Prof. Giulio GIUNTA Professor of Scientific Computing (01/A5) Department of Applied Science “Parthenope” University Naples, 80143, Italy [email protected] Apr. 2013 Current Positions Full Professor of Scientific Computing (since 1990), Department of Applied Science, University of Naples Parthenope (Italy). Director of the Programs (BSc and MSc) in Computer Science (since 2002), University of Naples Parthenope. Director of the Computing Centre (since 1998), University of Naples Parthenope. Education and Former Positions Laurea cum laude in Physics, University of Naples Federico II, 1977. Postdoc Fellow in Numerical Analysis, National Research Council, Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Naples Federico II, 1978-1982. Assistant Professor (Numerical Analysis), Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Naples Federico II, 1982 -1986. Resident Research Associate, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago, USA, 1984. Associate Professor (Scientific Computing), School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Italy, 1987 - 1990. Professor of Scientific Computing, National University of Somalia, Mogadishu, Somalia, 1990. Professor of Scientific Computing, Naval University Institute of Naples, 1990 - 1993. Director of the Dept. of Mathematics, Naval University Institute of Naples, 1990 - 1998. Member of the Trustee Board of the University of Naples Parthenope, 2002 -2005. Member of the Teachers Staff of the PhD Program in Sea Science and Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, 2001-2005. Member of the National Committee “Support to Scientific and Technological Research and High Technology Transfer” (L 297), Italian Ministry of Education, 2004. Chair of the Training School for Teachers in Computer Science in the Secondary School, University of Naples Parthenope, 2004-2007. Member of the National Committee for Industrial Research, Ministry of University and Research (Italy), 2005-2009. Head of the Department of Applied Science (2005-2010), University of Naples Parthenope. Teaching Numerical Methods, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, System Theory, Calculus, Computational Mathematics, Computer Programming, Advanced Application of Scientific Computing, at several Italian universities. Computer Programming, Advanced Application of Scientific Computing, at the Computer Science School, University of Naples Parthenope. Research Prof. Giunta leads an interdisciplinary research group at the Department of Applied Science (University of Naples Parthenope, Numerical Modelling and Parallel Computing Laboratory http:// that investigates advanced computational science applications and scientific software production for novel computing systems. His current research focuses on numerical simulations of complex environmental systems, numerical methods for data analysis and models assessment, computer science techniques to create grid infrastructures and technologies for enabling resource sharing for operational environmental models. He has published one book and over 70 technical papers in these areas and, earlier in his career, in the broader area of Computational Mathematics and Applied Computer Science (computer arithmetic, inverse problems, development of mathematical software, parallel and distributed systems, algorithms and applications). Prof. Giunta has achieved his main research results in the following topics: methodologies and techniques for developing and assessing numerical software, algorithms and software for inverse problems, Prof. Giunta leads an interdisciplinary research group at the Department of Applied Science (University of Naples Parthenope, Numerical Modelling and Parallel Computing Laboratory http:// that investigates advanced computational science applications and scientific software production for novel computing systems. His current research focuses on numerical simulations of complex environmental systems, numerical methods for data analysis and models assessment, computer science techniques to create grid infrastructures and technologies for enabling resource sharing for operational environmental models., advanced scientific computing methods for environmental science, environmental data analysis and management, web, grid and cloud computing techniques, GPU virtualization. In his research activity Prof. Giunta held collaborations with researchers of others departments of the University of Naples Parthenope, the University of Naples Federico II, the Research Center on High Performance Computing and Networks of the Italian Research Council, the Argonne National Laboratory of University of Chicago, the Center for Advanced Computing Research of California Institute of Technology, the European Joint Research Center of Ispra, the Computation Institute of University of Chicago, Grupo de Arquitectura de Computadores, Comunicaciones y Sistemas of University Carlos III of Madrid, NEC Laboratories of America. Prof. Giunta also serves as PI and Co-PI on projects connected to several research programs of the italian Ministry of University and Research and of the Italian Reaserch Council. He his member of the SIAM (American Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) and of INDAM (Italian Society for High Mathematics). Reviewer Italian Ministry of University and Research (global climate change program), various journals (numerical analysis, computer science), and conferences. Last five-year Papers G. Giunta, P. Mariani, R. Montella, A. Riccio - pPOM: a nested, scalable, parallel and Fortran 90 implementation of the Princeton Ocean Model. Environmental Modelling and Software, 22, 2007. A. Riccio, E. Chianese, G. Giunta - The application of a trajectory classification procedure to interpret air pollution measurements in the urban area of Naples (Southern Italy). Science of the Total Environment, 376, 198-214, 2007. G. Giunta, R. Montella, A. Riccio - Using Grid Computing Based Components in On Demand Environmental Data Delivery. Proceedings of UPGRADE-CN’07, June 26, 2007, Monterey, California, USA. ACM 978-1-59593-718-6, 2007. G. Giunta, R. Montella, A. Riccio - An integrated ClassAd-Latent Semantic Indexing matchmaking algorithm for Globus Toolkit based computing grids. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM 2007, 2007. G. Giunta, G. Laccetti, R. Montella - A grid-based service oriented environmental modeling laboratory for research and production applications. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM 2007, 2007. A. Riccio, G. Giunta, and S. Galmarini - Seeking for the rational basis of the 'median model': a way to optimally combine multi-model ensemble results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 5701-5737, 2007. A. Riccio, G. Giunta, and E. Chianese - Un approccio Bayesiano per la stima di CO2 a partire da misure rilevate da piattaforma aerea. (in italian) In B. Carli et al. (Editors), Clima e cambiamenti climatici: le attività di ricerca del CNR, pages 437-440. 2007. Giunta G., G. Laccetti, R. Montella - A grid-based service oriented environmental modeling laboratory for research and production applications. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics 2007 (R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, K. Karczewski, J. Wasniewski, editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 4967, Springer Verlag, pagg. 951-960, 2008. Giunta G., G. Laccetti, R. Montella - Five dimension environmental data resource brokering on computational grids and scientific clouds - Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2008), pp. 81-88, 2008. A. Ciaramella, G. Giunta, A. Riccio, S. Galmarini - Independent Data Model Selection for Ensemble Dispersion Forecasting. Book: Applications of Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods. Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 245, pp. 213-231,ISSN:1860-949X, Springer-Verlag, 2009. R. Montella, G. Giunta, G. Laccetti - Multidimensional Environmental Data Resource Brokering on Computational Grids and Scientific Clouds. Book: Handbook of Cloud Computing, Part 4, pp. 474-492, 978-1-4419-6524-0_20, 2010. G. Giunta, R. Montella, G. Agrillo, G. Coviello - A GPGPU Transparent Virtualization Component for High Performance Computing Clouds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6271/2010, pp. 379-391, 978-3-642-15277-1_37, 2010. S. Potempski, S. Galmarini, A. Riccio, G. Giunta - Bayesian model averaging for emergency response atmospheric dispersion multimodel ensembles: Is it really better? How many data are needed? Are the weights portable? . J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, No. D21, D21309, doi:10.1029/2010JD014210, 2010. A. Riccio, G Giunta, T. Landi, M. Migliaccio - Remote optical observation of biomass burning: A feasibility and experimental case study with the SIM.GA hyperspectral system. International Journal of Remote Sensing, p. 1-19, ISSN: 0143-1161, doi: 10.1080/01431161. 2010.508055, 2011 G. Giunta, R. Montella, G. Laccetti, F. Isaila, F. Garcia Blas – A GPU accelerated High Performance Cloud Computing infrastructure for Grid Computing based virtual environmental laboratory. Book: Advances in Grid Computing (Z. Constantinescu Ed.), Intech, pp. 121-146, 978-953307-301-9, 2011. Riccio, A., A. Ciaramella, G. Giunta, S. Galmarini, E. Solazzo, and S. Potempski (2012), On the systematic reduction of data complexity in multi-model atmospheric dispersion ensemble modeling, J. Geophys. Res., vol 117, D05314, 12 pp, doi:10.1029/2011JD016503, 2012. Montella R., Coviello G., Giunta G., Laccetti G., Isaila F., and Garcia Blas J., A GeneralPurpose Virtualization Service for HPC on Cloud Computing: An Application to GPUs, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, PPAM 2011 (R.Wyrzykowski, J.Dongarra , K.Karczewski, J.Wasniewski Eds.), pp. 740-749, Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 7203, Springer Verlag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31464-3, 2012. Galletti A., Giunta G., Schmid G., A mathematical model of collaborative reputation systems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol 89, n. 17, pp. 2315-2332 DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2012.715641, 2012. 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