Bruni Glass launches the young designers International Contest of Glass Design XII Edition PROGETTO MILLENNIO XII EDITION Born in 1996, Progetto M i l l e n n i o ’s a i m w a s t o challenge the approaching new millennium with new ideas and new shapes. To d a y , P r o g e t t o M i l l e n n i o changes its name and its image as it transitions into a permanent international competition. “B runi Glass Design Award” inherits from Progetto M illennio the aim to creat e a synergy between design sch ools and the industrial sect or, by offering to young stu dents and to future designers a unique opport unity to test their skills in the crucial link between theory and p ra ctice. Th a nks to the support of t eachers, this opport unity is o ffered in a very well developed group of school p ro grams. Supporting these academic programs is the B ru ni Glass technical staff , whose deep foundat ion of e xp erience in glass design and product ion guides the d e velopment of each proj ect. Th e competition offers an opport unity for the fresh cre ativity of young student s to int ersect with the re q uirements of the glass indust ry. Th e result is an extremely lively and dynamic edition w h e r e young students have submit ted over 400 draf t p ro jects! G o ing through a very demanding selection process, a fte r four sessions of intense analysis, twenty projects a re selected for the public’s judgment, and are p re sented in their…best shape! The best graphic project S ta r ting from this edition, we are int roducing a new co m petition segment for young designers, with an a w a r d going to the best project present at ion. Th is is to underline the import ance of not only creat ivity b u t also the critical role played (in all sect ors, but m a inly in the professional field) by an int elligible, cle ver and convincing present at ion of one’s ideas. PROFESSION: DESIGNER THE FINALISTS OF THE X I I E D I T I O N Th is co n te st concretely transforms yo u n g d e signers’ dreams and a sp ira tio n s into their first and real wo rkin g o pportunity. It is a u n ique vehicle to put yo u rse lf to the test and Bruni G la ss De sign Award is exactly t hat rig h t o p p o rtunity! Th e co n te st is fully financed by B ru n i G la ss throughout the whole sch o o l p ro gram. All finalists re ce ive a flat remuneration for the p ro je ct, a varying remuneration with a m o u nt and duration based o n th e co mmercial potential of th e p ro d u ct and finally an award wh ich is d etermined by the public’s pref erences. Voting is open to all at tendees at the SIMEI - Int ernational Enological and Bot tling Equipment Exhibition – held in Milan. Voting is free and is done at the Bruni Glass boot h, where the twenty models that have been selected will be displayed along with their respective graphic present at ions. Your vot e will allow these young students to make their dreams come true as it happened to many students who part icipated in the previous editions of Progetto Millennio. XII EDITIO N WINE SEEN BY: Lera Moiseeva BUBBLES tutti i modelli sono depositati - copyright by Bruni Glass 11/2013 IED, Madrid (ES) Tracy Boulleaux VICTOIRE IUT, Reims (FR) Fabrizio Guarrasi TULIP Politecnico Milano (IT) ROMANA Raffaele Galetti ROMANA Politecnico Milano (IT) Laura Gonzales SEULE Munst, Germany (D) XII EDITIO N SPIRITS SEEN BY: Simona Gorini THE QUEEN tutti i modelli sono depositati - copyright by Bruni Glass 11/2013 Politecnico Milano (IT) Raquel Calaco Martin LUIS XV IED Madrid (ES) Cristallo Franca Thielmann CRISTALLO Munst, Germany (D) Sergio D’Amato OR DRINK OR DRIVE Politecnico Milano (IT) XavierLoránd VENDETTA IED Madrid (ES) XII EDITIO N OIL AND VINEGAR SEEN BY: Tunca Seda FRANTOIO tutti i modelli sono depositati - copyright by Bruni Glass 11/2013 Munst, Germany (D) Christian Pille MAXIMUS Munst, Germany (D) Ezio Cortesi GRANITO Politecnico Milano (IT) [Granito] Rammes Linda OLIVIERO Munst, Germany (D) Wagner Franziska PRESA Munst, Germany (D) XII EDITIO N JARS SEEN BY: Alina George FLUENTE Munst, Germany (D) tutti i modelli sono depositati - copyright by Bruni Glass 11/2013 raccolta Ronja Langer RACCOLTA Munst, Germany (D) Luca Foglia Ranin MUFFIN Politecnico Milano (IT) muffin Theresa Albert DIAMANTE Munst, Germany (D) Zhumagulov Abay ESPRESSO CSM London (UK) BRUNI GLASS Engineering Mention of honour “B ru n i G la ss Design Award” re w a rd s a p ro ject that, although it h a s n o t b e e n included among the f in a lists, h a s nevertheless been s e le cte d fo r the great creativity it e x p re sse s. “T h u n d e r” h a s been voted by B ru n i G la ss E ngineering team for t h is sp e cia l characteristic and is s h o wn to th e public in a dedicated a re a . B R UNI G L A S S ENGINEERING “B ru n i G la ss Award” avails itself o f t h e e xp e rtise of the Bruni Glass e n g in e e rin g technical team, which h a s b e e n co m bining together worldc la ss d e sig n with the requirements o f t h e in d u strial production. The B ru n i Glass engineering t e a m is m a d e up of dedicated p ro fe ssio n a ls with extensive design a n d e n g in e e r ing expertise who s u p p o rt th e young designers in the d e v e lo p m e n t of their projects. A. Inzani THUNDER Politecnico Milano SCHOOLS THAT PARTICIPATED IN BRUNI GLASS DESIGN AWARD FACHHOCHSCHULE MÜNSTER UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Münster - Germany IED - ISTITUTO EUROPEO DI DESIGN Madrid – Spain POLITECNICO DI MILANO DIPARTIMENTO DI DESIGN Milan - Italy UNIVERSITE DE REIMS CHAMPAGNE - ARDENNE UNIVERSITE DE REIMS Reims - France CHAMPAGNE - ARDENNE UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS LONDON CENTRAL SAINT MARTINS London – United Kingdom Fachhochschule Münster The Fachhochschule Muenster is one of the biggest Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany. Originally the department of design was a former “Hochschule für Kunst und Gewerbe”, an academy of fine arts. Nowadays the combination of traditional and progressive teachers contributes to creating a very unique and creative working atmosphere. The Design course of studies offers a comprehensive range of school subjects : Exhibition and Presentation Design/Moving Picture Media/Corporate Identity/Product Design/ Communication Design /Print Graphics/ Photography/Illustration. Prof. Schulz Steffen IED Istituto Europeo of Design The Istituto Europeo di Design has always followed the education of designers in Italy, Spain and Brasil from 1966. In 1994 the opening of the Madrid location marked the beginning of an expansion process outside Italy of IED combined with an infinite dialogue with a city which immediately and enthusiastically welcomed the school. Madrid The architectural tradition of Ventura Rodriguez is combined with modern trends of innovative designs according to a very basic principle: quality, avant-garde education, a direct relationship with the business world and a humanistic background where culture is perceived as an identity symbol. Prof. Chris Lefteri Prof. Ivan VIdal Politecnico di Milano Design Department The University Degree in Industrial Design was started for the first time in Italy at the Politecnico in Milan in 1993. The Politecnico has always been an innovative educational centre, a crossroads of different cultures which have in common basic studies characterized by creativity and by the analysis of problems linked to shapes together with technical, scientific and engineering issues. The University Degree in Industrial Design– which in the year 2000 has become the Faculty of Design – is characterized by the endless need to experience new development strategies which fully comply with the real market requirements and with the needs of the contemporary society as well. The Faculty of Design in Milan is today the most important international university both for the number of students and for the number of teachers. Prof. Mario Bisson Université De Reims Champagne - Ardenne Founded in 1966 the Institute of Technology (IUT) of Reims-ChâlonsCharleville is part of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. The school has 3 locations with 2,600 students and offers 14 twoyear degrees in sciences and technology (D.U.T, year 1 and 2), 14 professional degrees (Licence Professionnelle, year 3, equiv. BSc.) and work-study programs. The Packaging Science Department opened in 2000 with a two-year degree in Packaging (DUT GCE). In 2005 the Department proposed a professional degree in Industrial Design applied to Packaging (equiv. BSc.- year 3) aimed at training students who want to be future packaging designers able to develop new packaging. Prof. Anne-Lise Daltin Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design Central Saint Martins is probably the most famous of all seven London-based art and design colleges owned by the London Institute. In the last years, both the range and reputation of the course have been expanded and strong links have been forged not only with industry, consultants and sponsors, but also internally in order to create a new dialogue between the fashion and product departments and broaden the range of consumer products currently being designed by product design students. With students from over 35 different nationalities attending the Product Course it was opportune to better utilize the fertile “melting pot” at Central Saint Martins and translate this into design products for the international consumer. Edizione 201 Vincitore Sezione Distillat 540° Jorge de la Cruz Tovar, IED Madrid Prof. Charlotte Lo SOME DREAMS OF YOUNG DESIGNERS THAT BECAME TRUE Edition 2011 Edition 2011 Jars BEE2BE Benjamin Hein University of Art and Design Halle Burg Spirits 540° Jorge de la Cruz Tovar IED Istituto Europeo di Design Madrid Edition 2011 Edition 2009 Wine SLANCIO Maximilian Bastian University of Art and Design Halle Burg Edition 2009 Oil and Vinegar DUE FONDOS Nadine Podewski University of Art and Design Halle Burg Jars BASSIN Karina Wendt University of Art and Design Halle Burg Edition 2009 Spirits KOLO Salla Seppala University of Art and Design Helsinki Edition 2003 Edition 2002 Edition 2001 Edition 2000 Edition 2000 Edition 1998 Spirits SIN Adi Fainer Istituto Europeo di Design Milan Spirits TIPSY Nomi Lewin Ensci Les Ateliers Paris Edition 1998 Edition 1998 Oil and Vinegar CALIGULA Jouni Salojarvi University of Art and Design Helsinki Spirits CACTI Brendan Lausmann Glasgow School of Arts Glasgow Wine MODULOR Balz Steiger Istituto Europeo di Design Milan Wine PILAR Minna Mylius University of Art and Design Helsinki Wine BACCHIPECTUS Stephane Froger Ensci Les Ateliers Paris Wine FIORE Nicola Scham Istituto Europeo di Design Milan ALL PROJECTS FROM PAST EDITIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE “WINNERS” SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE: WWW.PROGETTOMILLENNIO.COM WWW.BRUNIGLASSDESIGNAWARD.COM ITALIA - EUROPA - ASIA - OCEANIA - AFRICA ITALIA Piemonte - Liguria - Valle d'Aosta ITALIA Centro e Sud FRANCE CANADA and USA EAST COAST SALES OFFICE USA WEST COAST SALES OFFICE
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