Olio del Re® AROMOTHERAPIST DIFFUSER Prima di installare ed utilizzare il prodotto, leggere attentamente le istruzioni di funzionamento e manutenzione. ZUCCARI - mod. Olio del Re® - 24V - 500mA indice Introduzione al prodotto Caratteristiche Specifiche tecniche Funzionalità Istruzioni d’uso Istruzioni di sicurezza Componenti Istruzioni di manutenzione del prodotto Precauzioni Risoluzione dei problemi Riparazione e accessori 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 10 INTRODUZIONE AL PRODOTTO ZUCCARI ha sviluppato AROMOTHERAPIST DIFFUSER con caratteristiche tali da renderlo specifico per un uso professionale, riservato a professionisti del settore farmaceutico ed erboristico. AROMOTHERAPIST DIFFUSER è ottimizzato per diffondere nell’ambiente la formula Olio del Re® EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA® AMBIENTI, prolungandone la persistenza nell’aria. L’utilizzo sinergico del device e del prodotto permette di beneficiare di un’aria rigenerata, offrendo un’impagabile sensazione ossigenante. Utilizzare soltanto con Olio del Re® EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA® AMBIENTI per ottimizzare i risultati, l’utilizzo di altri prodotti non puri potrebbe compromettere i risultati e il funzionamento del dispositivo. CARATTERISTICHE • FACILE DA USARE Il diffusore è dotato di un unico tasto (On-Off) ed è facile sia da trasportare che da utilizzare. • PROTEZIONE LIVELLO MINIMO ACQUA Il diffusore è progettato per spegnersi automaticamente quando il contenitore interno è senza acqua, proteggendone così il funzionamento. SPECIFICHE TECNICHE NOME PRODOTTO DIMENSIONI ESTERNE PESO ALIMENTAZIONE CONSUMI ENERGETICI ATOMIZZAZIONE AREA DI UTILIZZO CAPACITà LUCE DI FUNZIONAMENTO MATERIALE COMPONENTI CERTIFICAZIONI Olio del Re® AROMOTHERAPIST - 24V - 500mA circa 110x189 mm (incluse le protezioni) circa 450g (incluso l’adattatore) adattatore AC specifico (mod. GQ15-240050-AG) (l’apparecchio dovrà essere alimentato esclusivamente con l’alimentatore fornito nella confezione) input: AC100~240V 50/60Hz output: DC24V 500mA lunghezza filo alimentazione: 180cm <12W vibrazioni ultrasoniche, frequenza circa 2.4 MHz 6/8m2 90ml di acqua luce a led colore bianco caldo ABS per la struttura e la base - PP per il contenitore dell’acqua e il coperchio paraspruzzi un alimentatore, un manuale d’uso e un pennello per la pulizia del diffusore CE e ROHS 1 FUNZIONALITÀ DURATA La durata massima del diffusore è di 3 ore, si spegne automaticamente. • L’ambiente interno e il volume dell’acqua nel contenitore influenzano la durata e il risultato della diffusione. • La temperatura dell’acqua, la sua qualità e altri fattori possono influenzare la quantità iniziale di nebbia che esce dal diffusore. Questa potrebbe essere più diradata all’inizio, per poi stabilizzarsi durante l’uso. FUNZIONAMENTO • Per accenderlo premere il tasto ON. • Per spegnerlo premere il tasto OFF. INDICAZIONI DI FUNZIONAMENTO • Stato di funzionamento acceso: tasto di accensione di colore rosso. • Stato di funzionamento spento o stand by: tasto di accensione spento. • Luce: a led con sfumatura da luce gialla scura a luce gialla chiara. FUNZIONE NEBULIZZATA • Il transduttore nebulizza l’acqua. • Il volume massimo della nebulizzazione: 20±10ml/h; la nebulizzazione viene diffusa attraverso la ventola. PROTEZIONE DEL LIVELLO MINIMO D’ACQUA Olio del Re® AROMOTHERAPIST DIFFUSER contiene un esclusivo rilevatore del livello di acqua: quando questa finisce, esso si spegnerà automaticamente. Il device si riaccenderà automaticamente una volta introdotta nuovamente dell’acqua. È possibile utilizzare qualsiasi tipologia di acqua (comprese acqua distillata e acqua con un elevato tasso di durezza) miscelata esclusivamente con Olio del Re® EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA® AMBIENTI. 2 ISTRUZIONI D’USO 1 Sollevare openil the 1 Please cover. coperchio superiore. top Operation approach plug of adaptor InserireAC il plug AC dell’alimentatore 22 Insert into nel jack postobody sotto ilDC diffusore. theDC main jack. 3 Add 90mlutilizzando tap water 3 Inserire circaaround 90ml di acqua l’apposito dosatore del inside theall’interno water tank. serbatoio dell’acqua. Olio del Re® EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA® AMBIENTI acqua riempire If!there remaining del is diffusore, prestarewater attenzione insideathe machine, please non inclinare il diffusore con il do notcoperchio tilt theaperto. body of machine when open the top cover. ! Se c’è acqua residua all’interno livello massimo Non superare il livello massimo Please do not exceed indicato nel serbatoio di acqua. the max water line when Aggiungere la dose preferita di Olio del filling water inside, two ® ® EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA Re or three drops of essential AMBIENTI. oil is enough for 90ml water. 5 Press ON/OFF power switch, and then mist 4Close Chiudere il coperchio then the top cover, eand collegare l’alimentatore insert the adaptor plug alla presa della corrente. into out, light on, fan works, warm white indicate light on, Again press power switch, power is off. household power socket. 5 Premere il tasto ON/OFF. allineare Align non Don’t allineare Align ON/OFF 3 —3— Means matters forbidden actions. Forbidden instructions. Security Consider For your safe use,isplease strictly keep the following Means need to take attentions Attention This operation made to prevent accident caused by maloperation. For your safe use,manual please strictly keep the any following instructions. Means mandatory actions. This operation manual is made to prevent any accident caused by maloperation. Mandatory For your safe use, please strictly keep the follo Means matters need to take attentions Means forbidden actions. Forbidden Attention manual is made to prevent any accident caused This operation by maloperation. Security Considerations Forbidden Attention Warnings For your safe use, please strictly keep the following instructions. operate, it will lead to user dea Security Means matters need to take attentions actions. Forbidden Per sicurezza, leggere eMeans seguireforbidden attentamente questeConsiderations istruzioni. Attention Means mandatory actions. This symbol indicates that if yo Mandatory Meansmanual forbidden actions. operation is made to prevent any accident caused by maloperation. Forbidden This Warnings Cannot be reformed, andoperate, cannot be repaired Means mandatory actions. Questo manuale perstrictly prevenirekeep qualsiasi causato da un errato utilizzo. it will lead to user dea For yourd’uso safeè stato use,redatto please theincidente following instructions. Means forbidden actions. Mandatory Forbidden Means matters need to take attentions symbol indicates if yo ISTRUZIONI DI SICUREZZA Attention This operation manual made to prevent any that acciden MeansisThis mandatory actions. Means need forbidden actions. Means matters to take attentions Mandatory Means mandatory by anyone the maintenance technician Means matters needindicates to take attentions Thisactions. symbol that if you ignoreother thisthan attention, or wrongly Attention This operation manual isThis made toit prevent any accident caused by Warnings significa procedere con cautela →If you reform the product, it might result in Attenzione Means actions. operate, will lead to user or serious injury. symbol indicates that ifdeath you ignore thismaloperation. attention, or wrongly Cannot be reformed, andmandatory cannot be repaired Mandatory Means forbidden actions. abyfire, electric shock, injuries etc. technician This symbol indicates that if you ignore this attention, or wrongly Forbidden Warnings anyone other than the maintenance operate, it will lead to user death or serious injury. Means matters need to take attentions Attention Warnings significa azione Any repairment needed, please with Vietato be reformed, Never make theThis machine orcontact theindicates power operate, itcannot will lead to user death or serious injury. symbol that if yo Consider Cannot andmandatory bevietata repaired → If you reform the product, it Security might result insource Means actions. Mandatory into water wet; please do not power use insource any Warnings by anyone other than the maintenance technician Never makeorthe machine or the aretailer. fire, electric shock, injuries etc. operate, it will leadit to user dea Means forbidden actions. Cannot be reformed, and cannot be repaired Forbidden azione consigliata excessive moist environment like bathroom, Consigliato Never make the machine orplease the power source For your safe use, strictly keep the follo → Ifreformed, you reform thesignifica product, it might result in that if you into water or wet;please do not use it in any Cannot be andthan cannot be repaired Please never use a damaged adaptor, do not Any repairment needed, please contact with by anyone other the maintenance technician This symbol indicates ignore this attention, or locker room, greenhouse. into water orreformed, wet; please do notwrongly use itrepaired inlike any Means mandatory actions. by anyone than the maintenance technician excessive moist environment bathroom, aother electric shock, injuries etc. bend, drag or twist the power cord or put the retailer. Mandatory Cannot be and cannot be → Iffire, you reform the product, it might result in Warnings Security Consider This operation manual is made to prevent anyshock, acciden →It might cause short-circuit, electric operate, it will to user death or serious injury. excessive moist environment like bathroom, locker room, greenhouse. →If you a reform the product, itinjuries might result in lead Any needed, please contact by anyone other than the maintenance technician questo simbolo chewith in caso di mancato rispetto delle istruzioni consigliate o di power cord nearby some high-temperature fire,repairment electric shock, etc.indica Please never use acause damaged adaptor, do not shock, firethis and other bug. locker room, greenhouse. →It might short-circuit, electric Attenzione This symbol indicates that if you ignore attention, or wrongly a fire, electric shock, injuries etc. retailer. Means matters need to take attentions → If you reform the product, it might result in places, and don't bear any heavy stuff with Any repairment needed, please contact with For your safe use, please strictly keep the operazioni errate, potrebbero esserci conseguenti lesioni gravi o mortali. Attention bend, drag or twist the power cord or shock, put the source follo Never make the machine or the power →It might short-circuit, electric Cannot be reformed, andoperate, cannot be repaired fire and other bug. Warnings Itcause iscord not inhaler for medical use, Any repairment needed, please contact itwith will lead to user death or serious injury. afire fire, electric shock, injuries etc. the power or cut the power cord withitplease Please adaptor, do not retailer. into water or wet; please do not use in any power cord nearby some high-temperature and other bug. by anyonenever other use than athedamaged maintenance technician don't face towards to to the spray nozzle This operation manual isforbidden made prevent any acciden Means actions. retailer. Please Itor is process not inhaler for medical please Any repairment needed, please contact with Forbidden scissors theany power cord. excessive moist environment likeuse, bathroom, or twist poweritcord or result put the never use damaged adaptor, do notin places, and don't bear heavy stuff with →bend, Ifricomporre youdrag reform theathe product, might Non o riparare l’apparecchio, in quanto potrebbe Non è un inalatore per uso medico. Non aspirare direttamenfor suction. It is not inhaler for medical use, please Never make the machine or the power source don't face towards to the spray nozzle Cannot be reformed, and cannot be repaired retailer. locker room, greenhouse. Pleasecausare never use a damaged adaptor, do not Means matters need to take attentions power cord nearby some high-temperature →It might cause any damages and it can be the the power cord or cut the power cord with bend, drag or twist theinjuries power cord or put theetc. aby fire, electric shock, etc. Means mandatory actions. incendi, scosse elettrice e lesioni ditechnician varia natura te la nebulizzazione. Attention →It might be harmful for your health, this don't face towards to the spray nozzle into water or wet; please do not use it in any Mandatory for suction. anyone other than the maintenance →It might short-circuit, electric shock, bend, drag orrepairment twist the power cord or the Please never use acause damaged adaptor, do not places, and don't bear any heavy stuff with ›Any Per qualsiasi riparazione contattare ilput distributore. ›for Questo potrebbe causare danni alla salute, poiché questo reason of andonly electric shock. scissors orfire process the power cord. needed, please contact with power cord nearby some high-temperature machine spread frangrance by atomizing, suction. excessive moist environment like bathroom, →It might be harmful foractions. your health, this →If you reform the product, it might result in fire and other bug. Means forbidden diffusore è stato disegnato e studiato per diffondere aropower cord nearby some high-temperature the power cord orbear cut the power cord with Forbidden bend, drag or of twist the power cord put the retailer. itmachine doesn't have any other use. places, anddi don't any heavy stuff with →It might be harmful for your health, this locker room, greenhouse. This symbol indicates →It might cause any damages and itor can be the that if yo only frangrance by atomizing, Any damages the AC adaptor's power cord raccomanda non utilizzare l’alimentatore quando è danfire,don't electric shock, injuries etc. materapia negli ambienti e spread non ha altri utilizzi. places,Siaand bear any heavy stuff with is not inhaler for medical use, please scissors or process the cord. power nearby some high-temperature →It might cause short-circuit, electric shock, Warnings machine spread frangrance by atomizing, the power oraocut thepower cord with reason of fire and electric shock. Please use damaged adaptor, do not o itItonly doesn't have any other use. operate, it will lead tomild user dea Means mandatory actions. neggiato, dinever noncord curvare torcere ilpower cavo dicontact alimentazione and thecord plug, or the socket being baggy, please When maintenance this product, only Any repairment needed, please with siderations Mandatory don't face towards to the spray nozzle the power cord ororcause the power cordvicino with and don't bear any heavy stuff with fire and other bug. itplaces, doesn't have other use. →It might damages and can the scissors process the power cord. diretailer. posizionare ilcut cavo eany l’alimentatore aitor fonti calore, Nella manutenzione diany prodotto, soluzioni delicate cleaning solution forutilizzare kitchen use iscord applicable, do not use it. bend, drag or twist the power cord putdibe the When maintenance this product, only mild Any damages of the AC adaptor's power for suction. scissors or process the power cord. the power cord or cut the power cord with o →It di posizionarlo sotto materiale pesante. Non tagliare il cavo per la pulizia della cucina. do not use other solutions. reason ofcause fire and electric shock. →It might cause electric shock and short-circuit. might damages and it candobenot the It→It is or not inhaler for medical use, please When maintenance this product, only mild Cannot be reformed, andThis cannot be repaired power cord nearby some high-temperature cleaning solution for kitchen use isplease applicable, symbol indicates that e followingdiinstructions. and the plug, the socket being baggy, might be harmful for your health, thisif yo never useany a damaged adaptor, alimentazione. ›cleaning Non utilizzare altre soluzioni, poiché potrebbero scissors ornot process the power cord. →it might cause problems because theri-residual →It mightPlease cause any damages and itshock. can be the cord solution for kitchen use isi residui applicable, by anyone other than the maintenance technician don't face towards to the spray nozzle do use other solutions. Warnings reason of fire and electric places, and don't any heavy stuff with Any damages of thebear AC adaptor's power do not use it. operate, it will lead to user dea Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, machine only spread frangrance by atomizing, › Queste azioni potrebbero essere causa di scosse elettriche manere nel serbatoio, contaminando l’acqua e diffondendo bend, drag or twist the power cord or put the solution of water tank may produce poisonous gas. do use other solutions. ofthe firepower and electric ccidentreason caused by maloperation. →It might cause any damages and itpull can bethe the for suction. → If not you reform the product, itplease might result in residual →it might cause problems because cord orshock. cut the power cordplease with →It might cause electric shock and short-circuit. and the plug, orofthe socket being baggy, itpericolose doesn't have any other use. and abnormal power condition, the o incendi. esalazioni per la salute. Any damages the AC adaptor's power cord power cord nearby some high-temperature →it might cause problems because the residual →It might be harmful for your health, this solution of water tank may produce poisonous gas. reason of fire and electric shock. Please power off when you fill water. a fire, electric shock, injuries etc. do not use it. scissors orAC process theany power cord. Any damages of the power cord Cannot reformed, and cannot be repaired entions plug→ and stop using itmay and the plug, oradaptor's thebear socket being baggy, please Bunpleasant places, and don't heavy stuff with When maintenance this product, only mild Any smells, noise, abnormal heating, solution ofbe water tank produce poisonous gas. machine only spread by atomizing, →it cause an electric casomight di danneggiamenti all’alimentatore, al cavo di alimental’acqua soltanto quando ilfrangrance diffusore èfillspento e Any repairment needed, please contact with → Aggiungere →It cause electric shockplease and short-circuit. Please power off when youisshock. water. by anyone othermight than the technician and theInplug, or the socket being baggy, → Any damages of the ACmaintenance adaptor's power cord →It might cause any damages and itdiffusore. can be the do use it.componente →If you continue to use it under abnormal condition, cleaning solution for kitchen use applicable, B theonot power cord or cut the power cord with and abnormal power condition, please pull the B zione a qualsiasi non utilizzare il scollegato dalla rete elettrica, poiché questo potrebbe cauit doesn't have any other use. Please power off when you fill water. retailer. → →it might cause an electric shock. do not use it. Please don't use wet hands to pull out plug. → If you reform the product, it might result in do not use other solutions. →It might cause electric shock and short-circuit. and the plug, or the socket being baggy, please reason of fire and electric shock. it might have somean like fire and electric B Any unpleasant smells,the noise, abnormal › scissors In caso contrario potrebbe causare un cortocircuito e scossare scosse. or process power cord.heating, plug andWhen stop using itaccidents might cause electric shock. maintenance product, →It might and cause electricpower shockcondition, and short-circuit. Please never use acause damaged adaptor, doonly not a→it fire, electric injuries etc. do not use it.shock, → might problems because the residual →it might anofthis electric or mild injuries. Please don't use wet hands toshock pull out plug. shock, or cause breakdown the machine. Please sa elettrica. abnormal please the Any unpleasant noise, abnormal heating, →If youdon't continue tocause use itfor under abnormal condition, Any damages ofsmells, the adaptor's power cord B →It might cause anyAC damages and itpull can be the cleaning solution kitchen use is applicable, Non estrarre la spina dalla presa elettrica con mani umide o gas. Please use wet hands to pull out plug. solution ofelectric water tank may produce poisonous →It might cause shock and short-circuit. Any repairment needed, please contact with bend, drag or twist the power cord or put the stop using it when anything abnormal happens, and Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, →it might cause an electric shock or injuries. Please don't block atomizing nozzle by plug and stop using it it might have some accidents like fire and electric and abnormal power condition, please pull the and the plug, or the socket being baggy, please do not use other solutions. reason of fire and electric shock. In caso di cattivi odori, rumori o caldo anomalo o energia anobagnate, poiché potrebbe causare scosse o lesioni. retailer. contact your selle →it might cause an electric shock or injuries. power cord nearby some high-temperature Please power off when you fill water. and→ abnormal power condition, please pull the → bamboo stick, needles and other exotic matters. Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, →If youattention, continue it under abnormal condition, B do not use it. Please don't block atomizing nozzle by plug and stop usingto ituse shock, or cause breakdown of the machine. Please →it might cause problems because the residual mala, spegnere il diffusore e staccarlo dalla presa elettrica. at if you → ignore this or wrongly B Any damages of electric the accidents AC adaptor's power cord places, and don't bear any heavy with →it might cause an electric shock. Please never use acause damaged adaptor, do not Please don't block atomizing nozzle by plugB and›→It stop usinghave it some Non bloccare l’atomizzatore con bastoncini distuff bamboo, spille it might like fire and electric and abnormal power condition, please pull the stop using it when anything abnormal happens, might cause and short-circuit. →it might an electric shock orand injuries. solution ofstick, water tank may produce poisonous gas. Un utilizzo continuativo in queste condizioni potrebbe caubamboo needles and other exotic matters. →If you continue to socket use itshock under abnormal condition, er→ death or serious injury. and the plug, oritthe being baggy, please the power cord or itquesto cut the power cord with obamboo altri strumenti, poiché potrebbe causare scosse o —4— bend, drag or twist the power cord or put the stick, needles and other exotic matters. contact your selle →If you continue to use under abnormal condition, B sare la rottura dell’apparecchio, incendi efire shock elettrici. In shock, or cause breakdown of the machine. Please plug and stop using Please don't use wet hands to pull out it might have some accidents like and electric →it might cause an electric shock or plug. injuries. Please power off when you fill water. Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, → do not use it. Please put it in an area that kids can not approach. lesioni. → scissors or process theit under power cord. situazioni dibreakdown qualsiasi genere si prega di spegnere il stop using itthe when anything abnormal happens, and it might have some accidents like or firethe electric power nearby some high-temperature cause an electric shock orshock injuries. →IfBmight youcord continue tocause use abnormal condition, shock, oranomale cause ofand the machine. might an electric or injuries. →it might cause an electric shock. Never make machine power source and abnormal power condition, please pull thePlease B →it →it might cause electric shock , injuries or →It might cause electric shock and short-circuit. diffusore e your contattare ilanything distributore. Please putany itbear in anbambini. area that kids can approach. contact selle →It might cause damages and itstuff can be the tilt. shock, orinto cause breakdown of thedo machine. places, and don't any heavy with it might have some accidents like fire andnot electric stop using abnormal happens, and Tenere fuori dalla portata dei water orit when wet; please not usePlease it in any unpredictable incidents when the machine —4— Please don't block atomizing nozzle by plug and stop using it Please put it in an area that kids can not approach. Please don't use wet hands to pull out plug. →it might cause electric shock , injuries or stop→using it when anything abnormal happens, and Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, reason of fire and electric shock. the power cord or cut the power cord with › Potrebbe causare scosse, lesioni o incidenti di varia natura contact your selle shock, orunpredictable cause breakdown ofand the machine. excessive moist environment like abnormal bathroom, Non immergere il diffusore e l’alimentatore nell’acqua condition, o nel ba→it might cause electric shock ,other injuries orPlease incidents when the machine tilt. bamboo stick, needles exotic matters. →If you continue to use it under B might cause anabnormal electric shock or injuries. contact your selle a causa di→it un diverso del device. and abnormal power condition, pull ilthe stop using when anything happens, scissors orit funzionamento process the power cord. locker room, greenhouse. gnato; non utilizzare in ambienti troppo please umidi, come bagno, la —4— unpredictable incidents when the machine tilt. orand Any damages of the AC adaptor's power cord it might have some accidents like fire and electric →it might cause an electric shock injuries. →It cause electric shock, Please don't block atomizing nozzle plugomight and stop usingshort-circuit, it contact your sauna la serra. →It might cause any damages and it can be the by and the plug, orselle the socket being baggy, please → shock, orother cause breakdown of the machine. Please › fire →If Questo potrebbe causare corto-circuiti, scosse elettriche, in- —4— reason bamboo and bug. stick, and othercan exotic you continue use it under abnormal condition, B Please put it electric inneedles an area that kids not matters. approach. of fire shock. —4— do not use it. and stop using it whentoanything abnormal happens, and cendi e altri problemi. cause electric shock , injuries or it is might fireplease and electric →it might cause an electric shock or injuries. Itcontact nothave inhaler foraccidents medical like use, →It might cause electric shock andpower short-circuit. yoursome selle Any damages of the AC adaptor's cord unpredictable incidents when the machine—4— tilt. shock,face or cause breakdown the machine. don't towards to theofspray nozzle Please Please put it in an area that kids can not approach. and unpleasant the plug, or smells, the socket being baggy,heating, please Any noise, abnormal stopsuction. using it when anything abnormal happens, and for →it might electric shock , injuries or do not use it.powercause and abnormal condition, please pull the 4 contact your →It might beselle harmful for your health, this —4—→It unpredictable incidents when the machine tilt. might cause electric shock and short-circuit. plug and stop using it machine only spread frangrance by atomizing, Mandatory ! ! → B ! ! mandatory actions. operate, will lead to user deathwater or serious injury. Any repairmentMeans needed, pleaseitcontact with Mandatory in right direction and method excessive moist environment like bathroom, Do NOT ceramicthe disc by hands. →Iftouch you reform product, it might result in fire andMeans other bug. →If you reform the product, it might result in mandatory actions. retailer. Security Consider Mandatory locker room, greenhouse. →If pour away the water in wrong a fire, electric shock, injuries etc. a fire, electric shock, injuries etc.ordirection, →It may hurt be youreformed, if touch ceramic disc directly, Never make the machine the use, powerplease source It is not inhaler for medical Cannot and cannot be repaired This symbol indicates that if you ignore this attention, or wrongly →It might cause short-circuit, electric shock, Please neverthe use a damaged adaptor, do with not it may cause internal water inflow and finally repairment needed, please contact Any repairment needed, please contact with into water ortowards wet; please not usekeep itnozzle in any pleaseAny no touch disc avoid damage bydoanyone other than the to maintenance Warnings don't face to do the spray This symbol indicates that if yo For safe use, please strictly the follo operate, ittechnician will lead to user death or your serious injury. fire and other bug. result in fire, electric shock and short circuit bend, drag or twist the power cord or put the excessive moist environment like bathroom, retailer. retailer. or accident. for suction. Warnings →If you reform the product, it might result in operate, it will lead to user dea Se non si seguono le precauzioni illustrate, si potrebbe incorrere in lesioni della persona o It is not inhaler for medical use, please power cord nearby some high-temperature locker room, greenhouse. This operation manual isharmful made to any acciden →It might be forprevent your this Please do NOT the machine Please never use aif and damaged adaptor, do not Please never use aplace damaged adaptor, do health, not fire, electric shock, injuries etc. Pleasea turn off the power not use machine. Attenzione Never make the machine or the power source Cannot be reformed, cannot be del repaired don't face towards to the spray nozzle →It might cause short-circuit, electric shock, places, and bear any heavy stuff with danneggiamento device. machine only spread frangrance by atomizing, closedrag to electrical appliance such →If incomplete insulation, may cause into water or wet; please do not use it in any Any repairment needed, please with bend, drag ordon't twist theitmaintenance power cordcontact or put the bend, or twist the power cord or put the by anyone other than the technician Means matters need to take attention Cannot be reformed, and cannot be repaired for suction. fire andTV, other bug. Attention the leakage, power cord oroutbreak cut the power cord with itother doesn't have any other use. excessive environment like bathroom, as computer, or furniture, music electricity fire orit electric retailer. nearby some high-temperature power cord nearby some high-temperature by anyone thanmoist the maintenance technician →power If youcord reform the product, might might be harmful for your health, this scissors or process the power cord.result in It→It is don't not inhaler forthis medical use, please locker room, greenhouse. instrument and wall shock. When maintenance product, only places, and don't bear any heavy stuff with places, and bear any heavy stuff with Means forbidden actions. → If you reform the product, it might inmild a fire, electric shock, injuries etc. Please never use a damaged adaptor, do not Non bloccare il diffusore, poiché potrebbe interferire con il Non posizionare il dispositivo su short-circuit, pianifrangrance di lavororesult adiacenti ashock, machine only spread by atomizing, Forbidden →It might cause electric don't face towards toproblems thecord spray nozzle →It might cause any damages and it can be the cleaning solution for kitchen use is applicable, → Mist and water may cause of the power cord or cut the power cord with the power cord or cut the power with a fire, electric shock, injuries etc. use. normale funzionamento ethe causare altricord problemi come dancomputer e TV, strumenti musicali e pareti. Any repairment needed, please contact with Please clear awayorthe dust ofpower power plug. it doesn't have any other bend, drag twist or put the fire and other bug. for suction. mandatory actions. do use other solutions. reason ofor fire and shock.cord. machines or influence neggiamenti, spegnimento ethe surriscaldamento. ›Any Lasurrounding nebulizzazione eMeans l’acqua potrebbero creare problemi ai Mandatory →Accumulated dust andelectric dampness may scissors process power scissors ornot process the power cord. repairment needed, please contact withmild retailer. power cord nearby some high-temperature When maintenance this product, only →It might be harmful for your health, this →it might cause problems because the residual piani di lavoro o ai macchinari circostanti. surrounding surface. It is not inhaler for medical use, please lead to ill insulation, it may cause accident Any damages of the AC adaptor's power cord retailer. →It might cause any damages and it can be the →It might cause any damages and it can be the places, and don't bear any heavy stuff with Please never use a damaged adaptor, do not cleaning solution for kitchen use is applicable, Non aprire il coperchio quando il dispositivo è in funzione, machine spread frangrance bynozzle atomizing, solution of only water tank may produce poisonous gas. This symbol indicates that if yo don't face towards to the spray such poiché as fire, electric shock and stoppage. and the plug, or the socket being baggy, please do not use other solutions. reason of fire and electric shock. reason of fire and electric shock. the power cord or cut the power cord with Please never use ahave damaged adaptor, not potrebbe dellepower fuoriuscite di or acqua oli esNon toccare dispositivo quando è inifother funzione odo in pausa, bend, drag orcausare twist the cord putethe itil doesn't any use. Please do NOT touch machine it is under Warnings for suction. Please power off when you fill water. operate, it will lead to user dea → do not use it. →it might cause problems because the residual senziali, bagnando il piano dithe lavoro. poiché in drag questi due casi ilthe macchinariocord avrà or un’alta tempescissors or process power cord. cord working oror just stop. Please dailydamages change the water and regularly bend, twist put the Bdamages power cord nearby some high-temperature Any of the AC adaptor's Any of AC adaptor's power cord →It might be power harmful for your health, When maintenance this product, only mild this →it might cause an electric shock. →It mightand cause electric shock andpower short-circuit. ratura. Noncord toccare per evitare lesioni. solution ofthe water tank may produce poisonous gas. cleanNon the water sure let product power nearby some high-temperature places, don't bear any heavy with →The machine may be in high temperature →It might cause any damages itstuff can be the cleaning solution for kitchen use isplease applicable, and the plug, ormake the socket being baggy, please and thebe plug, or the socket being baggy, machine only spread frangrance by atomizing, toccare iltank, disco di ceramica con le and mani, poiché potrebCannot reformed, and cannot be repaired Please don't use wet hands to pull out plug. Please power off when you fill water. if it is under working or just stop, please Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, workbein clean status. → places, and don't bear any heavy stuff with do not use other solutions. the power cord or cut the power cord with reason of fire and electric shock. do not use it. Non toccare, per evitare danneggiamenti doanyone not use it.than causare lesioni. L’apparecchio deve essere collocato unatechnician posizione itother doesn't have any in other use. orizby the maintenance B might cause an electric shock or injuries. domight not →it touch toelectric getting hurt. might cause an electric shock. and abnormal power condition, please pull the →it might cause problems because residual e→It incidenti. zontale. the power cord oravoid cut the power cord withthe scissors or process the power cord. →Please use clean and at least clean might cause electric shock and short-circuit. →It cause shock short-circuit. → If you reform the product, itand might result Any damages ofwater the AC adaptor's power cord When maintenance this product, onlyinmild gas. solution of water tank may produce poisonous inner of→It water every or 4 days.and If without Please don't block atomizing nozzle by plug andtank stop using it3 damages scissors or process the power cord. Please don't use wet hands to pull out plug. might cause any it can be the cleaning solution for kitchen use is applicable, aAny fire, electric injuries and unpleasant theilplug, or smells, thequando socket being baggy,utilizzarlo. please Se Any noise, abnormal heating, unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, Spegnere dispositivo non si intende L’apparecchio può shock, essere utilizzato daetc. bambini di età non Please place the machine on flat surface. → maintainance, the residual water and essential bamboo stick, needles andand other exotic matters. →If youuse continue use it under abnormal condition, B Please power off when you fill water. do not use other solutions. →It→ might cause any damages itpull can be the reason of fire andtoelectric shock. → might cause an electric shock or injuries. do not it.power l’isolamento è incompleto, potrebbero esserci delle fuoriusciinferiore a 8→it anni epower da persone con ridotte capacità fisiche, Any repairment needed, please contact with and abnormal condition, please pullinthe and abnormal condition, please the oil may affect the machine's performance, B Uneven surface may cause product t and itdimight some like and electric might cause an electric shock or residual injuries. might cause an electric shock. →it might cause problems because the reason of fire and shock. te→It elettrica, scintille o scosse. sensoriali mentali, odon't prive di esperienza o della necessamight cause electric shock andfire short-circuit. retailer. addition, itcorrente may cause breeding, foul Please block atomizing nozzle by plug and have stop using itaccidents plug ando→it stop using itelectric finally damage the machine. Any damages ofbacterium the AC adaptor's cordPlease shock, or cause breakdown of the power machine. solution of water tank may produce poisonous gas. → → ria conoscenza, purché sotto sorveglianza oppure dopo che smell and even harm to health. Please don't use wet hands to pull out plug. bamboo stick, needles and other exotic matters. →If you continue to use it under abnormal condition, B →If you continue to use it under abnormal condition, B Please never use damaged adaptor, do damages adaptor's power cord Pleaseof putthe itainAC an area that kids can notnot approach. and the plug, or smells, thedalla socket being please and Any noise, abnormal heating, Ripulire il plug polvere. La baggy, polvere accumulata stopunpleasant using itelettrico when anything abnormal happens, le Any stesse abbiano ricevuto istruzioni relative all’uso sicuro Please power off when you fill water. → →it might cause electric shock , injuries or Please make sure to use room temperature might an electric or injuries. do not use it.some itcontact might have accidents like firecausando andtheelectric it might haveor some accidents like fire and electric electric shock or injuries. and thedrag plug, thecause socket being baggy, please potrebbe condurre a un cattivo isolamento, spebend, twist the power cord orshock put the and abnormal power condition, please pull dell’apparecchio eor alla comprensione dei pericoli ad esso your selle B →it might cause an electric shock. unpredictable incidents when the machine gnimento, scosse e incendi. →It might electric shock andmachine. short-circuit. tap water, distilled water or do notor use it. shock, cause breakdown of water. the Please shock, cause breakdown ofatomizing the machine. Please inerenti. power cord nearby some high-temperature Please don't block nozzle bytilt. plug andor stop using it purified Please put it in an area that kids can not approach. → stop using it when anything abnormal happens, and stop using it when anything abnormal happens, and →It might cause electric shock and short-circuit. →Do not use hot water, it may result in product Please don't use wet hands to pull out plug. places, and don't bear any heavy stuff with bamboo stick, needles and other exotic matters. →If unpleasant youl’acqua continue to usenoise, it eunder abnormal condition, B Any smells, abnormal heating, →it might cause shock , injuries or Cambiare giornalmente pulire il serbatoio. Utilizza- —4—I bambini non devono giocare conelectric l’apparecchio. contact your selleaccidents contact your selle deformation or misoperation. →it might electric shock or the power cord orcause cutincidents theanpower cord with unpredictable when the machine tilt. itacqua might have likeil fire andtheelectric electric shock or injuries. injuries. reand pulita e some pulire accuratamente serbatoio almeno Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, abnormal power condition, please pull Laand pulizia e Please laor manutenzione éblock destinata ad essere effettuataby ogni 3 and o 4orgiorni. Sebreakdown non pulito, il Please device scissors process the power cord. shock, cause of the machine. abnormal power condition, please pull the don't atomizing nozzle plug stop using it viene mantenuto Please put it in an area that kids can not approach. → non deve effettuata daitbambini senza potrebbe accumulare residui acqua e oli essenziali che stop using it whento anything abnormal happens, and—4—dall’utilizzatore plug and→it stop using itessere →It might cause any damages can the —4— bamboo stick, needles andand other exotic matters. →If you continue use itdiunder abnormal condition, B might cause electric shock ,be injuries or sorveglianza. interferirebbero conselle la normale performance del dispositivo → contact your reason of fire and electric shock. it might have some accidents fire and electric →If you →it continue tocause useincidents it under abnormal condition, B might an electric shock or injuries. unpredictable when the machine tilt. stesso. In queste condizioni si potrebbelike assistere a una proliit might have some accidents like power fire and electric shock, batterica, or causeodori breakdown machine. Please ferazione e problemiofdithe salute. Any damages ofputthe it inAC an adaptor's areaofthat kids can cord notPlease approach. stop using it when anything abnormal happens, and—4— shock, orPlease cause breakdown thebaggy, machine. and the plug, or the socket electric being please —5— →it might cause shock , injuries or Assicurarsi che l’acqua sia a temperatura ambiente. Può contact your selle stop using it when anything abnormal happens, and tilt. unpredictable incidents when the machine do not use it. trattarsi di acqua del rubinetto, acqua distillata o purificata. contact your selle →It might cause electric shock and short-circuit. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! › Non utilizzare acqua calda o bollente, poiché potrebbe de—4— Any unpleasant smells, noise, abnormal heating, formare il dispositivo o danneggiarne la funzionalità. —4— and abnormal power condition, please pull the Accertarsi che il dispositivo sia riempito esclusivamente con plug and stop using it acqua e Olio del Re® EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA® AMBIENTI. → › Soltanto la formulazione del prodotto infatti garantisce il →If you continue to use it under abnormal condition, B funzionamento idoneo del device. it might have some accidents like fire and electric Seguire attentamente il manuale per lo smaltimento del contenuto (acqua e Olio del Re® EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA® AMBIENTI). › Se l’acqua viene smaltita in modo errato, potrebbero esserci delle infiltrazioni causando scosse, cortocircuito o incendio. shock, or cause breakdown of the machine. Please stop using it when anything abnormal happens, and contact your selle —4— 5 COMPONENTIP Components Beccuccio diffusore Mist nozzle Adattatore Adaptor TopCoperchio cover Livello water massimo Max acqua level Disco di ceramica Ceramic disc Parte centrale Main body Presa d’aria Air outlet on-off PowerTasto switch Pennello pulizia Cleanperbrush 6 —6— Connettore DC plug a spina DC Istruzioni di manutenzione del prodotto Maintainance instructions Per garantire la piena funzionalità del prodotto in modo sicuro e stabile, si prega di pulire regolarmente il macchinario ●To guarantee the di product e seguire le istruzioni riportate seguito.works more safely and stably, please clean the machine regularly and follow instructions as below. Spegnere il dispositivo Rimuovere il coperchio. power switch ed to estrarre turn offl’alimentatore a 11 Press 22 Take down the top cover. power, spina dalla elettrica il connettore pullpresa out the pluge of adaptor. da jack DC. 2 ! 1 Tenere in equilibrio il dispositivo mentre si rimuove il coperchio. Make sure to keep the body balance while taking down top cover. 3 33 Svuotare l’acqua Drain out the contenuta. water. Air d’aria Outlet Presa Presa d’aria Air Outlet 4 4 Use clean brush per or clean swab Utilizzare il pennello pulizia ocotton un panno pulitoto di cotone clear away the dirt of disc, please per eliminare lo sporco dal ceramic disco di ceramica. Per pulire la superficie è sufficiente panno di cotone. use cotton esterna cloth to wipe theunmachine outer Pulireit's possibilmente 1-2 volte settimana. wall, better clean 1~2alla times every week Clean brush Pennello per pulizia Power switch Tasto ON/OFF Tasto ON/OFF Power switch Air Outlet Presa d’aria Disco inDisc Ceramic ceramica around cover, 5 If 5dirtSeisloaccumulated sporco si accumula attornotop al coperchio, Tasto ON/OFF Power switch smontarlo per pulirloitpiù please disassemble foraccuratamente. cleaning. ! △ ! Pourl’acqua waterfacendola out from side ofdalmachine; Smaltire fuoriuscire lato del do notepour from the air outlet. dispositivo non dalla presa d’aria. —7— 7 PRECAUZIONI • Non aggiungere una quantità maggiore a quella segnalata come “max”, corrispondente a 90ml. • Non premere il pulsante ON quando il serbatoio è vuoto. Questo danneggia il disco di ceramica e può causare malfunzionamenti o fuoriuscite. • Utilizzare un panno morbido per pulire regolarmente il serbatoio. Il disco di ceramica avrà dei problemi se contaminato dallo sporco. Pulire il serbatoio ogni 5-6 utilizzi oppure ogni 2-3 giorni. • Fare attenzione che il dispositivo non sia collegato alla rete elettrica prima di pulirlo. • Svuotare completamente il serbatoio dell’acqua in caso di basse temperature per evitare il congelamento, il malfunzionamento e il danneggiamento. • Svuotare completamente il serbatoio per evitare la proliferazione batterica nell’acqua residua. • Non mettere a contatto la superficie esterna del dispositivo con oli essenziali, poiché potrebbe causare malfunzionamento o erosione. • Aprire il coperchio e utilizzare la coppetta per il rabbocco dell’acqua. Non riempire il dispositivo dal beccuccio per la nebulizzazione o direttamente dal rubinetto, poiché questo potrebbe indurre al malfunzionamento. • Durante l’operazione di svuotamento, fare attenzione a mantenere la presa d’aria verso l’alto, in modo che l’acqua non possa scorrervi dentro generando un malfunzionamento. 8 • Non utilizzare il prodotto nei seguenti luoghi: › dove il diffusore potrebbe venire in contatto direttamente con mobilia, abbigliamento, tendaggi, pareti, libri e altri prodotti cartacei, soffitti ecc. › dove il diffusore potrebbe soffrire le alte temperature: nella luce diretta, vicino a macchine che riscaldino, stufe a gas, ventilatori, condizionatori ecc. › dove il prodotto non si troverebbe in condizione stabile, come superfici non omogenee fra le quali tappeti o letti. Non posizionare il prodotto in alto. Non posizionare il prodotto vicino ad altri macchinari o strumenti di precisione. • Non scuotere il prodotto una volta inserita l’acqua. Potrebbe causare il malfunzionamento dei circuiti interni a causa del contatto con acqua. • Non posizionare su morbidi cuscini o tappeti soffici, perché il blocco della ventola potrebbe causare problemi al macchinario. • Non posizionare il dispositivo su superfici non omogenee o con dislivelli perché ciò causerebbe la fuoriuscita di liquido. • All’aumentare dell’umidità dell’ambiente, la nebulizzazione attorno al beccuccio potrebbe condensarsi in piccole gocce. Utilizzare un panno per asciugarle. • La parte interna del coperchio potrebbe accumulare gocce d’acqua. Trovare un luogo idoneo allo sgocciolamento e asciugare con un panno. ●Please do not use the product for long • Nonatusare prodotto lungo:180 a ogni utilizzo di 180 time: least ilafter eachausing minutes, please power off the machine and wait at di alminuti, far corrispondere un periodo di for pausa least 60 minutes, disc will norma meno 60 minuti.otherwise Il mancatoceramic rispetto di questa easily overheating and cause machine potrebbe far surriscaldare il disco di ceramica, caumalfunction. sando malfunzionamento. ●Please use comune normal acqua temperature tap-water • Utilizzare del rubinetto. Non utilizzare for acqua this product. Doidrolizzata, not use well water, minerale, frizzante. mineral water and electrolyzed water etc. • Se il dispositivo non viene utilizzato a lungo, consul- ●If not for longd’istruzioni time, please tareuse il manuale per refer pulireto e mantenere la “maintenance instruction” to clean and macchina prima di utilizzarla nuovamente. maintain the machine before you use it. • Il volume e la qualità della nebulizzazione saranno ●The mist volume be affected by the determinati dallawill temperatura e dall’umidità dell’amtemperature and ciò humidity and get small,minore, non biente. Quando si presenta in misura it is not a problem of machine. costituisce un problema del dispositivo. ●Please note the product is aroma diffuser • Questo non è unvibration umidificatore, ma un diffusore which prodotto use ultrasonic to produce mist, it's not aper humidifier and do not have aromaterapico uso professionale, farmaceutico ed obvious humidification function. con Olio del Re® erboristico, da utilizzare esclusivamente —Notes for using essential® oils— EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA AMBIENTI. ●Please use 100% natural essential oil for this ® • Utilizzare con del Re EMULSIONE product, ifsoltanto essential oil Olio contains perfume, ® spice or impurities or solid,Lait is easy to cause AROMOTECNICA AMBIENTI. non purezza di altri the machine malfunction, please carefully read prodotti potrebbe compromettere il funzionamento del this NOTES part. dispositivo. ●If full water inside water tank (90ml), please add 2-3 drops of essential (about • Riempire il serbatoio con 90mloils d’acqua (né0.1-0.2ml); di più né if no water or less water, please do notdiuse di meno) e aggiungere la dose preferita Olio del essential oil to feed water to the ® ® full. Too much Re EMULSIONE AROMOTECNICA AMBIENTI. essential oil will cause ceramic disc malfunction or badness ●If change essential oil and hope keep clear residual fragrance, please refer to “maintenance instruction” to clean the water tank. Processing method ifall’interno machine and water flows out il dispositivo viene Se vi è ancora dell’acqua deltilt serbatoio e inavvertitamente If there is stillfuoriuscire water inside tank, incautiously tilt the machine and water per non scosso facendo dell’acqua, si prega di porre rimedio immediatamente flows problemi out, please take remedial action timely, otherwise it will cause creare al macchinario. problems of machine. 1 1 Please the top cover. Aprireopen il coperchio. drain out the 22 Please Far fuoriuscire l’acqua water rimanente. through drain outlet. 3 Sway gently to discharge the 3 Scuotere delicatamente per water accumulated at the bottom, liberare l’acqua accumulata and then for air drying. sul fondo, poi far asciugare all’aria. DRAIN OUTLET ※AIR DRYING FOR 24 HOURS Nota:BEFORE far asciugare all’aria per 24 ore USING. prima di utilizzare nuovamente. —9— 9 02992 Risoluzione problemi Se il dispositivo non funziona, si prega di controllare le seguenti possibilità. Problema Non si accende, non c’è segnale elettrico Non diffonde o diffonde malamente Perde acqua Possibile ragione Possibile soluzione • Non è attaccato alla corrente • Collegare alla corrente e premere il tasto ON • Contattare il distributore • Il filo elettrico è rotto o l’adattatore è bruciato • C’è sufficiente acqua all’interno del serbatoio? • L’acqua all’interno del serbatoio è troppa? • Il disco di ceramica è sporco? • Il coperchio è posizionato correttamente? • La presa d’aria è sporca? • Riempire il serbatoio • Il coperchio è posizionato correttamente? • La temperatura è bassa o c’è molta umidità? • Posizionare il coperchio correttamente • Basse temperature e umidità causano la “trasudazione” di acqua dalla macchina • Se il volume dell’acqua eccede i 90ml previsti, la nebulizzazione sarà scarsa • Pulire seguendo le istruzioni riportate precedentemente • Posizionare il coperchio correttamente • Pulire la presa d’aria dalla polvere accumulata Riparazione e accessori Corpo del dispositivo Notare che il massimo tempo di durata del disco di ceramica è di 3000 ore, oltre le quali sarà necessario contattare il distributore. Adattatore L’adattatore è incluso nel prodotto. Se vi è necessità di più adattatori, contattare il distributore. 10
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