Veteran Car Donate Phoenix

Veteran Car Donations Phoenix
Veteran Car Donations Phoenix works hard for the welfare of our U.S.
military servicemen and servicewomen, our veterans, their families,
their communities and consequently, our nation. These HEROES served
our country – without hesitation – in order to preserve peace and the
rights we hold sacred.
Donate Car Phoenix
Veteran Car Donations Phoenix auctions your car and uses the
proceeds to help support veterans.
There are many reasons why to donate car Phoenix and help our
forgotten heroes. First of all, the money used pays for things like
shelters, food, and medical care.
Veteran Car Donations Phoenix government doesn’t provide
nearly enough support for servicemen and women returning to
civilian life.
As a result, as much as 50,000 of these people are homeless.
One way you can help is by donate car Phoenix, believe it or not!
You can contribute and support those people by donating your
Address: 2550 W. Union Hills Drive, Suite 350, Phoenix, AZ
85027, USA
Phone: (480) 418-3824
Official Website:

Veteran Car Donations Phoenix auctions your car and uses the proceeds to help support veterans. There are many reasons why to donate car Phoenix ( ) and help our forgotten heroes. First of all, the money used pays for things like shelters, food, and medical care. Address : 2550 W. Union Hills Drive, Suite 350, Phoenix, AZ 85027, USA Phone : (480) 418-3824 Official Website :