TABLE OF CONTENTS MAP & INTRODUCTION TO BOLOGNA 2 HOW TO COMMUNICATE.... Cell Phones, Calling the U.S., Information Numbers, Emergency Numbers, BCSP Staff Numbers 3-4 INTERNET / E-MAIL Wireless Internet, Computer Rooms and Free Internet Access, Internet Service Providers 5-6 MAIL / LAUNDRY Mail, Shipping Instructions from U.S. to Italy, Faxes, Laundrymats, Laundry terms 6-7 ACCESSING YOUR MONEY Bank hours, ATMs, Currency Exchange, Money Transfers TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION Bus, Taxi, Train, Air Travel, Student Travel Agencies, Hotels, International Entry/Exit Country Requirements, Rental Car, Bicycles, Bike Auctions 8 9-12 MEDICAL CARE 14-17 Emergency Care, General Care, General Dentistry, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Dermatologists, Gynecologists, Ophthalmologists, Counselors/Psychologists/Psychiatrists, Contraception, Gay/Lesbian/ Bisexual Associations and Services, HIV and Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing, Center for Women Against Violence, Pharmacies & Prescriptions, Herbal Medicine Shops SAFETY 18-19 General Guidelines, Theft, Group Emergencies, Emergency Numbers, Passport/Permesso di Soggiorno SHOPPING & SERVICES Food shopping and ideas/addresses for anything and everything you need to find in Bologna 20-25 DINING OUT Trattorie, Osterie, Pizzerie, Ristoranti & More 26-29 NIGHT LIFE 31-32 Aperitivi, Live Music, Pasticcerie Notturne SPORTS/DANCE 33-35 Associations, Orienteering, Skiing, Gyms, Dance classes, Yoga/Pilates, Swimming, Tennis, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Cycling/Mountain Biking, Race Cars and Motorcycles, Horseback Riding, Trekking THE ARTS Museums, Cinema, Theater, Schools (theater and art) 36-39 MUSIC 40 UNIBO choir, instruments, practice rooms PLACES OF WORSHIP (non-catholic) 41 STUDENT & CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS, WHERE TO MAKE DONATIONS 42 PARKS IN BOLOGNA 44 Special thanks to BCSP students for their contributions to this guide! (2014 - 2015) 1 BOLOGNA the city center Bologna’s historical center is surrounded by a ‘ring-road’ (the “viale”), which traces the path of the 14th century medieval city wall. The wall was torn down at the turn of the 20th century, though some parts of it are still intact. Mostly all of the wall’s 12 gates (the “porta”) are still standing or have been restored. The gates are used today for access into the city center and are named after the main streets: Porta Castiglione, Porta Saragozza, Porta Mascarella, etc. Piazza Maggiore is Bologna’s main square. Here you will find the Basilica di San Petronio (Bologna’s patron saint), the municipal building, a 24hr pharmacy, a picturesque open-air food market (just off to the left if facing the Basilica), the public library Sala Borsa, Neptune Fountain (a popular meeting point), Palazzo Re Enzo (a 13th century king’s palace and prison), and the tourist office (for maps, gifts, theater tickets, event information, etc.). The university buildings are dispersed throughout the center but most of the departments, offices and libraries are in Via Zamboni. Other “university streets” include Via Mascarella, Via Belle Arti, Via Belmeloro, Via delle Moline, Via Centotrecento, Via Irnerio. A few websites that can help you discover Bologna: Imparare la lingua italiana è come salire su una grande collina. Continuo ad arrampicarmi e so che arrriverò in cima! Michelle O. 2 HOW TO COMMUNICATE...... CELL PHONES The four main cellular companies in Italy are: TIM 119 (customer service number) Via Indipendenza 19 Via Ugo Bassi 10 Wind 155 Via Irnerio 8 Piazza della Mercanzia 6/E-6/F Via Indipendenza 41 Vodafone 190 Via Ugo Bassi, 21/H-L Via Irnerio 23 Via Indipendenza 25/A Tre 133 Via Indipendenza 1 Via Irnerio 10 RECHARGEABLE CELL PHONE CARDS Pay-as-you-go calling cards are sold at cell phone stores, newsstands and tabacchi. They can usually be purchased in various amounts from € 10 and up. MAKING CALLS WITH YOUR CELL PHONE OUTSIDE OF ITALY If you travel outside of Italy, you should put a significant amount of credit towards your calls before leaving. Your Italian provider will automatically switch to a local provider when you enter another country, but credit can run out quickly since calls and texting will cost more due to roaming charges. Some cell phone companies have designed plans with more economical rates for customers who want to use their cell phones while travelling (for example: Tim Senza Confini, Wind Easy Travel Europa, Vodafone Passport). Check if these types of international plans can be added to your national plan and what countries they are valid in. CALLING THE U.S. FROM ITALY AND RECEIVING CALLS IN ITALY FROM THE U.S. Calls to the U.S. from Italy with a cell phone usually cost around .50 or .60 eurocents a minute, with an additional charge (usually about .15/.20 eurocents, depending upon your plan) when the receiver picks up the call. If you receive calls from the U.S. on your cell phone you will be charged, and the amount/ minute will depend upon your calling plan. Most students use Skype (or Skype Out), Gmail videochat, etc., to make international calls home. To make international calls dial: 00+country code+ local area code+ local phone number. For example, to call the United States, you would dial 00+1+the local area code+the phone number. To receive a call from the U.S., the person calling you must dial: 011+39+cell phone number, or, for land lines, 011+39+area code+local number. “39” is Italy’s country code. “051” is Bologna’s area code. To find information such as Italian area codes or zip-codes go to 3 EMERGENCY NUMBERS The Italian equivalent of “911” is “118”. The main Italian emergency numbers that you should memorize in your cell phone are: 112 Local police (Carabinieri) 113 Police/ambulance (Polizia di stato/ambulanza) 115 Fire department (Vigili del fuoco) 118 Medical emergency-ambulance (ambulanza) Even if you’ve run out of credit on your cell phone, you can still call the emergency numbers. Other useful emergency and/or non-emergency numbers: 051 266 626 Vigili urbani (to report noise, illegal activity, loitering) 051 640 1111 Bologna police station (Questura di Bologna) 06 46741 US Embassy in Rome* 055 266 951 US Consulate Florence (Lungarno Vespucci, 38, Florence)* 800 250 101 Gas or water problems (HERA) 800 900 806 Electricity problems (ENEL) 800 218 489 or Farmacie di turno (for pharmacies open after hours; updated lists are also 800 547 454 posted outside of pharmacies) 051 31 31 Guardia Medica (to find a general doctor available at night or during the weekend for NON-URGENT medical problems. See the chapter on Medical Services for emergency room information.) *The U.S. Consulates General in Italy have also created a Facebook page to provide students with general information. To visit and join, search: American Citizen Services for US College Students in Italy. BCSP STAFF CELL PHONE NUMBERS AND EMAIL ADDRESSES Keep thes cellphone numbers saved in your cell phone for any question or emergency: BCSP Resident Director, Dr. Andrea Ricci 340 802 6036, [email protected] BCSP Student Services Coordinator, Danielle Di Leo 328 850 6361, [email protected] APP BOLOGNA SMART Find all the info you need about Bologna on this newly designed application (for iPhones and Android). Free download at 4 INTERNET / E-MAIL WIRELESS INTERNET PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA AND THE CITY (IPERBOLE) Wireless internet is available in the BCSP office. You will also find that many students’ apartments have ADSL or wi-fi connections. Shortly after arriving in Bologna, you will receive a packet from the University of Bologna with information about the university, including your libretto for recording grades. One of the information sheets will include your UNIBO e-mail address and password. The first time you access your account you need to change the password. Wherever wireless is available, connect to the wi-fi labeled IPERBOLE_WIRELESS. After connecting, try to access any site and you will be re-directed to a log-in page. Type in your username and new password, click on the option “Studenti” and click ‘log on’. A new window should come up that says you are connected and how much time you have remaining. You have an allotment of 3 hours daily. For more information go to: Or for a list of hot spots in Bologna’s city center go to: COMPUTER ROOMS WITH FREE INTERNET ACCESS IN BOLOGNA: Sala computer universitaria (more than 250 computers) Palazzo Paleotti Via Zamboni 25 Monday – Saturday 9am – 10pm Biblioteca Sala Borsa Piazza Nettuno 3 Tuesday - Friday 10am – 8pm Saturday 10am – 7pm 60 and 30 minute sessions Sportello Iperbole c/o Ufficio Relazioni col Pubblico (URP) Piazza Maggiore 6 Monday – Saturday 8:30am - 7pm Maximum 1 hour sessions. Reserve your time in advance. Biblioteca d’Arte e di Storia di San Giorgio in Poggiale Via Nazario Sauro 22 Monday – Friday 2pm - 7pm For a list of University of Bologna study rooms Saturday (“sala studio”) and their hours go to: 9am – 1pm Maximum 1 hour sessions INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS In case you will need to have an internet service installed in your apartment, the most popular internet providers in Italy are: Telecom:; Infostrada: Fastweb: Before ordering an internet service, make sure that your area has adsl or fiber optic coverage. Please keep in mind that there may be a significant wait before your order is processed and the connection made available. Students that do not have internet in their apartments, or have to wait a very long time for 5 internet to be installed, usually purchase an Internet wifi key from any of the cell phone companies (TIM, WIND, VODAFONE or TRE). MAIL Post offices in Bologna are open from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm Monday through Friday and from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm on Saturday. The central post office in Piazza Minghetti and the post office in Via Grimaldi (off via Lame) are open from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm (but on Saturday only from 8:00 am to 12.30 pm). To look up a specific post office in any Italian city for exact location and hours go to Stamps and envelopes can be purchased at any post office or tabaccheria. If you send a package with Poste Italiane, you will need to purchase a yellow Poste Italiane box. Other boxes, especially if they have brand names or images on them, will be rejected at the post office. Avoid the post office if you are sending letters and cards. Simply go a tabaccheria, have your envelope weighed, and purchase the stamps directly from the tabaccaio. Envelopes of various dimensions can also be purchased at stationary stores. Mail boxes are located outside post offices and often outside the tabaccherie. Each box has two slots, one Per la città (local), while the other is Per tutte le altre destinazioni (other destinations). Some “postal” terms: Terms for letters Posta Prioritaria = priority mail (€ 2,00 to send a letter to the U.S.) Posta Raccomandata = registered mail Posta Assicurata = insured mail Postacelere 1 plus = urgent, next day (Mon-Fri) delivery of documents up to 3kg within Italy Terms for packages Paccocelere 1 plus = urgent, next day (Mon-Fri) delivery of packages within Italy Paccocelere Internazionale = express shipping up to 30kg Pacchi per l’estero = ordinary shipping by air or by boat Pacco raccomandato= tracks your package within in Italy but not once it leaves the country You can have your mail sent directly to the BCSP office, rather than to your apartment, if you prefer. The correct mailing address is: STUDENT’S NAME c/o Indiana University - BCSP Via Malcontenti 3 40121 Bologna Italy (If necessary for shipment you can provide the BCSP office number or your cell phone number. BCSP office tel. +39 051 236486) Important information for having packages sent from the U.S. to Italy: Remind your family not to send cash. Each item must be described accurately. Avoid insuring shipments. Take new items or gifts out of original packaging to make them seem used. Do not ship cosmetics, lotions or other sanitary products as they may be subject to costly customs controls. Avoid shipping foodstuffs. Packaged, sealed foods may make it through customs if packaged with other non-food items. Provide an estimated value for each item. Items estimated at € 22 or less will most likely not be taxed. Contents estimated between € 22 and € 150 will most likely be taxed at 21% of their value. Additional customs taxes may be applied to any shipment. Even used photocameras and computers may be taxed. The best way to avoid customs costs is to buy what you need in Italy, whenever possible. 6 Use an international courier service to ensure fast delivery to Italy with a tracking number. The tracking number allows you to trace the shipment. Customer service numbers for major US couriers in Italy are: 199 151 119 02 30 30 30 39 FedEx UPS Mail Boxes Etc. locations in Bologna (Mail Boxes Etc. also offers Western Union services): Via Massarenti 8 bis Via della Grada 4/F Via Amendola 2/A Via Niccolò dall’Arca 2/A FAXES Most photocopy shops and tabacchi provide fax service. For school-related documents, the BCSP office can fax something on your behalf. You may also receive faxes at the BCSP office; the fax number is (+39) 051 274 139. LAUNDRY LAUNDROMATS (LAVANDERIE/ LAVANDERIE A GETTONE) • LAVA & LAVA, Via Azzo Gardino 6 • PULITO VELOCE, Viale Giovanni Vicini (corner of via Andrea Costa) 6 • LAVANDERIA ORIANI, Viale Alfredo Oriani 12 (between Via Murri and Via Mazzini) DRY CLEANING (LAVASECCO) Express/next-day dry cleaning is rare in Italy. Expect to wait at least 2-5 days for your clothing to be ready. Lavasecco chains like Dagnini will ask your name and phone number and give you a tessera, or customer card, which is free. The chains, like Dagnini, are usually cheaper. Dry cleaners tend to be rather expensive in Italy. • DAGNINI, Strada Maggiore 31 or Piazza Malpighi in Galleria del Toro • LAVAESPRESS, Via Marsala 14/D • PULITURA A SECCO GOITO, Via Goito 14 • LAVASECCO SAURO, Via Nazario Sauro 16 LAUNDRY VOCABULARY: fare la lavatrice / fare il bucato - to do laundry detersivo - laundry soap/liquid ammorbidente - fabric softener detersivo per i capi delicati - laundry soap for delicates omino bianco - product to bring out the white in whites la centrifuga / centrifugare - spin cycle, run the spin cycle lo stendino / stendere - drying rack, to hang dry 7 ACCESSING YOUR MONEY Bank hours in Italy Banks are open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm and usually in the afternoon from 2:40 pm to 4:10 pm (opening times in the afternoon may vary from bank to bank so it’s best to check in advance). Withdrawing money from an ATM The most convenient way to retrieve money from your home bank account is by using one of the many Bancomat (ATMs) in various locations throughout the city. You can withdraw cash with atm cards as well as with credit cards, such as Visa and Mastercard. Major Italian banks include: UniCredit, Intesa Sanpaolo, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. Since most banks charge a service fee for each international ATM transaction, it makes sense to withdraw the largest amount available at one time, rather than make more frequent withdrawals of lesser amounts. Daily withdrawal limits will vary according to bank; some permit withdrawals of € 250 per day, others up to € 500 per day. Immediately notify your bank if you lose your ATM or credit card. Save the international customer service numbers in your cellphone and keep a photocopy of the cards. It is a good idea to have a backup ATM card or credit card with cash advance service so that you do not risk remaining without money. Make sure to keep your pin numbers separate from your card and wallet. You could memorize them in your cell phone under a secret name. Currency exchange The main post office in the city center will exchange dollars in euros: Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6:30pm. Sat 8am-12:30pm. Piazza Minghetti The Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena in via Rizzoli allows foreign Currency may also be exchanged at the train station in Piazza students to send bank wires Medaglie d’Oro at the Forexchange counter, open 8:30am-8pm (at a reasonable commission Mon-Sat, except for Dec 25th and Jan 1st. charge) without having a bank account. This service is useful There are three different currency exchange possibilities all on the for whoever needs to pay rent ground floor at the Bologna airport: through a bonifico bancario. Post office Carisbo bank, open Mon-Sat 7:30am-6:30pm Travelex, open everyday from 6am-10pm (also sells international calling cards and Italian cell phone provider pay-as-you-go cards) Urgent money transfers You can use Western Union (no bank account necessary) to send cash from the U.S. to Italy or vice versa. The transfer is immediate as money is sent from a Western Union location to another Western Union location. Banks usually require more processing time for international money transfers. To find the location nearest you, go to the following link: 8 TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION BUS TPER – Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna You can buy tickets, get free bus maps or ask for information about any bus route at any of the TPER information offices located around Bologna: Via IV Novembre 16/A (near Piazza Maggiore) Piazza Medaglie d’Oro (at the train station) Piazza XX Settembre (at the Via Marconi and Via Lame intersection) Bus tickets may also be purchased at the tabaccherie and at some newsstands. You must validate your ticket as soon as you board the bus by inserting the ticket in the white ticket machine at the front or the back of the bus. New plastic tickets with ‘MiMuovo’ written on the front just need to be tapped. Some buses (but not all of them- indication is on the outside of the bus) have red ticket machines that allow you to purchase a ticket good for 75 minutes on board. The red ticket machines only accept exact change. The bus driver does not provide tickets or change, except on the BLQ airport bus. If by chance the ticket machines are not working, notify the driver. Controllori (TPER inspectors) board buses at random to make sure all passengers have a valid ticket. If you’re caught without a valid ticket, you will be fined (up to €150). The inspectors will ask to see your passport or permesso di soggiorno in order to write up the ticket, or verbale. Fines will have a deadline indicated on the verbale, and they can be paid at any of the TPER information offices listed above. Late fines are subject to additional fees. Types of tickets (for bus rides within Bologna’s urban area): Orario - € 1,30 purchased at a TPER office, tabaccheria, newsstand, or € 1,50 purchased on board with exact change – valid for 1 single ride of 75min and you can transfer to different buses. Giornaliero - € 5,00 – valid for 24 hours from the first validation (The ticket needs to be validated just once, at the beginning of the first bus ride.) City Pass - € 12 – valid for 10 rides – each ride 75 min. long – each time you get on the bus you must validate the pass. The City Pass is impersonal; therefore, if you are traveling with 4 friends, you can validate the City Pass 4 times, as if you each had 4 separate tickets. Aerobus Percorso Centrale (or Corsa Semplice) - € 3,00 – valid for a single 60min ride within city limits. Aerobus BLQ – € 6,00 - valid for a single 60 min. ride to or from the airport. Impersonale Studenti – € 27,00 - monthly ticket. Must be validated just once at the beginning of the first ride and remains valid until the last day of the month (for example: you buy the ticket Oct 1, you validate the ticket Oct 1, the ticket expires Oct 31. Or you buy the ticket Oct 15, you validate the ticket Oct 15, the ticket expires Oct 31.) You must show TPER your UNIBO student ID card or other proof (i.e. libretto universitario) that you are a student in order to obtain this type of ticket. Each time you board the bus, you need to have this proof of student identity with you in case the controllori check tickets. Bus schedules Most buses run until 1:00 am. Schedules are posted at bus stops or on the TPER website. Hours are different for weekdays, feriali, and weekends/holidays, festivi. 9 Bus etiquette A few seats are reserved in the front of all buses for senior citizens and the disabled. If you are sitting in one of these marked seats and see an elderly or disabled person board the bus, it is respectful to move to another seat or stand. You may see younger people on the bus offer their seats to the elderly, disabled or women accompanied by children. You should board the bus from the front or back doors. The middle doors are for getting off the bus. You may have to make an ‘exception to the rule’ when the bus is extremely crowded and it becomes impossible to move closer to the exit doors. Beware of pickpockets on crowded buses and keep an eye on your belongings!! TAXI 051 372 727 - COTABO 051 45 90 - CAT 051 519 090 - COSEPURI / Auto blu (because the taxi is dark blue rather than the typical white car) There will be an extra surcharge if you call a taxi to pick you up. You can also go directly to a taxi stand. There are several stands throughout the city (Piazza Maggiore, the train station, Piazza Malpighi, Via Santo Stefano at the corner of via Guerazzi, via Indipendenza in front of the Hotel Regina, Viale 12 Giugno in front of the Appellate Court). A trip from the train station to the BCSP office in Via Malcontenti will cost approximately €5-7. A trip to the airport from the BCSP office will cost about €20-25. Costs will vary if late at night, very early in the morning, or in traffic during commuting hours. Remember: -Taxis cannot be hailed on the street. -There are surcharges on luggage. -Drivers are not tipped. However, you may want to tip a driver € 1 if he/she helps you with loading your bag into the trunk. You can also call a taxi by sending an sms to: 3333330749. Write the city (Bologna) and precise address. You will receive a response sms from the taxi company with the car identification number and wait time. TRAINS Bologna’s train station is one of the major train stations in Italy. It is located in Piazza Medaglie d’Oro, close to the city center and served by many bus lines. The ticket office is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Complete schedules are posted in the train station waiting area and/or along the platforms, binari. Schedules and purchasing tickets TRENITALIA-FERROVIE DELLO STATO - high speed and regional/local trains. Trenitalia often has special promotions and discounts. ITALO high speed trains You can also buy tickets from the CTS - Centro Turistico Studentesco, which offers discounts to students, in viale Filopanti 4/m , open Mon-Fri from 9,30am-1:30pm/2:30pm-6:30pm and Sat from 10am-12:30pm. Some travel agencies make Trenitalia reservations but apply a surcharge, around € 2/€ 5 per ticket: WALLABY VIAGGI, Via dell’Indipendenza 67 SALVADORI VIAGGI, Via Ugo Bassi 13 TELESIA TOURING, Via dell’Orso 10 (across the street from the BCSP office) Validating train tickets When you make a reservation (and reserve a seat), you do not need to validate the ticket. Open tickets issued without reserved seating and usable on any day/time (such as Regionale train tickets) must be 10 validated before boarding by punching the ticket in one of the yellow machines found throughout the station or along the platforms. If you are travelling on a round-trip open ticket, you need to validate the ticket twice (going and returning). Before departing always remember to check for strikes. The website is constantly updated with national and regional strike information. This information is also usually published on the Trenitalia/Ferrovie dello Stato websites. Please remember to sign the ‘Vai in Viaggio???’ sheet in the office when making travel plans. For your own safety, BCSP needs to have a contact number where you can be reached when you travel outside of Bologna. If you have a cell phone, make sure we have the number and that you either leave the cell phone on or check your messages. Reimbursements All passengers are usually entitled to a bonus if the train is significantly delayed or if the heating or air conditioning units were malfunctioning during the trip. To request a bonus, go to the station and ask for a bonus form, “un modulo per un bonus,” at the Ufficio Assistenza Clienti or at the ticket counter. AIR TRAVEL Guglielmo Marconi International Airport Bologna’s airport is the third most important airport in Italy. You can reach the airport by taxi or by using the Aerobus-BLQ service (starting at 5.20am and ending at 10.20pm). The ticket costs €6,00 and may be purchased on board. Travel time from the airport to the city center is about 25 minutes. There may be a longer wait at the train station stop, which you should factor into your travel time. For the Aerobus timetable and bus stops go to: STUDENT TRAVEL AGENCIES • CTS CENTRO TURISTICO STUDENTESCO, viale Filopanti 4/m, tel. 051 237 307, Mon-Fri 9:30am1:30pm/2:30pm-6:30pm and Sat 10am- 2:30pm. *At CTS you can purchase an ISIC internationl student id card, in case you were not already issued one in the United States. It costs € 10 and you’ll need a student ID card or documentation verifying your enrollment status at your home school. HOTELS A passport is necessary to check into hotels in Italy. If you do not have your passport, the hotel will not proceed with the check-in. Italian anti-terrorism laws (and other European countries have similar rules) require that hotels give a list of all guests to the local police station. INTERNATIONAL ENTRY/EXIT COUNTRY REQUIREMENTS If you are studying abroad on a U.S. passport, and you plan on travelling to other countries outside of Italy, or the EU, check the U.S. Department of State website ( for entry/exit requirements, such as a visa, or for information on safety/security/required vaccinations. Check the requirements for all countries that you will be passing through. If you are not studying abroad on a U.S. passport you should look for this type of information (for exampledo you need a visa to visit any countries other than Italy?) on the website of your native country’s consulate or embassy in Italy or contact your consulate/embassy in the destination country. 11 RENTAL CAR COMPANIES A few aziende autonoleggio in Bologna include: Hertz 051 647 2015 051 254 830 Via del Triumvirato 84 (near Marconi Airport) Via Amendola 16 (near the train station) Sixt 051 647 2052 051 241 442 Via del Triumvirato (at Marconi Aiport) Viale Pietramellara 35/1 (near the train station) Budget 051 647 2294 051 556 107 Via del Triumvirato (at Marconi Aiport) Via San Rocco 11 BICYCLE Probably the most convenient, ecological and economical way to get around in Bologna is by bicycle. Just be careful in traffic! Buy a used bike, since bike theft is prevalent in Bologna. You can find used bicycles in bicycle repair shops or you can visit the websites and or check the classifieds in newspapers such as Secondamano, Il Bo or Il Resto del Carlino (Bologna section). Here is a short list of places where you can buy or repair bikes in Bologna (a longer list is kept in the BCSP office along with a map of bicycle paths, piste ciclabili, in the city center): Bicycle, Via Petroni 22/A (tel. 051 265 195). Sells and buys used bikes. Opening hours: 9am – 7pm. La bottega del ciclo, Via Massarenti 90/a-b (tel. 051 307 889). Il Market delle 2 ruote, Via S. Donato 1/c (tel. 051 245 433). Opening hours: 8:30am – 12:30pm, 3pm – 7pm. Gira la ruota, Via delle Tovaglie 15 Bicibò, Via San Petronio Vecchio 3/d (tel. 3206410175). Opening hours: 10am - 12:45pm, 1:30pm - 6pm and Saturday from 10am - 12:30pm. Marzocchi, Via S.Donato 23 Patelli, Via Matteotti 1 (tel. 051254218) Bicycles sold off the street in Piazza Verdi/via Zamboni are stolen bikes and it is illegal to purchase these bikes. Be careful where you leave your bike. Bike theft in Bologna is rampant, and can happen anywhere you park your bike outside along a street. The only way to try to prevent theft is to buy a strong lock and chain, and always try to secure the bike to an immovable object, such as a lamp post. Avoid wrapping the chain around the wheel, as the thieves will detach the wheel to steel the bike. Keep the chain taught and wrapped tightly when it is locked around the bike so that it is harder for the thief to break the chain. 12 If you walk along Via Zamboni on a hot summer night, you are accompanied by the hushed chants of “bici, bici..” – and after if you answer you can get a bike for as cheap as 10 euro (15$). There are times where they tell you to wait five minutes – five minutes so that they can go steel the bike right then and there to sell it to you. Seeing as almost everyone gets their bike stolen at least once while living in Bologna, you come to find that the cheap bike you buy one day is the same cheap bike someone else will buy a week later. When first arrived in Italy I thought going the stolen way was very tempting, however being a believer in karma I decided to try to use it as my last resort. Instead I put up an announcement on sites like and for a bike with a basket, light, and bell for around 35 euro. I was able to get some bites and decided to get one for 40 euro with everything I asked, which I thought was a steel since most legit bicycles cost 60 euros and up in Bologna bike stores. Waiting for the seller at the door of San Donato I was surprised to see a little old man turn the corner o a bubbly pink bike, basket and all. I paid him and became an official Bolognese biker. Seeing as the last time I road a bike I was seven, let’s just say that my first commute to class was a wobbly one. I think I realized the other day just how much love I have for my bicycle. I rode into town to meet up with a friend and his roommate. Needless to say it started to rain, so I decided to go straight home. My bike on the other hand would be spending a bleak night locked up on an obscure street in the center, right under a tow away sign. I woke up in the morning with a sick feeling that my bike had been towed or even more likely stolen overnight. If it had been towed I would be in utter shock that in Italy getting internet in you apartment takes more than 2 months but one unattended bicycle is confiscated in less 24 hours. So pretty much I power walked to Via Marconi in hopes that my bike didn’t get stolen. When I saw the pink rusty paint of my bike I swore, like a mother to a lost child, that I would never leave it alone again. I should really name it. Alessandra R. For updates and info on BIKE AUCTIONS for students sponsored by the Università di Bologna and the Comune di Bologna to promote legal bike sales: The associations ‘sCATENAti’ and ‘l’Altra Babele’ will take your used bike at the end of year or semester, repair it if necessary, and put it up for auction. For more information about buying or selling used bikes write to [email protected] or [email protected] or consult the website 13 MEDICAL CARE EMERGENCY CARE For medical emergencies dial 118 to call an ambulance, or go to the nearest 24 -hour emergency room (Pronto Soccorso) at any of the following hospitals: Policlinico Sant’Orsola Via Albertoni 15 (just outside Porta San Vitale, between via Mazzini and Via Massarenti) Ospedale Maggiore Largo Nigrisoli 2 (off Via Saffi, outside Porta San Felice) Istituto Rizzoli (for orthopedic emergencies during the day- after 7pm go to Maggiore) Via Pupilli 1 (at the upper end of Via Castiglione, next to San Michele in Bosco church) Ospedale Malpighi (for eye/ophthalmologic emergencies only) Via Pelagio Palagi (behind Sant’Orsola) If you go to the pronto soccorso, and it is not a medical emergency, the hospital may ask you to pay a minimal fee, otherwise called ‘il ticket’ in Italian, equal to about € 18/25. GENERAL CARE Non-emergency medical care is obtained from a private doctor. Doctors and specialists indicate their offices with signs marked Ambulatorio. Patients usually call ahead for an appointment. Here below you will find a list of medical categories and professionals that you can contact directly or with the help of BCSP. Dr. Stephen Williams (American general practitioner) Via D’Azeglio 61 347 816 4535 (Dr. W prefers to be contacted by text message for appointments or prescriptions!) Use first his cell phone number indicated above. He also provides his home number: 051 332204 Email (for non-urgent inquiries that do not need a timely response): [email protected] Office hours by appointment: Tuesday 4:30pm - 7pm; Thursday 9.30am - 11am Dr. Anna Rita Campanelli Via dell’Indipendenza 29 333 968 8171 GENERAL DENTISTRY Dr. Elisabetta Guermandi Via Podgora 1 (just outside Porta San Felice, bus #13 to “Saffi” stop) Tel. 051 649 1552 Cobe Dental Dental office in Casalecchio, just outside Bologna, with Italian and American dentists and orthodontists trained at Boston University Via Bazzanese 32/4 (above CARIFE Bank) Tel. 051 613 2796 Directions by local train: Bologna stazione centrale -> Casalecchio stazione Ceretolo 10 minute walk from the train station to the dental office 14 Dipartimento di Scienze Odontostomatologiche (University of Bologna School of Dentistry/ Orthodontics/Oral Surgery) Via S. Vitale 59 Tel. 051 208 8111 Hours for student visits (just walk-in, no appointments): 8:30am – 11:30am, Monday – Friday The visit costs € 50. If you show your UNIBO student ID card, you will get a 25% discount. Ask the dentist about the “prima visita.” It may not be possible to just have a cleaning. You may have to have a full dental consultation (the “prima visita”) and then return for a cleaning at another time. You could try to explain that you are an exchange student, and therefore you do not need to develop a dental history with the dentist in Bologna. PHYSICAL THERAPISTS Dr. Marco Orsi (speaks English) Via Emilia Ponente 34 (bus # 13 “Prati di Caprara” stop) Cell. 328 635 5251 CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Paul Caruso (American) Via Cracovia 5 (between the end of Via Mazzini and the Parco dei Cedri in San Lazzaro) Tel. 051 466 994 DERMATOLOGISTS Dr. Nicola Venturo Via Oberdan 7 Tel. 051 296 0406 Centro Dermatologico Viale Ercolani 8 Tel. 051 636 0565 - 051 391 884 GYNECOLOGISTS Dr. Stefania Tabanelli (very good doctor but expensive; speaks English) Via Libia 20/6 A Tel. 051 392 314 - cell. 335 309 490 Dr. Leda Bertocchi (speaks English) Via D’Azeglio 63 Tel. 051 580 901 Dr. Liviana Gammi Via Frassinago 4/2 cell. 338 814 4700 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Dr. Sergio Cascione Via Marconi 44 (Poliambulatorio San Camillo) Tel. 051 643 5711 or Via Emilia Levante 137 (Villa Laura) Tel. 051 624 6411– cell. 335 534 3255 Dr. Sandra Tonelli Piazza San Francesco 2 Tel. 051 269 131 15 BILINGUAL (ENGLISH/ITALIAN) CERTIFIED COUNSELOR Linda Moffa 338 273 5797, [email protected] Linda’s parents are Italian. Linda grew up in Massachusettes and attended Mt. Holyoke College. She is similar to an on-campus college counselor in the U.S., although not associated with UNIBO. She will refer students to a psychologist, if necessary. Linda is also available to help students with academic and career decision-making. PSYCHOLOGISTS/PSYCHIATRISTS The University of Bologna offers a free Counseling Service (SAP- Servizio di Aiuto Psicologico) to all enrolled students. The SAP office does not provide emergency counseling. Go to Sant’Orsola (Via Albertoni 15, just outside Porta San Vitale between Via Mazzini and Via Massarenti) or Maggiore (Largo Nigrisoli 2, off Via Saffi outside Porta San Felice) emergency rooms for any mental health emergency. The SAP office is located on the 2nd floor of the University of Bologna Psychology Department in Viale Berti Pichat 5. It is open Monday – Friday (excluding holidays) from 9am – 1pm. Walk-ins only; no appointments. To schedule an appointment, go to the SAP office, fill out a questionnaire, and leave your telephone number. In approximately two days you will be called to begin counseling. The counseling service consists in 4 appointments (1 each week). If the counselor deems necessary during the fourth appointment, you may be prescribed additional free therapy. However, usually the four appointments are sufficient. SAP counseling is provided in Italian, but, upon request, it may be possible to schedule an appointment with a psychologist that speaks English. It would be best to indicate this preference on the questionnaire the first time you go to SAP. Private-practice psychiatrists/psychologists: Dr. Stefano Tugnoli (psychiatrist, speaks English) Via San Donato 17, tel. 051 244 001 Dr. Selleri (psychiatrist specialized in young adult psychology, speaks English) and Dr. Francesco Berti Ceroni (psychiatrist, speaks English) Via Vallescura 2 Tel. 051 644 7480, Cell. 346 669 8351 (Dr. Selliri), Cell. 349 622 7446 (Dr. Ceroni) CONTRACEPTION Preservativi (condoms) are available in all pharmacies and in 24-hour dispensers located outside pharmacies or tabaccherie. A doctor’s prescription is necessary to purchase oral contraceptives. Dr. Williams (see the first page of this Medical Care section) can provide prescriptions or make a referral. GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL HOTLINE TAG – telefono amico gay (part of the Cassero organization) Cassero Gay Lesbian Center: Tel. 051 555 661 (Counselors respond from Monday to Friday; from 8pm – 11pm) Or send an email to: [email protected] HIV AND SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE TESTING AIDS Hotline (sponsored by the Region of Emilia Romagna for free, anonymous testing at any hospital in Bologna or within the region) 800 856 080 (An operator responds Monday – Friday 2pm – 6pm and Monday morning 9am - 12noon. An automated Q&A responds 24/24.) Centro Attività Servizi AIDS (C.A.S.A.) - provides general information, counselling services and helps make appointments for testing Via S. Isaia, 90 Tel. 051 649 4521 or 051 649 4513 16 LILA – Lega Italiana per la Lotta Contro AIDS (Italian League for the Fight Against AIDS) Via Agucchi 290/A Tel. 051 634 7644 The LILA staff provides information on prevention, testing and treatment in Bologna. CENTER FOR WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE La Casa delle Donne per non subire violenza Via dell’ Oro 3 Tel. 051 333 173 The center offers a variety of services such as: telephone counseling, in-person counseling, support groups, and documentation for research on the issue of violence against women. PHARMACIES AND PRESCRIPTIONS You can have prescriptions filled at any pharmacy, but they have to be prescribed by an Italian doctor. The pharmacist may ask to see your codice fiscale, which is indicated on your UNIBO student ID card. Ask the pharmacist for a receipt, scontrino. Send the receipt (you could keep a copy for your records) to your U.S. or international insurance company to request a reimbursement. Typical over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, cold/throat relief, vitamins, may be purchased without a prescription. If you use an over-the-counter medication in the U.S., and you would like find a similar product in Italy, bring the bottle with you or know the main ingredients. For example, the Italian head-ache medicine called Moment contains mostly ibuprofen, like Advil. Momendol contains naproxen, like Aleve. Tylenol’s main ingredients are acetaminophen/paracetamol, like Italy’s Tachipirina or Efferalgan. For any doubts or concerns, consult Dr. Williams (on the first page of the Medical Care section in this Guide) Remember to tell pharmacists and doctors about allergies to any medicines and their ingredients. Just like in the U.S., Italian pharmacies sell generic brands, which usually cost less. Pharmacies take turns being open on Sundays and holidays. The list of Farmacie di turno are posted outside, usually near the door, of all pharmacies. The Farmacia Comunale in Piazza Maggiore and the pharmacy at the Bologna train station are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TAKING YOUR TEMPERATURE IN CELSIUS/FEVER Body temperature in Italy/Europe is considered normal from 35.5°C up to 37°C = 98.6° F. A ‘light fever’ may be between 37°C and 38°C. 38°C = 100.4°F. 39°C = 102.2°F. 40°C = 104°F. A 41°C fever and above is considered severe, and you should seek a doctor immediately or go the emergency room. HERBAL MEDICINE SHOPS Erboristerie (natural, homeopathic stores) are everywhere in Bologna. Some focus more on herbal remedies, others more on ecological/cruelty-free beauty products or vegetarian/vegan food, essential oils, teas. (Most pharmacies also sell homeopathic products.) (For health food stores, see the supermarkets section in the chapter on Shopping.) A few erboristerie in centro: ARTEMISIA, Via A. Righi 7/A LA BIOPROFUMERIA, Via San Vitale 36/H ERBORISTERIA MONTANARI, Via Marsala 23/A ERBORISTERIA VERDE ESSENZA, Via Rizzoli 40/B ERBORISTERIA LA MADIA, Via Fusari 6 BARBALBERO AROMATARIO, Via Broccaindosso 16/A ERBORISTERIA DELLA STAZIONE, Piazza delle Medaglie d’Oro 2/4 L’ERBOLARIO, Via Orefici 4/A, Via Ugo Bassi 10 L’ERICA, Via Marconi 30/A L’AGRIFOGLIO ERBORISTERIA, Via San Felice 118 17 SAFETY Bologna is generally a safe city. Use the same common sense caution in Bologna as you would in any major American city. For example: be aware of your belongings at all times; store wallets in deep backpack pockets or completely zip your purse; do not take your wallet out of your pocket or purse if someone asks you for money; be aware of your surroundings at ATMS; cover your hand as you type the pin at the ATM machine; avoid being ‘too friendly’ if someone stops you on the street for any type of information or money; do not take dark or isolated streets home at night; opt for a taxi rather than a bus if it’s late. Be realistic about being a foreigner and how this may draw attention to you. After being in Bologna for a few weeks or months, it is easy to feel more “blended in”. However, something about your clothing, your accent, your stature or appearance may communicate that you are foreign. Although Italy is a democratic country, and Bologna a particularly liberal, very student-friendly city, like many American college-towns, there are still cultural differences to learn about and be aware of, especially when you are out at night with friends. Keeping a low-key profile generally contributes to being safe. General guidelines: • Use common sense when walking around the city, especially in the evening or at night. Be aware of your surroundings and do not venture where you do not feel comfortable. Parts of Bologna’s city center to avoid, especially at night, are Via Petroni (corner of Piazza Verdi), Piazza XX Settembre and the areas around the train station, Parco Montagnola. • Be particularly careful on crowded buses, at bus stops and food or flea markets. These are primary locations for pickpocketing wallets or cell-phones. Be aware of how you are holding your bag or if it’s open. If you are carrying a backpack, turn it with the pocket facing you. If, for some reason, you have a lot of money on you, put it in a few different places, so that if you do get pick-pocketed, at least you won’t lose everything. • Bike theft is a major petty-crime industry in Bologna: if you buy a bike, do so legally and purchase along with it the strongest lock you can find. • Try to walk in groups at night or, if walking alone, walk in well-lit areas. Avoid dark ally ways, parks and parking lots. • To avoid having to walk alone at night, always carry an extra bus ticket and enough money for a taxi ride home. Never hitch-hike! • Do not retrieve money alone from an ATM machine, or bancomat, at night. • Avoid wandering street vendors and anyone who approaches you asking for money. Dealing with theft…. If your wallet is stolen you should cancel immediately all atm cards, credit cards, etc. If your cellphone is stolen, report the incident and number to the cellular company. Go to the Police Station (Questura- Ufficio Denunce) and file a denuncia (report) immediately. The Ufficio Denunce is located in Via degli Agresti (off of Piazza Galileo). It is open 24 hours a day, every day. You will need to make a list of everything that was in your wallet/purse. If your wallet or cellphone is found, you will be contacted by the police. Bring a valid form of ID with you to the police station, if possible. If your University of Bologna ID card is lost or stolen, notify the BCSP staff. Contact a BCSP Staff Member Please keep your cell phone charged (both battery and money-wise) at all times as this is the most efficient and quickest way to reach you. It is imperative that you keep the BCSP staff updated with your current contact details (email and cellphone number). In the event that the BCSP staff finds it necessary to give your phone number or email address to any BCSP affiliated person for emergency purposes only, we will 18 presume that you give permission to do so. Please notify us in writing if you request that your contact information not be divulged. GROUP EMERGENCIES (ACT OF TERRORISM OR NATURAL DISASTER) In the event of an emergency caused by a major, tragic event please send a text message to any of the BCSP staff members to notify them about your safety. In the interim, the BCSP staff will attempt to contact all students. In the case the telephone network is down, students are required to gather at Neptune Fountain, should that location be unaffected, within 2 hours of the event, to meet with a BCSP staff member. Information about theft and emergency procedures are also on the BCSP website: EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND PROCEDURES The Italian equivalent of “911” is “118”. No matter which of the following numbers you call, your emergency will be taken care of. The main Italian emergency numbers that you should memorize in your cell phone are: 113 Police/ambulance (Polizia di stato/ambulanza) 112 Local Police (Carabinieri) 118 Medical emergency-ambulance (ambulanza) 115 Fire department (Vigili del fuoco) US EMBASSY AND CONSULATE GENERAL NUMBERS 06 46741 Rome 02 290351 Milan 055 266951 Florence 081 5838111 Naples PASSPORT / PERMESSO DI SOGGIORNO Keep a photocopy of these documents with you when in Bologna. When you travel outside of Bologna, you need to have the original documents on hand. 19 SHOPPING & SERVICES Most stores in Bologna are open from 10am–1pm and from 3pm–7:30pm. Some stores (mostly popular clothing stores on busy streets or supermarkets) stay open all day (orario continuato). Smaller food stores and fruit/vegetable vendors will open earlier in the morning than clothing stores. Usually electricians, elettricisti, and hardware stores, ferramenta, open at 8:30am and close for lunch at 12:30pm. They reopen between 3:30 and 4:30pm until about 7pm. Many stores close on Thursday afternoons, and mostly all stores are are closed on Sundays and holidays. Some supermarkets may open on Sundays and holidays on a rotating basis, like pharmacies. FOOD SHOPPING SUPERMARKETS Remember to use a disposable plastic glove (usually kept next to the scales) when choosing fruits/ vegetables and weigh produce before going to pay at the register. PAM, Via Marconi 28/A META’, Via d’Azeglio 47 CONAD city, Via Oberdan 37 INCOOP, Via Nazario Sauro 4, Via del Pratello 98 COOP, Via Oberdan 24 ORGANIC (CIBO BIOLOGICO) MARKETS NATURASI’, Via Monte Fiorino 2/D, Via Po 3, Viale della Repubblica 23/II LA TERRA DEL TEMPO E DEL BENE, Via Galliera 31/A (organic fruits, vegetables and bread) ALCE NERO CAFFE, Via Petroni 9 FARMER’S MARKETS MERCATO COLDIRETTI, Via del Gomito 30, Wednesday 17:00- 19:00 MERCATO DELLA TERRA DI BOLOGNA, Via Azzo Gardino 65, in the Cineteca Lumière courtyard, every Saturday from 9am - 2pm (in the summer on Monday nights) FRESH FOOD MARKETS (fruit, vegetables, meat, bread, cheese and fish) Mercato delle Erbe, Via Ugo Bassi 25 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8am – 12:30pm, 4:30pm – 7:30pm; Thursday and Saturday 8am – 12:30pm) Piazza Aldrovandi (between Via San Vitale and Strada Maggiore) Mercato di Mezzo, Via Pescherie Vecchie and Via Drapperie, off Piazza Maggiore BREAD AND PASTRY SHOPS (Fornai, Panifici, Pasticcerie) Most pasticcerie are open on Sunday. LA BOTTEGA, Via Montegrappa 13 FORNAIO/PASTICCERIA, corner of Via Galliera and Via Volturno (across the street from BCSP office) Some bakeries (some secretly) sell freshly baked bread and pastries at night (while they work). If you pass by via Borgonuovo, via Fondazza or via Saffi (just after Porta Lame) around midnight or later, see if the lights are on or if the shutters are open! (See ‘Pasticcerie Notturne’ in the Nightlife section of this Guide.) SPECIALTY FOOD STORES ASIA MACH, Via Mascarella 81 (Asian specialty foods and ingredients, spices) SCARAMAGLI, Strada Maggiore 31 (peanut butter, maple syrup, taco ingredients, brownie mix, marmalades, ecc.) KALINKA, Via Galliera 63/A (Russian and Ukraine specialty shop) DROGHERIA DELLA PIOGGIA, Via Galliera 27 (across the street from the BCSP office) (tortellini di cioccolata Majani, various types of honey, caramel candies from all over the world, hot 20 chocolate mixes, and house cleaning supplies) DROGHERIA LEBITAL, Via Murri 49/F (special kinds of honey, risotto, olio d’oliva, tex mex, peanut butter, pasta plus house cleaning products) STREGA TE TEA SHOP, Via Porta Nova 7/A (wide selection of teas and tea accessories) ANTICA DROGHERIA CALZOLARI, Via Petroni 9 WHERE CAN I FIND...? TRAVEL SUPPLIES MUJI, Via Ugo Bassi 6 (slippers, hand towels, travel kits, sewing kits, ear plugs, contact lens cases, hair accessories, soap/shampoo, stationery supplies) LINENS (BLANKETS AND SHEETS RELATIVELY LOW COST) CO IMPORT, Via Marconi 45 (8-20 euro) AUMAI, coner of Via San Felice and Via Riva di Reno (15-25 euro) OUTLET DEL CASALINGO, Via Marconi 20 (10-25 euro) CASA DOLCE CASA, Via Indipendenza 59/a (20-50 euro) APARTMENT DECORATIONS MAISONS DU MONDE, Via Rizzoli 28 ( COSE D’ALTRE CASE, Via De’ Gandolfi 8/A, zona Fiera ( MERCATOPOLI, Via Pasubio 39, take #13 bus outside Porta San Felice to ‘Timavo’ stop ( CO IMPORT, Via Marconi 45 IKEA, Via J. Lennon 6, Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna ( IKEA is open everyday, Monday – Sunday, from 10am – 8pm. The Navetta Ikea performs round trips from Bologna’s train station. To see the schedule go to the IKEA homepage and select your store - il tuo negozio - for hours and directions. The bus ride from the Bologna train station is about 50 minutes. WRAPPING PAPER AND CLEANING SUPPLIES 99 CENT/1 EURO SHOPS, Via Ugo Bassi, Via Righi, Via de’ Giudei ACQUA & SAPONE, Via Marconi 16, Strada Maggiore 25, Via San Felice 98, Via dei Mille 10 TIGOTA’, Via Oberdan 19/f at the corner of Via Goito POTS/PANS, SILVERWARE, GARBAGE CANS, LAUNDRY BINS AND A LOT OF PRACTICAL THINGS FOR THE HOUSE (CASALINGHI) CASALINGHI, Via Marconi 9/b OUTLET DEL KASALINGO, Via Marconi 20 CESTERIA (just sells baskets), Via Belvedere (behind the back entrance to the Mercato delle Erbe) FANS (BESIDES IKEA) MERCATOPOLI, Via Pasubio 39, take #13 bus outside Porta San Felice to ‘Timavo’ stop OUTLET DEL CASALINGO, Via Marconi 20 (you have to assemble the fan yourself) BOTTEGA DELLA LUCE, Via Clavature 18/A, tel. 051 227 924 BALBONI E POGGI, Via Galliera 63, tel. 051 253 054 CURLING IRONS, STRAIGHTENING IRONS, HAIRDRYERS, ELECTRIC RAZORS, ELECTRIC HAIR CUTTERS (RELATIVELY LOW COST) CASA DEI RASOI/TELEFONIA, Via Marconi 6B CENTRO DEL CUCITO, Via Marconi 41E AUMAI, coner of Via San Felice and Via Riva di Reno RADE RASOI ELETTRICI, Via Caduti di Cefalonia 4 PROFUMERIA CAPRICE, Via Zamboni 4 FERRAMENTA MOLINE, Via delle Moline at the corner of Via del Borgo di San Pietro 21 INEXPENSIVE SUITCASES In Viale Pietramellara under the ‘portico’ in front of the train station, near the bus stop and traffic light, there is a store that sells a variety of carry-on bags and luggage. SEGUE, Via Indipendenza 20 CARPISA, Via Indipendenza 23 VALIGERIA ARCOBALENO, Via Marconi 41/h HALLOWEEN OR CARNIVAL COSTUMES and GREETING CARDS CARTOLERIA KOOKOO, Via Galliera 63 d/e PESARO GIOCATTOLI, Via Marsala 15 Any 99 CENT/1 EURO SHOP (especially the store in via Righi) GIRARDI STORE, Via Irnerio 9/b MERCERIA CASA DELLA LANA, Via Righi 19, at the corner of Via Oberdan. The owner enjoys giving knitting tips and demonstrations. CASA DELLA CHIUSURA LAMPO, Via S.Vitale 2 MERCERIA, at the back entrance of the Mercato delle Erbe in via Belvedere CASA DEL FODERAME IL RICAMO, Via Monte Grappa 10/b POSTERS IMAGES ART SHOP, Via Righi 32/E If you are looking for posters/pictures for your apartment, you could ask any travel agencies if they have any old posters. Rather than throwing them away, they could decorate your room! FLEA MARKETS LA MONTAGNOLA / LA PIAZZOLA At this popular weekend flea market (every Friday and Saturday) in Piazza 8 Agosto, just off Via dell’Indipendenza, two blocks from the BCSP office, you can shop for clothing, shoes, bags, belts, sunglasses, housewares, linens, etc. Stands may differ from Friday to Saturday, so if you’re ‘just looking’ and ‘want to think about’ ask the vendor when you should return. If you hear the bolognesi bargaining, you could try, too! MERCATO DELL’ANTIQUARIATO IN PIAZZA SANTO STEFANO Every 2nd Sunday of the month you will find stands selling prints, jewelry, vintage postcards, and everything and anything antique! MERCATO DI PIAZZA S. FRANCESCO A flower/plant market every Tuesday morning from 8am – 1pm. HANDMADE JEWELRY AND GIFT IDEAS ANBO, Via G. Oberdan 43/c ALTRI MONDI, Via De’ Castagnoli 6/A RAPA NUI, Via Caprarie 4/H BESOS E BACI, Via Nazario Sauro 9 (also tailoring) Il CAPPELLO MAGICO, Via del Guasto 5/b PERLEDUE, Strada Maggiore 7/c FABRICA FEATURES, Strada Maggiore 7/e BOOKS FELTRINELLI, Piazza Ravegnana (by the Due Torri), Via dei Mille 12/A- open until 1am LIBRERIE COOP AMBASCIATORI, Via degli Orefici 19 (as a student- show your UniBo ID card- you should receive a 10% discount) MONDADORI, Via D’Azeglio 34/A IBS BOOKS, across from Piazza Maggiore on Via Rizzoli LIBRERIA DI CINEMA, TEATRO, MUSICA, Via Mentana 1/C LIBRERIA DELLE DONNE, Via San Felice 16/a 22 LIBRERIA DELLE MOLINE, Via delle Moline 3/a LIBRERIA PAVONIANA, Via Collegio di Spagna 5/a BOOKSTORES THAT SELL AND BUY BACK USED BOOKS LIBRERIA MARTINA, Largo Respighi 8 NANNI, Via de’ Musei 8 BOOKSTOP, Via Marsala 27/B LIBRACCIO OUTLET, Via Oberdan 7 BOOKS ONLINE (NEW AND USED) AMAZON IBS INTERNET BOOKSHOP BOL ABEBOOKS CDS AND SHEET MUSIC SEMM, Via Oberdan 24F DISCO RAMA, Via de Monari 1 RES RUBINI, Via Marconi 51 RICORDI MEDIASTORE, Via Ugo Bassi 1 / 2 (also sells sheet music) LIBRERIA MUSICALE ORPHEUS, Via Marsala 31/E (sells sheet music) SPORT CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES DECATHLON, Via Tito Carnacini 5/7, Zona S.Donato - Parco Commerciale Meraville - buses 20, 21 and 35. Open Monday - Saturday from 9am - 9pm. Sunday 10am - 8pm FINI SPORT, Via Indipendenza 52; Piazza VIII Agosto 4/D PLAY SPORT EMPORIO, Piazza Manfredi Azzarita 1, tel. 051 557 716 NIKE, Via Rizzoli 3 CHAMPION, Via dei Mille 20 ART SUPPLIES MESTICHERIA BOLOGNESE, Via San Felice 21 BAZAR DEL PITTORE, Via Belle Arti 26/B FELSINEA COLORI, Via Altabella 21/B OFFICE SUPPLIES BIAGINI, Via Oberdan 19/E CARTAMARKET, Via Goito 8/A PHOTOCOPIES There are several copy stores in the university district: Via Zamboni, Via Belle Arti, Via Cartoleria. Most are self-service. Try any of the following: ELIO 83, Via Marsala 13 MARK UNO, Piazza Verdi 5 BURCHIELLARO, Via Zamboni 66 MASTER COPY, Via Cartoleria 4/A ASTERISCO, Via Belle Arti 31 PAPIRO, via Marsala 38/a HARDWARE STORES (FERRAMENTA) Also for steel water bottles, mosquito screens (bring window measurements with you), drying racks, etc. FERRAMENTA BORIANI, Via Monte Grappa 12 CASTALDINI, Via Strada Maggiore 7 FERRAMENTA SAN VITALE, Via S. Vitale 79 TEDESCHI, Via Farini 24/F 23 ELECTRICIANS PETRACCA, Via Sant’Isaia 5 (open from 9am-1pm/4pm-7:30pm, closed Thursday afternoon and Sunday) BAITEBORGHI, Via Volturno 7 (across the street from the BCSP office) BOTTEGA DELLA LUCE, Via Clavature 18/A BALBONI E POGGI (also sells hardware), Via Galliera 63 COMPUTER REPAIR FERRARI COMPUTER, Viale Masini 18 SAM-LAB, Via Alessandrini 9/A MFB COMPUTER, Via Lame 160 (in the Porta Lame piazza) APPLE STORE, Via Rizzoli 16 CENTRO ASSISTENZA APPLE, Via Murri 47/49 SHOE REPAIR AND KEY DUPLICATION GIOVANNI MALIN, Via Malcontenti 7/B (on the same street as the BCSP office) BOTTEGA DELLA CHIAVE, Via Piella 10/A (24 hr emergency locksmith: 051 264 982) EXPRESS SERVICE, Via Belvedere 7/A SCARPE & CHIAVI EXPRESS, Via Farini 23/A TAILORS CASA DELLA CHIUSURA LAMPO, via San Vitale 2 (specialized in repairing broken zippers) MR. CUCITO (express tailoring), via Irnerio 20 ORLO EXPRESS (express tailoring), via Caduti di Cefalonia (next to the Celtic Druid) FATTO & RIFATTO, Galleria del Pincio 1/A (Via Indipendenza) CASA DEL RAMMENDO, via San Felice 20/B AL FODERAME, via San Felice 10 EYEGLASSES, CONTACT LENSES OTTICA DISCOUNT, Via dè Fusari 3/A (near Piazza Maggiore) AVANZI, Via Ugo Bassi 12; Via Indipendenza 60 OTTICA PASQUINI, Via Indipendenza 20/M GUIDORENI, Via Indipendenza 24 Pharmacies sell only one brand of contact lens solution. If you want to find a variety of solutions/eye drops, it’s best to go to any ‘negozio ottica’. COSMETICS ACQUA & SAPONE, Via Marconi 16, Strada Maggiore 25, Via San Felice 98, Via dei Mille 10 TIGOTA’, Via Oberdan 19/f at the corner of Via Goito DOUGLAS, Via dell’Indipendenza 27, Via Rizzoli 10 LIMONI, Via Ugo Bassi 21, Via D’Azeglio 30, Via Drapperie 10, Via Indipendenza 56 COIN, Via Rizzoli 7 SEPHORA, Via Farini 6 ROSSI PROFUMERIE, Via San Vitale 4, Via Lame 2, Via Indipendenza 24, Via Clavature 20 HAIRDRESSERS/SALONS Closed Sundays and Mondays. Do not tip. If you make an appointment at a salon in the university area, ask if a student discount is offered, or check which salons give Carta Giovani discounts on the Flash Giovani website. DIFFUSIONE di Graziella Soncin, Piazza San Martino 3, tel. 051 223 155 (Ask for Mila!) ANTICA BARBERIA, Via Irnerio 18, cell. 328 566 6868 BARBERIA MARCHI, Piazza Cavour 5 (A famous, historical barber shop. Giosue’ Carducci was a client.) DONNA GIO’, Via San Petronio Vecchio 50, tel. 051 230 598, Via San Felice 3, tel. 051 220 043 AVEDA, Via Galliera 93, tel. 051 243 772 MELARANCIO, Via Irnerio 37/B, tel. 051 246 271 (CartaGiovani discount) 24 GLOSS; Via Oberdan 15/a, tel. 051 991 0910 (students always 20% off, open Monday - Saturday from 10am - 8pm) TONI & GUY, Via Oberdan 11. Tel. 051 275 0038 (open Wednesday nights until 9:30pm) IL BELLO DELLE DONNE, Strada Maggiore 20, tel. 051 273 376 (on Wednesday 25% off) SCUOLA PARRUCCHIERI O.C.D.A.I., Via del Porto 6/A. No appointments; walk-in from 8:30am-6pm Monday – Friday. Students will cut your hair, so the service will cost less than a normal salon (€ 17 haircut + styling/ taglio + messa in piega) tel. 051 245 546 ESTHETICIANS CENTRO ESTETICO MASCARA, Via Malcontenti (downstairs from the BCSP office) CENTRO ESTETICO LE FATE DI GIOVE, Via San Vitale 13, tel. 051 237 529 (CartaGiovani Dìdiscount) ESTETICA ADRIANA, Via S. Margherita 16/B, tel. 051 225 096 PAROLE PER IL PARRUCCHIERE O IL BARBIERE una spuntata = trim le doppie punte = split ends scalare i capelli (la scalatura, capelli scalati) = to layer (layered hair) lisciare i capelli (portare i capelli lisci) = to straighten (style straight) capelli ondulati/capelli mossi = wavy hair fare i boccoli = ringlets il frise’ = crimped hair arricciare i capelli (portare i capelli ricci) = to curl (style curly) tingere i capelli = dye hair (coloring) i colpi di sole = highlights farsi le meche = streak hair riflessi naturali = natural streaks/ highlights acconciatura/pettinatura = hairstyle le frange/la frangia = bangs portare i capelli sciolti = leave hair down il caschetto = bob le extensions = extensions fare la treccia = to braid fare la coda di cavallo = pony tail la molletta = hair clip i ferretti = bobby pins sfoltire = to take away thickness il ciuffo = tuft of hair la cresta = mohawk i rasta = dread locks le basette = ‘Elvis Presley’ type sideburns il pizzetto = goatee la mosca = strip of beard between chin + lower lip i baffi = mustache 25 DINING OUT Bologna is often referred to as the gastronomic capital of Italy. Here’s a list of typical foods that you’ll find on menus in Bologna: Tortellini – round, donut shaped pasta filled with meat. Best served in broth, “in brodo.” Tortelloni – round, donut shaped pasta filled with cheese and, sometimes, herbs like parsley, “prezzemolo.” Best with butter and sage, “burro e salvia” but also good with tomato sauce and butter, “burro e oro.” Tagliatelle – i.e. “spaghetti alla Bolognese,” long, flat noodles, thicker than spaghetti. Often served with ragù (meat sauce with tomato). Lasagne – vegetarians beware: lasagna in Bologna is rarissimamente made with just cheese. Piadina – similar to a sandwich made with pita bread. Crescentine – bread (not sweet) fried in lard, “strutto,” served with sliced meats and cheeses. Tigelle – disk shaped breads, offered served with crescentine, and made of the same dough, but a bit lighter on the stomach. Slice in half and fill with meats, cheeses or nutella. Piada - flat bread Mortadella – the Americans and the Milanesi called it “bologna” Prosciutto – Italian ham, “crudo” = cold cut, “cotto” = cooked. Speck – usually served as a thinly sliced smoked, “affumicato,” cold cut. Pancetta - similar to bacon. Zampone – literally boiled pigs foot. Popular around New Years. Bollito o Grigliata Mista – a selection of boiled or grilled meats. Primi piatti – first course Secondi piatti – second course Contorno – side dish Pasta fatta a mano – handmade pasta Pasta all’uovo – pasta made from eggs Dolci della casa – desserts made by the restaurant’s kitchen, not from an outside bakery. Certosino – a holiday cake topped and baked with candied fruits. Raviole – ravioli shaped cookies usually filled with Nutella or marmalade. Sfrappole – strips of sweet fried dough sometimes topped with powdered sugar. Available in bakeries around “Carnevale” in February. Torta di riso – a fairly sweet, solid pudding made with rice. Panettone –bell-shaped holiday bread with candied fruits, raisins or chocolate chips in the dough. Pandoro – bell-shaped holiday bread with just powdered sugar on top. Colomba – dove-shaped bread produced during the Easter holidays with almonds or chocolate. Mascarpone – buttery soft cheese served for dessert in an ice-cream bowl, sometimes topped with melted chocolate. Panna cotta - cooked cream usually topped with caramel, coffee or melted chocolate. Coperto – cover charge, i.e. the tip is included in the check. Some types of cheeses from the Emilia Romagna Region include: caciotta, pecorino, grana padano, provolone, ricotta di capra (goat) or di pecora (sheep), robiola, stracchino, tomino, squaquerone, parmigiano reggiano. For a description of cheeses from all Italian regions go to: A consortium of Parmigiano Reggiano makers was formed to protect the label from imitations worldwide. To learn more about it or to reserve a guided tour of a “caseficio,” see: 26 TRATTORIE, OSTERIE, PIZZERIE, RISTORANTI…. Make a reservation, “prenotazione,” before going out to eat, especially for dinner. All restaurants close one day each week. Most close on Sundays or Mondays, but some may close on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Each one listed here is open for lunch and dinner unless otherwise indicated. TRATTORIA MARIPOSA, Via Bertiera 12, tel. 051 225 656, closed Sunday night. OSTERIA BROCCAINDOSSO, Via Broccaindosso 7/A, tel. 051 234 153 (make reservations for the ‘carrello di 12 dolci’ after 11pm), closed Sunday. OSTERIA AL 15, Via Mirasole 15, tel. 051 331 806 (menù includes crescentine/tigelle), closed Sunday. OSTERIA DELL’ORSA, Via Mentana 1/F, tel. 051 231 576, always open for lunch and dinner. OSTERIA DEL MONTESINO (cucina sarda), Via del Pratello 74, tel. 051 523 426, closed Sunday. HOSTARIA SAN CARLINO (cucina sarda), Via San Carlo 16, tel. 051 267 496, closed at lunch time on Monday, Saturday and Sunday, always open for dinner. OSTERIA DELLA FONDAZZA, Via Fondazza 35, tel. 051 347 741, closed Monday, only open for dinner. OSTERIA DELL’INFEDELE, Via Gerusalemme 5/a , tel. 051 239 456, always open for dinner. OSTERIA DEL CIRMOLO (cucina pugliese), Via San Felice 86/A, tel. 051 522 432, 338 457 3333, closed Sunday. OSTERIA IL CANTINONE, Via del Pratello 56/A, tel. 051 553 223, closed Sunday, only open for lunch. CAMERA A SUD, Via Valdonica 5, tel. 051 095 1448, closed Sunday. RISTORANTE PIZZERIA VICTORIA, Via Righi 9/C, tel. 051 233 548, closed Thursday. QUANTO BASTA (cucina romana), Via del Pratello 103/A, tel. 051 522 100, closed Sunday. DAL BARESE (take out, specialità pugliesi, focacce & pizza), Via del Pratello 31, tel. 051 225 626 PANE VINO SAN DANIELE, Via Altabella 3 + Via N. Sauro 8 TERRA DEL SOLE (cucina salentina), Via Petroni 3/B ENOTECA DES ARTS, vIa S. Felice 9/a, 051 236 422, closed Sunday, only open for dinner. ENOTECA FACCIOLI, via Altabella 15/b , tel. 051 223 174, closed Sunday, only open for dinner. DIVINIS (enoteca e ristorante), Via Battibecco 4/c, tel. 051 296 1502, closed Sunday. PIZZERIA SPACCANAPOLI, Via San Vitale 45/A, tel. 051 223 429, 19 980 262, closed Saturday and Sunday for lunch. PIZZERIA BANCO DEL VINO, Via Mentana 3/b, tel. 051 273 832, closed Sunday. PIZZERIA CIRO, Via dè Gessi 5/c, tel. 051 226 917, closed Wednesday. PIZZERIA NINO, Via Volturno 9/c, tel. 051 260 294, always open. PIZZERIA TRATTORIA LA MELA, Via Fusari 5 (Piazza Maggiore), tel. 051 234 654, closed Monday. PIZZERIA LA BELLA NAPOLI, Via S. Felice 40, tel. 051 555 163, closed Monday and Sunday at lunch. PIZZERIA O SOLE MIO, Via Castiglione 50, tel. 051 220 511, closed Monday. PIZZERIA DA TOTÒ, Via San Valentino 2, tel. 051 523 150, closed Tuesday. PIZZERIA PINO, Via Santo Stefano 172, tel. 051 301 974, closed Monday. WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS PAYING…. 7 ARCHI, Via Marchesana 6, tel. 051 233 227, open every day lunch/dinner. OSTERIA LE MURA (cucina di pesce), Via del Falcone 13, tel. 051 331 772, closed Sunday, only dinner. RISTORANTE TERESINA, Via Oberdan 4, tel. 051 228 985, closed Sunday. TRATTORIA DA GIAMPI E CICCIO, Via Farini 31/B, tel. 051 268 032, open everyday but closed Saturday and Sunday at lunch. VICOLO COLOMBINA, Vicolo Colombina, tel. 051 233 919, closed all day Monday and Tuesday at lunch. DROGHERIA DELLA ROSA, Via Cartoleria 10, tel. 051 266 864, closed Sunday. DA SILVIO, Via S. Petronio Vecchio 34/D, tel. 051 229 357, closed Sunday and Monday at lunch. DIANA, Via dell’Indipendenza 24, tel. 051 231 302, closed Monday. DA CESARINA, Piazza Santo Stefano, tel. 051 232 037, 235 543, closed Monday and Tuesday at lunch. FRANCO ROSSI, Via Goito 3, tel. 051 238 818, closed Sunday. LA CORTE GALLUZZI, Corte Galluzzi 7, tel. 051 226 481, closed Sunday. RODRIGO, Via della Zecca 2/H, tel. 051 235 536, closed Sunday. CAMINETTO d’ORO, Via de’ Falegnami 4, tel. 051 263 494, closed Sunday. 27 VEGETARIANO ESTRAVAGARIO, Via Mascarella 81, tel. 051 421 0582. Check per orari e prenotazioniOSTERIA DEL BARATTOLO, Via Belle Arti 2, tel. 3292087394 (also vegan/vegetarian) SPICCHIRICCHI, Via Galliera 22/B, tel. 051 273 987 (vegetarian/vegan/organic food takeout) FRAGOLA (take out), Piazza San Martino 3/D, tel. 051 9913 933, (fruit plates, fruit cocktails, juices, smoothies, salads) UN PUNTO MACROBIOTICO, Viale Alessandro Tiarini 1 (behind the train station), tel. 051 352 354, mandatory 5euro member-card, members pay only 4euro for each meal. ALCE NERO, Via Petroni 9, tel. 051 275 9196 ZENZERO, Via Fratelli Rosselli 18 A/B, tel. 051 587 7026 HAND MADE PASTA OSTERIA DELL’ORSA (‘vendita pasta fresca’ to the left of the restaurant), Via Mentana 1 PASTA FRESCA NALDI, Via del Pratello 69, just after Via Pietralata, Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat 9:30am-2:30pm, 6:30pm-11pm, Thurs/Sun 9:30am-2:30pm, closed Mon. LE SFOGLINE, Via Belvedere 7/B FOR BRUNCH..... ESTRAVAGARIO (brunch biovegetariano), Via Mascarella 81, tel. 051 421 0582, Sat 11am-3pm EUTEPIA (tea room), Via Testoni 5/d, tel. 051 093 5590, PANINI & PIADINERIE IL MAGGIOLINO (fornaio), Via Marsala 29/D (corner of via Mentana) ROMAGNANTICA, Strada Maggiore 64 LA TUA PIADINA, Via Borgonuovo 17/A, Via del Pratello 51 AL VECCHIO MULINO, Via Rialto 13/A SOLE E LUNA, Via Irnerio 6 POLENTA, PIADE, CRESCENTINE E TIGELLE I MATTI DELLA POLENTA, Via Sant’Isaia 84, Mon-Thurs 11am-4pm/6:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sun 11am4pm/6:30-11pm OSTERIA AL 15, Via Mirasole 15, tel. 051 331 806, closed Sunday GELATERIE PECCATI DI GOLA, Via Righi (angolo Via Indipendenza- soy, vegan and milk-free ice cream) CREMERIA SAN FRANCESCO, Piazza San Francesco GELATAURO, Via San Vitale 82 VANIGLIA E CIOCCOLATO, Via Matteotti 2/C, tel. 051 631 3437 (orchid flavor gelato) GELATERIA GIANNI, Piazza Santo Stefano, Via Montegrappa 11, Via Zamboni 1/A CREMERIA FUNIVIA, Piazza Cavour LA SORBETTERIA, Via Castiglione 44 CAPO NORD, Via Murri 39 STEFINO, Via Galliera 49/B + STEFINO VEG (vegan) via Riva di Reno 7/A NOVECENTO, via Indipendenza, 3/c; via Massarenti 22/a CREMERIA SANTO STEFANO, via Santo Stefano 70 CREPERIA BOMBOCREP, Via delle Moline 4/A, PER UN BUON CAFFE... CANTON DE’ FIORI, Via Indipendenza 1/C TERZI, Via Oberdan 10/D (Offers coffee tasting courses) AROMA, Via Porta Nova 12 28 I SEGRETI DI PIZZA BO - di Mattia Gentile E’ un sito che offre cibo a domicilio semplice ed utilissimo se si vuole risparmiare tempo e denaro! Non a caso è la rovina di tutti gli studenti ma fa risparmiare tempo prezioso da applicare allo studio! Il sito è strutturato molto semplicemente: inserendo l’indirizzo verranno suggeriti tutti i posti nelle vicinanze, che siano pizzerie, paninerie, kebab…tutto! Alcuni posti offrono bibite gratis insieme al cibo, per questo costa meno che scendere ed andarla a comprare! Un’offerta da non rifiutare! PER UN BUON CAFFE...CONT’D.... AL BRICCO D’ORO, Via Farini 6 L’ENOTECA ITALIANA, Via Malcontenti downstairs from the BCSP office RINALDINI, via Altabella 19/c PER STUDIARE.... FRAM CAFFE’, Via Rialto 22/c IT-IT, Largo Respighi 2 LA SCUDERIA, Piazza Verdi (30% off menù for students that show UniBo ID card until 9pm on weekdays) LES PUPITRES, VIa de’ Gudei 6/c EUTEPIA (tea room), Via Testoni 5/d 29 I consigli di cucina del ‘Cuoco Superiore’ (aka Leo) Provate la seguente ricetta ‘Cappelletti Fantasia’ a casa: Mettere sale grosso nell’acqua mentre bolle. Attenzione ai tempi di cottura. La pasta deve essere al dente! Ingredienti: Cappelletti (De Cecco) - almeno 80 grammi a porzione (abbondante) Sugo di pomodori secchi (Barilla) - alcuni cucchiai (a piacere) Peperoncini (a secondo del gusto- attenzione, sono piccanti) Mozzarella fresca- tagliata a fette A fine cottura, scolate la pasta e riversatela dentro la pentola a fiamma bassa e poi aggiungete il sugo e i peperoncini sempre mescolando. Mettete la pasta nei piatti e guarnite con la mozzarella. Quando non c’è una cucina per cucinare, mangiate in questi posti: BOUNTY, Via delle Moline 6, per pranzo durante la settimana. Per 5-6 euro: un panino o un’insalata e una bibita, e per finire, un caffè PANINI FARCITI, in Via Petroni, 2-4 euro per un grande panino LA TUA PIADINA, in Via Borgonuovo, 5 euro per una grande piadina Inoltre, per cena vi propongo: TRATTORIA BELFIORE, Via Marsala 11: è economica e sono specializzati nei piatti bolognesi DA BERTINO, Via Lame 55: ordinate la lasagna - la migliore in tutta Bologna. C’è anche l’arrosto servito sul carrello che dovete ordinare e costa quasi 16 euro, ma la porzione è sufficiente da condividere tra due persone TRATTORIA BIAGI, Via Savenella 9/A: i tortellini in brodo sono il piatto migliore, ma non ordinate il secondo - non vale la pena Il PORTICO, Via Augusto Righi 11: da non perdere la zuppa di pesce per due persone Per trovare delle buone ricette online vi suggerisco: (videoricette) 30 NIGHT LIFE ….or see also in the previous chapter “DINING OUT – osteria” Many osterie popular among students are in via del Pratello. APERITIVI CAFFÈ ZAMBONI, Via Zamboni 6 L’IMPICCATO, Via Pratello 39/A CICILEO, Via Parigi 11/C S-WINE BAR, Via Righi 24/A Best latenight snack: Bombo Crep on via IL RISTORO DELLE FATE, Via Zamboni 24 delle Moline. MARSALINO, via Marsala 13/D CAFFE’ DEL MUSEO, via Zamboni 58 MAMBO EX-FORNO, Via Don Minzoni 14 LE STANZE, Via Borgo San Pietro 1/A OSTERIA DEL SOLE, Vicolo Ranocchi 1/d, (the oldest ‘osteria’ in Bologna, from 1465) CONTAVALLI, Via Belle Arti 2 TAMBURINI, Via Orefici corner of via Drapperie CAMERA A SUD, Via Valdonica 5 PALAZZO GNUDI, Via Riva di Reno 77 (historical palace that occasionally opens to the public on Tuesday) LIVE MUSIC ‘LOCALI’ In centro…. SPAZIO IN DUE, vicolo Broglio 1/F, feels like a private home with sofas from the 1800’s and a grand piano that anyone can play....with rooms upstairs for parties or a variety of courses: photography, painting, dance, theater (you’ll need to sign up for the free ‘tessera arci’ to enter) ARTERIA, vicolo Broglio 1/E, LA SCUDERIA, Piazza Verdi 2 BUCA DELLE CAMPANE, Via Benedetto XIV 4 (also an osteria) ENOTECA ALTO TASSO, Piazza San Francesco 6/D (behind the cathedral, near via del Pratello) MACONDO, Via del Pratello 22 CORTILE CAFE, Via Nazario Sauro 24 Fuori mura… BAR WOLF, Via Massarenti 118 GIOSTRA’, Via Enrico Mattei 46/L, ESTRAGON, Via Stalingrado 83 (Parco Nord), COVO CLUB, Via Zagabria 1 (off Via San Donato, bus 20 from Via Indipendenza), LOCOMOTIV CLUB, Via Sebastiano Serlio 25/2, SOTTO TETTO SOUND CLUB, Via Viadagola 15, …JAZZ MUSIC…. CANTINA BENTIVOGLIO, Via Mascarella 4/b, TAKE FIVE, Via Cartoleria 15 BRAVO CAFE’, Via Mascarella 1, PASTICCERIE NOTTURNE ATLAS, Via Emilia Levante, 35/D ALMETTI, Via Massarenti (incrocio viali) 31 Al MI FURNER, Via Saffi 1 BAR BAMBI, Via San Vitale (P.ta San Vitale) IL LURIDO, Via Borgonuovo 3/d OASI, Via Andrea Costa 7 SUMMERTIME PLACES….. CA’SHIN Parco Cavaioni, Via Cavaioni 1 (sui colli) 051589419 10 CODEVILLA, Via Codevilla 10 (picturesque panorama over the city) FORTE JOLA, Via Monte Donato 17 I GIARDINI DEL BARACCANO, Via Gozzadini 3 (across the street from Giardini Margherita) VICOLO BOLOGNETTI, sede Quartiere San Vitale, Vicolo Bolognetti 2 VILLA SERENA, Via Della Barca 1, Pam’s Eggplant "Pasta" Ingredients for 4 servings: * 2 medium-large eggplants (2 melanzane) * Kosher salt, for purging (sale grosso) * 4 tablespoons olive oil (olio d'oliva) * 1 teaspoon garlic, minced (aglio) * 1/2 teaspoon chile flakes (peperoncini) * 4 small tomatoes, seeded and chopped (pomodorini) * 1/2 cup cream (panna da cucina) * 4 tablespoons basil chiffonade (basilico) * 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan (parmiggiano reggiano) * Freshly ground pepper (pepe macinato) Directions: Peel each eggplant leaving 1-inch of skin at the top and bottom unpeeled. Slice the eggplant thinly lengthwise, about 1/4-inch thick. Evenly coat each slice with the salt and purge on a sheet pan fitted with a rack for 30 minutes. Water should be surfacing from the eggplant. Rinse with cold water and roll in paper towels to dry. Slice the pieces into thin strips to resemble pasta. In a large sauté pan heat the oil. Cook two portions at a time for easiest and quickest cooking time. Add the half of the garlic and chili flakes and toast. Add half of the eggplant "pasta" and toss to coat. Add half of the tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes. Add half of the cream and increase heat to thicken sauce. Finally add half of the basil and Parmesan and toss to combine. Season with pepper, no salt needed as the eggplant will have residual salt from the purge. Serve immediately. 32 SPORTS / DANCE ASSOCIATIONS… C.U.S.B. – Centro Universitario Sportivo Bolognese is a recreational student association that offers activities such as: swimming, basketball, volleyball, football, dance, tennis, karate, pilates, belly-dancing, aikido, capoeira, juggling, rugby, ultimate frisbee, hockey, flag football, spinning, kickboxing, aerobics and much more. Many Unibo students are members. Via San Giacomo 9/2 (towards the end of Via Zamboni on the right) tel. 051 421 7324, [email protected] Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:15am-1:30pm, 2pm-5:30pm Friday: 9:15am-1:30pm To sign up for the C.U.S.B. card, go to the office in Via San Giacomo and bring with you: -il libretto universitario (…you could also bring the letter from UNIBO officially declaring your enrollment in the BCSP/UNIBO exchange program) -a passport-size foto (fototessera) -€ 13 (which includes an insurance coverage, assicurazione) You may need a doctor’s certificate, un certificato medico, for some C.U.S.B. courses. You can make a doctor’s appointment through the C.U.S.B. office. The visit will cost around € 10. ORIENTEERING Orienteering combines a variety of sports and requires navigational skills, such as using a map and compass to navigate unfamiliar areas quickly. Participants are given a topographical map, which they use to explore hills and coutryside. Contact Flavio at [email protected], tel. 346 880 8437 UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) Sports teams and classes for just about anything you can think of: from soccer to scuba diving Closest UISP gym to the center: Palestra Orizzonte Benessere, Via Sante Vincenzi 1. CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO (CAI) Programs and classes include: cross-country skiing, hiking, biking, rock-climbing, spelunking Via C. Battisti 11/A tel. 051 234 856 SCI CLUB EUROPA Via Giambologna 4 tel. 051 531 415 [email protected] GYMS…. HEALTH CITY, Via San Felice 99, tel. 051 521 840 GYM C.U.S.B. (see above), Via della Grada, 13 PALESTRA PERFORMANCE, Via N. Sauro 1 /2, tel. 051 228 832 PALESTRA REFRAN, Via del Fico 4 (near the BCSP office), tel. 051 264 596 GYM DONNA (women only), Via de’ Ruini 5/A, tel. 051 581 274 FIT LIFE, Via Andrea Costa 131/2, tel. 051 745 9252 PALESTRA DE’ POETI, Via de’ Poeti 3, tel. 051 237 919 33 DANCE….. some of the following studios are part of C.U.S.B. (see previous page) ISADORA, Via San Vitale 40/10, tel. 051 235 540 (popular gym amongst students mostly for its dance classes, central location and fairly reasonable rates) SOLARIS (dance and yoga), Via Farini 24, tel. 051 231 632, SPAZIO DANZA, Via Baruzzi 1 /2, tel. 051 300 843, GYMMOVING, Via Azzo Gardino 50, tel. 051 649 0476, CONTAINER CLUB (CIRCOLO ARCI), Via dello Stallo 7,, offering courses in African dance, flamenco, pizzica and tarantella YOGA/PILATES.... some of the following studios are part of C.U.S.B. CENTRO YOGA LE VIE, Via D’Azeglio 35, tel. 051 1998 2056, ASIA, Via Riva Reno 124, tel. 051 225 588 CENTRO NATURA, Via Albari 6, tel. 051 223 331, IL MELOGRANO, Via Lombardia 36, tel. 051 624 1125, CENTRO YOGA OM, Via Castellata 10/A, tel. 051 615 3435 NATURAL CONCEPT PILATES, Via del Riccio 2, tel. 051 412 2797, [email protected] SWIMMING/POOLS For a complete listing of pools, hours, and even acquagym classes go to (“impianti sportivi”),, or (the organization that runs most of the city’s pools). Piscina Stadio , Via dello Sport, tel. 051 615 2520 Piscina Comunale Sterlino, Via Murri 113, tel. 051 623 703 Piscina Record, Via del Pilastro 8 Piscina Comunale Vandelli, Via di Corticella 180/4, tel. 051 375 130 Piscina Tanari, Via Varthema 39, tel. 051 6238 811 TENNIS For a complete list of tennis clubs in Bologna check out the FIT (Federazione Italiana Tennis):, Bologna Tennis Academy, Via S. Serlio 25/2, tel. 051 419 3253 Academia Tennis Nettuno Club, Via Don Sturzo 27, tel. 051 614 6870 La Raquette, Via delle Armi 13, tel. 051 623 3039 Circolo Tennis Bologna, Viale R. Cristiani 2 - Giardini Margherita, tel. 051 333 420 Virtus Tennis Bologna, Via Galimberti 1, tel. 051 614 4071, FOOTBALL Bologna’s football team, the Bologna Warriors, is run by a BCSP alum from 1986, Vincent Argondizzo. As Direttore Sportivo he often recruits students for the team. If you’re interested in playing/auditioning (some experience is necessary) call Vincent: 335 520 9435. The stadium is in Via degli Orti 60 (bus 11, 36 or 51). Game schedules are posted online. SOCCER (“CALCIO”) & BASKETBALL (“BASKET” OR “PALLACANESTRO”) Calcio is Italy’s favorite sport. The last 5 minutes of every news program, telegiornale or ‘tg’, is dedicated to soccer. Every city with a soccer team has at least 1 or 2 soccer talk shows featuring sports journalists and the professional players. You can find info on Bologna’s team, such as game schedules, at this website: or watch “Il Pallone nel 7” on the public television channel Rete 7 Monday nights starting at 9pm. Bologna’s stadium, Stadio Renato Dall’Ara, is in Via Andrea Costa 174 (zona Saragozza) To buy tickets go to the Tabaccheria in via delle Moline, corner of via Capo Lucca, or the Tabaccheria in via Cairoli, near the post office. Some online websites also sell them, such as Vivaticket or TicketOne. The amateur association called FUBLES ( organizes informal matches open to anyone and you can play anytime. The games are held throughout the city center and it’s easy to sign up online. 34 For basketball fans, Bologna also has two excellent professional teams: Virtus and Fortitudo. Purchase tickets online at or on the teams’ websites:, The Fortitudo games take place at the Palazzetto dello Sport in the city center (Paladozza Land Rover Arena in Piazza Azzarita), and Virtus plays at PalaMalaguti in Bologna’s neighboring town, Casalecchio di Reno (Via Gino Cervi 2). CYCLING AND MOUNTAIN BIKING The bolognesi are very enthusiastic cyclists thanks to the winding roads through the hills outside the city. You could inquire at local bike shops about bike teams or check the UISP Bologna website, Ciclismo, for information on events and races: Contact UISP if you’d like to participate in the Cicloraduni, bike excursions with food stops along each route (early March – end of October). DIECICOLLI Annual bike race held the first week of May in Bologna city and countryside. ‘TOURISTIC CYCLING’ Cities like Ferrara and Parma promote bicycling as an ecological way to see the ‘centro storico’ and surrounding coutryside. From Ferrara you can cycle to the Po river banks and from Busseto (in the Province of Parma) you can bike to Roncole Verdi, where composer GIuseppe Verdi was born. DUCATI MOTORCYCLES - factory and museum Via Cavalieri Ducati 3, Bologna - Take bus #13 from via Lame, get off at ‘Borgo Panigale’ bus stop (about 25 min ride), walk across the street to the corner of Via Emilia and Via Cavalieri Ducati. The factory will be on your right. For guided tour information and to make a reservation, consult the following link: HORSEBACK RIDING Maneggio Cavaioni Via Cavaioni 3, tel. 051 589 218, (map and directions available on website) TREKKING ITALIA Via dell’Inferno 20/B 35 THE ARTS: MUSEUMS, CINEMA, THEATER MUSEUMS Pinacoteca Nazionale (Bologna’s main art museum) Via delle Belle Arti, 56, tel. 051 420 9411 Tuesday – Sunday and holidays: 9am – 7pm; closed Mondays The collection highlights artists from the Bolognese school of the 14th – 19th centuries and includes works by Giotto, Raffaello, Perugino, Caracci, Guido Reni, Guercino and Tiziano. MAMbo - Museo d’Arte Moderna (Museum of Modern Art) Via Don Minzoni 14, tel. 051 649 6611 Tuesday – Sunday: 10am – 6pm; Thursday 10am – 10pm; closed Mondays Check the website for holiday hours. Museo Civico Archeologico (Archeology Museum) Via dell’Archiginnasio 2, tel. 051 275 7211 Tuesday – Friday: 9am – 3pm; Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10am – 6:30pm; closed Mondays, New Years, May 1, Christmas Eve/Day. Etruscan, Greek, Roman, Egyptian artifacts and ancient currency collections. Museo Civico Medievale (Medieval Art Museum) Via Manzoni 4, tel. 051 219 3916 Tuesday – Friday: 9am – 3pm; Satuday, Sunday and holidays: 10am – 6:30pm; closed Mondays (unless a holiday falls on a Monday) Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25. Closes early at 2pm on Dec 24 and 31. Museo Civico d’Arte Industriale e Galleria Davia Bargellini Strada Maggiore 44, tel. 051 236 708 Tuesday – Saturday: 9am – 2pm; Sunday and holidays: 9am – 1pm; closed Mondays (unless a holiday falls on a Monday), Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25. Museo della Storia di Bologna Palazzo Pepoli, Via Castiglione 8, tel. 051 199 36370 Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 7pm; closed Mondays, Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25. Palazzo Pepoli Campogrande (Pepoli Palace) Via Castiglione 7, tel. 051 229 858 - 239 031 Saturday: 1pm – 7pm; Sunday 9am – 7pm Sumptuous palace in centro. The frescoed rooms host works by Bolognese painters Ludovico Carracci, Guercino, Tiarini, Albani, Crespi, Creti. Museo della Musica (Music Museum) Palazzo Sanguinetti, Strada Maggiore 34, tel. 051 275 7711 Biblioteca della Musica (City Music Library) Piazza Rossini 2, tel. 051 221 117 Check website or phone for updated opening hours. Museo Ebraico di Bologna (Jewish Museum) Via Valdonica 1/5, tel. 051 291 1280 Sunday – Thursday: 10am – 6pm; Friday 10am – 4pm; closed Saturdays and Jewish holidays A holiday calendar is available on the website. 36 Museo Morandi Piazza Maggiore 6, tel. 051 203 332 Tuesday – Friday 9am – 6:30pm; Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10am – 6:30pm; closed Mondays. Musei Universitari (University Museums) Palazzo Poggi, Via Zamboni 33, tel. 051 209 9602, 209 90361 Orto Botanico Universitario Via Irnerio 42, tel. 051 209 1280, 1299, Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm; Saturday 8am - 1pm. Museo del Risorgimento – Casa Carducci Piazza Carducci 5, tel. 051 347 592 Tuesday – Saturday 9am – 1pm; open 1st Sunday of every month 9am – 1pm; closed all other Sundays, Monday, mid-week holidays and Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25. Museo Storico della Tappezzeria Villa Spada, Via Casaglia 3, tel. 051 614 5512Tuesday – Sunday 9am – 1pm; closed Mondays, midweek holidays, Dec 15, Jan 1, May 1. Galleria d’Arte Polacca Via Morgagni 7, tel. 051 234 611 Mon-Tues-Wed-Fri-Sat 4-8pm, Thurs 4-9pm Guided tours to the Estrucan ruins under the Sala Borsa Every Friday at 6:30pm. Call the Associazione Vitruvio to reserve your space on the tour: Tel. 051 602 7391 or cell 345 360 8751 For a complete listing of Bologna museums, including their hours and admission prices, visit the tourist office in Piazza Maggiore or go to the Bologna Welcome website. ( CINEMA For a list of movie theaters in Bologna and what’s playing: On Monday nights the Chaplin Cinema shows movies in English: The Cinema Lumière on Via Azzo Gardino 65 (tel. 051 219 4810 - 39) shows independent films from around the world, some in original language or with English subtitles. Check the program for films and times in the BCSP office or visit the website: THEATER The Teatro Comunale in Largo Respighi 1 (Via Zamboni) is one of the most important opera theaters in Italy. Opera and symphony calendars are available online,, or at the box office (to the left of the theater arriving from Via Zamboni on Largo Respighi). Students may obtain discount tickets (have your UNIBO ID card with you), which can be purchased at the box office (open Tues-Fri 3pm – 7pm and Sat 10am – 12.30pm/3pm-7pm), on the Teatro Comunale website or at any of the ticket points, punti vendita: Cassa di Risparmio di Cento, Via della Grada 2 or Strada Maggiore 16/c; Coop. Estragon, Via Zamboni 53/c (Mon-Fri 11am – 1:30pm/3pm-7pm, closed Sat, Sun); Piazza Maggiore Tourist Office. Discounted last minute tickets go on sale 1 hour and 30 mins before the operas and 1 hour before symphonies. Prices range anywhere between €5 - €50- depending on the seating area. 37 More theaters in Bologna: Arena del Sole* Via Indipendenza 44 Tel. 051 291 0910 *Offers discounts to BCSP students; inquire in the BCSP office. EuropAuditorium Piazza Costituzione 4 Tel 051 372 540 Teatro Duse Via Cartoleria 42 Tel. 051 231 836 Teatro Dehon Via Libia 59 Tel. 051 342 934/051 344 772 Teatro del Navile Via Marescalchi 2/B Tel. 051 224 243 Teatro delle Celebrazioni Via Saragozza 234 Tel. 051 615 3370 051 615 3374 Teatro delle Moline Via delle Moline 1 Tel. 051 235 288 Teatro Manzoni Via dè Monari 1/2 Tel. 051 261 303 Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna Palazzo Carrati Via Guerazzi 13 Tel. 051 222 997 38 Theater schools…. LABORATORIO MOLINE (various classes in diction, acting, theater writing, set design) TEATRO DEL NAVILE: SCUOLA DI TEATRO DI BOLOGNA: ASSOCIAZIONE SALTinBANCO (free cinema, theater and art labs): SCUOLA DI TEATRO COLLI: TEATRO SCUOLA BIBIENA, Via S. Vitale 13, tel. 051 228 291 CIMES & CENTRO TEATRALE LA SOFFITTA: TEATRO DEL PRATELLO, progetto BOTTEGHE MOLIèRE , Art, Design, Visual Arts schools..... CORSI DI DISEGNO E DI PITTURA, Via Belle Arti 32 SCUOLA DISEGNODIPINGERE, Viale Oriani 25/2, ATELIER TERRAROSSA, via Rialto 4/b, 3355356061, MAURIZIO TANGERINI, Via Stalingrado 21, DEMETRIO CASILE, ALCUNE FESTIVITA’ ANNUALI IN ITALIA ...durante l’anno accademico Febbraio CARNIVALE festeggiamenti principali a Venezia, a Viareggio, a Cento Marzo FESTIVAL DI SAN REMO Maggio PALIO DI FERRARA Novembre EUROCHOCOLATE (Perugia) CIOCCOSHOW (Bologna) FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DEL FILM di ROMA BOLOGNA JAZZ FESTIVAL Settembre MILANO SETTIMANA DELLA MODA 39 MUSIC: UNIVERSITY CHOIR, INSTRUMENT STORES & PRACTICE ROOMS COLLEGIUM MUSICUM ALMAE MATRIS - CORO E ORCHESTRA DELL’UNIVERSITA’ DI BOLOGNA A student society (foreign and Italian) with nearly 200 members. For audition, rehearsel and performance schedules see: VOICE, GUITAR, PIANO, VIOLIN LESSONS Associazione Dopo Lavoro Ferroviario Bologna: PGM Giardini Margherita: CHIAVI DI ASCOLTO, via Berti 2/d, tel. 051 087 6916, DORIANA MILAZZO MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STORES BORSARI STRUMENTI MUSICALI, Via Massarenti 6 RES RUBINI, Via Marconi 51 ALL FOR MUSIC, Via Pier de Crescenzi 4/A-B-D QUADROPHENIA, Via Pier de Crescenzi 6/B HOUSE OF MUSIC, Via Azzurra 56 PRATICE ROOMS MUSIC STUDIO, Via Polese 42, tel. 051 249 491 PRELUDIO, Via Porrettana 9/6, tel. 051 615 3333, [email protected] CONTAINER CLUB, Via dello Stallo 7, tel. 051 531 986, CENTRO GIOVANILE IL MELONCELLO, via Porrettana 1/2, tel. 051 436 212, 051 615 3333 BAR DE’ MARCHI, Piazza San Francesco CENTRO ARTE E MUSICA POCART, Via R. Sanzio 6, tel. 051 617 7844, presentazione2.htm LABORATORIO MUSICALE VILLA MAZZACURATI, Via Toscana 19, tel. 051 627 9305, musicbo/mazzacorati.htm Being here in Bologna gives you so many opportunities to try new things. My friend and I found out about a class that teaches you how to make pasta by hand, and she convinced me to go. I am a disaster in the kitchen, but I agreed to go nonetheless, and I had the time of my life. This really awesome old lady who has been making pasta for something like 12 years came and taught us how to make the dough, roll it out, and cut and bend it into different shapes. At the end we got to eat everything that we made, and it was absolutely delicious! The lesson took place at a gorgeous little bed-and-breakfast out in the countryside, and it was definitely one of the most authentic Italian experiences that I have had here so far. Even if you are a little skeptical at first, I highly recommend going out on a limb and trying things like the pasta class, because it really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Megan G. 40 PLACES OF WORSHIP NON-CATHOLIC Anglican Congregation in Bologna Contact 1: Ms. Prue Crane Tel. 051 582 891 Contact 2: Dr. Stephen Williams Tel. 051 332 204 Centro di Cultura Islamica/Moschea An-Nur (La Luce) Via Pallavicini 13 Tel. 051 459 8397 – 601 1116 Greek Orthodox Church Via dei Griffoni 3 Jewish Community of Bologna Via de’ Gombruti 9 Tel. 051 232 066 The Comunità Ebraica di Bologna occasionally organizes kosher dinners. Call for more information. For kosher products available in Italy: Or contact the Unione delle Comunità Erbaiche Italiane in Rome: Evangelical Church Nuova Vita: Chiesa Evangelica di Bologna Via Provaglia 5/2tel. 051 9923507 [email protected] Culto di adorazione: domenica alle 10:30 in Via Provaglia 5/2 Small group: riunione durante la settimana in italiano o in inglese Bologna Bible Church International Via Parisio 54 Contact: Hertmut “Cas” Casablanca Cell. 333 998 0847 Sponsored by the Frisco Bible Church of Dallas, TX Methodist Church Via Venezian 1 Contact: Pastor Sergio Ribet Tel. 051 239 227 41 STUDENT & CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS UFO - Università Fuori Orario A student-run association supported by Unibo that organizes language exchanges, film nights, career seminars and other educational and social activities to bring students together. International Women’s Forum of Bologna Open to women of any nationality that speak English. Monthly general meetings and other social activities are in English and held in various locations throughout the city. Indiana University – BCSP is an institutional IWF member; therefore, two female BCSP students may participate at each event. Please sign up in the BCSP office ahead of time. Associazione Italo-Americana “Luciano Finelli” Via Belmeloro 11, tel. 051 268 2825, Circolo Arci and Container Club Music School and Recording Studio With the ‘tessera ARCI’, receive discounts for concerts, movies, numerous courses and cultural events. Cassero LGBT Center Via Don Minzoni 18. Cassero organzies exhibits, cultural and political events, concerts and parties, support groups and is home to one of Europe’s largest research centers/libraries on the history of the LGBT movement. WHERE TO DONATE CLOTHES/BAGS/ SHOES/LINENS AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER/YEAR: ANT, Val d’Aposa 4/b tel. 348 3102 673 OPERA DOMENICANA, piazza San Domenico 5/2 tel. 051 2261 70 “CASSONETTO“ CARITAS Cassonetti Caritas are large donation containers located along the streets usually in front of churches. Put your donations in tied plastic bags. The closest cassonetti to the city center are at Porta D’Azeglio at the entrance of the Santissima Annunziata parking lot, in Via Andrea Costa in front of the Chiesa di S. Paolo di Ravone, and in Via Saffi in front of the Chiesa di San Pio V. CENTRO ACCOGLIENZA ANTONIANO ONLUS, via Capo di Lucca 37 42 Some metric conversions: 1cm = 0.39 inches 1 meter (100cm) = 3.28 feet 1 kilometer (1000meters) = 0.62 miles 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers 1 gram = 0.035 ounces 1 etto (100 grams) = 0.25 pounds 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds BAKING TERMS 1 liter = 2.11 pints 1 pint = 0.47 liters 1 liter = 1.05 quarts 1 quart = 0.95 liters 1 liter 0.26 gallons 1 gallon = 3.79 liters 0°C = 32° F 100°C = 212°F batter = l’impasto to bake = infornare to mix = mescolare to frost = glassare to dust = spolverare to sugar = zuccherare to shred = sminuzzare pan = la padella frying pan = la padella per friggere baking pan = la teglia oven = il forno baker = il panettiere measuring spoon = il misurino icing = la glassa flour = la farina maple syrup = lo sciroppo d’acero corn syrup = lo sciroppo di mais brown sugar = lo zucchero di canna powder sugar = lo zucchero a velo baking soda = il bicarbonato di sodio baking powder = il lievito in polvere cocoa powder = il cioccolato in polvere honey = il miele vanilla = la vaniglia biscuit = il biscotto butter = il burro egg/s = l’uovo, le uova 43 PARKS IN BOLOGNA GIARDINI MARGHERITA VIALE GOZZADINI ORTO BOTANICO VIA IRNERIO 42 TEL 051 351 280 VILLA GHIGI VIA SAN MAMOLO- main entrance to park begins at the Villa Ghigi bus stop, follow via San Mamolo to your right, past civic numbers 95, 99, 105, towards via Gaibola: PARCO DELLA CHIUSA a.k.a. PARCO TALON CASALECCHIO DI RENO, bus #20 PARCO DEI CEDRI SAN LAZZARO DI SAVENA, bus #19 from Via Rizzoli PARCO SAN PELLEGRINO VIA DI CASAGLIA 27 44
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