CERSAIE_2014 our >signs CERSAIE_2014 our >signs Sono i segni indelebili sul pavimento della nostra fabbrica. I segni di storie, di eventi. I segni della nascita dei tanti prodotti che hanno determinato il successo del nostro marchio nel tempo. Sono i segni della passione, dell’impegno e del lavoro di tutti. I segni della ricerca e della creazione, dell’ingegno e della fatica, dei dubbi e delle speranze, delle delusioni e delle soddisfazioni. Sono i segni di 50 anni di storia di Ceramica Sant’Agostino. They are the indelible marks on the floor of our factory. Signs of stories, of events. The signs of the birth of the many products that have determined the success of our brand over time. They are signs of the passion, the commitment and work of all. The signs of the research and creation, of the intelligence and hard work, of doubts and hopes, disappointments and satisfactions. These are signs of 50 years of history of Ceramica Sant'Agostino. Blendart Marmocrea Revstone Pietra Emiliana Native pag. 6 Matherea Inspire pag. 44 pag. 16 pag. 24 pag. 30 pag. 34 pag. 50 Materials for a living architecture. «Materials» perché noi produciamo materiali ceramici: realizziamo piastrelle dalle caratteristiche estetiche e tecniche elevate, spesso innovative perché frutto di una ricerca continua, di conoscenze e competenze qualificate e di costanti investimenti tecnologici. «Living» perché noi creiamo superfici d’arredo, mettendo a disposizione una gamma di piastrelle così ricca e varia per tipologie, colori, formati, finiture e decorazioni - a volte unici sul mercato - da permettere a ognuno di vestire e ambientare i propri spazi in modo personalmente originale e sorprendentemente esclusivo, facendoli vivere della propria sensibilità, del proprio gusto, della propria personalità: di sé. Ma sempre con quella misura, quell’equilibrio e quindi classe, stile, eleganza e bellezza tipicamente italiani che sono nostra visione, modello e ispirazione e di cui il marchio Ceramica Sant’Agostino è testimone dal 1964 nel mondo. «Architecture» perché noi ideiamo soluzioni di design, fornendo - spesso in anticipo e quindi in maniera innovativa - proposte eclettiche e trasversali a livello sia stilistico sia funzionale di materia ceramica che interpreti i diversi linguaggi dell’architettura e del design in particolare da interni, attraverso chiavi di lettura di prodotti che spazino dal gusto tradizionale alle declinazioni del vivere e dell’estetica contemporanei. Le nostre piastrelle sono esse stesse «architetture di materiale» da applicare al progetto, che sia residenziale o non. Sono create per adattarsi con le proprie eterogenee potenzialità espressive alle esigenze dei trend soprattutto di interior più attuali, accompagnandoli fino a influenzarli. Cercano costantemente di dettare, infatti, le tendenze delle superfici ceramiche d’arredo, attraverso una sensibilità di ricerca innovativa e un’eccellenza di produzione qualitativa (anche in termini di attenzione rivolta alla salvaguardia dell’ambiente e alla sicurezza delle persone, dipendenti e consumatori) che incarnano lo spirito e sono l’espressione migliore del made in Italy a livello internazionale. 2 Materials for a living architecture. "Materials" because we produce ceramic materials: we manufacture tiles with high technical and aesthetic characteristics, often innovative due to the result of continuous research, knowledge and qualified expertise and continuous investment in technology. "Living" because we create surfaces of furniture, providing a range of tiles so rich and varied in types, colors, sizes, finishes and decorations - sometimes unique on the market - to allow everyone to dress up and set their own spaces so personally original and surprisingly unique, making them live on their sensibilities, their own taste, their own personality: of themselves. Always with that measurement, that balance and so that class, style, elegance and beauty, typically Italian, vision and inspiration and model of which Ceramica Sant'Agostino is a witness in the world since 1964. "Architecture" because we create design solutions, providing - often in advance and then in an innovative way - eclectic and crossing proposals at both stylistic and functional level; ceramic material that interprets the different languages of architecture and interior design, in particular, through the interpretations of products that cover the traditional taste as far as the contemporary aesthetics declinations of life. Our tiles are themselves "architectures of material" to be applied to a project, whether residential or not. They are created to fit, with the needs of their different expressive potentials, the trend especially of the latest interiors, accompanying them unitl influence them. Constantly trying to dictate, in fact, the trends of the ceramic surfaces, throughan innovative research and an excellence in production quality (in terms of attention paid to environmental protection and safety of persons, employees and consumers) that embody the spirit and are the best expression of made in Italy at international level. 3 4 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит 5 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata effetto legno Rectified wood effect Kalibriert holzeffekt Rectifie effect bois Ректифицированная эффект дерева Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata effetto legno Rectified wood effect Kalibriert holzeffekt Rectifie effect bois Ректифицированная эффект дерева BLENDART 6 7 CRAFT 30 x 120 - 12" x 48" 8 CRAFT rappresenta la pura essenza di Blendart, della sua forza di estetica vissuta e del suo spirito sofisticato artigianale che sono stati dosati meticolosamente, fra equilibrio e gusto di osare, dall’abilità creativa della ricerca di Ceramica Sant’Agostino. CRAFT è un’unica lastra di dimensioni 30 x 120 cm - 12" x 48" cm ma composta da un insieme di listelli di varie misure che vivono di una loro identità artistica presi sia singolarmente sia nella loro composizione misuratamente casuale. CRAFT diventa anche un sistema per cui il movimento grafico e cromatico della materia Blendart viene ad essere esaltato in tutta la sua intensità e varietà posando «a regola d’arte» una serie di lastre a pavimento o rivestimento, nel verso sia orizzontale sia verticale, sfalsandole a correre con una distanza di 40 cm - 16" circa l’una dall’altra. In questo modo si otterrà la percezione visiva di una posa dal senso quasi infinito e dalle combinazioni quasi illimitate, generando allo stesso tempo un plastico effetto pittorico che arrederà e renderà ogni spazio possibile una galleria di sensazioni da vivere e riempire con tutta la propria personalità. CRAFT is the pure essence of Blendart, its strength of lived aesthetic and its sophisticated spirit that were meticulously balanced between taste and daring, by the skill of the creative research of Ceramica Sant'Agostino. CRAFT is a single slab of 30 x 120 cm - 12" x 48" size but composed by a set of strips, various sizes, living their artistic identity taken both individually and in their composition measurably random. 40 cm CRAFT becomes also a system for which the graphic and chromatic movement of Blendart is exalted in all its intensity and variety by placing "workmanlike" a series of plates on floor or wall, in both horizontal and vertical direction, staggered with a distance of about 40 cm - 16" from each other. In this way, a visual perception of the laying will have almost an endless and unlimited combination, generating at the same time a plastic pictorial effect that will furnish and make every possible space a gallery to live and fill with personality. 16" 9 Blendart Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata effetto legno Rectified wood effect Kalibriert holzeffekt Rectifie effect bois Ректифицированная эффект дерева White 30x120 - 12”x48” Blendart White Craft 15x120 - 6”x48” Blendart White 15120 90x90 - 36”x36” Blendart White 9090 60x60 - 24”x24” Blendart White 6060 10 EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL FOR 10mm Dark 30x120 - 12”x48” Blendart Dark Craft 15x120 - 6”x48” Blendart Dark 15120 90x90 - 36”x36” Blendart Dark 9090 60x60 - 24”x24” Blendart Dark 6060 11 Blendart Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata effetto legno Rectified wood effect Kalibriert holzeffekt Rectifie effect bois Ректифицированная эффект дерева Grey 30x120 - 12”x48” Blendart Grey Craft 15x120 - 6”x48” Blendart Grey 15120 90x90 - 36”x36” Blendart Grey 9090 60x60 - 24”x24” Blendart Grey 6060 12 EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL FOR 10mm Natural 30x120 - 12”x48” Blendart Natural Craft 15x120 - 6”x48” Blendart Natural 15120 90x90 - 36”x36” Blendart Natural 9090 60x60 - 24”x24” Blendart Natural 6060 13 Blendart Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata effetto legno Rectified wood effect Kalibriert holzeffekt Rectifie effect bois Ректифицированная эффект дерева Mix 30x120 - 12”x48” Blendart Mix Craft 15x120 - 6”x48” Blendart Mix 15120 14 EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Informazioni Tecniche Technical Data Technische Daten Information Techniques Техническая информация Pezzi speciali - Special Pieces - Spezial-Stücke - Pièces Speciales - Специальных Элементов 33x120 - 13”x48” 33x120 - 13”x48” 33x120 - 13”x48” Ang. Gradone 120 Sx Blendart Gradone 120 Blendart Ang. Gradone 120 Dx Blendart White Dark Grey Natural Mix White Dark Grey Natural Mix White Dark Grey Natural Mix 9,5x60 - 37/8”x24” Battiscopa Blendart White Dark Grey Natural Mix Imballi e pesi - Packing and weights - Verpackungen und gewichte - Emballage et poids - Вес и упаковка 1,08 24,3 22,5 40 42,2 972 0,81 18,2 22,5 36 29,16 655 4 1,44 32,4 22,5 30 43,2 972 4 1,44 32,4 22,5 24 34,6 778 6 90x90 1 CRAFT Kg кг в палете Scatole Boxes Kart Boîtes Коробок в палете 15x120 30x120 Pallet mq Sqm Qm Mc Кв.м Kg/mq Sqm/mq Kg/mq Кг в/Mq Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. 60x60 Scatola/Box mq/Scat. Sqm/Box Qm/Kart. Mc/Boîte Кв.м/кор. Kg/Scat. Kg/Box Kg/Kart. Kg/Boîte Кг/кор. Formato Size форматы (cm) Montato su rete On net Auf Netz Sur trame Собрана на сетке Consigli per la posa - Suggestion for laying - Ratschläge für die verlegung - Conseil pour la pose - Советы по укладке Viste le caratteristiche della serie si consiglia: • Fuga 2 - 3 mm • Per i formati 15x120 si consigliano pose affiancate o a correre sfalsate di 4/5. • Per i formati CRAFT si consigliano pose affiancate o a correre sfalsate di 1/3. Considering the characteristics of this series we suggest: • 2 - 3 mm joint • for the sizes 15x120 lined up laying or 4/5 staggered laying is suggested. • for the sizes CRAFT lined up laying or 1/3 staggered laying is suggested. Im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften der Serie es empfiehlt sich: • 2 - 3 mm. Fuge • Für Formate 15x120 neben verlegt oder 4/5 versetz. • Für Formate CRAFT neben verlegt oder 1/3 versetz. Vu les caractéristiques de la série, nous conseillons: • Joint 2 - 3 mm • Pour les formats 15x120, il est conseillé une pose alignée ou une pose décalée au 4/5. • Pour les formats CRAFT, il est conseillé une pose alignée ou une pose décalée au1/3. В силу характеристик данной серии рекомендуется: • Шов 2 - 3 мм • Для форматов 15x120 рекомендуется укладка рядами или со смещением на 4/5. • Для форматов CRAFT рекомендуется укладка рядами или со смещением на1/3. Certificazioni - Certifications - Certifications - Zertifizierungen - Сертификаты FOR 15 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная MARMOCREA 16 FOR 10mm Nat Kry Venato Gold 60x150 - 24”x59” Venato Gold 60150 90x90 -36”x36” Venato Gold 9090 60x60 - 24”x24 ” Venato Gold 6060 45x90 - 18”x36” Venato Gold 4590 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Venato Gold 8989 Kry 44,5x89 - 171/2”x351/2” Venato Gold 4489 Kry Venato Gold 6060 Kry Arabescato 60x150 - 24”x59” Arabescato 60150 90x90 -36”x36” 60x60 - 24”x24 ” Arabescato 6060 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Arabescato 9090 Arabescato 8989 Kry 45x90 - 18”x36” 44,5x89 - 171/2”x351/2” Arabescato 4590 Arabescato 4489 Kry Arabescato 6060 Kry 17 Marmocrea Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Ocean Grey 60x150 - 24”x59” Ocean Grey 60150 90x90 -36”x36” 60x60 - 24”x24 ” Ocean Grey 6060 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Ocean Grey 9090 Ocean Grey 8989 Kry 45x90 - 18”x36” 44,5x89 - 171/2”x351/2” Ocean Grey 4590 Ocean Grey 4489 Kry Ocean Grey 6060 Kry Beige Impero 60x150 - 24”x59” Beige Impero 60150 90x90 -36”x36” Beige Impero 9090 60x60 - 24”x24 ” Beige Impero 6060 Beige Impero 6060 Kry 18 45x90 - 18”x36” Beige Impero 4590 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Beige Impero 8989 Kry 44,5x89 - 171/2”x351/2” Beige Impero 4489 Kry FOR 10mm Nat Kry Bronzo Amani 60x150 - 24”x59” Bronzo Amani 60150 90x90 -36”x36” Bronzo Amani 9090 60x60 - 24”x24 ” Bronzo Amani 6060 45x90 - 18”x36” Bronzo Amani 4590 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Bronzo Amani 8989 Kry 44,5x89 - 171/2”x351/2” Bronzo Amani 4489 Kry Bronzo Amani 6060 Kry 19 Marmocrea 20 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” Mosaico Arabescato Mosaico Beige Impero Mosaico Bronzo Amani Mosaico Ocean Grey Mosaico Venato Gold 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” Class Arabescato Class Beige Impero Class Bronzo Amani 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” Class Ocean Grey Class Venato Gold 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” Rete Sole Kry Rete Luna Kry Rete Terra Kry EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL FOR 10mm Nat Kry Minimal Bronze 25x60 - 10”x24” Minimal Cream 25x60 - 10”x24” Minimal Grey 25x60 - 10”x24” Minimal Pearl 25x60 - 10”x24” Minimal White 25x60 - 10”x24” End Bronze 5x60 - 2”x24” End Cream 5x60 - 2”x24” End Grey 5x60 - 2”x24” End Pearl 5x60 - 2”x24” End White 5x60 - 2”x24” Cross Black Cross Brown Cross Cream Cross Grey Cross White Corner Black Corner Brown Corner Cream Corner Grey Corner White 1,5x150 - 3/4”x59” 1,5x60 - 3/4”x24” 21 Marmocrea Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная Design by Palazzo Antique 22 60x60 - 24”x24” EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Informazioni Tecniche Technical Data Technische Daten Information Techniques Техническая информация Pezzi speciali - Special Pieces - Spezial-Stücke - Pièces Speciales - Специальных Элементов 33x90 - 13”x36” 33x90 - 13”x36” 33x90 - 13”x36” 9,5x60 - 37/8”x24” Grad. Ang. 90 Sx Marmocrea Grad. 90 Marmocrea Grad. Ang. 90 Dx Marmocrea Battiscopa Marmocrea Arabescato Beige Impero Bronzo Amani Ocean Grey Venato Gold Arabescato Beige Impero Bronzo Amani Ocean Grey Venato Gold Arabescato Beige Impero Bronzo Amani Ocean Grey Venato Gold Arabescato Beige Impero Bronzo Amani Ocean Grey Venato Gold Arabescato Kry Beige Impero Kry Bronzo Amani Kry Ocean Grey Kry Venato Gold Kry Imballi e pesi - Packing and weights - Verpackungen und gewichte - Emballage et poids - Вес и упаковка Scatola/Box mq/Scat. Sqm/Box Qm/Kart. Mc/Boîte Кв.м/кор. Pallet mq Sqm Qm Mc Кв.м Kg кг в палете Kg/Scat. Kg/Box Kg/Kart. Kg/Boîte Кг/кор. Kg/mq Sqm/mq Kg/mq Кг в/Mq Scatole Boxes Kart Boîtes Коробок в палете 0,90 20,3 22,5 36 32,4 730 1 0,81 18,2 22,5 36 29,16 655 1 0,79 17,8 22,5 36 28,4 641 45x90 3 1,22 27,5 22,5 20 24,4 549 44,5x89 3 1,19 26,8 22,5 24 28,5 643 4 1,44 32,4 22,5 30 43,2 972 4 1,44 32,4 22,5 30 43,2 972 Formato Size форматы (cm) Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. 60x150 1 90x90 89x89 ❖ ❖ 60x60 Montato su rete On net Auf Netz Sur trame Собрана на сетке 60x60 Palazzo 30x30 Mosaico 6 0,54 11,3 21 60 32,4 680 30x30 Class 6 0,54 11,3 21 60 32,4 680 < 30x30 Rete 6 0,54 11,3 21 60 32,4 680 < ❖ Lotto minimo di vendita: 2 scatole (o multipli di 2 scatole) ❖ Minimum sale unit: 2 cartons (or multiples of 2 cartons) ❖ Nicht weniger als: 2 Packete (oder vielfach von 2 Packete) ❖ Lot minime de vente: 2 boites (ou multiplesde 2 boites) ❖ Минимальная партия для продажи: 2 коробки (или несколько партий по 2 коробки) Consigli per la posa - Suggestion for laying - Ratschläge für die verlegung - Conseil pour la pose - Советы по укладке Viste le caratteristiche della serie si consiglia: • Fuga 2 - 3 mm • Per i formati 45 x 90, si consigliano pose affiancate o a correre sfalsate di 3/4. • Per i formati 60x150 si consigliano pose affiancate o a correre sfalsate di 4/5. Considering the characteristics of this series we suggest: • 2 - 3 mm joint • for the sizes 45 x 90 lined up laying or 3/4 staggered laying is suggested. • for the sizes 60x150 lined up laying or 4/5 staggered laying is suggested. Im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften der Serie es empfiehlt sich: • 2 - 3 mm. Fuge • Für Formate 45 x 90 neben verlegt oder 3/4 versetz. • Für Formate 60x150 neben verlegt oder 4/5 versetz. Vu les caractéristiques de la série, nous conseillons: • Joint 2 - 3 mm • Pour les formats 45 x 90, il est conseillé une pose alignée ou une pose décalée au 3/4. • Pour les formats 60x150 , il est conseillé une pose alignée ou une pose décalée au 4/5. В силу характеристик данной серии рекомендуется: • Шов 2 - 3 мм • Для форматов 45 x 90 рекомендуется укладка рядами или со смещением на 3/4. • Для форматов 60x150 рекомендуется укладка рядами или со смещением на 4/5. Certificazioni - Certifications - Certifications - Zertifizierungen - Сертификаты FOR 23 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная REVSTONE 24 FOR Nat 10mm As 2.0 20mm Kry 10mm Beige 90x90 - 36”x36” Revstone Beige 9090 Nat 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Revstone Beige 8989 Kry 75x75 - 30”x30” Revstone Beige 7575 Nat Revstone Beige 7575 Kry Revstone Beige 7575 As 2.0 30x90 - 12 ”x36” Revstone Beige 3090 Nat 29,5x89 - 111/2”x351/2” Revstone Beige 2989 Kry 60x60 - 24”x24” Revstone Beige 6060 Nat Revstone Beige 6060 Kry Cement 90x90 - 36”x36” Revstone Cement 9090 Nat 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Revstone Cement 8989 Kry 75x75 - 30”x30” Revstone Cement 7575 Nat Revstone Cement 7575 Kry Revstone Cement 7575 As 2.0 30x90 - 12 ”x36” Revstone Cement 3090 Nat 29,5x89 - 111/2”x351/2” Revstone Cement 2989 Kry 60x60 - 24”x24” Revstone Cement 6060 Nat Revstone Cement 6060 Kry 25 Revstone Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Dark 90x90 - 36”x36” Revstone Dark 9090 Nat 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Revstone Dark 8989 Kry 75x75 - 30”x30” Revstone Dark 7575 Nat Revstone Dark 7575 Kry Revstone Dark 7575 As 2.0 30x90 - 12 ”x36” Revstone Dark 3090 Nat 29,5x89 - 111/2”x351/2” Revstone Dark 2989 Kry 60x60 - 24”x24” Revstone Dark 6060 Nat Revstone Dark 6060 Kry Grey 90x90 - 36”x36” Revstone Grey 9090 Nat 89x89 - 351/2”x351/2” Revstone Grey 8989 Kry 75x75 - 30”x30” Revstone Grey 7575 Nat Revstone Grey 7575 Kry Revstone Grey 7575 As 2.0 30x90 - 12 ”x36” Revstone Grey 3090 Nat 60x60 - 24”x24” Revstone Grey 6060 Nat Revstone Grey 6060 Kry 26 29,5x89 - 111/2”x351/2” Revstone Grey 2989 Kry FOR Nat 10mm As 2.0 20mm Kry 10mm 22,5x45 - 9”x18” 22,5x45 - 9”x18” Vox Beige Vox Cement 22,5x45 - 9”x18” 22,5x45 - 9”x18” Vox Dark Vox Grey 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” Illusion Beige Illusion Cement Illusion Dark Illusion Grey 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” 30x30 - 12”x12” Mosaico Revstone Beige Mosaico Revstone Cement Mosaico Revstone Dark Mosaico Revstone Grey 27 Revstone Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная Secret Cement 28 30x90 - 12”x36” comp. 3 pz Secret Beige EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL 30x90 - 12”x36” comp. 3 pz Informazioni Tecniche Technical Data Technische Daten Information Techniques Техническая информация Pezzi speciali - Special Pieces - Spezial-Stücke - Pièces Speciales - Специальных Элементов 33x90 - 13”x36” 33x90 - 13”x36” 33x90 - 13”x36” 9,5x60 - 37/8”x24” Grad. Ang. 90 Sx Revstone Gradone 90 Revstone Grad. Ang. 90 Dx Revstone Battiscopa Revstone Beige Cement Dark Grey Beige Cement Dark Grey Beige Cement Dark Grey Beige Cement Dark Grey Beige Kry Cement Kry Dark Kry Grey Kry Imballi e pesi - Packing and weights - Verpackungen und gewichte - Emballage et poids - Вес и упаковка Scatola/Box mq/Scat. Sqm/Box Qm/Kart. Mc/Boîte Кв.м/кор. Pallet mq Sqm Qm Mc Кв.м Kg кг в палете Kg/Scat. Kg/Box Kg/Kart. Kg/Boîte Кг/кор. Kg/mq Sqm/mq Kg/mq Кг в/Mq Scatole Boxes Kart Boîtes Коробок в палете 0,81 18,2 22,5 36 29,16 655 1 0,79 17,8 22,5 36 28,4 641 3 0,81 18,2 22,5 36 29,16 655 29,5x89 3 0,79 17,8 22,5 36 28,4 641 75x75 2 1,13 25,4 22,5 42 47,46 1.067 4 1,44 32,4 22,5 30 43,2 972 6 0,54 11,3 21 60 32,4 680 Formato Size форматы (cm) Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. 90x90 1 89x89 30x90 Montato su rete On net Auf Netz Sur trame Собрана на сетке 75x75 As 60x60 30x30 Mosaico 29x29 Illusion < Vox < 22,5x45 < Consigli per la posa - Suggestion for laying - Ratschläge für die verlegung - Conseil pour la pose - Советы по укладке Viste le caratteristiche della serie si consiglia: • Fuga 2 - 3 mm • Per i formati 30 x 90, 29,5x89 si consigliano pose affiancate o a correre sfalsate di 3/4.. Considering the characteristics of this series we suggest: • 2 - 3 mm joint • for the sizes 30 x 90, 29,5x89 lined up laying or 3/4 staggered laying is suggested.. Im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften der Serie es empfiehlt sich: • 2 - 3 mm. Fuge • Für Formate 30 x 90, 29,5x89 neben verlegt oder 3/4 versetz. Vu les caractéristiques de la série, nous conseillons: • Joint 2 - 3 mm • Pour les formats 30 x 90, 29,5x89 il est conseillé une pose alignée ou une pose décalée au 3/4. В силу характеристик данной серии рекомендуется: • Шов 2 - 3 мм • Для форматов 30 x 90, 29,5x89 рекомендуется укладка рядами или со смещением на 3/4. Certificazioni - Certifications - Certifications - Zertifizierungen - Сертификаты FOR 29 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame PIETRA EMILIANA 30 Керамогранит EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL FOR 10mm As 10mm As 2.0 20mm 60x60 24"x24" 60x60 24"x24" 60x60 24"x24" Avorio Pietra Em. Avorio Modul-or As COMPOSIZIONE MODULO (2 Modul-or x scatola) 45x30 18”x12” 30x22,5 12”x84/5” module composition (2 Modul-lor x Kart) 15x22,5 6”x84/5” Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 15x30 6”x12” 15x15 6”x6” 30x30 - 12”x12” 41x61 - 16”x241/5” Pietra Em. Avorio 6060 Pietra Em. Avorio 4161 As Pietra Em. Avorio 3030 As Pietra Em. Avorio 6060 As Pietra Em. Avorio 6060 As 2.0 30x30 - 12”x12” 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” Mosaico Pietra Avorio Spa Teorema Pietra Avorio Terra (2 Modul-or x scatola) Pietra Em. Terra Modul-or As COMPOSIZIONE MODULO 45x30 18”x12” 30x22,5 12”x84/5” Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная module composition (2 Modul-lor x Kart) 15x22,5 6”x84/5” 15x30 6”x12” 15x15 6”x6” 30x30 - 12”x12” 41x61 - 16”x241/5” Pietra Em. Terra 6060 Pietra Em. Terra 4161 As Pietra Em. Terra 3030 As Pietra Em. Terra 6060 As Pietra Em. Terra 6060 As 2.0 30x30 - 12”x12” 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” Mosaico Pietra Terra Spa Teorema Pietra Terra 31 Pietra Emiliana Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Perla (2 Modul-or x scatola) COMPOSIZIONE MODULO module composition Pietra Em. Perla Modul-or As 45x30 18”x12” 30x22,5 12”x84/5” (2 Modul-lor x Kart) 15x22,5 6”x84/5” Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 15x30 6”x12” 15x15 6”x6” 30x30 - 12”x12” 41x61 - 16”x241/5” Pietra Em. Perla 6060 Pietra Em. Perla 4161 As Pietra Em. Perla 3030 As Pietra Em. Perla 6060 As Pietra Em. Perla 6060 As 2.0 30x30 - 12”x12” 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” Mosaico Pietra Perla Spa Teorema Pietra Perla Antracite (2 Modul-or x scatola) Pietra Em. Antracite Modul-or As COMPOSIZIONE MODULO 45x30 18”x12” 30x22,5 12”x84/5” module composition (2 Modul-lor x Kart) 15x22,5 6”x84/5” Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 15x30 6”x12” 15x15 6”x6” 30x30 - 12”x12” 41x61 - 16”x241/5” Pietra Em. Antracite 6060 Pietra Em. Antracite 4161 As Pietra Em. Antracite 6060 As Pietra Em. Antracite 6060 As 2.0 32 30x30 - 12”x12” 29x29 - 111/2”x111/2” Mosaico Pietra Antracite Spa Teorema Pietra Antracite Pietra Em. Antracite 3030 As Informazioni Tecniche Technical Data Technische Daten Information Techniques Техническая информация Pezzi speciali - Special Pieces - Spezial-Stücke - Pièces Speciales - Специальных Элементов 33x60 - 13”x24” 33x60 - 13”x24” 33x60 - 13”x24” 9,5 x 60 - 37/8” x 24” Gradone Ang. 60 Sx Pietra Em. Gradone 60 Pietra Em. Gradone Ang. 60 Dx Pietra Em. Battiscopa Pietra Em. Avorio Terra Perla Antracite Avorio As Terra As Perla As Antracite As Avorio Terra Perla Antracite Avorio As Terra As Perla As Antracite As Avorio Terra Perla Antracite Avorio As Terra As Perla As Antracite As Avorio Terra Perla Antracite 33x61,5 - 13”x241/5” 15x30 - 6”x12” Gradone Elle 61 Pietra Em. Elle Pietra Em. As Avorio As Terra As Perla As Antracite As Avorio As Terra As Perla As Antracite As Imballi e pesi - Packing and weights - Verpackungen und gewichte - Emballage et poids - Вес и упаковка Formato Size форматы (cm) Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. Modul-or 2 60x60 4 Scatola/Box mq/Scat. Sqm/Box Qm/Kart. Mc/Boîte Кв.м/кор. Pallet mq Sqm Qm Mc Кв.м Kg кг в палете Kg/Scat. Kg/Box Kg/Kart. Kg/Boîte Кг/кор. Kg/mq Sqm/mq Kg/mq Кг в/Mq Scatole Boxes Kart Boîtes Коробок в палете 0,81 18,2 22,5 52 42,12 946 1,44 32,4 22,5 30 43,2 972 60x60 As 4 1,44 32,4 22,5 30 43,2 972 60x60 As 2.0 2 0,72 33 45,8 32 23,04 1056 41x61 Montato su rete On net Auf Netz Sur trame Собрана на сетке 9 1,01 22,7 22,5 60 60,6 1.362 29x29 Teorema 5 0,42 11 26,2 42 17,64 462 < 30x30 Mosaico 6 0,54 11,3 21 60 32,4 680 < Consigli per la posa - Suggestion for laying - Ratschläge für die verlegung - Conseil pour la pose - Советы по укладке Viste le caratteristiche della serie si consiglia: • Fuga 2 - 3 mm RET • Fuga 3 - 4 mm NR • Per i formati 41x61 si consigliano pose affiancate o a correre sfalsate di 3/4. Considering the characteristics of this series we suggest: • 2 - 3 mm joint RET • 3 - 4 mm joint NR • for the sizes 41x61 lined up laying or 3/4 staggered laying is suggested. Im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften der Serie es empfiehlt sich: • 2 - 3 mm. Fuge RET • 3 - 4 mm. Fuge NR • Für Formate 41x61 neben verlegt oder 3/4 versetz. Vu les caractéristiques de la série, nous conseillons: • Joint 2 - 3 mm RET • Joint 3 - 4 mm NR • Pour les formats 41x61, il est conseillé une pose alignée ou une pose décalée au 3/4. В силу характеристик данной серии рекомендуется: • Шов 2 - 3 мм RET • Шов 3 - 4 мм NR • Для форматов 41x61 рекомендуется укладка рядами или со смещением на 3/4. Certificazioni - Certifications - Certifications - Zertifizierungen - Сертификаты FOR 33 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug NATIVE 34 Grès cérame Керамогранит EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL * FOR 10mm Antique DCOF ASTM Natural DCOF ASTM In & Out Rectified 60x60 24"x24" Beige COMPOSIZIONE MODULO (1 Modul-or x scatola) 40x60 16”x48” 30x40 12”x16” module composition (1 Modul-lor x Kart) 20x30 8”x12” 20x40 8”x16” 20x20 8”x8” Native Beige Modul-or Native Beige Modul-or Antique Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 60x60 - 24”x24” Native Beige 6060 Native Beige 6060 Antique 61,5x61,5 - 241/5”x241/5” 41x61,5 - 16”x241/5” Native Beige 6161 Native Beige 6161 Antique Native Beige 4161 Native Beige 4161 Antique Esagono lato 20 - Hexagon side 8" 30x30 - 12”x12” Native Beige Esagono Native Beige Es. Antique Native Beige Mosaico Native Beige 6161 Antique 35 Native Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Ivory (1 Modul-or x scatola) COMPOSIZIONE MODULO module composition 40x60 16”x48” 30x40 12”x16” Native Ivory Modul-or Native Ivory Modul-or Antique Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 60x60 - 24”x24” Native Ivory 6060 Native Ivory 6060 Antique 61,5x61,5 - 241/5”x241/5” 41x61,5 - 16”x241/5” Native Ivory 6161 Native Ivory 6161 Antique Native Ivory 4161 Native Ivory 4161 Antique Esagono lato 20 - Hexagon side 8" 30x30 - 12”x12” Native Ivory Esagono Native Ivory Es. Antique Native Ivory Mosaico Native Ivory 6161 36 (1 Modul-lor x Kart) 20x30 8”x12” 20x40 8”x16” 20x20 8”x8” * FOR 10mm Antique DCOF ASTM Natural DCOF ASTM In & Out Rectified 60x60 24"x24" Dark COMPOSIZIONE MODULO (1 Modul-or x scatola) 40x60 16”x48” 30x40 12”x16” module composition (1 Modul-lor x Kart) 20x30 8”x12” 20x40 8”x16” 20x20 8”x8” Native Dark Modul-or Native Dark Modul-or Antique Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 60x60 - 24”x24” Native Dark 6060 Native Dark 6060 Antique 61,5x61,5 - 241/5”x241/5” 41x61,5 - 16”x241/5” Native Dark 6161 Native Dark 6161 Antique Native Dark 4161 Native Dark 4161 Antique Esagono lato 20 - Hexagon side 8" 30x30 - 12”x12” Native Dark Esagono Native Dark Es. Antique Native Dark Mosaico Native Dark 6161 Antique 37 Native Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Fire (1 Modul-or x scatola) COMPOSIZIONE MODULO module composition 40x60 16”x48” 30x40 12”x16” Native Fire Modul-or Native Fire Modul-or Antique Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 60x60 - 24”x24” Native Fire 6060 Native Fire 6060 Antique 61,5x61,5 - 241/5”x241/5” 41x61,5 - 16”x241/5” Native Fire 6161 Native Fire 6161 Antique Native Fire 4161 Native Fire 4161 Antique Esagono lato 20 - Hexagon side 8" 30x30 - 12”x12” Native Fire Esagono Native Fire Es. Antique Native Fire Mosaico Native Fire 6161 38 (1 Modul-lor x Kart) 20x30 8”x12” 20x40 8”x16” 20x20 8”x8” * FOR 10mm Antique DCOF ASTM Natural DCOF ASTM In & Out Rectified 60x60 24"x24" Grey COMPOSIZIONE MODULO (1 Modul-or x scatola) 40x60 16”x48” 30x40 12”x16” module composition (1 Modul-lor x Kart) 20x30 8”x12” 20x40 8”x16” 20x20 8”x8” Native Grey Modul-or Native Grey Modul-or Antique Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 60x60 - 24”x24” Native Grey 6060 Native Grey 6060 Antique 61,5x61,5 - 241/5”x241/5” 41x61,5 - 16”x241/5” Native Grey 6161 Native Grey 6161 Antique Native Grey 4161 Native Grey 4161 Antique Esagono lato 20 - Hexagon side 8" 30x30 - 12”x12” Native Grey Esagono Native Grey Es. Antique Native Grey Mosaico Native Grey 6161 39 Native Gres porcellanato Porcelain Ritual Antique Esagono lato 20 - Hexagon side 8" La decorazione Ritual si compone di 10 varianti grafiche. Viene fornita in scatole da 9 pezzi, all'interno delle quali, le grafiche, sono miscelate in modo casuale. The décor RITUAL consists of 10 graphic variations. It is supplied in boxes of 9 pieces, with randomlymixed graphics inside each box. Ritual est composé par 10 décors différents. Il est livré dans des boites de 9 pièces, dans les quelles, les décors sont mélangés d’une façon aléatoire. Die Dekoration RITUAL umfasst 10 grafische Varianten. Sie wird in 9-Stück-Schachteln geliefert, in denen die Grafiken jeweils nach dem Zufallsprinzip vermischt werden. Декор RITUAL включает в себя 10 графических вариантов. Поставляется в коробках, по 9 штук в каждой коробке, где варианты графического оформления подобраны случайным образом. 40 Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL Informazioni Tecniche Technical Data Technische Daten Information Techniques Техническая информация Pezzi speciali - Special Pieces - Spezial-Stücke - Pièces Speciales - Специальных Элементов Disponibile anche in versione rettificata 60 Available also on 60cm length rect. 33x61,5 - 13”x241/5” 33x61,5 - 13”x241/5” 33x61,5 - 13”x241/5” Grad. Ang. 61 Sx Native Grad. Ang. 61 Sx Native Antique Grad. 61 Native Grad. 61 Native Antique Grad. Ang. 61 Dx Native Grad. Ang. 61 Dx Native Antique Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey 9,5 x 61,5 - 37/8” x 241/5” Vorraetig auch in 60 Rett. Battiscopa Disponible en 60 rectifie Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey Superficie Naturale 33x61,5 - 13”x24 ” 33x61,5 - 13”x24 ” 33x61,5 - 13”x24 ” Grad. Elle 61 Sx Native Grad. Elle 61 Native Grad. Elle 61 Dx Native Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey 1/5 1/5 Natural surface Natur Oberflache Surface Naturelle Натуральная поверхность 1/5 9,5 x 60- 37/8” x 245” Battiscopa Ret Beige Ivory Dark Fire Grey Imballi e pesi - Packing and weights - Verpackungen und gewichte - Emballage et poids - Вес и упаковка Pallet mq Sqm Qm Mc Кв.м Kg кг в палете Montato su rete On net Auf Netz Sur trame Собрана на сетке Kg/mq Sqm/mq Kg/mq Кг в/Mq Scatole Boxes Kart Boîtes Коробок в палете 0,76 17,1 22,5 30 22,8 513 Battiscopa 1,51 34 22,5 30 45,30 1.020 4 1,44 32,4 22,5 30 43,2 4 1,01 22,7 22,5 60 60,6 Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. Modul-or 1 61x61 4 60x60 41x61 Esagono Scatola/Box mq/Scat. Sqm/Box Qm/Kart. Mc/Boîte Кв.м/кор. Kg/Scat. Kg/Box Kg/Kart. Kg/Boîte Кг/кор. Formato Size форматы (cm) Formato Size форматы (cm) Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. Gradone 61 33x61 4 972 Ang Grad 61 Sx 33x61 2 1.362 Ang Grad 61 Dx 33x61 2 Nome Name Nom Название Comp/Scat. Set/Box Set/Kart. Dec/Boîte Композиций в коробке Pannelli/Scat. Panels/Box Pannele/Kart. Pann./Boîte Панелей в коробке 14 9 0,94 21,2 22,5 48 45,12 1.018 Gradone Elle 61 33x61 4 Esagono Ritual 9 0,94 21,2 22,5 48 45,12 1.018 Ang Grad Elle 61 Sx 33x61 2 30x30 Mosaico 6 0,54 11,3 21 60 32,4 680 Ang Grad Elle 61 Dx 33x61 2 < Pezzi comp Pcs/set Stck/set Pcs/set Штук в композиции Consigli per la posa - Suggestion for laying - Ratschläge für die verlegung - Conseil pour la pose - Советы по укладке Viste le caratteristiche della serie si consiglia: • Fuga 2 - 3 mm RET • Fuga 3 - 4 mm NR • Per i formati 41x61 si consigliano pose affiancate o a correre sfalsate di 3/4. • Colore Fuga (MAPEI) Beige Mapei 110 -111 Ivory Mapei 111-132 Dark Mapei 114 -113 Fire Mapei 112 Grey Mapei 110 Considering the characteristics of this series we suggest: • 2 - 3 mm joint RET • 3 - 4 mm joint NR • for the sizes 41x61 lined up laying or 3/4 staggered laying is suggested. • Grouting colour (MAPEI) Beige Mapei 110 -111 Ivory Mapei 111-132 Dark Mapei 114 -113 Fire Mapei 112 Grey Mapei 110 Im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften der Serie es empfiehlt sich: • 2 - 3 mm. Fuge RET • 3 - 4 mm. Fuge NR • Für Formate 41x61 neben verlegt oder 3/4 versetz. • Farbe der Fuge (MAPEI) Beige Mapei Ivory Mapei Dark Mapei Fire Mapei Grey Mapei Vu les caractéristiques de la série, nous conseillons: • Joint 2 - 3 mm RET • Joint 3 - 4 mm NR • Pour les formats 41x61, il est conseillé une pose alignée ou une pose décalée au 3/4. • Couleur de joint (MAPEI) Beige Mapei 110 -111 Ivory Mapei 111-132 Dark Mapei 114 -113 Fire Mapei 112 Grey Mapei 110 В силу характеристик данной серии рекомендуется: • Шов 2 - 3 мм RET • Шов 3 - 4 мм NR • Для форматов 41x61 рекомендуется укладка рядами или со смещением на 3/4. • цвет шов ((MAPEI) Beige Mapei 110 -111 Ivory Mapei 111-132 Dark Mapei 114 -113 Fire Mapei 112 Grey Mapei 110 Certificazioni - Certifications - Certifications - Zertifizierungen - Сертификаты Coefficent of friction ASTM C 1028 - 2006 * BOT 3000 (DCOF) FOR ANSI A 137.1:2012 VERSION 1 Dry μ › 0,6 Wet μ › 0,6 WET DCOF ≥ 0,42 Natural Surface - Anti Slip Natural Surface - Anti Slip * ANAB Serie in fase di certificazione - Collection under certification - Série en phase de rectification - Die zertifikaten werden gerade hergestellt - Серия на стадии сертификации 41 42 Rivestimenti Wall Tiles Wandverkleidungen Revêtements Напольная Плитка Из Облицовочные Материалы 43 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная MATHEREA 44 FOR 8,5mm Matherea White 3075 30x75 - 12”x30” Matherea Cement 3075 30x75 - 12”x30” Matherea Dark 3075 30x75 - 12”x30” Matherea Greige 3075 30x75 - 12”x30” Shade Grey 30x75 - 12”x30” Comp. 2 pz. Shade Blue 30x75 - 12”x30” Comp. 2 pz. 45 Matherea 46 Gres porcellanato Porcelain Feinsteinzeug Grès cérame Керамогранит Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 27x32,5 - 101/2”x13” 27x32,5 - 101/2”x13” Exagon White Exagon Cement 27x32,5 - 101/2”x13” 27x32,5 - 101/2”x13” Exagon Dark Exagon White EN 14411 APPENDICE G BIa GL FOR 8,5mm 8x30 - 31/4”x12” Re-Wall White 8x30 - 31/4”x12” Re-Wall Mix Brown 8x30 - 31/4”x12” Re-Wall Mix Dark 47 Matherea Gres porcellanato Feinsteinzeug Керамогранит Rettificata Kalibriert Ректифицированная Porcelain Grès cérame Rectified Rectifie Book 30x75 - 12”x30” Comp. 3 pz. 30x75 - 12”x30” Selection 48 Comp. 8 pz. Informazioni Tecniche Technical Data Technische Daten Information Techniques Техническая информация Pezzi speciali - Special Pieces - Spezial-Stücke - Pièces Speciales - Специальных Элементов 1,5x30 - 3/4”x12” Q. Round Matherea White Matherea Cement Matherea Dark Matherea Greige Imballi e pesi - Packing and weights - Verpackungen und gewichte - Emballage et poids - Вес и упаковка Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. Formato Size форматы (cm) 30x75 8x30 Re-Wall 27x32,5 Exagon Scatola/Box mq/Scat. Sqm/Box Qm/Kart. Mc/Boîte Кв.м/кор. Kg/Scat. Kg/Box Kg/Kart. Kg/Boîte Кг/кор. Kg/mq Sqm/mq Kg/mq Кг в/Mq Scatole Boxes Kart Boîtes Коробок в палете Pallet mq Sqm Qm Mc Кв.м Kg. кг в палете 5 1,13 25,4 22,5 40 45,2 1016 25 0,6 13,5 22,5 56 33,6 756 Montato su rete On net Auf Netz Sur trame Собрана на сетке < Consigli per la posa - Suggestion for laying - Ratschläge für die verlegung - Conseil pour la pose - Советы по укладке Viste le caratteristiche della serie si consiglia: • Rivestimento • Posa accostata Considering the characteristics of this series we suggest: • Wall tiles • No joint laying Im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften der Serie es empfiehlt sich: • Bodenfliesen • Fugenfreie Verlegung Vu les caractéristiques de la série, nous conseillons: • Carreaux pour murs • Pose bord a bord В силу характеристик данной серии рекомендуется: • Настенная плитка • Укладка сближена • Pavimento Fuga 2/3 mm • Floor tiles 2/3 mm joint • Wandnfliesen 2/3 mm. Fuge • Carreaux pour sol Joint 2/3 mm • Напольная плитка Шов 2 - 3 мм Certificazioni - Certifications - Certifications - Zertifizierungen - Сертификаты FOR 49 Piastrelle in pasta bianca White body tiles Weissscherbige fliesen Carreaux en pate blanche плитка из белой глины Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная INSPIRE 50 EN 14411 APPENDICE L BIII GL * FOR 25x75 - 10”x30” 9,4mm Bianco Calacatta 25x75 - 10”x30” Cult Calacatta 25x75 - 10”x30” Bianco Statuario 25x75 - 10”x30” Cult Statuario 25x75 - 10”x30” Grigio Bardiglio 25x75 - 10”x30” Cult Bardiglio 25x75 - 10”x30” 51 Inspire Piastrelle in pasta bianca White body tiles Weissscherbige fliesen Carreaux en pate blanche плитка из белой глины Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная EN 14411 APPENDICE L BIII GL Design by 52 Art Calacatta 25x75 - 10”x30” Palermo Calacatta 25x75 - 10”x30” Art Statuario 25x75 - 10”x30” Palermo Statuario 25x75 - 10”x30” Art Bardiglio 25x75 - 10”x30” 25x25- 10”x10” 25x25- 10”x10” 25x25- 10”x10” Mosaico Calacatta Mosaico Statuario Mosaico Bardiglio FOR 25x75 - 10”x30” 9,4mm 12x25 - 43/4”x10” 12x25 - 43/4”x10” Alzata Inspire Bianco Alzata Inspire Nero 10x25 - 43/4”x10” 10x25 - 43/4”x10” Listello Inspire Oro Listello Inspire Nero 4,5x25 - 13/4”x10” 4,5x25 - 13/4”x10” Fascia Inspire Oro Fascia Inspire Nero 6,5x25 - 23/4”x10” 25x75 - 10”x30” Comp. 3 pz. Listello Bianco Romantica Calacatta 25x75 - 10”x30” 6,5x25 - 23/4”x10” 1,5x25 - 3/4”x10” Lis. Bianco Calacatta Matita Bianco Calacatta 6,5x25 - 23/4”x10” 1,5x25 - 3/4”x10” Lis. Bianco Statuario Matita Bianco Statuario 6,5x25 - 23/4”x10” 1,5x25 - 3/4”x10” Lis. Grigio Bardiglio Matita Grigio Bardiglio Comp. 3 pz. Romantica Statuario 53 Inspire Pavimento coordinato in B2Gres Combined B2Gres floor-tiles B2Gres passend zu Wandfliesen Coordonnés aux carreus de sol en B2Gres Напольная плитка из керамогранита B2Gres Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Rectifie Ректифицированная 41,5x41,5 - 161/3" x 161/3" 54 10mm 41,5x41,5 - 161/3" x 161/3" 41,5x41,5 - 161/3" x 161/3" 41,5x41,5 - 161/3" x 161/3" Floor Bianco Calacatta Floor Bianco Statuario Floor Grigio Bardiglio EN 14411 APPENDICE J BIIb GL Informazioni Tecniche Technical Data Technische Daten Information Techniques Техническая информация Pezzi speciali - Special Pieces - Spezial-Stücke - Pièces Speciales - Специальных Элементов 1,5x25 - 3/4”x10” 5x25 - 2”x10” 5x25 - 2”x10” Q. Round Bullnose V-Cap Bianco Statuario Bianco Calacatta Grigio Bardiglio Bianco Statuario Bianco Calacatta Grigio Bardiglio Bianco Statuario Bianco Calacatta Grigio Bardiglio Imballi e pesi - Packing and weights - Verpackungen und gewichte - Emballage et poids - Вес и упаковка Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. Formato Size форматы (cm) 25x75 ❖ Scatola/Box mq/Scat. Sqm/Box Qm/Kart. Mc/Boîte Кв.м/кор. Kg/Scat. Kg/Box Kg/Kart. Kg/Boîte Кг/кор. Kg/mq Sqm/mq Kg/mq Кг в/Mq Scatole Boxes Kart Boîtes Коробок в палете Pallet mq Sqm Qm Mc Кв.м Kg. кг в палете Montato su rete On net Auf Netz Sur trame Собрана на сетке Nome Name Nom Название Formato Size форматы (cm) Pz./Scat. Pcs/Box Stck/Kart. Pcs/Boîte Шт/Кор. 4 6 1,13 20 17,7 36 40,68 720 Palermo 25x75 25x75 Art, Cult 5 0,94 17 18,1 36 33,84 651,6 Romantica 25x75 25x25 Mosaico 6 0,38 6,5 17 60 22,8 390 Alzata Inspire 12x25 41,5x41,5 Floor 8 1,38 27,0 19,5 48 66,24 1296 Listello Inspire 10x25 10 Fascia Inspire 4,5x25 10 Listello Bianco 6,5x25 12 Quarter Round 1,5x25 42 Bullnose 5x25 V-Cap 5x25 ❖ Lotto minimo di vendita: 2 scatole (o multipli di 2 scatole) ❖ Nicht weniger als: 2 Packete (oder vielfach von 2 Packete) ❖ Minimum sale unit: 2 cartons (or multiples of 2 cartons) ❖ Lot minime de vente: 2 boites (ou multiplesde 2 boites) < ❖ Минимальная партия для продажи: 2 коробки (или несколько партий по 2 коробки) Pezzi comp Pcs/set Stck/set Pcs/set Штук в композиции Comp/Scat. Set/Box Set/Kart. Dec/Boîte Композиций в коробке 3 1 Pannelli/Scat. Panels/Box Pannele/Kart. Pann./Boîte Панелей в коробке Consigli per la posa - Suggestion for laying - Ratschläge für die verlegung - Conseil pour la pose - Советы по укладке Viste le caratteristiche della serie si consiglia: • Rivestimento • Posa accostata • Colore Fuga (Mapei ) Statuario Mapei 100 Calacatta Mapei 100 Bardiglio Mapei 100 • Pavimento Floor Fuga 2/3 mm Considering the characteristics of this series we suggest: • Wall tiles • No joint laying Grouting colour (Mapei) Statuario Mapei 100 Calacatta Mapei 100 Bardiglio Mapei 100 • Floor tiles Floor 2/3 mm joint Im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften der Serie es empfiehlt sich: • Bodenfliesen • Fugenfreie Verlegung • Farbe der Fuge (Mapei) Statuario Mapei 100 Calacatta Mapei 100 Bardiglio Mapei 100 • Wandnfliesen Floor 2/3 mm. Fuge Vu les caractéristiques de la série, nous conseillons: • Carreaux pour murs • Pose bord a bord • Couleur de joint (Mapei) Statuario Mapei 100 Calacatta Mapei 100 Bardiglio Mapei 100 • Carreaux pour sol Floor Joint 2/3 mm В силу характеристик данной серии рекомендуется: • Настенная плитка • Укладка сближена • цвет шов (Mapei) Statuario Mapei 100 Calacatta Mapei 100 Bardiglio Mapei 100 • Напольная плитка Floor Шов 2 - 3 мм Certificazioni - Certifications - Certifications - Zertifizierungen - Сертификаты FOR * ANAB Serie in fase di certificazione - Collection under certification Série en phase de rectification - Die zertifikaten werden gerade hergestellt Серия на стадии сертификации 55 Simbologia Symbols Symboles Symbole Условные Обозначения Gruppo di usura superficiale Surface abrasion group Rutschbestaendigkeit Degré de usure superficielle Piastrelle a tono uniforme Spessore mm. Tiles with uniform shade appearance Dike mm. Fliesen mit einheitliche Tonalitäten Carreaux avec nuance uniforme Thickness mm. Epaisseur mm. Толщина mm. Однотонная плитка Piastrelle con lieve variazione di tono e disegno Rettificata Rectified Kalibriert Réctifié Ректифицированная Tiles with slight shade and aspect variation Fliesen mit leicht unterschiedlichen Tonalitäten und Muster Carreaux avec faible différence de nuance et structure Плитка с легким изменением тона и рисунка Non rettificato Non Réctfié НеректифициРованный Imballi, colori e misure sono soggetti a inevitabili variazioni. Le informazioni contenute nel presente catalogo sono il più possibile esatte, ma non sono da ritenersi legalmente vincolanti. Packings, colours and sizes are subject Bordi Sagomati Shaped edges Bords modelés Verformte Ränder Classificazione antiscivolosità Anti-slip Rutschhemmungsklassifizierung Classification glissement Ingelivo Классификация устойчивости к скольжению Frost-resistant Frostsicher Résistance au gel Морозостойкая DIN 51097 Classificazione antiscivolosità Anti-slip Rutschhemmungsklassifizierung Not Rectified Nicht Kalibriert DIN 51130 Classification glissement Piastrelle con media variazione di tono e disegno Классификация устойчивости к скольжению Tiles with moderate shade and aspect variation Fliesen mit gemäßigt unterschiedlichen Tonalitäten und Muster Carreaux avec modérée différence de nuance et structure Плитка со средним изменением тона и рисунка Фигурные кромки to inevitable variations. The information contained in this catalogue is correct to the best of our knowledge, but it is not construed as legally binding. Verpackungen, Farbe und Masse der Fliesen unterliegen unvermeidlichen Veränderungen. Die im vorliegenden Katalog enthaltenen Angaben sind so genau wie möglich gehalten, sind aber auch rechtlich nicht verbindlich. Changements de poids, nuances et dimensions sont typiques et inevitable. Les reinsegnements donnés dans ce catalogue sont le plus possible exacts, sans avoir effet obligatoire. 56 * Serie in fase di certificazione * Collection under certification * Série en phase de rectification * Die zertifikaten werden geradehergestellt RG 09.14 /4K Via Statale, 247 44047 S.Agostino (FE) ITALY - Tel. +39 0532 844111 Fax Italia +39 0532 846113 Fax Export +39 0532 844209 www.ceramicasantagostino.it e-mail: [email protected]
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