Πρόβλεμα Online Gaming με modem Thomson και Speedtouch

Πρόβλεμα Online Gaming με
Thomson και Speedtouch
Περιγραθή προβλήμαηος
Εάλ πξνζπαζείηε λα παίμεηε online παηρλίδηα αιιά
εκθαλίδεηαη error ζηνλ ππνινγηζηή ζαο γηα
NAT/DMZ/Port forwarding δνθηκάζηε απηή ηελ
Copyright ©Cyta 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Σν παξόλ έγγξαθν απνζθνπεί ζηελ ελεκέξσζε
ησλ ζπλδξνκεηώλ ηεο Cyta.
Οπνηαδήπνηε αιιαγή ζηηο ξπζκίζεηο ηνπ
κόληεκ ζαο, κεηώλεη ην επίπεδν αζθάιεηαο
ζύλδεζεο θαη ζα αθνινπζείηαη κε δηθή ζαο
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Copyright ©Cyta 2012. All Rights Reserved.
 Σα νλόκαηα ησλ πξντόλησλ ηεο Cyta είλαη εκπνξηθά
ζήκαηα ή θαηαρσξεκέλα εκπνξηθά ζήκαηα ηεο Cyta.
 Άιια νλόκαηα πξντόλησλ ή εηαηξεηώλ πνπ
αλαθέξνληαη κπνξεί λα είλαη εκπνξηθά ζήκαηα ή
εκπνξηθέο νλνκαζίεο ησλ αληίζηνηρσλ ηδηνθηεηώλ
 Δελ δίλεηαη ε άδεηα ή ην δηθαίσκα λα
ρξεζηκνπνηεζνύλ νπνηαδήπνηε ζήκαηα, ρσξίο ηελ
πξνεγνύκελε γξαπηή ζπγθαηάζεζε ηεο Cyta ή ηνπ
ηξίηνπ κέξνπο, ηδηνθηήηε απηώλ.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
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 Πεξηγξαθή πξνβιήκαηνο
 Δηαδηθαζία Επίιπζεο Πξνβιήκαηνο
 Δηαδηθαζία Static IP Playstation 3
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Περιγραθή προβλήμαηος
 Όηαλ πξνζπαζείηε λα παίμεηε online κέζσ
ζύλδεζεο Cyta, ην κήλπκα πνπ εκθαλίδεηαη ην
πνην πηζαλό λα είλαη θάηη παξόκνην κε απηό:
“You can only play 1 VS 1 "Ranked
Matches" in Quick Match. This is due to
restrictions places on your connection by
Networking Devices you are using. The
issue may be solved by connecting your
hardware directly to the internet or by
configuring your networking device such as
your router.”
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Περιγραθή προβλήμαηος
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
 Εργαλεία ποσ τρειάδονηαι:
 Telnet server (΢πζηήλεηε, έλαο freeware
telnet client όπσο ν Putty, όπνπ κπνξείηε λα
ην θαηεβάζεηε από ηελ
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 1: Αλνίμεηε ην Internet Explorer θαη γξάςεηε ζην Address Bar ηελ ζειίδα ηνπ modem
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 2: Κάησ από ην Broadband Connection ζην θέληξν ηεο νζόλεο, ζεκεηώζηε αλ είλαη
Connected ην “IP Internet” ε ην “PPP Internet” (Θα ην ρξεηαζηνύκε αξγόηεξα)
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 3: Παηάκε πάλσ ζην Toolbox κεηά ζην Game and Application Sharing.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
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Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 4: Μεηά ζην Configure
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 5: Φεύγνπκε ηελ επηινγή από ην θνπηάθη πνπ γξάθεi “Use UPnP”.
Μεηά ην Apply.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
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Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 6: Αλνίγνπκε ην Putty, επηιεγνύκε ην Telnet από ηηο επηινγέο Connection Type.
Γξάθνπκε ην IP ηνπ Modem ην όπνην είλαη θαη παηάκε ην Open.(Δελ
αιιάδνπκε ηίπνηα άιιν)
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 7: Θα αλνίμεη έλα λέν παξάζπξν θαη ζα βάιεηε ην login name ηνπ modem ηεο Cyta
ην όπνην είλαη “cytadsl” θαη παηάκε Enter.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 8: Μεηά βάδνπκε ην password ην όπνην είλαη “cytaspeed”
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
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Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 9:
Γηα PPP Internet : γξάθνπκε ηελ εληνιή:
“nat tmpladd intf=pppInternet type=nat outside_addr=
(Αιιάδνπκε ην xx κε ηνλ αξηζκό πνπ δηαιέμακε από ην 50-200) θαη παηάκε enter
Γηα IP Internet : γξάθνπκε ηελ εληνιή
“nat tmpladd intf=ipInternet type=nat outside_addr=
(Αιιάδνπκε ην xx κε ηνλ αξηζκό πνπ δηαιέμακε από ην 50-200) θαη παηάκε enter
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Διαδικαζία Επίλσζες
Βήμα 10: Γξάθνπκε “saveall” παηάκε enter. Γξάθνπκε “exit” θαη μαλαπαηάκε enter.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 1: Ελεξγνπνηήζηε ην PS3 ζαο, θαη ζηε ζπλέρεηα λα πεξηεγεζείηε
ζηελ επηινγή Settings ζην θύξην κελνύ .
Μεηαθίλεζε πξνο ηα θάησ απηή ηε ιίζηα γηα Network Settings.
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 2: Αθνύ έρεηε επηιέμεη Network Settings, κεηαθίλεζε πξνο ηα
δεμηά θαη επηιέμηε Internet Connection Settings
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 3: Επηιέμηε Custom γηα ηε κέζνδν εγθαηάζηαζεο.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 4: ΢ηελ επόκελε ζειίδα επηιέμηε Wired Connection ή Wireless ζύλδεζεο αλάινγα κε ην
πώο ην PS3 ζαο είλαη ζπλδεδεκέλνο ζην δίθηπό ζαο.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 5: Θα επηιέμεηε Manual ζηε ζειίδα Ρύζκηζε IP δηεπζύλζεσλ.
Although every effort has been taken, this DRAFT technical paper has been
prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 6: Εηζάγεηε ηε δηεύζπλζε IP πνπ ζέιεηε λα ρξεζηκνπνηήζεηε γηα ην PS3 ζαο ζε απηή
ηε ζειίδα.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
΢ην IP address γξάθνπκε 192.168.10.xx (Όπνπ xx ν αξηζκόο πνπ ζέιεηε λα
βάιεηε, ζπληζηνύκε έλα αξηζκό κεηαμύ 50-200)
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway: ηελ IP ηνπ router(
DNS βάδνπκε αλ είκαζηε PPP Internet ηα:
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :
Αλ είκαζηε IP Internet βάδνπκε:
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 7: Επηιέμηε Απηόκαηε γηα ηηο ξπζκίζεηο MTU.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
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Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 8: Do Not Use Proxy Server.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
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Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 9: Επηιέμεηε ην Disable ζην UPnP
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 10: Η δηεύζπλζε IP PS3 ζαο ζα πξέπεη λα επηβεβαησζεί.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για ηο
Βήμα 11: Παηήζηε Test Connection γηα λα γίλεη ν έιεγρνο.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Δεμιοσργία Σηαηικού IP για
ηο PS3.
Βήμα 12: Όιεο νη δνθηκέο ζα πξέπεη λα πεξάζεη, εθηόο από ην UPNP.
Εάλ έρεη γίλεi θαη ε ξύζκηζε ζην modem ζαο, ζα πξέπεη ην ΝΑΣ λα
είλαη ηύπνο 2.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein
Θέιεηε βνήζεηα;
Αλ βξήθαηε θάπνηα δπζθνιία θαη ρξεηάδεζηε βνήζεηα ξσηήζηε ζην Forum ή ζηείιηε κήλπκα
ζην Twitter @cytasupport ή θαιέζηε ζην 132.
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prepared in good faith and might include inaccuracies…. Cyta can not be held
responsible/ liable for any loss or damage from information contained herein