iris Il modello Iris rilegge con spirito contemporaneo i temi più classici del vivere in cucina, creando sofisticate atmosfere che possono essere coniugate anche per la zona living. L’ anta dal disegno tradizionale a telaio è arricchita da una serie di varianti colore assolutamente attuali e di moda. Iris è un modello di cucina assolutamente straordinario, con forte personalità, pronto a soddisfare le diverse esigenze nell’ambiente cucina, sia di gusto che di funzionalità, per creare pregiate composizioni in stile tradizionale assolutamente originali ed innedite. 14 Creo Kitchens CLASSICO IRIS CREO ECOLOGIC Regarding the production of its kitchen structure components, lube group has decided to only use materials featuring very low formaldehyde emissions complying with thef 4-star standard, as defined by the jis regulation. This standard is certified by the japanese government-themost rigoros when it comes to environmental protection. The Iris model provides a contemporary look to most classical kitchen styles, creating sophisticated atmospheres that can also be combined with the living area. The traditional framed door design is enriched by a series of extremely contemporary and fashionable colour variations. Iris is an extraordinary kitchen model with a strong personality. It is ready to satisfy different needs in a kitchen space, in terms of both taste and functionality, in order to create refined traditional compositions with an original and unusual style. Creo Kitchens CLASSICO 15 cod. iris K13 SP. 20 MM N.B.: i prezzi sono espressi all’unità di euro (iva esclusa) CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE ANTE telaio in massello di frassino sp. 20 mm con bugna impiallacciata frassino nei colori: bianco camelia a poro aperto (opz.606), "#$''%& "#$''% ANTE VETRO telaio in massello di frassino sp. 20 mm nei colori: bianco camelia a poro aperto (opz.606), "#$''%& "#$''%& FRONTALE CASSETTI in massello di frassino nei colori: bianco camelia a poro aperto (opz.606), "#$''%& "#$''% MANIGLIE &#$'('#> )# ! #!'+ %# #!'+ %#' #!2))#$; ''+#%(2!2($; ''+#%( ! #!'+ %# #!'+ %# #!'+ %#' #!'+ %# STRUTTURE DI SERIE &#$'('#> )# "#$%& "#$% #!2))#$; ''+#%( "#$% "#$% 2!2($; ''+#%( j "#$'%& "#$% TOP DI SERIE altezza cm 4 in laminato postformato travertino (opz.240), idrorepellente MENSOLE ! ##& "#$%&"#$%& j "#$'% #!'+ %###& ZOCCOLI ! ## "#$%& "#$''%& "#$''%& # #!'+ %#altezza 15 cm in pvc ricoperti in melamina colore alluminio satinato (opz.405) 16 Creo Kitchens CLASSICO CREO ECOLOGIC IL, GRUPPO, LUBE, UTILIZZA, PER, I, COMPONENTI, COSTITUENTI, LE, STRUTTURE,DELLE,CUCINE,SOLO, MATERIALE, ECOLOGICO, F★★★★, SECONDO, LA, NORMA, JIS,, CERTIFICATO, DAL, MINISTERO, GIAPPONESE,, IL, PIÚ, SEVERO, IN, MERITO, ALLE, NORMATIVE, DI, SALVAGUARDIA,AMBIENTALE. code iris K13 TH.20 MM Note: the prices are expressed in units of euro (vat excluded) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DOORS /* $/ */9- /"$%& aged clay (opt.2445), aged grey (opt.2446) GLASS DOORS /* $*/9- /"$%& +"$''%& +"$''%&/* DRAWERS FRONT */9- /"$%& aged clay (opt.2445), aged grey (opt.2446) HANDLES '#> ))#1+% %#$#! & -- ($! 0* %<& -- #!'+ %#'<<& -- #2 ')#3#2 2! 3 %#$#!K82<& -- ($! 0* %; & -- !'+ %# #!'+ %#'< #!'+ %# STANDARD CARCASSES '#> ))#1+% -/"$%& +<*"$% #2 ')#3 -/"$%&/<*"$% #2 2! 3 - "$'%& +<*"$% STANDARD TOPS SHELVES PLINTHS <'&-* "$'%&/ - %#$#!$&/"$%&/"$%& "$'% ($! 0* %$& %#$#!-/"$%&+"$''%& +"$''%&/ ($! 0* %&-/-"$'% Creo Kitchens CLASSICO 17 cod. iris K13 ante doors SP. 20 MM TH.20 MM &#$'('#> )# #"(!(#" !%(4("56H68 - / (opt.606) ' %($ &#$'('#> )# #"(!(#" !%(4("56H68 / - /"$% '# %%(&#$'('#> )# #"(!(#" !%(4("56H68 / - /"$% ' %($ #!2))#$; ''+#%( 4("57<8 / + (opt.2445) '# %%(#!2))#$; ''+#%( 4("57<8 / + (opt.2445) ' %($ 2!2($; ''+#%( 4("5768 / + (opt.2446) '# %%(2!2($; ''+#%( 4("5768 / + (opt.2446) NEW #!2))#$; ''+#%(4("57<8 aged clay (opt.2445) NEW 2!2($; ''+#%(4("5768 aged grey (opt.2446) 18 Creo Kitchens CLASSICO cod. iris K13 ante vetro glass doors SP. 20 MM TH.20 MM % )#(&#$'('#> )# #"(!(#" !%(4("56H68 '($; %!(#%$#%(>()#%( frame open-pore camellia /"$%&/* and bevelled glass NEW % )#(#!2))#$; ''+#%( 4("57<8'($; %!( #%$#%(>()#%( frame aged clay (opt.2445), /* NEW % )#(2!2($; ''+#%( 4("5768 '($; %!( #%$#%(>()#%( frame aged grey (opt.2446), /* ' %($ ; %!(% )#(&#$'( '#> )##"(!(#" !%(4("56H68 '($; %!(#%$#%(>()#%( / * - / "$%&/* and bevelled glass ' %($ ; %!(% )#( #!2))#$; ''+#%(4("57<8 '($; %!(#%$#%(>()#%( / * +"$''%&/ frosted and bevelled glass ' %($ ; %!(% )#( 2!2($; ''+#%(4("5768 '($; %!(#%$#%(>()#%( / * +"$''%&/ frosted and bevelled glass Creo Kitchens CLASSICO 19 iris MANIGLIE DI SERIE per anta bianco camelia ?@=BC=DC* / #$2)#Q97/$%*!#'!(>()*'( "#(:6H>> #$) Q97"()+ '+!(> /$+ ' $%! ?%(?' $%! %#$' :6H>> (>(Q97/$%*!#'!(>( " !#$%#:<$#&&$#> $%( #))#>#$2)#Q97 K$(&Q97'+!(> /$+ /(!((!W:<$'(>&$#%($ %(%+ +#$) Q97 A RICHIESTA ON REQUEST A RICHIESTA ON REQUEST #$2)#Q7H/$%*!#$'+ )#%$#%( "#(:6H>> (>(:7/$%*!#$'+ )#%$#%( "#(:6>> #$) Q7H#%$$'@ )/$+ ' $%! ?%(?' $%! %#$' :6H>> $(&:7#%$$'@ )/$+ K ' $%! ?%(?' $%! %#$' :6>> NEW DI SERIE per ante argilla invecchiato, grigio invecchiato STANDARD for aged clay, aged grey doors #$2)#KQ7/$%*!#$'+ )#%$#%( "#(:7Q>> (>(KQ7/$%*!#$'+ )#%$#%( "#(X7>> *%)55#%#" ! ) > $%#:<'($>#$2)#KQ7 #$) KQ7#%$$'@ )/$+ ' $%! ?%(?' $%! %#$' :7Q>> $(&KQ7#%$$'@ )/$+ K ' $%! ?%(?' $%! %#$' X7>> * /(!W:< ) > $%1%++#$) KQ7 A RICHIESTA ON REQUEST A RICHIESTA ON REQUEST #$2)#:<6/$%*!##!2 $%(#$%'( "#(=6>> (>(X</$%*!##!2 $%( #$) :<6#$%0* ); !/$+ ' $%! ?%(?' $%! %#$' =6>> 20 Creo Kitchens CLASSICO K$(&+() X<); !/$+ HANDLES iris strutture carcasses CREO ECOLOGIC bianco camelia (opz.606) schiena e ripiano avorio (opz.930) camellia white (opt.606) ivory back panel and shelf (opt.930) bianco (opz.001) schiena e ripiano bianco (opz.001) white (opt.001) white back panel and shelf (opt.001) mensole in laminato laminate shelves bianco camelia (opz.606) camellia white (opt.606) bianco (opz.001) white (opt.001) perla d’oriente (opz.940) oriental pearl (opt.940) perla d’oriente (opz.940) schiena e ripiano avorio (opz.930) oriental pearl (opt.940) ivory back panel and shelf (opt.930) LUBE GROUP HAS CHOSEN TO EXCLUSIVELY USE MATERIALS WITH VERY LOW FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS FOR THE COMPONENTS MAKING UP THE KITCHEN CARCASSES: THESE ELEMENTS COMPLY WITH THE F4 STAR STANDARD ACCORDING TO JIS, CERTIFIED BY THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT - THE MOST STRINGENT WHEN IT COMES TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. mensole impiallacciate veneered shelves bianco camelia a poro aperto (opz.606) open-pore camellia white (opt.606) argilla invecchiato (opz.2445) aged clay (opt.2445) grigio invecchiato (opz.2446) aged grey (opt.2446) zoccoli in pvc H 15 pvc plinth H 15 bianco camelia (opz.606) camellia white (opt.606) argilla invecchiato (opz.2445) aged clay (opt.2445) grigio invecchiato (opz.2446) aged grey (opt.2446) alluminio satinato (opz.405) satin aluminium (opt.405) cornici frames bianco camelia (opz.606) camellia white (opt.606) argilla invecchiato (opz.2445) aged clay (opt.2445) grigio invecchiato (opz.2446) aged grey (opt.2446) sezione cornice frame cross-section top H 4 consigliati in laminato bordo postformato recommended laminate worktops H 4 with post-formed edge /$%(>#!>(&#!2)( 4("5X=H8 fake bardiglio marble (opt.390) %!#; !%$( 4("57H8 travertine (opt.240) &#$'(4("5HH:8 white (opt.001) &(%%'$(4("5XQH8 botticino (opt.380) " %!#$#$%(/$%*!#1!#@3 4("5Q:78 nanto stone with wraky finish (opt.812) $ !(>#!0*$#)*'( 4("59Q:8 glossy marquinia black (opt.781) 0*#!5('"!#/$%*!#1!#@3 4("5Q:<8 pale pink quartz with wraky finish(opt.815) 2)%% !&#$'()*'( 4("59=H8 polished white glitter stone (opt.790) Creo Kitchens CLASSICO 21 56 Creo Kitchens CLASSICO _6< `6H _< W?K )/%?*"/()$2((! 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K ` W?K (&)0* ; !%'#)(" $$2 `<a6H `6H ` b W?K )/%?*"/()$2((! W W 7 W W W W` ` W W 7 W W 7 b W K K W W K MODULARITÀ E COMPONIBILITÀ MODULARITY AND FITTING SOLUTIONS Creo Kitchens CLASSICO 57 BASE UNITS H 75 UNDER TOP FRIDGE FREEZER SINGLE DOOR FRIDGE 215 LT SINGLE DOOR FRIDGE 300 LT FRIDGE FREEZER 1 MOTOR 315 L - 330L HANGING BASE UNITS FRIDGE 280 L 230 L - 260 L FRIDGE 215 L FRIDGE FREEZER 315 L THREE DOORS DEEP DRAWER SINGLE DOOR FRIDGE FREEZER 300 L DEEP DRAWER ROOM UNITS WITH PLINTH MODULARITÀ E COMPONIBILITÀ MODULARITY AND FITTING SOLUTIONS SCHEMA DI ALLACCIO IMPIANTO ELETTRICO IDRICO E GAS POWER, WATER AND GAS NETWORKS CONNECTIONS DIAGRAM rubinetto gas gas tap acqua calda acqua cold water fredda corrente 30 cm circa scarico lavastoviglie presa corrente mains power approx. 30 cm drain outlet approx. 40 cm scarico 40 cm circa gas + water approx. 50 cm gas + acqua 50 cm circa hot water dishwasher drain outlet power socket SOTTOLAVELLO CON ANTE SINK BASE UNIT WITH DOORS " gas mains power approx. 30 cm drain outlet approx. 40 cm gas+water approx. 50 cm tap ! hot water cold water dishwasher drain outlet power socket SOTTOLAVELLO 2 CESTONI CON SIFONE SALVASPAZIO SINK BASE UNIT WITH 2 DEEP DRAWERS AND SPACE-SAVER DRAIN PIPING 156 Creo Kitchens CLASSICO
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