EU COHESION POLICY SUPPORTS THE SMEs ACCESS TO FINANCE Barcelona, March 14 th 2014 Paolo Zaggia Finlombarda S.p.a. - Finanziaria per lo sviluppo della Lombardia FINLOMBARDA’S MISSION AND REGIONAL CONTEXT 2 FINLOMBARDA Spa – The mission (1/2) Established in 1971, is a public company fullyowned by Lombardy Region with headquarter in Milan (Italy). Its mission is to help and promote the development of the regional economy. Since 1998, is a financial company entered in the special list referred in Art.107 of the Consolidated Law on Banking, and subject to the supervision of the Bank of Italy. Manages dedicated regional and EU funds, provides consultancy services primarily to regional government, through the promotion of innovative financial solution to attract private capital in the financing of publicly-sponsored development projects and to promote the competitiveness, the growth, the innovation, the cooperation and the internationalization of Lombardy’s entrepreneurship. 3 FINLOMBARDA Spa – The mission (2/2) Facilitates the efficiency of the public payments system and it encourages the simplification in the local public system. Supports environmental sustainability and energy efficiency through innovative technological tools. Evolution Regional Programme of Development of the X Legislation 2013-2018 D.c.r. n. X/78/2013 From Regional Financial Institution to Public Bank 4 REGIONE LOMBARDIA - the context (1/2) 820,000 registered companies STRENGHTS 99% are MSMEs High economic production Diversification of businesses Better quality of education 3% of the UE GDP 10 M of inhabitants 1.2% of GDP Invested in R&D 22% of the italian workforce in R&D 26% of the total investments WEAKNESSES High fragmentation of MSMEs undercapitalized Excess of «informal» Innovation Low turnover of the entrepreneurial system Few high knowledge-intensity services (Vs. UE) REGIONE LOMBARDIA - the context (2/2) Some additional data and new approach 820,000 Enterprises Distributed as follows: Manufacturing: 15.6% Construction: 16.1% Agriculture 7.4% Trade, other services: 54.3% Other public services: 6.6% 12,000 Cooperatives 1,600 Social Cooperatives (Type A,B) 224 Banks 6,197 Banks branches 33 Confidi 369,000 SMEs associated Weight for manufacturing sector : 50-63% in terms of operations and associated. 7 Specialization Areas (S3) Open Innovation Aerospace Creative cultural industries Agribusiness Health industry Eco-industry Advanced manufacturing Sustainable Mobility Pilot project to create an exchange platform for actors of “innovation ecosystems” 6 ROLE OF EUROPEAN FUNDS IN FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 7 EUROPEAN FUNDS IN FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AN ENCOUNTER IN “MARKET FAILURE AREAS” BETWEEN TWO WORLDS THAT RESPOND TO DIFFERENT RULES 1. EUROPEAN FUNDS RULES: 2. FINANCIAL MARKETS STATE AID, RULES: BASILEA III STABILITY PACT RESOURCES: 1% GDP FI 1.000 B€ in 7 years MARKET FAILURE AREA ? + PRIVATE RESOURCES of which 5% to FI IN FINANCIAL MARKETPLACES MECHANISM IN PUBLIC ADIMINISTRATION PLANNING NEED OF CLEAR RULES FROM THE BEGINNING OF PROGRAMMING PERIOD FLEXIBILITY OF GOVERNANCE TO FACILITATE «HORIZONTAL SUBSIDIARITY» EUROPEAN FUNDS IN FINANCIAL MARKETPLACES FINANCIAL MARKETPLACE MECHANISM EUROPEAN FUNDS Private Savings Investments Economic Development Financial Sector SERVICES KNOWNLEDGE CAPACITY BUILDING CENTRE FOR BOTH SIDES: PA and PRIVATE SECTOR FIs IN PUBLIC PLANNING FOR VIRTUOUS FINANCE. FINLOMBARDA 2000-2013 EXPERIENCE TOWARDS 2014-2020 10 SMEs FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS WITH EU FUNDS 2000-2013 III IV Investments Jeremie FESR FRIM FESR MIL Jeremie FSE Working Capital Measure 1.4 Credito Adesso I II Start UP Development Legend: The diameter corresponds to the amount of resources allocated by way of initial funding (M€) 2000-2006 2007-2013 BEI 11 FROM 2000-2013 TOWARDS 2014-2020 Interventions Period EU Funds Beneficiaries Financial Instruments Loan Guarantee Grants 2000-2006 259M€ ERDF EELL Invest. Innov. Working Infrastr Intern. Capital . 5,2 Sistema Garanzie 2,3 Fondo Garanzie SMEs 1,5 Fondo Infrastr. ob.2 Total SMEs ERDF 2007-2013 139 M€ ESF 270M€ 245 8,8 Made in Lombardy Jeremie FESR Fondo FRIM-FESR Jeremie FSE Revolving * Fondo Infrastr. ob.2 IEB Loans * Credito Adesso Total SMEs 2000-2006 ERDF M€ Accesso al credito SMEs GI Coop. OP budget Subject of Intervention 33 20 66 20 50 220 359 (*) EU Funds not in the OP 2007-2013 ERDF, ESF, IEB 2014-2020 ERDF, ESF, EARDF, IEB PROGRAMMING PERIOD 2007-2013 OPERATIVE PROGRAM (ERDF) Axis: Innovation and Knowledge Economy INVESTMENTS FOR Guarantee Fund covering first losses of a Portfolio of 500 Meuro of medium-long term financing 1,000 M€ (expected in pre-crisis) Medium-long term financing to support innovation and research investments 100 M€ 500 M€ (expected at 2015) Fund of funds providing resources to Confidi in order to issue guarantees for financing innovative investments 13 TOWARDS 2014-2020 Experience has confirmed that a correct use of Financial Instruments for the PA in the so-called “market failure” areas can lead to the activation of programming processes with satisfactory results despite the ongoing crisis. From one hand, it is important to select the suitable Financial Intermediaries (according to their experience, the relevant presence on territory and their high technical financial expertise targeted to the specific sector) keeping flexibility, preferring forms of agreements – eg. “FRIM FESR” - rather than tenders – eg. “MIL” (ANNEX 1), and in general opting for combined instruments (ANNEX 3). From the other hand it is of vital importance to act into areas/sector where is possible to find a system of relations already existing – Jeremie ESF (ANNEX 2). TOWARDS 2014-2020 IV III Investments Growth and capitalization Start Up Innovative Entrepreneurship and development Capitalization of experiences (ANNEXE 2): more flexibility/less tender Internationalization Working capital SMEs Investments in Innovation and Research Opening at new regulations (Risk, PPP, WC) Synergies between ESI Funds and other Funds too (EIB, EIF, RL, …) Working Capital I II Start Up Development BOZZA PER LA DISCUSSIONE NEW APPROACH: SMART SPECIALISATION STRATEGY NEW NEEDS TRANSFORMING PROCESS SPECIALIZATION AREAS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Aerospace Agribusiness Eco-industry Creative and cultural industries Health industry Advanced manufacturing Sustainable Mobility INSTRUMENTS SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Cluster/network/business network/ financial instruments/ KETs/ Enabling factors/cross-fertilization/open innovation/ industry–university collaboration/ pre-commercial procurement/ Digital Agenda IMPACT ON TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIES The goal is to seize the development opportunities focusing on Emerging Industries, with high knowledge content, which reconfigure the value chain by offering new products and services by exploiting the potential of new technologies. 16 Thanks for the attention [email protected] ANNEXES 18 ANNEX 1 FI MANAGEMENT’S MODELS MADE IN LOMBARDY JEREMIE FESR FRIM FESR JEREMIE FSE 19 «MADE IN LOMBARDY» REGIONE LOMBARDIA (AdG POR FESR) incarica costituisce Finlombarda GESTORE gestisce Selezione e convenzione Fondo di Garanzia 33 ML € Garantisce le prime perdite del portafoglio. Copertura max 80% di ogni singolo intervento finanziario Fondi Propri 100 M€ BNL 400 M€ Finanziamenti chirografari, ibridi subordinati 80 % 20% DESTINATARI 20 «JEREMIE FESR» REGIONE LOMBARDIA (AdG POR FESR) incarica Finlombarda GESTORE costituisce FONDO DI GARANZIA JEREMIE gestisce 20 M€ seleziona (7 lotti finanziari in 2 tranche) CONFIDI DI PRIMO GRADO cofinanzia cofinanzia Portafoglio Fondo garanzia JEREMIE 4 M€ Convenzione Banche convenzionate con I Confidi Garanzia a copertura (fino all’80%) delle eventuali perdite sulle operazioni Finanziamenti DESTINATARI FINALI (MPMI) 21 «FRIM FESR» Richiesta di sottoscrizione accordo incarica REGIONE LOMBARDIA (AdG) Finlombarda GESTORE costituisce gestisce Banche convenzionate Cofinanzia (40%) FRIM FESR (POR FESR 2007-2013) Cofinanzia (60%) 35 M€ Finanzia SOTTOMISURA 2 SOTTOMISURA 1 Applicazione industriale dei risultati della richiesta Innovazione di processo e di prodotto Finanziamenti Finanziamenti DESTINATARI DESTINATARI 22 FONDO «JEREMIE FSE» incarica seleziona Finlombarda GESTORE REGIONE LOMBARDIA (AdG POR FSE) costituisce gestisce FONDO JEREMIE (POR FSE 2007-2013) 19 M€ accredita INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI 50 % Componente Ammortizing: finanziamento oneroso di durata pari a 5 anni, a tasso fisso, rimborsabile con ammortamento su base mensile ed erogato dall’intermediario bancario a valere su risorse finanziarie proprie 50 % Componente Bullet: finanziamento a tasso zero, di durata pari a 5 anni, rimborsabile in un'unica soluzione alla scadenza, erogato dall’intermediario bancario a valere sulle risorse del Lotto Finanziario. erogano Garantisce la componente Ammortizing entro il limite massimo del 10% del valore del Lotto Finanziario MICROCREDITI BENEFICIARI sottoscrivono e versano CAPITALE SOCIALE COOPERATIVE 23 ANNEX 2 CASE HISTORY: «JEREMIE FSE» 24 DESCRIPTION (1/3) In the 2007-2013 programming period, Jeremie ESF is configured as an experimental initiative within Axis 3 «Social inclusion» of the ESF OP of the Lombardy Region, with a total budget of 20 M € (almost 30% of the resources of the Axis). At the time the Fund was created (July 24, 2008), Lombardy Region was the first region in Europe to implement interventions of financial engineering with the contribution of the European Social Fund (ESF). The initiative is directed to Social Cooperatives of type A and B and to work production cooperatives (at least 30% of disadvantaged workers), financing interventions of Capitalization funded through micro-credits of 4,000 €, granted to shareholders, who undertake to pay new equity shares in their own cooperative (maximum of 50 Members for Cooperative for a maximum of € 200,000 of share capital). DESCRIPTION (2/3) The funds received will be refunded by the shareholders of the cooperatives in 60 months (in case the shareholder remains for 5 years, half of them cannot be refunded). The managing authority of the Fund of ESF Jeremie Funds is Finlombarda, the financial in house company of Lombardy Region, who has defined the investments policies and selected the financial intermediaries (IF), consistently with guidelines formulated by the Steering Committee of the Fund through regional majority. The IF have been selected through an international public tender, considering technical-qualitative and financial elements. The allocation of the Fund has been managed for Financial Lots (7) to acquire the best conditions for the access of the final recipients to funding (in terms of cost, time and procedures), to offer the opportunity to the cooperatives to choose the IF and reach the widest possible dissemination of the initiative on the territory. DESCRIPTION (3/3) The timing which mark the entire lyfe cycle of the instrument (which goes beyond the natural expiration of the OP): 1) Programming: from the creation of the Fund by the Regional Administration to the publication in GUCE, GU and BURL of the public call for tenders for the IF selection (9 months); 2) Implementation: from the publication of the call for tenders to the award of the financial lots and contractual arrangements of FI for each lot (about 6 months) to the end of disbursement by the FI (within 12 months); from the contractual arrangements of FI to the end of disbursements by the FI (within 12 months) 3) Duration of the micro – credit and its warranty (60 months): from the transfer to the partner and concomitant in the share capital of the cooperative until the complete repayment by the shareholder of the financing and the loan received. RESULTS ACHIEVED • • • • • • Financial intermediaries selected: 5 Applications received: 9,338 Contractual agreements and funded partners: 7,820 Disadvantaged people funded: 4,254 of which: 1,686 men and 2,569 women Disbursed loans: 31.3 M € of which: 15.65 M € paid by the ESF and 15.65 M € paid by the financial intermediaries Cooperatives subject to recapitalization: 507 of which: 269 cooperatives addressed to the management of health, social and educational services; 176 cooperatives that carry out activities aimed at providing employment to disadvantaged people; 62 cooperatives of production and work EVALUATION REPORT (2012) “JEREMIE FSE”: functioning and first results “Jeremie has mobilized a large audience of members of the cooperatives that could participate in (31% of the total members, but more than 50% if we take into account for the co-operatives with a membership of more than 50 members, the limit was set at 50 in any case)”. “The rate of mobilization was greater in the “young cooperatives” and in the smaller ones, highlighting a “correct” use of the instrument, most used by those who in theory had the greatest need for consolidation and growth”. “The financial resources obtained through Jeremie have been mostly used for the purpose of development and/or to initiate new lines of business/ new services and to a lesser degree to meet current and short term difficulties. The 40% of the cooperatives stated that the greatest impact has been on the possibility of making investments, while 26% say that they have had the instruments to overcome the crisis”. “Jeremie has been an important vehicle for greater awareness and empowerment of members bringing all members of the cooperatives to reflect on financial problems and possible exit strategies from the crisis by strenghtening existing bonds of trust and thus showing a Value Added of the instrument in terms of social cohesion, particularly for the benefit of disadvantaged people”. ANNEX 3 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT EU LEVEL 30 FIN-EN Project Sharing experiences on financial instruments for SMEs ( PROJECT OBJECTIVE Individuating good practices and simplification models useful to a more efficient financial instruments management in 2014-2020 programming period PARTNERSHIP Finlombarda, Lead partner with the endorsement of Lombardy Region, and 12 partners from 13 EU countries (BE, DK, FR, DE, GR, HU, IT, LT, LI, PT, SI, ES, UK) managing in 2007-2013 financial instruments for around 3,5Md€ 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 Combinato 13 Equity 6 Garanzia 13 EQUITY - 29% 16 COMBINED – 36% 10 Prestiti 10 LOAN – 22% 0 6 GUARANTEE – 13% 31
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