Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα

Καθηγηηής Μοριακής Μικροβιολογίας
΢επηέμβριος 2014
21 ΑΤΓΟΤ΢ΣΟΤ 1961
t. 210-7274649, fax. 210-7274702
e-mail: [email protected]
1980 - 1981
1981 - 1984
1984 - 1985
1985 - 1989
“A” levels ζηε Βηνινγία, Υεκεία, Μαζεκαηηθά, ΢ρνιή Μσξαΐηε, Αζήλα
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) ζηελ Κσηηαρική Βιολογία κε Άξηζηα (Honours
Class I, University of Essex, Essex, U. K.
Diplome d’ Etudes Approfondies (D.E.A.) ζηε Μικροβιολογία,
Institut de Microbiologie, Centre d' Orsay, Université de Paris-XI,
Orsay, France
Thèse de Doctorat (Ph.D) ζηε Μοριακή Βιολογία κε Άξηζηα, Université de
Paris XI, Orsay, France
Δπαγγελμαηική εμπειρία
1989 – 1990
1991 - 1994
1995 - 1996
΢ηξαηησηηθέο ππνρξεψζεηο
Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθφο εξεπλεηήο ζην Ηλζηηηνχην Μνξηαθήο Βηνινγίαο θαη
Βηνηερλνινγίαο (ΗΜΒΒ), Ζξάθιεην, Κξήηε
Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθφο εξεπλεηήο ζην Institut de Génétique et Microbiologie,
Centre d’Orsay, Université de Paris-XI, Orsay, France
Απηφλνκνο εξεπλεηήο ζην Ηλζηηηνχην Μνξηαθήο Βηνινγίαο θαη Βηνηερλνινγίαο
(ΗΜΒΒ), Ζξάθιεην, Κξήηε
Λέθηνξαο Μηθξνβηνινγίαο, Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελψλ, Σκήκα Βηνινγίαο
Δπίθνπξνο Καζεγεηήο Μνξηαθήο Μηθξνβηνινγίαο, Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελψλ,
Σκήκα Βηνινγίαο
Μνληκνπνίεζε ζηε Θέζε ηνπ Δπίθνπξνπ Καζεγεηή Μνξηαθήο Μηθξνβηνινγίαο
Αλαπιεξσηήο Καζεγεηήο Μνξηαθήο Μηθξνβηνινγίαο
Καζεγεηήο Μνξηαθήο Μηθξνβηνινγίαο
Γιδαζκαλία & Αζκήζεις μαθημάηφν
Πποπηςσιακά μαθήμαηα
1. Γενική Μικποβιολογία 1998-1999 (25% Μάζεκα/65% Αζθήζεηο), 1999-2000 (35%
Μάζεκα/65% Αζθήζεηο), 2001-2002 (50% Μάζεκα/65% Αζθήζεηο), 2002-2003 (25%
Μάζεκα/65% Αζθήζεηο), 2003-2004 (30% Μάζεκα/40% Αζθήζεηο), 2004-2013 (30%
Μάζεκα/40% Αζθήζεηο)
2. Διδικά θέμαηα Μοπιακήρ & Δθαπμοζμένηρ Μικποβιολογίαρ 1999-2000 (35%
Μάζεκα/60% Αζθήζεηο), 2000-2002 (50% Μάζεκα/60% Αζθήζεηο), 2003-2013 (50%
Μάζεκα/50% Αζθήζεηο)
3. Μικποβιολογία ζην Σκήκα Βηνινγίαο ηνπ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Κξήηεο (2011-2012) 20
δηδαθηηθέο ψξεο (Αλαπιήξσζε ηνπ ζπλαδέιθνπ Καζ. Α. Οηθνλφκνπ πνπ βξηζθφηαλ ζε
Μεηαπηςσιακά μαθήμαηα
1. Αναπηςξιακή Μοπιακή Βιολογία Φςηών 2001-2004, 2006-2012 (Μεηαπηπρηαθφ
κάζεκα Σνκέα Βνηαληθήο, 4 σξηαίεο δηαιέμεηο)
2. Μικποβιακή Βιοηεσνολογία 2003-2012 (ΜΓΔ Σνκέα Βνηαληθήο) 8-16 σξηαίεο
δηαιέμεηο). ΢πλππεχζπλνο-΢πλνξγαλσηήο (Μέινο ηεο ηξηκεινχο ΢πληνληζηηθήο
Δπηηξνπήο) ηνπ ΜΓΔ Μηθξνβηαθή Βηνηερλνινγία (ζπκκεηνρή ζηελ νξγάλσζε ηεο
χιεο, ζηελ πξφζθιεζε δηδαζθφλησλ, ζηνλ πξνυπνινγηζκφ ησλ εμφδσλ θαη αλαγθψλ
εμνπιηζκνχ ηνπ εξγαζηεξίνπ, ζηε δηαδηθαζία εμέηαζεο ησλ θνηηεηψλ, επηβιέπσλ
δηπισκαηηθψλ εξγαζηψλ)
3. Βιοπληποθοπική (Βηνθπζηθή) 2003-2008 (ΜΓΔ Σνκέα Βηνινγίαο Κπηηάξνπ θαη
Βηνθπζηθήο) 9 σξηαίεο δηαιέμεηο
4. Μεηαπηςσιακά ζεμινάπια εκηόρ ΔΚΠΑ ζηην Δλλάδα
 Μνξηαθή Μηθξνβηνινγία ζην ΑΠΘ, Ηαλνπάξηνο 2002
 Μνξηαθή Μηθξνβηνινγία, Ηλζηηηνχην Βηνινγίαο, ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο, Ηνχιηνο
 Μνξηαθή Μηθξνβηνινγία ζην Παλεπηζηήκην Ησαλλίλσλ, Απξίιηνο 2002, 2004,
2006, 2008, 2011
 Μνξηαθή Μηθξνβηνινγία, ΠΜ΢ Δθαξκνγέο ζηηο Βαζηθέο Ηαηξηθέο Δπηζηήκεο,
Παλεπηζηήκην Παηξψλ, Ηνχληνο 2013.
5. Μεηαπηςσιακά ζεμινάπια/μαθήμαηα ζε Ιδπύμαηα ηος εξωηεπικού
 Γηακεκβξαληθνί Μεηαθνξείο, Αdvanced course on “Plasma membrane
transporters. Physiology, Genetics & Phylogeny. 2nd Edition”, Universidade
do Minho, Centro de Biologia, Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar,
Braga, 04-08/06/2007
 “Horizons in Molecular Biology & Genetics”, Bilkent University, Ankara
Turkey, Μάηνο 1-2/2008.
 Γηακεκβξαληθνί Μεηαθνξείο, Αdvanced course on “Plasma membrane
transporters. Physiology, Genetics & Phylogeny. 3nd Edition”, Universidade
do Minho, Centro de Biologia, Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar,
Braga, Ηνχληνο 2009
 Γηακεκβξαληθνί Μεηαθνξείο, Αdvanced course on “Plasma membrane
transporters. Physiology, Genetics & Phylogeny. 4ηε Edition”, Universidade
do Minho, Centro de Biologia, Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar,
Braga, Ηνχληνο 2012
Αdvanced PhD & post-graduate course on Protein Degradation and Trafficking
in Health and Disease, 1st edition, Universidade do Minho, Centro de Biologia,
Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Ηνχληνο 2013.
Τπεύθσνος ΢σνεργαζιών Δrasmus
Universita de Bari, Italia, 2006
Universita de Firenze, Italia, 2006
Universite de Paris VII-Denis Diderot, 2004-2007, Prof. Rosine Haguenauer-Tsapis
Universite de Paris-Sud (Paris XI), 2004-2007, Prof. Claudio Scazzocchio
J.W. GOETHE-UNIVERSITY, Frankfurt, Germany, 2010-2012, Pd Dr. Roland
Bonn University, Bonn, Germany, 2010-2013, Prof. C. Muller
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), 2004-2014, Dr. Josef Strauss
Universidade do Minho,4710-057 Braga Portugal, 2004-2014 Prof. Margarida Casal
΢σγγραθή ΢ημειώζεφν-Αζκήζεφν
΢ηα πιαίζηα ησλ Μαζεκάησλ Γεληθή Μηθξνβηνινγία θαη Δηδηθά Θέκαηα Μνξηαθήο &
Δθαξκνζκέλεο Μηθξνβηνινγίαο ζπλέγξαςα ζεκεηψζεηο (204 θαη 164 ζειίδεο
αληίζηνηρα), πνπ δηαηίζεληαη ζε ειεθηξνληθή κνξθή. Δπίζεο ζπλέγξαςα ζεκεηψζεηο 35
ζειίδσλ γηα 5 αζθήζεηο ηνπ καζήκαηνο Δηδηθά Θέκαηα Μνξηαθήο θαη Δθαξκνζκέλεο
Μέινο ηεο κεηαθξαζηηθήο νκάδαο πνπ νινθιήξσζε ηε κεηάθξαζε ηνπ Brock Biology
of Microorganisms, Madigan, Martinko, Parker eds, απφ ηηο Παλεπηζηεκηαθέο Δθδόζεηο
Κξήηεο (Κπθινθνξία Οθηψβξηνο 2005).
Δπίβλευη Πηστιακών Δργαζιών
΢πλνιηθά 60 ην δηάζηεκα 2000-2014. 35 απφ απηέο ζην εξγαζηήξην κνπ ζηνλ Σνκέα Βνηαληθήο
1. Παξαζθεπή Πνιπκελάθνπ. Έλα κνηίβν ζπληεξεκέλν ζηνπο κεηαθνξείο λνπθιενβάζεσλΛεηηνπξγηθή αλάιπζε ζηνλ νξγαληζκό Aspergillus nidulans. 1998. ΢πλ-επηβιέπσλ: Καζ.
Ν. Παλφπνπινο (Παλ. Κξήηεο)
2. Υξπζνχια Πηηζνχιε. ΚΙΑΑ0238: Πξνο αλαδήηεζε ηεο πιήξνπο δνκήο θαη δηεξεύλεζε
ηεο ιεηηνπξγίαο ελόο εκηηεινύο cDNA ηνπ αλζξώπνπ, ην νπνίν εκθαλίδεη in silico
ραξαθηεξηζηηθά κεηαθνξέα λνπθιενβάζεσλ. 1998. ΢πλ-επηβιέπσλ: Καζ. Ν. Μνζρνλάο
(Παλ. Κξήηεο)
3. ΢ηέθαλνο Γηαηδφγινπ. Απνκόλσζε λέσλ κεηαιιαγώλ ηξνπνπνηεκέλεο εμεηδίθεπζεο ζηνλ
κεηαθνξέα νπξηθνύ νμένο ζην κύθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. 2001
4. Νηθφιανο ΢νθφο. Φπζηνινγηθή θαη ιεηηνπξγηθή κειέηε ελόο πηζαλνύ κεηαθνξέα
πνπξηλώλ ζηε δύκε Candida albicans. 2001.
5. Δηξήλε Παπαδνπνχινπ. Γελεηηθέο ηξνπνπνηήζεηο ζε αζηξνθπηηαξηθνύο όγθνπο θαη
κεληγγηώκαηα. 2001
6. Κίθε ΢νλίια. Αλζεθηηθόηεηα ηνπ θιηληθνύ ζηειέρνπο Τ27 ηνπ εληεξνβαθηεξίνπ
Escherichia coli ζηα β-ιαθηακηθά αληηβηνηηθά. 2001
7. Αλαζηαζία Γηψηε: Έθθξαζε θαη κειέηε νκφινγσλ πξσηετλψλ ηεο νηθνγέλεηαο
κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ ζην κχθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. 2001
8. Γηάλλεο Παπαγεσξγίνπ. Βηνρεκηθόο θαη κνξηαθόο ραξαθηεξηζκόο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα
νπξαθίιεο ζην παξαζηηηθό πξσηόδσν Leishmania major. 2002. (΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Κ.
΢σηεξηάδνπ, ΔΗΠ).
9. Αξεηή Παληαδνπνχινπ. Γηεξεύλεζε ηνπ ξόινπ ηνπ πξώηνπ δηακεκβξαληθνύ ηκήκαηνο
ζηε ζηόρεπζε θαη ιεηηνπξγία ηνπ κεηαθνξέα ηνπ νπξηθνύ νμένο UapA. 2003.
10. ΢νθία Γθνπληέια. Μειέηε ησλ ζπζηεκάησλ πξόζιεςεο λνπθιενηηδηθώλ βάζεσλ ηνπ
παζνγόλνπ κύθεηα Candida albicans. 2003.
11. Γήκεηξα Εεξβνχ. Κισλνπνίεζε θαη κειέηε έθθξαζεο γνληδίσλ εμπαλζηλώλ ζηελ
πεπνληά. 2003
12. ΢ηέιια Σνπξλαβίηε. Σρέζεηο δνκήο- ιεηηνπξγίαο ζηνλ κεηαθνξέα UapA ηνπ Aspergillus
nidulans. 2003.
13. Κσλζηαληίλνο Καγηάο. Μνξηαθόο ραξαθηεξηζκόο λέσλ κεηαιιαγώλ ζηνλ κεηαθνξέα
νπξηθνύ νμένο ηνπ κύθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. 2003.
14. Γήκεηξα Μπνπδαξέινπ. Αλίρλεπζε ηκήκαηνο γνληδίνπ ηε (1.2kb) θαη ηνπ κεηαγξάθνπ
(170bp) ηνπ θπηηαξνκεγαιντνύ ζε θιηληθά δείγκαηα. 2003.
15. Μαξία Μπηιιίλε. Έθθξαζε θαη κειέηε θπηηθώλ πξντόλησλ ηεο νηθνγέλεηαο κεηαθνξέσλ
λνπθιενηηδηθώλ βάζεσλ- αζθνξβηθνύ νμένο ζε πξόηππν κηθξνβηαθό ζύζηεκα. 2003.
΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ, ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο.
16. Niki Mangen: Γεκηνπξγία λέσλ ζηειερψλ ηνπ Aspergillus nidulans σο γελεηηθά
εξγαιεία γηα ηε κειέηε ησλ κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ. 2003
17. Γηάλλεο Βαγγειάηνο. Αλαδεηώληαο γνλίδηα-παξάγνληεο ειέγρνπ ηεο ελδνθπηηαξηθήο
ζηόρεπζεο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα πξνιίλεο ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. 2004. ΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα
Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ, ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο.
18. Άλλα Βιαληή: Αλαδεηώληαο γνλίδηα-παξάγνληεο ελδνθπηηαξηθήο ζηόρεπζεο ησλ
κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλώλ ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. 2004.
19. Απνζηφιεο Παπαδνχιεο. Μειέηε γνληδίσλ πνπ απνηεινύλ πηζαλνύο ζηόρνπο
ζηνρεπόκελεο θαξκαθνινγηθήο αληηκεηώπηζεο ηνπ παζνγόλνπ πξσηόδσνπ Leishmania:
κειέηε ηεο lnp18/h1. 2004. (΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Κ. ΢σηεξηάδνπ, ΔΗΠ).
20. Υάξηο Γθηνπιέ. Λεηηνπξγηθφο ραξαθηεξηζκφο ηεο ζξενλίλεο 416 ηνπ κεηαθνξέα
νπξηθνχ νμένο-μαλζίλεο UapA ζην κχθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. 2005.
21. Καηεξίλα Ρνπκειηψηε. Φαξαθηεξηζκόο κηαο λέαο νηθνγέλεηαο δηακεκβξαληθώλ
κεηαθνξέσλ ππξηκηδηλώλ ζηνλ αζθνκύθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. 2005.
22. Μαξία Παπαθσλζηαληίλνπ. Αλαδήηεζε λέσλ βηνδξαζηηθώλ νπζηώλ θαη θαξκάθσλ κε
ζηνρεπόκελε δξάζε ζηνπο κεηαθνξείο πνπξηλώλ ηνπ λεκαηνεηδνύο κύθεηα Aspergillus
nidulans. 2005.
Γεξάζηκνο Λαγγνχζεο. Μειέηε ηεο δπλακηθήο θπηηαξηθήο ηνπνινγίαο ελδύκσλ ηνπ
θαηαβνιηζκνύ πνπξηλώλ ζην κύθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. 2006.
Διέλε Σζηιηβή. Κηλεηηθή κειέηε ησλ πξσηετληθώλ κεηαθνξέσλ UapC θαη AzgA ζην
κύθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. 2006
Θάιεηα Βιάρνπ. Μειέηε ηεο κεηάζεζεο ηνπ transposon impala ηνπ Fusarium oxysporum
ζην γνληδίσκα ηνπ Aspergillus nidulans. 2006.
Υξήζηνο Γνπξλάο. Λεηηνπξγηθόο ραξαθηεξηζκόο ελόο νκόινγνπ κεηαθνξέα ηεο
νηθνγελείαο NAT/NCS2 ηεο Drosophila melanogaster. 2007.
Γεσξγία-Μαξία Καξαράιηνπ. Αλάπηπμε γελεηηθώλ θαη κνξηαθώλ εξγαιείσλ γηα ηε
κειέηε ηεο ξύζκηζεο ηνπ θαηαβνιηζκνύ ληηξηθώλ ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. 2007.
Βαζηιηθή Κσζηή. Κηλεηηθή θαη θπζηνινγηθή αλάιπζε κεηαιιαγκέλσλ κνξθώλ ηνπ
κεηαθνξέα πνπξηλώλ UapA. 2008.
Ησζεθίλα Φσζθφινπ. Μειέηε ησλ JΔΝ1 νκόινγσλ κεηαθνξέσλ θαξβνμπιηθώλ νμέσλ
ηνπ κύθεηα Debaromyces hansenii. 2008.
Αιέμαλδξνο Πίηηεο. Αλάπηπμε ελόο κηθξνβηαθνύ ζπζηήκαηνο γηα ηε ιεηηνπξγηθή κειέηε
κεηαθνξέα αζθνξβηθνύ νμένο ηνπ αλζξώπνπ. ΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ,
ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο. 2008.
Μαξίλα Λάζπα. Αλαδεηώληαο γνλίδηα-παξάγνληεο ηνπνγέλεζεο δηακεκβξαληθώλ
κεηαθνξέσλ. 2008. ΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ, ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο. 2008.
Κάξνινο-Φνίβνο Μπνξκπφιεο. Μειέηε ηεο in vivo έθθξαζεο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα νπξαθίιεο
θαη ν ξόινο ηνπ νπξηθνύ νμένο θαη ηεο κεηαθνξάο ηνπ ζηελ αλάπηπμε ηνπ Aspergillus
nidulans. 2009.
Αλαζηάζηνο Καηνπφδεο. Μειέηε ησλ κεραληζκώλ παζνγέλεηαο ζην παξάζηην
Leishmania. ΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Π. ΢κπξιή, ΔΗΠ. 2008.
Αληξέαο Παπιίδεο. Γελεηηθέο κειέηεο ησλ κεραληζκψλ έθθξαζεο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα
πνπξηλψλ UapA. 2009
Μαξία Γαιελνχ. Μειέηεο ηεο ηνπνινγίαο ελδύκσλ ηνπ θαηαβνιηζκνύ πνπξηλώλ ζηνλ
Aspergillus nidulans. 2010
Michaela Breuer (Erasmus-Austria). Παξαγσγή, θαζαξηζκόο θαη ιεηηνπξγηθή
αλαζύζηαζε ζε πξσηενιηπνζώκαηα ηνπ κεηαθνξέα UapA. ΢πλεπηβιέπσλ Γ.
Υαηδεληθνιάνπ. 2009-2010.
Βαζίιεο Μπίηζηθαο. Υπεξηνληθέο ζπλζήθεο πξνθαιoύλ παξνδηθή πιαζκόιπζε, αλαζηνιή
ηεο απμεζεο θαη παξεκπόδηζε ηεο ελδνθύησζεο ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans θαη ζηνλ
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2010.
Μαξία Κνηίλε. Καηαζθεπή θαη ραξαθηεξηζκόο δηαγνληδηαθώλ παξαζίησλ Leishmania
donovani πνπ εθθξάδνπλ ηελ θόθθηλε θζνξίδνπζα πξσηεΐλε mRFP1 θαη αληη-mRFP1
πνιπθισληθνύ αληηζώκαηνο. 2009. ΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Υ. Μπνιέηε, ΔΗΠ. 2009
Αηκηιία Κξππσηνχ. Γελεηηθέο & Μνξηαθέο πξνζεγγίζεηο ζηελ θαηαλόεζε ησλ ζρέζεσλ
δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο ησλ κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθώλ βάζεσλ NCS1. 2011.
Βαζίιεο Γηαιειήο. Γελεηηθέο & Μνξηαθέο κειέηεο ησλ κεραληζκώλ ζηόρεπζεο &
ελδνθύησζεο κεηαθνξέσλ ζηνλAspergillus nidulans. 2011
Γεκεηεξεο ΢παλνπδάθεο. Ιζνκνξθέο ηεο ηλβεξηάζεο & μπιαλάζεο ηνπ είδνπο
Aspergillus nidulans πνπ θέξνπλ νληνγνληθνύο επηηόπνπο θαη ε ρξήζε ηνπο σο εξγαιεία
ζηε κειέηε ηνπ εθθξηηηθνύ κεραληζκνύ ζπλεπηβιέπσληεο. Δπηζηεκνληθνί Τπεχζπλνη: Dr.
Migueal Αngel Penalva & Dr. Areti Pantazopoulou, Centro de Investigaciones
Biologicas (CIB-CSIC) Madrid, Ηζπαλία (ζηα πιαίζηα ηνπ πξνγξάκκαηνο Erasmus
Placement). 2011
Βαζηιηθή Παληαδνπνχινπ. Δηζνζσκηθέο πξσηεΐλεο θαη ηνπνγέλεζε δηακεκβξαληθώλ
κεηαθνξέσλ ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. ΢πλεπηβιέπoπζα Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ, ΔΚΔΦΔ
Γεκφθξηηνο. 2012.
Διπηλίθε Νίλνπ. Characterisation of novel elements involved in sugar uptake in
Aspergillus nidulans. Δπηζηεκνληθνί Τπεχζπλνη: Margarita Orejas & Dr. Andrew P.
MacCabe. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos - IATA, Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSIC), Valencia (ζηα πιαίζηα ηνπ
πξνγξάκκαηνο Erasmus Placement) 2012.
΢νθία Παλέξε. Characterisation of novel elements involved in sugar uptake in
Aspergillus nidulans. Δπηζηεκνληθνί Τπέπζπλνη: Margarita Orejas & Dr. Andrew P.
MacCabe. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos - IATA, Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSIC), Valencia (ζηα πιαίζηα ηνπ
πξνγξάκκαηνο Erasmus Placement) 2012.
Διεπζεξία Κνδνζάθε. Μειέηε θαη ιεηηνπξγηθφο ραξαθηεξηζκφο γνλσηδίσλ ηνπ θπηνπ
A. thaliana in plant θαη ζην εηεξφινγν ζχζηεκα ηνπ A. nidulans. ΢πλ-ππεπζπλνο: Κ.
Υαξαιακπίδεο. 2012
Αιεμαλδξνο Κφθνηνο. Μειέηε ησλ κεραληζκώλ Καη ηνπ ηππνπ νπβηθνπηηηλησζεο ηνπ
κεηαθνξέα UapA- Βηνρεκηθέο πξνζεγγίζεηο. 2012.
Καηεξίλα Γαιαλνπνχινπ. Μειέηε ηνπ ππνθπηηαξηθνχ εληνπηζκνχ ελδχκσλ
θαηαβνιηζκνχ ησλ πνπξηλψλ ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. 2013
Μτλσαο Δπαγγειηλφο. Μειέηε ησλ κεραληζκώλ ελδνθύησζεο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα UapAΓελεηηθέο & Μνξηαθέο πξνζεγγίζεηο. 2013
Διέλε Φσηεηλνχ. Αλαδεηψληαο ηνλ ξφιν ηεο flotillin ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. 2013
Γηάλλεο ΢ηαζηλφπνπινο. Αλαδεηψληαο γνλίδηα ηεο νκνηφζηαζεο ηεο έθθξηζεο ζηνλ
Aspergillus nidulans. 2013.
Ζιηάλα Εψε. Ο ξόινο ηεο ρξσκαηίλεο ζηε δηαδηθαζία γελεηηθήο κεηάζεζεο ηνπ
ηξαλζπνδνλίνπ Minos ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. 2012-13.
Κιεηψ Καηζνπξίδε. Μειέηε ηεο ξύζκηζεο ηνπ θαηαβνιηζκνύ ξακλόδεο ζηνλ Aspergillus
nidulans. Δπηζηεκνληθνί Τπεχζπλνη: Margarita Orejas & Dr. Andrew P. MacCabe.
Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos - IATA, Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas - CSIC), Valencia (ζηα πιαίζηα ηνπ πξνγξάκκαηνο Erasmus
Placement) 2012-13.
Κσλζηαληίλα Μίηζε. Φαξαθηεξηζκόο ηνπ κεηαγξαθηθνύ ελεξγνπνηεηή ηνπ γνληδίνπ ηεο
ξακλνζηδάζεο. Δπηζηεκνληθνί Τπεχζπλνη: Margarita Orejas & Dr. Andrew P.
MacCabe. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos - IATA, Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - CSIC), Valencia (ζηα πιαίζηα ηνπ
πξνγξάκκαηνο Erasmus Placement) 2012-13
Ναηάιηα Μηραήινβηηο. Μεκβξαληθή δηαθίλεζε ηνπ κεηαθνξέα GAP1 θαη ζεκαηνδόηεζε
ηεο δηαζεζηκόηεηαο ακηλνμέσλ ζηνλ Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Δ.Τ: Dr. Bruno Andrè
Lab Physiologie Moléculaire de la Cellule ULB - Institut de Biologie et de Médecine
Moléculaires, 6041 Gosselies, Βέιγην (ζηα πιαίζηα ηνπ πξνγξάκκαηνο Erasmus
Placement) 2012-13.
Δηξήλε Ρνπζνπλέινπ. Μεραληζκνί κεβξαληθήο θπθινθνξίαο θαη απνδφκηζεο
πξσηετλσλ ζην πξφηππν ζχζηεκα ηνπ Aspergillus nidulans. 2013-14.
Γεξάζηκνο Αλαγλσζηφπνπινο. Έιεγρνο ηεο απφδνζεο, ζπρλφηεηαο θαη ηπραηφηεηαο
γελεηηθήο κεηάζεζεο ηνπ ηξαλζπνδνλίνπ Minos ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans. 2013-14.
Ηάθσβνο Μπνκπφλεο. Λεηηνπξγηθφο ραξαθηεξηζκφο, γελεηηθή ηξνπνπνίεζε θαη
κνξηαθή εμέιημε κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ ησλ νηθνγελεηψλ ΝΑΣ & NCS1
Ζιηάλα Καξβέια Κνινγεξάθε. Ο ξφινο ηεο ρξσκαηίλεο θαη ηεο γσληδηαθήο
απνζηψπεζεο ζηε δηαδηθαζία γελεηηθήο κεηάζεζεο ηνπ ηξαλζπνδνλίνπ Minos ζηνλ
Aspergillus nidulans. ΢πλεξγαζία κε ην εξγαζηήξην ηεο Γξ. Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ
(Δξεπλήηξηα Α) ζην Ηλζηηηνχην Βηνινγίαο ηνπ ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο. 2013-14.
Βαζηιηθή Αιεμαλδξή. Βειηζηνπνίεζε ζπζηήκαηνο γνληδηαθήο παγίδεπζεο θαη
αλάπηπμε κεζνδνινγηψλ δηαινγήο γνληδίσλ πνπ εκπιέθνληαη ζηελ καζεζε ζηελ D.
melanogaster. ΢πλεξγαζία κε ην εξγαζηήξην ηνπ Γξ. Δ. ΢θνπιάθε (Δξεπλεηήο Α,
Ηλζηηηνχην Κπηαξξηθήο & Αλαπηπμηαθήο βηνινγίαο) ζην ζην Δξεπλεηηθφ Κέληξν
Βηνταηξηθψλ Δπηζηεκψλ "Αιέμαλδξνο Φιέκηλγθ ζηε Βάξε. 2013-14.
Δπακεηλψλδαο Εαθεηξάηνο. Ο ξφινο ηεο θηλάζεο GCN-2 ζηελ απφθξηζε ζην ζηξεο θαη
δηάξθεηα δσήο ηνπ λεκαηψδε C. elegans. ΢πλεξγαζία κε ην εξγαζηήξην ηεο Γξ. Κ.
΢πληηράθε (Δξεπλεηήηξηα Β) ζην Ίδξπκα Ηαηξνβηνινγηθψλ Δξεπλψλ ηεο Αθαδεκίαο
Αζελψλ (ΗΗΒΔΑΑ). 2013-14.
61. Γεσξγία ΢ηνχπνιε. Μνξηαθή εμέιημε ηεο εμεηδίθεπζεο κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ. 201415.
62. Ησάλλα Μπξσλίδε. Μεηαζρεκαηηζκφο θαη γελεηηθφο ρεηξηζκφο ελφο λένπ αζθνκχθεηα
(Paecilomyces variotii) θαηάιιεινπ γηα ηελ παξαγσγή βηνθαπζίκσλ δεχηεξεο γεληάο.
2014-15 (΢πλε-επηβιεςε κε Δπηθ. Καζ. Γ. Υαηδεληθνιάνπ). 2014-15.
63. Μηιέλα Νηνπκπφβηλα. Μεκβξαληθή δηαθίλεζε θαη ζεκαηνδφηεζε ησλ κεηαθνξέσλ
ακηλνμέσλ ζηνλ Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Traffic and signaling of yeast amino acid
transporters)-Erasmus placement-Γξ.Bruno Andre, ULB, Gosselies, Belgium. 2014-15
64. Κνράξ Υνξνδηάλ.Κπηηαξηθή δηαθίλεζε θαη απνδφκεζε δηακεκβξαληθψλ πξσηετλψλ ζε
απφθξηζε ζε γελεηηθά, θπζηνινγηθά θαη ζηξεζνγφλα ζήκαηα. 2014-15.
Δπίβλευη Γιπλφμαηικών Δργαζιών ηοσ Μ.Γ.Δ. Μικποβιακή Βιοηεσνολογία
1. Κσλζηαληίλνο Καγηάο: Chromatin structure and regulation of uapA gene of Aspergillus
nidulans, 2005.
2. Άλλα Μπφκπνξε: ΢ρέζεηο δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο ζην κεηαθνξέα πξνιίλεο PrnΒ ηνπ
Αspergillus nidulans: ν ξφινο ζπγθεθξηκέλσλ ακηλνμέσλ ζηελ πξψηε δηακεκβξαληθή
πεξηνρή, 2007.
3. Αλαζηαζία Παπινπνχινπ: Isolation and characterization of the gene mutant-31
required for epigenetic transcriptional silencing and DNA damage repair in
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 2006.
4. Esra Karakose: Functional characterization of LOC115098: A novel gene conserved in
eukaryotic genomes, 2007.
5. Βαζίιεο Νηάλνο: Πξσηετληθέο αιιειεπηδξάζεηο γηα νιφθιεξα κηθξνβηαθά
γνληδηψκαηα κε βάζε ηελ αλάιπζε ζπγρψλεπζεο πξσηετληθψλ δνκηθψλ ελνηήησλ
(IBEAA). 2009.
6. Αξζέληνο Βιάζζεο: H πείλα γηα ακηλνμέα επάγεη κεηαγξαθηθέο αιιαγέο ζε δηάθνξνπο
θπηηαξηθνχο ηχπνπο ηνπ λεκαηψδνπο Caenorhabditis elegans (IΗBEA) 2010
7. Μαξίλα Παληαδνπνχινπ: Role of ubiquitylation in protein sorting into the MVBs in
yeast (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris VII). 2010
8. Γέζπνηλα Καπαζά: Μειέηε πξσηετληθψλ αιιειεπηδξάζεσλ κηθξννξγαληζκψλ πνπ
πξνέξρνληαη απφ γνληδηαθή ζπγρψλεπζε (IBEAA). 2010
9. Βαζηιηθή Κσζηή: Γηεξέπλεζε λέσλ πεξηνρψλ ηνπ κεηαθνξέα UapA πνπ ζπκκεηέρνπλ
ζηελ εθιεθηηθή πξφζιεςε ππνζηξσκάησλ. 2010
10. Γεσξγία-Μαξία Καξαράιηνπ: Heterologous expression & functional characterization of
nucleobase transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2012
Δπίζεο κέινο ηξηκειψλ ζπκβνπιεπηηθψλ επηηξφπσλ > 50 δηπισκαηηθψλ εξγαζηψλ ηνπ
Μ.Γ.Δ. (MSc) Μηθξνβηαθή Βηνηερλνινγία (Σκήκα Βηνινγίαο, ΔΚΠΑ) (2004-2014).
Μέλος Σριμελών ΢σμβοσλεσηικών Δπιηροπών Γιδακηορικών Γιαηριβών
΢χλνιν: 37 (25 ζηνλ Σνκέα Βνηαληθήο), ζε 22 Δπηβιέπσλ. 31 νινθιεξσκέλεο απφ ηηο
νπνίεο ζε 16 Δπηβιέπσλ.
1. Uygar H. Tazebay: «Analyse mutationelle et etude de la regulation du gene prnB
implique dans le transport de la proline chez Aspergillus nidulans», 1998.
2. ΢σηήξεο Ακίιιεο: «Ο Aspergillus nidulans σο πξφηππν ζχζηεκα γηα ηε κειέηε
κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ», 2004. Δπιβλέπφν
3. Μαξίλα Κνπθάθε: «Μνξηαθή θαη ιεηηνπξγηθή αλάιπζε γνληδίσλ θιηληθήο θαη
θαξκαθνινγηθήο ζεκαζίαο ζε πξφηππα κηθξνβηαθά ζπζηήκαηα», 2004. Δπιβλέπφν
4. Καιιηφπε Υάιθνπ: «Μειέηε ηνπ ξφινπ ησλ αθηηλνβαθηεξίσλ θαη άιισλ ελδνγελψλ
βαθηεξηαθψλ πιεζπζκψλ ζηε βηναπνηθνδφκεζε πεηξειατθψλ απνβιήησλ», 2005
5. Υξήζηνο Μετληάλεο: «Μειέηε Πνηθηιφηεηαο Πξνθαξπσηηθψλ Οξγαληζκψλ», 2005
6. Εσή Δξπαπάδνγινπ, «Μειέηε ησλ ζπζηεκάησλ πξφζιεςεο λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ
ζε παζνγφλα πξσηφδσα», 2006. ΢σν-επιβλέπφν
7. Αξεηή Παληαδνπνχινπ: «Αλαδεηψληαο γνλίδηα-παξάγνληεο έιεγρνπ ηεο
ελδνθπηηαξηθήο ζηφρεπζεο ησλ κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans»,
2006. Δπιβλέπφν
8. ΢νθία Γθνπληέια: «Μειέηε κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ ηνπ παζνγφλνπ
κχθεηα Candida albicans», 2006. Δπιβλέπφν
9. Παλαγηψηα Καξαηδά: «Αλάπηπμε ελφο πξφηππνπ βαθηεξηαθνχ ζπζηήκαηνο γηα ηε
κειέηε ησλ ζρέζεσλ δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο ζηνπο κεηαθνξείο λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ αζθνξβηθνχ (NAT transporters)», 2006.
10. Isabel Joao Soares da Silva (Universidade do Minho, Πνξηνγαιία): «Characterization
of monocarboxylate permeases in yeast- functional and structural analysis», 2006. ΢σνεπιβλέπφν
11. Διέλε Γηαλλνχηζνπ, «Αμηνπνίεζε απνβιήησλ ειαηνπξγείνπ κέζσ κηθξνβηαθψλ
δπκψζεσλ», 2007.
12. Maria Laura Harispe Francolino: «Etudes sur la topogenese des transporteurs des
purines et des acides aminees chez Aspergillus nidulans», 2007.
13. Njimoh Dieudonne Lemuh: «Απνκφλσζε θαη θαζαξηζκφο δηακεκβξαληθψλ πξσηετλψλ
κπθήησλ», 2007. ΢σν-επιβλέπφν
14. Γεκεηξνχια Σζίξε: «Ρχζκηζε ηεο παξαγσγήο θπηναιεμηλψλ απφ θπηά θαη
ηζηνθαιιηέξγεηεο ςπραλζψλ», 2008.
15. Νηθφιανο Γνιαςάθεο: «΢πζηεκαηηθή θαη Οηθνινγία Μηθξνθπθψλ», 2008.
16. Βαζηιηθή Φαιάξα: «Λεηηνπξγηθή γελσκαηηθή αλάιπζε ησλ αδεληθψλ ηξηρψλ ηνπ
Cistus creticus spp creticus», 2008.
17. Άλλα Βιαληή: «΢ρέζεηο-δνκήο ιεηηνπξγίαο ζηνπο κεηαθνξείο πνπξηλψλ κπθήησλ»,
2009. Δπιβλέπφν
18. Γηάλλεο Παπαγεσξγίνπ: «Μειέηε ησλ ζπζηεκάησλ πξφζιεςεο λνπθιενηηδηθψλ
βάζεσλ ζηo παζνγφλν παξάζηην Leishmania», επηβιέπσλ, 2009. Δπιβλέπφν
19. Γψξα Κνξάθε: Μνξηαθή πιεζπζκηαθή αλάιπζε ΢ηξεπηνκπθήησλ εδάθνπο
κεζνγεηαθνχ ηχπνπ-Μειέηε θπζηθψλ πιαζκηδίσλ, 2009.
20. Γεψξγηνο Μεξκειέθαο: «Τπεξέθθξαζε-θαζαξηζκφο θαη κειέηε ζρέζεσλ δνκήοιεηηνπξγίαο ησλ κεηαθνξέσλ NAT ζε πξφηππν βαθηεξηαθφ ζχζηεκα», 2009.
21. Γέζπνηλα Λπκπεξνπνχινπ: «Μειέηε ηεο πνηθηιφηεηαο ησλ βαθηεξίσλ ηερλεηήο
ιίκλεο: πνηνηηθή θαη πνζνηηθή επνρηαθή δηαθχκαλζε ησλ κηθξνβηαθψλ πιεζπζκψλ»,
22. Γήκεηξα Μπνπδαξέινπ: «Κισλνπνίεζε & ιεηηνπξγηθφο ραξαθηεξηζκφο πξσηετλψλ
ηνπ Aspergillus nidulans νκφινγσλ ησλ εμπαλζηλψλ ησλ αλψηεξσλ θπηψλ», 2010.
23. Γεψξγηνο Αλαζνληδήο: «Γελεηηθή ηξνπνπνίεζε ηνπ κχθεηα Fusarium oxysporum κε
ζηφρν ηε δεκηνπξγία ζηειερψλ κε απμεκέλε παξαγσγηθφηεηα αηζαλφιεο», 2010. ΢σνΔπιβλέπφν
24. Αξηζηείδεο Εσγξαθίδεο: «Μνξηαθή αλάιπζε θαη ξφινο ηνπ γνληδίνπ PESCADILLO
ζηελ θπηηαξηθή αλάπηπμε θαη δηαθνξνπνίεζε», 2011.
25. Κσλζηαληίλνο Παπαθψζηαο,: «Γηεξεχλεζε ηνπ κεραληζκνχ πξφζιεςεο πνπξηλψλ απφ
ηνπο κεηαθνξείο λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ-αζθνξβηθνχ (NAT)», 2011.
26. Υξήζηνο Γνπξλάο: «Μειέηε ηεο έθθξαζεο θαη ζρέζεηο δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο κεηαθνξέσλ
πνπξηλψλ», 2011. Δπιβλέπφν
27. Αηθαηεξίλε Γεσξγνπνχινπ: «Υαξηνγξάθεζε ηνπ θέληξνπ δέζκεπζεο θαη κεηαθνξάο
πνπξηλψλ ησλ κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ-αζθνξβηθνχ (NAT)». 2011.
28. Παλαγηψηα ΢ηαζνπνχινπ: «Βηνζχλζεζε πδξνιπηηθψλ ελδχκσλ απφ ζεξκφθηινπο
κηθξννξγαληζκνχο», 2012.
29. Βαζηιηθή Κσζηή, «Γελεηηθέο θαη κνξηαθέο πξνζεγγίζεηο ζρέζεσλ δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο
δηακεκβξαληθψλ κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ». 2013. Δπιβλέπφν
30. Γεσξγία-Μαξία Καξαράιηνπ, «Μειέηε ησλ ξπζκηζηηθψλ κεραληζκψλ ζηφρεπζεο θαη
ελδνθχησζεο δηακεκβξαληθψλ κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ ζε έλα πξφηππν γελεηηθφ
ζχζηεκα». 2013. Δπιβλέπφν
31. Joana Sa Pesoa (Universidade do Minho, Πνξηνγαιία). 2013. ΢σν-επιβλέπφν.
32. Βαζίιεηνο Νηάλνο, «Δθαξκνγέο in silico κεζφδσλ ζε κηθξννξγαληζκνχο ηαηξηθνχ
ελδηαθέξνληνο, κε ζθνπφ ηνλ εληνπηζκφ πξσηετληθψλ αιιειεπηδξάζεσλ». Δπιβλέπφν,
201133. Αηκηιία Κξππσηνχ. «΢ρέζεηο δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο θαη εμειηθηηθέο ζρέζεηο
κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ ηεο νηθνγέλεηαο NCS1». Δπιβλέπφν, 201234. Μίλσο Δπαγγειηλφο, «Μειέηε κεραληζκψλ κεκβξαληθήο δηαθίλεζεζεο & ελδνθχησζεο
ζηνλ Aspergillus nidulans». Δπιβλέπφν, 201335. Φνίβνο
«Ο ξφινο παξαγφλησλ κεηαβνιηζκνχ mRNA ζηε
γήξαλζε θαη ηε θπζηνινγία ηνπ λεκαηψδνπο C. Elegans» Δπιβλέπφν, 201436. Διπηλίθε Νίλνπ. «Ο ξφινο ησλ κεγάισλ RNAs πνπ δελ θσδηθνπνηνχλ γηα
πξσηεΐλεο (lncRNAs) ζηελ αλάπηπμε ηνπ εγθεθάινπ ησλ ζειαζηηθψλ».
Δπιβλέπφν, 201437. Οιγα Μαξηδνχθνπ. «Μειέηε ηεο θπηηαξηθήο δηαθίλεζεο, ελδνθχηησζεο θαη
απνδφκεζεο κεκβξαληθψλ πξσηετλψλ κέζσ ηεο αλάπηπμεο λέσλ γελεηηθψλ θαη
βηνρεκηθψλ πξνζεγγίζεσλ» Δπιβλέπφν, 2014Alumni - ΢ημερινή Θέζη Γιδακηόρφν (σπό ηην επίβλευη μοσ)
Uygar H. Tazebay, Αλαπιεξσηήο θαζεγεηήο ζην Bilkent University, Ankara
΢σηήξεο Ακίιιεο, Σκήκα Βηνινγίαο, Σνκέαο Βνηαληθήο, ΔΚΠΑ
Μαξίλα Κνπθάθε, Σερληθφο έξεπλαο, Ηλζηηηνχην Μνξηαθήο Βηνινγίαο, ΗΣΔ, Ζξάθιεην
Αξεηή Παληαδνπνχινπ, Τπφηξνθνο FEBS (Long-term fellowships 2007-2010),
Δξεπλήηξηα (2010- ), Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas CSIC, Madrid, Spain
΢νθία Γθνπληέια, Δξεπλήηξηα, University of California Los Angeles, Sweden (2009- )
Γηάλλεο Παπαγεσξγίνπ, Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθφο εξεπλεηήο, Washington University, Seattle,
USA (2009- )
Njimoh Dieudonne Lemuh, Λέθηνξαο, University of Yaounde, Cameroon (2010- )
Γήκεηξα Μπνπδαξέινπ, Δξγαδφκελε ζην Μαηεπηήξην «Μεηέξα».
Άλλα Βιαληή, Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθφο Δξεπλεηήο, ΗΒΔΑΑ, Δξγαζηήξην Κ. ΢πληηράθε.
(2010- )
Γεψξγηνο Αλαζνληδήο, Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθφο Δξεπλεηήο, Chalmers University,
Goettenborg, ΢νπεδία. 2010Isabel Joao Soares da Silva, Δξεπλήηξηα, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do
Porto, Πνξηνγαιία. 2010Υξήζηνο Γνπξλάο, Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθφο Δξεπλεηήο, ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκόθξηηνο, Σκήκα
Βηνινγίαο, Δξγαζηήξην Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ. (2012- )
Πποζωπικέρ σπημαηοδοηήζειρ
Γηδαθηνξηθή ππνηξνθία ηνπ Ηδξχκαηνο Ωλάζε
Δπξσπατθή ππνηξνθία γηα δηδαθηνξηθέο ζπνπδέο ("Action")
Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθή ππνηξνθία Δπξσπατθήο Έλσζεο (TMR)- Marie Curie
Μεηαδηδαθηνξηθή ππνηξνθία Δπαλαπαηξηζκνχ Δπξσπατθήο Έλσζεο.
(“Return”) -Marie Curie
Δπεςνηηικέρ Χπημαηοδοηήζειρ
ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο, ΓΖΜΟΔΡΔΤΝΑ (1999), Δ.Τ: Β. ΢νθηαλνπνπινπ
Δζληθφ θαη Καπνδηζηξηαθφ Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελψλ, ΚΑΠΟΓΗ΢ΣΡΗΑ΢ (1999-2007),
Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
ΠΔΝΔΓ 2001. «Κισλνπνίεζε θαη κειέηε κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ κε
απψηεξν ζθνπφ ηε ζπζηεκαηηθή αλάπηπμε λέσλ θαξκάθσλ πςειήο εμεηδίθεπζεο
έλαληη κνξίσλ-ζηφρσλ παζνγφλσλ πξσηφδσσλ». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Κνηλά Δξεπλεηηθά θαη Σερλνινγηθά Πξνγξάκκαηα ΠΛΑΣΩΝ: Διιάδα – Γαιιία 20002001. «Υξήζε ηνπ κχθεηα Aspergillus nidulans σο πξφηππν γελεηηθφ θαη κνξηαθφ
ζχζηεκα γηα ηε κειέηε δηακεκβξαληθψλ πξσηετληθψλ κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθψλ
βάζεσλ απφ ηνλ άλζξσπν» Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο, C. Scazzocchio (Institute of Genetics
and Microbiology, Centre d' Orsay, University of Paris-XI)
Κνηλά Δξεπλεηηθά θαη Σερλνινγηθά Πξνγξάκκαηα ΠΛΑΣΩΝ: Διιάδα – Γαιιία 20022003. «Purine transporters as key molecules for the targeted pharmacological of
Candida albicans». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
ΔΠΔΑΔΚ-ΠΤΘΑΓΟΡΑ΢ ΗΗ, 2003-2006, Τπ. Παηδείαο¨, Γ.Γ.Δ.Σ : «Structure-Function
relationships of nucleobase transporters for the systematic development of
antimicrobial drugs». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Πξφγξακκα ΠΔΝΔΓ2003, έξγν 03ΔΓ/204, 2005-2009. «Μειέηε ησλ ζρέζεσλ δνκήοιεηηνπξγίαο ζηνπο κεηαθνξείο πνπξηλψλ γηα ηελ ζπζηεκαηηθή θαη ζηνρεπκέλε
θαξκαθνινγηθή αληηκεηψπηζε παζνγφλσλ κπθήησλ». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Πξφγξακκα ΠΔΝΔΓ2003, έξγν 03ΔΓ/183, 2005-2009. «Αξηζηνπνίεζε ηεο παξαγσγήο
βηναηζαλφιεο απφ αλαλεψζηκεο ιηγληλνθπηηαξηλνχρεο πεγέο κε ηελ ρξήζε εξγαιείσλ
κεηαβνιηθήο κεραλήο».
Δπηζηεκνληθή θαη Σερλνινγηθή ΢πλεξγαζία Διιάδαο-Γεξκαλίαο 2004-2007. «Invasive
Aspergillosis: Identification of Fungal Proteins Suited as Specific Drug Gateways». Δ.Τ:
Γ. Γηαιιηλάο, U. Reihardt (Department of Medical Microbiology, University Hospital of
Δζληθφ θαη Καπνδηζηξηαθφ Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελψλ, ΚΑΠΟΓΗ΢ΣΡΗΑ΢ 2006: Μειέηε
ησλ ζρέζεσλ δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα αδελίλεο-ππνμαλζίλεο-γνπαλίλεο AzgA
ζηνλ πξφηππν αζθνκχθεηα Aspergillus nidulans. Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
ΓΓΔΣ, Πξφγξακκα ΔΠΑΝ-Μέηξν 4.3, ΢πλεξγαζίεο κε Δ & Σ Οξγαληζκνχο ρσξψλ
εθηφο Δπξψπεο, 2005-2008, Έξγν 05-NONEU-547, «Υαξηνγξάθεζε ηνπ θέληξνπ
δέζκεπζεο ησλ κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ –αζθνξβηθνχ (ΝΑΣ) γηα ηελ
αλάπηπμε ζηνρεπκέλσλ εθαξκνγψλ θαξκάθσλ» (Mapping the binding site of
nucleobase-ascorbate transporters for the development of targeted drug treatments). E.Y:
Δ. Φξηιιίγγνο (Παλ. Ησαλλίλσλ).
Δζληθφ θαη Καπνδηζηξηαθφ Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελψλ, ΚΑΠΟΓΗ΢ΣΡΗΑ΢ 2008:
«Δπίδξαζε ηνπ ελδχκνπ ιηγάζε ηεο νπβηθνπηηίλεο ζηνπο κεραληζκνχο ελδνθχησζεο
κεηαθνξέσλ ζην κχθεηα Aspergillus nidulans». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Δπηζηεκνληθέο Μειέηεο 2011. «΢ρεδηαζκφο ζηνρεπκέλσλ θαξκάθσλ θαηά ησλ
κπθεηηαθψλ παζνγφλσλ», ζηα πιαίζηα Πξνγξάκκαηνο ηνπ Κνηλσθεινχο Ηδξχκαηνο
Ησάλλε ΢. Λάηζε. Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Δπηρεηξεζηαθφ Πξφγξακκα Δθπαίδεπζε θαη Γηα Βίνπ Μάζεζε (Δ΢ΠΑ 2007-2013)
Τπνπξγείν Δζληθήο Παηδείαο θαη Θξεζθεπκάησλ. «ΖΡΑΚΛΔΗΣΟ΢ ΗΗ-188, «Γελεηηθέο,
Μνξηαθέο, Βηνρεκηθέο Καη Βηνθπζηθέο Πξνζεγγίζεηο ΢ρέζεσλ Γνκήο-Λεηηνπξγίαο
Γηακεκβξαληθψλ Μεηαθνξέσλ Πνπξηλψλ». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Δπηρεηξεζηαθφ Πξφγξακκα Δθπαίδεπζε θαη Γηα Βίνπ Μάζεζε (Δ΢ΠΑ 2007-2013)
Τπνπξγείν Δζληθήο Παηδείαο θαη Θξεζθεπκάησλ. «ΖΡΑΚΛΔΗΣΟ΢ ΗΗ-193, «Μειέηε
Σσλ Ρπζκηζηηθψλ Μεραληζκψλ ΢ηφρεπζεο &
Δλδνθχησζεο Γηακεκβξαληθψλ
Μεηαθνξέσλ Πνπξηλψλ ΢ε Έλα Πξφηππν Γελεηηθφ ΢χζηεκα». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Δπηρεηξεζηαθφ Πξφγξακκα Δθπαίδεπζε θαη Γηα Βίνπ Μάζεζε (Δ΢ΠΑ 2007-2013),
Τπνπξγείν Δζληθήο Παηδείαο θαη Θξεζθεπκάησλ. «ΘΑΛΖ΢-EVOTRANS,
Γηακεκβξαληθή κεηαθνξά: ζρέζεηο δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο θαη εμέιημεο». Δ.Τ: Δ. Φξηιιίγγνο
(ΠΗ Ηαηξηθή ΢ρνιή), Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ (ΔΚΔΦΔ Γεκφθξηηνο, Σκ. Βηνινγίαο), Ν.
Πνχιε (ΔΚΠΑ, Σκ. Φαξκαθεπηηθήο), Κ. Γξαΐλαο (ΠΗ, Σκ. Υεκείαο)
Δπηρεηξεζηαθφ Πξφγξακκα Δθπαίδεπζε θαη Γηα Βίνπ Μάζεζε (Δ΢ΠΑ 2007-2013),
Τπνπξγείν Δζληθήο Παηδείαο θαη Θξεζθεπκάησλ. «ΘΑΛΖ΢-MINOS, Αλάπηπμε
ηερλνινγηψλ γνληδησκαηηθήο θαη γελεηηθήο αλάιπζεο κε ην κεηαζεηφ ζηνηρείν Minos θαη
εθαξκνγέο ηνπο ζε νξγαληζκνχο-κνληέια». Δπηζηεκνληθνί ππεχζπλνη: Υ. ΢αββάθεο
(ΔΚΔΒΔ Φιέκηλγθ, Ηλζη. Κπηηαξηθήο θαη Αλαπηπμηαθήο Βηνινγίαο), Μ. Αβέξσθ
(IMBB-ΗΣΔ, Ηλζηηηνχην Μνξηαθήο Βηνινγίαο θαη Βηνηερλνινγίαο), Γ. Γηαιιηλάο
Δπηρεηξεζηαθφ Πξφγξακκα Δθπαίδεπζε θαη Γηα Βίνπ Μάζεζε (Δ΢ΠΑ 2007-2013)
Τπνπξγείν Δζληθήο Παηδείαο θαη Θξεζθεπκάησλ. «Δλίζρπζε Μεηαδηδαθηφξσλ
Δξεπλεηψλ / Σξηψλ, Unraveling the specific pathways & mechanisms involved in
transporter trafficking in a model genetic system». Δ.Τ: Γ. Γηαιιηλάο. Η σπουήθια δεν
δέτηηκε ηελικά ηη θέζη.
Κριηής-Δπιηροπές-Μέλος Δηαιριών
Κξηηήο ζηα πεξηνδηθά Science, Molecular Microbiology, Journal of Microbiology,
Molecular General Genetics (Molecular Genetics and Genomics), PlosOne, PeerJ,
FEMS Microbiology Reviews, Fungal Genetics and Biology, Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology θαη FEMS Yeast Research
Κξηηήο ζε πξνγξάκκαηα ηεο Γεληθή Γξακκαηείαο Έξεπλαο θαη Σερλνινγίαο (ΓΓΔΣ),
ηνπ Τπνπξγείνπ Αλάπηπμεο (ζηα πιαίζηα δηαθξαηηθψλ ζπλεξγαζηψλ κε θνξείο κε–
επξσπατθψλ ρσξψλ θαη ζε πξνγξάκκαηα ΠΔΝΔΓ)
Κξηηήο ζε πξνγξάκκαηα ηνπ Aκεξηθαληθνχ (USDA) θαη ΢νπεδηθνχ Τπνπξγείνπ
Κξηηήο γηα πιήξσζε εξεπλεηηθήο ζέζεο ζην ΔΟΦ (2003)
Κξηηήο ππνηξνθηψλ Η.Κ.Τ.
Πξνεδξεχσλ ζηα ζπλέδξηα 2nd International Symposium on Nitrogen Metabolism of
Ascomycetes, Hacienda Vista Hermosa, Mexico (1997), 5th European Conference on
Fungal Genetics, Arcachon, France (2000), Παλειιήλην ΢πλέδξην ΠΔΒ. "Μνξηαθή
Βηνινγία - Κπηηαξνγελεηηθή ζηελ Τγεία (2000)
Μέινο ηνπ εθδνηηθνχ ζπκβνπιίνπ (editorial board) ησλ πεξηνδηθψλ Molecular
Membrane Biology, World Journal of Biologiucal Chemistry θαη Advances in Biology.
Μέινο ησλ επηζηεκνληθψλ εηαηξεηψλ ΠΔΒ, ΔΔΒΔ, ΔΔΒΜΒ, θαη ηεο American
Association for the Αdvancement of Science
Μέινο ηεο Biophysical Society-USA 2010
Μέινο ηεο Biochemical Society-FEBS 2013
Δπξσπατθφ βξαβείν «Αρτιμήδης» 2002 γηα ηε ρξεκαηνδφηεζε θνηηεηψλ πηπρίνπ γηα
ηε ζπλέρηζε ηεο αθαδεκατθήο ή επαγγεικαηηθήο ηνπο ζηαδηνδξνκίαο. Οη θνηηεηέο Κ.
Καγηάο, Α. Παληαδνπνχινπ, ΢. Σνπξλαβίηε θαη ΢. Γθνπληέια, πνπ πξαγκαηνπνίεζαλ
ηελ δηπισκαηηθή ηνπο εξγαζία ππφ ηελ άκεζε επίβιεςε κνπ, θέξδηζαλ ην πξψην
βξαβείν (44.000 Δσρώ). Σα βξαβεία (ηξία γηα φιε ηελ Δπξψπε γηα φιεο ηηο επηζηήκεο)
απηά δίδνληαη κε βάζε ηηο δηπισκαηηθέο εξγαζίεο θαη ηνλ κειινληηθφ ζρεδηαζκφ ησλ
κεηαπηπρηαθψλ ζπνπδψλ (http://ec.europa.eu/research/press/2002/pr0512_1en.html).
Δπηζθέπηεο Καζεγεηήο ζηελ “Ciudad del Saber”, Νέν Παλεπηζηήκην-Δξεπλεηηθφ
Κέληξν ζηνλ Παλακά (http://www.sanmartin.edu.co/ciudaddelsaber/docentes.php) απφ
ην 2001-2006
Δπηζθέπηεο Καζεγεηήο ζηo Departamento de Biologia da Universidade do Minho,
Portugal 2006-2009
Σξία πξφζθαηα άξζξα (M. Koukaki, A. Vlanti, S. Goudela, A. Pantazopoulou, H.
Gioule, S. Tournaviti and G. Diallinas J Mol Biol., 350(3):499-513, Cecchetto G,
Amillis S, Diallinas G, Scazzocchio C, Drevet C. 2004. J Biol Chem, 279: 3132-3141
θαη I. Papageorgiou, C. Gournas , A. Vlanti , S. Amillis , A. Pantazopoulou and G.
Diallinas G. 2008. J Mol Biol. 382:1121-1135) επηιέρζεθαλ απφ ηελ BioMed Central
(www.faculty of1000.com) λα αλαθέξνληαη ζε πξνηεηλφκελε ιίζηα ελδηαθεξφλησλ
Biophysical Society Announces Winners of 2011 International Travel Awards
Υξεκαηνδνηηθφ Βξαβείν γηα πξφηππε έξεπλα ηνπ John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation
2011 (http://www. foundation.org/en/14/projects.html)
Οργάνφζη ΢σνεδρίοσ
Σν SMYTE (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics) είλαη δηεζλέο ζπλέδξην ην
νπνίν αθνξά ζηε βηνινγία γνληδίσλ θαη πξσηετλψλ πνπ ειέγρνπλ ηελ επηθνηλσλία ησλ
θπηηάξσλ κε ην πεξηβάιινλ ηνπο. Καηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηνπ 18νπ Γηεζλνχο ΢πλεδξίνπ SMYTE
πνπ πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε ζηηο 14-17 ΢επηεκβξίνπ 2000 ζην Οχξν Πξέην (Βξαδηιία) κνπ
αλαηέζεθε ε δηνξγάλσζε ηνπ 19νπ ζπλεδξίνπ SMYTE, ην νπνίν πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε ζηηο
εγθαηαζηάζεηο ηνπ Μεζνγεηαθνχ Αγξνλνκηθνχ Ηλζηηηνχηνπ Υαλίσλ (ΜΑΗΥ), ζηα Υαληά
Κξήηεο απφ ηηο 14 έσο ηηο 17 ΢επηεκβξίνπ 2001. ΢πκκεηείραλ 100 εξεπλεηέο απφ ηε δηεζλή
επηζηεκνληθή θνηλφηεηα, θαζψο θαη αλαγλσξηζκέλνη επηζηήκνλεο απφ ηνλ Διιαδηθφ ρψξν.
Γιεθνείς προθορικές παροσζιάζεις μεηά από πρόζκληζη (ηελεσηαίφν 10 εηών)
1. 21st International Conference on Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology, Gothenburg Sweden,
2. Faculty of Medicine, University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany, 2005
3. Faculty of Biology, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 2006
4. Advanced course on Plasma membrane transporters: Physiology, Genetics and Phylogeny 2 nd
edition, Braga, Portugal, 2007
5. 'Horizons in Molecular Biology and Genetics' Symposium, Bilkent University, Ankara, 2008
6. Eurofungbase Meeting, LSSG-CT-2005-018964, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2008
7. Imperial College, London, UK, 2008
8. 26th Smyte (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics), Braga, Portugal, 2008
9. EMBO/FEBS lecture Course Channels and Transporters, Ettore Majorana Foundation and
Center for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 2008
10. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2009
11. CIB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 2010
12. Eurofungbase Meeting, Wagenigen, Holland, 2009
13. Advanced course on Plasma membrane transporters: Physiology, Genetics and Phylogeny 3 nd
edition, Braga, Portugal, 2010
14. Advanced course on Plasma membrane transporters: Physiology, Genetics and Phylogeny 4 nd
edition, Braga, Portugal, 2012
15. Eurofungbase Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 2012
16. 3rd International Workshop on Expression, Structure and Function of Membrane Protein,
Florence, Italy, 2012
17. FEBS Special Meeting in Protein Quality Control and Ubiquitin Systems in health and
disease, Kusadasi, Turkey 2012
18. 27th Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar, Membrane trafficking and molecular
organization, Asilomar, CA, USA, 201
19. Marcelle Grenson opening lecture in 31st Smyte (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and
Energetics), Antalya, Turkey, September 2013 (Distinct mechanisms control ubiquitination
and turnover of the UapA transporter in response to physiological signals or protein
20. 1st Meeting of the Turkish Society of Molecular Biology, Instambul, Turkey, November 2013
(How transporters function; Lessons for a model fubngal system)
21. Lab Physiologie Moléculaire de la Cellule, ULB - Institut de Biologie et de Médecine
Moléculaires 6041 Gosselies, Belgium, 18 March 2014
22. 12th European conference on fungal genetics, Seville, March 23-27, 2014
23. Institute of Botany and Microbiology, Department of Biology KU Leuven, Flanders, Belgium,
April 2014
24. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Dept. of Microbiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2014
Sabbatical-Δρεσνηηική Άδεια
1. Φεβξνπάξηνο 2005-Απξίιηνο 2005, Δξγαζηήξην Γελεηηθήο & Αλαπηπμηαθήο Βηνινγίαο, Καζ.
Υ. Γειηδάθε, ΗΜΒΒ, ΗΣΔ, Ζξάθιεην, Κξήηε, Διιάδα
2. ΢επηέκβξηνο 2009 - Μάξηηνο 2010-Facultade de Biologia, Univesidade do Minho,
Μπξάγθα, Πνξηνγαιία, Δξγαζηήξην Γελεηηθήο θαη Βηνηερλνινγίαο, Καζ. Μ. Casal
Μεηάκληζη-Δκπαίδεσζη Δρεσνηηών
Dr. Gianna Cecchetto (post doc)
Dr. Veronica Maurinio (post doc)
MSc Ozge Canli
PhD Isabel Soares Silva
PhD Isabel Soares Silva
PhD Isabel Soares Silva
MSc Esra Karakose
Dr. Γηάλλεο ΢εξαθεηκίδεο (post doc)
PhD Joana Sa Pesoa
PhD Joana Sa Pesoa
PhD Joana Sa Pesoa
1 κήλαο
3 κήλεο
1 κήλαο
3 κήλεο
1 εβδνκάδα
1 εβδνκάδα
9 κήλεο
9 κήλεο
4 κήλεο
2 κήλεο
1 κήλα
Γιεθνή πεπιοδικά με κπιηέρ (Pubmed)
1. G. Diallinas and C. Scazzocchio, 1989. A gene coding for the uric acid-xanthine permease of
Aspergillus nidulans: inactivational cloning, characterization and sequence of a cis-acting
mutation. Genetics, 122: 341-350
2. V. Sophianopoulou, T. Suarez, G. Diallinas and C. Scazzocchio, 1993. Operator derepressed
mutants in the proline utilisation cluster of Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Gen Genet, 236: 209213
3. V. Sophianopoulou and G. Diallinas, 1993. AUA1, a gene involved in ammonia regulation of
amino acid transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Microbiol, 8: 167-178
4. L. Gonfinkiel, G. Diallinas and C. Scazzocchio, 1993. Sequence and regulation of the uapA
gene, encoding a uric acid-xanthine permease in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans. J Biol
Chem, 268: 23376-23381
5. G. Diallinas and G. Thireos, 1994. Genetic and Biochemical evidence for GCN2 protein
kinase polymerization. Gene, 143: 21-27
6. G. Diallinas and A. Kanellis, 1994. A phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene from melon fruit:
cDNA cloning, sequence and expression in response to development and wounding. Plant Mol
Biol, 26: 473-479
7. U. H. Tazebay, V. Sophianopoulou, C. Scazzocchio, A. Rosa and G. Diallinas, 1994.
Structure-Function Analysis of the Proline Permease (PRNB) of the Filamentous Fungus
Aspergillus nidulans. Folia Microbiol, 39: 551-553
8. G. Diallinas, L. Gorfinkiel, H. Arst, G. Cecchetto and C. Scazzocchio, 1994. Genetic and
Molecular Characterisation of Purine Permease Genes of Aspergillus nidulans Reveals a Novel
Family of Transporters Conserved in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Folia Microbiol, 39: 513514
9. G. Diallinas, L. Gorfinkiel, H. Arst, G. Cecchetto and C. Scazzocchio, 1995. Genetic and
molecular characterisation of a wide-specificity purine permease of Aspergillus nidulans
reveals a novel family of transporters conserved in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. J Biol Chem
270: 8610-8622
10. V. Sophianopoulou and G. Diallinas, 1995. Amino acid transporters of lower eukaryotes:
regulation, structure and topogenesis. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 16: 53-75
11. U. H. Tazebay, V. Sophianopoulou, B. Cubero, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas, 1995. Posttranscriptional regulation and kinetic characterization of proline transport in germinating
conidiospores of Aspergillus nidulans. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 132: 27-37
12. G. Diallinas, I. Pateraki, M. Sanmartin, A. Scossa, E. Stylianou, N. Panopoulos and A.
Kanellis, 1997. Melon ascorbate oxidase: cloning of a multigene family, induction during fruit
development and repression by wounding. Plant Mol Biol, 34: 759-770
13. U. H. Tazebay, V. Sophianopoulou, C. Scazzocchio, and G. Diallinas, 1997. The gene
encoding the major proline transporter gene of Aspergillus nidulans is upregulated during
conidiospore germination and in response to proline induction and amino acid starvation. Mol
Microbiol, 24: 105-117
14. A. Ravaganani, L. Gonfinkiel, G. Diallinas, T. Langdon, E. Adjai, S. Demais, D. Gorton, H. N.
Arst, Jr. and C. Scazzocchio, 1997. Subtle hydrophobic interactions between the seventh loop
amino acid of the Zn finger and the first base of a HGATAR sequence determines promoter
specific recognition by the GATA factor of Aspergillus nidulans. EMBO J, 16: 3974-3986
15. G. Diallinas, V. Sophianopoulou, L. Gorfinkiel, G. CecchettoJ., Valdez, A. Rosa and C.
Scazzocchio, 1997. Structure-function analysis of purine
transporters in Aspergillus
nidulans. Folia Microbiol, 42: 260-261
16. G. Diallinas, J. Valdez, V. Sophianopoulou, A. Rosa and C. Scazzocchio, 1998. Chimeric
protein analysis reveals a region involved in function and specificity of purine transporters in
the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans conserved in bacteria, plants and metazoans.
EMBO J, 17: 3827-3837
17. H. De Koning and G. Diallinas, 2000. Nucleobase transporters. Mol Membr Biol, 17: 75-94
18. C. Meintanis, A. Karagouni and G. Diallinas, 2000. Amino acid residues N450 and Q449 are
critical for the uptake capacity and specificity of UapA, a prototype of a nucleobase-ascorbate
transporter family. Mol Membr Biol, 17:47-57
19. J. Valdez-Taubas , G. Diallinas, C. Scazzocchio and A. Rosa, 2000. Protein expression and
subcellular localization of the general purine transporter UapC from Aspergillus nidulans.
Fungal Genet Biol, 30: 105-113
20. E. Argyrou, V. Sophianopoulou, N. Schultes, and G. Diallinas, 2001. Functional
characterization of a maize purine transporter by expression in Aspergillus nidulans. Plant
Cell, 13: 953-964
21. P. Ververidis, F. Davrazou, G. Diallinas, D. Georgakopoulos, A. Kanellis and N. Panopoulos,
2001. A novel putative reductase (Cpd1p) and the multidrug exporter Snq2p are involved in
resistance to cercosporin and other singlet oxygen-generating photosensitizers in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Curr Genet, 39: 127-136
22. S. Amillis, M. Koukaki and G. Diallinas, 2001. Substitution F569S converts UapA, a specific
uric acid-xanthine transporter, into a broad specificity transporter for purine-related solutes. J
Mol Biol, 313: 765-774
23. Tavoularis SN, Tazebay UH, Diallinas G, Sideridou M, Rosa A, Scazzocchio C,
Sophianopoulou V, 2003. Mutational analysis of the major proline transporter (PrnB) of
Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Membr Biol, 20: 285-97
24. Koukaki M, Giannoutsou E, Karagouni A, Diallinas G, 2003. A novel improved method for
Aspergillus nidulans transformation. J Microbiol Methods, 55: 687-695
25. Cecchetto G, Amillis S, Diallinas G, Scazzocchio C, Drevet C, 2004. The AzgA purine
transporter of Aspergillus nidulans: characterisation of a protein belonging to a new
phylogenetic cluster. J Biol Chem, 279: 3132-3141
26. S. Amillis, G. Cecchetto, V. Sophianopoulou, M. Koukaki, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas,
2004. Transcriptional activation of purine transporters during the conidial isotropic growth
phase of Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Microbiol, 52: 205-216
27. I.G Papageorgiou, L. Yakob, M.I. Al Salabi, G. Diallinas, K.P. Soteriadou and H.P. de
Koning, 2005. Identification of the first pyrimidine nucleobase transporter in Leishmania:
similarities with the Trypanosoma brucei U1 transporter and antileishmanial activity of uracil
analogues. Parasitology, 130: 275-83
28. S. Goudela, P. Karatza, M. Koukaki, S. Frillingos and G. Diallinas, 2005. Comparative
substrate recognition by bacterial and fungal purine transporters of the NAT/NCS2 family.
Mol Membr Biol, 22: 263-275
29. M. Koukaki, A. Vlanti, S. Goudela, A. Pantazopoulou, H. Gioule, S. Tournaviti and G.
Diallinas, 2005. The Nucleobase-Ascorbate Transporter (NAT) Signature Motif in UapA
Defines the Function of the Purine Translocation Pathway. J Mol Biol, 350: 499-513
30. A. Vlanti, S. Amillis, M. Koukaki, and G. Diallinas, 2006. The last transmembrane segment
of UapA, a member of the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family, includes a
substrate-selectivity filter and is necessary for ER-exit. J Mol Biol, 357: 808-819
31. S. Goudela, H. Tsilivi and G. Diallinas, 2006. Comparative kinetic analysis of AzgA and
Fcy21p, prototypes of the two major fungal hypoxanthine-adenine-guanine transporter
families. Mol Membr Biol, 23: 291-303
32. A. Pantazopoulou and G. Diallinas, 2006. The first transmembrane segment (TMS1) of UapA
contains determinants necessary for expression in the plasma membrane and purine transport.
Mol Membr Biol, 23: 337-248
33. A. Pantazopoulou N.D. Lemuh, D.G. Hatzinikolaou, C. Drevet, G. Cecchetto C. Scazzocchio
and G. Diallinas. 2007. Differential physiological and developmental expression of the UapA
and AzgA purine transporters in Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genet Biol, 44: 627-640
34. S. Amillis, Z. Hamari, K. Roumelioti, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas. 2007. Regulation of
Expression and Kinetic Modeling of Substrate Interactions of a Uracil Transporter in
Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Membr Biol, 24:206-214
35. A. Pantazopoulou and G. Diallinas, 2007. Fungal Nucleobase transporters. FEMS Microbiol
Rev, 31: 657-675
36. I. Soares-Silva, S.Paiva, G. Diallinas, and M. Casal. 2007. The conserved sequence
NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT of the lactate/pyruvate:H+ symporter subfamily defines the
function of the substrate translocation pathway. Mol Membr Biol, 24: 464-474
37. S. Goudela, U. Reichard, S. Amillis and Diallinas G. 2008. Characterization and kinetics of
the major purine transporters in Aspergillus fumigatus. Fungal Genet Biol, 45
38. I. Papageorgiou, H.P. De Koning, K. Soteriadou and G. Diallinas. 2008. Kinetic and
mutational analysis of the Trypanosoma brucei NBT1 nucleobase transporter expressed in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals structural similarities between ENT and MFS transporters.
Int J Parasitol, 38: 641-653
39. A. Vlanti and G. Diallinas. 2008. The Aspergillus nidulans FcyB cytosine-purine scavenger is
highly expressed during germination and in reproductive compartments and is down-regulated
by endocytosis. Mol Microbiol, 68: 959-977
40. C. Gournas, I. Papageorgiou and G. Diallinas. 2008. The Nucleobase-Ascorbate Transporter
(NAT) family: Genomics, evolution, structure-function relationships and physiological role.
Mol BioSys, 4: 404 – 416
41. I. Papageorgiou, C. Gournas , A. Vlanti , S. Amillis , A. Pantazopoulou and G. Diallinas G.
2008. Specific interdomain synergy in the UapA transporter determines its unique specificity
for uric acid among NAT carriers. J Mol Biol. 382:1121-1135
42. G. Diallinas and C. Gournas. 2008. Structure-function relationships in the NucleobaseAscorbate Transporter (NAT) family: Lessons from model microbial genetic systems.
Channels, 2, 363-372.
43. G. Diallinas. Biochemistry. 2008. An almost-complete movie. Science. 12:1644-5.
44. N.D. Lemuh, G. Diallinas, S. Frillingos, G. Mermelekas, A.D. Karagouni and D.G.
Hatzinikolaou. 2009. Purification and partial characterization of the xanthine-uric acid
transporter (UapA) of Aspergillus nidulans. Protein Expr Purif. 63:33-39
45. Hamari Z, Amillis S, Drevet C, Apostolaki A, Vágvölgyi C, Diallinas G, Scazzocchio C.
2009. Convergent evolution and orphan genes in the Fur4p-like family and characterisation of
a general nucleoside transporter in Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Microbiol. 73:43-57.
46. Vangelatos I, Vlachakis D, Sophianopoulou V, Diallinas G. 2009. Modelling and mutational
evidence identify the substrate binding site and functional elements in APC amino acid
transporters. Mol Membr Biol 26:356-370.
47. Gournas C, Amillis S, Vlanti A and Diallinas G. 2010. Transport-dependent endocytosis and
turnover of a uric acid-xanthine permease. Mol Microbiol. 75:246-260
48. Conde A, Diallinas G, Chaumont F, Chaves M, Gerós H. 2010. Transporters, channels, or
simple diffusion? Dogmas, atypical roles and complexity in transport systems. Int J Biochem
Cell Biol. 42(6):857-68.
49. Leung J, Karachaliou M, Alves C, Diallinas G and Byrne, B. 2010. Expression and
purification of a functional uric acid-xanthine transporter (UapA) Protein Expr Purif.
50. Kosti V, Papageorgiou I and Diallinas G. 2010. Dynamic elements at both cytoplasmic- and
extracellular-facing sides of the UapA transporter selectively control the accessibility of
substrates to their translocation pathway. J Mol Biol. 397(5):1132-43.
51. Elsen S, Efthymiou G, Peteinatos P, Diallinas G, Kyritsis P, Moulis JM. 2010. A bacteriaspecific 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin is essential in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. BMC Microbiol. 10:271
52. Bitsikas V, Karachaliou M, Gournas C, Diallinas G. 2011. Hypertonic conditions trigger
transient plasmolyis, growth arrest and blockage of transporter endocytosis in Aspergillus
nidulans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Membr Biol. 28(1):54-68.
53. Anasontzis GE, Zerva A, Stathopoulou PM, Haralampidis K, Diallinas G, Karagouni AD,
Hatzinikolaou DG. 2011. Homologous overexpression of xylanase in Fusarium oxysporum
increases ethanol productivity during consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) of lignocellulosics. J
Biotechnol. 152(1-2):16-23
54. Gournas C, Oestreicher N, Amillis S, Diallinas G, Scazzocchio C. 2011. Completing the
purine utilisation pathway of Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genet Biol. 48:840-8
55. Soares-Silva I, Sá-Pessoa J, Myrianthopoulos V, Mikros E, Casal M, Diallinas G. 2011. A
substrate translocation trajectory in a cytoplasm-facing topological model of the
monocarboxylate/H⁺ symporter Jen1p. Mol Microbiol. 81(3):805-17
Amillis S, Kosti V, Pantazopoulou A, Mikros E, Diallinas G. 2011. Mutational analysis and
modeling reveal functionally critical residues in transmembrane segments 1 and 3 of the UapA
transporter. J Mol Biol. 411(3):567-80
Takeshita N, Diallinas G, Fischer R. 2012. The role of flotillin FloA and stomatin StoA in the
maintenance of apical sterol-rich membrane domains and polarity in the filamentous fungus
Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Microbiol. Mol Microbiol. 83(6):1136-52.
Leung J, Cameron AD, Diallinas G, Byrne B. 2012. Stabilizing the heterologously expressed
uric acid-xanthine transporter UapA from the lower eukaryote Aspergillus nidulans. Mol
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Kosti V, Lamprinidis G, Myrianthopoulos V, Diallinas G, Mikros E. 2012. Identification of a
substrate recognition and transport pathway in a Eukaryotic Member of the NucleobaseAscorbate Transporter (NAT) Family. PLoS One. 7(7):e41939.
Krypotou E, Kosti V, Amillis S, Myrianthopoulos V, Mikros E, Diallinas G. 2012. Modeling,
Substrate Docking and Mutational Analysis Identify Residues essential for the function and
specificity of a Eukaryotic Purine-Cytosine NCS1 Transporter. J Biol Chem. 287(44):36792803.
Karachaliou M, Amillis S, Evangelinos M, Kokotos AC, Yalelis V, Diallinas G. 2013. The
arrestin-like protein ArtA is essential for ubiquitination and endocytosis of the UapA
transporter in response to both broad-range and specific signals. Mol Microbiol. 88(2):301-17
Diallinas, G. 2013. Allopurinol and xanthine use different translocation mechanisms and
trajectories in the fungal UapA transporter. Biochimie 2013, Sep;95(9):1755-64
Krypotou E, Diallinas G. 2014. Transport assays in filamentous fungi: Kinetic
characterization of the UapC purine transporter of Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genet Biol.
Feb;63:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2013.12.004.
Krypotou E, Lambrinidis G, Evangelidis T, Mikros E, Diallinas G. 2014. Modelling, substrate
docking and mutational analysis identify residues essential for function and specificity of the
major fungal purine transporter AzgA. Mol Microbiol Jul; 93(1):129-45.
Galanopoulou K, Scazzocchio C, Galinou M, Borbolis F, Karachaliou M, Liu W, Oestreicher
N, Hatzinikolaou D, Diallinas G, Amillis S. 2014. Purine utilization proteins in the Eurotiales:
Cellular compartmentalization, phylogenetic conservation and divergence. Fungal Genet Biol.
Aug; 69:96-108.
Diallinas, G. 2014. Understanding transporter specificity and the discrete appearance of
channel-like gating domains in transporters. Front. Pharmacol. 5:207. doi:
Γημοζιεύζειρ ζε βιβλία-Μονογπαθίερ
67. B. Felenbok, V. Sophianopoulou, M. Mathieu, D. Sequeval, P. Kulmburg, G. Diallinas and C.
Scazzocchio, 1989. Regulation of genes involved in the utilisation of carbon sources in
Aspergillus nidulans. Procceedings of the EMBO-Alko Workshop on Molecular Biology of
Filamentous Fungi, Helsinki 1989, ed. by Nevalainen and Pentilla. Foundation for
Biotechnical and Industrial Fermentation Research, 6: 73-83.
68. Diallinas, G. Molecular Modeling of the Interactions of a Purine Transporter with Different
Substrate Analogues: A first Step towards the Systematic Development of Antifungal Drugs.
2004 Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition 18 (1),
pp. 59.
69. Tavoularis, S.N., Tazebay, U., Diallinas, G., Scazzocchio, C., Sophianopoulou, V.
Preliminary studies on structure-function analysis of a major proline transporter (PRNB) of the
filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. 1997 Amino Acids 13 (1), pp. 31.
70. G. Diallinas and A.K. Kanellis, 1995, Developmntal and ripening regulation of gene
expression of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic enzymes in melon fruit. Post-harvest physiology,
pathology and technologies for horticultural commodities: Recent Advances, 353-360, eds
A.Ait-Oubahou abd El-Otmani.
71. G. Diallinas. 2007. Aspergillus transporters. In “The Aspergilli: Genomics, Medicine,
Biotechnology and Research Methods", eds. G. Goldman and S. Osmani, CRC press.
Γημοζιεύζειρ-Ανακοινώζειρ ζε ζςνέδπια
1. G. Diallinas, V. Sophianopoulou and C. Scazzocchio. Cis-acting regulatory mutations
defining target sites for regulatory gene products in Aspergillus nidulans (1989). Sardinia
Symposium on Advances in Biotechnology and Control of gene expression, Alghero, Italy
2. G. Thireos, D. Alexandraki, G. Diallinas, G. Krupitza, E. Maniataki and D. Tzamarias.
Translational regulation of GCN4 mRNA: in vivo and in vitro approaches (1990).
NATO/EEC Workshop on Post-trnascriptional Control of Gene Expression, Goslar, West
3. G. Thireos, D. Alexandraki, T. Georgakopoulos, G. Diallinas, G. Krupitza, E. Maniataki, I.
Roussou, D. Tzamarias and N. Tzortzakis. Translational regulation of GCN4 mRNA and the
control of protein synthetic rates in Yeast (1990). ICGEB Colloquium on Eucaryotic Gene
Regulation and Expression, Crete
4. G. Diallinas and G. Thireos. Adaption of protein synthetic rates to amino acid availability in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1991). 13th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Biological
Sciences, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
5. V. Sophianopoulou and G. Diallinas. AUA1, a gene involved in ammonia regulation of
amino acid transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1993). EMBO Workshop on Control of
Gene Expression in Filamentous Fungi, Majorca, Spain
6. O. Moser, G. Diallinas and A. Kanellis. Purification, characterization and synthesis of
ascorbate oxidase during melon fruit development (1993). 16th Scientific Conference of the
Hellenic Scientific Society of Horticulture, Greece
7. Kanellis, G. Diallinas, P. Kalaitzis, G. Chronakis and K. Loulakakis. Differential induction
of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in response to ripening and wounding in muskmelon fruit
(1993). Joint Annual Meeting of the American and Canadian Societies of Plant Physiologists.
Supplement to Plant Physiol., 102: 61031
8. Kanellis and G. Diallinas. Development and Ripening Regulation of Gene Expression of
phenylpropanoid Biosynthetic Enzymes in Melon fruit (1994). Proc. Int. Postharvest Symp.,
Post-harvest Physiology, Pathology and Technologies for horticultural commodities, Agadir,
9. G. Diallinas, I. Pateraki, O. Moser, I. Tsigos and A. Kanellis. Expression of ascorbic acid
oxidase in response to development and wounding in melon (Cucumis melo) fruit (1994). 4th
Int. Congress of Plant Mol. Biol., Amsterdam, Netherlands
10. Rosa, G. Diallinas, N. Prados Dodd, J. Valdez, V. Sophianopoulou and C. Scazzocchio.
Aislamiento de mutantes del transportador especifico de prolina (PRNB) del hongo
filamentoso A. nidulans (1994). 30th Reunion Annual SAIB, Misiones, Argentina
11. V. Sophianopoulou, U. H. Tazebay, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas. Developmental and
physiological regulation of the proline-specific transporter of the fungus A. nidulans (1995).
Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Patras,
12. G. Diallinas and C. Scazzocchio. Identification of regions and specific amino acid residues
involved in purine transporter specificity and pH and temperature dependence in the fungus
Aspergillus nidulans (1995). EMBO Annual Symposium on Protein Structure and Function,
Heidelberg, Germany
13. V. Sophianopoulou, U. H. Tazebay, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas. Post-transcriptional
control and kinetic characterization of proline transport in germinated conidiospores of
Aspergillus nidulans (1995). “Post-transcriptional Control of Eukaryotic Gene Expression”,
International Summer School on Molecular and Cellular Biology, NATO-EMBO-FEMS.
Spetses, Greece
14. Al Madhoon, G. Diallinas, M. Sanmartin, N. Panopoulos and A. Kanellis. Expression of
ascorbic acid oxidase isoenzymes during development and ripening of fruit in melon
(Cucumis melo) (1996). EU-Cost Action 915, Workshop “Consumer Perception and End
Product Quality”, Feusisberg, Switzerland
15. G. Diallinas, V. Sophianopoulou, A. Kanellis, N. Panopoulos and C. Scazzocchio.
Identification of regions and specific amino acid residues involved in purine transporter
specificity, pH and temperature dependence (1996). 45th Scientific Conference of the
Hellenic Biochemical & Biophysical Society, Athens, Greece
V. Sophianopoulou, U. H. Tazebay, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas. Differential
transcriptional activation of prnB, the gene encoding the major proline transporter of
Aspergillus nidulans in response to proline induction and amino acid starvation (1996). 45th
Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Biochemical & Biophysical Society, Athens, Greece
G. Diallinas, I. Pateraki, M. Sanmartin, A. Al Madhoon, A. Scossa, N. Panopoulos and A.
Kanellis. Expression and cloning of an ascorbate oxidase gene in melon (1996). 44th
Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Biochemical & Biophysical Society, Athens, Greece
Pateraki, G. Diallinas, M. Sanmartin, A. Scossa, M. Guis, J.P. Pech, N. Panopoulos and A.
Kanellis. Evidence that ethylene represses ascorbate oxidase gene expression in melon
(1996). "Biology and biotechnology of the plant hormone ethylene", NATO Advanced
Research Workshop/European Union TMR Euroconference, Chania, Crete, Greece
P. Ververidis, G. Diallinas, D. G. Georgakopoulos, N. Panopoulos and A. K. Kanellis. Έλα
πξντφλ γνληδίνπ πνιιαπιήο αλζεθηηθφηεηαο ζε θάξκαθα εκπιέθεηαη ζηελ πξνζηαζία ηνπ
απφ ηελ ηνμίλε θεξθνζπνξίλε (1996). 8ν Παλειιήλην Φπηνπαζνινγηθό Σπλέδξην, Ζξάθιεην,
Κξήηε, Διιάο
Ch. Vatsaki, I. Pateraki, G. Diallinas, A. Kanellis. Isolation and characterisation of an ACC
synthase from melon (Cucumis melo L.) (1996).“Biology and biotechnology of the plant
hormone ethylene”, NATO Advanced Research Workshop/European Union TMR
Euroconference, Chania, Crete, Greece
M. Guis, M. Sanmartin G. Diallinas, A. Latche, M. Bouzayen, A. Kanellis and J.P. Pech.
Expression of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic genes in response to wounding in melon fruit
harboring an antisense ACC oxidase gene (1996). "Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant
Hormone Ethylene”, NATO Advanced Research Workshop/European Union TMR
Euroconference, Chania, Crete, Greece
V. Sophianopoulou, U. H. Tazebay, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas. (1996). Differential
transcriptional regulation of the major proline permease gene of Aspergillus nidulans in
response to proline induction and amino acid starvation (1996). 24th Meeting of the
Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Barcelona, Spain.
G. Diallinas, V. Sophianopoulou, L. Gorfinkiel, G. Cecchetto, J. Valdez, A. Rosa and C.
Scazzocchio. Structure-function analysis of purine transporters in Aspergillus nidulans
(1996). SMYTE 14, Bonn, Germany
P. Ververidis, G. Diallinas, D. G. Georgakopoulos, N. Panopoulos and A. K. Kanellis. A
multidrug resistance gene product is involved in cercosporin detoxification in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae (1996). NATO Advanced Research Workshop on “Regulation of Enzymatic
Systems Detoxifying Xenobiotics in Plants”, Kallithea, Chalkidiki, Greece
G. Diallinas, L. Gorfinkiel, A. Ravaganani, T. Langdon, D. Gorton, H. N. Arst. Jr., V.
Sophianopolou and C. Scazzocchio (1997). DNA-binding specificity and functional synergy
of transcriptional factors involved in regulation of expression of purine transporter genes in
Aspergillus nidulans (1997). 45th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Biochemical &
Biophysical Society, Athens, Greece
V. Sophianopoulou, U. H. Tazebay, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas (1997). The expression
of the gene encoding the major proline transporter in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans is
activated during development and in response to amino acid starvation. 46th Scientific
Conference of the Hellenic Biochemical & Biophysical Society, Athens, Greece
S. N. Tavoularis, U. H. Tazebay, G. Diallinas, C. Scazzocchio and V. Sophianopoulou
(1997). Mutational analysis addressing structure-function relationships in the major proline
transporter (PrnB) of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. 5th International
Congress on Amino Acids, Chalkidiki, Greece
Apostolaki, A. Rosa, U. H. Tazebay, G. Diallinas, C. Scazzocchio and V. Sophianopoulou
(1997). Isolation of condititional mutants specific for the prnB gene encoding the major
proline transporter in Aspergillus nidulans. Symposium of the Balkan Biological Society,
Thessaloniki, Greece
29. J. Valdez, G. Diallinas, C. Scazzocchio and A. Rosa (1997). Purine transporters in
Aspergillus nidulans. International Symposium on Nitrogen Metabolism of Ascomycetes,
Hacienda Vista Hermosa, Mexico
30. G. Diallinas (1997). Regulation of expression and structure-function relationships of purine
transporters in Aspergillus nidulans. International Symposium on Nitrogen Metabolism of
Ascomycetes, Hacienda Vista Hermosa, Mexico
31. G. Diallinas, V. Sophianopoulou, J. Valdez and C. Scazzocchio, 1997. Chimeric protein
analysis reveals a region involved in function and specificity of purine transporters in the
filamentous fungusAspergillus nidulans conserved in bacteria, plants and metazoans. 48th
Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Biochemical & Biophysical Society, Athens, Greece
32. P. Ververidis, F. Davrazou, G. Diallinas and N. Panopoulos, 1998. Genes and mechanisms
for resistance to cercosporin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 49th Scientific Conference of the
Hellenic Biochemical & Biophysical Society, Heraklion, Crete Greece
33. S. N. Tavoularis, G. Diallinas, C. Scazzocchio and V. Sophianopoulou 1998. Molecular
characterisation of mutations leading to cryosensitivity of the proline transporter (PrnB)
mRNA steady state levels in Aspergillus nidulans. 25th Silver Jubilee FEBS Meeting,
Copenhagen, Denmark, P14.16
34. Goulas, V. Polymenakou, G. Diallinas, 1998. A domain critical for function and specificity
of nucleobase transporters is conserved in bacteria, fungi, plants and metazoa. Proceedings of
the 16th International Meeting SMYTE (FEMS), Casta-Papiernika, Slovakia, pp. 10-11
35. S. N. Tavoularis, U.H. Tazebay, G. Diallinas, C. Scazzocchio and V. Sophianopoulou 1998.
Genetic, molecular and biochemical approaches to study structur-function relationships in the
proline transporter of Aspergillus nidulans. Proceedings SMYTE 16, Casta-Papiernicka,
36. S.N. Tavoularis, U.H. Tazebay, G. Diallinas, A. Rosa, C. Scazzocchio and V.
Sophianopoulou, 1999. Mutational analysis of the proline transporter of Aspergillus nidulans
shows non-random distribution of amino acid residues critical for function. Proceedings of
the 17th International Meeting SMYTE, Cordoba, Spain, pp. 51-52
37. F. Davrazou, P. Ververidis, N. Panopoulos and G. Diallinas 1999 ABC multidrug
transporters are involved in the detoxification of cercosporin and other photosensitizers in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2nd FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on "ATP-binding Cassette
Transporters: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Disease", Austria
38. G. Diallinas, E. Argyrou and V. Sophianopoulou 1999. Use of a model microbial eukaryote
for the functional analysis of maize and human nucleobase transporters. 50th Scientific
Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistryl & Molecular Biology Athens, Greece
39. S. Amillis and G. Diallinas. 1999. Physiological and developmental control of purinepyrimidine transporters in Aspergillus nidulans. 21st Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic
Society of Biological Sciences, Syros, Greece
40. E. Argyrou, C. Meintanis, N. Schultes, A.D. Karagouni, V. Sophianopoulou & G. Diallinas.
1999. Aspergillus nidulans as a model system to study nucleobase transporters: structurefunction relationships and expression of plant and human homologues. SMYTE 17, Cordoba,
Spain, p. 50
41. S.N. Tavoularis, U.H. Tazebay, G. Diallinas, and V. Sophianopoulou, 1999. Amino acid
residues Q219 and K245 of PrnB affect the kinetics of proline transport in Aspergillus
nidulans. NATO-FEBS Summer School, Protein, lipid and membrane traffic: pathways and
targeting, Cargese, Corsica
42. E. Argyrou, G. Diallinas, Qi Li, N. Schultes and V. Sophianopoulou, 2000. Functional
characterization of Plant Nucleobase-Ascorbate Transporters. International Congress of
Plant Molecular Biology, Quebec, Canada
43. V. Sophianopoulou, E. Argyrou, N. Schultes and G. Diallinas, 2000. Functional
characterization of a maize purine transporter by expression in Aspergillus nidulans.
Proceedings of the 18th International Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics (SMYTE),
Ouro Preto, Brazil
44. G. Diallinas, S. Amillis and M. Koukakη, 2001. Suppression of cryosensitivity of mutation
Q449E converts the uric acid-xanthine transporter of A. nidulans into a highly efficient
transporter specific for nucleobases and nucleosides. Proceedings of the 18th International
Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics (SMYTE), Ouro Preto, Brazil
S. Amillis, M. Koukaki and G. Diallinas, 2000. Suppression of the Relaxed Specificity
Mutation Q449E Converts the Uric-Acid-Xanthine Transporter of A. nidulans into a Highly
Efficient General Purine Transporter. 22nd Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of
Biological Sciences, Skiathos, Greece
E. Argyrou, G. Diallinas, N. Schultes and V. Sophianopoulou, 2000. Functional
Identification of a Plant Uric-Acid-Xanthine Transporter in the Model Fungus Aspergillus
nidulans. 22nd Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Skiathos,
G. Diallinas, 2000. Use of fungi as model systems to clone and functionally characterize
transporters from protozoans, plants and animals. 5th European Conference on Fungal
Genetics, Arcachon, France
Γ. Γιαλλινάς, 2000. Υξήζε επθαξπσηηθψλ κηθξννξγαληζκψλ σο πξφηππσλ ζπζηεκάησλ
κειέηεο λέσλ γνληδίσλ. Σν παξάδεηγκα ησλ δηακεκβξαληθψλ κεηαθνξέσλ λνπθιενηηδηθψλ
βάζεσλ. Παλειιήλην Σπλέδξην ΠΔΒ. "Μνξηαθή Βηνινγία - Κπηηαξνγελεηηθή ζηελ Υγεία,
E. Argyrou, G. Diallinas and V. Sophianopoulou, 2001. Aspergillus nidulans as a novel
system for cloning and studying foreign nucleobase/ascorbate transporters. 27th FEBS
Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
S. Amillis, M. Koukaki and G. Diallinas, 2001. Substitution F569S Converts UapA, a
Specific Uric-Acid-Xanthine Transporter, into a Broad Specificity Transporter for PurineRelated Solutes. FEBS Summer School, Molecular dynamics of membrane biogenesis,
Cargese, Corsica
Qi Li, E. Argyrou, V. Sophianopoulou, G. Diallinas and N. Schultes, 2001.
Characterization of Plant Nucleobase-Ascorbate Transporters. Annual Meeting of
theAmerican Society of Plant Physiologists, USA
S. Amillis, M. Koukaki and G. Diallinas, 2001. Substitution F569S Converts UapA, a
Specific Uric-Acid-Xanthine Transporter, into a Broad Specificity Transporter for PurineRelated Solutes. 23rd Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences,
Chios, Greece
E. Argyrou, Z. Erpapazoglou, A. Gioti, G. Diallinas and V. Sophianopoulou, 2001. Use of
Aspergillus nidulans as a model system to study structure-function relationships of
nucleobase-ascorbate transporters. 23rd Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of
Biological Sciences, Chios, Greece
G. Diallinas, 2001. Structure-function relationships in purine transporters of Aspergillus
nidulans. 2nd International Symposium on Nitrogen Metabolism of Ascomycetes, Hacienda
Vista Hermosa, Mexico
M. Koukaki, S. Amillis and G. Diallinas, 2001. Genetic alteration of the specificity and
kinetics of the uric acid-xanthine transporter in Aspergillus nidulans. Proceedings of the 19th
International Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics (SMYTE), Chania, Greece
G. Cecchetto, S. Amillis, C. Scazzocchio, G. Diallinas and C. Drevet, 2001. A Novel Purine
Transporter is encoded by the azgA Gene of Aspergillus nidulans. Proceedings of the 19th
International Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics (SMYTE), Chania, Greece
E. Argyrou, G. Diallinas, L. Gorfinkiel, E. Holtzman and V. Sophianopoulou, 2001.
Expression of plant and human nucleobase/ascorbate transporters in Aspergillus nidulans.
Proceedings of the 19th International Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics (SMYTE),
Chania, Greece
S. Amillis, G. Cecchetto, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas, 2001. Aspergillus nidulans purine
transporters are differentially regulated in response to development, different nitrogen
sources and the presence of purines. Proceedings of the 19th International Meeting on Yeast
Transport and Energetics (SMYTE), Chania, Greece
Γ. Γιαλλινάς θαη Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ, 2002. Μεηαθνξείο λνπθιενηηδηθψλ βάζεσλ ζηε
κνξηαθή θαξκαθνινγία. 2ν Παλειιήλην Σπλέδξίν ηεο Διιεληθήο Δηαηξείαο Φαξκαθνινγίαο,
Αζήλα, 9-10 Φεβξνπάξηνπ
61. ΢. Γθνπληέια, Γ. Γιαλλινάς, 2002. Μεηαθνξείο πνπξηλψλ ηνπ παζνγφλνπ κχθεηα Candida
albicans. 24o Παλειιήλην Σπλέδξην ΔΔΒΔ, Δξέηξηα Δχβνηαο
62. Γ. Εεξβνχ Γ. Γιαλλινάς, ΢. Ρηδνπνχινπ, 2002. Μηα πνιπγνληδηαθε νηθνγέλεηα εμπαλζηλσλ
ζηελ πεπνληά: ελδείμεηο γηα ην ξφιν ησλ εμπαλζηλσλ ζε αλαπηπζζφκελνπο ηζηνχο. 24o
Παλειιήλην Σπλέδξην ΔΔΒΔ, Δξέηξηα Δχβνηαο
63. Γ. Παπαγεσξγίνπ Γ. Γιαλλινάς, Β. ΢νθηαλνπνχινπ, Κ. ΢σηεξηάδνπ, 2002. Βηνρεκηθφο
ραξαθηεξηζκφο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα νπξαθίιεο ηνπ παζνγφλνπ πξσηφδσνπ Leishmania major.
24o Παλειιήλην Σπλέδξην ΔΔΒΔ, Δξέηξηα Δχβνηαο
64. Α. Παληαδνπνχινπ , Μ. Κνπθάθε , Γ. Γιαλλινάς, 2002. Γηεξεχλεζε ηνπ ξφινπ ηνπ πξψηνπ
δηακεκβξαληθφ ηκήκαηνο ζηε ζηφρεπζε θαη ιεηηνπξγία ηνπ κεηαθνξέα ηνπ νπξηθνχ νμέσο
UapA. 24o Παλειιήλην Σπλέδξην ΔΔΒΔ, Δξέηξηα Δχβνηαο
65. Μ. Κνπθάθε, Κ. Καγηάο, ΢. Σνπξλαβίηε , Γ. Γιαλλινάς, 2002. Νεφηεξα δεδνκέλα ζηηο
ζρέζεηο δνκήο-ιεηηνπξγίαο ζην κεηαθνξέα νπξηθνχ νμέσο UapA. 24o Παλειιήλην Σπλέδξην
ΔΔΒΔ, Δξέηξηα Δχβνηαο
66. G. Diallinas and Μ. Κoukaki, 2002. Interactions of a purine transporter with different
substrates. Proceedings of the 54th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Ioannina, Greece
67. ΢. Γθνπληέια & Γ. Γιαλλινάς. 2002. Υαξαθηεξηζκφο κεηαθνξέσλ πνπξηλψλ ηνπ παζνγφλνπ
κχθεηα Candida albicans, Proceedings of the 54th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic
Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Ioannina, Greece
68. Γ. Παπαγεσξγίνπ Γ. Γιαλλινάς, H. DeKoning, Κ. ΢σηεξηάδνπ. 2002. Βηνρεκηθφο
ραξαθηεξηζκφο ηνπ κεηαθνξέα νπξαθίιεο ζην παξαζηηηθφ πξσηφδσν L. major: Μνληέιν γηα
ηελ αλαγλψξηζε ηνπ ππνζηξψκαηνο, Proceedings of the 54th Scientific Conference of the
Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Ioannina, Greece
69. M.Koukaki and G.Diallinas, 2003. A molecular model describing the interactions of a purine
transporter with different substrates. Proceedings of the 25th Panhellenic Congress of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Mytilene, Greece
70. A.Pantazopoulou, A.Vlanti, M.Koukaki and G.Diallinas, 2003.On the mechanisms of purine
transporter topogenesis in Aspergillus nidulans. Proceedings of the 25th Panhellenic
Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Mytilene, Greece
71. A. Pantazopoulou, M. Koukaki, A. Vlanti & G. Diallinas. (2003).Development of a model
system to study the topogenesis of the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter family. 21st
International Conference on Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology, Gotheburg Sweden
72. M.Koukaki and G.Diallinas, 2003. A molecular model describing the interactions of a purine
transporter with different substrates. 21st International Conference on Yeast Genetics &
Molecular Biology, Gotheburg Sweden
73. G.Diallinas, 2004, Life without crystals or molecular genetic approaches to study structurefunction relationships in polytopic membrane proteins: The paradigm of the UapA uric acidxanthine transporter. Proceedings of the 56th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Larissa, Greece
74. I. Soares-Silva, G. Diallinas and M. Casal. 2004. Functional study of a conserved domain
between helixes 7 and 8 of the lactate permease Jen1p, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Yeast
Genetics & Molecular Biology Meeting. Seattle, USA
75. N. D. Lemuh, A. Pantazopoulou, V.Varvarigos and G. Diallinas. 2005. Cellular expression
of Uapa and AzgA, the two major purine transporters of Aspergillus nidulans. 27nd
Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Nafplio, Greece
76. H. Tsilivi, S. Goudela and G. Diallinas. 2005. Comparative kinetic analysis of AzgA in
Aspergillus nidulans and Fcy2 in Candida albicans, prototypes of the two major fungal
hypoxanthine-adenine-guanine transporter families. 27nd Panhellenic Conference of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Nafplio, Greece
77. K. Roumelioti, S. Amillis, Z. Hamari, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas. 2005.
Characterization of a new family of pyrimidine transporters in Aspergillus nidulans. 27nd
Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Nafplio, Greece
78. A.Vlanti, A.Pantazopoulou, S. Amillis, M.Koukaki, S. Goudela and G. Diallinas. 2005.
Reconstructing the substrate translocation pathway in the Nucleobase Ascorbate Transporter
(NAT) family using a model genetic system. Transports 2005 Workshop, Erice, Sicily, Italy
79. I.Soares-Silva, G. Diallinas, M. Casal . 2005 A conserved domain located between helices 7
and 8 of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Jen1p is involved in substrate recognition.
Proceedings of the 22th International Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics (SMYTE),
New Delhi, India
80. D. Bouzarelou, G. Diallinas and V. Sophianopoulou, 2005. Cloning, molecular and
functional characterization of an expansin-like protein in Aspergillus nidulans. Proceedings
of the 57th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology, Athens, Greece
81. A. Vlanti, S. Amillis, M. Koukaki, and G. Diallinas, 2005. The last transmembrane segment
of UapA, a member of the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family, includes a
substrate-selectivity filter and is necessary for ER-exit, Proceedings of the 57th Scientific
Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens, Greece
82. S. Goudela, U. Reichard and G. Diallinas, 2006. Purine transporters as specific gateways for
targeted pharmacological treatment of Aspergilli and Candida pathogens. 2nd Advances on
Aspergillosis, Athens, Greece
83. A. Pantazopoulou and G. Diallinas, 2006. On the role of the first transmembrane segment of
the UapA uric acid-xanthine transporter. 28th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society
of Biological Sciences, Ioannina, Greece
84. C. Gournas, A. Vlanti, H. Pitsouli, S. Amillis, C. Delidakis and G. Diallinas, 2006.
Expression of a Drosophila NAT homologue in A. nidulans. 28th Panhellenic Conference of
the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Ioannina, Greece
85. G.Langousis and G. Diallinas, 2006. On the dynamic topology of uric acid oxidase. 28th
Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Ioannina, Greece
86. E. Karakose, G. Serafimidis, U. Tazebay and G. Diallinas, 2006. Characterization of a novel
mitosis-associated protein in a model fungal system. 28th Panhellenic Conference of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Ioannina, Greece
87. Y. Papageorgiou, K. Soteriadou and G. Diallinas, 2006. Genetic analysis of a Trypanosome
purine transporter in S. cerevisiae. 28th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of
Biological Sciences, Ioannina, Greece
88. G. Diallinas , S. Amillis, A. Vlanti, S. Goudela, N. Lemuh, C. Gournas and A.
Pantazopoulou. 2006 Purine transporters: cellular expression and transporter-substrate
interactions. Proceedings of the 24th International Meeting on Yeast Transport and
Energetics (SMYTE), Prague, Czech Republic
89. I. Papageorgiou, K. Soteriadou, H. De Koning and G. Diallinas, 2006. Genetic analysis of a
trypanosome purine transporter in S. cerevisiae. Proceedings of the 24th International
Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics (SMYTE), Prague, Czech Republic
90. I. Papageorgiou, H. De Koning, G. Diallinas and K. Soteriadou, 2006. Genetic analysis of a
trypanosome purine transporter in S. cerevisiae.: a rational approach for targeted drug design.
3rd COST B22 ANNUAL CONGRESS “Drug discovery and development for parasitic
diseases” Athens, October 2006
91. A. Vlanti, A. Pantazopoulou, S. Amillis, I. Papageorgiou, N. Dieudonne Lemuh, C. Gournas
& G. Diallinas. 2007. Dissecting a purine transporter: intrinsic topogenetic signals, substrate
binding and a selectivity filter. 32nd FEBS Congress Molecular Machines, Vienna, Austria
92. I. Papageorgiou, C. Gournas, A. Pantazopoulou, S. Amillis, A. Vlanti and G. Diallinas.
2007. Towards the past through genetic disruption of intramolecular synergism in the
nucleobase-ascorbate transporter family. Proceedings of the 59th Scientific Conference of the
Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens, Greece
93. S. Gudin, I. Papageorgiou, G. Diallinas, K. Soteriadou, M.I. Al-Salabi1 and H.P. de Koning.
2008. Pyrimidine transport in Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major. BSP
Trypanosomiasis/Leishmaniasis Seminar and Spring Meeting. Newcastle, UK.
94. I. Soares-Silva, Z.Foskolou, G. Diallinas and M. Casal. 2008. The Jen1p homologues in
yeasts: a functional/structural approach on the transport of carboxylic acids across the plasma
membrane. Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting sponsored by the Genetics
Society of America. University of Toronto, Canada.
95. G. Diallinas. 2008. Structure-function relationships in the UapA uric acid (purine)
transporter: Life before crystals. Horizons in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Ankara,
96. C. Gournas, I. Papageorgiou, S. Amillis, A. Vlanti , V. Kosti, A.Pantazopoulou and G.
Diallinas. 2008. A two-step mechanism for substrate selection, binding and transport of uric
Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy.
97. Anasontzis G.E., Kourtoglou E., Mamma M., Amillis S., Christakopoulos P. , Diallinas G. ,
Karagouni A.D. and Hatzinikolaou D.G. 2008. Heterologous expression of aspergillus
nidulans phosphoglucomutase in fusarium oxysporum. 30th Panhellenic Conference of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece
98. G. Diallinas, I. Papageorgiou, C. Gournas, A. Vlanti , V. Kosti, A.Pantazopoulou and S.
Amillis, 2008. Intramolecular synergy as the basis for the evolution of a highly specific uric
acid transporter. 26th Smyte (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics), Braga,
99. C. Gournas, S. Amillis, A. Vlanti and G. Diallinas. 2008. Regulationn of a uric acid
transporter endopcytosis. 26th Smyte (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics),
Braga, Portugal.
100. P.C. Borbolis, C. Gournas, M. Karachaliou, D. Hatzinicolaou, A. Pantazopoulou, and G.
Diallinas. 2008. A cryptic role of uric acid metabolism and intercellular transport in fungal
development reveals analogies with metazoa. 26th Smyte (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport
and Energetics), Braga, Portugal.
101. G. Diallinas. (2008). Genetic dissection of a purine transporter or how UapA specificity is
determined. Final Eurofungbase Meeting, LSSG-CT-2005-018964, San Feliu de Guixols,
102. S. Amillis, A. Vlanti, C. Gournas, and G. Diallinas. (2008). Substrate- and ammonium
induced endocytosis down-regulate the UapA purine transporter through ubiquitination.
Final Eurofungbase Meeting, LSSG-CT-2005-018964, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain
103. F. Borbolis, M. Karachaliou, C. Gournas, D. Hatzinikolaou, A. Pantazopoulou, and G.
Diallinas. (2008). A cryptic role of uric acid metabolism and intercellular redistribution in
Aspergillus nidulans development. Final Eurofungbase Meeting, LSSG-CT-2005-018964,
San Feliu de Guixols, Spain
104. I. Soares-Silva, Z. Foskolou, G. Diallinas, M. Casal. (2009) Identification of a new domain
of the lactate/pyruvate:H+ symporter subfamily critical for distinguishing mono- and dicarboxylate permeases. 24th International Conference on Yeast Genetics & Molecular
Biology, Manchester, UK
105. A. Pavlides, S. Amillis, V. Paspaliaris, G. Diallinas. C. Gournas. 2009. Mediators of
transporter endocytosis in A. nidulans: the protagonist role of hulA ubiquitin ligase. 31th
Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Patras, Greece
106. GE. Anasontzis, PM. Stathopoulou, S. Amilis, AD. Karagouni, G. Diallinas, DG.
Hatzinikolaou. 2009. Homologous overexpression of phosphoglucomutase and transaldolase
in Fusarium oxysporum. European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB-14), Barcelona, Spain
107. C. Gournas, S. Amillis, A. Vlanti, G. Diallinas 2009. Transport-dependent turnover of a
uric acid-xanthine permease occurs via a novel endocytic mechanism. Proceedings of the
60th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
Athens, Greece
108. G. Diallinas (2009) Structure-function relationships and mechanisms of protein trafficking
in A. nidulans transporters. Eurofungbase Meeting, Wagenigen, Holland.
109. V. Bitsikas, M. Karachaliou, C. Gournas, A. Pavlides, G. Diallinas (2010) Hypertonic
conditions trigger transient plasmolyis, growth arrest and blocjkage of endocytosis in
Aspergillus nidulans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 32th Panhellenic Conference of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Karpenisi, Greece
110. M. Karachaliou, J. Leung, C. Alves, B. Byrne, G. Diallinas (2010) Expression &
Purification of a functional uric acid-xanthine transporter (UapA) 32th Panhellenic
Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Karpenisi, Greece
111. M. Karachaliou, V. Bitsikas, C. Gournas, A. Pavlides, G. Diallinas (2010) Hypertonic
conditions trigger transient plasmolyis, growth arrest and blockage of endocytosis in
Aspergillus nidulans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 9th International Mycological Congress
(IMC9: the Biology of Fungi), Edinburgh, Scotland.
112. Talaia, G., Diallinas, G., Casal, M., Paiva, S. 2011. Pinpointing intracelllar trafficking
determinants in the Jen1 yeast lactate transporter by domain swap. MicroBiotec11 Congress,
1-3 December 2011, Braga, Portugal.
113. S. Amillis, V. Kosti, M. Karachaliou, V. Giallelis & G. Diallinas 2011. Signals and
mechanisms of transporter endocytosis in a model fungal system. EMBO Conference Series,
Dynamic Endosomes: Mechanisms Controlling Endocytosis. 24-29th September 2011,
Chania, Greece
114. V. Τialelis, G. Diallinas & S. Amillis 2011. The amino terminal region of the uric/xanthine
permease UapA contains regulatory motif for its sub-cellular trafficking and function. 4th
Hellenic Society Mikrobiokosmos Congress, 21-23rd October 2011, Ioannina, Greece
115. A. Krypotou, V. Kosti, S. Amillis, E. Mikros, V. Myrianthopoulos, G. Diallinas 2011.
Structure-function relationships in the cytosine-purine transporter FcyB through rational
mutational analysis and structural modelling. 4th Hellenic Society Mikrobiokosmos Congress,
21-23rd October 2011, Ioannina, Greece
116. A. Krypotou, V. Kosti, V. Myrianthopoulos, E. Mikros, S. Amillis, G. Diallinas 2011. A
combined computational and genetic approach for studying structure-function relationships
in the cytosine-purine transporter FcyB Proceedings of the 62th Scientific Conference of the
Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens, Greece
117. Amillis S., Karachaliou M., Kosti V., Giallelis V., Vlanti A., Gournas C., & Diallinas G.
2011. Signals and mechanisms of membrane cargo trafficking and endocytosis in a model
fungal system. Proceedings of the 62th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens, Greece
118. J.S. Pessoa, I.Soares Silva, V. Myrianthopoulos, E. Mikros, G.Diallinas, M. Casal. 2011.
Identification of amino acid residues critical for the substrate translocation in lactate
permease Jen1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 55th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical
Society, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
119. J.S. Pessoa, S. Viegas, G. Rocha, G. Diallinas, S. Paiva, C. Arraiano, M. Casal. 2011.
Discovery and initial characterization of members of the new YaaH family of microbial
acetate transporters. 55th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore Convention
Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
120. Kokotos AC, Evangelinos M, Diallinas G. 2012. Transporter down-regulation in a model
fungal system: Cross-talk of cargo ubiquitination with initiation of endocytosis. 32nd
European Peptide Symposium, Athens, Greece
121. G. Diallinas, E. Mikros & B. Byrne. 2012. Structure-function-specificity relationships in a
eukaryotic purine transporter: From genetics to molecular topology. 3rd International
Workshop on Expression, Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins, Florence, Italy
122. E. Krypotou, V. Kosti, S. Amillis, E. Mikros, B. Byrne and G. Diallinas. 2012. Towards
the elucidation of structure-function relationships at the molecular level of two prototypic
nucleobase transporters in Aspergillus nidulans. Eurofung meeting, Berlin, Germany.
123. G. Diallinas. 2012. FEBS Special Meeting, Protein Quality Control and Ubiquitin Systems
in health and disease, Kusadasi, Turkey.
124. Karachaliou M., Amillis S. and Diallinas G. 2012. Mechanisms of ubiquitination and
endocytic internalization of a transporter cargo in a model fungal system. FEBS Special
Meeting, Protein Quality Control and Ubiquitin Systems in health and disease, Kusadasi,
125. Kosti V. & Diallinas G. 2012. A novel AP3-dependent vacuolar degradation pathway for
intrinsically unstable mutants of the UapA transporter: evidence for Golgi control for
unfolded proteins. Proceedings of the 63th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Iraklio, Crete, Greece
126. Krypotou E., Kosti V., Amillis S., Myrianthopoulos V., Mikros E., Diallinas G. 2012.
Modeling, substrate docking and mutational analysis identify residues essential for the
function and specificity of the purine-cytosine transporter FcyB. . Proceedings of the 63th
Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Iraklio,
Crete, Greece
127. G. Diallinas. 2013. The arrestin-like protein ArtA is essential for ubiquitination &
endocytosis of the UapA transporter in response to both broad-range & specific signals. 27th
Fungal Genetics Conference, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California USA
128. K. Galanopoulou, M.Galinou, F. Borbolis, M. Karachaliou, S. Amillis, & G. Diallinas.
2013. Subcellular localization of key proteins involved in purine catabolism: functional
implications and cryptic roles. 34th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of
Biological Sciences, Nafplio, Greece.
129. M. Evangelinos, M. Karachaliou, A. C. Kokotos, V. Yalelis, S. Amillis & G. Diallinas.
2013. The arrestin-like protein ArtA is essential for ubiquitination and endocytosis of the
UapA transporter in response to both broad-range and specific signals. 34th Panhellenic
Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Nafplio, Greece.
130. M. Karachaliou and G. Diallinas. FEBS-EMBO Advanced Lecture Course, Biomembranes:
Molecular Architecture, Dynamics and Function, Cargese, Corsica, France, June 10-20,
131. M. Evangelinos, V. Kosti, S. Amillis and G. Diallinas. Turnover of misfolded purine
transport moleculaes via a novel ubiquitin-dependent quality control mechanism. 31st
SMYTE meeting (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics) Antalya, Turkey,
September 24 - 28, 2013.
132. G. Diallinas. Distinct mecahnisms control ubiquitination and turnover of the UapA
transporter in response to physiological signals or protein misfolding. 31st SMYTE meeting
(Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics) Antalya, Turkey, September 24 - 28,
133. G. Diallinas. Regulation of Transporter endocytosis and turnover: Lessons from a simple
fungal system. 2nd International Congress of the Molecular Society of Turkey (EMBO
sponsored), 22-23 November 2013.
134. E. Krypotou, G. Lambrinides, T. Evangelidis, E. Mikros & G. Diallinas. Modeling,
substrate docking and mutational analysis identify residues essential for function and
specificity of a major fungal purine transporter. Proceedings of the 64th Scientific Conference
of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens, Greece. 6-8 December
135. M. Evangelinos, S. Amillis, M. Karachaliou & G. Diallinas. Transporter sorting and
endocytosis: lessons from a model fungus. Proceedings of the 64th Scientific Conference of
the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens, Greece. 6-8 December
136. Karachaliou M., Amillis S., Yalelis V. & Diallinas G. Role of oligomerization in the
trafficking and vacuolar turnover of a purine transporter in a model fungal system EMBO
Workshop: Signalling to and from endomembranes, Allensbach-Hegne, Germany, 15-19
March 2014.
137. G. Diallinas. How transporter specificity is determined: an emerging role of channel-like
gating domains (lessons from Aspergillus nidulans. ECFG12-Seville, Spain, 23-27 March
138. M. Evangelinos & G. Diallinas. A novel ER/Golgi-resident mechanism controls vacuolar
turnover of partially misfolded transporters. ECFG12-Seville, Spain, 23-27 March 2014.
139. E. Krypotou, G. Lamprinidis, T. Evangelidis, E. Mikros, C. Scazzocchio & G. Diallinas.
Cryptic functions and evolution of substrate specificities in the Fur-like transporter family in
Aspergillus nidulans. ECFG12-Seville, Spain, 23-27 March 2014.
140. M. Evangelinos, S. Amillis, I. Rousounelou & G. Diallinas. Specific partially misfolded
versions of the UapA transporter are turned-over by ubiquitination-dependent selective
autophagy. 1st PROTEOSTASIS Meeting, Cost proteostasis action bm1307, Valencia, Spain,
4-7 November 2014
141. O. Martzoukou, M. Karachaliou, M. Evangelinos, S. Amillis, & G. Diallinas. The role of
transmembrane cargo oligomerization in ER-exit and membrane organization. 1st
PROTEOSTASIS Meeting, Cost proteostasis action bm1307, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 November