Andrea Cirillo Curriculum Vitæ Via San Francesco, 2 81020 - Capodrise (CE) Home: +39 0823825014 Mobile: +39 3202157426 Office: +39 0815010368 Personal website: Research group website: E-Mail: [email protected] – [email protected] Skype: live:andrea.cirillo October 2014 Contents 1 Personal Information 1 2 Biographical profile 1 3 Professional experiences 1 4 Education 2 5 Awards 5 6 Publications and Proceedings 6.1 International Journal Paper . . . 6.2 International Conference Paper . 6.3 Books and Book Chapters . . . . 6.4 National Meeting and Conference 6.5 Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 7 7 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Technical Skills 7 8 Language Skills 8 9 Personal Interests 8 i Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 1 Personal Information First name Surname Date of Birth Place of Birth Address Home Mobile Office E-mail Skype 2 1 Andrea Cirillo May 18, 1987 Marcianise (CE) Via San Francesco 2, 81020 Capodrise, Caserta, Italy +39 0823825014 +39 3202157426 +39 0815010368 [email protected] – [email protected] live:andrea.cirillo Biographical profile Andrea Cirillo was born on 18/05/1987 in Marcianise (CE - Italy). He receives the Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering at the Seconda Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli in July 2010 and the Master Degree with laude in Computer Engineering - Curriculum “Automation” in January 2013. In his Bachelor’s thesis, which was carried out within the DEXMART project in the Automatic Control Laboratory of DII and titled “Progettazione ed ottimizzazione di un sistema di acquisizione per sistemi multisensorizzati”, he focused on the development of an acquisition system based on Microchip PIC microcontroller for tactile sensors. In his studies the interest in robotics and in embedded systems has increased. The Master Thesis, titled “A Sensor Skin for Robotic Applications”, concerns the design and the development of an artificial skin intended to improve the safety in the Human Robot Interaction and in all applications that require the use of industrial robots in an unstructured environment. Part of the work has been reported in 4th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics with the paper titled “A Modular and Low-Cost Artificial Skin for Robotic Applications”. Currently, he is Ph.D Student in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at the DIII of SUN, involved in the SAPHARI project. His research interests are focused on development of novel sensing solutions for advanced robotics and physical human-robot interaction. 3 Professional experiences 01/08/2014–31/07/2015 Collaborator with a Research Grant at DIII of SUN. Winner of a Research Grant, titled “Integrazione di un sensore tattile distribuito per applicazioni di interazione fisica uomo-robot”, funded under the PON Ricerca e Competitivit “IESWECAN”. Tutor of the activities is Ing. PhD Pirozzi Salvatore. 01/05/2013–30/04/2014 Collaborator with a Research Grant at DIII of SUN. Winner of a Research Grant, titled “Sviluppo di un sensore tattile distribuito per applicazioni di interazione fisica uomo-robot”, funded under the research project SAPHARI - FP7. Tutor of the activities is Ing. PhD Pirozzi Salvatore. 01/01/2014–31/04/2014 Consultant at TEA Impianti S.R.L. (Marcianise - CE) on behalf of DIII (SUN). Design and implementation of a robotic cell: development and maintenance of software application based on C# programming language. The work was supported by TEA Impianti S.R.L. under the A.R.Q.U.E. project. Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 2 01/06/2013–30/11/2013 Consultant as Embedded System developer at STMicroelectronics (Arzano site) on behalf of DIII (SUN). Development and maintenance of SPC5 peripheral drivers compliant with SPC5Studio software-development environments specifications. 01/12/2012–31/05/2013 Intern as Embedded Systems developer at STMicroelectronics, Arzano site. Implementation of an hardware/software development kit for ST Microcontrollers for an easy and low cost fast prototyping development platform. The developed kit includes a ready-to-use prototype board containing a ST microcontroller and the needed associated chips for its functioning and debugging. On the board there will be also sensors and actuators for developing the most common basic applications. The ST Kit is developed in order to be compatible with SPC5Studio software-development environments from ST. Moreover, a set of Low Level Peripheral Drivers have been developed accordingly to the SPC5 RTOS (ChibiOS/RT) requirements. 01/10/2012–31/03/2013 Collaborator with Co.Co.Pro. contract at AEROMECHS srl. Collaborator in the I-Primes project, as part of the FP7 JTI Cleansky European project, aimed to develop a system for the intelligent control of electricity on board using innovative electronic modules. In the project, the attention was focused on the programming of microprocessor devices contained in the master and slave modules that constitute the I-Primes device. 01/07/2012–31/07/2012 Web Site and Web Service developer with Co.Co.Co. contract. The activity carried out for the agency “CFI S.R.L. - Servizi di Guardiania”, has required the development of a Web portal for video-surveillance and customers/employees management services with HTML, PHP and MySQL. 14/03/2011–14/09/2011 Collaborator with Co.Co.Co. contract at the DII of SUN. Support to research activities consisting of “Realizzazione dell’elettronica di condizionamento di sensori optoelettronici: progettazione delle schede optoelettroniche, sviluppo del software per l’interfacciamento dei sensori”. The research is part of the European research project M.E.S.E.M.A. funded by the European Community concerning the Sixth Programma Quadro, which is headed by Prof. Giuseppe De Maria and was carried out in the Automation and Control Laboratory of the SUN. 4 Education 01/05/2013–TODAY Ph.D Student in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at DIII of SUN. 07/07/2014–12/07/2014 SIDRA Summer School 2014. The subjects treated during the course have been “Introduction to the Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems” and “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”. In particular, the following topics have been illustrated: • Introduction to nonlinear phenomena • Stability notions for nonlinear systems. Lyapunov criteria • Nonlinear systems with input Input-to-State Stability • Stability of interconnected systems • Normal form for nonlinear systems • Zero Dynamics of nonlinear systems Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 3 • Global, semiglobal and practical stability • Nonlinear Observers and nonlinear separation principle • Introduction, modeling of different configurations of VTOL UAVs • Control of VTOL UAV: control allocation, structural properties of the dynamical model • Control of VTOL UAV: cascade control strategy, attitude control on SO(3) • Modeling and Control of fixed-wing aerial vehicles: analogies and differences w.r.t. VTOL vehicles • Navigation layer: nonlinear complementary filters • Guidance layer: teleoperation and visual servoing • Introduction to technological elements 25/02/2014 Professional engineer certificate at Second University of Naples. 12/10/2010–30/01/2013 Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering, curriculum “Automation” (summa cum laude), at SUN in Aversa (CE). The thesis work, titled “A Sensor Skin for Advanced Robotic Applications”, had as its primary objective the development of a first prototype of an artificial skin intended for advanced robotic applications. With the growing interest in Human-Robot Interaction, many research groups are attempting to provide to humanoid robots, or to simple manipulators, of distributed sensor that can give them the sense of touch, which is essential for the execution of manipulation tasks and of tasks in an unstructured environments, where robots and humans share the same workspace and where, therefore, there is a need that the robot can autonomously detect danger for surrounding objects, and for the human. Cover a large area, which can be the whole body of a robot or a part of it, is not an established practice, in fact, for the development of an “artificial skin” various figures of merit are emerging: consumption in terms of power required for the proper operation of a distributed sensor, robustness, modularity and flexibility to allow the skin to adapt to curved surfaces of the robot, spatial resolution. In the work carried out in the thesis, a prototype of a modular skin based on optoelectronic technology has been developed. Each module, equipped with a microcontroller, is arranged in a chain (Daisy-Chain configuration) and communicates with the other modules via a serial interface (SPI) used for the data transfer at high speed. For the realization of a system that was as modular as possible, a software for the embedded devices has been developed, able to identify, autonomously, the number of modules connected to the chain and, therefore able to adapt, without making any alterations to the hardware and software architecture of the system, to the changes of the skin configuration. The various modules, first made with the technique of photoengraving, were designed using the CAD/CAM Eagle software, already thinking to the future developments which provide, in the first instance, the production in rigid-flex technology of the skin modules. The developed skin, updated with an optoelectronic proximity sensor, has been installed on an ABB industrial robot executing a repetitive task: with it, the robot was able to recognize the presence of a neighborhood object so it can reduce the operation speed proportionally to the object distance; moreover, the robot is stopped when a contact occurs, that is detected by the skin sensor. The studied were focused on the learning of the basic concepts about: Automatic Control; Telecommunication Systems; Electromagnetic and Photonic Technologies for Transmission Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 4 Systems; Optimization Methods (study and software implementation of minimization and optimization algorithms); Software Engineering; Calculators Architecture; Robotic; Process Controls; Electronic of Digital Systems; Distributed Systems; Protocols and Security of the Network Systems. 15/11/2011–15/01/2012 Training inter lauream carried out at the Automatic Control Laboratory of the “Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione” of the SUN. The objectives of the work were the design and the development of a first prototype of a modular artificial skin for advanced robotic applications based on optoelectronic technology and on off-the-shelf components. The system developed is constituted of different intelligent modules (Master module and one or more Slave modules), which are implemented with a Microchip PIC microcontroller, that communicate via the SPI interface. The training ended with the submission of the paper titled “A Modular and Low-Cost Artificial Skin for Robotic Applications” to 4th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. 25/07/2011–04/08/2011 Participation to the Campus@Micron in Information Technology at Micron Technology in Avezzano (AQ). During Campus@Micron, the following areas of ICT were presented: IT Governance; Information Security; IT Governance Software methodology: Project Management and RUP; Network Infrastructure; System and Storage management: virtualization, DAS/NAS/SAN technologies for storage, diskless PC, RAID (UNIX/LINUX and Windows perspectives); Systems management solution: Performance analysis Measurement, Patrol Central, High Reliability solutions (redundancy, Cluster System); DB administration: Microsoft SQL Server management, fault tolerance management; Introduction to ASP.Net environment; Grid Computing and Micron solution: Condor; MES System: Automation and APC (Advanced Process Control) systems integration; Business Intelligence; Introduction to SharePoint; Business Intelligence and SharePoint integration. 09/2006–20/07/2010 Bachelor’s Thesis in Computer Engineering (110/110). The thesis, titled “Progettazione ed ottimizzazione di un sistema di acquisizione per sistemi multisensorizzati”, was carried out within the DEXMART project funded by the European Community and to which the DII of the Facolt di Ingegneria - SUN participates. The topics covered allowed the learning of the main programming methodologies for embedded programmable systems. Specifically, the Microchip PIC microcontrollers were used for the realization of devices that allow the acquisition and the A/D conversion of transducers signals, such as optoelectronic sensors and tactile sensors for the measurement of angular variations of the joints of a data glove. The system was also optimized with the introduction of an external A/D converter, which is capable of communicate with the microcontroller via SPI protocol and which provides a higher number of analog channels and a higher sample rate. Later, the acquisition board has been synchronized with a VICON MOCAP system to acquire data alternatively from the mocap cameras and from the transducers used on the DII robotic sensorized glove. The circuit was implemented first on a printed circuit board via CNC machine and, later, in SMD technology after the develop of the SPICE model via Target3001! and Eagle CAD software. The thesis has also allowed the learning of the .NET C# language, used to realize an application for the data acquisition through RS232 protocol and for displaying the data in the MATLAB environment. The university studies covered the following fields of study: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Elements of Programming (C/C++), Electronic Calculators - Assembler (simula- Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 5 tions with M68000), OOP programming (Java), Governance of Information Systems, English language, Electrotechnical Theory, Telecommunications, Probability and Information, Fundamentals of Electronics, Operating Systems, Systems Theory, Signal Theory, Electronic Measurements, Electromagnetic fields. 30/04/2010 ECDL Advanced Module AM6. 21/04/2009–29/05/2009 Seminary at Elasis in Pomigliano D’Arco (NA). Seminary, which lasted 21 hours, was focused on Virtual Reality and its use in the physical ergonomics applications, ergonomics process and perceived quality. In addition, the development environment and the theory of Jack 3D Human Modeling were introduced. The seminary can be divided in the following modules: • Module I (9 hours): – VR technologies – Description of the Center for VR Elasis – VR applications • Module II (6 hours): – Introduction to Production Process – Introduction to Jack (application of the theory of the Human Modeling) – Applications of Ergonomics Process • Module III (6 hours): – Applications of Ergonomics Physics – Applications of Human Machine Interface – Applications of Perceived Quality 04/07/2006 ECDL European Computer Driving Licence. 5 Awards September 2013 2013 Best Interactive Presentation. Best interactive presentation for the article submitted to 2013 (Sidra2013) titled “From the DEXMART tactile sensor to the SAPHARI artificial skin”. September 2013 3rd Prize in Altera Design Contest 2012-2013 InnovateItaly. Team member of the project titled “An inertial haptic interface for robotic applications”. In the work will be demonstrated that inertial measurement can be used to acquire rich data about human movements and gestures, that can be utilized to control any robotic systems or in videoludic purposes. A wireless six/nine degree-of-freedom inertial measurement unit (IMU) will be used to collect the data. Utilizing the acquired data, an elaboration algorithm will provide the orientation of the sensor with respect an earth reference frame. These information can be used to control the movements of a robotic system, i.e., to control a quadcopter or to control a robotic arm. So, the sensor, supported by an intelligent unit, i.e. FPGA, will be an inertial haptic interface, that can be introduced in videoludic, robotic and medical (i.e., inertial interface for assistant robots) applications. July 2013 Best Paper Finalist in 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2013) for the paper “A Mechatronic Approach for Robust Stiffness Estimation of Variable Stiffness Actuators”. Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 6 December 2011 2nd Prize in Altera Design Contest 2011 InnovateItaly. Team manager and member of the project titled “Real Time Control of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm using FPGA”. The project objective was the implementation of a control system for a 6DOF anthropomorphic arm using the FPGA granted by Altera with the Altera DE1 Board. The robotic arm was also developed within the same project using commercial components such as Hitec servomotors and profiles of lightweight aluminum. Using two Altera DE1 Board e two Xbee Pro wireless modules, the user can steer the manipulator at long distance with a PC keyboard. The team has tried to design a low-cost control system for a little robotic arm (using an emerging technology) that can be used for the manipulation of dangerous objects (chemicals and toxicants), for rescue operations and in any operation in which human intervention is critical. The project has been developed using the software and the technologies granted by Altera: Altera DE1 Board with FPGA Cyclone II, Quartus II 11.0, SOPC Builder and Qsys, NIOS II 11.0 IDE. 6 6.1 [IJ1] Publications and Proceedings International Journal Paper A. Cirillo, P. Cirillo, G. De Maria, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “An Artificial Skin Based on Optoelectronic Technology”, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, vol. 212, pp. 110-122, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2014.03.030. 6.2 International Conference Paper [IC1] A. Cirillo, P. Cirillo and S. Pirozzi, “A Modular and Low-Cost Artificial Skin for Robotic Applications”, 4th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Roma, 2012, pp. 961-966, ISBN: 978-145771199-2. [IC2] A. Cirillo, [IC3] A. Cirillo, [IC4] A. Cirillo, P. Cirillo, G. De Maria, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “A Proximity/ContactForce Sensor for Human Safety in Industrial Robot Environment”, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Wollongong - Australia, 2013, pp. 1272-1277, ISBN: 978-146735319-9. G. De Maria, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “A Mechatronic Approach for Robust Stiffness Estimation of Variable Stiffness Actuators”, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Wollongong - Australia, 2013, pp. 399-404, ISBN: 978-146735319-9. Finalist Best Paper Award P. Cirillo, G. De Maria, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “A FE Analysis of a Silicone Deformable Interface for Distributed Force Sensors”, 7th International Conference on Times of Polimers & Composites, 2014, DOI: 10.1063/1.4876884. [IC5] A. Cavallo, A. Cirillo, P. Cirillo, G. De Maria, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “An Optoelectronic Artificial Skin for Contact Force Vector Estimation”, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town - South Africa, 2014, pp. 7592-7597. [IC6] A. Cavallo, A. Cirillo, P. Cirillo, G. De Maria, P. Falco, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “Experimental Comparison of Sensor Fusion Algorithms for Attitude Estimation”, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town - South Africa, 2014, pp. 7585-7591. Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 6.3 7 Books and Book Chapters [B1] Francesco Basile, Pasquale Chiacchio (Eds.), “ROCOCO - COoperative and COllaborative RObotics”, CUES, 2013, pp. 63-81, ISBN: 978-88-97821-42-7. 6.4 National Meeting and Conference Paper [NC1] A. Cavallo, A. Cirillo, P. Cirillo, G. De Maria, P. Falco, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “From the DEXMART Tactile Sensor to the SAPHARI Artificial Skin”, 2013 (Sidra2013), Palermo, 2013. Best Interactive Presentation [NC2] A. Cavallo, A. Cirillo, P. Cirillo, G. De Maria, P. Falco, C. Natale and S. Pirozzi, “Low-level flexible planning and safe human-robot interaction using distributed proximity sensing”, 2013 (Sidra2013), Palermo, 2013. 6.5 Thesis July 2010 Bachelor’s Thesis, Progettazione ed ottimizzazione di un sistema di acquisizione per sistemi multisensorizzati. (Advisor Prof. Giuseppe De Maria) January 2013 Master’s Thesis, A Sensor Skin for Advanced Robotic Applications. (Advisor Ing. PhD Salvatore Pirozzi) 7 Technical Skills • advanced knowledge of microcontroller-based and FPGA-based systems • advances knowledge of the MPLab IDE and CCS C Compiler for the PIC firmware development • good knowledge of Keil IDE for ARM Cortex programming • good knowledge of Arduino microcontrollers, Arduino IDE and Processing programming language • VHDL language, Quartus development platform, SOPC Builder/Qsys and NIOS II softprocessor have been used in the Altera Innovate Italy Design Contests • advanced knowledge of SPI, UART, I2C and ZigBee protocols and of their use with microcontrollers, with Altera FPGA and in Matlab environments • advanced knowledge on the use of brushless motors and on IMU and MARG sensor with PIC and ARM STM32 microcontrollers for the development of Attitude Control system for UAVs such as quadcopter • advanced knowledge on the use of servomotors with microcontrollers and FPGA • good knowledge of the RTOS for embedded applications such as ChibiOS/RT and FreeRTOS • advanced knowledge of the most common laboratory instruments (e.g, oscilloscope, logic analyzer, signal generator, multimeter) Andrea Cirillo’s Curriculum Vitæ 8 • good skills in the use of instruments for soldering electronic components • good knowledge of CAD software for circuit and PCB design such as Eagle and Target3001! • use of procedural and object oriented programming languages (Java, C/C++, C#) • good knowledge of HTML, PHP and MySQL • good knowledge of Matlab, Simulink, Robotic Toolbox, Virtual Reality Toolbox, Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, Real-Time Windows Target • good knowledge of dSPACE instruments and ControlDesk tool • good knowledge of the 3D model editing softwares such as Autodesk 3d Studio Max • good knowledge of the CAD design software such as Autodesk AutoCad • good knowledge of CMS such as Joomla and PrestaShop • basic knowledge of the FEM simulation software such as Comsol Multiphysics • good knowledge of the offline robot programming and of the ABB RobotStudio application • advanced knowledge of Windows Operating System and Microsoft Office suite • good knowledge of the Linux Operating System (Ubuntu and Debian distributions) and BSD-based OS (OpenBSD) 8 Language Skills • Italian: mother tongue • English: good, spoken and written 9 Personal Interests During the university studies the interest for the embedded devices has grown. In the spare time hobby projects have been opened with the aim of developing small prototypes of autonomous robots, UAVs and embedded devices for domotic use. Some DIY Project developed by Andrea Cirillo are presented on his WebSite. Below, the links to the projects and videos pages are reported: • Projects page: • Videos page:
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