1 The parishes of St. Mel and St. Luke would like to offer TWO OPTIONS for you to join Fr. Gerard Sauer, Diocesan Pilgrimage Director, on a Marian Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception led by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio TWO DAY OPTION October 24 - 25, 2014 Bus Departs St. Mel on Friday at 6:00am Returns Saturday approximately 9:00pm ONE DAY OPTION Saturday, October 25, 2014 Cost: $54.00 pp Bus departs St. Mel at 6:00 am Returns at approximately 9:00pm Friday, Oct 24: Morning departure from our parish via deluxe motor coach for our journey to our nations Capitol and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Upon arrival, take a guided tour of our Nations monuments. Following our visit of Washington , D.C., we will transfer to the hotel for time to unwind before gathering for dinner. Saturday, Oct 25: Breakfast at the hotel followed by departure for the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. You will have the opportunity to visit the Pope John Paul Shrine. Then we will make our way to the National Shrine to participate in our Diocesan Pilgrimage. While at the shrine there will be time for prayer, confession, and for visiting the many beautiful chapels. We will cap our pilgrimage with Mass at the shrine celebrated by the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio. In the afternoon we will depart for our return to New York. COST PER PERSON: DOUBLE $275 QUAD $247 TRIPLE $255 SINGLE $325 TRAVEL PACKAGE INCLUDES: Motor Coach transportation at the Fairview Park Marriott (or similar), dinner, breakfast, guided tour of Washington D.C., visit to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, visit to the Pope John Paul II National Shrine, taxes/tips to hotel and wait staff. To register for this Pilgrimage contact your Parish Rep: Name: JOE FREDA Telephone: (212) 301-5417 2 PARISH STEWARDSHIP August 3, 2014 SAT. 8/2 5:00pm Marueen Marsanico SUN. 8/3 7:30 People of the Parish 9:00 .Angela & Giuseppe Chiarelli .Rosino & Antonia DiPreta .Domenica Cinquemani .Ilvira Conti .Domenica Cinquemani 10:30 James Thomey 12:00 Patrick Sullivan - 2nd Anniversary MON. 8/4 8:00 Frank Rappa TUES. 8/5 8:00 Antonio, Rosa and Peter DiPietrantonio WED. 8/6 8:00 James Cotumaccio THURS. 8/7 8:00 Mary Magagna FRI. 8/8 8:00 Lina Mariotta SAT. 8/9 9:00 Raymond Stahl, Sr. 5:00pm Lucy B. Spinelli SUN. 8/10 7:30 Rose Flood 9:00 .People of the Parish .Felice & Cristofar DeMarinis .Giovanni DiPreta .Domenica Cinquemani .Grazia Chiarelli 10:30 Frank Rappa 12:00 William Sayegh PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Lisa Gardocki, Angela Isernia, Anne Gorga, baby Aidan James Crowley, Angelo Ragonese, Dolores Poverelli, Mary Battaglia, Ivo Peros, Michael Sgaraglio, infant Robert Anthony Paduano III, Fran Jimenez, Rosemarie Musto, Robert Mazzoni, Maria Pina Scopa, Tanya and Joe Gomez, Fabiola Scala, little Gabby Olivo, Gerardina Vita, Coy Hardin, Allison LaRocca, Tina Marie Murphy, Tara Menard, Joseph Guglielmi, Peggy Dragone, Peter Pinto, Jo-Ellen Lohocky, Tony Sgaraglio, Peter LaRocca, Robert Johnston, Jane O’Keefe, Anne Wright, infant Amalia Delaloye, Christopher Litamer, Hoover, baby Michael Anthony Cammarata, young Andrew Portaro, Judy & Michael Siemieniewicz, Kevin McAllister, infant Anthony Joseph Marsanico, Jack Hartel, Patricia Leptak, Tom Oddo, Carmela Russello, Frank Gervasi, Helen Galligan, Eileen Sheils, Anastasia Weinstock, Devin Gray and Milton Carter. Prayers for the Dead Please pray for the deceased members of our parish family, especially Luigi Jurman, Joseph J. Brown, Celeste Malena Brucculeri, Rafael Arango and Marta Posada, who recently died. Sunday, July 29, 2014 Persons Attending: 866 1st Collection: $ 7,305.00 2nd Collection: $ 2,270.00 Mailed to Rectory/Electronic Banking: $ 275.00 Total donations this week: $ 9,960.00 Thank You! Collection Breakdown 7/6/14 5:00 PM $ 2,038.00 7:30 AM $ 1,260.00 9:00 AM $ 1,575.00 10:30 AM $ 1,308.00 12:00 Noon $ 1,643.00 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal Once again we come together to support diocesan ministries. This year we embrace the message that Pope Francis shared in his first encyclical, The Light of Faith (“Lumen Fidei”) as this years theme. The Holy Father reminds us that faith is a light that dispels darkness. “The light of faith is unique, since it is capable of illuminating every aspect of human existence.” Pope Francis tells us that, “Faith opens the way before us and accompanies our steps through time.” May faith open the way as you consider once again being an essential part of the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal with a sacrificial pledge. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio COME IN AND PRAY Our Church is open each day for private prayer until 3:00 pm. We encourage you to stop by for a quiet prayer, light a candle, or just spend time with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following the 8:00 AM Mass Visits to the Blessed Sacrament all day on First Friday Adoration Society Prayers at 2:30pm Benediction at 3:30 pm FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will follow the 9:00 am Mass on the first Saturday of the month. ALTAR BREADS and WINE This week the Altar Breads and Wine are donated in Loving Memory of Pasquale Colella by his wife Maria ALTAR FLOWERS This week the Altar Flowers are donated in Loving Memory of James Thomey, husband of Claire Thomey and father of Mary Gorgg. 3‘ Theme: The Gift of Wisdom Reflection: This gospel helps us move all the talk about God’s kingdom out of the scripture and into our daily lives. We can’t make the kingdom present by ourselves. At first, Jesus tells the disciples to “give them some food yourselves.” They can’t; human resources are not sufficient to make present what God’s kingdom promises. Jesus then takes the meager human resources - “five loaves and two fish”- and blesses them and gives them to disciples to distribute to the crowds. What the disciples cannot do alone they can do with Jesus’ blessing. (Living Liturgy, p. 208) Meditation: “We must pass,...from affective to effective love. And that is a love which takes flesh in works of charity, service of the poor which is undertaken with joy, constancy and tender love.” (Praying with Vincent, p. 64) Prayer: Lord Jesus, you bless those who seek the poor, -move our hearts from affective to effective love. Open our eyes, -that we may see your presence in our midst. Open our ears, -that we may hear the cries of the poor. Open our hearts, -that we may serve with joy, constancy and tender love. Open our hands, -that our “loaves and fishes” may receive your blessing. Amen. ALTAR BREADS and WINE The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on August 15th, is a Holy Day of Obligation. It celebrates both the happy departure of Mary from this life by her natural death, and her bodily assumption into heaven. Mass Schedule Friday, August 15th 7:00 am, 9:00 am,12:00 noon and 7:30pm 'See the beauty of the daughter of Jerusalem, who ascended to heaven like the rising sun at dawn.' -- Benedictus antiphon from Daily Office Last week, the Altar Breads and Wine were donated in Loving Memory of Elizabeth Allen, “30th Anniversary in Heaven,” by her loving daughter Kathy Allen. St. Mel Church celebrates Wedding Anniversaries on the second Sunday every month. The next celebration is Sunday, August 10th at the 10:30am Mass. August 16th - fun ‘N Nostalgia in Woodstock September 14th - Rail ‘N Sail New England Early RSVP A MUST! ALL AGES, SINGLES, FAMILIES WELCOME! Call Barbara (718) 747-0941 4 RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITATION OF ADULTS This is a process, which provides preparation for adults who seek full initiation into the Catholic Church through the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist . This process is also adapted for older children who seek full initiation into the Church and is sometimes referred to as The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC). The RCIA process also provides for: A) The preparation of baptized Catholics who wish to complete their initiation into the Church through the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. B) The preparation of validly baptized Christians from other traditions, who wish to be brought into Full Communion in the Catholic Church. NOW is the time for registration at (718) 461-9840-Office or (718) 886-0201-Rectory. Sessions are in process, but it is never too late to participate. Religious Ed Registration SCHOOL OF RELIGION RE-REGISTRATION / NEW REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Re-Registration for the School of Religion for the 2014/2015 school year may be mailed or dropped off at the Rectory as soon as possible. For new family registrations during the summer months, call the Rectory at (718) 886-0201 or contact the Office of Faith Formation at [email protected] CHILDREN’S LITURGY Thank you for your commitment to “Children’s Liturgy of the Word”. Have a great summer. See you in September Anyone interested in helping with Children’s Liturgy or Family Mass can contact the Office of Faith Formation at [email protected] THIRD ORDER LAY CARMELITE Cenacles of Life: St. Thomas Moore St. Tomas Moore, was martyred for Religious Freedom during the reign of King Henry VIII. Our country was founded on Liberty and justice for all, a right for worship and preservation of conscience. Recently we celebrated the 4th of July; Independence began for the United States of America! To keep this freedom of liberty and justice for all, we ask through the Cenacles of Life, a continuation of what our forefathers gave our country. Come on Wednesdays at 11:00am in St. Mel’s Church, and pray to our Blessed Mother to change the hearts and minds of those who threaten our religious freedom. Julia Chitos, Joint Parish Respect Life Committee (718) 961-1102 Pia Baldo, Coordinator (718) 359-6734 God may be calling you into a deeper relationship with Him. The Lay Carmelite Community at Ozanam Hall, Bayside, invites you to discern your possible vocation as a Third Order/Lay Carmelite during an information session: Saturday, August 9, 2014 - 12 noon to 2:00 pm For More details, call Ann Callaghan at (718) 971-2755. 5 Sports Registration Nights & Free Throw Contests St. Mel Schoolyard-26th Ave. & 154th St. Tues. 8/5 & Tues. 8/19 6:00-8:00 PM *Free Throw Contest for each grade & Italian ices for all “Refer A FRIEND”-get a new member to register And receive a $25 credit towards your registration Catch the spirit, join the fun….. GO WILDCATS! www.stmelathletics.org Baseball*Basketball*Soccer*Volleyball*Cheerleading HEALING MASS AT ST. ANASTASIA’S CHURCH 45-14 245th Street Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:00 PM Rosary, Mass & Healing Service Call (718)631-4454 for more information. Join Father Sauer on a “Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage” to the 500th Anniversary St. Teresa of Avila Visiting, Fatima, Lisbon, Avila, Madrid, Segovia, Toledo ---------------------------March 12 - 20, 2015 Bishop Octavio Cisneros Spiritual Director For a Brochure call: Lucille, Regina Tours 1-800-Catholic x208 TACHS PREP CLASSES St. John’s Prep-Astoria, NY There will be TACHS Prep classes held at St. John’s Prep from Saturday, September 20th to November 1, 2014. www.stjohnsprepschool.org/adminsisions/ TACHS Prep to download a paper application, to register and to find out more information. SUMMER RIDDLES FOR KIDS Q: A man drove 2,000 miles with his family without knowing he had a flat tire. How come? A: It was his spare tire that was flat! Q. What has cities without houses, rivers without water, and forests without trees? A: A road map! Q: If lightening strikes an orchestra, who is most likely to get hit? A: The conductor Q: A hiker went without sleep for seven days and wasn’t tired. How come? A: He slept at night? Q: A cowboy went on a trip on Friday, stayed three days, and came back on Friday. How is that possible? A: His horse was named Friday! 6 We hope you are enjoying the summer and are both healthy and happy. We have been excited making preparations for our upcoming season and are looking forward to welcoming back all of our existing Rosarians and new members as well. Our first meeting will be held on Monday, September 8th. We pray the rosary at 7 pm in the church followed by our monthly meeting in Fr. O’Malley Hall. We have scheduled our Communion Mass and Luncheon for the following Saturday, September 13th. There will be a 12pm Mass at St. Mel’s and a luncheon immediately following at The Riviera Restaurant, 17-12 Utopia Pkway, Whitestone, NY (718) 352-2225. The price per person is $32.00. This includes a full sit down dinner as well as dessert. You DO NOT have to be a member to join us for a beautiful day with beautiful women of all ages, as we launch our 2014-2015 season. Please make checks payable to St. Mel’s Rosary Society and bring them to the rectory no later than Wednesday, September 3rd. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Ann Acquaviva @ 201-400-7760; e-mail [email protected], or Cathy Quinn @ 718-791-0987, e-mail [email protected] Bereavement Support Groups The stages of grief; bereavement after the loss of a loved one. Sacred Heart Church, Bayside, NY first Tuesday of every month from 7:30 - 9:30pm. Call Sr. Kathleen Masterson at (718) 224-5695. St. Luke Bereavement Support Group at St. Luke’s Pastoral Center 16-34 Clintonville St., Whitestone, NY 11357 Meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7PM. Please contact Sister Theresa Agliardi, RSM, (718) 746-8531 for additional information or to indicate your interest in participating. “That refugees, forced by violence to abandon their homes, may find a generous welcome and the protection of their rights.” His Intention for Evangelization: “That Christians in Oceania may fully announce the faith to all the people of that region.” St. Mel’s Leisure Club has openings for new members. We meet on Monday’s …. 1:00 - 5:00 pm from September through June in St. Mel’s Father O’Malley Hall. For more information please call Charlie at (718) 886-2056) WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER How often do you recharge your cell phone? Once a day, or a few times a week? When was the last time you gave your marriage a recharge? Here’s how you can enhance your marriage - experience; the “Worldwide Marriage Encounter” Weekend. Summer will go by quickly, so make plans now. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in our area is September 12 - 14, 2014. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, visit wwme.org or call (877) NYS-WWME option 2. ATLANTIC CITY St. Josaphats Leisure Club will be going to Atlantic City on Thursday, August 14, 2014. Cost is $27.00 get back $25.00. Call Joy for reservations at (917) 921-7631. 7 The Catholic Counseling Center This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the Diocese for the past 39 years for the convenience of parishioners. Services are provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or Diocese. Confidential information and appointments are available by calling Dr. Giuliani at (631) 243-2503. Alzheimer’s Adult Day Program 157-16 65th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11367 Tel: (718) 358-3541 Fax: (718) 961-4712 “Let us help you because we care.” Door to Door Transportation Included Weekly Caregiver Support Group Computer availability for caregivers. Social and Therapeutic Activities: Cognitive Skills Dancing Art Therapy Music Therapy Exercise Hot Lunch Snack Transportation St. Mel’s Memorial Candles Remember Your Loved Ones An Annual Memorial Candle can brighten your intentions all year long. Purchasing an Annual Memorial Candle to Honor a loved one or a special intention is a wonderful way to express our sentiments. When we go, leaving the burning candle behind, we are reminded that our prayers and intentions burn before the Lord unceasingly. You can have a perpetual memorial for about .50 cents per day. The annual offering for each candle is $200, which supports our parish. If you would like to reserve a memorial candle, please fill out the form below and return it along with payment to the Rectory. For more questions, please contact the office at (718) 886-0201. ………………………………………………………. ORDER FORM PLEASE PRING CLEARLY Name_________________________________ Address________________________________ Phone_________________________________ Please print your intention (example-In Memory of, Devoted Husband and Father, Always in our prayers, In Thanksgiving, In Memory of, For the living and deceased members of, etc. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Please place my memorial in front of (Please Circle) Join Fr. Sauer on a “Diocesan Pilgrimage” Poland & Eastern Europe Warsaw-Krakow-Budapest-Vienna-Prague Visiting the home town of our new Saint John Paul II ------------------November 10-21, 2014 Father Dowd and Father Cunningham Chaplains For Brochure call: Nawas International 1-203-656-3033 St. Ann Our Lady of Fatima St. Jude Infant of Prague Our Lady of Lourdes St. Francis of Assissi Padre Pio St. Rita Our Lady of Romitello St. Theresa Little Flower St. Elizabeth Seton St. Mel St. John Newman St. Patrick St. Joseph St. Anthony Blessed Mother-Limited Space 1 Visita a New York – Whitestone del quadro originale di Maria SS. Addolorata del Romitello 12-21 agosto 2014 Programma Festivitá MARTEDÌ 12 AGOSTO Ore 08:50 Partenza dall’Italia Ore 14:15 (ora locale) Arrivo a New York relative disbrigo pratiche aeroportuali; Ore 16:30 (circa) Arrivo del quadro alla Chiesa di St. Mel – Whitestone http:// www.saintmel.org/ Accoglienza del venerato Quadro con la partecipazione di S.E.R. mons. Nicholas DI Marzio, Arcivesco di Brooklyn e Queens. Ore 18:30 Solenne Processione verso la chiesa di St. Luke Ore 19:45 Rito di accoglienza, salute del Parroco, intervento del Presidente del Club, saluti del Sindaco di Borgetto e discorso del Superiore del Santuario del Romitello; Omaggio personale dei fedeli alla Madonna. 2 MERCOLEDÌ 13 AGOSTO Ore 10:00-12 Confessioni Ore 10:30-12:30 Benedizione delle case Ore 14:30 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 18:30 Preghiera a Maria Ore 19:00 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana con benedizione dei bambini Ore 21:15 Santo Rosario e benedizione Eucaristica GIOVEDÌ 14 AGOSTO Ore 10:00-12:30 Confessioni Ore 10:30-12:30 Benedizione delle case Ore 14:30 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 18:00 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 20:00 Auditorium di St. Luke, Concerto della Banda Musicale di Borgetto “Associazione G. Catanzaro”. Ore 21:15 Santo Rosario e benedizione Eucaristica. VENERDÌ 15 AGOSTO – SOLENNITÀ DELL’ASSUNTA B.V.M. Ore 10:00-12:30 Confessioni Ore 10:30-12:30 Benedizione delle case Ore 13:30 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 16:30 Preghiera a Maria Ore 17:00 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 19:30-01:30 Dinner & Dance – Russo’s on the Bay, Howard Beach, NY Entertainment by: The Voices http://www.borgetto.us/Dinner___Dance.php 3 SABATO 16 AGOSTO Ore 10:00-12:30 Confessioni Ore 10:30-12:30 Benedizione delle case Ore 14:00 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 16:00-22:00 Festa nella “School Yard” antistante alla chiesa di St. Luke, con bancarelle e giochi per bambini. DJ con musica dal vivo. Ore 20:30 Concerto della Banda Musicale di Borgetto “Associazione G. Catanzaro”. Ore 19:00 Solenne concelebrazione Eucarística presieduta da S.E.R. mons. Nicholas DI Marzio, Arcivesco di Brooklyn e Queens. Ore 21:30 Santo Rosario DOMENICA 17 AGOSTO SOLENNE FESTIVITÀ DI MARIA SS. MA ADDOLORATA DEL ROMITELLO Ore 9:00 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 10:30-12:00 Benedizione delle case Ore 14:30 Santo Rosario Ore 15:00 Solenne concelebrazione Eucarística presieduta da S.E.R. mons. Michele Pennisi, Arcivescovo di Monreale Ore 16:30 Solenne Processione. Seguita dalla Banda Musicale di Borgetto. Ore 20:45 (circa) rientro del Sacro Quadro in chiesa per L’omaggio del fedeli. Ore 16:00-22:00 Festa nella “School Yard” antistante alla chiesa di St. Luke, con bancarelle e giochi per bambini. DJ con musica dal vivo Ore 21:30 Sorteggio premi. http://www.borgetto.us/Raffle_Riffa.php LUNEDÌ 18 AGOSTO Ore 10:00-12:30 Confessioni Ore 10:30-12:30 Benedizione delle case Ore 14:30 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 18:30 Preghiera a Maria Ore 19:00 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 19:30 Federation of Italian American Organizations of Queens “Italian Night”, sponsored by Borgetto Cultural Association. http://www.italianfederation.com/ Ore 21:00 Catechesi di mons. Michele Pennisi con le famiglie. 4 MARTEDÌ 19 AGOSTO Ore 10:00-12:30 Confessioni Ore 10:30-12:30 Benedizione delle case Ore 14:30 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 18:30 Preghiera a Maria Ore 19:00 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana com rinnovo delle promesse matrimoniali e benedizione delle coppie. Ore 20:00 Auditorium di St. Luke, Concerto della Banda Musicale di Borgetto "Associazione G. Catanzaro”. Ore 21:15 Santo Rosario e benedizione Eucaristica MERCOLEDÌ 20 AGOSTO Ore 10:00-12:30 Confessioni Ore 10:30-12:30 Benedizione delle case Ore 14:30 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana Ore 20:00 Solenne Concelebrazione Eucaristica presleduta da S.E.R. mons. Michele Pennisi – Arcivescovo di Monreale; Atto di affidamento alla Madonna. Benedizione Solenne e chiusura Solenne dei Festeggiamenti. Ore 21:00 Ricevimento presso l’Auditorium di St. Luke, con presentazione targhe ricordo in Onore degli Ospiti. GIOVEDÌ 21 AGOSTO Ore 07:00 Santo Rosario Ore 07:30 Santa Messa in lingua Italiana e Saluto alla Madonna Ore 08:45 Disbrigo pratiche di imballaggio di sicurezza e ralativo verbale di chiusura. Partenza verso l’aeroporto. Borgetto Cultural Association M.S.S Addolorata del Romitello, Inc. 46-02 30th Ave. Astoria, NY 11103 +1-718-728-9051 Info line festa: +1-718-218-4890 Dall'Italia 091.748.2150 e-mail: [email protected]
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