Swiss Olympic Talents Card National und Regional 2014, gültig bis 30.04.2015 Karten-Nr. N° carte Name Nom Vorname Prénom Kanton Canton Karte Carte Sportarten Disciplines sportives 489037 685871 1362674 489156 1216162 1216099 1372780 490893 861348 861416 660886 660639 972841 834609 854014 861364 1036095 1043890 905068 1188577 685929 714191 882316 1198822 886036 920323 661212 685931 879944 920282 685872 874786 660889 866338 1199520 658269 1217894 685968 867700 842126 890138 1074402 983152 876800 852528 957196 661074 852573 866337 808075 1191681 757171 1192039 1199521 983224 489138 685997 890137 660836 920355 489152 Aeberhard Aebi Aebi Aeschlimann Allemann Allenspach Andersson Ast Auriemma Auriemma Baltisberger Bandiera Bearth Berni Bertsche Blaser Bolinger Bonati Bracher Brantschen Braun Brazzola Breiter Brunner Brunner Brändli Brügger Bucher Buchli Burren Bärtschi Bürki Büsser Canonica Capelli Chiquet Cho Christen Chuard Cosandier Dayer Derungs Descloux Diem Dietrich Doyon Dufner Dupertuis Dux Döpfner Eggenberger Etter Fankhauser Farner Fasel Fazzini Fehr Fellay Fiala Fischer Fora Nicola Joel Sandy Marc Tess Flavio Axel Jonathan Elia Riccardo Phil Patrick Adrian Fabian Tim Pascal Vanessa Lucas Cedric Yves Alexander Andrea Mischa Natascha Yannick Andrea Joshua Roman Dominic Yanik Michael Jeannine Xeno Matteo Nina Nelson Jae-min Timo Léo Mathieu Sven Ian Gauthier Dominik Max Léo Mauro Joey Christophe Andreas Nando Noah Tim Lukas Baptiste Luca Kevin Kenny Kevin Ron Michael ZH BE SO TI BE AR VD BE SG SG ZH BE GR ZH ZG SG SZ JU BE VS ZH TI ZH AG ZH ZH FR ZH GR BE BE BE ZH TI BE JU BE SZ GE NE VS ZH FR ZH BS VD TG VD TI ZH GR NE BE BE VD TI SG VS SG AG TI National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 685933 920363 857154 661100 524456 710769 926133 1199469 969327 881099 1192003 661231 1398028 1203505 860361 660644 685685 876767 660935 660896 1206871 874707 769533 860354 834547 685936 701446 861353 1191997 685688 707546 868154 1145669 937699 920204 1074406 661031 735020 920237 685914 860112 1106141 660899 490222 685784 889940 866963 860113 860114 661234 1208512 871250 857148 660851 834522 686026 686027 826867 685800 952396 958691 906751 909173 920318 852522 1217117 915789 1199471 1197989 881416 660853 1218524 884275 Forrer Frick Fritz Fuchs Fuchs Galasso Geisser Gerber Gerber Gianettoni Gianola Girard Glarner Graf Gremaud Grossniklaus Guggisberg Guggisberg Guidotti Guntern Gutierrez Gyger Haberstich Halter Hardmeier Harlacher Hauser Haussener Heim Heinimann Herlig Herzog Hess Heughebaert Heughebaert Hirzel Hischier Hischier Holdener Hollenstein Huwiler Hänggi Högger Hügli Impose In-Albon Jaks Jaquet Jaquet Jelovac Johnson Jolliet Jovanovic Jung Karrer Kessler Kindschi Klopfer Kohler Kruijsen Krähenbühl Kurashev Kyparissis Lanz Layat Le Coultre Lehmann Lerch Leuenberger Loosli Loosli Lukaszek Lust Marco Robin Noemi Jason Robin Dario Tobias Colin Jana Nicla Justin Félix Lorenzo Aline Marion Tim Damian Tim Samuele Daniel Alan Dominik Fabian Maxime Dominik Edson Ramon Timo André Thomas Luca Alissa Ambros Lionel Stéphane Jan Luca Nico Makai Fabio Camille Tanja Fabio Michael Auguste Loïc Aleksander Geoffrey Maxime Igor Nils Frédéric Filip Sven Roger Tino Simon Tobias Yves Fabrice Aron Philipp Neil Michael Rozenni Simon Marco Yannick Sven Janik Michael Axel Thomas TG SG SG NE NE TI OW BE BE TI ZH VD GR AG FR BE FR ZH TI ZH GE BE BE FR ZH ZH ZH SG BE GE AG TG OW VD VD ZH VS VS VD TG FR BE ZH AG NE VS TI FR FR VD ZH FR SG BE ZH GR GR SG JU SG BE BE GE ZH VD VD ZH BE ZH BE BE ZH ZH National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 661183 907285 858178 870780 489840 685699 685701 889934 983231 661194 660986 686002 1604792 685882 847020 834614 660907 685838 685981 868134 885099 381109 894276 1074396 660908 688721 716018 1008894 701437 1186199 1074409 837892 685944 701438 1093708 490554 920214 685841 976990 707551 1197987 874255 886233 878657 870769 1230904 660861 891480 867867 685712 685739 920254 1188588 866877 814592 1204814 661260 660924 1374172 919366 1033563 885110 686008 685987 685949 685950 958688 1438325 707528 685760 886225 857147 857133 Macquat Malara Malgin Manser Marchon Marchon Massimino Massy Matewa Mauerhofer Maurer Meier Messerli Meyer Minder Miranda Molina Moor Muff Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Neukomm Noll Nyffeler Oeggerli Oehen Ottiger Peter Petrig Pfranger Pilet Pinana Pleisch Plüss Plüss Portmann Prassl Privet Puntus Quennec Rathgeb Rensch Riat Riat Ritz Ritz Ritz Riva Roberts Rochat Rod Romanenghi Ruchet Ryser Schenk Schleiss Schläpfer Schmid Schmidli Schweri Schärmeli Schüpbach Seifert Senn Siegenthaler Sigrist Sigrist Steven Stefano Denis Janis Marc Nathan Yoan Julien Lucas Maxim Cédric Timo Joel Dario Simone Marco Atanasio Mischa Daniel Alina Dennis Janine Luca Marc Mirco Nicolas Sabrina Arnaud Yannic Robin Lars Cyril Remo Yannik Jan Nathan Ramon Valentin Christian Nando Alexander Brandon Jérôme Raphael Julien Jason Kaleigh Keli Yannick Cassandra Arnaud Damien Andy Matteo Maurice Elia Lee Marc Noah Matteo Kenny Ophélie Patricia Calvin Sin Dominik Kris Kay Nicolas Mick Andrin Gilles Jonas Justin Shannon JU VS SO SG LU FR GE VS VD NE AG AR ZH BE BE ZH ZH TI OW ZH ZH SH ZH ZH ZH BL SZ JU ZH BE ZH LU ZH ZH SO GR VD TI GR GR AG GR ZH FR SG VD BE FR GE GE VS VS VS TI NE VD VD TI VS NE BE ZG SG ZG ZH ZH BE BE ZH VS ZH SG SG National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 759586 884265 490579 885098 660917 885226 882340 685808 1008893 897179 858180 730494 685956 921007 894430 685990 1206872 660945 781341 1186254 926540 665353 685991 920210 885227 958696 889971 897172 685719 920316 870770 1034660 878944 1214200 703980 1218519 926542 801035 1003616 958683 885097 746526 958698 885228 1188585 882346 781016 876990 983189 1191697 1314170 1105043 1080057 890142 1453365 1696475 886041 1206857 489174 1002659 874244 1218756 1366594 1424750 983369 1216157 950759 661093 1186424 1368215 1424752 685888 1180192 Simic Speck Spiller Stadler Steinauer Steinmann Stejskal Stemer Stemer Sturny Suleski Suter Suter Tanner Thomet Thürkauf Tireford Trisconi Trudel Trüssel Tschantz Tschudin Van Pottelberghe Vodoz Volejnicek Voss Vouardoux Waber Waeber Weber Weder Weiss Weiss Werren Wettstein Widmer Willemin Wyss Wüthrich Wüthrich Zaetta Zahner Zbinden Zehnder Zeiter Zollinger Zürcher Öjdemark Abreu De Nobrega Accola Aebi Aebischer Aeschbacher Agrusti Ahumada Albrecht Alena Allenspach Allevi Amatter Ambühl Amstutz Andenmatten Andersson Anex Anhorn Armati Arnold Aschwanden Aschwanden Attanasio Augsburger Azevedo Axel Kai Andri Livio Joel Fabian Natascha Clément Vincent Chris Kristian Kaj Pius Ramon Pascal Calvin Nicolas Noele Beat Christian Matthieu Colin Joren Joachim Dominik Sven Björn Loïc Stephan Ludovic Serge Dominic Rebekka Sarah Dominic Simon Gabriel Esteban Lisa Naemi Dario Philip Gianluca Patrick Marlon Robin Yannick David Nina Marco Viktor Bryan Lea Silvan David Lars Léo Raphaël Nolan Nico Arnaud Jari Timon Andreas Johnathan Nicole Johan Guillaume Tobias Alan Fabio Joel Noel Teo Severin Silvan FR ZH GR ZG ZH ZG ZH VD JU FR BE ZH ZH AR ZH ZG GE TI SH BE NE BL ZG VD LU FR VS FR FR ZH SG ZH TG ZH ZH ZH NE BE AG BE ZG SG BE ZG VS ZH ZG ZH VD GR SO FR BE VS VD VD ZH GE TI BE ZH NE VS VD VD BE TI AG AG SZ VD AG TG National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National National Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1382637 856599 1373921 880846 1217628 1381979 685928 338096 741558 685745 866914 744499 882358 1222554 1136671 886039 926511 926534 1388738 1089717 1095181 1195983 1201461 1533613 1678487 1370155 958702 1212905 920376 920379 866916 1473916 1384862 1194927 866852 685818 1214745 1197896 1197915 1197897 1426590 1197898 994875 1393285 791659 1368885 1204821 1007799 920239 866861 881394 858174 685874 983212 1371212 685819 894409 1377068 710525 809485 1114786 685665 876666 881395 1370005 1393302 1162536 661169 899971 728237 832598 1139689 1074413 Babel Bacciarini Bacher Bachmann Bachmann Bachmann Bachofner Bader Bader Baechler Baggi Biotelli Baltensperger Bamert Baragano Barandun Barbei Barberon Barbezat Barnabò Barth Bartholet Bartlome Barudoni Basic Baud Baumann Baumgartner Baumgartner Bearth Bearth Beffa Beglieri Belusky Benz Bernasconi Bernasconi Bernazzi Berni Berni Berni Berret Berri Berta Berthoud Bertoni Bertrand Bertschi Bertschy Beruwalage Biasca Bichsel Bieri Bigler Billaert Binggeli Bionda Bircher Birchler Birrer Bischofberger Blanc Blanchard Blaser Blaser Bloesch Bobicanec Bodmer Boehlen Bohe Boillat Boiteux Boller Bonga-Bonga Mael Elia Roman Gian Nick Sina Jérôme Noël Thierry Edouard Nathan Paolo Gian-Marco Inaki David Gianluca Yvann Paul Luca Christopher Dario Nathan Pietro Sadin Maxime David Michel Yanik Roman Severin Gianluca Théo Diego Marco Cedric Reto Eliot Joshua Nils Tim Elie Fabian Sydney Yonas Davide Theo Loris Matteo Julian Peter Cédric Jan Nicola Mathieu Marc Giona Alain Ari Shane Jannick Cyrill Lionel Lars Dominic Sven Fabian Grégory Davide Lucas Pascal Lucas Sven Chris Glody GE TI TG SO SO BE ZH BS SG BE TI TI ZH VD GR ZH NE NE I BS SG BE TI ZH BE AG BE BE GR GR TI BE ZH SZ TI TI VS ZH ZH ZH JU ZH GE VD TI JU VD BL BE TI BE BE BE VD BE TI AG ZH TG SG FR FR BE BE BE VS TI JU GR NE NE SG ZH Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 685666 866896 961635 897393 1374430 1192007 661209 1316093 1218770 685667 875336 1365221 660887 853092 1210229 881413 1360331 972842 1373282 805478 881414 1214193 660641 989665 489070 1038042 1379506 803051 927919 1216629 661132 1095462 859515 764955 920244 929143 1188586 886035 1379860 685669 811737 866917 1460641 897184 1023998 707533 490595 1203761 1191700 880383 856565 959647 1206771 990116 891494 1218526 1191701 802085 1132607 685821 966417 1259941 1218768 1206882 685788 1533266 968879 1368256 910810 1206352 977896 685672 885013 Bonny Bontà Bonvin Borne Boss Boss Bossard Bosshard Bouchareb Bozon Bracko Brand Brandi Braus Brazzola Brechbühl Brich Brodmann Brotschi Brotzge Brunner Brunner Brunner Brux Brändli Brügger Brügger Brügger Bucher Buetzberger Bulach Buletti Bulgheroni Bulliard Burgener Burgener Burgener Burger Burkhalter Bussard Buthey Butti Bürer Bürgi Büschi Bütler Caduff Calzimiglia Canova Cantieni Capella Capriati Carella Carevic Carrel Casanova Casanova Cattaneo Cavelti Celio Ceravolo Cereghetti Cervino Charlin Charpié Chmel Choulet Christe Christen Christen Christoffel Chuard Cioffo Victor Nicola Benjamin Samuel Kajo Sven Jonathan Alex Karim Kevin Kyle Tina Gianni Timo Matteo Sandro Yaël Ryan Luca Joel Andri Dario Thierry Silvan Patrick Elias Navin Thierry Greg Jannik Jonas Daigoro Aron Gaël Sandro Steve Yannick Gianluca Mika Benjamin Tristan Ryan Gian Lucas Yves Marco Dario Raphael Jannik Joel Simone Timmy Elia Marco Sven Dario Ian Mattia Gian-Luca Samuele Nico Gabriele Milán Stéphane Adam Michal Théo Théo Luca Nicola Livio Romain Raffaele FR TI VS FR BE BE VD LU NE TI SG BE ZH AG TI BE AG GR BE ZH BE ZH BE VS ZH TG VS FR FR BE GR TI TI FR VS VS VS ZH BE FR NE TI SG FR SO AG GR ZH GR TG TI VD AG GR FR ZH GR TI GR TI ZH TI NE GE BE TI BE JU BE BE GR GE ZG Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1368892 919044 885949 1380912 926630 955787 983223 1190199 953862 661135 1005536 1382594 1214734 685673 661024 853093 868129 685823 685824 866359 1374160 1296920 861351 1522608 857151 1197884 972860 866302 1382220 947167 1220814 741804 866305 685752 856570 1136674 920283 1119625 1121136 835585 920192 685676 1205219 661179 887748 858169 1243679 905078 1089687 885219 1289992 1393295 1237893 685781 685814 1630967 897174 983304 1193118 874681 686018 685971 1327190 925200 686020 854022 1373283 991295 660642 885220 1191705 660969 886945 Claude Cocconi Cohen Cola Colo Colo Colomb Company Conterno Crameri Crausaz Cretallaz Cuennet Cujean Currit Cébe D'Addetta D'Agostino D'Ambrogio D'Ambrosio D'Amico Da Silva Dalcolmo Dallenbach Daneel Danuser Danuser Davis De Nisco De Simone Debons Degiacomi Degrussa Del Pedro Pera Del Ponte Del Simone Dennler Deparis Derendinger Derungs Descloux Detraz Devaja Devesvre Di Caprio Di Lullo Di Persia Dietrich Dietrich Djordjevic Donzé Dubi Dubois Dubois Ducoli Ducret Ducret Duplan Dähler Dähler Däscher Dünner Eberle Ebi Egli Egli Egli Egli Eicher Elsener Emmenegger End Enderli Johan Danilo Fabio Marc Evan Killian Sébastien Alex Lucas Nico Grégoire Johan Loïs Nils Fabien Cédric Gian-Andrea Mattia Mattia Alessio Joran Joakim Nico Timothy Kent Ladina Philipp Alan Luca Joël Baptiste Ursin Liam Luca Karim Nils Tim Nicola Jan Pierin Arnaud Mattéo Dennis Thomas Leandro Virgil Pietro David Ueli Petar Anthony Jade Gabin Jaison Nicholas Cédric Gill Kilian Ronny Severin Christian Oliver Tim Laurenz Chris Dominik Nicolas Robin Joel Janis Patrick Michael Alec JU TI ZH GR NE NE VD VD NE GR VD GE VS GE VS AG ZH TI TI TI VS GE ZH VD AR ZH GR TI ZH FR VS GR TI TI TI GR BE VD BE GR GE GE ZH JU NE BE SG BE BS ZG JU VS NE NE TI FR FR VD BE BE GR LU SG TI GR TG BE BL BE ZG GR LU NE Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1364121 1107604 854021 1036117 919049 926627 1207008 1218760 1217667 661098 1191706 685678 1185351 904951 1006679 1206774 920354 885944 882820 882811 1085049 880843 685825 866351 919045 1377070 868132 968531 866928 866926 1048088 709746 1191707 685913 1386600 702062 1212357 1212352 1148275 1217729 1356061 1213910 788814 1217727 867775 685682 714215 1350532 866863 1192689 884231 685930 1697825 858203 919396 815317 861385 1378846 1217878 866352 1198786 1198858 1207006 958650 892569 1218982 1424753 1696469 1212353 760282 685829 920285 808058 Enderli Enfedaque Engeler Enzler Ermani Etter Fahrni Fatton Fazis Felder Ferrari Ferreri Feusier Fevre Fiechter Fiedler Fischer Fischer Fitzi Fitzi Fleury Flükiger Fontana Fontana Forni Forrer Forrer Franco Franzoni Fratessa Frehner Frehner Frey Frischknecht Fritz Frossard Froté Froté Frésard Fröwis Früh Furrer Fuss Fässler Gachet Gachet Gaeta Gaeta Gaffuri Gaillard Gander Gandola Garnier Gasser Gaudreault Gayer Gegenschatz Gehringer Gehrken Gelmann Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Germann Geronimi Gertsch Gerzner Gfeller Gharaee Ghelfa Giacinti Giacobbe Denny Jarod Nico Rahel Nicola Sacha Marco Thibault Joe Gregory Jan Luca Jan Yann Mike Cédric Mark Zeon Jasper Quirin Mathieu Luca Colin Jacopo Riccardo Ramona Sandro Giosuè Filippo Zeno Mauro Yannick Dario Timmy Delia Marc Arthur Noé Noah Jannik Alberto Nicola Noah Kai Anthony Jérémy Andrea Davide Michel Kevin Noël Lino Raphael Matteo Lucas Elia Gian Andri Damian Noah Daniel Gian Andrea Jaromir Jeremi Joel Nicolas Luca Gil Kenza Colin Hamid Samuel Elia Noe ZH VD TG ZG TI NE BE NE SO BE GR FR BE BE BL AG LU ZH SG SG JU SO TI TI TI TG TG TI TI TI GR GR GR TG SG BE JU JU NE A TI VS BE A GE GE TI TI TI VD AG ZH FR SO NE TI SG ZG BE TI GR BE BE BE TG GR VD VD JU FR TI BE ZH Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 685833 1386607 1544920 1432256 819106 874190 1195757 660978 685684 1382628 1469090 1007339 725672 858134 661137 860106 1368383 661138 1132598 1191709 691715 920212 660645 1369088 490895 1208010 1192690 959794 685880 1074405 1368217 751157 1189393 1051715 1225764 660936 1214053 1193100 1203781 1197901 660839 1191710 1424748 1194925 1191712 709747 1065297 1115262 1218769 1453360 1188717 1369053 1381406 874247 885062 1207010 1370505 1218751 1393822 867696 1319146 830665 805196 660897 1522602 1198846 1223558 1685181 1107471 685782 1206360 921005 1223901 Giannini Giannone Giger Giger Gigon Gigon Giovinetti Gisler Glauser Godonou-dossou Gogniat Golfetto Graber Graf Graf Grandjean Grassi Grigioni Gross Grothen Gröflin Gudel Gugelmann Guggenheim Guichard Guichard Guillochon Gujan Gurtner Gutenberg Guyer Gyger Gärtner Göldi Götschi Haas Halberstadt Haldimann Handel Hardmeier Hartmann Hartmann Harvey Hasler Haueter Haueter Hausammann Hauser Hauser Hehner Heinen Heini Heinicke Heinrich Heinrich Henauer Henry Henry Henry Henry Hess Heuberger Hieringer Hinterkircher Hirt Hofer Hofer Hoffmann Hoffmann Hofmann Hofstetter Hofstetter Hollenstein Dylan Andrea Dario Oliver Raphaël Younes Nino Rino Andrea-Noah Noah Loïc Dario Pascal Kenneth Micha Benoît Giona Manuel Nico Fabian Elia Victor Yannick Bastian Kenny Nathan Rayan Chris Nico Samuel Nils Silian Francesco Dean Fabian Thomas Greg Fabian Dominik Tobias Jan Lee Ramon Jérémie Nicolas Ronan Wesley Noah Janine Robin Paris Oliver Nicholas Marc Luca Noah Mika Cedric Sven Thibaut Victor Janne Silas Jack Mattia Valentin Christian Valentin Malte Thomas Thomas Anja-Sandra Yanneck Luca TI SG GR ZH BE JU BE SZ FR GE JU VD GR BE GR FR TI GR GR GR BL VD BE BE JU JU VD GR BE ZH SG BL LU TG AG TI ZH BE TG ZH SG GR VD SG GR GR ZH ZH NE VD VS GR ZH GR ZG BE TG NE JU GE BL TG ZH ZH VD BE ZG D GR NE BE AR GR Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1217882 1386268 920266 1535178 1203443 825160 1180188 660980 1321324 702961 1245236 1184255 840324 990185 866299 1218181 1384547 841880 685976 1348309 1197340 872694 909083 1323474 1214733 1382617 688831 1809168 1016253 1187103 1187102 885107 920370 490576 1368888 1203446 1211720 1197903 929146 861414 1194936 1392151 866361 882524 868157 1191713 989663 1217561 1820471 1185353 783076 660938 1089365 1531188 1347488 1216160 1119261 1203755 958642 1193110 746366 1338339 986157 1205349 1387310 489841 909117 1678488 1381407 1217883 1206805 686000 1242378 Holstein Horvath Houlmann Hrabec Huber Huber Huber Huber Hug Hull Humbert Humbertclaude Hunziker Hurni Hurni Hurschler Hägele Hänggi Hänggi Ibarra Iglesias Imhof Imhof In Albon In Albon Ingold Inniger Iseli Iseppi Janett Janett Janssen Jeyabalan Jeyabalan Jobin Jobin Joos Joss Jossen Jost Jud Jutz Juvan Jäger Jonski Jörg Kalbermatter Karlin Kasslatter Kaufmann Kellenberger Keller Keller Kiener Kiener Kiener Kistler Kistner Klingele Klopfenstein Knellwolf Kobel Kobler Kohler Kohli Koller Konrad Krakauskas Krayem Krebs Kreuzer Kräutli Kuhn Nik Bence Joris Roman Lars Marcel Patric Ueli Isaiyah Frederic Maurice Samuel Billy Elia Ronny Marc Yanick Carmen Yannick Antonio Tiago Raphael Roman Axel Maxime Lina Sascha Ignacio Ettore Gian Luis Antoine Andri Nando Alain Gaétan Lars Jason Levin Dillon Micha Michael Antonij Ken Sebastiano Fabian Nico Silas Hannes Kevin Lars Federico Yannis Janik Luca Mika Mikel Melanie Julian Linard Ramon Hannes Gian Reto Gilian Yves Nicolas Orlando Emilijus Hassan Raphaël Anabel Mischa Lionel BE NE JU TI FR TG TG LU TG FR ZH BE NE LU TI SG SH OW OW BE NE TG VS VS VS BE BL BE SO TG TG ZG GR GR JU FR GR ZH VS SG SG ZH TI GR ZH GR VS AG TI BE TG BE TG BE BE BE SZ TG FR BE SG ZH GR BE ZH SZ GE BE AG FR AG ZH ZH Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 685901 1393315 1199522 1095183 833512 964960 707217 958687 1361664 957361 1197924 861426 920349 1245237 1373276 1186260 666109 1424343 920189 1392153 545922 1544921 1356602 1527146 1210217 967240 1003534 1182629 1386291 1044217 904955 860116 881410 881433 1194909 910807 1378843 749576 1224525 1533616 1188664 891759 909087 1544923 1373274 1149722 1194918 1089707 881707 1236542 920309 660856 1188652 858199 1270707 821549 882812 661142 858205 1218538 856597 1323476 1218523 1217632 989667 852597 1245108 861360 661243 884274 1191695 1180548 1307119 Kumli Kundaeli Kunz Kuster Kutil Kälin Kämpfer Kübler Künzli Lalanne Landolt Lang Langenegger Langer Lanz Lanz Lanz Leder Ledermann Lehmann Lehner Lehner Leibzig Leite Valente Leone Lepori Lepori Leu Leuba Leuenberger Leuenberger Leva Liechti Liechti Liechti Liechti Lindemann Locatelli Lodovici Lombardi Lorenz Lorenz Lowiner Luck Luternauer Lutz Lutz Löhrer Lüthi Lüthi Lüthi Lüthi Lütolf Maccarini Maier Maillard Malici Maraffio Marbot Marchand Marchetti Marin Marsland Marti Martig Martinez Maruccia Marzan Matewa Mathew Mathis Matthey Matthey Yanneck Theo Mike Pascal Simeon Laurent Nando Ken Fadri Yohann Silvan Kim Livio Ion Dominic Janik Jérôme Sandro Jonathan Nico Fabian Sven Nathan Emmanuel Axel Leonardo Michele Levi Théry Gian Sam Maxime Brian Kevin Kilian Thomas Kevin Dylan Fabiano Logan Sandro Marc Mauro Jean-Marc Joël Luca Lena-marie Tim Tim Björn-erik Jan Lars Samuel Marco Lino Fabio Etienne Luan Andrej Laris Lionel Nathan Guillaume Ludovic Gian Samuel Adrian Matteo Nino Tony Shane Niculin Dylan Jan AG VD BE SG ZH ZH BE BE AG GE ZH ZH SZ ZH BE BE BL SH VD ZH GR TG GE VS TI TI BL AG NE ZH BE FR SG BE SG BE ZG TI VS ZH VS GR VS GR LU AG SZ BS GR GR BE BE VS BE BE FR SG GR BE ZH TI VS ZH SO VS VD BE ZH VD ZH GR NE BL Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 876660 819219 1128869 1374166 661143 1218977 685837 1697827 1293139 685939 884273 1368446 881402 660906 701782 1507979 1182618 944277 1185051 1248959 685802 1244318 660857 685834 858188 1189394 1199336 1212358 1304930 1206870 1382582 891758 919052 857834 831793 1321304 887232 1524245 856596 1211252 825149 1205351 771163 1375237 1371225 919400 1348299 866921 660858 1377074 1373470 948811 969817 881417 1192058 1089359 686003 1368254 874253 1527018 1188478 660842 1198717 1387157 858206 1206481 953047 856605 1382468 920286 976644 1378776 1321305 Mattioni Maurer Maurer May Mayolani Mayolani Mazzolini Mboyo Meier Meier Meier Meier Meier Meier Meier Meier Memeteau Mermod Meroni Mettler Meusy Meyer Meyer Mignami Minder Minder Misani Moine Mojonnier Molinari Monaco Monstein Montorfani Moor Morales Morgenthaler Morin Moritz Morotti Morou Moser Moser Moser Moser Mosimann Muller Muriel Muttoni Mächler Mächler Mösli Mühlebach Mühlemann Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Münger Naeser Nater Neuenschwander Neuhaus Neuherz Neurauter Nguyen Nicora Niederer Niederhauser Noggler Nordin Noser Fabio Michael Saskia Philippe Alfons Maurizio Elia Frederike Elie Chris Fabio Jeffrey Kris Levin Lukas Nicola Tim Matthias Arthur Elia Julian Matt Gianluca Marco Alan Colin Jeremy Marino Jonathan Mathys Sébastien Loic Jan Sacha Guido Andonis Silas Stéphane Sven Joel Yohan Fabian Janis Jérome Joel Sébastien Leon Mathieu Titouan Marco Dominik Jan Nico Janis Jan Florian Jason Levin Loris Loris Patrik Remo Jari Jens Anna Jan Lukas Mauro Nam-Khang Mattia Jaron Tim Mauro Karl Luca TI BE BE VS GR GR TI VD TG ZH ZH GR BE ZH GR ZH VD GE TI ZH JU SG BE TI BE AG GR JU VS VD GE GR TI TI NE SG NE JU TI F TG BE TG SO BE NE GE TI BE ZH SG ZH BE BE BE TG TI JU GR ZH TI AR GR FR BE GR SG TI GR BE GR ZG SG Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1177554 827116 1373286 884271 1185023 867899 1329187 1795335 1210202 1392154 1210207 1192717 919085 1516003 1368378 1192698 1235323 1201474 909131 1211236 881091 856004 660860 490813 920251 866965 1210228 1207011 1174668 1371205 1205225 866912 660910 1204835 866966 1228947 866967 1165813 920321 884270 1188666 858198 881109 685842 972864 490793 864815 983225 685709 710765 1091811 661185 1117918 685844 685845 821088 1225758 1205352 1003890 1193112 815418 1187331 1382604 771028 1217626 1522878 854039 1820473 1460216 878632 1203437 885075 919401 Nussbaumer Nydegger Nyffeler Oana Oberson Oliveira Aeby Ongaro Molinaro Oppitz Ortolano Osa Pagnamenta Paiva Pantieri Paoli Papina Pasche Pasquier Pastori Patry Patry Patt Pauli Pauli Paupe Pece Pedrazzini Pelli Pena-Triana Perlasca Perret Perrig Pesenti Peter Petkovic Petrini Pezzali Pezzullo Pfammatter Pfister Pfister Pianzola Piazza Pinana Pinana Pingeon Piquerez Pisottu Pittet Pittet Poretti Porteiro Pouilly Pouilly Pozzorini Pozzorini Privet Probst Prysi Pulice Pulver Puntus Puttini Quennoz Raguso Ramel Ramseier Rattaggi Razat Reist Rensch Reymond Rhyner Ribaux Valentin Jan Timon Samuel Alan Jonathan Alessandro Maxim Kilian Osaze Alicia Nina Sebastiano Giuliano Fabio Noah Joel Michael Nicolas Stéphane Elia Luca Nicola Elien Riccardo Gionata Alessandro Dylan Dylan Luca Nils Giuliano Bryan Marko Patrick Nicolas Rocco Cyrill Marc Nils Ralf Raphael Andres Gioele Carlo Alexandre Enea Arthur Sébastien Matteo Bastien Bastien Pierric Alessio Samuele Loïc Jan David Domenic-Lars Silvan Damon Christopher Corentin Daniel William Dominik Mike David Clément Tristan Derian Douglas Arnaud Noemi Damien JU BE BE ZH FR GE TI BE TI ZH TI VD TI NE TI VD VS TI GE GE TI BE BE JU VS TI TI BE TI BE AG TI ZH VD TI TI TI ZH ZH ZH VS BE TI TI GR JU TI VD GE TI JU JU JU TI TI FR AG BE ZH BE SG TI GE TI SO BE TG NE BE FR FR ZG NE Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1212356 1374434 1381404 866326 1366999 685848 1386292 887236 1381346 1460843 1214730 1214026 1531224 894735 1338900 1820476 768693 1074410 685946 1321306 1350477 1194928 958684 871264 866300 1387305 974479 742347 1392155 1544922 685947 1218522 885058 1216149 881403 992444 861397 661264 706339 1141737 799117 885076 489133 866307 859674 769236 1210225 970822 892607 860356 1187167 660865 1199135 920373 1195980 882339 915797 1055923 1457685 884266 783441 1211659 1202061 685986 1198842 1112071 1194919 897177 897183 1188723 983232 1316722 1060965 Richard Riesen Rietmann Rigo Rithner Rizzello Robert Rochat Rochette Rodighiero Rodrigues Roedel Rogenmoser Rohrbach Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Roth Rozajac Rubanik Rubin Rudolph Ruffieux Rumo Ruppelt Russo Rutzer Röllin Rösch Rüedi Rüedi Rüegger Rüegsegger Rüfenacht Rüttimann Sablatnig Saghbini Salerno Salzgeber Salzmann Sarmiento Sartore Sartori Sartori Sartori Sartori Sauter Sauthier Schaller Schaub Scherrer Schertenleib Scherz Scheuner Scheurmann Schir Schlatter Schlegel Schlegel Schleiss Schlup Schläpfer Schläppi Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmidt Schmitt Schmuckli Schmutz Jimmy Noel Pascal Brenno Antoine Lorenzo Mike Ulysse Théo Ramon Mathis Remi Luca Dario Lucas Marco Marco Niklas Alexander Anel Denys Lukas Fabio Félix Simon Sascha Nino Siro Simon Gil Gianni Lisa Bryan Stefan Raffael Dario Yanick Philippe Bo Joel Marc Aron Michael Federico Jonathan Pietro Tiziano Liam Thibaud Florian Michael Lukas Fabian Orlando Marc Robin Rubio Simon Andreas Jessica Colin Yannic Elvis Lukas Akira Elia Manuel Ronnie Sandro Kai Mathias Silvan Luca JU BE ZH TI VD TI NE NE VD AI VS SH SG LU TI A TI ZH ZH SG TI ZH BE FR TI ZH SG GL ZH GR ZH ZH ZG BE BE VS SG VD TI VS BE ZG TI TI TI TI TI ZH BE FR SG BE SO GR BE ZH SG GR SG ZH ZG BE BL LU BE AG SG FR FR VS FR ZH FR Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 661080 1386288 854033 1198737 1027307 953002 1218518 660990 1036119 1091690 1074399 897203 885078 885079 1368445 1089689 1151717 1221061 1218536 885105 1217887 1197930 983227 1223931 1217627 1194920 1194911 1200728 1139346 1206788 1035437 825133 854035 685925 660916 1203776 685713 1186614 698822 1194921 1192699 1381408 1313074 1228959 661122 1251004 688818 1235070 1535172 1369965 885057 831745 1185359 858262 1074400 1105044 1389374 1118424 1036130 1171025 958653 1191715 1386289 1119945 884263 885103 1189277 1214748 685954 851244 860363 1060388 685870 Schmutz Schnegg Schneider Schneider Schnell Schnetzer Schnyder Schnüriger Schnüriger Schoch Schoch Schorderet Schryber Schryber Schröttenthaler Schwab Schwartz Schwarzl Schweda Schwegler Schweizer Schwenninger Schwoerer Schäch Schöni Schöni Schöni Schürch Sciullo Seifert Seifert Seiler Seiler Seiler Senn Sennhauser Shala Shamsutdinov Sieber Sieber Skaloud Smeds Sofic Soldini Sommer Sopa Spies Spiess Spimpolo Stampfli Stehli Stehlin Steiner Steiner Steiner Stempfel Sterchi Stettler Steuerwald Stocker Stocker Stoffel Strauss Streule Streule Stucki Studer Stupf Sturny Stöckli Sudan Surdez Suter Silvio Arnaud Levin Nando Joel Claude Terry Dean Ramon Jan Nicolas Yannick Thibault Pascal Yannic Ivan Robin Jan Cedric Jan Marius Maxime Dean Michael Clarence Alexander Jan Janis Nino Pascal Leandro Ciril Thea Nils Severin Simon Dominik Fabian Elton Ruslan Cedric Jorin Jan Robin Noah Leonardo Martin Kyen Dominic Gionina Daniel Yanick Devin Joé Jason Oliver Oliver Quentin Leif Damian Tristan André James Yves Boris Remo Yanick Brian Eric Robin Jules Loïc Edouard Nèlo Luca TG NE TG GR BE SG SG SZ SZ BE ZH FR ZG ZG GR BS ZH VS ZH LU JU ZH VD GR SO SG SZ BE SO ZH SO TG TG TG ZH ZH FR LU SG SG VD ZH BE TI SO SG BL BE TI SO ZG NE BE BE AG FR SO BE BL LU BE GR NE ZH ZH ZG BE VS ZH FR FR JU BE Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1371479 986161 1235324 856572 1351625 904964 1218521 686041 1382603 856579 1535192 926538 750989 750990 1374433 1084763 1368379 1368300 833482 685957 1210203 1205182 685852 1188251 884262 1136869 854240 776277 778241 813457 1364558 1473240 881393 1371223 929591 685656 920209 1351520 1188334 1037018 685856 983235 899388 957364 957353 1237929 1162481 685887 1535173 1218766 661086 1214854 1206791 904965 909097 885086 1191914 1382895 1820474 1192721 1214728 934187 1213446 866136 490794 961982 974000 686044 685960 1206873 685961 1046630 926541 Switalski Sümer Taccoz Taiana Tallarico Tanner Tanner Tarnutzer Tassel Tella Telsnig Terrapon Terzi Terzi Theiler Thurnherr Titocci Tkatchenko Togo Tonndorf Tonoli Torda Torino Tran Troxler Truog Trüssel Tschanz Tschanz Tschanz Tschanz Turel Turrin-Bayer Ueltschi Ugazzi Valenza Valenza Valenza Vallario Vanini Vedova Veillard Ventrice Verboon Verboon Vermot-petit-outhenin Villa Vinals Visconti Voegeli Vogel Vogel Vogel Voirol Volken Von Allmen Von Burg Von Känel Vonbun Vonnez Vouardoux Vouillamoz Vuichard Vuilleumier Vuilleumier Wahli Waidacher Waidacher Walder Walker Waller Weber Weber Yohan FR Deniz GR Bastien VS Pascal TI Cristian AG Jesse BE Ramon ZH Gian GR Matthias GE Kieron TI Lukas ZG Jean David NE Aaron TI Jordi TI Joel BE Lukas SG Cedric TI Alexander SG Yanik ZH Joel ZH Sacha TI Janik ZH Matteo TI Duy Thang Giuseppe TI Donat ZH Lukas LU Michael BE Alexander BE Léandre NE Léonard NE Ryan TG Loïc VD Dario BE Yanick BE Nicolò TI Alexis VD Luca VD Matteo VD Nicole TI Andrea TI Loïc TI Siméon VD Alex BE Matthew GE William GE Loris NE Alessandro TI Joé BE Massimo I Guillaume NE Jan SG Joachim JU Rémi AG Ludovic NE Luca VS Rémy ZG Christof SG Jeremy BE Felix A Malik VD Nathan VS Mathieu VS Florian VD Hugo BE Robin JU Yohan BE Leo GR Thomas GR Lukas ZH Benoit GE Yannick ZH Jan TG Loris NE Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey 1260837 894419 1193463 674335 1384546 1361668 874710 919790 1192008 1095187 1218520 976648 819357 685869 884261 660869 1216098 1357393 1376311 1040089 685660 807531 958439 909890 1313073 1193114 1014832 1186423 1188580 1205354 1326312 1204078 1193078 806683 1715243 858263 1398030 1386602 685854 1186422 1373288 1105045 1198863 972865 1192054 882351 882353 1191688 1191689 686046 1210206 1820475 660993 1522601 701456 858209 1199158 669118 1197348 1197335 1198767 1147204 1198835 Weber Weber Weibel Weis Weiss Welter Wenger Werder Wetli Wetter Widmer Wieser Wieszinski Wildhaber Wismer Witschi Wohlgensinger Wolanin Wolf Worni Wunderlin Wunderlin Wyer Wyniger Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyssen Wüest Wüst Wüthrich Wüthrich Yerly Yokoyama Zanetti Zanini Zanolarti Zanzi Zaugg Zaugg Zbinden Zemp Ziegler Zimmermann Zimmermann Zingg Zinsli Zinsli Zinsli Zryd Zubulis Zumbach Zumbrunnen Zumbühl Zurbuchen Zwahlen Zwissler Zürcher Zürcher Zürcher Zürcher Züttel Noé Simon Keijo Robin Joel Aron Noel-sven Riccardo Stefanie Gian-Marco Samuel Livio Jan David Jan Sven Steven Gian Nicola Mikka Marco André Léo Sebastian Mike David Janik Luca Siro Joel Simon Ramon Joel Damien Lukas Dylan Zach Marc Mauro Franca Gianluca Maximilian Ramon Quentin Nick Thomas Adrian Lara Fabio Lars Nils Sven Aaron Eriks Simon Alexandre Robin Severin Jey Jan Jeremy Luka Nico Yanik Michael SO ZH BE BL TG AG BE TI ZH SG ZH GR BE BE ZH BE SG ZH BE BL VD BE BE SO BE BE BE BE VS BE SG BE BE FR VD BE GR SG TI BE BE FR BE GR ZH ZH ZH GR GR GR TI ZH SZ VD ZH BE BE TG NE NE GR SO BE Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey Eishockey
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