HealthFit Personal Training Pasadena, CA

Welcome To HealthFit Personal Trainer
HealthFit Personal Trainer is a successful track & field and
football athlete. He has a fascination in body mechanics,
and always instills proper form with his clients because he
understands that less injuries coincides with better results.
Personal Training Pasadena CA
At Healthfit Personal Trainers Pasadena, our ultimate goal is
to give you the tools in order to help you feel strong, calm
and engaged in your life. We understand the ups and downs
of life can quickly put blockers in people's health regimine.
Personal training in Pasadena CA can change the way you
look at fitness and help you to reach fitness goals you never
thought were possible.
Contact Us
Address: 145 Vista Ave, Suite 105, Pasadena, CA 91107
Phone Number: (626) 340-2611

HealthFit Personal Trainer is a successful track & field and football athlete. He has a fascination in body mechanics, and always instills proper form with his clients because he understands that less injuries coincides with better results. With his numerous certifications, he continues to invest in continuing education that both quenches his thirst for knowledge and serve his clients to the best of his ability. Call at (626) 340-2611 for more information about personal training in Pasadena CA or visit our website. Address: 145 Vista Ave, Suite 105, Pasadena, CA 91107 Phone Number: (626) 340-2611 Website: