TU DRESDEN FAKULTÄT ARCHITEKTUR LEHRSTUHL GRUNDLAGEN DES ENTWERFENS Durban Street Project Workshop Ellingen 09.-13.05.2014 Durban Street Project Workshop Ellingen 09.-13.05.14 01 02 03 04 05 06 Introducion location programme project participants presentations 01 Introducion An international student-workshop of the UIA (Union of International Architects) called „Durban Street Project“ took place in Ellingen (Bavaria) in Mai 2014. 30 Students from the Universities DSA Genova, Sapienza Rome, TU Darmstadt and TU Dresden, coming from Malaysia, Slowakia, Italy and Germany worked on an concept for urban development of the „warehouse district Rivertown“ in Durban, Southafrica, to be presented at the „XXV World Congress of Architects“ in Durban in August 2014. The students concentrated on urban analyses of the district located between the Congress Hall and the seaside including an former beerhall which shall be converted into a cultural center. The projects were presented to the Professors Prof. Jörg Joppien ( former UIA director for sports and leisure architecture), TU Dresden, Prof. Christiano Lepratti ( former UIA director for sustainable architecture of the future r1), DSA Genova, Nina Nedelykov ( former UIA director of architectural heritage r1 and council member of UIA) and to Prof. Guendalina Salimei from the Sapienza University of Rome and Prof. Peter Gosch from the TU Darmstadt. Impressions of the workshop in the „Atelier“ 02 location accommodation: 1 Schloßstr. 19 2 Palais lunch: Bräustüberl workshop/ breakfast: Sudhaus wlan: Atelier Joppien Schloßstr. 17 accommodation 1 workshop Bräustüberl Getränkemarkt Verwaltung accommodation 2 dinner Brauerei workshop/ breakfast 03 programme Friday, 09.05.14: 17.00 18.00 20.00 arrival Ellingen/ Bay. sightseeing tour dinner Saturday, 10.05.14: 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 breakfast buffet (Sudhaus) Pecha Cucha session: 01 Joppien: welcome 02 Nedelykov: DSP vision work´s presentation/ state of art: (powerpoint 10 min each group, 10 min critics) 01 Konstantin Scholz, Felix Krüger (DD) 02 Leyla Gersbach (DD) 03 Ging Didier Ting (DA) 04 Elettra Spiccio, Samantha Gazzolo, Silvia Barletta(G) 05 Alessandro Bonfiglio, Francesco Tessitore (G) 06 Carlo Agabiti (R) 07 Matteo Benucci (R) 08 Giulia Mazzieri, Margherita Pisano, Chiara Pucci (G) 09 Linda Consiglieri, Paolo Macchiavello, Alex Rubatto (G) lunch 10 Midia Mustafá, Anna Bruzzone, Veronica Vanello (G) 11 Martina Pisano, Simonetta Rosso (G) 12 Sanja Djorcev (DD) 13 Claudia Leoni, Joshua Pagano (G) 14 Giulia Viola, Carola Bianchi (G) 15 Federica D‘Orazio (R) 16 Carolina Nazianzeno (R) 17 Martina Lazzati (G) 18 Nicola Vignale (G 19 Marianna Vecchio (R)) 20 Anna Gnecco (G) 21 Beatrice Piola (G) 22 Johannes Heynold (DA) final discussion dinner Sunday, 11.05.14: 9.00 10.00 11.00 13.00 14.00 20.00 breakfast buffet (Sudhaus) Pecha Cucha session: workshop presentation structure, technique workshop lunch workshop dinner Monday, 12.05.14: 8.00 9.00 13.00 14.00 20.00 breakfast buffet (Sudhaus) workshop lunch workshop: exhibition with presentation 01 Roma 02 Re (D)urban 03 Customize Your City 04 Masterplan 05 Sanja Djorcev 06 Ging Didier Ting 07 Leyla Gersbach 08 Pocket Parks dinner Tuesday, 13.05.14: 9.00 11.00 breakfast buffet (Sudhaus) departure 04 project Durban Street Project 2014 Rivertown Precinct Congress venue 13 december 2013 intermediate report Nina Nedelykov, Chris=ano Lepra? Durban Street Project The “Durban Street Project” was initiated with the intention to open the UIA worldcongress to the large public. We want to show how and what architects can do to sustainably improve the quality of live to the citizens of Durban and to the visitors of the UIA congress. With the project for the further development of the city of Durban want to leave positive traces. To realize this project we will change the happening location in the „action location“: realising an incubator for ideas and strategies. We want to debate on the future of our cities with the active partecipation of citizens, artists, children, students and experts. The main goals will be sustainable development and urban divide to archive and present visions for a city for all. The future of our civilization is settled in the future of the cities and „We believe that the battle for a more sustainable future will be won or lostin cities“. Location: Rivertown The Rivertown Precinct lies to the east of the formal Durban CBD and adjacent to the city’s convention complex. The area is formerly Durban’s light industrial area with several low-rise warehouses. A canal traverses this area along John Milne Street. Currently the canal is enclosed and water from areas that were formerly the “vleis” or wetlands in the city bowl drain into the canal and are dispersed into the harbour at Cato Creek. The area provides an opportunity for a “new (revitalised) city” for the city of Durban – an area currently derelict which could be revitalised and regenerated to draw interest back to Durban’s CBD. In the postapartheid years there was significant “flight” from the existing CBD with several large businesses and corporations relocating their premises to the north of the city at La Lucia and Umhlanga Ridge. Currently the city is investigating the feasibility of arts & culture as principal drivers for the revitalisation of the area with the attendant retail, commerce and housing elements required to brings sustainability and vibrancy to the area. 05 participants Guests: Nina Nedelykov, curator of DSP Prof. Christiano Lepratti, DSA Genova, curator of DSP Prof. Guendalina Salimei, Sapienza Roma Prof. Peter Gotsch, TU Darmstadt Arch. phd Candidate Maria Elisa Marini DSA Genova, Tutor Hosts: Prof. Jörg Joppien, TU Dresden, former UIA Dipl. Ing. Ann Kathrin Broszio, TU Dresden, Research Associate 06 presentations group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 group 5 group 6 group 7 group 8 Carlo Agabiti Matteo Benucci Carolina Nazianzeno Marianna Vecchio (Sapienza Roma) Linda Consiglieri Anna Gnecco Paolo Macchiavello Giulia Mazzieri Margherita Pisano Chiara Pucci Alex Rubatto (DSA Genova), Johannes Heynold (TU Darmstadt) Silvia Barletta Alessandro Bonfiglio Samantha Gazzolo Elettra Spiccio Francesco Tessitore (DSA Genova) Carola Bianchi Anna Bruzzone Martina Lazzati Claudia Leoni Midia Mustafá Joshua Pagano Beatrice Piola Martina Pisano Simonetta Rosso Veronica Vanello Nicola Vignale Giulia Viola (DSA Genova) Sanja Djorcev (TU Dresden) Ging Didier Ting (TU Darmstadt) Leyla Gersbach (TU Dresden) Konstantin Scholz Felix Krüger (TU Dresden) G1 Carlo Agabiti, Matteo Benucci, Carolina Nazianzeno, Marianna Vecchio (R) G2 Linda Consiglieri, Anna Gnecco, Paolo Macchiavello, Giulia Mazzieri, Margherita Pisano, Chiara Pucci, Alex Rubatto (G), Johannes Heynold (DA) G3 Silvia Barletta, Alessandro Bonfiglio, Samantha Gazzolo, Elettra Spiccio, Francesco Tessitore (G) G4 Carola Bianchi, Anna Bruzzone, Martina Lazzati, Claudia Leoni, Midia Mustafá, Joshua Pagano, Beatrice Piola, Martina Pisano, Simonetta Rosso, Veronica Vanello, Nicola Vignale, Giulia Viola (G) G5 Sanja Djorcev (DD) G6 Ging Didier Ting (DA) Market Hall Beerhall Cultural Centre (old block) Cultural Centre G7 Leyla Gersbach (DD) G8 Konstantin Scholz, Felix Krüger SportFacilities_existing (DD) StreetNetwork_existing Railroads_existing DurbanStreetProject_power to the people Felix Krüger & Konstantin Sc ExistingConditions_SmallScale llage_MilneyRoad_existing xistingConditions_BigScale _HighRise Landmark _HighRise _MediumRise BuildingHeights_Rivertown_existing_SmallScale etNetwork_existing SportFacilities_existing _Height 16m - 20m _Height 12m - 16m _Height 8m - 12m _Height 5m - 8m _Height < 5m DurbanStreetProject_SiteAnalysis_BuildingHeights Railroads_existing xistingConditions_SmallScale _HighRise Landmark _HighRise _MediumRise Streets&Directions_Rivertown_existing_SmallScale _Height 16m - 20m _Height 12m - 16m _Height 8m - 12m DurbanStreetProject_SiteAnalysis_Roads & Directions ads_existing Harbour_existing CityCenter_existing Rivertown_existing ger & Konstantin Scholz _Parks & GreenSpace andmark _UrbanSpaces & Plazas _SportsGreen e 16m - 20m _Plowland 12m - 16m _Brownfields 8m - 12m _ParkingLots 5m - 8m < 5m _BuildingHeights DurbanStreetProject_SiteAnalysis_OpenSpaces OpenSpaces&GreenSpaces_Rivertown_existing_SmallScale Harbour_existing CityCenter_existing Rivertown_existing _Culture _Markets _Sports _Culture _Recreation _Markets _Sports _Recreation _Parks & GreenSpace DurbanStreetProject_SiteAnalysis_Activities _UrbanSpaces & Plazas _SportsGreen _Plowland ads & Directions CityFunctions_Rivertown_existing_SmallScale DurbanStreetProject_SiteAnalysis_BuildingFunctions _Brownfields _ParkingLots Beerhall: cultural center Milne Road: social center Living towers: accent central Pocket Parks Green line East-West Green Roofs Relax Learn Play Step 2 Step 1 CHOOSE your tools & equipment BeerHall as ShowStorage BUILD your own playground GO to BeerHall & REGISTER nStreetProject Step 3 Step 4 MOVE & PLAY RETURN Felix Krüger & Konstantin Scholz ve Step 2 Step 1 CHOOSE your tools & equipment Step 2 BeerHall as ShowStorage Step 1 BUILD your own playground GO to BeerHall & REGISTER CHOOSE your tools & equipment BeerHall as ShowStorage BUILD your own playground GO to BeerHall & REGISTER Step 3 Step 4 MOVE & PLAY RETURN Step 3 Step 4 MOVE & PLAY RETURN üger & Konstantin Scholz Step 2 Step 1 BeerHall as ShowStorage GO to BeerHall & REGISTER CHOOSE your tools & equipment BUILD your own playground Step 3 Step 4 MOVE & PLAY RETURN Presentations in the „Sudhaus“ special thanks to: Carl Christian Fürst von Wrede and employees Graf von Hardenberg Stefan Mützel Hans Büchler Annette and Waltraud Joppien, Carol Joppien
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