. Papers of interest to Nestor Nestor 41.1 6 January 2014 readers included: Ł. Niesiołowski-‐Spano’, “The Sea Peoples – nature of their migration to the East” M. Węcowski, “Towards a social paradigm of cultural transfers in Early Iron Age Greece. Three (or four) case studies” Marta Guzowska, What do we know about Aegean origin of the Philistines and why do we need to know more? C. Paschalidis, “The Mycenaean Cemetery at Clauss, near Patras. The rise and fall of a local society towards the end of an era” A. Fantalkin, “Archaeological context – Levantine perspective” M. Grynberg and A. Juras, “New methods of investigation the past I – Human genetics” A. Nafplioti, “Residential Mobility in the Aegean: Isotope Geochemistry Research” I. Yakubovich, “Two cases of language coexistence in Ancient Anatolia: Sociolinguistic interpretation” R. Rosół, “The earliest contacts between the Greeks and the Semites in the light of linguistic evidence” BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations used in this issue: CAA2010 Contreras, F., M. Farjas, and F. J. Melero, eds. 2013. §20140027 CAA2010: Fusion of Cultures. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Granada, Spain, April 2010. BAR-‐IS 2494, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-‐1-‐4073-‐1108-‐1. Φιλική Συναυλία Graziadio, Giampaolo, Riccardo Guglielmino, Valeria §20140048 Lenuzza, and Salvatore Vitale, eds. 2013. Φιλική Συναυλία: Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology for Mario Benzi. BAR-‐IS 2460, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-‐1-‐4073-‐1068-‐8. Petasos Kalaitzoglou, Georg and Gundula Lüdorf, eds. 2013. §20140061 Petasos: Festschrift für Hans Lohmann. Mittelmeerstudien 2, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh and Wilhelm Fink. ISBN 978-‐3-‐7705-‐ 5524-‐6 (Fink) and ISBN 978-‐3-‐506-‐77739-‐3 (Schöningh). Intermezzo Macdonald, Colin F. and Carl Knappett, eds. 2013. §20140079 Intermezzo: Intermediacy and Regeneration in Middle Minoan III Palatial Crete. British School at Athens Studies 21, London: The British School at Athens. ISBN 978-‐0-‐904887-‐67-‐9. Nestor 41.1 7 January 2014 Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit Niemeier, W.-‐D., O. Pilz, and I. Kaiser, eds. 2013. Kreta §20140090 in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit: Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut, Abteilung Athen, 27.-‐29. Januar 2006. Athenaia 2, München: Hirmer Verlag GmbH. ISBN 978-‐3-‐7774-‐4241-‐9. ARTICLES AND BOOKS Other abbreviations used by Nestor conform to the standard of the American Journal of Archaeology (http://www.ajaonline.org/): Agapiou, Athos, Maria Iacovou, and Apostolos Sarris 2013. “A Spatial Analysis of the Bronze Age Sites of the Region of Paphos in Southwest Cyprus with the Use of Geographical Information Systems.” Pp. 177-‐183 in CAA2010. (Abstract, p. 177.) §20140001 Alberti, Lucia 2013. “The Funerary Meaning of the Octopus in LM IIIC Crete.” Pp. 69-‐77 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 69.) §20140002 Alberti, Lucia 2013. “Middle Minoan III burial customs at Knossos: a pianissimo intermezzo?” Pp. 47-‐55 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ ταφικά έθιμα στην Κνωσό: ένα pianissimo intermezzo?” p. xvi.) §20140003 Antognelli Michel, Nicoletta 2013. “L’estrema stilizzazione della palma? Osservazioni sulle semicolonne della ‘Tholos di Atreo.’” Pp. 155-‐163 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (English abstract, “High Stylization of the Palm Tree? Some Remarks about the Columns of the ‘Atreus’ Tholos,” p. 155.) §20140004 Baldoni, Daniela, Fede Berti, and Marco Giuman, eds. 2013. Iasos e il suo territorio: Atti del convegno internazionale per i cinquanta anni della Missione Archeologica Italiana, Istanbul, 26-‐28 Febbraio 2011. Missione Archeologica Italiana di Iasos 5, Archaeologica 170, Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider Editore. ISBN 978-‐88-‐7689-‐ 275-‐2. §20140005 Barker, Craig 2013. “Island of Archaeology: Celebrating Ancient Cyprus at the Nicholson Museum in Australia.” Cyprus Today 51.1: 36-‐39. §20140006 Barton, Sean 2013. “Knossos and Gournia in the Land of the Minotaur.” Current World Archaeology 5.11 (59): 56-‐58. §20140007 Nestor 41.1 8 January 2014 Benzi, Mario and Giampaolo Graziadio 2013. “Iasos nel Tardo Bronzo III. Un sito miceneizzato alla periferia del mondo miceneo.” Pp. 1-‐19 in Iasos e il suo territorio: Atti del convegno internazionale per i cinquanta anni della Missione Archeologica Italiana, Istanbul, 26-‐28 Febbraio 2011, eds. Baldoni, Daniela, Fede Berti, and Marco Giuman. Missione Archeologica Italiana di Iasos 5, Archaeologica 170, Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider Editore. ISBN 978-‐88-‐7689-‐ 275-‐2. (Bibliography, pp. 235-‐263.) §20140008 Berg, Ina 2013. “The Potter’s Wheel in Mycenaean Greece: A Reassessment.” Pp. 113-‐121 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 113.) §20140009 Berti, Fede 2013. “Su una belly-‐handled amphora di Iasos.” Pp. 283-‐289 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (English abstract, “On a Belly-‐Handled Amphora from Iasos,” p. 283.) §20140010 Betancourt, Philip P. 2013. “Transitional Middle Minoan III-‐Late Minoan IA pottery at Kommos revisited.” Pp. 145-‐148 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Η μεταβατική Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ-‐Υστερομινωική ΙΑ κεραμεική στον Κομμό: μια επανεξέταση,” p. xviii.) §20140011 Bintliff, John 2013. “Modelling long-‐term social change in the landscape: case studies from Greece.” Pp. 111-‐118 in Petasos. (With plates 6-‐7.) §20140012 Boardman, John 2011. “Fish and the Mediterranean: The Nourishing Sea.” Ancient West and East 10: 1-‐9. (Abstract, p. 1.) §20140013 Borgna, Elisabetta 2013. “Cult and Crafts at Late Minoan Phaistos: A New Clay Female Figure between Tradition and Innovation.” Pp. 39-‐48 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 39.) §20140014 Boulotis, Chirstos 2013. “Le monde des peintures murales d’Akrotiri.” ArcheologiaPar 514: 60-‐65. §20140015 Bouzek, Jan 2013. “Cretan and Attic Incised Ware Revisited.” Pp. 61-‐68 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 61.) §20140016 Brückner, Helmut and Daniel Kelterbaum 2013. “The Aksu Çayı (Kestros River) coastal plain and the harbour of Perge. A palaeogeographic and geoarchaeologic study in ancient Pamphylia (SW Turkey).” Pp. 341-‐353 in Petasos. (With plates 51-‐54.) §20140017 Cadogan, Gerald 2013. “Where has Middle Minoan III gone? A lack at Myrtos-‐Pyrgos -‐ and elsewhere? What does it mean?” Pp. 179-‐181 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Που βρίσκεται η Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ; Ένα κενό στον Μύρτο-‐ Πύργο -‐ και αλλού; Τι σημαίνει αυτό;” p. xix.) §20140018 Nestor 41.1 9 January 2014 Carinci, Filippo and Vincenzo La Rosa 2013. “A new Middle Minoan IIIA ceremonial building and the so-‐called ‘New Era’ at Phaistos.” Pp. 107-‐121 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Ένα νέο Μεσομινωικό ΙΙΙΑ τελετουργικό κτήριο και η λεγόμενη ‘Νέα Εποχή’ της Φαιστού,” p. xvii.) §20140019 Casi, Carlo 2013. “Minosse approda in Calabria: gli scavi di Punta di Zambrone, presso Tropea, restituiscono un eccezionale reperto importato da Creta durante l’età del Bronzo.” Archeo: Attualità del Passato 29.6 (340): 6-‐8. §20140020 Chaniotis, Angelos 2013. “Memories of early Crete.” Pp. 1-‐18 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140021 Christakis, Kostis 2013. “The Syme Sanctuary at the transition from the Protopalatial to the Early Neopalatial Periods: the evidence of the pottery.” Pp. 169-‐177 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Το ιερό της Σύμης κατά την μετάβαση από την Πρωτοανακτορική έως την πρώιμη Νεοανακτορική περίοδο: το τεκμήριο της κεραμικής,” p. xix.) §20140022 Christophilopoulou, Anastasia 2013. “Does the Cretan house stand alone? Households in Geometric Crete viewed in the context of domestic architecture in the Cyclades and the Eastern Aegean.” Pp. 437-‐453 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140023 Cline, Eric H. 2013. The Trojan War: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐19-‐976027-‐5. §20140024 Cline, Eric H. and Assaf Yasur-‐Landau 2013. “Aegeans in Israel: Minoan Frescoes at Tel Kabri.” Biblical Archaeology Review 39.4: 37-‐44 and 64. §20140025 Coldstream, Nicolas 2013. “Geometric and Archaic Crete. A hunt for the elusive polis.” Pp. 341-‐353 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140026 Contreras, F., M. Farjas, and F. J. Melero, eds. 2013. CAA2010: Fusion of Cultures. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Granada, Spain, April 2010. BAR-‐IS 2494, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-‐1-‐4073-‐1108-‐1. §20140027 Cucuzza, Nicola 2013. “Minoan ruins in Archaic Crete.” Pp. 31-‐42 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140028 Cultraro, Massimo 2013. “Food Preparation and Consumption in the Early Bronze Age of the Northern Aegean: Evidence from Poliochni, Lemnos.” Pp. 103-‐111 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 103.) §20140029 Nestor 41.1 10 January 2014 D’Acunto, Matteo 2013. “The city siege and the lion. The Fortetsa bronze belt and quiver between Near Eastern models and heroic ideology.” Pp. 471-‐487 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140030 Devetzi, Tania 2013. “La vie quotidienne à Akrotiri.” ArcheologiaPar 514: 54-‐59. §20140031 Dipla, Anthi 2009-‐2011. “The beginning of narrative art in Attic vase painting: A review of proposed theories.” Eulimene 10-‐12: 11-‐32. (Greek summary, “Η αρχή της αφηγηματικής τέχνης στην αττική αγγειογραφία: Μια επισκόπηση των προτεινόμενων θεωριών,” pp. 6-‐7.) §20140032 Domínguez, Adolfo J. 2011. “The Origins of Greek Colonisation and the Greek Polis: Some Observations.” Ancient West and East 10: 195-‐207. (Abstract, p. 195.) §20140033 Doumas, Christos 2013. “Akrotiri: L’âge du Bronze à Théra.” ArcheologiaPar 514: 36-‐45. §20140034 Doumet-‐Serhal, Claude 2013. “Recherches archéologiques à Sidon.” RA 2013.1: 97-‐ 105. §20140035 Fagan, Brian 2012-‐2013. “Seafaring Beyond the Blue Horizon: When and Why Early Humans Explored the World’s Oceans.” Current World Archaeology 5.8 (56): 40-‐ 45. §20140036 Federico, Eduardo 2013. “Rethinking the Minoan past. Two Archaic-‐Cretan ethnical retrospectives on primitive Crete.” Pp. 19-‐30 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140037 Forte, Maurizio, Nicolò Dell’Unto, and Scott Haddow 2013. “Cyber Archaeology: How 3D modelling is unpeeling the Neolithic at Çatalhöyük.” Current World Archaeology 6.1 (61): 36-‐40. §20140038 Galaty, Michael L., Ols Lafe, Wayne E. Lee, and Zamir Tafilica, eds. 2013. Light and Shadow: Isolation and Interaction in the Shala Valley of Northern Albania. Monumenta Archaeologica 28, Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. ISBN 978-‐1-‐931745-‐71-‐0. §20140039 Gates, Marie-‐Henriette 2013. “The Hittite Seaport Izziya at Late Bronze Age Kinet Höyük (Cilicia).” NEA 76.4: 223-‐234. §20140040 Gilkes, Oliver 2013. Albania: An Archaeological Guide. London and New York: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 978-‐178076-‐069-‐8. §20140041 Nestor 41.1 11 January 2014 Girella, Luca 2013. “Evidence for Middle Minoan III occupation at Ayia Triada.” Pp. 123-‐135 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Στοιχεία για την Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ κατοίκηση στην Αγ. Τριάδα,” p. xvii.) §20140042 Girella, Luca 2013. “Exhuming an excavation: preliminary notes on the use of the Kamilari tholos tomb in Middle Minoan III.” Pp. 149-‐159 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Η εκταφή μιας ανασκαφής: Προκαταρκτικές σημειώσεις για τη χρήση του θολωτού τάφου του Καμιλαρίου στη Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ,” p. xviii.) §20140043 Girella, Luca 2013. “Further Notes on the So-‐Called Minoan ‘Egyptianizing’ Amphorae: New Evidence from Kamilari.” Pp. 15-‐29 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 15.) §20140044 Govier, Gordon, ed. 2013. “Alice Kober’s Well-‐Deserved Obituary.” Artifax 28.3: 21-‐ 22. §20140045 Govier, Gordon, ed. 2013. “War Was Central to Europe’s First Civilization.” Artifax 28.2: 12. §20140046 Graziadio, Giampaolo 2013. “A Middle Cypriot Unique Bowl from Eastern Crete and the Earliest Contacts between Cyprus and the Aegean.” Pp. 165-‐175 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 165.) §20140047 Graziadio, Giampaolo, Riccardo Guglielmino, Valeria Lenuzza, and Salvatore Vitale, eds. 2013. Φιλική Συναυλία: Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology for Mario Benzi. BAR-‐IS 2460, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-‐1-‐4073-‐1068-‐8. §20140048 Guglielmino, Riccardo 2013. “Minyan, Minyanizing, and Pseudominyan Wares from Southern and Insular Italy.” Pp. 177-‐191 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 177.) §20140049 Hansen, Inge Lyse, Richard Hodges, and Sarah Leppard 2013. Butrint 4: The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books for the Butrint Foundation. ISBN 978-‐1-‐84217-‐462-‐3. §20140050 Hatzaki, Eleni 2013. “The end of an intermezzo at Knossos: ceramic wares, deposits, and architecture in a social context.” Pp. 37-‐45 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Το τέλος ενός intermezzo στην Κνωσό: κεραμεικοί τύποι, αποθέτες και αρχιτεκτονική στο κοινωνικό τους πλαίσιο,” p. xvi.) §20140051 Henderson, Julian 2013. Ancient Glass: An Interdisciplinary Exploration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-‐1-‐107-‐00673-‐7. §20140052 Nestor 41.1 12 January 2014 Higham, Charles 2013. “Heady days at Nea Nikomedia.” Current World Archaeology 6.1 (61): 16-‐17. §20140053 Hitchcock, Louise A. 2011. “‘Transculturalism’ as a Model for Examining Migration to Cyprus and Philistia at the End of the Bronze Age.” Ancient West and East 10: 267-‐280. (Abstract, p. 267.) §20140054 Hodges, Richard 2012-‐2013. “Travels to Aegina.” Current World Archaeology 5.8 (56): 56-‐59. §20140055 Hoff, Michael C. and Rhys F. Townsend, eds. 2013. Rough Cilicia: New Historical and Archaeological Approaches. Prceedings of an International Conference held at Lincoln, Nebraska, October 2007. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-‐ 1-‐84217-‐518-‐7. §20140056 Hogg, Domini 2013. “Tibet sheds light on the mystery of Mycenae.” Omnibus 66: 15-‐ 17. §20140057 Jasink, Anna Margherita 2013. “The Linear B Sign *34 and its Likely Connections with Former Cretan Iconography and Writings.” Pp. 221-‐227 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 221.) §20140058 Jasink, Anna Margherita and Luca Bombardieri 2013. “The Göksu River Valley from Late Bronze to Iron Age: local cultures, external influences, and relations with foreign peoples.” Pp. 16-‐26 in Rough Cilicia: New Historical and Archaeological Approaches. Prceedings of an International Conference held at Lincoln, Nebraska, October 2007, eds. Hoff, Michael C. and Rhys F. Townsend. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-‐1-‐84217-‐518-‐7. (Bibliography, pp. 283-‐312.) §20140059 Kalaitzoglou, Georg 2013. “Methodische Anmerkungen zur Identifizierung mykenischer Gräber in Westanatolien.” Pp. 303-‐316 in Petasos. (With plates 42-‐ 53.) §20140060 Kalaitzoglou, Georg and Gundula Lüdorf, eds. 2013. Petasos: Festschrift für Hans Lohmann. Mittelmeerstudien 2, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh and Wilhelm Fink. ISBN 978-‐3-‐7705-‐5524-‐6 (Fink) and ISBN 978-‐3-‐506-‐77739-‐3 (Schöningh). §20140061 Karantzali, Efi 2013. “Mycenaeans within the Spercheios Valley: The Inhabitations at Frantzis and Lygaria.” Pp. 139-‐153 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 139.) §20140062 Karetsou, Alexandra 2013. “The Middle Minoan III building at Alonaki, Juktas.” Pp. 71-‐91 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Το Μεσομινωικό ΙΙΙ κτίριο στο Αλωνάκι του Γιούχτα,” pp. xvi-‐xvii.) §20140063 Nestor 41.1 13 January 2014 Kelder, Jorrit M. 2012. “Horseback Riding and Cavalry in Mycenaean Greece.” Ancient West and East 11: 1-‐18. (Abstract, p. 1.) §20140064 Knappett, Carl and Tim Cunningham 2013. “Defining Middle Minoan IIIA and IIIB at Palaikastro.” Pp. 183-‐195 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Ορίζοντας τη Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙΑ και ΙΙΙΒ στο Παλαίκαστρο,” p. xix.) §20140065 Knappett, Carl, Iro Mathioudaki, and Colin F. Macdonald 2013. “Stratigraphy and ceramic typology in the Middle Minoan III palace at Knossos.” Pp. 9-‐19 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Στρωματογραφία και κεραμεική τυπολογία στο Μεσομινωικό ΙΙΙ ανάκτορο της Κνωσού,” p. xv.) §20140066 Koch, Leonie Carola 2013. “Von Hellas bis Hessen. Zu möglichen Importen gläserner Perlen während der spätesten Bronzezeit.” Pp. 149-‐161 in Petasos. (With plates 12-‐13.) §20140067 Konecny, Andreas, Vassilis Aravantinos, and Ron Marchese 2013. Plataiai: Archäologie und Geschichte einer boiotischen Polis. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut Sonderschriften 48, Wien: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. ISBN 978-‐3-‐900305-‐65-‐9. (With contributions by Michael J. Boyd, Alexandra Charami, Kyriaki Kalliga, Dimitris Koutsodimos, and Kalliopi Sarri.) §20140068 Kontolaimos, Panagiotis 2013. “Late Bronze Age Mediterranean Urbanism and Depth Map Software: The Cases of Ugarit (Syria) and Enkomi (Cyprus).” Pp. 145-‐151 in CAA2010. (Abstract, p. 145.) §20140069 Kotsonas, Antonis 2013. “Orientalizing ceramic styles and wares of Early Iron Age Crete. Aspects of production, dissemination and consumption.” Pp. 233-‐252 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140070 Kyrieleis, Helmut 2013. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia. Volume 13: 2000 bis 2005, Tübingen and Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag. ISBN 978-‐3-‐8030-‐2301-‐ 8. (With contributions by Bernhard Eitel, Werner Fuchs, Stefan Hecht, Klaus Herrmann, Hajo van de Löcht, Aliki Moustaka, Jörg Rambach, Gerd Schukraft, and Julia Taita.) §20140071 La Rosa, Vincenzo 2013. “A new Protogeometric road in the settlement of Phaistos.” Pp. 43-‐57 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140072 Lebessi, Angeliki 2013. “Zu Typologie und Interpretation einer Statuette aus dem Heiligtum von Syme (Kreta).” Pp. 287-‐296 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140073 Nestor 41.1 14 January 2014 Lefèvre-‐Novaro, Daniela 2013. “L’organisation territoriale de la Messara occidentale de la fin du monde mycénien à la naissance des Poleis.” Pp. 313-‐322 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140074 Lenuzza, Valeria 2013. “Of Roofs and Roof Drainage: A Survey of the Evidence in Bronze Age Crete.” Pp. 79-‐98 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 79.) §20140075 Lightfoot, Emma, Xinyi Liu, and Martin K. Jones 2013. “Why move starchy cereals? A review of the isotopic evidence for prehistoric millet consumption across Eurasia.” WorldArch 45.4: 574-‐623. §20140076 Lo Schiavo, Fulvia, Elena Sorge, Nicola Cucuzza, Noel Harold Gale, and Zofia Anna Stos-‐Gale 2013. “An Oxhide Ingot Fragment from ‘Piazzale dei Sacelli’, Ayia Triada (Crete) to the National Archaeological Museum, Florence.” Pp. 49-‐60 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 49.) §20140077 Macdonald, Colin F. 2013. “Between Protopalatial houses and Neopalatial mansions: an ‘intermezzo’ southwest of the palace at Knossos.” Pp. 21-‐30 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Ανάμεσα σε Πρωτοανακτορικές οικίες και Νεοανακτορικές επαύλεις: ένα ‘intermezzo’ νοτιοδυτικά του ανακτόρου της Κνωσού,” p. xv.) §20140078 Macdonald, Colin F. and Carl Knappett, eds. 2013. Intermezzo: Intermediacy and Regeneration in Middle Minoan III Palatial Crete. British School at Athens Studies 21, London: The British School at Athens. ISBN 978-‐0-‐904887-‐67-‐9. §20140079 MacGillivray, J. Alexander 2013. “Absolute Middle Minoan III -‐ the bigger picture: early Neopalatial Crete’s relations with the ancient Orient in the mid-‐second millennium BC.” Pp. 221-‐224 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Απόλυτη Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ -‐ Η ευρύτερη εικόνα. Οι σχέσεις της πρώιμη Νεοανακτορικής Κρήτης με την Ανατολή στο μέσον της δεύτερης χιλιετίας π.Χ.,” p. xx.) §20140080 Martin, Thomas R. 2013. Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times. Second ed. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐300-‐ 16005-‐5. §20140081 Martinelli, Maria Clara and Sara Tiziana Levi 2013. “Eolie. Un’età dell’oro.” Archeo: Attualità del Passato 29.11 (345): 48-‐60. (With contributions by Marco Bettelli, Andrea Di Renzoni, Valentina Cannavò, and Francesca Ferranti.) §20140082 Massa, Morella 2013. “La G2-‐3: ceramica geometrica o subgeometrica?” Pp. 271-‐ 281 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (English abstract, “The G2-‐3 Ware: Geometric or Sub-‐ geometric?” p. 271.) §20140083 Nestor 41.1 15 January 2014 Mazzoni, Stefania 2013. “Seals and Visual Communication across the 3rd Millennium Mediterranean.” Pp. 193-‐203 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 193.) §20140084 Melfi, Milena 2013. “The lithos and the sea. Some considerations on the cult of the Greek sanctuary at Kommos.” Pp. 355-‐365 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140085 Mook, Margaret S. and Donald C. Haggis 2013. “Excavation of an Archaic city at Azoria in eastern Crete.” Pp. 59-‐78 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140086 Mountjoy, Penelope A. 2013. “Three Mycenaean Vases from the Dodecanese.” Pp. 135-‐138 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 135.) §20140087 Muhly, Polymnia 2013. “Attic influence on Cretan zoomorphic terracottas of the Geometric period.” Pp. 297-‐302 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140088 Niccolucci, Franco, Achile Felicetti, Melissa Samaes, Sorin Hermon, and Karyn Nys 2013. “Ontologies and Semantic Tools for the Management of Full-‐text Archaeological Documentation. Assessments from the Hala Sultan Tekke Case-‐ study.” Pp. 247-‐250 in CAA2010. (Abstract, p. 247.) §20140089 Niemeier, W.-‐D., O. Pilz, and I. Kaiser, eds. 2013. Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit: Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut, Abteilung Athen, 27.-‐29. Januar 2006. Athenaia 2, München: Hirmer Verlag GmbH. ISBN 978-‐3-‐7774-‐4241-‐9. §20140090 Nikolakopoulou, Irene 2013. “Middle Minoan III beyond Crete: the evidence from Thera.” Pp. 213-‐219 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Η Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ περίοδος εκτός Κρήτης: τα δεδομένα από τη Θήρα,” p. xx.) §20140091 Orton, Clive and Michael Hughes 2013. Pottery in Archaeology. Second ed. Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-‐1-‐107-‐00874-‐8 (hardback) and ISBN 978-‐1-‐107-‐40130-‐3 (paperback). §20140092 Palyvou, Clairy 2013. “Une architecture ‘moderne’ d’il y a 3500 ans.” ArcheologiaPar 514: 46-‐53. §20140093 Papadopoulos, Costas and Yannis Sakellarakis 2013. “Virtual Windows to the Past: Reconstructing the ‘Ceramics Workshop’ at Zominthos, Crete.” Pp. 47-‐54 in CAA2010. (Abstract, p. 47.) §20140094 Nestor 41.1 16 January 2014 Pappalardo, Eleonora 2013. “Il ruolo di Creta nel Mediterraneo di I millennio.” Pp. 455-‐469 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140095 Pautasso, Antonella 2013. “New research in the area of Temple A.” Pp. 79-‐86 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140096 Pavlou, Pavlos 2012. “The Languages of the EU Member States -‐ Part II: Cypriot Greek.” RBPhil 90.3: 967-‐971. §20140097 Pearson, Jessica and Matt Grove 2013. “Counting sheep: sample size and statistical inference in stable isotope analysis and palaeodietary reconstruction.” WorldArch 45.3: 373-‐387. (Abstract, p. 373.) §20140098 Peltenburg, Edgar, ed. 2013. Cyprus. Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean (ARCANE) 2, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. ISBN 978-‐2-‐503-‐53498-‐5. (With contributions by Diane Bolger, David Frankel, Vasiliki Kassianidou, Priscilla Keswani, Carole McCartney, Demetra Papaconstantinou, Charalambos Paraskeva, and Jennifer M. Webb.) §20140099 Pezzi, Elisabetta 2013. “L’apporto orientale allo sviluppo della glittica cipriota in ‘Elaborate Style.’” Pp. 205-‐220 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (English abstract, “The Near-‐ Eastern Contribution to the Development of the Cypriot Elaborate Style Glyptic,” p. 205.) §20140100 Platon, Lefteris and Eleni Gerontakou 2013. “Middle Minoan III: a ‘gap’ or a ‘missing link’ in the history of the Minoan site of Zakros?” Pp. 197-‐212 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ: ένα ‘χάσμα’ ή ένας ‘λανθάνων κρίκος’ στην ιστορία της μινωικής εγκατάστασης στη Ζάκρο,” pp. xix-‐xx.) §20140101 Preston, Laura 2013. “The Middle Minoan III funerary landscape at Knossos.” Pp. 57-‐70 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Το Μεσομινωικό ΙΙΙ ταφικό τοπίο της Κνωσού,” p. xvi.) §20140102 Ralli, Angela 2012. “The Languages of the EU Member States -‐ Part II: Greek.” RBPhil 90.3: 939-‐966. §20140103 Rambach, Jörg 2013. “Die prähistorischen ‘Rechteckbauten’ in der Altis von Olympia.” Pp. 129-‐181 in Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia, ed. Kyrieleis, Helmut. Volume 13: 2000 bis 2005, Tübingen and Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag. ISBN 978-‐3-‐8030-‐2301-‐8. (With color plates 1-‐4.) §20140104 Nestor 41.1 17 January 2014 Rethemiotakis, Giorgos and Kostis Christakis 2013. “The Middle Minoan III period at Galatas: pottery and historical implications.” Pp. 93-‐105 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Η Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ περίοδο στην Γαλατά: Η κεραμεική και τις ιστορικές συνέπειες,” p. xvii.) §20140105 Rutherford, Richard 2013. Homer. Greece and Rome: New Surveys in the Classics 41, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107670167. §20140106 Rutter, Jeremy B. 2013. “What Happened to the Lights?: Changes in the Usage of Ceramic Lamps at Neopalatial and Early Postpalatial Kommos.” Pp. 31-‐38 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 31.) §20140107 Sacconi, Anna 2013. “A proposito delle tavolette delle serie Sc e Sk di Cnosso.” Pp. 99-‐102 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (English abstract, “On the Knossos Sc and Sk Tablets,” p. 99.) §20140108 Santaniello, Emanuela 2013. “Gortyn between the 10th and the 6th century B.C. Local pottery, imports and imitations.” Pp. 253-‐262 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140109 Selkirk, Andrew 2013. “A decade of World Archaeology.” Current World Archaeology 6.1 (61): 18-‐34. §20140110 Shaw, Joseph 2013. “Architectural signposts: datable ashlar style at Middle Minoan III Kommos in south-‐central Crete.” Pp. 137-‐143 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Αρχιτεκτονικές πινακίδες: χρονολογήσιμη λαξευτή τοιχοδομία στον Μεσομινωικό ΙΙΙ Κομμό στην νότια-‐κεντρική Κρήτη,” pp. xvii-‐ xviii.) §20140111 Smirniou, M. and Th. Rehren 2013. “Shades of blue -‐ cobalt-‐copper coloured blue glass from New Kingdom Egypt and the Mycenaean world: a matter of production or colourant source?” JAS 40.12: 4731-‐4743. (Abstract, p. 4731.) §20140112 Stürmer, Veit 2013. “Early Middle Minoan III: stratigraphical evidence vs stylistic analysis.” Pp. 161-‐167 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Πρώιμη Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ: Στρωματογραφικά δεδομένα vs τεχνοτροπικής ανάλυσης,” p. xviii.) §20140113 Todaro, Simona 2013. “Il periodo Antico Minoico e l’origine del fenomeno palaziale a Creta: nuovi dati da Festòs.” Pp. 1-‐13 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (English abstract, “The Early Minoan Period and the Origin of the Palatial Phenomenon on Crete: New Data from Phaisto,” p. 1.) §20140114 Nestor 41.1 18 January 2014 Tsipopoulou, Metaxia 2013. “Eteocretan Geometric revisited. The pottery from the burial cave at Kephala, Piskokephalo, Siteia.” Pp. 133-‐156 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140115 van Dongen, Erik 2013. “The Overland Route: Intra-‐Anatolia Interaction ca. 1000-‐ 540 BC and the Transmission of the Alphabet.” Ancient West and East 12: 47-‐70. (Abstract, p. 47.) §20140116 Vidale, Massimo 2013. “Speciale: Il mistero delle scritture scomparse.” Archeo: Attualità del Passato 29.9 (343): 76-‐95. §20140117 Vitale, Salvatore 2013. “Two Late Helladic IIIA1 Deposits from Mitrou, East Lokris: A Chronological, Typological, and Functional Analysis of the Pottery.” Pp. 123-‐ 133 in Φιλική Συναυλία. (Abstract, p. 123.) §20140118 Wallace, Saro 2013. “Citadel and City-‐State. Insights from surface ceramics into sociopolitical change in Protogeometric through Archaic Crete.” Pp. 103-‐131 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140119 Warren, Peter 2013. “Middle Minoan III pottery from the town of Knossos: the Vlachakis Plot.” Pp. 31-‐35 in Intermezzo. (English and Greek abstracts, “Μεσομινωική ΙΙΙ κεραμεική από την πόλη της Κνωσού: Το οικόπεδο του Βλαχάκη,” pp. xv-‐xvi.) §20140120 Whitley, James 2013. “The Cretan Orientalizing. A comparative perspective.” Pp. 409-‐426 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140121 Wilson, David E. 2013. “Ayia Irini II-‐III, Kea: The Phasing and Relative Chronology of the Early Bronze Age II Settlement.” Hesperia 82.3: 385-‐434. §20140122 Zukerman, Alexander 2013. “The Role of Cyprus in Philistine Settlement.” Ancient West and East 12: 17-‐46. (Abstract, p. 17.) §20140123 Εγγλέζου, Μαρία and Γιώργος Ρεθεμιωτάκης 2013. “Το γεωμετρικό νεκροταφείο της Έλτυνας στους Κουνάβους Ηρακλείου.” Pp. 157-‐185 in Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. §20140124 Κουράγιος, Γιάννος 2009-‐2011. “Ο αρχαίος δήμος των Αιξωνιδών Αλών Αττικής (σημ. Βούλα-‐Βουλιαγμένη).” Eulimene 10-‐12: 33-‐62. (English summary, “The ancient deme of Aixonides Halai, Attica (the modern deme of Voula -‐ Vouliagmeni),” pp. 7-‐8.) §20140125 Nestor 41.1 19 January 2014 BIBLIOGRAPHY: ADDENDA Abbreviations used in this section: Νεότερα δεδομένα των ερευνών για την Αρχαία Ιωλκό Κολιού, Νίτσα ed. 1994. Νεότερα δεδομένα των §20140178 ερευνών για την Αρχαία Ιωλκό: Πρακτικά επιστημονικής συνάντησης, 12 Μαΐου 1993. Βόλος: Δήμος Βόλου -‐ Δημοτικό Κέντρο Ιστορικών Ερευνών, Τεκμηρίωσης Αρχείων και Εκθεμάτων. ISBN 960-‐7405-‐08-‐0. Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’ Κυπαρίσση-‐Αποστολίκα, Νίνα and Μάνη §20140180 Παπακωνσταντίνου, eds. 2003. Β’ Διεθνές Διεπιστημονικό Συμπόσιο: Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, 26-‐30 Σεπτεμβρίου, Λαμία 1999. 2nd International Interdisciplinary Colloquium: The Periphery of the Mycenaean World, 26-‐30 September, Lamia 1999. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, ΙΔ’ Εφορεία Προϊστορικών και Κλασσικών Αρχαιοτήτων. ISBN 960-‐87375-‐1-‐6. ADDENDA Alberti, Lucia 2003. “Η Νεκρόπολη στο Μαύρο Σπήλαιο, στην Κνωσό, ανάμεσα στους Μινωΐτες και τους Μυκηναίους.” Pp. 543-‐554 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 547.) §20140126 Atkinson, Austen 2002. Lost Civilizations: Rediscovering Ancient Sites Through New Technology. New York: Watson-‐Guptill Publications. ISBN 0-‐8230-‐2873-‐9. §20140127 Barber, Robin L. N. 2003. “Η τέχνη στην περιφέρεια: μυκηναϊκά στοιχεία στις Κυκλάδες.” Pp. 487-‐491 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 491.) §20140128 Ben-‐Shlomo, David 2007. “Intraregional Provenancing of Philistine Pottery from Israel.” Pp. 399-‐421 in Archaeological Chemistry: Analytical Techniques and Archaeological Interpretation, eds. Glascock, Michael D., Robert J. Speakman, and Rachel S. Popelka-‐Filcoff. ACS Symposium Series 968, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. ISBN 978-‐0-‐8412-‐7413-‐6. (Abstract, p. 399.) §20140129 Betancourt, Philip P. 2003. “Land use in LM III at the Chrysokamino Estate.” Pp. 555-‐560 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 557.) §20140130 Bolohan, Neculai 2003. “An essay concerning the Trans-‐Balkan relations during the Middle and Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age.” Pp. 99-‐106 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 103.) §20140131 Nestor 41.1 20 January 2014 Carington-‐Smith, Jill 2003. “Echoes of a Mycenaean past at Koukos, Sykia.” Pp. 243-‐ 252 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 246.) §20140132 Collon, Dominique 2001. “The Green Jasper Seal Workshop Revisited.” Archaeology and History in the Lebanon 13: 16-‐24. §20140133 Constantinidis, Dora 2003. “A GIS analysis of Mycenaean settlement patterns in Central Greece.” Pp. 71-‐79 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 77.) §20140134 Doughty, Louise 2005. “Temper.” Medelhavsmuseet. Focus on the Mediterranean 3: 18-‐21. (Arabic abstract, p. 21.) §20140135 Doumet-‐Serhal, Claude 2000. “Second Season of Excavation at Sidon: Preliminary Report.” Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises 4: 75-‐122. (Abstract, p. 122; Arabic abstract, p. ٥.) §20140136 Doumet-‐Serhal, Claude 2001. “Third Season of Excavation at Sidon: Preliminary Report.” Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises 5: 153-‐172. (Abstract, p. 153; Arabic abstract, p. ٦.) §20140137 Eder, Brigitta 2003. “Patterns of contact and communication between the regions south and north of the Corinthian Gulf in LH IIIC.” Pp. 37-‐54 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 50.) §20140138 Felsch-‐Jacob, Magrit 2003. “The return of the Heraclids.” P. 61 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (In Greek.) §20140139 Feuer, Bryan 2003. “Cultural interaction processes in the Mycenaean periphery.” Pp. 15-‐24 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 21.) §20140140 Fischer, Josef 2002. “Rauschmittel im mykenischen Griechenland.” Diomedes 2: 3-‐ 10. §20140141 Fischer, Josef 2004. “Bemerkungen zur Bedeutung dreier Linear B -‐ Begriffe ka-‐pa, ka-‐po, KAPO.” Diomedes 3: 37-‐48. §20140142 Flourentzos, Pavlos 2004. “The Local Museum of Marion-‐Arsinoe at Polis (Paphos District).” Medelhavsmuseet. Focus on the Mediterranean 1: 25-‐28. §20140143 Glascock, Michael D., Robert J. Speakman, and Rachel S. Popelka-‐Filcoff, eds. 2007. Archaeological Chemistry: Analytical Techniques and Archaeological Interpretation. ACS Symposium Series 968, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. ISBN 978-‐0-‐8412-‐7413-‐6. §20140144 Nestor 41.1 21 January 2014 Guzowska, Marta and Assaf Yasur-‐Landau 2003. “Before the Aeolians: Prolegomena to the study of interactions with the North East Aegean islands in the 13th and 12th cent. BC.” Pp. 471-‐486 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 478.) §20140145 Hadjidaki, Elpida and Philip Betancourt 2005-‐2006. “A Minoan shipwreck off Pseira Island, East Crete. Preliminary report.” Eulimene 6-‐7: 79-‐96. (Greek summary, “Ένα Μινωικό ναυάγιο ανοικτά της νήσου Ψείρας, ανατολική Κρήτη,” p. 8.) §20140146 Jung, Reinhard 2003. “Η μυκηναϊκή κεραμική της Μακεδονίας και η σημασία της.” Pp. 211-‐225 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 220.) §20140147 Karageorghis, Vassos 2001. “Some innovations in the burial customs of Cyprus (12th-‐7th centuries BC).” Eulimene 2: 53-‐65. (Greek summary, “Μερικές αλλαγές στα ταφικά έθιμα της Κύπρου (12ος-‐7ος αι. π.Χ.),” pp. 7-‐8.) §20140148 Kohl, Manuela 2002. “Schweine als Opfertiere in Linear B.” Diomedes 2: 35-‐40. §20140149 Kotsonas, Antonios 2002. “The rise of the polis in central Crete.” Eulimene 3: 37-‐74. (Greek summary, “Η γένεση της πόλης-‐κράτους στην κεντρική Κρήτη,” pp. 6-‐7.) §20140150 La Rosa, Vincenzo 2003. “Το πρόβλημα της μυκηναϊκής επιβίωσης στην ‘τυρρηνική’ τέχνη της Λήμνου.” Pp. 463-‐470 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 470.) §20140151 Laffineur, Robert 2003. “Mycenaean jewellery in the periphery.” Pp. 81-‐85 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 85.) §20140152 László, Attila 2003. “The periphery of the Periphery: the lower Danube and northern Aegean world from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. Cultural Interrelations: A Short Review.” Pp. 107-‐112 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 110.) §20140153 Makkay, Janos 2003. “The early Mycenaean rulers and the contemporary early Iranians in the Northeast.” Pp. 113-‐115 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. §20140154 Megaloudi, Fragkiska 2004. “Agriculture in mainland Greece at the Protogeometric period: a view from the archaeobotanical remains.” Eulimene 5: 151-‐160. (French summary, “Agriculture et alimentation en Grèce Proto-‐geómétrique: les restes carpologiques,” p. 9.) §20140155 Nestor 41.1 22 January 2014 Militello, Pietro 2003. “Art in periphery: Crete and Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age.” Pp. 535-‐541 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 539.) §20140156 Müller-‐Celka, Sylvie 2003. “The Mycenaean moulded glass seals: some thoughts about their distribution, use and manufacture.” Pp. 87-‐98 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 93.) §20140157 Nightingale, Georg 2003. “Glass and faience beads from Elateia-‐Alonaki reflecting the relationship between centre and periphery.” Pp. 311-‐319 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 314.) §20140158 Nosch, Marie-‐Louise 2003. “Center and periphery in the Linear B Archives.” Pp. 63-‐ 70 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 68.) §20140159 Paraskevaidou, Helen A. 2003. “Pelopes, Leleges, Hellanes and other tribal names from the periphery of the Mycenaean world.” Pp. 55-‐60 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 60.) §20140160 Perlines, Maria 2003. “Πέρα από την περιφέρεια: Τι προσφέρει η απώτατη Δύση;” Pp. 613-‐629 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 619.) §20140161 Petropoulos, Michalis 2004. “The Archaeological Musum of Patras and the History of the City through the Excavations.” Medelhavsmuseet. Focus on the Mediterranean 1: 40-‐47. §20140162 Rahmstorf, Lorenz 2003. “Clay spools from Tiryns and other contemporary sites. An indication of foreign influence in LH IIIC?” Pp. 397-‐415 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 407.) §20140163 Tanasi, Davide 2003. “Mycenaean influences on the pottery of north Pantalica culture (Sicily).” Pp. 599-‐611 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 603.) §20140164 Vinci, Felice 2008. Omero nel Baltico: Le origini nordiche dell’ Odissea e dell’ Iliade. 5 ed. Roma: Palombi Editori. ISBN 978-‐88-‐6060-‐153-‐7. §20140165 Wardle, Kenneth A. and Diana Wardle 2003. “Prehistoric Thermon: Pottery of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age.” Pp. 147-‐156 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 152.) §20140166 Nestor 41.1 23 January 2014 Yasur-‐Landau, Assaf 2003. “Why can’t we find the origin of the Philistines? In search of the source of a peripheral Aegean culture.” Pp. 587-‐598 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (Greek abstract, p. 592.) §20140167 Αδρύμη-‐Σισμάνη, Βασιλική 1994. “Η μυκηναϊκή πόλη στο Διμήνι. Νεότερα δεδομένα για την αρχαία Ιωλκό.” Pp. 17-‐45 in Νεότερα δεδομένα των ερευνών για την Αρχαία Ιωλκό. (English summary, “A Mycenaean Town at Dimini: Recent data about Iolkos,” p. 44; discussion, pp. 87-‐92.) §20140168 Ανδρέου, Ηλίας 2003. “Καμπύλα κτίσματα της Ύστερης εποχής του Χαλκού και της Πρώιμης εποχής του Σιδήρου στην κοιλάδα του Γορμού Πωγωνίου.” Pp. 117-‐ 133 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 123.) §20140169 Ανδρέου, Στέλιος 2003. “Η μυκηναϊκή κεραμική και οι κοινωνίες της κεντρικής Μακεδονίας κατά την Ύστερη εποχή του Χαλκού.” Pp. 191-‐210 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 202.) §20140170 Βλαχόπουλος, Ανδρέας Γ. 2003. “Ο Υστεροελλαδικός ΙΙΙΓ οικισμός της Γρόττας Νάξου. Στο κέντρο ή στην περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού Αιγαίου;” Pp. 493-‐512 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 500.) §20140171 Δακορώνια, Φανουρία 2003. “Ερευνώντας δύο ‘περιφέρειες’: Ανατολική Λοκρίδα και ΒΑ Φωκίδα. Ομοιότητες και διαφορές.” Pp. 339-‐349 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, pp. 344-‐345.) §20140172 Δημάκη, Σοφία 2003. “Η αρχιτεκτονική των υστεροελλαδικών τάφων της Ελάτειας.” Pp. 321-‐337 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 327.) §20140173 Ζάχος, Γιώργος 2003. “Από τον Φώκο στον Έλατο.” Pp. 289-‐309 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 309.) §20140174 Ιντζεσίλογλου, Μπάμπης 1994. “Νεά αποτελέσματα της έρευνας για τη θέση της Ιωλκού.” Pp. 71-‐85 in Νεότερα δεδομένα των ερευνών για την Αρχαία Ιωλκό. (English summary, p. 83; discussion, pp. 87-‐92.) §20140175 Καραμήτρου-‐Μεντεσίδη, Γεωργία 2003. “Μυκηναϊκά Αιανής -‐ Ελιμιωτίδας και Άνω Μακεδονίας.” Pp. 167-‐190 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 177.) §20140176 Καράντζαλη, Έφη 2003. “Η μυκηναϊκή εγκατάσταση στα Δωδεκάνησα: Η περίπτωση της Ρόδου.” Pp. 513-‐534 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 522.) §20140177 Nestor 41.1 24 January 2014 Κολιού, Νίτσα ed. 1994. Νεότερα δεδομένα των ερευνών για την Αρχαία Ιωλκό: Πρακτικά επιστημονικής συνάντησης, 12 Μαΐου 1993. Βόλος: Δήμος Βόλου -‐ Δημοτικό Κέντρο Ιστορικών Ερευνών, Τεκμηρίωσης Αρχείων και Εκθεμάτων. ISBN 960-‐7405-‐08-‐0. §20140178 Κονσολάκη-‐Γιαννοπούλου, Ελένη 2003. “Η μυκηναϊκή εγκατάσταση στο νησάκι Μόδι της Τροιζηνίας.” Pp. 417-‐432 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, pp. 422-‐423.) §20140179 Κυπαρίσση-‐Αποστολίκα, Νίνα and Μάνη Παπακωνσταντίνου, eds. 2003. Β’ Διεθνές Διεπιστημονικό Συμπόσιο: Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, 26-‐30 Σεπτεμβρίου, Λαμία 1999. 2nd International Interdisciplinary Colloquium: The Periphery of the Mycenaean World, 26-‐30 September, Lamia 1999. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, ΙΔ’ Εφορεία Προϊστορικών και Κλασσικών Αρχαιοτήτων. ISBN 960-‐87375-‐1-‐6. §20140180 Κυριαζή, Όλγα 2003. “Η Υστεροελλαδική φάση του προϊστορικού οικισμού στη θέση Προσκυνάς Ανατολικής Λοκρίδας Ν. Φθιώτιδας.” Pp. 281-‐288 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 284.) §20140181 Λαμπρινουδάκης, Β. Κ. 2008. Δέκα μαθήματα αρχαιολογίας: Οδοιπορικό από την αρχαία ελληνική τέχνη στη σύγχρονη ζωή. Αθήνα: Εκδοτικός Οργανισμός Λιβάνη. ISBN 978-‐960-‐14-‐1877-‐3. §20140182 Μαλακασιώτη, Ζωή 1994. “Νεότερα δεδομένα για την αρχαία Ιωλκό στα Παλιά του Βόλου.” Pp. 47-‐57 in Νεότερα δεδομένα των ερευνών για την Αρχαία Ιωλκό. (English summary, p. 54; discussion, pp. 87-‐92.) §20140183 Μελάς, Μανόλης 2003. “Η μεσογειακή και ευρωπαϊκή διάσταση του μυκηναϊκού καταναλωτικού συνδρόμου.” Pp. 25-‐36 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 35.) §20140184 Μπασάκος, Δημήτρης 2003. “Μία πόρπη με διακόσμηση οκτώσχημων θηλιών από τα Διακάτα Κεφαλονιάς.” Pp. 157-‐166 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 161.) §20140185 Μπάτζιου-‐Ευσταθίου, Ανθή 1994. “Αποτελέσματα των πρόσφατων ανασκαφικών ερευνών στη Νέα Ιωνία και στην περιοχή Πευκακίων.” Pp. 59-‐70 in Νεότερα δεδομένα των ερευνών για την Αρχαία Ιωλκό. (English summary, p. 69; discussion, pp. 87-‐92.) §20140186 Μπάτζιου-‐Ευσταθίου, Ανθή 2003. “Η Υστεροελλαδική ΙΙΙΓ στο Κάστρο του Βόλου.” Pp. 253-‐262 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 257.) §20140187 Nestor 41.1 25 January 2014 Νικολόπουλος, Βαγγέλης 2003. “Η Βόρεια Εύβοια στην περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου και ο ρόλος της Αιδηψού.” Pp. 351-‐368 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 357.) §20140188 Οικονόμου, Σταυρούλα 2004. “Νεκρικά κοσμήματα: Τα ελάσματα κάλυψης του στόματος.” Eulimene 5: 91-‐133. (English summary, “Burial jewels: the custom of mouth bands,” p. 8.) §20140189 Παπαδόπουλος, Θανάσης Ι. and Λίτσα Κοντορλή-‐Παπαδοπούλου 2003. “Δυτικοπελοποννησιακές σχέσεις με Θεσσαλία και Σκύρο στην Υστερομυκηναϊκή εποχή.” Pp. 455-‐461 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 457.) §20140190 Παπάζογλου-‐Μανιουδάκη, Λένα 2003. “Ο θολωτός τάφος του Πετρωτού Πατρών. Τα πρώτα στοιχεία της έρευνας.” Pp. 433-‐453 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 440.) §20140191 Παπαποστόλου, Ιωάννης 2003. “Το τέλος της Μυκηναϊκής εποχής στον Θέρμο.” Pp. 135-‐146 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 139.) §20140192 Παπαποστόλου, Ι. Α. 2008. Θέρμος: Το Μέγαρο Β και το Πρώιμο Ιερό. Η Ανασκαφή 1992-‐2003. Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 261, Αθηναι: Η έν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία. ISBN 978-‐960-‐8145-‐75-‐7. §20140193 Πιτερός, Χρήστος Ι. 2003. “Η μυκηναϊκή ακρόπολη της Λάρισας του Άργους.” Pp. 369-‐396 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 378.) §20140194 Σταμούδη, Αικατερίνη 2003. “Ταράτσα -‐ Αγ. Παρασκευή. Ενιαία πολιτισμική προσέγγιση μέσα από μια αποσπασματική ματιά σε μια προϊστορική θέση της περιοχής της Λαμίας.” Pp. 263-‐279 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 271.) §20140195 Σταμπολίδης, Νικόλαος Χρ. 2005-‐2006. “Από την Ελεύθερνα και το Ιδαίον Άντρο: μια απόπειρα ερμηνείας χαμένων τελετουργιών.” Eulimene 6-‐7: 183-‐205. (English summary, “From Eleutherna and the Idaean Cave: an attempt to reconstruct lost rituals,” p. 11.) §20140196 Στεφανή, Λιάνα and Νίκος Μερούσης 2003. “Τοπίο στην ομίχλη. Η 2η χιλιετία στην κεντρική πεδιάδα της Δυτικής Μακεδονίας.” Pp. 227-‐242 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 233.) §20140197 Nestor 41.1 26 January 2014 Τριανταφυλλίδης, Παύλος 2005-‐2006. “Μετάλλινα αγγεία από την επανέκθεση του αρχαιολογικού μουσείου Ρόδου.” Eulimene 6-‐7: 119-‐137. (English summary, “Metal vessels in the new exhibition in the archaeological museum of Rhodes,” p. 9.) §20140198 Τσιποπούλου, Μεταξία and Kzrystof Nowicki 2003. “Μινωίτες και Μυκηναίοι στο τέλος της εποχής του Χαλκού στην Ανατολική Κρήτη.” Pp. 561-‐580 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 567.) §20140199 Ψαρουδάκης, Κυριάκος 2003. “Ιερά και μεταλλοτεχνία στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο από την Ύστερη εποχή του Χαλκού στα ιστορικά χρόνια.” Pp. 581-‐585 in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου, Β’. (English abstract, p. 585.) §20140200
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