Michele Triestino PUC-RIO Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, 22451-900 (Brazil) T (+55-21) 3527-1280 B [email protected] Place and Rome (Italy), March 10th, 1987 date of birth Upcoming position 2014-? Post-doc, PUC, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Present position 2013-2014 ATER (lecturer), UMPA-ÉNS, Lyon (France). 2010-2014 Ph.D. Student, UMPA-ÉNS, Lyon (France), Thesis: La dynamique des difféomorphismes du cercle selon le point de vue de la mesure (Generic dynamics of circle diffeomorphisms with respect to measure). advisor Étienne Ghys Main research interests Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Geometry and Geometric Group Theory. Research 2014+ Convergence of the metrics defined by multiplicative cascades on hierarchical graphs, joint work with Mikhail Khristophorov and Victor Kleptsyn, in preparation. 2014+ Stationary random distances on hierarchical graphs and (min, +)-type recursive distributional equations, joint work with Mikhail Khristoforov and Victor Kleptsyn, (revised version), submitted. 2014 Généricité au sens probabiliste dans les difféomorphismes du cercle, Ensaios Matemáticos 27, Soc. Brasil. Mat., to appear. 2013 On the invariant distributions of C 2 circle diffeomorphisms of irrational rotation number, joint work with Andrés Navas, Math.Z. 274, no. 1 (2013), 315–321. Invitations for talks 4/2/2015 About the dynamics of almost every circle diffeomorphism, Workshop de Topologia & Dinâmica 2015, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil. 14/11/2014 Questions about the dynamics of almost every circle diffeomorphism, Seminário de Topologia & Dinâmica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil. 10/11/2014 Métricas aleatórias auto-similares sobre alguns fractais auto-similares, Seminário de Probabilidade, Universidade Federal - Rio de Janeiro. 9/4/2014 Les difféomorphismes aléatoires du cercle qui ont des orbites périodiques sont très simples ! Les autres plus mystérieux..., Séminaire de systèmes dynamiques, LAGA, Université de Paris 13. 28/3/2014 Almost sure triviality of the C 1 -centralizer of random circle diffeomorphisms with periodic points, Kyoto Dynamical Systems seminar, University of Kyoto. 26/3/2014 Obtaining stationary random metrics on hierarchical graphs by a cut-off method (joint work with M. Khristoforov & V. Kleptsyn), Seminar of Financial Mathematics, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. 13/3/2014 Almost sure triviality of the C 1 -centralizer of random circle diffeomorphisms with periodic points, Seminar of the students of Pr. Tsuboi, Todai, Tokyo. 12/3/2014 Invariant distributions for circle diffeomorphisms of irrational rotation number and low regularity, Seminar of the students of Pr. Tsuboi, Todai, Tokyo. 7/3/2014 Obtaining stationary random metrics on hierarchical graphs by a cut-off method (joint work with M. Khristoforov & V. Kleptsyn), Colloquium, Keio University, Yokohama. 7/2/2013 Mesures de Malliavin-Shavgulidze et dynamique, Séminaire de Géométrie Analytique, IRMAR, Université de Rennes 1. 13/11/2012 Quelques raisons pour regarder au-delà des mesures invariantes (d’après un travail en collaboration avec A. Navas), Séminaire de Systèmes dynamiques et Géométrie, Université d’Avignon. 8/10/2012 Thompson’s group F (an addiction for many mathematicians!), Mathematical Colloquium, University of Bern. Organization of upcoming and past events 2015 Organizer for the international summer school for students Modern Mathematics, at Jacobs University, Bremen (Germany), from July 4th to 14th, 2015. 2015 Organizer for the conference Géométries en action (for Étienne Ghys’ 60th birthday), in Lyon, June 29 - July 3, 2015. 2014 Organizer for the international summer school for students Modern Mathematics, at the ENS-Lyon, from August 20th to 29th, 2014. 2012 Local organizer for the international summer school for students ISSMYS, at the ENS-Lyon, from August 20th to 29th, 2012. Teaching 2014 15h of lectures on measures on the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle, at PUC-Rio. 2013 18h of exercise sessions for a master course on the 3-body problem, at the ENS-Lyon, lectures by Étienne Ghys. 2013 24h of exercise sessions for a course on measure theory, at the ENS-Lyon, lectures by Cyril Houdayer. 2013 24h of exercise sessions for a course on groups, rings and modules, at the ENS-Lyon, lectures by Sandra Rozensztajn. 2013 6h of discussion sessions, in Bremen (Germany), during the international summer school for students Modern mathematics. 2013 22h of exercise sessions of complex analysis, at the ENS-Lyon, lectures by Philippe Eyssidieux. 2012 8h of preparation for l’Agrégation, at the ENS-Lyon. 2012 6h of discussion sessions, at the ENS-Lyon, during the international summer school for students ISSMYS. 2012 22h of exercise sessions of complex analysis, at the ENS-Lyon, lectures by Philippe Eyssidieux. 2011 18h of exercise sessions for a master course on groups, distances and measures, at the ENS-Lyon, lectures by Étienne Ghys and Romain Tessera. 2011 5h of lectures on random walks on graphs, in Dubna (Russia), during the Russian summer school for students Contemporary Mathematics. 2011 26h of exercise sessions of complex analysis, at the ENS-Lyon, lectures by Lucien Guillou. 2010 4h30 of exercise sessions on hyperbolic geometry, at the ICTP, Miramare (Trieste, Italy), lectures by Étienne Ghys. Meetings, conferences and summer schools 15-25/7/2014 Summer school of probability, Saint-Flour, France. 24-27/6/2014 Mathematics meets Physics, on the occasion of Antti Kupiainen’s 60th birthday, University of Helsinki, Finland. 2-6/6/2014 Discrete Groups & Geometric Structures, KU Leuven Kulak, Belgium. 16-21/2/2014 Two-Dimensional statistical mechanics, Les Diablerets strikes back, Switzerland. 27-31/1/2014 Random walks on groups, IHP, Paris, France. 25- Paroles aux jeunes chercheurs en systèmes dynamiques, CIRM, Marseille, France. 29/11/2013 9-14/9/2013 Geometry and Foliations 2013 , Todai, Tokyo, Japan. 10-14/6/2013 Second Palis-Balzan Symposium, IHP, Paris, France. 20- Advanced School and Workshop in Real and Complex Dynamics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. 31/05/2013 13-17/5/2013 Workshop INdAM Geometric, analytic and probabilistic approaches to dynamics in negative curvature, INdAM, Roma, Italy. 19- Colloque Poincaré, IHP, Paris, France. 23/11/2012 05-08/9/2012 Regards croisés sur les équivalences orbitales et leur applications, CIEM Castro Urdiales, Spain. 21/5- School on dynamical systems, ICTP, Trieste. 8/6/2012 9-13/1/2012 Rencontre Agora (topological dynamics), Nouan-le-Fuzélier, France. 16- Todai Forum (geometry and dynamics), ENS de Lyon, France. 18/10/2011 03-15/7/2011 Summer school of probability, Saint-Flour, France. 20/6- Von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory of group actions, IHP, Paris, France. 1/7/2011 20-24/6/2011 Dynamics and Geometry, IHP, Paris, France. 18/10/2010 Journée en honneur de G. Margulis, ENS de Paris, France. 9-10/9/2010 Groups and Languages, dedicated to Toni Machì on his 70th birthday, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy. 15-27/8/2010 Loewner’s theory from the deterministic and stochastic point of view, SMI Cortona, Italy. 28/6- Advanced School and Workshop on Discrete Groups in Complex Geometry, ICTP 16/7/2010 Trieste, Italy. 12-15/5/2010 Dynamique de groupes et feuilletages, CIEM Castro Urdiales, Spain. 8-10/4/2010 Rencontre Symplexe “Actions affines par morceaux”, Nantes, France. 27/7/2009- SMI - Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria, Perugia, Italy. 28/8/2009 24-29/8/2008 Incontro dei Borsisti del “Progetto Lauree Scientifiche”, II year, Perugia, Italy. 26/8- Incontro dei Borsisti del “Progetto Lauree Scientifiche”, Perugia, Italy. 1/9/2007 Studies 2009-2010 Master 2 Recherche en Mathématiques, ENS-Lyon (LLP-Erasmus), Average: 17,38/20, Stage: How NOT to prove that Thompson’s group is amenable, supervised by Étienne Ghys. 2009-2010 Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy. 2006-2009 Corso di Laurea Triennale in Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy. Other 2014-? Author on the website of the CNRS “Images des Mathématiques”. 2012 Italian translation for the movie Chaos – A mathematical adventure, by Jos Leys, Étienne Ghys and Aurélien Alvarez. 2010 Scholarship INdAM “di avviamento alla ricerca per studenti inscritti al primo anno di corso di Laurea Magistrale o Specialistica in Matematica”. 2009-2010 Erasmus scholarship. 26/05/2009 Laurea Triennale in Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Grade: 110 cum laude/110. Undergraduate thesis: Funzioni di crescita in Teoria dei Gruppi, supervised by Antonio Machì 2007-2009 “Percorso di Eccellenza in Matematica”, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. 2006-2009 Scholarship INdAM “per studenti iscritti al primo anno di corso in Matematica”. Languages Italian English French Spanish Native language Good level Very good level Good understanding skills Brazilian Good, but still learning portuguese Russian Starting level
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