download - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Mariacarla Staffa
Curriculum Vitae
Via F. Vizioli 3
80131, Naples, Italy
H +39 3471208152
B [email protected]
Personal information
first name
last name
place and date of birth
Naples (Italy), 27 January 1981
2011 Ph.D in Computer Science and Automation Engineering, Funded by EUFP7 project DEXMART (DEXterous and autonomous dual-arm hand robotic
manipulation with sMART sensory-motor skills: A bridge from natural to artificial
cognition) -www. dexmart. eu .
PhD Thesis Title: “Attentional Mechanism for Sensory-motor Coordination in Behaviorbased Robotic Systems”
Supervisor Prof. Bruno Siciliano
2008 Master Degree in Computer Science (Grade 110/110 cum laude).
Master Thesis Title: “Controllo di un Sistema Robotico basato sull’attivazione adattiva e
periodica del sistema percettivo”
Supervisor: Prof. Ernesto Burattini
2004 Bachelor Degree in Computer Science (Grade 110/110 cum laude).
Bachelor Thesis Title: “Un Agente BDI per il riconoscimento di scene in un mondo a
Supervisors: Prof. Ernesto Burattini and Prof. Massimo De Gregorio
Work experience
March 2010 – present Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II (Naples, Italy),
Involved in the EU-FP7 project SAPHARI Project (Safe and Autonomous Physical
Human-Aware Robot Interaction - www. saphari. eu ).
Subject: Models and algorithms for collaborative activities. Cognitive executive control for
a collaborative robot. Learning and Interpretation of Human Activities.
Supervisors: Prof. Bruno Siciliano and Prof. Luigi Villani
February 2011 – July Internship at ISIR Laboratory, Istitute de Système Intelligentes et de Robotique.
2011 Address: 4 Place Jussieu - 75252, PAris cedex 05 , France
Title: Biomimetic robotics and computational neurosciences : Development of navigational
capabilities in the robot-rat Psikharpax.
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Agnès Guillot
October 2010 – Collaboration Contract on DIGIT@UNI Project, C.S.I., Università degli Studi
February 2011 di Napoli “Federico II”.
Address: Via Mezzocannone, 2 - 80131 (NA)
Area: Programma ICT4University - Progetto: DIGIT@UNI: infrastrutture e servizi per il
sistema universitario digitale
Main activities and responsibilities: Sviluppo della documentazione di ConFirma (tool
di gestione della firma digitale), customizzazione e gestione del portale INDICO per
l’organizzazione di eventi.
Project Leader: Prof. Guido Russo
October 2007 – Collaboration Contract on S.C.O.P.E. Project, C.S.I., Università degli Studi
September 2008 di Napoli “Federico II”.
Adress: Via Cintia, Complesso di Monte S’Angelo, (NA)
Area: Sviluppo di infrastrutture di supercomputing general-purpose, basate sul paradigma
Grid e sulle più moderne tecnologie di calcolo distribuito.
Main activities and responsibilities: Sviluppo di software automatici di monitoraggio di
sale server per le gestione di situazioni di emergenza o manutenzione.
Project Leader: Prof. Giuseppe Marrucci
February 2006 – July Internship at Abstract Open Solution Society, Abstract Open Solution Society.
2006 Address: Bagnoli (NA)
Area: Società specializzata nella formazione, sviluppo, consulenza, hosting del Content
Management System Plone
Main activities and responsibilities: Studio e sviluppo di applicazioni su Zope (application
server) e Plone (Content Management System)
September 2003 – Internship at CNR, Istituto di Cibernetica E.Caianiello del C.N.R..
February 2004 Address: Pozzuoli (NA)
Area: Settore informatico
Main activities and responsibilities: Realizzazione di un sistema ibrido, caratterizzato da
una rete neurale WiSARD e da un sistema deliberativo ad Agenti
January 2003 – May Internship at Sisolinf society, Sisolinf Soluzioni informatiche.
2003 Address: Centro direzionale (NA)
Area: Settore informatico
Main activities and responsibilities: Consulenze nell’ambito dello sviluppo software
applicativo specialistico.
mother tongue
Other Languages
Language - Reading - Writing - Speaking Capabilities
English - Very Good - Very Good - fluent
French - Very Good - Very Good - fluent
Deutch - Very Good - sufficient - not fluent
Technical skills and competences
Sistemi Operativi: Ms-Dos, Windows 9x, Windows NT/2000/Xp, Windows
Vista, 7, MacOS, Ambienti linux con e senza interfaccia grafica.
Linguaggi di Programmazione: Pascal, C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, Matlab,
Simulink. Conoscenza di Linguaggi Macchina e di Microarchitetture ARM7.
Linguaggi di scripting: bash, perl, shell, tcl.
Applicazioni Office: Pacchetto Office proprietario e non (Open Office).
Applicazioni Web: Zope, Plone, Joomla.
Applicazioni Internet: Internet Explorer, NetScape, Putty, CuteFtp, WinSPC3,
Mozilla, Firefox, Saphari, Client email vari.
Applicazioni Grafiche: Paint Shop Pro, Photo Shop (conoscenza sommaria).
Applicazioni Robotiche: PlayerStage, Aria, CytonViewer, R.O.S (Robot Operating
Librerie OpenNi, OpenCv.
Protocolli di Rete: Telnet, Ipv4/6, TCP/Ip, FTP. Wireless protocollo IEEE 802.11*,
ssh., http, etc.
Applicazioni per la gestione di repository: svn, git.
Conoscenze Generali : Buona conoscenza Hardware e Software delle architetture
di un elaboratore, sia dal punto di vista teorico che pratico.
Conoscenza buona dei funzionamenti di rete e di buona parte degli apparecchi
informatici legati ad essa.
Acquisita praticità e conoscenza su Sistemi distribuiti. Esperienza di gestione di
sistemi distribuiti, maturata sul campo lavorativo in progetti di grid computing.
Buona competenza nell’ambito di progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi “intelligenti”
secondo le più moderne metodologie e paradigmi. Specializzata, in particolare,
nella progettazione di sistemi di controllo per apparati robotici e sistemi per la
rappresentazione della conoscenza.
Buona predisposizione ad imparare e tenersi aggiornato quotidianamente sul settore
di riferimento, oltre che una buona predisposizione a relazionarsi con architetture
macchinari e sistemi nuovi.
Flessibilità e spirito di adattamento; predisposizione all’iniziativa e alla leadership;
aggressività, fiducia e facilità di parola; ambizione, curiosità, capacità di comunicare e di coordinare; vastità di interessi personali; entusiasmo, immaginazione e
spontaneità; capacità di organizzare e disciplinare il lavoro; capacità di individuare
i problemi. Disponibile alla mobilità. Revisore per conferenze internazionali.
PhD Schools And Courses
- Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Università degli Studi di Napoli
Federico II, 16-20 febbraio 2009.
- Corso di dottorato “Microsensors, microtechnology and the road to
nanotechnology”, Napoli, 9-10 luglio 2009.
- Corso di laurea specialistica in Ingegneria dell’Automazione “Controllo dei robot”,
tenuto dal Prof. B.Siciliano presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
- Corso di laurea specialistica in Ingegneria dell’Automazione “Advanced robotics”,
tenuto dal Prof. B. Siciliano presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
- Corso di laurea specialistica in Ingegneria dell’Automazione “Sistemi real-time per
il controllo”, tenuto dal Prof. A. Pironti presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli
Federico II.
- Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Università degli Studi di Napoli
Federico II, 22-26 febbraio 2010.
- Scuola di Dottorato SIDRA “Antonio Ruberti” sulla tematica “Robotica”, Bertinoro,
12-17 luglio 2010.
- Corso di dottorato “Characterization of security systems based on biometric
technologies”, Prof. Mario Savastano, Napoli, 7 giugno-5 luglio 2010.
- Corso di laurea specialistica in Ingegneria dell’Automazione “Meccanica dei robot”,
tenuto dal Prof. Rossi presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
- Corso di laurea specialistica in Informatica “XML avanzato”, tenuto dal Prof. F.
Cutugno presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
- Corso di Laurea in Informatica: Laboratorio di Programmazione - 48 ore Linguaggio di programmazione C.
- Corso di Laurea in Informatica: Sistemi per il governo dei Robot - 8 ore – Utilizzo
di Simulatori per applicazioni di robotica mobile .
- Corso di Master di II livello RIS: Distributed Systems - 10 ore - Swarming, flocking,
multi-agent comunication.
- Corso di Laurea in Informatica: Advanced Robotica – 10 ore – Mobile Robots –
Monitoring and Planning.
- Corso di Master: Digitalizzazione dei Beni Culturali e Web desing – 20 ore –
Digitalizzazione, StandardW3C, HTML, XML
- 2nd ECSIS Symposium on Learning and Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems Iasi Romania, 22-24 July, 2009.(runner-up paper award).
- From Animals to Animats 11th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive
Behavior, SAB2010 - Paris, France, August 24-28, 2010.
- the International Symposium on Learning and adaptive Behavior in Robotic System,
LAB-RS2010, September 5-8, 2010, Kent, UK.
- The 19th european symposium on artificial neural networks, computational
intelligence and machine learning, April 27-29, 2011, Bruges, Belgium.
- The International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Robots, 6–8 April 2011, Nantes,
- Seminario l’08/03/2011 dal titolo: Attentional mechanisms for sensory-motor
coordination in Behaviour-based Robotic systems, presso l’ Institut des Systèmes
Intelligents et de Robotique ISIR, dell’Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6,
- Kick-off Meeting a Roma 10/09/2011, per il Progetto SAPHARI in rappresentanza
del gruppo dell’università di Napoli.
- Integration week a Tolosa (Francia) 5-8/02/2012 per il Progetto SAPHARI in
rappresentanza del gruppo dell’università di Napoli.
- Review Meeting di Progetto. 6/02/2013 Per il Progetto SAPHARI – dal titolo “
Models and algorithms for collaborative activities”, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germania.
- 1st BRICS Countries Congress on Computational Intelligence (BRICS-CCI) 11th
Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (CBIS 2013). Porto de Galinhas,
Brasile il 10/9/2013. Talk dal Titolo “Attentional Shifting and Curiosity: a
Reinforcement Learning Approach”.
Involvement in Projects
Societies Membership and Reviewing activity
Member of the PRISMA Lab.
Member of the PRISCA Lab.
Member of the EUCog network.
Member as student of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Reviewers for various journals and conferences (such as Robotics and Autonomous
Systems Journal, Journal of Industrial Engineering, Journal of Intelligent and
Robotic Systems, Sensors Journal, Frontiers in Cognitive Science, Intelligenza
* Runner Up Paper Award. Paper Title: “Monitoring strategies for adaptive periodic
control in behavior-based robotic systems”. AT-EQUAL Conference (2009).
* Best Professional Paper Award. Paper Title: “ Attentional Shifting and Curiosity:
a Reinforcement Learning Approach”. BRICS-CCI and CBIC Conference (2013).
List of publications
Book Chapter
2012 D. Sidobre, X. Broquere, J. Mainprice, E. Burattini, A. Finzi, S. Rossi, M. Staffa.
Human-Robot Interaction in Advanced Bimanual Manipulation, Springer Tracts
in Advanced Robotics 80, Siciliano, Bruno (Ed.), pp.123-172. ISBN 978-3-64229040-4. April 30, 2012.
2011 K. Caluwaerts, M. Staffa, S. N’Guyen, C. Grand, L. Dolle’, A. Favre-Felix, B.
Girard and M. Khamassi. A biologically inspired meta-control navigation system
for the Psikharpax rat robot. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 2011.
2013 D. Di Nocera, A. Finzi, S. Rossi, M. Staffa. “The Role of Intrinsic Motivations
in Attention Shifting”. Frontiers in Cognitive Science Journal. Special Issue on
Intrinsic motivations and open-ended development in animals, humans and robots.
in Press.
2014 X. Broque‘re, A. Finzi, J. Mainprice, S.Rossi, D.Sidobre, and M.Staffa. “An
Attentional Approach to Human-Robot Interactive Manipulation”. Submitted to
the Social Robotics Journal. In Press.
Conferences and Workshops
2014 S. Rossi, M. Staffa. Attentive Monitoring for Team Coordination: a HumanRobot Convoy Example. In proceeding of the Workshop Autonomous Robots and
Multirobot Systems (ARMS 2014), 5-9 May, 2014, Paris, France (will appear).
Massimo De Gregorio, Maurizio Giordano, Silvia Rossi, Mariacarla Staffa, Bruno
Siciliano. Tracking deformable objects with WISARD networks. In proceeding of
the Workshop on Deformable Object Manipulation (EWDOM2014) within the
INNOROBO2014 Event, 18-20 March, Lyon, France.
R. Caccavale, A. Finzi, L. Lucignano, S. Rossi, M. Staffa. Attentional Top-down
Regulations in a Situated Human-Robot Dialogue. In proceeding of the HumanRobot Interaction Workshop titled Attenion Models in Robotics: Visual System
for better HRI, (HRI2014), 3-6 March, Bielefeld, Germany.
S. Iengo, S. Rossi, M. Staffa and A. Finzi. Continuous Gesture Recognition
for Flexible Human-Robot Interaction. In proceeding of The IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2014), Hong Kong (China), May
2014 (will appear).
R. Caccavale, A. Finzi, L. Lucignano, S. Rossi, M. Staffa. Attentional Top-down
Regulation and Dialogue Management in Human-robot Interaction. In proceeding
of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction,
(HRI2014), 3-6 March, Bielefeld, Germany.
M. Staffa, M. De Gregorio, M. Giordano and S. Rossi, Can you follow that guy?,
In Proceedings of the 22th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN2014), Bruges, Belgium
23-25 April, 2014 (will appear).
S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Human Inspiration and Comparison for Monitoring
Strategies in a Convoy Robotic Task. In proceeding of the Simulation of Adaptive
Behavior Conference (SAB 2014), Castellón (Spain) from 22-26 July 2014 (will
2013 D. Di Nocera, A. Finzi, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Attentional Shifting and Curiosity:
a Reinforcement Learning Approach”. In Proceedings of the 1st BRICS Countries
Congress on Computational Intelligence (BRICS-CCI) 11th Brazilian Congress
on Computational Intelligence (CBIS 2013). Porto de Galinhas, Brasile. (Best
Professional Paper Award)
D. di Nocera, A. Finzi, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. The Role of Intrinsic Motivations
in Attention Shifting. Poster presented at the International Workshop on Intrinsic
Motivations and Open-Ended Development in Animals, Humans, and Robots
F. Cutugno, A. Finzi, S. Iengo, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Multimodal Interaction and
Attentional Regulation in HRI, In proceeding of the 6th International Workshop
on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2013), Rome, Italy.
2012 K. Caluwaerts, A. Favre-Felix, M. Staffa, S. N’Guyen, C. Grand, B. Girard and
M. Khamassi. Neuro-inspired navigation strategies shifting for robots: Integration
of a multiple landmark taxon strategy. Living Machines 2012, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence. Vol 7375/2012 Pages 62-73. Barcelona, Spain.
E. Burattini, A. Finzi, S. Rossi, M. Staffa. Attentional Human-Robot Interaction
in Simple Manipulation Tasks. Submitted to the 7th ACM/IEEE International
Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. (HRI2012), pp.129-130. ISBN: 978-14503-1063-5, 5-8 marzo, 2012, Boston, Massachussetts, USA.
S. Iengo, A. Origlia, M. Staffa, A. Finzi. Attentional and Emotional Regulation
in Human-Robot Interaction. In proceedings of the 21st IEEE International
Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012),
Paris, France, 9-13 September 2012.
D. Di Nocera, A. Finzi, S. Rossi, M. Staffa. Attentional Action Selection Using
Reinforcement Learning. From Animals to Animats 12, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Volume 7426, 2012, pp 371–380, ISBN:978-3-642-33092-6.
2011 M. Staffa, S. Rossi, M. De Gregorio, E. Burattini. Thresholds tuning of a
neuro-symbolic net controlling a behavior-based robotic system. ESANN 2011
proceedings, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. Bruges (Belgium), 27-29 April 2011, publ., ISBN 978-2-87419-044-5. pp. 159-164, 2011. Available from
M. Staffa, A. Finzi, S. Rossi, E. Burattini. Cognitive Control in Cognitive Robotics:
Attentional Executive Control. In the 15th International Conference on Advanced
Robotics (ICAR2011), 20-23 June, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia, ISBN: 978-1-4577-11589, pp. 359 - 364, 2011. doi:10.1109/ICAR.2011.6088636.
2010 E. Burattini, A. Finzi, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Attentional Modulation of Mutually
Dependent Behaviors. From Animals to Animats 11th International Conference
on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, (SAB2010), 24-28 agosto, Paris, France. In
Proceedings. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 283-292. ISBN:3-642-151922 978-3-642-15192-7.
A. Doria, G. Carlino, S. Iengo, L. Merola, S. Ricciardi, M. Staffa, “Powerfarm:
a power and emergency management thread-based software tool for the ATLAS
Napoli Tier2”, proceedings of Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP), 21-27
marzo, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(JPCS), volume 219, part 5, IOP Publishing
E. Burattini, A. Finzi, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Attentive Monitoring and Adaptive
Control in Cognitive Robotics. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, number 10081,
editor: Gerhard Lakemeyer and Hector J. Levesque and Fiora Pirri, ISSN 18624405, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany series from
the Cognitive Robotics Dagstuhl seminar,Dagstuhl, Germany.
E. Burattini, A. Finzi, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Attentive Monitoring Strategies in a
Behavior-based Robotic System: an Evolutionary Approach. In Proceedings of the
2010 International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies LAB-RS2010.
Canterbury, United Kingdom. September 06-07, 2012. IEEE Computer Society .
Los Alamitos, CA, USA. pp. 153-158. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4175-4.
2009 E. Burattini, A. Finzi, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Monitoring strategies for adaptive
periodic control in behavior-based robotic systems. Advanced Technologies for
Enhanced Quality of Life. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA , pp.
130-135.(runner-up paper award). Iasi, Romania. July 22-July 26, 2009. ISBN:
2008 E. Burattini, S. Rossi and M. Staffa. Adaptive Periodic Control Systems in Robotics:
a Case Study, accepted at the workshop Verso la Robotica Intenzionale of the
tenth meeting of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence AI*IA, 2008.
S. Ricciardi, N. De Bortoli, S. Iengo, <b>M.Staffa</b>, Powerfarm: Un software
basato sui thread per la gestione dell’energia elettrica e delle emergenze per i siti
Grid e centri di calcolo. Proceedings of the Conference Italian e-Science (IES08),
27-29 May 2008, Napoli, Italy, p. 169.
2005 E. Burattini, P. Coraggio, M. De Gregorio, M. Staffa. Agent WiSARD in a 3D World.
In Jose Mira and Jose R.Alvarez editors, IWINAC (2), LNCS. Springer, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, volume 3562, pp. 272-280. ISBN: 3-540-26319-5.
Track Record
She currently collaborates with the PRISCA (Progetti di Robotica Intelligente
e Sistemi Cognitivi Avanzati) group (with Prof. Ernesto Burattini, Silvia Rossi,
Alberto Finzi, Franco Cutugno, etc.), of the Department of Computer Science,
University of Naples Federico II, where she is involved in many works both for
independent research interests and for addressing topics of projects she is/was
involved in (primarily in DEXMART and SAPHARI Projects). The works mainly
focused on supervisory attentional system for executive monitoring and behaviors scheduling, automatic learning techniques based on reinforcement-learning,
differential evolution strategies and genetic algorithms, multi-robot coordination systems, multimodal human-robot interaction, gesture interpretation, interpretation
of Humans’ intentions and emotional states.
- She also collaborates with members (Massimo De Gregorio, Maurizio Giordano,
etc.) of the CNR (Institute of Cybernetics), in the field of Weightless Neural
Networks, which have been applied in many application contexts. In particular,
the WiSARD Neural Network Model have been applied in recent works about
multi-robots flocking tasks and general deformable object tracking problem (for
addressing problems treated within the RODYMAN Project whose proposer is Prof.
Bruno Siciliano).
- She worked within the AMAC (Architectures et Modèles pour l’Adaptation et la
Cognition) group of the ISIR Lab (Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique)
at the University of Paris 6. Here, she was involved in the Psikharpax Project (with
Jean-Arcady Meyer, Agnès Guillot, Mehdi Khamassi and Benoît Girard), where
Reinforcement Learning and Meta-Learning techniques and Neuromimetic models
of action selection and spatial navigation have been investigated.
- She collaborated with members (A. Doria, G. Carlino, S. Iengo, L. Merola S.
Ricciardi, etc.) of the Department of Physics Science of the University of Naples
Federico II in the context of the SCOPE Project, where she realized part of
Powerfarm, that is a thread-based software tool to monitor the state of critical
quantities such as power supply and room temperature and promptly responds
with the appropriate actions of turning off/on devices.
Involvement in Projects
- She participated in the following Projects: S.C.O.P.E., DIGIT@UNI, PSIKHARPAX,
- She is currently part of the task force of the following Projects: ORCHESTRA,
Supervision of Students thesis
old thesis Learning Parameterized Skills through Models with Expanded Kernels (with iCub,
Multi-modal Human Robot interaction (with kinect Pioneer3dX, Laser, ROS)
Differential Evolutionary Strategy for Tuning Neural Network Weights (simulation
with Player/stage Tool)
Multi Robots coordination based on Supervisory Attentional System (Lego
mindstorm kit)
new thesis Humanoid dynamically tracking changing objects: a Wisard Approach (with NAO
Humanoid Robot, ROS)
Human Multi-robot Interaction through multi-modal channels with (with XSens,
kinect and Pioneer3dX robots, ROS)
WiSARD approach visual servoing system for multi-drone flocking task (ROS,
Naples, 8 aprile 2014