Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2014 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 482 011001 (http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/482/1/011001) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 22/01/2015 at 15:52 Please note that terms and conditions apply. Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 482 (2014) 011001 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/482/1/011001 Preface Modern theory of nonlinear integrable equations is nowdays an important and effective tool of study for numerous nonlinear phenomena in various branches of physics from hydrodynamics and optics to quantum filed theory and gravity. It includes the study of nonlinear partial differential and discrete equations, regular and singular behaviour of their solutions, Hamitonian and bi- Hamitonian structures, their symmetries, associated deformations of algebraic and geometrical structures with applications to various models in physics and mathematics. The PMNP 2013 conference focused on recent advances and developments in • • • • • Continuous and discrete, classical and quantum integrable systems Hamiltonian, critical and geometric structures of nonlinear integrable equations Integrable systems in quantum field theory and matrix models Models of nonlinear phenomena in physics Applications of nonlinear integrable systems in physics The Scientific Committee of the conference was formed by • • • • • Francesco Calogero (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy) Boris A. Dubrovin (SISSA, Italy) Yuji Kodama (Ohio State University, USA) Franco Magri (University of Milan ‘Bicocca’, Italy) Vladimir E. Zakharov (University of Arizona, USA, and Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia) The Organizing Committee: Boris G. Konopelchenko, Giulio Landolfi, Luigi Martina, Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi” and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, and Raffaele Vitolo, Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi”. The conference was supported by: • E.I.N.S.T.E.IN Consortium • MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita‘ e della Ricerca; Italy). Project: P.R.I.N. Geometric and analytic theory of Hamiltonian systems in finite and infinite dimensions • University of Salento and Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi”, Lecce, Italy. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1 Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 482 (2014) 011001 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/482/1/011001 The conference was attended by about 140 participants. We thank all of them for their talks, posters, convival discussions and the papers presented here. All these contributed to the success of the PMNP 2013 conference. B.G. Konopelchenko, G. Landolfi, L. Martina, R. Vitolo, Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi” 2 Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 482 (2014) 011001 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/482/1/011001 Plenary speakers • Francesco Calogero (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy), Isochronous systems are not rare; • Boris A. Dubrovin (SISSA, Trieste, Italy), Integrable systems in small dispersion expansion • Athanassios S. Fokas (University of Cambridge, UK), Explicit formulae for the asymptotic behavior of the unknown boundary values for integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs on the half-line • Yuji Kodama (Ohio State University, USA), Construction of KP solitons from wave patterns • Franco Magri (University of Milan ‘Bicocca’, Italy), Haantjes manifolds • Andrey K. Pogrebkov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia), IST of KPII equation for perturbed multisoliton solutions • Paolo M. Santini (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy), Overview of results on commuting vector fields and integrable PDEs of hydrodynamic type in multidimensions • Junkichi Satsuma (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan), Ultradiscrete analysis on linear and nonlinear systems • Alexey B. Shabat (Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, RAN, Moscow, Russia), Symmetric polynomials and conservation laws • Kanihisa Takasaki (Kyoto University, Japan), Modified melting crystal model and Ablowitz- Ladik hierarchy • Harry Yeh (Oregon State University, USA), Laboratory Realization of Kodama’s KP-Soliton Solutions • Anton V. Zabrodin (ITEP, Moscow, Russia), Bethe ansatz and Hirota equation in integrable models • Vladimir E. Zakharov (University of Arizona, USA, and Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia), Integrable turbulence and nonlinear stage of modulational instability List of talks Simonetta Abenda Igor Barashenkov Julia Bernatska Leonid Bogdanov Sonia Boscolo Georgy I. Burde Diletta Burini Silvana De Lillo Vladislav Dubrovskiy Anton Dzhamay Victor A. Eremenko Gregorio Falqui Renato Fedele Grassmannians and multi-soliton solutions to KP-II an algebraic-geometric approach PT-symmetry breaking and PT-symmetric solitons in a necklace of coupled optical waveguides SU(3) magnet: finite-gap integration on the lowest genus curve Projective differential geometry of multidimensional dispersionless integrable hierarchies. Nonlinear pulse shaping and soliton dynamics in mode- locked fibre lasers Alternative Sets of Multisoliton Solutions of Some Integrable Equations Nonlocal Spectral Formulation of a Three Fluid System and Numerical Investigation of Traveling Wave Solutions Traveling Waves in Elastic Rods with Arbitrary Curvature and Torsion About linear superpositions of Nizhnik-Veselov-Novikov equation Discrete Schlesinger Transformations and Difference Painlevé Equations Nonlinear interaction of the concentrated waves Inertia and stratification in incompressible Euler fluids in 2D channels Relativistic charged-particle beam motion as thermal matter wave envelope: modulational instability and soliton formation 3 Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 482 (2014) 011001 Eugene Ferapontov Vladimir Gerdjikov Yves Grandati Tamara Grava Petr Grinevich John Harnad Véronique Hussin Rossen Ivanov Anton Izosimov Leonid Kalyakin Karima Khusnutdinova Arthemy Kiselevv Lyubomir Kovachev Joseph Krasil’shchik Boris Kruglikov Anjan Kundu Grzegorz Kwiatkowski Sergey Leble Jyh-Hao Lee Francois Leyvraz Waltz Sara Lombardo Natalia I. Manaenkova Kenichi Maruno Annalisa Marzuoli Vladimir Matveev Oleg Mokhov Antonio Moro Richard Morris Folkert Mueller-Hoissen Vladimir Novikov Victor Novokshenov Maria Clara Nucci Oktay Pashaev IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/482/1/011001 On the central quadric ansatz: integrable models and Painleve reductions Riemann-Hilbert Problems with canonical normalization and families of commuting operators Extended Krein-Adler theorem for state-adding DarbouxBaecklund transformations Asymptotic expansion in one matrix-Models Discrete SL2 Connections and Self-Adjoint Difference Operators on the Triangulated 2-manifolds. Symmetric polynomials, generalized Jacobi-Trudi identities and Tau functions Grassmannian sigma models and constant curvature solutions Euler-Poincaré equations for G-strands Bi-Hamiltonian structures and stability Stability under white noise perturbation On KdV and KP equations in non-Cartesian geometries On the geometry of the BV-Laplacian A New Class of Localized Solutions of the Linear and Nonlinear Wave Equations Integrable structures on deformed cotangent coverings to PDEs Dispersionless integrable PDEs and Einstein-Weyl geometry Novel Hierarchies and Hidden Dimensions in Integrable Field Models: Theory and Application Quantum corrections to soliton solutions and applications Pseudopotentials by Moutard transformations and differen- tial geometry NLS with Quantum Potential and the Related Reaction- Diffusion Systems A macroscopic system with undamped periodic compressional oscillations Rational solitons of wave resonant interaction models Applications of Tools of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis to Ionospheric Data Self-adaptive mesh discrete integrable systems Hamiltonian dynamics of a quantum of space: quadratic symmetry algebras and discrete orthogonal polynomials Large parametric asymptotic of the multi-rogue waves solutions of the NLS equation and rogue wave solutions of the KP-I equation Commuting ordinary differential operators of arbitrary rank and genus Integrable viscous conservation laws and applications Symmetries, Conservation Laws and Reductions of a Fourth-order Wave Equation Soliton interactions in a tropical limit Integrable systems in 2+1-dimensions: deformations of dispersionless limits Double scaling limit of the generalized Hermite and Okamoto polynomials Spectral realization of the Riemann zeros by quantizing H = w(x)(p + lpˆ2/p): the Lie-Noether symmetry approach Two Circle Theorem, q-Periodic Functions and Entangled Qubit States 4 Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 482 (2014) 011001 Maxim Pavlov Alexander Protogenov Orlando Ragnisco Colin Rogers Vladimir Roubtsov Jan Sanders Christian Scimiterna Michael Semenov Tian-Shansky Matteo Sommacal Piergiulio Tempesta Giorgio Tondo Dmytro Uvarov Tihomir Valchev Pavel Winternitz Chaozhong Wu Derchyi Wu Ismet Yurdusen Yair Zarmi IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/482/1/011001 Whitham Equations and Multi-dimensional Euler–Darboux– Poisson System Topological invariants and homotopy groups of SU(3) TBA On q-logarithmic integrable Hamiltonian reductions in spatial anisentropic gasdynamics Quadratic Poisson structures on free associative algebra representations and double brackets Automorphic Lie Algebras Classification of C- and S-integrable equations defined on a three or four-points lattice Poisson Structure of Difference Lax Equations, Exchange Algebras and Difference Galois Theory Propagating two-dimensional magnetic droplets Applications of Formal Groups to Nonlinear Physics and Number Theory Generalized Lenard Chains, Separation of Variables and Superintegrability Towards proving integrability of AdS 4 x CPˆ3 superstring equations On Quadratic Bundles Related to Hermitian Symmetric Spaces Lie point symmetries of differential difference equations Tau functions and Virasoro symmetries for Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies Integrable twisted hierarchies with D2 symmetries Superintegrable systems with spin Particles hidden in soliton dynamics in more than one space dimension 5 Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 482 (2014) 011001 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/482/1/011001 List of posters Nora Alexeeva Anita Bagora Roy Choudhury Fiammetta Conforto Laurent Delisle Gianluca De Pasquale Elizaveta Dubrovina Valeriy Dvoeglazov Zahida Ehsan Mahmoud M. El-Borai Gianpiero Gervino Mariagiovanna Gianfreda Benoit Huard Abdul H. Kara Nino Khatiashvili Svetlana Kordyukova Andrea Lavagno Tony Lyons Guido Macorini Abdul Mannan Luigi Martina Phetogo Masemola De-Xin Meng Zoltan Néda Antonio Palacios Carlo Palmisano Dmitry Pikulin Sarah Post Chris Radford Angela Ricciardello Danilo Riglioni Marianna Ruggieri Alexey Samokhin Optical solitons in PT-Symmetric nonlinear couplers with gain and loss Dust Fluid Tilted Bianchi Type V Cosmological Models With Electromagnetic field Building Integrable NLPDE Hierarchies with Temporally AND Spatially Varying Coefficients About the Quasi Steady State Approximation for a Reaction Diffusion System Describing a Chain of Irreversible Chemical Reactions Classical and Susy solutions of the BLMP equation Numerical solution of the (2+1)D NLSE in a semi-strip Water dissociation in a bipolar membrane Notoph-Graviton-Photon Coupling Excitation of strong radiations through beating of Lasers (EMWs) and its interdisciplinary applications Integrated semi groups and the Cauchy problem for some none linear fractional differential equation Nonlinear nuclear equation of state and thermodynamical instabilities in warm and dense nuclear matter C operators in PT -symmetric quantum mechanics Classification of Integrable Davey-Stewartson Type Equations Symmetries and conservation laws of differential and difference equations On some effective solutions of the Non-Linear Schrodinger Equation Double boundary layer in asymptotics of nonlinear problem Power-law distributions in protoneutron stars Dark soliton and peakon solutions of the Qiao Equation Towards the dressing phase in the AdS_3/CFT_2 duality Nonlinear evolution of concentric solitons in shallow water and their envelope soliton counterparts Waves in the Skyrme–Faddeev model On the invariances, conservation laws, and conserved quantities of a transformed pt symmetric coupler Interactions of solitons for a variable-coefficient generalized dispersive water-wave system Chaos on the conveyor belt Nonlinear Dynamics of a Network of Spin Torque Nano-Oscillators Resonant driving of a quartic oscillator Complete bifurcation analysis of DC-DC converters under current mode control Contractions of quadratic algebras and limits of superintegrable systems Static Stellar Systems are Spherically Symmetric Hexacopter flight modeling Classical and quantum Superintegrable systems from coalgebra symmetry Optimal System of one Dimensional Subalgebras for Generalized KdV Equations On certain classes of symmetries for delay-difference equations 6 Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013 (PMNP2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 482 (2014) 011001 Yoshinao Shiraki Gabriele Sicuro Maria Paola Speciale Fatema Tanjia Nasser-eddine Tatar Vladimir Tyuterev Federica Vitale Raffaele Vitolo Herbert Wiegel Ge Yi Weighting Function for Improving the Convergence Performance of IRWLS-Based All-Pass IIR Filters Lie symmetries for fractional partial differential equations Solitary wave solutions for a perturbed coupled KdV equations derived from two-layer fuids Relativisitic charged particle beam dynamics via the generation of wake field Hopfield neural networks with non-Lipschitz activation functions Symmetry breaking and bifurcations in semi-classical and quantum analyses of molecular vibration modes The inverse scattering transform for the defocusing nonlinear Schr"odinger equation with nonzero boundary condition On the classification of homogeneous differential-geometric third-order Poisson brackets Kink-Antikink scattering in phi^4 and phi^6 models The para-Jacobi polynomials and their applications in some solvable isochronous systems List of other participants Oluwaseun Mattew Adeyemi Matteo Beccaria Khadija Bilal Mahmoud el-Borai Steven Brett Federica Cataldini Marta Dell’Atti Elisaveta Dubrovina Joel Ekstrand Mohammed Amin Ghezzar Francesco Giglio Davide Guzzetti David Janjgava Robert Jenkins Gianni Manno Dario Merzi C.Radhakrishnan Nair Barbara Prinari Rakeshwar Purohit Simone Quaranta Carmen Ropchan Kamel Tahri Daniele Valeri IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/482/1/011001 Ibadan Lecce Alexandria IOP Publishing Lecce Lecce London Trieste Mostaganem Lecce Trieste Tblisi Trieste Jena Trieste Trivandrum Lecce Udaipur Lecce Edmonton Tlemcen Trieste NG IT DZ EG UK IT IT UK IT DZ IT IT GE IT DE IT IN IT IN IT CA DZ IT 7
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