l uH'r t Brands Do you buy store brands. (ones owned by the chain store se*ing them) when food shopping? Why? lWhy not? Reading Read this article from the Financìol Times andanswer the guestions. ,.lqV,*,6r.,,o*rrieglyg. % i' Real chief says own brand is the way ahead by Gerrit Wiesmann in Germany Neuss, Joèl Saveuse walks across the Real hypermarket in northern Germany s in search of.those iittle biscuits,. Moving from toys to the freezer section, the 55-year_old, who runs thecountry's biggest food retailer, finds what he is looking for in aisle 45. .This is my iavourite .rs 'I ook. here's a simple picture of Together cent now. by replacing its different in_housé zo brands with a single orvn brand that links the retailer rvith a product range. The aim is to raise in_house brand sales frgl I 5 per cenr up ro 25 per cent offood sales in trvò to zs three years'time. Mr Sav.ur" ruy, that customers get top quality flr at Ieast I5 per cent less-thanihey would pay for a name brand _ anà is aiming for a quora, up froÀ 25 per . A{r.r. working on the concept for the last year, Real introducÉd .o 850 Real euality irems this September - coincitlental but with a handful" of rivals, the Frencirman is star.ting a small revolution in German! and Carrefour 3O-per-cenr product,' Mr Saveuse says, io holding a packet of chocolaL_ fiìled Mini Double Biscuits. the contents,'he says as his finger moye: across the packaging, ,and rs top left is the..Real quality.;logo., Real gets- a better profit margin. Such logic has seen Èeal,s foreign rivals push true own_brand Iines for decades. Real reckons up to 60 per cent of Tesco,s UK sales come from its three Tesco brands, 30 rs 'absolutely perfect timing' for the economic downturn that iollowed the banking crisis, the Real head f"ays. Although Mr Saveuse says that shopping habits at Real have not yet been affected by economic tvoes, he stresses that next year 5,r could see shoppers buying more own brands as they look foi more value lor mone),. .Crisis doesn.t just bring.disadvantages.' he says. Civen the power of own brands , good rn times and bad. it is ss surprising that German retailers only launched distinctive last year. The cause Germany's porverful discounters. AIdi and Lidl have in the past rn generation helped corner 40 per cent of the food retail market - as against 6 per cent in the UK - by selling liftle else than a small range of own brancls, 65 a move copied by Real, with, say, its lorv-cost .Tip, range. 'But we,re intemationalising now,'Mr Saveuse says. .In polanà and. Turkey, we're competing ;o against Carefour and f.r.o] in Russia and Romania againsi Carrefour * that has forcJd us to focus on true own_brand as a liray of building our presence., rs Strengthening the Real brand is key to reviving the chain. A 19"T, held back by discounters, Mr Saveuse reckons the German hypermarket has a fuiure. He m should know. Until 2005, he rvas second-in_command at hypermarket pioneer Carrefour. lines 11,4 @ Pearson Education Limited 2010 pHorocoptABr.E t$ 0I0z pallur!1 uollElnp3 uosiPad 9tt o Ilavldo)oloHd (§ tlder8ered) iereqmasla sE Aueureg u1 lueyodurgse uaaq lou spuerq umo e^BLlfiqnn g salllnlgJlp u1 s1 ituouora aqt uaqm (!n umop oE'r1e's1go:d 'sales uaL{M (^ tqBu lsn[s18u1q1auos op ot eut] aq] uaqm (^! Arln:91gp suo!}nl!ìsu! u! ala/v\ auallxa lplluPuU uaqru (1; s8ulqt dnq Allensn aldoad '3la 'Mor-l 'uaqal'alaqnn laìleu aL{} uo aluanlju! 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